Goodridge History

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Goodridge-Goodrich Family Story Complied by Kate B. Carter Daughters of Utah Pioneers Each Journal or diary recorded by the pioneers presents a clear and concise story and adds to our storehouse of historical knowledge. They are heartwarming, faith-promoting accounts of individuals and families who made the trek West to build their homes in the valleys of the mountains. Such accounts were recorded by the Goodridge family whose stories we are proud to present. Benjamin Goodridge, Utah Pioneer, was a son of Oliver and Elizabeth Hastings Goodridge of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, born October 3, 1794 in Lunenburg. Benjamin married Penelope Randall Gardner on April 1, 1823. She was born Dec. 27, 1783 [1793] a daughter of Abel and Lusannah Bryant Gardner of Hopkinton, Mass. Penelope was a devout member of the Wesleyan Episcopal Methodist Church for over twenty years. Her brother, George A. Gardner, was the first to bring the gospel message to them. The Goodridges joined the Church and then came west in 1850 in the company led by Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Cholera visited the traveling groups that season. Eleven members of their company died, but the Goodridge family arrived safely in the Valley Oct. 14, having been on the way 188 days. Penelope and four of her children, Harriet, Lusannah, Sarah, and Esther were baptized Sept. 2, 1849 by Elder Leonard W. Hardy. Benjamin and two children, Mary Jane and George A., were baptized July 9, 1850 in the Platte River by Wilford Woodruff while crossing the plains. On their arrival in the Valley they stayed at the Fort for a few days, later moving to Wilford Woodruff's lot. Benjamin traded his teams and wagons for a small house and lot in the 19th Ward, 330 North 3rd West, where he lived until his death Dec. 1, 1859 in his 65th year.

THE JOURNEY WEST Sophia, first member of the Goodridge family to be baptized, kept a day by day record of the trip. June 7, 1850. We started from Kanesville at 1:00 p.m. for Bethlehem. Rode ten miles and camped at Margaret’s Creek, a very beautiful shady spot. We heard the wolves howl in the night for the first time. Our horses were frightened. 8th. Saturday. Traveled seven miles, camped three miles from Bethlehem. We enjoyed ourselves very much at the last two places we camped. Had two violins in our ten. Had some music and dancing. Good feed for the cattle and good water. 14th. Went three miles, camped at Bethlehem, had a pleasant time, some music and dancing. 18th. We traveled six miles today, camped at a creek, good feed and water. Our company was organized today. Captain Petty was chosen Captain over a hundred. Captain Leonard W. Hardy over the first fifty. George Gardner, Captain over ten, our company. All well. 20th. Still in camp. Did our ironing. Picked some wild gooseberries on the banks of the creek.... 25th. Crossed the creek this morning. Passed five graves; they died the 15th of June. They all had grave tablets made of wood rudely hewn with the name engraved with a knife. A verse was written on the grave of Mr. Done, which was very touching. Crossed three more creeks today without accident. Went ten miles and camped at Weeping Water Creek. 26th. We traveled ten miles today. Passed three graves, no names on them. Came up with a Government company. One man was sick with cholera, died, was buried in the forenoon. In the afternoon we passed three more graves, no names, died June 22. One of our company taken sick with cholera. Camped at Salt Creek. 27th. Sister Green died of cholera this morning. Brother Blazzard taken sick. Crossed the creek, went on to the bluff and camped for the night. The first fifty caught up with us today. They are on the other side of the creek. One man with the cholera among them. 28th. We started about noon and traveled six miles and camped on the open prairie without wood or water. Found water about one-half mile from camp. Passed the grave of a child. 29th. Our company all in good spirits this morning, and I feel grateful to my Heavenly Father for his kindness in preserving our lives and health thus far, and that He has preserved us from accident and danger of every



kind. We traveled four miles and camped on the open prairie without wood or water, except that we brought with us. There is nothing to see but one endless sea of grass, waving and rolling like the waves of the sea, and now and then a tree. We had a very heavy thunderstorm this morning. 30th. Jane Green died this morning of cholera, she was 18 years old. Our first fifty came up with us this morning. They had buried a Bro. Smith this morning. The rest of the camp all well. We went four miles and camped where we found wood and water. We killed a rattlesnake.

his way to the valley. 12th. Had a heavy rain last night. The river rose two feet. One horse was drowned. Traveled about ten miles and camped on the open prairie. Had very heavy thundershowers. The cattle of the first division strayed away, but found them all again. 14th. Sunday. Camped for the day, both divisions camped in one corral. We held a meeting in the afternoon. Bros. Whipple, Hardy and Woodruff were the speakers. We felt very much encouraged by what they said. 15th. We traveled seven miles, came to Ft. Childer, formerly Ft. Carney. A thundershower came up and Wm. Ridges was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Three of his cattle were killed at the same time, and one of his children injured but not seriously. A number of people felt the shock. We went two miles farther and camped. 16th. A child of Mrs. Barnes died of cholera this morning. The weather is clear and cool, it is very muddy. We were delayed this morning. Traveled about eight miles, camped on prairie. Used buffalo chips for fuel. 18th. Went eighteen miles and camped on Plum Creek. We passed a number of groves of trees. We saw some animals on the bluffs, probably buffalo. The weather fine, the roads good. 19th. This morning is clear and beautiful. We traveled sixteen miles and camped on the open prairie without wood or water. 20th. Traveled about fourteen miles. The weather cloudy. Bro. Emmet killed an antelope. It was distributed among his ten. We found it excellent eating. We camped on the bank of the river, a beautiful place. The bluffs begin to look higher and more rough and more rugged. 21st. Sunday, so we did not travel today according to counsel. We held meetings in the forenoon and afternoon, and received some excellent instructions that served to cheer us on our journey. 22nd. We started this morning in good spirits. David Cook shot a sage hen. We saw some antelope and some wolves, did not kill any. We passed Bro. Woodruff's company about noon; they were camped on the Platte. Bro. Petty was sick, had buried one of his children the day before. We traveled about 16 miles and camped on the banks of the Platte Rivera grand place to bathe. Bro. Woodruff's company caught up with us tonight. 23rd. Traveled fourteen miles and camped near the Platte River. Bro. Emmet killed an antelope. We had a steak from it, very good. Bro. Woodruff's company camped with us tonight. 25th. We traveled about eight miles and camped. We passed near a number of herds of buffalo. Our division killed one, and brought into camp. The first division killed two. The feed for the cattle is growing shorter. We see quite a number of buffalo dead on the ground. We made a rule in our camp not to kill any more than we need to eat. 27th. Cloudy. Saw two big white wolves and four antelope.

July 1st. Joseph Green died this morning of cholera, age 19 months, making three of one family that have died within five days. Came up with our first fifty, found Bro. Hall dead with cholera. Our camp felt afflicted and distressed. We felt like humbling ourselves before the Lord, and pray that He might turn from us the sickness and distress among us. We therefore met together, the speakers exhorting us to be diligent in our devotions and united. A vote was taken to that effect. They called upon the Lord in prayer that he would bless and preserve us on our journey to the Valley. We then started on our journey rejoicing. We met the mail from the Valley. Met Bro. Crosby and seven other brethren on their way on a mission to England. We were very glad to see them. They brought cheering news from the Valley, which caused us to rejoice. We traveled six miles and camped on the prairie without wood, but found water. 2nd. Very warm and pleasant, we traveled sixteen miles, all level prairie. 3rd. We traveled about 15 miles. Camped on the Bluff on the north side of the Platte River. Good wood and water. Our first fifty camped about a mile from us. Samuel Hardy buried his youngest child this morning. 4th. Stopped to wash. Lucy Johnson was taken sick this afternoon and died at 12 o'clock. 7th. Camped for the day. Sister Snow died this morning, making five that have died in our division. 8th. We traveled sixteen miles, camped on the Platte River, good camping ground. Our two companies together. All pretty well. 9th. Had a heavy thundershower last night. This morning cool and cloudy. Bro. Woodruff baptized twelve persons. Father, Mary Jane and George were among the number. We traveled the twelve miles. Camped on the Platte River. Passed some bluffs, the road very sandy and crooked in some places. 10th. Cool and pleasant. We traveled fifteen miles, camped on the bank of the Platte River. Heavy showers. 11th. Heavy showers, very warm and sultry. Sister Huntington of the first division died of a fever. The road very wet and hard to travel. We went ten miles and camped on the Platte. Bro. Hyde passed us on



