Gre Tips To Raise Your Score

  • November 2019
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Strategies for Raising GRE Scores

1. Make a study plan and follow it. The right study plan will help you manage time in preparing for the GRE whether you have three months, three weeks or only a few days to prepare. First, ask yourself two questions: How long until the test? How much time can be devoted to GRE study? Second, take the Diagnostic Examination. From the scores, youll be able to see where you need to concentrate your efforts. Third, develop a plan: Best Plan: 2-3 months to prepare for the GRE. Complete all exercises in preferred study guide, engage in small group study; take multiple practice exams. Accelerated Plan: If you only have 30 days to prepare, you’ll have have to sacrifice a bit on the practice exams, but you’ll have to devote time to work through sample questions. Top Speed: If the GRE is coming up in two weeks or less, you may only have time to concentrate on the Diagnostic Examination and hit critical parts of each chapter in a GRE study guide. 2. Learn the directions in advance. If you already knows what to do for each question type, you won’t waste precious test time and you can jump right in and begin answering questions as soon as the bests begins. 30 seconds reading directions = 3 or 4 questions in each section

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3. Always guess. On the GRE, its to your advantage to answer every question; youll be penalized for any questions left unanswered when time runs out. To make an educated guess by eliminating one of more answer choices is a good thing! Play the odds. Eliminate one answer choice = 25% chance of guessing correctly Eliminate two answer choices = 33 1/3% change guessing correctly Eliminate three answer choices = 50% chance of guessing correctly 4. In sentence completions, look for clue words. If you cant come up with the missing word immediately, look for clue words which will reveal the meaning of the sentence and point you in the right direction. 5. In analogy questions, a sentence can make the connection. GRE analogies are all about word relations. They test your verbal reasoning ability to see a relationship between two words and to recognize a similar relationship between two other words. The key to analogy success is being able to express the relationship between the words in a pair. 6. In reading comprehension, read for structure, not details. When you read GRE passages, dont let the details bog you down. Most of the questions will ask about the structure of the passage rather than specific facts. If you need the facts, theyre always there in the passage. Theres no need to worry about what you know or dont know about the topic. The information is based on the information in the passage. Most details are irrelevant. The key steps are: Preview key sentences. The first sentence of the paragraph is often the topic sentence. View key sentences by scrolling through the passage. Read for structure; ignore details. Do a mental wrap-up. Before moving to the questions, pause for a few seconds and review what you have just read. Summarize in your own words the main point of the selection (think up a title for the passage!) and visualize mentally an outline of the passage. 7. If a problem-solving math question stumps you, work backwards from the answers and eliminate choices that are completely off the radar screen. GRE problem-solving questions test your math reasoning, not your ability to make endless calculations. If you find yourself mired in calculations, you probably missed a shortcut that would have made your work easier. The quantities in GRE problem-solving answer choices either go from larger to smaller or the other way around. Remember that when trying to eliminate or test answers.

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Break down complex word problems into easy-to-handle steps. Compare what you are asked for with what you are given and build a mental bridge between the two before you start tart doing math. This words for complex graph questions, too! 8. In quantitative comparisons, consider all the possibilities and memorize the answer choices. Read the centered information for each question since this information governs the entire problem. Compare the quantity in Column A to the quantity in Column B. See how each quantity related to the centered information. Do only as much work as is needed to make the comparison. Choose the answer and make the answer sheet carefully! There are only four answer choices, so dont mark E by mistake. 9. For analytical reasoning questions, set up a bookkeeping system to summarize the information. Use your own notional devices or adapt ones that work best for you. 10. In logical reasoning questions, start by finding the conclusion. Since the conclusion is the main point of the argument, its the key to answering every question of this type.-- an initial paragraph or statement that presents an argument or otherwise states a position. The three building blocks of logical reasoning are: Stimulus Material = the content of the item Question stem = tells you what to do with the stimulus material (e.g., identifies conclusion of an argument; points out a premise of an argument; identifies strengths and weaknesses in an argument; recognizes parallel reasoning; draws conclusions and makes inferences) Answer choices = possible responses to the stem. The right answer is the credited response. The wrong answers are distractors because they are carefully written to distract your attention away from the right answer.

