
  • October 2019
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Florida International University Department of History Fall 2008 LAH 2020 – Latin American Civilization Sections U01-U03-U04-U05 Essay Assignment #3 The essay is due in class on Friday, October 24 10:00 AM You will also submit your essay assignment to ‘’ at the same time. The class ID for Sections U01, U03, U04, and U05 is # 2366617, Password: lah2020u Essay length: 750 words Read the instructions carefully. Essay should be typed and doubled-spaced. Include word count. Be sure to cite all quotations and paraphrases. Make it clear to the reader that you read the text carefully. Remember that your essay must contain an opening paragraph (introduction), the development of your argument and historical evidence (the body of the essay), and one closing paragraph (conclusion). In your conclusion you must summarize your main findings. NO INTERNET SOURCES!!! Use Chicago Manual Style of quotations (see Guide). Sandra Lauderdale Graham, Cetana Says No: Women’s Stories from a Brazilian Slave Society, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 44. What were Caetana’s attitudes in regards to the world around her in Rio Claro fazenda? As a slave, was she obedient? Or, on the contrary, did she defy the Brazilian social order? How did her family and relatives influence her experiences?

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