Passed a number of head of buffalo. Went about four miles and camped. Our wagon wheels are very musical. We had to stop and burn coal. Our men cut wood and started a coal pit. In the afternoon, part of our company remained at the last camping place on account of the excellent hunting. There was no wood there but cedars, which they thought would not make as good coal as the willows. We found this last place grand for wood and water. It is situated on the South Fork of the Platte River. There is quite a large island covered with cottonwood trees, and excellent feed for the cattle. 28th. Sunday-did not travel. Had a meeting in the fore part of the day. Had a heavy shower which we needed very much. It tightened our wagon wheels and saved our men the trouble of taking off the tires and resetting them. Bro. Woodruff is sick today-worn out with fatigue and care. 30th. We traveled about ten miles when a stampede started in the first division. There were three wagons smashed. It was caused by a runaway horse. Traveled about eighteen miles. The first division stayed to fix up their cattle and wagons, a number of tongues and yokes of wagons were broken. Bro. Woodruff's beautiful buggy horse had his leg broken. The buffalo cows bellowed all night, and we expected they would be down among us before morning, but fortunately they kept back among the bluffs. Their bellowing sounded like distant thunder. Brother Leonard Hardy is quite sick with cholera. 31st. Took an early start this morning. Traveled thirteen miles and came to the crossing of the South Fork of the Platte River. Our wagons all crossed safely before dark. Camped on the bank of the river. It is about 1/4 of a mile wide.

take the burden of the ten baggage wagons on his shoulders. Bro. Gardner, the blacksmith, worked all day and had a number of men to help him repair the wagons, but did not get all done. 5th. Bro. Hardy is better this morning and started out with sixteen of his division to go ahead. Bro. Green started out alone without counsel and out of order. Bro. Whipple stared with a part of his divisions and went four miles in search of feed for our cattle which was very short. Captain Hardy also camped with us for the day. The land on the north side of the river is prairie, while on the south side is high towering bluffs, which look like fortifications in many places. 7th. Bro. Woodruff came up with us this morning. We had a meeting this afternoon. Had a new organization; Bros. Whipple, Gardner, Goodridge, and Rawson were transferred into Bro. Woodruff's division, making twenty-four wagons in that division and leaving twenty in Bro. Whipple's. Bro. Moffet was chosen Captain over the remainder. 8th. Very warm. Started out about eight o'clock this morning, the second division taking the lead. We had a very hard road today, very sandy and steep bluffs to climb. We traveled about twelve miles and camped near the Platte River. Feed rather short. 9th. Had very heavy showers last night, very sharp lightning and loud thunder. The wolves killed a calf belonging to Bro. Whipple. We traveled about fifteen miles and camped on the Platte. 11th. Sunday. We laid over. Held a meeting this afternoon. We had a very excellent discourse by Bro. Whipple on the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles. Bros. Woodruff and Gardner gave us some excellent instructions. This evening we saw the prairie on fire. It was a grand and imposing scene. 12th. We started on our journey at four o'clock, all well. We passed a high bluff called Exchange, on account of its resemblance to a large building. Passed Clear Creek, a small stream of very clear water. It comes from the bluffs and flows into the Platte. We traveled eighteen miles, had very good roads. We met some Government trains from Ft. Laramie. They said the first division was about fifteen miles ahead of us. 13th. Started about eight o'clock and traveled sixteen miles. Camped about three o'clock on the Platte. A heavy rain came just before we stopped. We passed Chimney Rock. This is a notable curiosity. It is 834 yards around the base, and 200 feet high. The main shaft is 100 feet in diameter. It appears to be formed of clay and sand of two colors, gray and white. It also has the appearance of cement between the two columns. It is supposed by some to be work of the Nephites. 14th. It is a clear beautiful morning. We made an early start and went about nineteen miles. We saw some Indians for the first time since we started. Their wigwams were

Aug. 1st. We ascended to the bluffs this morning and came upon an extensive plain or rolling prairie. Had some tremendous steep bluffs to descend. It seemed impossible for such heavily loaded teams to descend in safety, but we all reached Ash Hollow without an accident. We traveled eighteen miles and camped on the North Fork of the Platte. 2nd. We washed today. Ash Hollow is a beautiful place. Bluffs on both sides of the hollow which appears to have been the bed of a river once, and opens onto the North Fork of the Platte which runs from the east and to the west. Bro. Woodruff's company joined us tonight with the exception of six wagons which were left, two broken down and became too dark to come down the steep hills. Bro. Hardy's health was poor, getting better slowly of the cholera. 4th. Sunday. Had a meeting. Bro. Woodruff made a proposition that we stop with his ten baggage wagons, and let the rest of the first and second divisions or as many as wished to go ahead. He felt he had so much care on his shoulders. Bro. Whipple said that he would



spread along the road. They were Sioux. They looked very neat and clean for Indians. The men came out on horses to look at us. The squaws with their papooses stood along the road and tried to sell us some moccasins. One of the men wanted to trade a horse for a white squaw. We passed Scotts Bluff on the right. We leave the river here and strike into the bluffs. We found chokecherries and wild plums; they were not quite ripe. We camped on the open prairie. There is a beautiful cold spring here. 15th. We did not start until late this morning. We had a long meeting to settle some difficulties between some members of the company not worth mentioning. We crossed Horse Creek and camped about half a mile farther on. This creek is several rods wide, about a foot deepand very muddy. The water after standing a few minutes became perfectly clear and very good to drink. A very heavy shower came up just after we camped. 18th. Sunday. On account of the feed being so poor, we thought it best to travel. We went twelve miles. Passed Ft. Laramie. We camped on the Platte River. We found Captain Hardy's train about 1/2 mile from us. We had not seen them for two weeks. They were all well. Mrs. Bird had a stillborn child on Saturday morning. 20th. We traveled about two and one-half miles. The feed is so good we thought it best to let the animals feed up and rest. A company of Cheyenne Indians came along in the afternoon and camped beside us. They had been out on a buffalo hunt and were returning to Ft. Laramie to sell their skins. They looked very friendly. We traded some with them. Bro. Woodruff lost an ox last night and had to go back to the Fort to get some more, which delayed us some. 21st. We started about 2 p.m. and traveled about four miles. We had a very bad hill to go down. Bro. Woodruff's carriage horse got frightened and ran away. Phoebe Foss was in the carriage but jumped out. The horse ran until he got tangled up in the brush, no damage was done. We camped on the Platte. 22nd. Started early, traveled about 21 miles over a very uneven road. We passed through a band of Cheyenne Indians. They were camped on the bank of a beautiful clear creek. There were several hundred of them. We crossed another creek and camped. 23rd. We started early and traveled about 25 miles. We crossed three creeks. One was about three rods wide and one and a half feet deep. The roads were uneven and dangerous in some places, and in others nice and smooth. Camped on the Platte River. Cool and pleasant. There were some buffalo on the banks where we camped tonight. 24th. We are in the midst of the Black Hills. They look black at a distance, but when near they are green and covered with straggling pines. We traveled eight and a half miles and camped for the day. We

