Gorlminder 1a

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 309
  • Pages: 1
Gorlminder the Great – 1A (Entrance) Wandering Monsters Check 1 in 6 every turn; roll 2d6 on table 2 – 1 green slime (ceiling drip) 3 – NOISE: wolf howl 4 – 1d2 poison wolves 5 – 1d3 berserkers 6 – 1d6 giant rats 7 – 1d4 goblins 8 – 1d8 centipedes 9 – 1d6 kobolds 10- EVENT: small tremor (falling masonry) 11- 1 gelatinous cube 12- 1 grey ooze

Legend 1 square = 5 feet; top of map is North S – Secret Door X – Pit in floor // - Spikes - Statue

Statue Table Roll for each donation of 100 gp value 1 – changed into a goblin 2 – gain 1 pt to PRIME REQ 3 – gain 1 level 4 – Statue animates (10HD AC2 MV 6”) to kill worshipper, will not go more than 30’ from room 5 – drained 2d6 hit points 6 – Ignored Gold disappears to level 2 priest store rooms, 10% chance each offering goes to room 4 instead

Room Key 1. Entrance: empty rubbish, broken down; outside pit trap detected 2 in 6 (automatically if searched for) 2. Guard Room: 2 poison wolves (HD 2 AC 7 MV 15” breath save +4 or be slept) chained in corners among rubbish with 30’ of rope 3. Statue Room: 8’ tall stone statue of Goblin God; 100 gp value offering roll on Statue Table; touching statue’s sword opens secret door 4. Secret Room: current treasure 1600 gold pieces, 8 assorted gems worth 100 gp each; 1 in 6 chance taking brings down wrath 5. Guard Post: 2 goblins behind locked door guard way to kobold war 6. Store Room: Normal gobliny provisions 7. Spiked Room: Dead bodies impaled on spikes; bodies are looted 8. Guard Post: 2 goblins behind locked door guard way to level 2 and main goblin lair

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