GRACELESS AGING We had an extended sabbatical to breed apart your son from him my son from her Together after decades apart your small breasts sagging like cloth change purses, bearing the burden of biography molestation by men, suckling by infants from perk platinum to impertinent pennies -- the small change paid on life’s investment Gravity pulls us into the spinning grave that is Earth pulls us from the warm light Gravity pulls us D E D E O D P O O M W N Gravity the ungracious gargoyle of crushed cartilage bending our spines to its swill Gravity pulls me down; once robust, ready & red, resplendent in bloody lust the bold exclamation point of my want you & want you & want & want pointing all proud loud to the glorious gods cumming all cumulus on Ovum of Earth now droops with dumb destiny After a lifetime of flights of furious fancy in the vast lunatic lunaverse of my imagination I am descending to a derelict runway without landing gear.