Grand Jury Presentments, 5/16/09

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  • Pages: 9
Presentment Instructions Method; fn Person As of 11 May, 2409 Hello. Many of you are scared, but excited as you come to grips with the implications of the task in front of you. This is understandable. Every one has questions. This is not the time to re-invent the wheel. The¡efore we have gotten together to give you a blueprint on how to fi.le your presenûnents. When servîng the presentments there are two ways to do it one in person, if the clerk will in fact âccept it. And two by cert¡f¡ed Mail, restricted delivery. We have redesigned some ofthe pages since your packages were maìled out The packages you have received are complete and can be presented in its current fonn. If you have the means to do so, you can print the changes we provide to you and insert them

into your presentnents. So here is what you do;


ABOVE ALL ELSEBE POLITE. TTIESE PEOPLE ARENOT OIJR ADVERSARMS! 2. As soon rìs you receive your Presentuen! whether in the mail or in an attachment through e-mail, print it out (you need at a minimum 3 copies for each presenhent) 3 Fill out and have the Title page no tarized and make 4 copies. (the 4û copy will be for your master copy of the presenhent should you u,ant to file more than one jurisdiction) 4. Go to the courthouse, and file the noø¡ized copy (clerk may require 2 copies) Presenhnent with the court clerk. (ThÍs legitimizes the presentuent in your jurisdiction). 5. Get a rcceþ for the filing. (fhis process should not cost you to file- You are not entering a case, your are filing apresenhent) 6. After your presenhent has been recorded by the clerk, you are now ready make your presentnent to an officer of the court; a. Sheriff


b. Constable c. Attomey d. Local, cþ or state fudge e. Attomey's office



District Attomey or Assistant Distict Attorney Attomey General ofyour Søte

Use t.he attashed receþ to insure the filing was legitimate. Ask them when you can expect an answer to the filing, offer to get it touch with them regarding filed case (this is

where the clerk filing is important) youjust presented.

7. 8.

Inform the recipient that if you bave not heard anythíng you will be back in 40 days to check on the progress of the presenhent. Scan the recelpt ofthe presenhent and e-mail it to one of the command centers for filing. If you can not scan it snail mail it after you have a copy for yourself.

You may participate in more than one Grand Jury. You may make more than one presentnent.





Presentrrrents: Americian Grand Jury May r.6, zoog On May 16, 2oo9 theAmerican Grand Jury convened and conducted a hearing with regardto CRIMINAL activity, complaints and allegations presented. before said Grand Jury; Such charges and presenhents of criminal activity were handed down against theperson(s) knownas BarackObam4 aka: Ba¡ackObama, Jr., aka: Ba¡ack HusseinObama, aka: BarrySoetoro; aka: BarryObama; aka: BarackObama, presumed hesident of the United States (hereinafter lmown as Obama);

Said Grand JurXr was dr¡ly organized and em¡rowered under the laws of the Constitution of United. States of America as follows:

Scope and

Authoritv of the Grand JurT

The Constihrtion of the United States, Ämendment r and.Amendment 5, hornm as portions oftlre Bilt of Rights states¡


Congress såcll make na law respeetíng an establíshment of ^Amendment r elig ío4 or pr ohibítíng the fr ee æer císe ther eof; or øbridg ing the fr eedom of speech, or of the press; or the rþht of the people peaceably to assemble, and to

petítíonthe Gouetnmantfor aredress of griananæs.


Amendment g: No person shall be held to answæ for a capital, or othe¡wise ínfamous æíme, unles.ç on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, Said Grand Jr¡ry was convened under the power and. authority vested with the people as guaranteed under the Constihrtion, Amendment S, Bill of Rights.

The convened Grand Jury was "national" in nahue, represented by people of the United $tates, saidpeople beingcitizens as we¡esworu.under Oath as to Eligibilityfor and Service in behalf ofthe GrandJury:

Each JurSr member rmas eligible as follorvs¡ r) A citizen of the United States; ofeighteen (rÐ years or older; B) Aresidentof a State charteredwithinthe United States of America 4) Were in possession of his/her nattral faorlties, of ordinary intellþence, of soundjudgment andof fair elaracter; S) Possessed a sufEcient loowledge of the English langr¡age; 6) Were not serving as abial juorin anycourt; e) A citizen

Z) Had not been convicted of a malfeasance in ofñce, a felony, or other high sdms; 8) Were notservingas an electedpublicofficer.

Each Jury member did SIMEAR or AFFIRM as follows: "Thøt I (jury mernber) shalldílígentþ inquíre, andtrue presenffir.ønt make, of all arch matteîs øs may fu gíuen me before thejury, ar shall æme to my bzouiledge, touching sueh seruíee. shall pr esent no p er son through pr ejudíce or íII uílL nor leau e any un-pr esented. thr ough fear or fau or, but ín all mg pr esantments sItia.II endeauor to presønt the tnûh, tIrc uhole tr.fih, ønd nothíng but the truth (affirmed) or so help me God (sworn)."


