Grammar groups (a) "Speech/ quotation marks" (b) Question marks? Full stops. & exclamation marks! (c) Complex sentences (d) Commas (e) Conjunctions Task In your groups you need to research and plan a lesson for your class about one of the grammar topics above. A good lesson will not just tell the students how to use the grammar feature but will help them understand it. Resources Your main reference should be from Sue Palmer's grammar and sentence books. These are available in room 302 and there are powerpoint versions available on the server. Here is the path. Student resources > Grammar The lesson There are many different ways to plan a good lesson but you should include the 3 Ps. P Presentation: An explanation of the topic with good examples
P Practice: An activity where the students get a chance to practice, apply their learning and ask questions. e.g. work-sheet P Production: Some sort of check that the topic or idea has been learnt
How well did we teach? How effectively did we explain the topic?
Very effectively
Fairly effectively
Area to develop
How useful were our activities?
Very effectively
Fairly effectively
Area to develop
How well organised were we?
Very organised
Fairly organised
Area to develop
How well did we check for understanding?
Very effectively
Fairly effectively
Area to develop
Created by C Campbell & S Clifford: Yokohama International School