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How-to Prepare for Exam 1. Buy, beg, borrow or rent a computer. Just as there is a big difference between knowing what a car looks like and knowing how to drive one, there is a big difference about studying about the computerized GRE and taking it. If you have to, go to a local office service store and buy an hour or two of time on a computer. Play with the machine. Buy a practice GRE review book which has a disk version of the guide and take the disk with you. A technical support rep will help you load it onto the computer so that you can practice taking a CAT. 2. Use the tutorials! CAT GRE practice tests begin with a tutorial program which shows the test taker how to use a mouse, how to select an answer, how to use the testing tools and how to scroll. Time spent on tutorials is extremely valuable, even if the student is computer literate, since it shows them the idiosyncrasies of the CAT program e.g., how to indicate an answer, how to change an answer, how to move forward and backward, and what the various screen icons mean. 3. Practice, practice practice!!! There is a direct correlation between the amount of hours spent on practice exams and with actual GRE exam scores. On Day of Exam 1. Biorhythms count. Some of us are morning people; some afternoon. Schedule your appointment for the GRE for a time when you are likely to be at your peak. 2. Set your watch to exam time. At the beginning of each test section, set your watch to 12:00. Then, all you have to do is glance quickly to see how much of the section has passed. 3. Dismiss the directions. The on-screen directions do not disappear automatically. Instead, you have to dismiss them by clicking on the Dismiss Directions: box. Do this immediately so you can get started on the test. 4. Scrolling. In many computer programs, when a body of text is too long to be displayed in its entirety on the screen, you have the option of scrolling through the text. You can scroll up or down. While your first experience with the scroll function may be a bit frustrating because it can be very sensitive, you should 5. Take mental breaks. The GRE is an arduous task. There is no way that you can maintain concentration throughout the entire exam. There will be times when your attention begins to flag. Learn to recognize this. If you find that you are reading and rereading the same line without understanding: Close eyes. Take deep breath (or two!) Get back to work 6. Dont spin wheels by spending too much time on any one question. Give it some thought, take your best shot and move along.

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GRE Prep for Verbal

-Learn what sorts of strategies will prepare you the most for the Verbal problems on the GRE. GRE Prep Verbal strategies include: 1.Flying Over the Passage 2.Creating a Tentative Summary 3.Openings and Endings 4.Using Kitchen Logic 5.Getting into the Author’s Mind 6.Emotional Words 7.Finding the Key Words 8.Making Proper Inferences 9.Applying Ideas for Generalizations 10.Using Context Clues 11.Breaking down Passage Organization 12.First Word Analysis 13.Understanding the Intimidation 14.Finding Your Optimal Pace 15.Don’t be a Perfectionist 16.Factually Correct, but Actually Wrong 17.Different Viewpoints 18.Extraneous Information

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GRE Prep for Quantitative

-Learn how to master any problem you may encounter on the GRE Quantitative. We review what the problem types will look like and how to solve them all with minimal effort. GRE Prep for Quantitative strategies cover: 1.Mathematical Reasoning 2.Question Types 3.Arithmetic 4.Divisibility 5.Multiplication 6.Addition 7.Subtraction 8.Evens and Odds 9.Prime Numbers 10.Percents 11.Square of a Number 12.Exponents 13.Roots 14.Averages

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GRE Prep for Analytical Writing

-Learn how to write a great essay on any topic you may face on the GRE Analytical Writing. GRE Prep Analytical Writing strategies include: 1.Planning Stage 2.Sticking to the Plan 3.Reviewing the Plan 4.Brainstorming Smart 5.Making the Cuts 6.Ending at the Start 7.Staying Consistent 8.Maintaining the Flow 9.Backing up Your Points 10.Using Proper Grammar 11.Watching Your Vocabulary 12.Avoiding Tunnel Vision 13.Just Do It 14.Conclusion is Review 15.Communicating Reason, not Passion 16.Answering the Why?

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GRE1600score as your tutor and online guide: By select ing us as y our GRE online t ut or y ou will get a good pr eparat ion of t he t est .

Th e m at erials we own are int ellect ually challenging and score fet ching. Ev er y t est t aker who enrolled in GRE1600scor e will receive a com plet e lat est set of GRE m at erials. Mat erials ar e cat egorized and w ell form at t ed t o m ak e it easy t o st udy. Ou r st udent becom es very fam iliar of GRE befor e t he day t hey encount er t heir real t est as t hey have given m any m ock t est s in past . On t he day of t est our st udent know s exact ly what t hey will face and ar en’t ast onished of t he quest ions. Each and every st udent will be given a good t r aining concerning t heir weak ar eas k ept in m ind. W e guarant ee a score of 1400- 1600 in GRE, and we let y ou earn t hat m uch scor e because w e don’t believe in saying, we believe in doing. Th e guarant ee is only valid if you dedicat e yourself in st udying t he m at erials and pract ice t he m ock t est s t hat we will send you.