met Bros. Stratton and Banks from Salt Lake who had been sent out to meet and cheer us on our way. They brought us some potatoes, which tasted so good. They will tell us where to find good camping places. We held a meeting in the afternoon. Bro. Stratton read a letter from Pres. Brigham Young. It was truly cheering to us to hear from the Valley and know that we were not forgotten by the Saints in the Valley, while we are traveling in the wilderness. It caused us to rejoice and feel like starting anew on our journey. Camped on the Platte River. 25th. We took a vote last night to travel today on account of the delay we had the fore part of the week. We traveled nineteen and a half miles to the Labout Crossing. This is a beautiful river about two rods wide and one foot deep, pleasant and cool. The road is rough today. Our first and second divisions left this place this morning. Bro. Hardy had lost an ox and his horses were giving out. We found some cherries along the river. Camped on the Labout River. 26th. We traveled eighteen miles. Came up with the two first divisions. They were all well but Bro. Hardy who is still suffering from the cholera. Only three families came up, Bros. Gardner, Goodridge and Rawson. The rest of our division camped back about a mile and a half. 27th. Our division that stayed back lost more than half of their cattle last night. We have got to lay by and hunt them up. The first and second divisions went ahead today. Bros. Stratton and Hanks killed a buffalo and brought it to camp. They saw a grizzly bear. 28th. No cattle found yet. We cannot travel today. We went out this morning and picked fourteen quarts of cherries. 29th. Part of the cattle were found last night. They are hunting the rest today. It is very sandy here. The last two days we traveled about three miles through it. We saw some mountain sheep in the hills. 30th. We started this morning before breakfast and went to the place where the remainder of our division was camped on the Laferella Creek. Our company killed two buffalo today. The rest of the cattle were found today all but three. Bro. Smoot passed us today. Bros. Heywood and Woolley camped with us tonight. We held a meeting together. They had had but one death in their company and had got along well. 31st. We started this morning about ten o'clock. We crossed Box Elder Creek. Bro. Bedford has got his roadameter going today. We traveled fourteen miles. Sept. 1st. We started about 10 o'clock and crossed Deer Creek. Traveled about thirteen miles and one-half. We passed Bro. Smoot's company. We had strong winds and some rains. 2nd. Started at 10 o'clock. Crossed crooked Muddy Creek and camped on the Platte. Traveled thirteen miles. We picked thirty-three quarts of buffalo berries. They taste



very much like currants and are red. They have one seed in them and make excellent sauce and pie. 3rd. Started at 9 o'clock and came to the Platte crossing. We stopped two hours to rest and feed our cattle, and then crossed the river. The scenery along the Platte River is very grand. A very high and long mountain chain extends southwest. We have followed it for three days and have not come to the end of it yet. We crossed the North Fork of the Platte without any accidents. We traveled nine and one-half miles and camped on the Platte River. Saw a grizzly bear. 5th. Planned an early start, but our cattle got mixed up with Smoot's on account of our herdsmen not attending to duty. My brother, George, caught some bass and suckers. We traveled 14 miles and camped by a beautiful clear spring. We passed quite a number of dead cattle, perhaps 25, caused by a poisoned spring of water. The country here is not quite so rocky and barren as it has been for the past few days. We came through a place called Rock Avenue. It is about a quarter of a mile in length and lined with rocks on each side. 6th. We traveled 16 miles today and camped on Greasewood Creek, a beautiful creek and good feed. The weather is very pleasant. We camped with Bro. Smoot's company. Bro. Stratton left to start. They took a beautiful wild horse with them that they had captured. 7th. We traveled eight miles today. We passed a saleratus lake and camped at the foot of Independence Rock. This evening we had a dance on the banks of the Sweetwater. The whole camp participated. 8th. The air is cool this morning. I have just climbed Independence Rock and the view is beautiful. The Sweetwater flows southwest at the base of the rock and winds around the foot of the mountain. The Saleratus Lake is seen in the northwest, the Devil's Gate in the west, while mountains are to be seen on all sides. We crossed the Sweetwater and traveled on until we came to the Devil's Gate. We stopped and ate our dinner here. This is a curious freak of nature. The rocks are perpendicular four hundred feet high and in one place the gap between them is only two feet wide. The Sweetwater flows through the gap. Some of us crossed it on foot just for the novelty of it. 9th. Traveled 8 miles over a heavy sandy road, crossed the Sweetwater and camped. We were detained in the morning until nearly noon on account of Bro. Woodruff's teamsters; one of them was fired and the other two left. They were rough, obscene men. Did not belong to the Church and were stealing the supplies. 11th. We started early, crossed the Sweetwater three times. Camped at Ice Springs. Traveled 8 miles, windy and dusty. Many rocks and hills. The ice springs are a great curiosity. About one or two feet below the surface of the spring any quantity of ice may be found.

It is not good for use; it has a bad smell. 12th. We started early this morning. We passed a fine Saleratus Lake. We gathered what we wanted. It was very white and clean. All we had to do was scrape it up. We crossed the Sweetwater. Found ice in our pails this morning. 13th. We started at noon and went 8 miles and camped on the Sweetwater. Plenty of good feed and wood. Some of our cattle gave out last night, so our Captain thought it best that we rest part of the day. 14th. We started at 7 o'clock and traveled about two miles and came to a new route to the pass made by Captain Andrus. We took it and went eleven and a half miles and lost three miles and camped on Quaken Asp Creek. 15th. We traveled about five miles and camped on Sweetwater. We started a coal pit and held a meeting. Four wagons came up tonight from Hunter's company. 16th. We crossed the Sweetwater for the last time. We traveled 15 miles and camped at Pacific Springs. We met Captain Hardy in search of his horses. Capt. Currie's horse is gone also and one belonging to another man. 17th. We stopped to do some repairing this morning. We let Capt. Hardy have a yoke of oxen so he could travel on. We started out about noon. Just as we were starting, five Indians came up. One was a squaw who could speak English. They said they had found two horses. Brothers Woodruff and Atwood went with them to their camp. They took a few articles with them, supposing they were not willing to give up the horses. Aunt Hattie sent a blanket shawl. We waited the result. Traveled 13 miles and camped on Pacific Bitter Creek. 19th. We have heard nothing from Bros. Woodruff and Atwood, and we feel somewhat alarmed at their long absence. We sent two messengers back to Capt. Woolley's camp to see if they have heard from them, and if not to have him join us and send our united forces of men after them. Our messengers had not been gone more than one-half hour when we saw them returning with Bros. Woodruff and Atwood with one of Bro. Hardy's horses and one of Bro. Currie's. We were glad to see them. It appears that the Indians had stolen them and then wanted to be paid for returning them. When the brethren got to their camp they found three hundred warriors and about one thousand horses. They were going to war with the Cheyennes. These Indians were Shoshonies. They had lost one of the horses, he was an ugly horse and got away from them, and took several of the Indian horses with him. We traveled 11 miles and camped on the Big Sandy River. William Nealey shot an antelope. 20th. We camped last night with Heywood and Woolley company and our first division. We started out about 10 o'clock, Capt. Hardy moving out first, Bro. Woolley next. We traveled 16 miles and camped with Capt. Hardy's company on



the Big Sandy River. 21st. Bro. Woodruf's ox died this morning. He was at a dead stand; he could not go another rod without help. We concluded to let him take my father's oxen and Bro. Hardy's team, and Bro. Hardy take a yoke of Bro. Barrows, so as to have all the borrowed cattle in their division. We traveled six miles and met Bro. Brigham Young from the Valley, who stated there was no feed on Green River, so we camped on the Big Sandy River. 22nd. Sunday. Held a meeting and felt very much instructed with the remarks of the speakers. We made a coal pit, set some tires, and made some shoes and nails. 23rd. We traveled nine miles and camped on Green River. George, my brother, caught a catfish a foot long. 24th. Started at 8 o'clock, went 19 and a half miles and camped at Ham's Fork. We passed some beautiful scenery on the banks of the river. We met two brothers from the Valley, stating that the Snake Indians were hostile to the Mormons and some of them had been killed, that four hundred Indians were in the mountains armed to the teeth, so we had better be on our guard.... 28th. We drove up our cattle in order to make an early start. Found after we got started about ten cattle were missing. All hands went to search for them, and finally concluded they had gone back. Brothers Atwood and Nealey mounted horses and went back and found them about 14 miles on the back trail. Got in with them about dusk. We were very glad to see them. We spent the day fishing. There are some beautiful trout in the streams and very large. 29th. Started early and traveled eleven miles. Camped on a small creek. We had a very bad hill to descend. One of Brother Woodruff's wagons had the axle broken, one of our wagons had a wheel broken.

fourth inch thick. It has been a beautiful day. We met Brother Hyde on his way to the station. He brought good news from the Valley. We traveled ten miles. 5th. Started early, traveled eighteen miles, camped on Echo Creek. Bro. Hunter came up and camped with us. We had to cross the creek a number of times. In some places it was bad, and we had to stop and mend the roads. Brother Gibson tipped over without doing any damage. 11th. We traveled three miles and came to the foot of the mountain. We had dinner and then started for the top, the second division being in head. We found the road very bad, but we made out to get to the top without any accidents, but the second division broke three wagons. We made seven miles and camped on top of the mountain. 12th. We took our teams and went down the mountain and helped the others up, then traveled down the other side of the mountain about nine miles and camped at the foot of another mountain. 14th. Mrs. Delin had a daughter born last night. Bro. Woodruff came up with us this morning and we all drove into the Valley of Salt Lake and camped in the Fort. It was a rather dreary homecoming. It was very dry and dusty, and the wind was blowing the dust in clouds. Only a few little log and adobe houses to be seen, fenced in with rail and willow fences. A few shade trees and fruit trees were to be seen here and there. I thought at first; "Have I got to spend the rest of my days here in this dreary looking place?" But I soon felt all right about it and loved my mountain home.

