
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 473
  • Pages: 7
The Orphan

Ana Cristina Bojórquez, Andrea Bustamante, Jorge Daniel Calderón, Jesús Loya

One day in November, George was born. He was the son of a big Mafia boss. He was in one of the biggest and most problematic cities in the United States.

The day that they returned home, the police was expecting the Mafia boss. When the man noticed the police was there, he ordered his wife to get inside the house, but the police started shooting and they killed the Mafia boss and his wife. Just the baby survived.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


The police gave the child to his grandmother. She was very sad at the beginning, but promised to take care of the baby and teach him everything she knew.

His grandmother took him to a farm very far outside the city limits. During the time the boy was growing up, she taught him everything she knew. And she took care of him as if he was her own dead son.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


All during his childhood, the boy was always wishing for a family because he felt alone. He knew his grandmother loved him, but he was always thinking about what it must feel like to have a mom and dad.

One day his grandmother taught him how to cook; she thought it was something he should know how to do.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


It was a terrible day when his grandmother died. He felt so sad that he thought he couldn’t go on living on the farm.

He went to live in the city because he wanted to start a new life and to find his parents’ killers.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


One day, he visited and old uncle who was the most powerful Mafia boss in the city at that time. The uncle told him where he could find a group of assassins.

When he was in the restaurant, he started talking to the assassin to agree where he could find the people who he was supposed to assassinate.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


George found his family’s assassin and went to his house. When he saw all the family there, he changed his plans.

He decided to kill the assassin’s family instead of the assassin himself. He killed them like the pigs that they were.

Artwork by Max Hattler & Martin Heaton, featured artists on le musée di-visioniste in February 2002.


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