Said atrrmæion orsworn oathwas iluly subsc,ribedbyappearaneeof each jury member before a notary public whereby each jury member affirmed. o¡ swore the Oath of Office for service to tle Grand Jur¡'; furthermore each jury member verbalþ repeated the "oath' and aclcrowledged their eligibiüty in front of said notary by signing their name in execution Said nobry acknowledged that said jury member executed the "Etigibility and Oath of Ofñce" document for the purposes therein oontained by placing their notary hand and seal upon the documenL

Eachoriginaljurymember's "Oathof0fñce and.Eligibility" documentwas sealed and reoorded in a cenhal locatîon for puq)oses of empowering the Grand A


jury foreman (moderator) and alærrate þry foreman were appointed to

conduct the Grand Jury hearing.

Said GrandJuryhearingwas conductedin secrecy. AII evidencewas sealed a¡d protected- All witnesses were srì¡orn under oath. All presenhents (charges) were voted upon- Said Grand Jury was comprised of, z6 regular Grand Jury members and. r Jury Foreman.

cot nr oNE; Ihat Obama Ís N(If eligiblç.u+der tlre laws of the Constitution ofthe UnitedStates asprovidedforinArtide II, Section r.



SaidArticle II, Sec{ion r states: "No person exce¡fi ø nal:.tral born Cítízery or a Cítìzen of the United States, at the time of the Adoptíon of thís Co¡t stitutíon, shqll b e elíg ible to

the Office of Presídmt; neíther shall ang Personbe eligìble to that Office who shall not haue attaíned to the Age of thirty-five Yeørs, and been fourteen Years a Resídent wíthín the United5Tctes. "

Wherefore, Obnrnaisnot a "naturalborrr Citizen" forthe following reas¡orls: r) Obama was Nûf borr of Urother alrd-&lher who were BOIII USGü?ens. in disyrute: Under the Brítísh Nøtíonalítg Act tg4B, Obama'sføther uøs o Brítísh "Tlrcse facts are not

cîtízen/ stúject uthen he uøs born in the English colony of Keny a. Ob amø's father eontínue d to b e such and not a U. S. cítizen uhen Obøma was born ín tg6t. Under the same BNA 1948, øt birth, reg ardless of uútæe he uas årclrzt, Abærn also became a Britísh citizen/subjectbg descmtfrornhís

Britíshfather. ,4s applícable

onlg to



II 'no,ntralborn

Cìtízen': ...the indiuíútal must be born in the Uníted States to a mother andføther usho are the¡nselues flnited States cítízens (bV birth or natttralbation). ?nù ls to asnre that ø uould-be, all powaful Presídent and Commander in Chíef of the MíIitary lrøs sob øllegiance and.Ioyaltg to the United State.s from tlrc tíme of bírth.


ís publíc (anowle.dg e thøt Ofuma has qdmitted in his ul'ritíng s utd otherwke thst uñen he w as born, hísføther utes o. Britísh cítírm/nûject øndnot a Uníted States citizsn and that at that time he hirnsr;,lf also became srrch. In fact, hísfather uas not eùen a pennørønt resìdent of the Úníid Sfates, but rather only ø student utho uouldprcbably have fuen hqe only on a tetrqnrøry sntdent uísa. Hence, not only uns Obøma'sfother not a Anited Stqtes cítízen but Ob ømø hímself u as born o Brítish s.tbj eet/ cítízen. H enee, clearly, Obama is not øtd wtnot fu æt Artíele II'nøfirøI Cítizpn.' The operatiaefacts are not in dispute."




MarioApuzzo, Esq. Lìcensed,Attorney JamesburgNJ oS8gr

a) Obapawas a British citizen ratbirth.l " Sínee B ør aek Ob ama's father w as a cítízen of Keny o and thereþre ntbject to the jurkdiction of the Uníted Ringdom qt the tíme of Obama's bírth, then Obama. u,es a British cítízen'øtbírth.' "

"TheFramers of the Constíttttion,atthetime of theír birth," Donofrio wrítesr " u) er e also Britkh citizeræ, and that' s uhy the Framers declaredthat,whilethey were citízens of the Uníted States, theg the¡næla es w er e not hatural born cítízens."

"lhereforer"Donofríoanmmørízesr"euendhewereto proùtæ øt orþínal bÍrth certíficate prouíng he uere born on U.S. soil, he stíll w ouldn't b e elíg íble to b e presídent." Iæo Donofrío, Esq.