It’s really easy to prepare for GRE if you choose us as your tutor. We have materials that experts have prepared and lots of test-takers have scored high with the help of that exclusive material. We guarantee to our students that you will have BEST material and practice tests available in market today. The cool tips and tricks can make the test even easier and you will feel GRE like a piece of cake. As if your power cuts, your electrician can only fix it, your computer hardware fails, hardware engineer only works it for you, only professional in that field can do it expertly. Same way without our tutoring you will find your GRE tough even it is the silliest exam. Why to risk your score and be thrown in low level graduate schools, if you can deserve a high level graduate school education? Just few things can make your life even better! So don’t think that you can prepare GRE for yourself and can collect good materials by yourself, because there are materials and practice stuffs which you are not aware of it as some are exclusive to us. Don’t risk with your life! Just have a nice score!! Also you will get lots of other things which you will need for your graduate applications, like GRE score-wise US universities, in each and every field of study; University rankings(latest); etc.. Have a look to our GRE materials that are well organized below. Its just a demo of our hard work. But after you have enrolled, all these stuff’s are yours!!! So enjoy and enroll in very cheap price. You can enroll here: and stay freely outta tension of GRE, as now we have to take your score’s tension. Remember, good graduate school is waiting for you.

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9HUEDO:RUNRXW², Words on criticism: Aspersion Berate Belittle Calumny Castigate Decry Defamation Denounce deride Diatribe

disparage excoriate Gainsay Harangue Impugn Inveign Lambaste Objugate Obloquy Opprobrium

Pillory Rebuke Remonstrate Reprehend Revile Tirade Vituperate disapprobation

Erroneous Equivocate Duplicity dissemble

Mendacious Prevaricate Perfidy Specious Ersatz

Words on falsehood: Apocryphal Canard chicanery Feigned Guile

Words about language and speech: Word Allege

Meaning claim , assert X contravene

word Repartee


jointed X disjointed, unintelligible



light banter, persiflage, raillery double meaning


Double entendre Epigram

witty saying, adage, dictum, quip


meaning Aroitness or cleverness in reply X One who tells stories or jokes with exceptional skills, anaecdotist Verbal retort, retaliatory thrust Vocal,articulate,oral



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Word for word, Prolixity

Volubility Cogency

Fluency Persuasiveness, forcefulness in speech Chattering on trivia with little meaning, Glib talker X taciturn, reticent


Maxim,axiom,aphoristic,terse, Concise pithy saying,epigram Gabble,jabber,babble Diff in loudness, change in pitch Sarcasm, wit



Speech to oneself


Polemical Circumlocution Laconism Trite

Aggressive in verbal attack


Gibber Inflection

Economy in use of words Hackneyed,cliché, banal,platitude, bromidic

Happiness /bliss/ Cheerfulness: Blithe exult felicity rejoice ecstasy rapture alacrity


Lighthearted, cheerful and gay Exuberate, jubilate happiness Triumph, wallow exaltation exaltation Cheerful pompousness

Highly ornate

Bombastic Pompous

Detest/ hate/ anger/annoyance/evil: Pique Pique Despicable Amok abhor ire Choleric Odium

resentment,rritation, provoke/annoy,chafe, vexation Vile, evil, worthless,wretched Amuck, state of rage,demoniac,berserk,possessed Execrate ,loathe, abominate Anger,choler,ira,wrath Hot tempered,irascible Execration, abomination, detestation, abhorrence

Acrimonious Rile Vex Fret

Bitter,resentful Annoy,chafe,irritate annoy Chafe, fuss, gall

Nettle Exasperate Rancor umbrage

Annoy, bother,chafe Infuriate Bitterness,resentment Offense,anger, ire

Tired/ Boredom/Sadness/ Dullness/pain: Weary Sluggish

Fatigue,jade,pall Sulky,torpid,inert

Stolid Tribulation

Impassive,unemotional Visitation, trial

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Listless Torpor Tedium

Dispirited Lassitude,lethargy, listlessness Boredom,ennui

Lackadaisical Languid,unenergetic

Laggard Languor

Slow,dawdler,poke,idler,lingerer Lassitude,dreaminess,phlegm,apathy,inertia

Lassitude Lament

Inanition, languor,slackness Bemoan,bewailmcoronach,plaint, elegy,dirge Lachrymose,weeping


