Graduated Driver License Newsletter

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Graduated Driver,s License SEPTEMBER, 2005

New law affects drivers under 17 years of age The 3445 Wyoming State legislature passed a gradu> ated licensing law re@uiring persons under AB years of age to oDtain an Instruction Permit and Intermediate Permit prior to receiving full driving privileges.

!nside t)is issue: Applying for an Instruction Permit/Intermediate Permit


Full Driving Privileges


Intermediate Permit



Driver’s Education


Frequently Asked Questions


More Questions


2005 Wyoming Under 21 Driver’s License


Persons who do not oDtain an Intermediate permit will De re@uired to De AB years of age Defore full driving privi> leges can De issued.

has completed 54 hours of Dehind>the>wheel driving certified Dy the parent or legal guardian. The 54 hours must include A4 hours of night driving. The holder of an Intermedi> ate PermitJ AN

Cannot transport more than A passenger under the age of AQ who is not an immediate family memDer unless accompanied Dy a licensed driver AQ years of age or older who holds a valid driver,s license.

An Intermediate permit can De issued at age AI pro> videdJ


The applicant has held a Restricted Class C MRCN licenseO PR


Rust ensure that all occu> pants of the vehicle are wearing seat Delts.


The applicant has held an Instruction Permit for at least A4 days and


Cannot drive Detween AAJ44 pm and 5J44 am unless the holder meets

the eTception criteria and presents the completed ETception form. VN

Will De suspended for 34 days for any violation of the provisions for an In> termediate Permit.

The holder of an Intermedi> ate Rotorcycle Permit cannot carry a passenger or drive De> tween AAJ44 pm and 5J44 am unless the holder meets the eTception criteria and presents the completed ETception form. The holder will De suspended for 34 days for any violation of the provisions of the permit.

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Why Graduated Driver Licensing?

Provisions of an Intermediate Permit ! 50 hours of behind-thewheel driving ! Limited hours of driving ! Limited number of passengers ! Exceptions to hours of driving and passenger restriction

Driving is a sWill. Xeing a good driver taWes practiceO practiceO and more practice. For a new driverO a practice period allows for learning how to handle road conditionsO dis> tractionsO haZardous situations and maWing the split>second decisions that are part of Deing a safe driver. Rost individuals have Deen issued their first driver,s license at age AIO usually with> out having had much eTperi> ence with actual Dehind>the> wheel driving and[or without the Denefit of a driver,s educa> tion course. Even if the person held an instruction permit Defore licensingO Dehind>the> wheel driving eTperience has Deen minimal. Add this to the

inherent risW>taWing Dehavior of this age groupO and you have an accident waiting to happen. NationallyO motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for young people Detween the ages of A5 and 34O causing one>third of all fatalities or AV] of all traffic fatalities. Teens are involved in three times as many fatal crashes as are all other drivers. Graduated Driver Licens> ing systems are designed to phase drivers into full driving privileges as they develop their driving sWills and demonstrate responsiDle driving Dehaviors. There are 3 phases to a GDL systemJ a learner,s permit period in which a driver must De super>

vised^ an intermediate period after the applicant passes a driver test which limits unsuper> vised driving in high>risW situa> tions^ and a license with full driving privileges that is issued after the first two phases have Deen completed successfully. AdditionallyO some GDL licensing systems re@uire driv> ers to remain violation>free for a prescriDed period of time Defore they can move into the neTt phase of licensing. W y om in g , s Gr aduated Driver Licensing system incor> porates all three M3N phases of the model GDL systemJ Learner,s PermitO Intermediate PermitO and Full Driving Privi> leges.



Applying for an Instruction Permit/Intermediate Permit !nstruction Bermit applicants:

! Rust De A5 years of age or older. ! Rust present a state>certified Dirth

certificate or valid US passportO state> issued identification cardO or valid Im> migration documents.

! Rust pass a written test and vision screening.

! Rust have minor,s release signed Dy a parent or legal guardian Mre@uired for applicants under AQ years of ageN.

An Instruction Permit is valid for one MAN year from the date of issuance. The fee for an Instruction Permit is a34 with an additional a3 fee if adding mo> torcycle. Drivers who hold an Instruction Permit may only drive when accompa> nied Dy a licensed driver AQ years of age

or older who holds a valid driver,s li> censeO who is fit and capaDle of eTercis> ing control over the vehicle and who occupies a seat Deside the driver. There are no restrictions for hours or distance. !ntermediate Bermit applicants:

! Rust De AI years of age. ! Rust have held an Instruction Per> mit.

! Rust present proof of identity such

as a state>issued license or permitO state>certified Dirth certificate or valid US passportO state>issued iden> tification cardO or valid Immigration documents.

! Rust present certification of comple>

tion of 54 hours of driving to include A4 hours of night driving certified Dy the legal parent or legal guardian.