LicensedAttorney State of NewJersey

@TII{TTWO: The charge of tïbeasonrt agninst Obama is before the pcople of the United States ofAmerica. That such complaint is CRIMIIIAI^ of hígü crimes. and exþemely damaging against the oeople. Said complaintwas formally brougþtby a Military Ofñcer (¡etired) of the United States of.America. All United States Miliþry Office¡s a¡e swom to uphold tìe Constitution of the United States and such complaint is \ralíd, explicít and proper; when an Officer is aware of such malfeasance of Treason by an offender it is that Officer's SWORN duty to come forward and present such accusation and complaint;

MilitaryOffioer who filedthe oomplaintis Lt Commander Walter fftzryarick, III, netiredo United States Nary and a graduate of the lIlnited States Naval Acadeny; Tlre

LL Commander Fitz¡ntrick on March 17, 2oog did hereby make such criminal accusation and complaint against Obama and presented said complaint before the U.S Attorney Russell Mriclq and Assistant U.S. Attomey Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee; Page


An original photocopy of said complaint was submitted to the Grand Jury as evidence for immediate investigation;

Said origind.photocopy of the complete crimin, al complaint Ís attached. as Edribit ÍAtt heneto and made a part hereof: Lt. Commander Fitzpatrickwa,s sworn under oath beforethe Grand Jury to testi$ as to thetrue nature and details regarding said criminal complaint filed against Obama; Said criminal complaint by Lt Commander Fitzpatick and his "accusation of Treason" is quoted in the excerpt below: [Ob ama| høue brolcøt ín and entered the Whíte House by þrce of contriuartcle, coneeqlment, conæít, díssørnblíng, and deceit. Posing es onimynstor presídent ønd æmmander ín ehíef gou haue strígrcd cíuìlían commond and. control ouer the mílítary "N ow A ou

establìshment.KttownmíIítarycrímínalactors-command racketeers-are now free ín the æercîse of mílítøry gouernment íntent upon destraction of America's ennstìtutíonal government.

We cotne tto¡lw to tl!ås rleckoníng. I o¿æarse gou antd.gour míIÍtæg -ptolítíßø,l æûrnfusI øssûstanüs of TREASON. 1 name you ørtdyour mílítarg crimínøl øssocíates øs traitors. Your crímínal qscerlsíon manifests a elear and pr esent dang er. You fundamentally ehøtg ed our fonn of g ouerrwønt. The @nstittttíon nolongerwarlcs. Confrdent holding gour sîIent agreenønt Vou øs aforeígnborn domestíc ønemy.



I ídentífu

My sutorn dutg

IuIr. to srand against uthat yau standforYou are not mA presídent. You are not mg en'øtmønder in chíef,"

ScoIrc of Investigations and Deliberations of tlre Grand JurT

hearing Wherefore on May



zoog at approximatety aloo pm Eastem

The.American GrandJurymetin closed session cromprising anattendance of z6 jury members, phrs a Jury Foreman (as moderator)- The Jury Foreman did" not vote. The final vote included z6 jury members.



Said headng lasted for approximately g hours. Such meeting was conducted online in a private website for the express puq)ose of conducting said Grand Jury assembly ana nearing. Such hearing was secure and unencumberedby outside intervention or public intrusion. Each Jury mernber hadfultaccess to the evidence, written andvisible (inthe form of scanned andphotographed documents embeddedin said private website). Each Jury member was given a fulI week (in adr¡ance) in private session (usiqg the facilities of the private website) to study the evidence, present questions and.form an opinionas to thevalidityand truthfulness of said evidence.

Thefinal GrandJuryheadngof May 16, eoog wasscheduledin secretyand privacy following said week of evidence review.

All counts


listed above) were voted. upon by the a6 iuqf members.

All communications (email, chat messages, jury foreman messages, sulveys, repofts, testimony) wereconducted inwritten Engtish. All said communications were securely saved in a database sewer as permanent records. The finalvotes were as fo[onls: .zf members voted. Tes'-te hand doryrr the nresenhnents asainst Obama. t memb€r voted *No.' The GrandJuryconcludedthe hearing afterhanding downthefinel vels an¿ affirming said c.ounts and presenfuents.

ThgPresenments and. such, Remedies as p¡$y.ed for by the Gran--.d JurV Nowtherefore: The Grand Jury hereby prap the Coruttake said presentuents and formally charge AtlD prosecute Obama r¡nder Cor¡nt One: fraud against the people

ofthe United States of America by reason of:

fhat Obaqa o.

is NQtr-p,lieiþIe und€r the laws ofthe Const¡üúion f tþe United States as provided for in Artide II, Section r.

Fru:thermore, the Grand Jury hereby pra)zs the Court will formally charge AND prosecute Obama with otreason' as attested to in Cor¡nt l\so:



E?t*be chgrge of rTleason' oftþe

agains¡t Obama is before the people II- nited Stalg¡.pjAmerica. that sueih complaint is

CRIMINAL. ofhigh cripesr.and exbemely damaeing against the oeople,

Given on this day and. year of May t6, 2oog by final vote of tle Jury Members of said American Gnand Jury;

presenhents are hereby attested to and verifiedby my hand on this day year and. as first above mentioned: Said

Robert John Campbell¡ Jury Foreman



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