Great Dangers In The Use Of The Ouija Board---things You Must Be Alert Of!

  • November 2019
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Great Dangers in the use of the Ouija Board Ouija Board is an instrument for communication with the spirits of the dead. Made in various shapes and designs, some of them used in the sixth century before Christ. The common feature of all its varieties is that an object moves under the hand of the medium, to different corners, or through the pointer attached to it, spells out messages by successively pointing to letters of the alphabet, numbers, "yes" or "no" marked on a board which is a part of the instrument. The Ouija board is considered by some as nothing more than a party game. Others believe that using it can reveal hidden things in the subconscious. Still others believe that, while the communications are produced supernaturally, the supernatural source is demonic rather than from beyond the grave. According to my past experience in Deliverance Ministry I give you this warning; Ouija board is a dangerous game. Many cases of "Possession" after a period of Ouija board use, support my claim. The "possessed person" physically, emotionally and mentally would be under the attack of high ranking and dangerous demons. There is no way for that person to be freed from demonic attacks unless, one repents from one's Occult sin and accepts the Lord Jesus as his/her Savior. Repeating the self-deliverance prayer out loud in chapter seven is very helpful. Then getting help from one of the "Christian Deliverance Workers" who specializes in this ministry to pray for him/her. Medical profession reveals that, the families of those involved in fortune telling or occultism develop in a remarkable way, illnesses such as: Nervous disturbances, psychopathic and hysteric symptoms, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, epilepsy, symptoms of paralysis, confusion, shattered mind, hesitancy, cases of mediumistic psychoses, a general tendency toward emotional and mental illnesses. Actually I do not believe in mental illness, it is caused by demon activity. The demonically tormented person might hear some voices from evil spirits, in most cases they introduce themselves as one of the loved one's or family members that has already passed away. Evil spirits may appear to the person as ghosts or even ugly creatures causing a lot of fear and anxiety. Evil spirits usually touch, beat, choke, accuse and assault during the day or rape the victim during their sleep causing nightmares. Usually tormented person is embarrassed to share his/her problem with others because people may think of him/her as one "with a screw loose or living in cloud cookoo land." This is beyond the understanding and help of the medical profession or psychologists. They may say it is caused by chemical imbalance. Medicine has no solution for this type of illness except offering medication which leads one to drowsiness and being semi-conscious. A Possessed Person needs the occult curses to be broken and the trouble making demons cast out in the mighty name of Jesus, through the ministry of deliverance.


Monstrosity and deaf mutes are dominantly due to the curse(s) which are passed down the generations. The Bible never says fortune tellers can predict the future. It is their attempt to peer into the future through occult means that is objectionable. However, whether they can do it or not, does not make that much difference. If the person having his fortune told, believes that they can, the same end is accomplished. The person, instead of looking to God for direction, now consults fortune tellers to receive guidance for his life. Satan has accomplished his purpose, which is getting people away from worshipping the true and living God. Since fortune tellers achieve this, it should never be practiced even for fun. It is a device of the devil that takes one farther away from the kingdom of God. As Christians we can remain confident and peaceful, knowing that God is in full control of our unseen future. Jesus Christ is the only answer for anyone who is anxious about his future. He said: (Matthew 6: 30-34) "If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more, clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, `What shall we eat?' Or `What shall we drink?' or `What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." The Bible teaches that anyone may come to Christ regardless of what he has done and receive forgiveness. The Scriptures says, "Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Jesus further stated, "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." (John 6:37) There are those who are deceived by Satan and believe that they are too good to need God. They may feel no guilt or shame for any sin committed and they certainly do not feel that they need a Savior. This person is willing to go before God based upon his own merit, on the good works he has done in his life, feeling that God will certainly accept him. However, the Scripture says, "..All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), and "..The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Elam - Eternal Life Agape Ministries


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