Grimace anguish

Bewail,deplore,lament Bemoan Face,pain Grave,serious,coy Demure Torment,torture,untune disconsolate Dingy,dismal,dreary



Lust: Libidinious Licentious

Lewd, lascivicious Lustful unchaste Carnality

Libido Lewd Lascivious Satyriasis

Sexual desire,eros raunchy Abnormally intense sexual desire Sexual practice


Prurience Lubricious Salacious Satyromania

Morbid sexual desire, propensity to lewdness lubricity Obscene

Praise: Panegyric


commendation Brag, boast Song of praise to god. Exault,glorify


Tout Anthem Extol Encomium encomiastic

Short of cash Pertaining to money

Lots of money Opulence Prodigal

Paean, formal expression of praise

Plaudit Applause Eulogy Kudos Laud

Pertaining to money: Shortage of money Impecunious Pecuniary

affluence Recklessly extravagant,

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Destitute,poverty stricken Utter want Stingy, closefisted, niggardly Thrift,economy

Penury Parsimonious Frugality

Munificient Theft

generous,wasteful,rash extravaganza Spendthrift, profligate, squanderer Larceny, marauding

Personality types: Word Wastrel

Meaning Scoundrel, rogue,knave,ruffian Rabble rouser Wicked, sinful

Iniquitous Egotistic Egoistic Egomaniacal Iconoclast Martinet

Word Stoical

Meaning Uncomplaining

Innocuous Sycophantic Rustic Dilettante Virtuoso Querulous

Harmless Boot licker Bucolic, uncouth, sylvian Skillful (superficially) amateur Consummate skill Nagging,fretful,petulant, whining X content Obstreperous,unmanageable, Boisterous Defiant, Conceited, snobbish Supercilious Puisillanimous Contemptibly petty Tight-lipped Taciturn

Sneers at tradition Strict disciplinarian


Compliance, sycophantic X rude Contemptuous Sneering,disdainful, Over-fondness for drinks Bibulous Disingenuous Crafty,cunning, dishonest,opprobrious,artful Extreme strictness in Puritanical Termagant religion and morals Noisy,scolding , virago Harridan domineering woman Like one’s own self. Alter- ego

Shrew,nagging bad tempered woman Vicious old woman

Legal affairs: Litigation Tribunal Subpoena Shyster Arbiter Writ

Lawsuit Court of justice Writ summoning a witness to appear Lawyer using questionable methods Judge Written command issued by court

Testator Tribute Statute

Maker of a will Tax levied by ruler Law enacted by legislature


Charge in court


Amendment or clause added to legislative bill incendiary Arsonist,seditious,incitive,criminal who illegally sets fire to property.

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Command , authorization

Opera and theater related: Word Liberetto Prima donna Aria Proscenium Doggerel Prosody Denouement Thespian Travesty

Meaning Text of opera diva Operatic solo Part of stage in front of curtain Poor verse

Word Coda Closet drama Pantomime Oratorio


Free verse

Act of versification Unknotting,unraveling of plot Actor\actress

Burlesque Parody

Verse more rhythmic than prose written without metric pattern Imitation of ridicule (caricature) High form of burlesque

Burlesque,charade Humor that mocks its serious \lofty subject by treating it in grotesque\lowly terms



Read rather than acted Acting without dialogue Poem set into music

Ridicule,lengthy verbal picture thru ridiculing a person Leading part in drama

Greek and Roman Mythology: Word Bacchanal Cynosure Ethereal Nemesis Saturnine Titan Phaeton Stentorian Amazon

Meaning Wild party, drunken carousal, reveler, orgy Center of attention Celestial, unworldly, heavenly, spiritually Bane, jinx, hex, pursuer Of evil-doers Dull,gloomy, phlegmatic, stygian Mammoth, gigantic Large open car seating four booming

Word Cupidity

Meaning Acarice, greed, lust

Draconian Narcissism

Rigorous, harsh, cruel, severe Egoism, egocentrism


Creative and original


Virago, large strong aggressive woman


Intelligent law giver, member of legislature Half man half horse Related to the mode of torture by procusteus Spirit that lives in woods, relating to characteristic of wooden regions. Flatboat, barge (nautical- part of a floating structure.

Centaur Procrustean sylvan

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