Oct. 1st. We started early and traveled fifteen miles. We had an excellent road. It was rather hilly, but even and smooth. One of Brother Woodruff's cows died in the yoke today. We passed the highest summit of the journey today. There is some splendid scenery around the mountains. We camped in a valley at the foot of the mountains. 2nd. We had rain, thunder and lightning last night. It cleared up this morning. We traveled six miles. We had a very steep hill to climb; had to double teams. We camped on Bear River. We caught a glimpse of our first division climbing the mountains ahead of us. 3rd. We picked twelve quarts of Hawberries. We intend to make vinegar of them. We traveled six and one-half miles and camped on a small creek. Joseph Webb tipped his wagon over which prevented us from going any further today. Our road winds along at the foot of the mountains, very wild and picturesque. We camped on Yellow Creek. 4th. Very cold last night, froze the water over in our pails one-

BISHOP HARDY Leonard Wilford Hardy was born December 31, 1805, to Simon and Rhoda Hardy in Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts. He passed his boyhood in Bradford, learning the shoemaker's trade from his father. Although this work brought them a good living it did not seem to agree with Leonard's health, and he turned to farming. He was thrifty and energetic and obtained what schooling he could, but the opportunities for an education were very limited and he relied mostly on his native talents and abilities to make his livelihood. He was trustworthy in all his dealings



and as a farmer became a respected landowner and at diferent times held positions of leadership and responsibility in the community. He was brought up in the stern and sober manner of the Puritan influence and firmly believed and practiced the moral teachings he received.

prophecy. He was never called on to retract what he had said. The turn of events now prompted a move from his native state and he took his family to Petersborough, New Hampshire. Making the acquaintance of Jesse C. Little, he joined him in a mercantile venture which proved profitable to the extent that he stayed there until the spring of 1850 when he joined the westward movement of the Church. Selling his share in the business and closing out all other interests, he said goodbye to his New England and journeyed toward a new life.

In September, 1826 he married Elizabeth Nichols Goodridge, widow of Barnard Goodridge of Georgetown, Mass. Leonard and Elizabeth had three children, two sons and a daughter. The younger son, Rufus, died in the East. The girl grew to womanhood and married Alonzo Russell. Charles, the elder boy, came to Utah and died in Salt Lake City. Just where and when Leonard Hardy first heard the Gospel is not known, but he was baptized into the Church on Dec. 2, 1832 by Elder Orson Hyde. A notation in Church History under date of Friday, Dec. 6, 1844 reads as follows: "Elder Wilford Woodruff and family, in company with Elder H. Clark and Dan Jones and their families, and Elder Hilton Holmes and Leonard W. Hardy, sailed from New York in the packet ship, John B. Skiddy, for Liverpool, England." With Elder Holmes, Leonard Hardy was assigned to the Manchester District, but did not stay there very long; he was appointed to preside over the Preston Conference and took up his labors there with great zeal. However, he had a very dreadful experience. He was given a room wherein a patient had just died of smallpox and not even the linen on the bed had been changed. He became a victim of the disease and nearly lost his life, but through the administration of the priesthood and his faith he recovered and was able to continue his labors. Leaving Preston, he preached the Gospel in other localities of England, making many converts. On the 19th of October, he boarded a vessel for America and arrived home safely, being welcomed by friends and family who rejoiced that the separation was over. In spite of the demands made upon his time in supporting his family, he never ceased his labor in the Church and fulfilled all his assignments faithfully. During his labors in England, he asked Elder Woodruff to give him a blessing. The Apostle promised him a safe journey to his home, and that his later life would be spent in the capacity of one of the leading bishops of the Church in the land of Zion. Leonard was so amazed at this promise that he could not believe it at first, and said that his faith was sorely tried in trying to accept it. Elder Woodruff told him to wait and see and if it did not come to pass he would admit that he had not spoken with the spirit of

Fate placed him again with Apostle Woodruff, for it was in his company that he came to Utah. He had been commissioned to gather the Saints in the East and to bring them and those remaining at Winter Quarters to the Rocky Mountains. It was with much joy that Leonard found himself again in the company of this beloved Apostle. On the 9th of April, 1850, the Hardy family joined the others at Boston and began the long and arduous trek across the plains to the fast growing empire in the Salt Lake Valley. In the June 18th entry in his diary he wrote: "We traveled six miles today. Captain Petty was chosen captain over a hundred, Leonard W. Hardy captain over the first fifty, Brother Whipple over second fifty, George Gardner captain over ten. Our company all well." Two of the wagons in Capt. Hardy's company were his own, one being drawn by a span of horses and the other by two yoke of oxen. Cholera, the scourge of the pioneer, took its toll with the company, as it had with all the others, and before the journey's end eleven gave up their lives to the ravages of the disease. Capt. Hardy became ill with the malady and though he was carefully nursed and taken care of he found it extremely hard to keep at his assigned duties. In Capt. Hardy's camp there was a family by the name of Goodridge, father, mother, several young girls and an 11-year-old boy. They were a musical family, full of fun and possessing the happy faculty of making the best and most of every situation. The girls sang and danced; they gathered berries on the way; they laughed. But they also counted the graves and wondered about the sadness and hardships of the travelers and wept for those who were left behind on the prairie. They helped nurse the sick, washed and mended, cooked and carried water; they knew how to work. When necessary they would wade streams without complaining, shake the dust out of their clothing without resentment and gather buffalo chips without disgust. They could fall on their knees night and morning



and thank their Heavenly Father for their health and strength, their safety, their food and clothing, and the boundless sea of grass that paved their way to freedom....

Always finding time to work as a faithful Church member, he was appointed to the Bishopric of the Twelfth Ward on April 6, 1856. This assignment was augmented on June 21st with the addition of taking over the Eleventh Ward also. October 12th of the same year he was called to be First Counselor to Bishop Edward Hunter of the Presiding Bishopric of the Church. He held this position until the death of Bishop Hunter in October 1883. He became First Counselor to Bishop Preston, a position he held at the time of his own demise less than a year later. Elder Hardy was called on a mission in 1869 and on Nov. 20th left Salt Lake City for Massachusetts, his native state. He baptized two converts into the Church, held many meetings, and otherwise looked after the affairs of the members in the four months he was there. His return home was marked by a happy reunion with his large family.

As they came into Wyoming they met scouts sent out by President Brigham Young to help them on the way. One of them had brought a letter from the President and it cheered them all to hear his heartening words of courage and understanding. Capt. Hardy, still weak from his illness, lost one of his oxen and was further disturbed by the fact that his horses were giving out. Further delay and anxiety was caused by cattle straying off at night in search of better forage. However, the berries and wild currants were ripe now and the cooks were trying their hands at sauces and pies. Fishing was good along the way, and the change of diet was most welcome to all.... On October 14th, after spending the night at the mouth of Emigration Canyon, the company drove into the Valley with Apostle Woodruff at their head. The sight was not too encouraging to the tired pioneers. It was hot and dusty and a wind was blowing the dry air over them as they passed the few log or adobe houses with their rude fences. Into the fort they drove their teams and at last realized that they were at the end of their journey. There is no hint in the records of their journey across the plains that there was any love affair between Captain Leonard Wilford Hardy and Sophia Lois Goodridge, but soon after their arrival in the Salt Lake Valley they were married; the 28th day of November to be exact; she was 24 and he would soon be 45.

