Grassland Of The World

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Grassland of the world

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Title: Grassland of the world...

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Plant Production and Protection Series No. 34

GRASSLANDS of the WORLD Edited by J.M. Suttie, S.G. Reynolds and C. Batello

FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ROME 2005 Table of Contents The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The mention or omission of specific companies, their products or brand names does not imply any endorsement or judgement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. ISBN 92-5-105337-5 ISSN 0259-2525 All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this information product for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed to the Chief, Publishing Management Service, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy or by e-mail to [email protected] © FAO 2005

CONTENTS Foreword Acknowledgements Contributors Glossary of technical terms and abbreviations used in the text Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION Purpose of the book

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Structure of the book Complementary information resources References Chapter 2 - THE CHANGING FACE OF PASTORAL SYSTEMS IN GRASS DOMINATED ECOSYSTEMS OF EASTERN AFRICA R.S. Reid, S. Serneels, M. Nyabenge and J. Hanson Scope Mapping rangelands, livestock and pastoral peoples Plant communities in grasslands and rangelands Political and social systems in pastoral lands of eastern Africa Integration of grasslands into smallholder farming systems Case studies of the evolution of extensive range systems over the last 40 years General Evolution of land use changes in the semi-arid rangelands surrounding the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem, straddling the KenyanTanzanian border Protected areas and local land use: source of conflict in Tanzania Control of the tsetse fly and evolution of a subhumid-grassland in southwestern Ethiopia: Ghibe Valley Current research in pastoral systems of eastern Africa Management of grasslands Desertification: driven by climate or overgrazing by livestock? How have pastoral ecosystems changed in response to livestock and human-use changes? Overgrazing Competition between livestock and wildlife Changes in rangeland burning regimes Rangeland fragmentation and loss of wildlife habitat Impacts of expansion of cultivation and settlement Carbon sequestration Bush encroachment Rehabilitation of grasslands Priorities for research and development programmes in pastoral lands Some history Rapidly changing systems with changing needs Focus generally on human welfare and maintaining environmental goods and services More emphasis on providing pastoral people with high quality information Restoring pastoral access to key resources, increasing mobility and flexibility, and ensuring security Addressing gaps in our knowledge about how pastoral systems work in eastern Africa Addressing gaps in our knowledge about how these systems can be improved References Chapter 3 - GRASSLANDS OF SOUTH AFRICA Anthony R. Palmer and Andrew M. Ainslie Introduction Physical features Climate

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Rainfall Seasonality of rainfall Temperatures Soils People Livestock Wildlife Land tenure Freehold and commercial sector Communal and subsistence sector Authorities responsible for management Market systems Landforms and agro-ecological zones Biomes Grassland Savannah Nama-karoo Thicket Succulent karoo Fynbos Forest Pastoral and agricultural systems Veldt grazing Legume and fodder introduction Dryland fodder Irrigated fodder Exceptional circumstances fodder Constraints to pasture and fodder production and improvement Evolution of grasslands over the last 40 years Research Management of grasslands Development of techniques for the rehabilitation of grasslands Sustainable management of the environment and maintenance of biodiversity Seed production Recommendations and lessons learned concerning sustainable grassland management Maintenance of production and productivity Priorities for the development of programmes and research References Chapter 4 - GRASSLANDS OF PATAGONIA Andrés F. Cibils and Pablo R. Borrelli Introduction Political system Land tenure Aboriginal distribution Welsh colonization First settlers Last settlers Management authorities

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Market systems Wool market systems Meat marketing Dominant natural vegetation Patagonian shrub steppes Semi-deserts and shrub steppes Shrub-grass and grass-shrub steppes Grass steppes Monte shrubland s and Monte ecotone Pastoral and agricultural systems Sheep farming systems Grazing management Sheep management Fine-wool production systems Lamb and fine-crossbred-wool production systems Ongoing research, management, restoration and biodiversity maintenance activities Research activities Management activities Restoration activities Biodiversity maintenance Seed production Recommendations and lessons learned Adaptive management - the Santa Cruz example The value of simple or flexible stocking strategies Conflict between short- and long-term production References Chapter 5 - THE SOUTH AMERICAN CAMPOS ECOSYSTEM Olegario Royo Pallarés (Argentina), Elbio J. Berretta (Uruguay) and Gerzy E. Maraschin (Brazil) Introduction General description of the region Climate Livestock production Wildlife Floristic composition Climax vegetation Grassland types and production systems in Argentina Growth and forage production Production systems Productivity of the best farms Grassland types and production systems in Uruguay Vegetation limitations for animal production Production systems Grassland production systems in Southern Brazil

