Grade Sheet

  • July 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 543
  • Pages: 3
Gradesheet Analysis

First Name John Bob Scott Gwen George Katie Mchelle Charley Lynn Robert Stephen Becky Robby Melissa Amy Class Std

Grading Scale Quizzes Assignments Tests Final Exam

Last Name Quiz 1 Assignment 1 Quiz 2 Test 1 Quiz 3 Assignment 2 Doe 70 80 75 79 90 95 Strickland 87 93 88 88 80 90 Boyette 65 0 66 57 64 79 Lane 99 100 97 100 100 99 Cobb 93 97 94 90 97 95 Mitchell 87 0 87 79 90 100 Woodard 70 72 74 70 80 90 Worley 65 0 67 73 75 100 Wallace 87 86 76 87 0 83 Hales 0 90 80 85 89 57 Jobbs 100 100 100 99 0 100 Tov 0 94 83 97 89 98 Pritchet 68 0 69 61 78 86 Gratch 93 100 91 98 85 56 Mart 88 100 85 83 90 85 Average 71 67 82 83 74 88 31.41 42.84 10.85 13.42 31.26 14.29

30% 15% 30% 25%

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Quiz 2 Quiz 1

Quiz 4 Quiz 3

Quiz 5

heet Analysis

Quiz 4 Test 2 Quiz 5 Assignment 3 Quiz 6 Final Exam Final Grade Letter Grade 87 89 98 84 89 97 88 B 84 88 0 90 96 90 84 B 59 59 0 0 60 0 37 F 100 99 95 97 98 95 98 A 89 96 84 94 90 94 93 A 94 89 87 86 82 90 83 B 82 87 80 89 75 81 79 C 97 85 70 78 53 75 73 C 78 71 83 78 76 80 76 C 84 91 88 95 86 93 83 B 97 96 94 95 97 90 91 A 90 96 87 94 83 90 87 B 67 70 79 0 76 80 66 D 90 95 67 95 100 99 93 A 93 89 81 84 89 82 86 B 86 87 73 77 83 82 81 11.25 11.37 30.75 31.96 13.63 23.88 14.77

Stephen Jobbs Class Average

Quiz 2

Quiz 4 Quiz 3

Quiz 5

Quiz 6 Final Grade


Respose Feedback

What part of speech is "running"? What part of speech is "beautiful"? What part of speech is "John"? What part of speech is "He"? What literature type is memoir a part of? What literature type is a couplet a part of? What literature type is a short story a part of? The repetition of consonants is called An exaggeration or overstatement is Implied discrepancy between what is said and what is meant is The comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship is The comparison of two unlike things not using "like" or "as" is The comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as" is A word that imitates the sound it represents is A pattern of words that contain similar sounds is Te use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature is The Time and Place in fiction is A unified group of lines in poetry is Giving human qualities to animals or objects is The repetition of vowel sounds is

Verb Correct Adjective Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect

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