From Church Chronology we have this reference: 29 May 1883-Bishops Williams B. Preston and Leonard W. Hardy arrived at Rexburg, Snake River Valley, Idaho. During the few following days they located the townsites of Teton, Wilford, Lyman, Burton and Parker. In his office of the Presiding Bishopric, Elder Hardy traveled extensively for the Church, looking after its holdings and helping to build up the various wards and stakes. On April 14, 1877 he laid the cornerstone for the Aaronic Priesthood at the Manti Temple site. He married his third wife, Esther Smilinda Goodridge, on August 20, 1854. On the 28th of March 1858, he took as his fourth wife another of the Goodridge sisters, Harriet Ann. Elizabeth Nichols, the first wife, died Oct. 13, 1872 in Salt Lake City, a faithful wife and mother all the days of her life . . . .

Upon his arrival in Salt Lake, Captain Hardy put his storekeeper experience into good practice; he engaged in salesmanship and affiliated himself with various mercantile houses. He was associated with Edwin D. Woolley, Oscar H. Dogswell, Livingston and Kincaid, Livingston and Bell, and others. His capacity for leadership was recognized and needed in the fast-growing community, and he was appointed Chief of Police for the City under Jedediah M. Grant. Later he served on the City Council from 1859 to 1866. Before this he had proved his worth as Captain of Company D, Second Regiment, Second Cohort, in the Nauvoo Legion to which he had been elected in 1851. In this capacity he took part in the Echo Canyon War and all other events of the period where military strength and prowess were needed.

Bishop Hardy maintained a home in the 12th Ward on the corner of Second South and Fourth East, but also owned one in Parley's Canyon on the land he had bought as early as 1858. About 1874 Bishop Hardy purchased land in the Sugar House area and built homes for his three sister-wives. It was there he died from the effects of a stroke that had left him partially paralyzed. His life was a shining example of all the attributes that make up the character of a noble man. He was honest and benevolent, diligent and sincere. He was an inspiration for good to those with whom he associated and lived a true Christian life in every respect. He passed away July 31, 1884; his funeral was held on a Sunday morning in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, and he was buried the same day, August 3rd, in the City Cemetery. -Files of D.U.P.



Isabelle Brown McKenzie wrote: Soon after the City of Salt Lake was laid out, many of the men took up homesteads, and moved onto them with their families, in order to earn a livelihood at farming. The Sugar House district was at that time all farming, and because of its location with regard to the city and water for irrigation, it was particularly desirable. Daniel Garn took up a forty-acre tract which began at what is known as Lake Street. Mr. Garn sold ten acres of his farm to Leonard Wilford Hardy, who was for many years the bishop of the old Twelfth Ward. A small house was built at 1776 Ninth East. At that time there were no avenues running east and west; the only streets ran north and south, and the streets cut through in an east and west direction were called 10th, 11th and 13th South, with a half mile between each.

Harriet Ann Goodridge was born the 9th of March, 1828, in Lunenburg, Worcester County, Mass., where she spent her early girlhood. With her family she traveled to Kanesville, Iowa, where they joined a company of Saints who were migrating to Utah in 1850. On the 5th of October, 1851, Harriet married Seth Blair, the marriage ending in divorce. On the 28th of March, 1858, she married Leonard Wilford Hardy, who had already taken two of her sisters in marriage. A baby boy, Franklin, was born to them on the 21st day of Nov. 1859, however, the little fellow was not long for this world and died a few days later. She had no more children. Harriet left with her husband in October, 1869, to fulfill a mission for the Church in the Eastern States. They returned March 5, 1870. It is known that Harriet was a large, handsome woman, capable in many ways. The expression on her face was calm and serene and her brown eyes gave a feeling of warmth and understanding.

Bishop Hardy built what was then a very fine home at 1838 Ninth East. The home on Ninth East was a frame building, with three large rooms on the ground floor and two bedrooms on the upper, and a large kitchen and roomy pantry. This house was built for Hattie, who later moved to 330 West 3rd North, when Esther moved into it. Esther had lived at Mountain Dell in Parley's Canyon, where she cooked for the many farm hands. She lived in this home on Ninth East until her death in 1914. The housewives of those early days worked a heavy windlass to draw the oaken bucket with its load of cold crystal water, thirty to sixty feet at the top of a well; then there was a last effort to grasp the bucket and swing it over the top of the well-curb. It was such a well as this that was sunk just north of the Hardy house. The importance of a well of this kind cannot be overestimated. Many a thirsty traveler has been refreshed by a drink from the old Hardy well, and it served the neighbors as well as the Hardy family. The well-curb was built of strong planks. The splendid farm, once yielding rich crops of fruit and grain, is now covered with stores and homes of brick and cement. Irrigation ditches have been filled up; wells exist no more; trees have been uprooted to make way for homes and pavements; where once the patient oxen with their drivers walking beside them plodded their weary way to town, autos dash along, making light the once long journey.

A grandniece, Eugenia Rampton, writes of her: "I had the privilege of living with Aunt Hattie for a few weeks in the fall of 1901 and a more angelic person I have never known. Her prayers night and morning were unforgettable and the simple prayer at meal time I shall ever remember. She got up one morning and announced that she going to help a family in need of a doctor. Whether or not they paid her I do not know, but it made no difference to her. Like many another woman, she was ready to go on a minute's notice. My father, the eldest son of her sister, Sophia, said that he hardly knew the difference between his own mother and the other two sisters. "After my grandmother, Sophia, left the Canyon home, Aunt Esther and Aunt Hattie remained and some of the boys stayed there most of the time until they were about 19 years of age. For years a niece, Mary Hovey Lambert, daughter of Lusannah, lived with Aunt Hattie and later a



grandniece, Genevieve Hardy Dangerfield, lived with both women. Hattie's home was in the 19th Ward on Third West. I well remember the long row of white rooms, four it seems to me, with the porch in front of all. It stood on an acre and a third of ground with an old apple tree in the backyard, with other fruit trees and a vegetable garden taking up the remaining space. Hattie was thrifty and quiet, spending her years in service to her fellowman. She died in Salt Lake City on the 31st day of May, 1904, age 76." -Georgie Hardy Steed Sophia Lois Goodridge born July 2 , 1 8 2 6 a t Lu n e n b u r g , Massachusetts, to Benjamin and Penelope Randall Gardner Goodridge. Sophia was baptized Dec. 16, 1844, the first one of her family to receive the Gospel. When a young girl Sophia studied music under the leadership of Lowell Mason of Boston, whose works grace many of the hymn books of today. She had a very beautiful voice. On November 28, 1850, soon after her arrival in the Valley, she was married to Leonard W. Hardy, the captain of the company in which she emigrated. Her sister, Sarah Louisa, married Joseph Grafton Hovey on the same day, both ceremonies being performed at the home of Joseph Hovey. Being a gifted musician, she had brought one of the first melodeons across the plains with her and used it for many years afterward. She was given the distinction of being the first to sing in public the now familiar song, The Glorious Light of Truth, which was composed especially for her by William Clayton after he heard her sing in the Old Bowery in Salt Lake City in 1851. She also took part in plays. At home she rigged up a draw curtain and her daughter Nell wrote a play called "The Fairy, Demon, and the Lost Child," which was presented in the dining room of her home. She managed the curtain and made the costumes for the children who were eight, ten, and three years old. Twenty-one people came to see the play

and said they liked it better than plays they had paid to see. Sophia was the mother of nine children, five sons and four daughters. While her husband was Bishop of the 12th Ward, she made her home at 2nd South and 4th East. After his death, she moved to the Hardy Farm in Sugar House and lived in a new brick home which is still standing at 1812 South 9th East. Sophia died at the home of her daughter, Lena Jenkinson, on November 3, 1903, in her 77th year. At the time of her death she was survived by 60 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Her funeral services were held in the 12th Ward meetinghouse. The speakers were Thomas B. Williams, Joshua Midgely, Seymour B. Young, and Joseph E. Taylor. The interment followed at the City Cemetery, where Thomas V. Williams dedicated the grave. Esther Smilinda Goodridge, daughter of Benjamin and Penelope Gardner Goodridge, was born March 16, 1836 in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Her father and mother and their family joined the Utah band of pioneers, traveled by oxteam and went through the varied experiences and hardships of that journey. They started on May 21, 1850 and arrived in Utah October 14, 1850. Esther was married to Leonard W. Hardy August 20, 1854. He was then Bishop of the 12th Ward, where she lived until 1865. She became the mother of five children, three girls and two boys. She moved to Salt Lake City on May 6, 1878, to what was then called Sugar House Ward, where she was chosen second counselor to Sarah B. Gibson, President of the Relief Society, Jan. 1, 1879. She served in that capacity until October 25, 1904. While she



