~ u sas t poisonous compounds are changed into medicine, so these five charactek of Alyoho-renge-kyokhange evil into good. The Spring of-Jewels is so called because, in this" spring, stones are changed into jewels. In the same way; these five characters can change ordinary human beings into Buddhas. (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p 1064)
Praying with the Resolve to Remain Undefeated No Matter What Happens
his letter was sent from Minobu in 1280 to a follower known as "the lady of Utsubusa" who lived in Utsubusa in Ihara District of Suruga Province. Nichiren Daishonin's letter is a reply to the offerings and declarations that the lady of Utsubusa sent in commemoration of the hundredth-day anniversary of her father's passing. Judging from the fact that she sent the Daishonin ten thousand coins (a fairly large amount) and from the contents of her personal vow, it is quite likely that she was a refined woman of some means. In this letter, the Daishonin teaches that that the Lotus Sutra is the king of all sutras. Through this, the Daishonin reveals the magnificent benefit of chanting daimoku. The Daishonin further assures his follower that, because her father chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo while he was alive, he had certainly attained Buddhahood in his present form. The Daishonin also
praises lady of Utsubusa that her actions to lead her father to the Mystic Law are the very height of filial piety (cf WND, p 1064). The passage we are studying this month is the portion where Nichiren Daishonin elucidates the remarkable beneficial power of Myoho-renge-kyo. The Daishonin uses the example of poison being transformed into medicine to illustrate the point that Myoho-rengekyo can change evil into good. The Daishonin also uses the illustration of the Spring of Jewels that transforms stones into jewels to portray the point that these five characters has the beneficial power to change ordinary human beings into Buddhas. The Daishonin is teaching through these illustrations that no matter what happens in life, as long as we continue maintaining faith in Myoho-renge-kyo, pray thoroughly to the end without giving up and exert our utmost for kosenCL October 2008
CL October 2008
Gosho In Daily Life
circumstances, Mrs Honma tenaciously visited her members one by one to encourage them to courageously live out their lives in the Soka Gakkai together with President Ikeda and not be swayed by unfounded rumours. As aresult, her members strengthened their faith and her districts are growing vibrantly today. The circle of understanding towards the activities of the Soka Gakkai is expanding. The public and grassroot leaders have extended their utmost support in various activities organized by the Soka Gakkai in Sado, including President Ikeda's "Dialogue with Nature" photographic exhibition. Moreover, 70% of the residents in Mrs Honma's village are subscribers of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai's daily paper. Mrs Honma has served as women division district leadkr gver a period 082~ ~ e i a sand as a chapter leader for 10 years. *&ver.the thr& decades, $* -:g4 she, had 'exerted her?^ u&$p3t* wjthout re$eatihg a siriae step. She been g ., -'6, . ..q8T .
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contributing her home for kosen-rufu activities throughout these years and now she has been able to purchase a land for a carpark huge enough to accommodate several dozens of cars. Mr Honma, presently a vice zone leader is also the prefectural chief of the Soka Gakkai Arts Division. Their elder daughter is now married after fulfilling her responsibilities as a vice YWD prefectural leader while their younger daughter is a chapter leader in the Kansai area. The women disciples of Sado, such as lay nun Sennichi and lay nun Kofu, who single-mindedly strove to protect Nichiren Daishonin are great models for the women division to follow. Let us contipue to advance joyfully on the path of mentor and disciple with faith that transforms poison into medicine. @
Key points of the Gosho passage: 1. What is the greatest beneficial power of the Gohonzon? It is to change our lives and our circumstances, even from the worst possible state to one of great happiness.
2. But this change of our lives and our circumstances is not due to some magical or supernatural power of the Gohonzon. This change comes about because when we chant with faith, our life manifest the state of Buddhahood which then gives us wisdom, courage, lifeforce and also attracts the Buddhist gods (protective functions in one's life and environment) to assist us. All the wonderful benefits we experience such as overcoming sickness, financial difficulties, family or work problems and achieving human revolution, etc, are all derived from our Buddha nature.
3. In other words,benefits come afterwe manifest the state of Buddhahood when we chant daimoku with faith to the Gohonzon. This is what the Daishonin means when he says that the power of daimoku can change 'poison into medicine," "evil into good," "stones into jewels" and "human beings into Buddha." But we must remember that Buddhahood will not stay manifested permanently in our life, and that is why we need to practice our daimoku and gongyo consistently and strive for kosen-rufu.