Grammar Lesson Group 4 Sva Final.docx

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  • Pages: 5
Lesson Plan: Group 4 Form: Subject-Verb Agreement Instructors

Date and time

1. Qurrat ul ain Raza 2. Humaira Khalid 3. Altaf Hussain

October 29, 2018

No of students


Length of lesson

11th graders 14

20 mins

Level of English


Pre –Intermediate (K-12)

Telling anecdotes


Main Aims Teaching students correct usage of Subject Verb agreement in narrating anecdotes.

Sub Aims By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to: 1. Identify incorrect usage of Subject-verb agreement in anecdotes and conversations. 2. Construct creative anecdotes with correct usage of Subject-verb agreement.

Class profile Students are eleventh graders of a prominent Karachi private school. This is their final year at school and they are going to appear in Cambridge Assessment International Education English as a Second Language Exam in May 2019. They are mixed ability adolescent learners with linguistically diverse backgrounds, ages varying from 15 years to 17 years and their level of proficiency is Pre- Intermediate. The size of the class is comparatively small with only 14 enrolments. They are high strung, talkative, motivated and enjoy engaging lessons which requires them to work in groups. The medium of instruction is English, but code switching may occur when the instructor or students refer to an anecdote related to their social context.

Previous Knowledge The students are aware of conventions of subject –verb agreement. Their understanding of Simple present tense was reinforced in previous class through a reading task along with its functions of narrating action. Students are engaged in collaborative work often and are graded for their participation in class, hence

they are accustomed to class discussions and often productively engage it them. They enjoy creative writing are aware of conventions of Narrative compositions and account writing.

Rationale Subject verb agreement though means conjugation of verb that matches the subject yet its usage in common place communication, despite being indispensable, is often flawed. Subject-verb agreement unifies a sentence and makes it easier to understand hence is critical in all forms of writing and communication especially in narratives. It serves the significant function of defining who did the action and what they did especially in narratives, anecdotes and accounts. It is crucial therefore to help students recognize correct employment of it. They also need to be conscious of incorrect application in commonplace usage such as narrating stories, anecdotes, telling jokes and other everyday communication activities and correct them.

Teaching Aids/Materials       

Coloured flash cards, index cards, Chart papers Speakers & Cell phone 2 Jars or paper cups Instruction Cards for all stages (PPP), Student Group List 1 for Practice stage & List 2 for Production Stage, Resource Box (Alphabet/Verb Tiles) for Practice stage, Worksheets on Resource Boards for practice stage. Cheeky Monkeys Award and The Best Tootler Award

Assessment and Evaluation Students’ receptive listening skills will be assessed and reinforced when they identify correct and incorrect usage of Subject – Verb agreement while their productive speaking skills will be gauged through their ability in creating and narrating funny anecdotes.

Language Function and System Correctly employing subject verb agreement when telling jokes, stories and anecdotes.

Language Skills in Focus Listening and speaking skills

Anticipated problems Speakers might malfunction, Collection of worksheets might be time consuming, Students might take time in moving from one activity to other, some students may not retain instructions if repeated once only (owing to limited time they may not be repeated)

Suggested Solutions Backup phone and laptop will be used in case the speakers may malfunction, different instructors assigned for each group for collection and assessment will help save time, stop watch and music cues will be used for more smooth transitions. Time will be marked off on the board. Instructions shall be pasted on the class white board for each activity.





5 mins




Teachers ask students about their interest in comedy and sitcoms. They enquire students about their favorite character from the famous British Sit-com Mind Your Language and comment over their incorrect usage of grammar especially subject-verb agreement.  Two of the teachers introduce the function through role play. Performing a hypothetical situation between the characters from Mind Your Language (Ali Nadim and Jamila).  The third instructor will model identification of instances of subject verb agreement in the dialogue and point out the incorrect usage.  The instructions would be pasted on the board too.  Having modeled the response, the teachers will now class to pay attention to Jamila’s dialogues while continue the role play: a situation where Ali Nadim’s is investigating his stolen lunch.


To grab students’ attention, involve in the lesson and induct them to the topic of the day.

Listening and Speaking

To help students infer the rules of SVA by identifying incorrect usage in dialogues and through inference and prior knowledge state the correct usage.


6 mins

 


7 mins

By the end of the dialogues students identify the number of instances were subject verb agreement was employed and infer the rules that were flouted (did not sound right to them) The teachers ask the class to enumerate rules flouted, writes them on board, add to the missing information and clarify partial understanding. Speaking skills The teacher will ask students if they like Scrabble and then divide the class into groups of four. Each group will be provided with a scrabble board with an incomplete story pasted on it. Each sentence has a verb missing and the students will have the opportunity to use a variety of singular/ plural verbs to make different situations of a same sentence and complete the story. The verbs (singular/plural) will be pasted on scrabble tiles. Students can group verbs ridiculously with the subject to make a funny story, but the verb must agree with the Subject. The students will be given clear instructions regarding the task and the same will be pasted on the white board. They will be timed through a song that will play in background. As soon as the song ends so will their time. In the final two minutes the group leader will read their completed story out to class, the winner will be chosen by democratic vote. Winner to get the “cheeky monkey award” Speaking skills The class has already been arranged for a group of four in the previous activity, so the same setting will be utilized to same time. Teachers will reassign groups by reading out names from a different group list.

To implement form in context valise frame work, encourage peer learning and collaborative work through Mad Lib format game exercise.

To encourage students to creatively apply subject verb agreement by creating a 5-sentence short story envisioning

  


0.5 min

real time function of the form in narration. To provide them opportunity to collaborate and create funny real-life situation.

Teachers ask one member of each group to draw 3 Pink “Subject” (Subjects will be nouns, names of members of class, collective nouns and 3 blue Verb Cards. The students will be assigned the task of collaboratively devising a 5-sentence story using all the 6 cards assigned to them (3 subjects + 3 verbs) The instructions will be given verbally as well as pasted on the board When the activity concludes the class votes for the best constructed story. The group will be awarded with “Best Tootlers Award”

Teacher assign students the task to go through their old diary entries or facebook posts and take out instances of where they have made subject verb agreement mistakes and share them in the next class.

Speaking skills

To reinforce students understanding of subject verb agreement conventions and help them recognize the common mistakes they make and consciously un do them.

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