lived in Parley's Canyon and after moving to Sugar House, she acted as midwife, not only to her own family, but to many who needed her. In those days they had no trained nurses outside of the hospital, so the midwife for ten days bathed and changed mother and baby. Esther had remarkable success, never losing a mother or babe, and she waited on a great many. She had a very kind, sweet disposition and was loved by all who knew her. After a short illness while on a visit to her granddaughter, Esther Fairbanks, in Preston, Idaho, she died on August 29, 1914. Services were held in the Sugar House Ward Chapel, September 2, 1914. Interment was in the City Cemetery. -Rhoda A. Hardy Garn

original Pioneer Trail over the Big Mountain was partly abandoned and the traffic diverted through Parley's Canyon. Grandfather Hardy had quite a supply of hay and many outfits camped at his place and adjacent camp grounds, and his home was known for many years as Hardy's Station.

HARDY’S STATION Parley's Canyon was named in honor of the esteemed pioneer and churchman, Parley P. Pratt. The extreme length of the canyon from where it enters the Valley to the summit is about thirteen miles. About six miles up the canyon it branches into two main forks, one bearing to the east and still called Parley's Canyon, the other bearing to the north and named Mountain Dell. Lovely streams of water run continuously in each of these forks, and in the spring of the year, from the melting snows, they often become raging torrents. At the junction of these creeks, the canyon widens considerably forming quite an area of land suitable for farming. R. G. Hardy wrote: It was at the junction of two creeks that Leonard Wilford Hardy acquired a piece of land, as well as another piece about a mile farther up the canyon which was used as a hay farm. The remainder of available lands were acquired by other men desirous of making a home in the canyon. The names that I recall were: Richard Winmill, Wm. Taylor, Bines Dixon, Wm. Hardy, Edward Laird, Seymour B. Young, Martin Garn, Sven Olson, Don Carlos Young, J. C. Neilsen, Wm. Roach and James Bullock. As the pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley increased each year it became very urgent that a supply of timber be made available for the building of homes, and Parley's Canyon had quite a supply in the upper forks. Sawmills were built and vast quantities of lumber and timber were hauled into the Valley. Later it was found that a road could be built over the summit having a very gradual slope, and down into East Canyon joining up with the pioneer trail and making a better road than the one over the Big Mountain and down Emigration Canyon. So the road was built and the

About 1888 a school district was organized in Mt. Dell as the 55th District of Salt Lake County. A board of trustees was elected, Wm. B. Hardy was selected as chairman and secretary of the board, which position he held until the district was dissolved in 1899. About 1892 enough money had accumulated to warrant the building of a new school. This was a two-story building, the lower part made of stone from the local quarry, the upper part being of brick hauled from Salt Lake. Salt Lake City was growing very rapidly and a need for additional water became very evident. The city built a dam at the mouth of the canyon for the purpose of diverting the water into mains which would carry the water into the city. This dam was built about 1891. The farmers in the canyon still owned the water rights and when it became dry in the summer they used a big share of the water for irrigating, leaving only a small stream for the city which really required all the water. The city began to negotiate with the farmers for their water rights which they were not willing to give up unless the land was sold too. The city also claimed that the drainage from the stables and yards was contaminating the water, making it unfit for culinary purposes, thus endangering the health of thousands of people. So the fight went on for several years and finally resulted in a victory for the city and the farmers were practically forced to sell. By 1900 there was not a farmer left in the canyon and the city had acquired all of the water rights. However, this was not sufficient for the fast growing city, and it was evident that storage was necessary to conserve the waters of the spring floods, etc. Shortly after the turn of the century preparations were made to investigate the feasibility of constructing a dam in the canyon which would be sufficiently large to store all the run-off water. The report was favorable so the dam was built about a half mile below the Hardy farm, which backs up the water so that our old homesite is entirely submerged when the reservoir is full. In 1899 my father, Wm. B. Hardy, sold out his holdings in the canyon and moved his family to Alberta, Canada, where I have lived ever since. I still cherish many fond remembrances of the dear old canyon where I spent my boyhood days.



From Records of Tacy Hardy Winmill: In 1850 Leonard W. Hardy purchased a farm in Parley's canyon, and moved a portion of his family there, keeping a station for Ben Holladay's Overland Stage Line. At this place he owned a seven-room log house and a large barn where the stage company kept extra horses. They drove two span or four horses at a time on each stage, which would come from Salt Lake City and stop at the station. The passengers would be served meals at Hardy's home while the hostelers changed the horses. The station was continued until the arrival of the Union Pacific Railroad. We went to school in the meetinghouse, which served as recreation hall, schoolhouse and chapel. We had parties and dances in it and we danced to the music of the accordion. At our school we had only one teacher for all the grades, so we could not advance as fast as we should have done. In 1894 the new schoolhouse was built, a two-story building with the school downstairs and the recreation hall upstairs. That gave us more advantages in school as our teachers were better educated to teach.

August 20, 1882, the Saints at Mt. Dell were organized as a ward with Wm. B. Hardy as bishop. At that time the ward population, including children, was about 100. Wm. B. Hardy presided at Mountain Dell until 1895 when the ward organization was discontinued and Bines Dixon appointed as presiding elder.

Mountain Dell Ward consisted of Latter-day Saints residing in Parley's Canyon, in the heart of the Wasatch Mountains, and on Parleys Creek, originally called Canyon Creek and its tributaries. It was 14 miles southeast of the center of Salt Lake City, and its altitude about 5300 feet above sea level. All kinds of vegetables were raised, including potatoes, of which some samples weighed four pounds each. In 1850 Parley P. Pratt built a toll road from the main forks of this canyon, which road was opened to traffic July 4, 1850 under the name of the Golden Pass. This road, however, was soon afterwards washed out by floods. Among the first settlers in Mt. Dell were Ephraim K. Hanks and Augustus P. Hardy, who in 1858 established a trading post in the canyon for the accommodation of travelers. At their hotel meals cost from $1.00 to $2.50, and a hundred pounds of sugar sold for $125.00. Hanks and Hardy left the canyon, and when in 1860 Leonard W. Hardy took charge of the locality and remained there for several years, it became known as Hardy's Place. For the benefit of these pioneer settlers a branch of the Church was organized in March 1867.... In 1869 a more completely organized branch, named Mountain Dell, was established, with James Laird as presiding elder, the branch being under the jurisdiction of the Sugar House Ward Bishopric. The Saints erected a log meetinghouse, which in 1894 was replaced by a substantial rock schoolhouse, which served also for religious services. On Sunday,

PENELOPE WRITES Shortly after the death of her husband in 1859, Penelope Goodridge felt the necessity of recording the events which she would witness throughout the remainder of her life.