! Rust pass a vision screeningO and a

driving sWills test. Completion of an approved Driver Education course may De honored Dy the department to waive the driving sWills test. MSee Driver,s Education section in this pamphlet for detailsN.

! Rust have minor,s release signed Dy

a parent or legal guardian Mre@uired for applicants under AQ years of ageN.

An Intermediate Permit eTpires 34 days after the ABth Dirthday. The fee for an Intermediate Permit is aA5 with an additional a3 fee if adding motorcy> cle. Cer tific atio beh n fo ind rms -the -wh for are eel ava d rivi l o ca ilab ng le a l Dr t yo iver or m ur Exa ay b mO e do at: ffic e ww wnl w.d oad ot.s e d tate .wy .us

Full Driving Privileges At a5e 0> 0?@ to De issued a Wyo> ming driver,s license with full driving privileges re@uires that the applicant have held an Intermediate PermitO the driving privilege is not suspendedO and have completed an approved Driver,s Education course. :t a5e 0> 0?@ years you must:

! Present a signed Certificate of Com> pletion from an approved Driver,s Education course which includes Dehind>the>wheel driving. MSee Driver,s Education section in this pamphlet for detailsN.

! Present proof of identity such as a state>issued permitO state>certified Dirth certificate or valid US pass> portO valid Immigration documentsO etc.

! Pass a vision screening. ! Have your parent or legal guardian sign the minor,s release.

! Pay the re@uired fee

At a5e 029 an applicant may De is> sued a Wyoming driver,s license with full driving privileges without having held an Intermediate PermitO or any other type of license or permit unless driving privileges are suspended. :t a5e 02 years you must:

! Present proof of identity such as a state>issued license or permitO state> certified Dirth certificate or valid US passportO valid Immigration docu> mentsO etc.

! Pass the vision screen> ingO a written test and a driving sWills test.

! Have your parent or legal guardian sign the minor,s release.

! Pay the re@uired fee.





Intermediate Permit Exceptions The holder of an Intermediate Permit cannot drive Detween the hours of AAJ44 pm and 5J44 am unless they areJ

! Accompanied Dy a licensed driver AQ years of age or older who holds a valid driver,s license for the type or class of vehicle Deing used.

! Re@uired to drive for a medical neces> sity Mevidenced Dy medical personnelN.

! Driving to or from worW Mevidenced Dy employerN.

The Wyoming Department of Educa> tion approves driver education courses offered Dy school districtsO community collegesO and @ualified persons through> out the state. UnfortunatelyO not all school districts offer driver education or class siZe is limited and not everyone who seeWs to enroll has the opportunity to taWe the course during the school year. Those unaDle to De enrolled dur> ing the school year may choose to taWe a driver education classO where offeredO during the summer months. An approved course re@uires for 34 hours of classroom instructionO and I hours of Dehind>the>wheel driving. Courses using simulated driving count actual driving eTperience as followsJ V hours simulation time b A hour Dehind> the>wheel drive time. HoweverO there

! Driving to or from schoolO a school ac> tivityO organiZed youth sports activity or a religious activity Mevidenced Dy parent or legal guardianN.

presented to law enforcement if stopped.

! Driving for a medical emergency Mevidenced Dy medical personnelN. The appropriate individual Mas de> termined Dy the eTceptionN must com> plete and sign an ETception form to cer> tify that the holder of the Intermediate Permit needs to drive Deyond the hours of 5J44 am to AAJ44 pm. The ETception form must De carried Dy the licensee and

must De at least 3 hours of actual Dehind> the>wheel driving eTperience. Simulated driving can count for no more than 3 hours of Dehind>the>wheel driving.

Driver Services will honor a Certifi> cate of Completion from an approved course^ provided the card indicates the applicant has successfully completed the re@uired 34 hours of classroom instruc>

Exce ptio n fo rms at y are our avai l ocal Offi lable Driv ce o er E r ma from xam y be our dow web nloa si t e ded at: stat www e.wy .dot .us .

tion and I hours of Dehind>the>wheel driving. The card must identify the school district and contain the student,s nameO date of DirthO driver license num> DerO and the original signature of Doth the driver education instructor and the school administrator. At age AI A[3O the driver education completion card may De presented at a Driver ETam PfficeO along with the In> termediate Permit and[or proper iden> tificationO to apply for a Wyoming driver license with full driving privi> leges. Completion of an approved Driver Education course may De honored Dy the department for a period of 3 years from the date of issuance of the card to waive a driving sWills test.