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Dry matter accumulation in natural grasslands Optimizing animal production from natural grassland ecosystems Natural grassland dynamics Fertilizing Campos grassland Fertilization in Argentina Fertilization of Campos Grasslands in Uruguay Fertilization of natural grasslands in southeast Brazil Structural changes on fertilized natural grasslands in SE Brazil Improvement techniques Over-seeding Legume introduction Sward preparation for seeding Legumes for improvement Stock management Research and development priorities Ecological grassland management for maintaining productivity References Chapter 6 - GRASSLANDS OF CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA Rex D. Pieper Introduction Location and general description of the region Climate Topography and soils Fauna Vegetation patterns Primary production Pastoral and agricultural systems Crop production Grazing management Balancing seasonal variations of forage supply Grazing systems Intensification? Rangeland burning Development of grasslands Current status of grassland research and management Future of the Great Plains References Chapter 7 - GRAZING MANAGEMENT IN MONGOLIA J.M. Suttie Introduction Changes in administrative systems in the twentieth century Grazing lands, pasture and fodder Hay from natural pasture in arkhangai Grazing livestock production Livestock in herding systems Evolution of stock numbers Intensive livestock production The present grazing situation The recent droughts and zuds

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Sustainability References Chapter 8 - THE TIBETAN STEPPE Daniel J. Miller Introduction General description Climate Grassland biodiversity Dominant natural vegetation Vegetational attributes Botanical composition Grassland productivity Nutrient content of herbage Grassland degradation The Tibetan Pastoral Production System Historical and cultural aspects Livestock management Herds on the move Land tenure Transformation of the traditional pastoral production system Snowstorms and pastoral system dynamics Dilemma on the Tibetan Steppe Mobility Conclusion References Chapter 9 - AUSTRALIAN GRASSLANDS John G. McIvor Introduction Location Physical features Climate Rainfall Temperature and evaporation Growing seasons Soils Livestock Wildlife Social aspects and institutions People Political system Land tenure and ownership Authorities responsible for land management Market systems Pastoral and agricultural systems Natural vegetation Tropical tall -grass Brigalow Xerophytic mid-grass Temperate tall -grass

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Temperate short -grass Sub-alpine sodgrass Saltbush-xerophytic mid -grass Acacia shrub-short -grass Xerophytic tussockgrass Xerophytic hummockgrass Sown pastures Temperate pastures Tropical pastures Available species and cultivars Seed production Current grassland issues Research Management of grasslands Resource issues and rehabilitation Biodiversity in grasslands Environmental management Sustainable pasture management: learning from the past, managing for the future Importance of legumes Role of native pastures Environmental weeds Future References Chapter 10 - THE RUSSIAN STEPPE Joseph G. Boonman and Sergey S. Mikhalev Introduction The steppe in perspective Semantics Climate, vegetation and soils Ecological classification Ecological (site) potential Ramenskii’s grassland classification Botanical condition (ecological monitoring) Steppe dynamics in relation to botanical composition Weather From fallow to steppe The Steppe and its types Forest steppe Steppe Virgin steppe Semi-desert Meadow types Liman Floodplain meadows Fallow Mid-term to old fallow Young fallow Avenues of steppe improvement Management interventions Grazing

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Grazing (stocking) management Haymaking Fire Ploughing Physical improvements Examples of the effect of management on botanical composition Fertilizer Mid-term depression Sown forage The dilemma Crop-pasture rotations Physical effects of grasses on the soil Mixed farming based on crop-grass rotations Conclusions References Chapter 11 - OTHER GRASSLANDS Introduction Africa North Africa West Africa Madagascar South America The Llanos The Gran Chaco Pampas Flooding Pampas grasslands Cropland Pampas cultivated pastures Monte shrubland Asia Central Asia China South Asia Himalaya-Hindu Kush India Pakistan The near east Syrian Arab Republic Jordan Europe Turkey Bibliography Chapter 12 - GRASSLAND PERSPECTIVES Introduction Grassland systems The state of the grasslands Grassland development, improvement and rehabilitation Grassland resources Pasture development methods

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Herd management Stocking rates and stock distribution The lean season Stratification Sown pasture and fodder Sown fodder Social and economic factors Tenure Markets and trade Herder organization and community participation Demotic factors Diversification Grassland in the environment Some conclusions References BACK COVER

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