Feb. 19, 1860. For the last few months I have at times felt very lonely, having no one in my family but my son, George, and he, like other youngsters almost always away, and so to pass off some of my lonesome hours methinks I will pass some of them in writing down a few incidents as I pass along through life. My husband, Benjamin Goodridge, died on the 2nd day of last December about 9 o'clock in the forenoon. He had

been in a very strange and singular way for some years. I know not the cause, but I know he was a great sufferer in his mind by spells. I passed through so much with him I don't want to reflect upon it. His last sickness was what we called the pleurisy or lung fever. He lived only nine days after the attack. Although he was an invalid for many years, he seemed a kind of protector which I very much miss, but he is gone and according to the common course of nature I must soon follow. He was 65 years and two months old, lacking one day. I believe he is happy for he showed himself to me immediately after we started from the graveyard. He looked so fair and pleasant and so very natural, he could not be otherwise than happy. I felt that it was but a step between us and that I should soon be with him. George and I went home with Brother Hardy's folks, and that evening as I was reflecting on the transaction of the day, came near saying to Harriet and Esther as they were both present, "I want you to have my burial clothes in readiness," but did not say it for fear they would think it strange for mother to make such a request. I have no work but the work of salvation and may the Lord help me to accomplish that in a manner that will be acceptable in His sight. I have all the necessaries of life and I thank my Heavenly Father. I ask my God, my Heavenly Father, in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, to continue his blessings unto me according to my needs while I sojourn upon the earth. My children 6 in number, 5 girls and 1 boy are very kind, not one of them would willingly hurt my feelings in the least, but rather try to make me happy as far as their circumstances will admit. My sons-in-law are equally kind. My grandchildren appear fond of me. I have a pleasant home which as yet I can call my own, but it is so lonesome sometimes. I resort to many things to while away the time. After the funeral of my husband I stopped at the Bishop's over 3 weeks. Harriet with little Frankie came home with me. She stayed 2 or 3 weeks, which made it more pleasant. March 6th. This morning I am alone again. I have not had much time to be lonely, the 22nd of February, Esther had a son born, Owen. I went there the same day and stayed ten days. I enjoyed myself first rate, came home 3 days ago. George is absent tonight. There is a snowstorm out, but very still in. I have a good fire, a good light and am very comfortable. Last Saturday evening I went to the Tabernacle, heard Gibson lecture concerning the Malay tribes and other tribes that are many thousands of miles away. Mr. Flint, my son-in-law, is quite sick; he thinks he has the



mountain fever. 25th. Mr. Flint and family moved north yesterday. Left their house empty and desolate. Three of my nearest neighbors have left and strangers have come instead, which I have not yet seen. I hope they are good people and that I shall take much comfort with them. Sophia came here last Tuesday with her 6 children and Ellen Parkinson, stayed all night. Wednesday, Harriet and Lusannah came with their children and Mary Jane's children, all made 16 grandchildren in one day. All but one under 8 years old; a lively time we had that day sure. Today is Sunday. I have been to meeting. It is so cheering to hear the Prophets of the Most High proclaiming glad tidings to the people. Brother O. Hyde spoke first, followed by Brother Brigham.

with us, 10 years old; he has been here since sometime in September. His name is Brigham Tarvis. He is very handy, saves me many steps. I cannot well be lonesome when he is about, he is such a talker. I have had a tumor cut out of my eyebrow by Dr. Anderson. 29th. This day I enter my 68th year of my life. I feel well; my limbs are quite elastic, can do considerable work. Harriet, Esther, George, and myself took a sleigh ride north about twelve miles to Mary Jane's. Found them all well but rather uncomfortably situated. Pretty cold riding. Got home about 5 o'clock evening.

August 15th. It is a long time since I have written in my book, but I have not been idle. I have wrote several letters, two to the East, one to my sister, Weston, and one to Sewell Goodridge's widow. Lusannah and family moved to Cache soon after April conference, and I have written a number of letters to her. The spirit of loneliness came over me this evening so I thought I must write to kill time! I have a great many callers which helps to pass off time.... December 6th. Have been to the Ward meeting, several were confirmed, one babe blest, had a good meeting. Bishop Raleigh with counselors were present. Brother Hovey talked first rate, told some of his experiences in the latter-day work. This evening, Brother Hovey called to see me. I was very glad he did. He talked with me, he prayed with me and he laid his hands upon my head and blest me with the blessings of health, that my age should be renewed from that very hour and that I should feel like as if I was in my teens, that I should live many years, even as long as life was desirable. I should go to the center stake of Zion if I desired it, that I should go into the Celestial Kingdom, should be one of the one hundred and forty-four thousand that should come up on Mount Zion, that the holy angels should be roused about me to protect me. The Holy Ghost should comfort me and teach me things present and things to come, and that my blood should course through my veins from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and renovate my system, I should be like Sarah of old, and many more things that I do not recollect at this time.... 9th. It is one year last Sabbath since my husband died. How short the time seems. I scarcely can realize it to be so long. We have a boy living

January 11th, 1861. Walked to Bishop Hardy's. They had a big donation dinner for the poor. I think there was between 50 and 60 that sat down to the table, besides our own family which number 21 at the present time. On Feb. 2nd I returned home. March. George has just come in and says: "Mother, they have called on me to go with one of the teams back East to help fetch in the poor Saints. Do you think you can spare your dear son to do so?" It was giving me something of a trial, but I considered it for the best and said "go," and I am trying to fit him out so that he will go comfortable.... April 22nd. George started for the East. I accompanied him as far as the Bishop's and there parted with him with a heavy heart, asking God to protect him. After staying at Brother Hardy's a few days I returned to my lonely home for I was in truth alone. October. I have got along first rate. The Bishop works our lot. I have been well supplied with everything I was in need of. George is expected in a few days. 23rd. George has returned with his company of Saints. He looks pretty well considering he says he has seen some tight spots. I am glad he got home safe again and more glad for the good report of him. 1862. November 10th. George started with me to go to the Station. We called at Brother Taggart's. Took Eliza along with us. Found a new married couple there and as the disease is catching, George was attacked so he came home with a wife by his side. They were married by Elder James Laird. 20th. George has taken his wife, Eliza Taggart, to live with me. I hope I shall like her. It will not be so lonely. 1863. I had a grandson born in this house October 30th. They call his



name George Leonard. Sophia had a daughter born the same night.

alone. George has gone to the Station to work. He is putting in wheat.

1864. September. Had I continued my journal I should have had many an interesting item to refer to which has slipped my memory. Mr. Flint was knocked down by a horse which deprived him of his reason for hours and very much injured him otherwise. James Hovey, Lusannah's oldest boy has been near to death's door by severe sickness and pain which terminated in a fever sore on his leg which I think will always trouble him. October 3rd. The anniversary of my husband's birthday, if living, would be 70 years old. Saw Mr. Hovey last Friday, says James had been attacked in his other leg. Thinks he has arrested it, wants me to go home with him and stay all winter. Went to the store spent $2.15. I have cut 20 bushels of peaches to dry. . . .

October 22nd. I am growing less ambitious about writing, or the fact is it seems I have no time. I never was more drove with work in my life. Have just finished a pair of garments for George. I have a dress, 1 pr. sheets, 1 pr. pillow slips, 2 prs. garments, all to make for myself, besides lots of knitting. I expect to do some knitting and sewing for Eliza as she has lots to do. We have been very busy for the last 4 weeks with drying peaches. We have cut and put out 60 bushel. I stopped at the Bishop's for the most of the time in July, August, and into September, until after Esther's babe died, which was on the 4th of Sept. While there I picked wool to pay for a new flannel dress which is to come by and by. Sophia moved into the City one week ago and Harriet and Esther have gone to the Station.

November 6th. Eliza began to wean the boy. George and Dick started on Friday for salt at the Lake. Came home without any today. Sunday, Brother Taggart and wife were here. George went over the mountain to chop and haul wood. Eliza went home. Stayed until Wednesday. 11th. I went to town, carried some dry peaches, got 1 lb. of tea.

May 1866. George took Harriet Taggart to wife. I went to the Bishop's, stayed nearly one month. On the 3rd of June I went over to the Station, stayed 3 months, returned home and went to drying peaches. 5th. I am weaving a carpet for myself. Eliza has very sore eyes.