(307) 777-4800…………………FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS !f ! )ad an !nstruction Bermit is1 sued to me before .eptember 0>9 @33S9 and ! turn 0> after t)at date9 do ! need to present t)e form certi1 fyin5 t)at ! )ave driven S3 )oursV Y+(# )7+ @"1' @"1 >+1),@,>.),"/ "@ AB 7"&1( "@ *+7,/-?)7+?87++C -1,9,/4 ,( 1+=&,1+@"1 ,((&./>+ "@ )7+ I/)+1'+-,.)+ P+1',)D T7+ -1,9,/4 '&() *+ >+1),@,+- *% %"&1 C+? 4.C 3.1+/) "1 C+4.C 4&.1-,./D !f ! )ave a Festricted Wlass XFWY li1

cense now9 and ! turn 0> after .ep1 tember 0>9 @33S9 can ! still be is1 sued a full driverUs license on my birt)dayV N"# %"& '&() *+ ,((&+- ./ I/)+1'+-,.)+ P+1',) &3"/ )&1/,/4 .4+ 56# 7"8+9+1: %"& .1+ NOT 1+=&,1+- )" 31"9,-+ >+1),? @,>.),"/ "@ AB 7"&1( "@ *+7,/-?)7+?87++C -1,9,/4D Y"& '.% *+ ,((&+- @&CC -1,9,/4 31,9,C+4+( &3"/ )&1/,/4 .4+ 56 5FG 31"9,-+- %"& 7.9+ 3.((+- ./ .331"9+-

-1,9+1 +-&>.),"/ >"&1(+ ./- .1+ /") (&(? 3+/-+-D !s t)ere a specific period of time ! must )old an !nstruction Bermit be1 fore ! can be issued an !ntermediate BermitV Y+(: %"& '&() 7"C- )7+ I/()1&>),"/ P+1? ',) @"1 . ',/,'&' "@ 5B -.%( ./- 7.9+ >"'3C+)+- AB 7"&1( "@ *+7,/-?)7+?87++C -1,9,/4H)" ,/>C&-+ 5B 71(D "@ /,47) -1,9? ,/4D


Driver Services Program 5300 Bishop Boulevard Cheyenne, WY 82009-3340

!f !Um 0> 0?@ years old and )ave an instruction permit9 completed driverUs education9 and S3 )ours of drivin59 can ! 5et full drivin5 privile5esV

Phone: 307-777-4800 Fax: 307-777-4803 Website: licensing

N"# 3+1 W%"',/4 C.8: %"& '&() 7"C- ./ I/)+1'+-,.)+ P+1',) *+@"1+ %"& >./ *+ ,((&+- @&CC -1,9,/4 31,9,C+4+( .) .4+ 56 5FGD T7+ I/)+1'+-,.)+ P+1',) '&() *+ 7+C- @"1 . ',/,'&' "@ 5B -.%(D !f ! am 0> years of a5e now and )ave a driverUs license wit) full privile5es9 does t)is law mean ! )ave to 5ive t)at up and 5et t)e !n1 termediate BermitV N"# ./% 3+1("/ 87" 8.( ,((&+- . -1,9+1’( C,>+/(+ 8,)7 @&CC -1,9,/4 31,9,C+4+( 31,"1 )" S+3)+'*+1 56: GBBA: ,( /") .@@+>)+- *% )7,( C.8D


Wan someone ot)er t)an my parent or le5al 5uardian verify t)e be1 )ind1t)e1w)eel drivin5V Y+(D A C,>+/(+- -1,9+1 5M %+.1( "@ .4+ "1 "C-+1 '.% 31"9,-+ *+7,/-?)7+?87++C ,/()1&>),"/ @"1 )7+ AB 7"&1( "@ 1+=&,1+- -1,9,/4 ),'+# 7"8+9+1: )7+ @"1' '&() *+ (,4/+- N -.)+- .) )7+ *"))"' *% )7+ C+4.C 3.1+/) "1 C+4.C 4&.1-,./ >+1),@%? ,/4 )7.) )7+ -1,9,/4 ),'+( .1+ )1&+ ./- >"11+>)D Eo ! )ave to )ave a separate Exception form for eac) time ! need to drive beyond t)e )ours of S:33 am to 00:33 pm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

@33S Under @0 Driver’s License In the Spring of 3445O Wyoming driver,s licenses c permits for persons under the age of 3A years were issued in a vertical format. The Intermedi> ate Permit will additionally De identified with the header dDriver Licensee and the code dI2e in front of the class code for the type of license. Li@uor retailers will find that the vertical format and the indication in red of dAge 3A on…e will @uicWly identify persons under the age of 3A for alcohol purchases. Retailers will De aDle to @uicWly identify persons AQ years of age or older for toDacco purchases with the indicator on the license of dAge AQ on…e in red. The code for an Intermediate Permit is dI2e.

I2=Intermediate License

5 am to 11 pm, one non-family passenger under 18. Exception form & conditions should be verified.

The restrictions associated with an In> termediate Permit are listed on the DacW of the card.

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