
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 233
  • Pages: 2
Gratuity /* * Filename: * Created by 1,000_naymes * Purpose: to compute a gratuity and total when a user enters their subtotal & gratuity rate */ import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Gratuity { public static void main( String[] args ) { /************************************************************** declare and initialize variables **************************************************************/ String openingMessage, subtotalInputMessage, rateInputMessage, subtotalString, rateString, outputMessage; double subtotal, rate, properRate, gratuity, total; /************************************************************** display opening message ******************************************y********************/ openingMessage = "Welcome to 1KN's gratuity program, which will calculate your gratuity and total.\n"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, openingMessage ); /************************************************************** input **************************************************************/ subtotalInputMessage = "Please enter the subtotal for your meal: $"; subtotalString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( subtotalInputMessage ); subtotal = Double.parseDouble( subtotalString ); //converting string to double rateInputMessage = "Please enter your gratuity rate as an integer (do not include %, \nfor example 5.25 or 6): "; rateString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( rateInputMessage); rate = Double.parseDouble( rateString ); //converting string to double properRate = rate / 100; /************************************************************** processing **************************************************************/ // calculating the gratuity gratuity = properRate * subtotal; // calculating the total total = subtotal + gratuity; /************************************************************** output **************************************************************/ outputMessage = "You entered a subtotal of $" + subtotal + "\n and a gratuity rate of " + rate + "%. " + "\n The gratuity for your meal is $" + gratuity + "\n and your total is $" + total + "."; Page 1

Gratuity JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, outputMessage ); System.exit(0); } //end main } //end class

Page 2

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