Grant Application

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Toshiba America Foundation Grants Program for K-6 Science & Math Education Helping Improve Science and Mathematics Education One Classroom at a Time

ELIGIBILITY Teacher/School Eligibility Any K-6 teacher in a public or private (not-for-profit) school is eligible. Grants will be awarded to the teacher’s school and will be restricted for use by the teacher in his/her classroom. Not more than one application per teacher is allowed. Project Eligibility • Projects must advance the teacher’s science and math teaching units in grades K-6. • Projects must occur during the school day. Before-school, after –school or take home projects are not eligible. • Projects must be completed by May 1st so that a project final report can be submitted by May 15th. • Projects should take place over at least three class sessions. • Projects should not be based solely on the purchase of a pre-packaged kit. Budget Eligibility Funds may be requested for the purchase of project materials for student use only. Computer hardware, audio-visual equipment, and field trip expenses may not be included in the budget.

CRITERIA The following criteria will be significant in determining successful proposals: Clarity. Does this project description make sense? The proposal must be written so the reader has a clear understanding of the project activities, goals, material needs and evaluation components. Completeness. The application must adhere to the guidelines and provide all of the requested information. Timeline. Can the project be completed in the time allotted? In order to achieve its objectives within the suggested implementation dates, the project description must be reasonable in scope. Evaluation. The proposed project must demonstrate an evaluation component that will present clear educational outcomes to be discussed in the final project report. Cost Effectiveness. Are the project materials excessive in cost or number requested? The project cost should appear reasonable and appropriate for the activities and outcomes described. Creativity. To what extent is this an innovative approach? The proposed project must demonstrate an effort to engage young people in hands-on learning in ways that enhance the current curriculum. Impact. The project should be challenging and should actively engage students in a positive learning experience.

RECOMMENDED RESOURCES All applicants are encouraged to review national mathematics and science standards when designing a project. For more information visit the following web sites: (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) and (National Science Teachers Association).

DEADLINE: Applications must be received by October 1. When October 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, applications will be due on the first business day of the month.

NEED HELP? Please call Toshiba America Foundation at (212) 596-0620 or email [email protected] for answers to questions about your proposal.

APPLICATION FORM Please type your application on this page or reproduce application of equal length on your computer. Please prepare proposals in a minimum of 10-point font. Teacher (Title, First Name, Last Name) Teacher E-mail Address Ms. Tara Derveloy [email protected] School Name Forest Hills Elementary School School Mailing Address City State Zip Code 602 Colonial Dr. Wilmington NC 28403 School Phone # School Fax # 910-251-6190 910-251-6054 School Principal (Title, First Name, Last Name) Principal’s Phone# Mr. Cobb 910-251-6190 Project Title Using Technology for Scientific Research and Presentations on Animals Project Grade(s) No. of Children Involved Project Start Date (no Project End Date (no later than) earlier than 12/1)





Please describe the following in as much detail as possible within the space provided: •

Student Learning Objectives

I have created a project for my students based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Kindergarten Science that involves them creating a zoo with animals they will research by using computers. Students will learn to research information on animals and their differentiating characteristics, while learning properties of objects and various tools and measurements to better understand them and teach what they’ve learned to the class.

Methods of Instruction (What do you intend to do in your classroom with your students?)

I will demonstrate how to perform online research and how to create handouts in Word so the students will be able to explore online information and the software while using their own creativity for this project. I intend for the students to create their own zoo after researching 10 different animals within a specific category on the internet. They will be able to use various tools to make, draw, or print examples of their animals from the internet to use as visual aids during their presentation. They will be responsible for making handouts for the class to reference during the presentation and to review before the test on the material. They will assume the role of zoologist at their zoo while describing the unique characteristics of their animals such as its color, size, growth, structure, and movements. Assigning different categories of animals to each child will ensure that everyone will have diverse information about animals to teach to the class so we will all learn from each other’s research. •

Project Timeline (What activities happen and when?)

Weeks 1-3: I will teach students how to perform research on the internet and create documents in Word to use as their handouts. The children will also be assigned their categories of animals and begin their research. Weeks 4-6: The children will start assembling materials for their presentation by getting examples of their animals to show the class, making note cards with information to reference during their presentation, and making the handouts for the class. Weeks 7-8: The children will present their research to the class for a grade. Week 9: The class will review presentation material to retain information about the animals that were researched for the project. Week 10: A test will be given to evaluate how much was learned from this project. •

Method of Evaluation

I will create a Rubric that will show how I intend to grade the presentation and give this to the students before they start working on the project so they will know what is expected of them. Following the presentations, I will test the students on their knowledge of the material that was presented on the animals.

BUDGET List items to be purchased and costs. Combine like items so that there are no more than six categories. 1. 22 laptops with touch pads and mouse buttons for $450 each


2. 1 cable to connect the laptop to the video projector


3. Microsoft Word for laptops


4. 22 Flash drives for $5 each


Total Budget Cost


Please summarize your project idea and explain how the materials listed in the budget above will be used. I will provide each student with their own notebook computer to perform their research for the assigned animal project. I will ensure that each computer has a built in wireless card to connect to the internet provided by the school, and built in USB ports to save the project on a flash drive. I will connect my personal laptop to the projector to teach the students how to maneuver through various sites on the internet to perform their research and teach them how to create documents in Word. I hope to emphasize the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers with the benefits of this hands-on technology project by providing the students with laptops and engaging them with their research assignment. When the students create their zoo with the help of digital tools, their learning experience will be promoted and their creativity influenced. They will also be able to evaluate their own progress while pursuing information that interests them in relevance to the project.

CERTIFICATIONS “I certify that the proposed project is in addition to what I usually do to teach science or math to my students.” Signature of Applicant (teacher)

Tara Derveloy

Date September 29, 2009

“I certify that the applying teacher is employed by my school, that I am aware of his/her project and that I will provide the support necessary to allow the project to take place in a timely fashion.” Signature of School Principal

Mr. Cobb

Date September 29, 2009

Please check one below: __X___ I teach at a public school; or _____ I teach at an eligible private (non-profit) school. Private school teachers must attach a IRS 501(c )(3) tax exemption letter or qualifying state tax exemption notice to the application. Applications without this documentation cannot be accepted.

MAILING ADDRESS Please mail application and required documentation to: Grants Program for K-6 Science and Math Education Toshiba America Foundation 1251 Avenue of the Americas, 41st Floor New York, NY 10020 Attachments or other supporting materials cannot be accepted. Applications sent by fax or E-mail will not be accepted. Toshiba America Foundation is a non-profit grant making organization that has been supporting improvements in science and math education through its grants program since 1990. The Foundation was created by Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba America, Inc. and the Toshiba America operating companies. Toshiba Corporation is a world leader in the development of high technology products.

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