December 5th. George did not go back to work this week, had a pain in his side. He and wife have gone to the theatre tonight, will stay all night with her mother. George got Eliza a new dress, paid 16 dollars for it. Got me pair shoes, paid 5 dollars. Mary Jane got her a loom. This morning I am going to help Mary Jane warp the first web. 1865. January 6th. I received a letter from my sister, Mary, a few days ago, and a paper. February 15th. Have been to two parties this winter to the Social Hall and danced. I believe it has snowed every night this week and thawed every day. Mary Jane, with my help, has wove nearly one hundred yards. I have made her a new harness. March 3rd. George's birthday. He and I went to Savage's, had our photograph taken. 22nd. Wrote a letter to Sister Gardner at Dixie, sent George's likeness; sent mine to my sister Mary. May 14th. Since I wrote last I have been to the Bishop's, stopped over a week, would have stayed longer, but George's boy was taken sick so I came home. His mother has taken him to her mother's today, so I am

January 1869. The first day in the year 1869. It is such a long time since I have kept a journal. Well, I have been hither and thither so much that I have not felt settled anywhere. Two years ago I had a stroke of numb palsy, or a paralytic stroke or something of that nature. It was not severe. Last May, Joseph Hovey died, left his wife, my daughter Lusannah, with seven children. In a few months had another, and she only 35 years old. Last October conference my son, George, was called to go south to help build up a new place called St. Joseph, Nevada Territory, and on the 4th of November 1868, he with his family, six in number, started for their new home. It was rather hard parting with my only son, but I believe it all for the best. I have received one letter from them dated Jan. 3rd since their departure. I have enjoyed myself first rate. I did once complain of being alone so much. Now I enjoy it. The winter thus far has been very mild. It seems so pleasant, almost like summer; yet the ground is white with snow and has been for weeks. It thaws in the daytime, freezes in the night. Now and then a little snow just to keep the ground white. There is a good deal of sickness, and many deaths this winter, especially among children and old people. I was 75 years old the 24th day of last December. I can labor yet some, do all my own work except washing and sometimes that; knit a good deal and sew some. Have made one rug this winter. Last week the Female Relief Society had a party. I did not attend, altho a member of the Society, but bought a ticket and gave to Wm. and



Mary J. Flint. Have been told the Society cleared 60 dollars over expenses. 16th. Esther came to town to attend a Bishop's Ball. Came to see me, stayed three nights. 21st. Have been writing today to Lusannah in answer to a letter I received from her dated Feb. 9th. She wants to sell her farm in Cache and go to the Muddy where George is. She had better wait awhile. -The last time I met with the Female Relief Society they made a statement that they wanted the sisters to write something to be read in the meetings. They did not care what the subject was whether poetry, dialogue, history or anything they chose. So I wrote the following bit of history: I am seventy-five years old, and when I look back upon my past life it seems but yesterday, or but a few years at most, since I, in my childish glee, was playing with my brothers and sisters around my own father’s hearthstone, and where are they now, an Echo says where, ah! Some of them are gone to that Bourne from whence no traveler returns, and gone too without hearing the sound of the everlasting Gospel as it is declared to us in this last dispensation. As I grew to womanhood my mind became more serious being impressed with the idea that there was something more for me to do than eat, drink, and be merry; and as religious meetings were common, revival meetings frequent, I attended many of them and in process of time had my name enrolled with the Wesleyan Episcopal Methodist, and for nearly twenty years I was a member of that Society. Had many reasons of rejoicing with them, believing they were the best people there were in the world, because they were the most persecuted of any people or sect that I knew of in those days. Something over twenty years ago my brother, George Gardner, (who is now in Arizona) came to make me a visit. He brought the truths of the Gospel with him, taught them to me. I believed and embraced the same. I came out from the Methodist, was led into the waters of Baptism by an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the 2nd of September, 1849; in the spring of 1850, I, with my family, started from the Eastern states, even Massachusetts, for the valley of the mountains and arrived here in the October following. Did I make any sacrifice? not in my feelings, but as the saying is "our property went for a song." I did not care for that if I only could get to the Valley. I am here and not for one moment have I ever wished myself back again. I can see the hand of the Lord has been over me for good even from my childhood up to the present time; nevertheless, I have had many trials, troubles, and afflictions to pass through, but the Lord has sustained me. Even now in my old age He is my comforter and

my guide, praise be to His Holy name. The Elder who baptized me first into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints was L. W. Hardy, and it was through his instrumentality that I and my family were gathered to the Valley of the mountains. He has proved to be an undeviating friend to me and mine ever since I came here. He has three of my daughters for wives, he fitted out George for his southern mission by taking my lot, and is to provide for me while I live and I feel pretty safe in his care. March 1st. A beautiful day, very much like spring. The winter just past has been very mild generally, although it has been smoky and foggy a great deal of the time. Mr. Flint is sowing cabbage seed today. 15th. Today it has rained and snowed, snowed and rained. The Bishop and Sophia have been here this afternoon, all well. Valeria Flint went with them to the Station. April 6th. Last Sunday George and Charles Taggart came here, stayed till Wednesday morn. On Monday Bro. Hardy and Sophia came and brought me some of the comforts and necessaries of life, may God bless them. Esther made a new sunbonnet and gave to me. The Bishop put in the garden last week. May 7th. A few days ago I received a letter from my sister, Harriet, the first I have received from her since I have been here. Answered it this morning. Brother Hardy has lately had a letter from George. Poor boy, he seems to be sadly tried in the furnace of adversity. I hope he will come out unscathed; it is a good school for him. Hitherto, he has not had the trials which have been the lot of many of the Latter-day Saints. I hope he will bear it all with patience, come off the conqueror, have plenty of faith with good work. If a weary task you find it, persevere and never mind it. 11th. I, with Mary Jane and Harriet, went into town, did some shopping. Bought calico for a dress, 1/2 lb. tea, 3 lbs. of sugar. 18th. Yesterday had my dress cut by Sister Stevenson. Last Sabbath afternoon went to the Tabernacle, heard remarks from several of the Elders. A Methodist Priest spoke. 19th. Emily Stratton came here with her babe. She, with Mary Jane, have gone to meeting. Sam, the Indian boy, came here yesterday. He is sick, looks bad. I guess he wishes he had stayed at the Bishop's and not run away.



June 24th. For the last 3 Sabbaths we have had strangers preach to us in the new Tabernacle. There has been many strangers passing through here of late and many distinguished guests have made it their pleasure or profit, or out of curiosity, or whatever you have a mind to call it, to stop a few days and some attend meetings.

go to Hardy's Station, for they were nearly all sick including their son, William, who was down with the mumps.

July 18th. Harriet came here before breakfast, returned to the 12th Ward in the afternoon. Went to see "Tom Thumb" on Monday, Tuesday she came again with the boys. They finished hoeing the lot, and afterward they took Mary Jane and five children to go home with over the mountain. Apricots are ripe and very good. August 12th. A nephew of William Flint, Joseph Flint by name, from New York, came to make them a visit. He is quite a gent, a collegian and was Captain in the Army of the late war. We have for some weeks past had plenty of grasshoppers, but they did not seem so destructive as last year and the year before. September 11th. Sophia has been quite feeble, is better now. I walked to the Bishop's awhile ago and walked back again the next day, and stood it pretty well. Esther came to the city about a month ago and had all her teeth pulled. Joseph Flint left here last Wednesday morning for Nevada. Week before last Aunt Martha Hardy died of the dropsy. The same day Sister Branch of St. George died in this city of bronchitis. O, how many are dying, young as well as old, and lots of little children passed away this summer, which speaks loudly to us that remain "be ye also ready." May I profit by the warning. October 11th. Monday Harriet and Valeria came, Tuesday Nelly Hovey came, and the same day Br. Taggart, Br. Dixon and daughter all came to stop through Conference which commenced on Wednesday. I attended the first day and half of the last day. Nearly 200 missionaries have been called, amongst the rest L. W. Hardy, to go on a six months mission amongst his friends in the states. I made up a small bundle of knickknacks for Aroet Hale to take to George in Arizona. 20th. Bishop and Sophia came and took me home with them to see him and Harriet start on his mission which they did on Sunday. November 14th. I had presented to me a box of the Conserve of Hollyhock, which I think proved very efficacious in my case. Last Thursday, which was the 11th, Mr. Flint's folks had an unexpected call to

January 1st, 1870. Oh! how time passes. Ten years ago when I commenced this journal I little thought I should be able to write at this date if living. But here I am and feeling quite smart. Can go about, do my work, excepting washing. I am pretty healthy and strong for my age which was 76 last Monday. My sight seems to be failing me, which troubles me considerably, especially reading by candle light. O, if I should be blind, well I may for blindness is hereditary. My grandfather was blind for several years, my oldest sister has been blind for some years, the next sister to her is blind in one eye, my youngest sister has been afflicted that way, but I hear she is better. I do not get so lonely as I did. Solitude is so sweet, I love it. 5th. Sophia came with a carriage, took me to the children's party in the 12th Ward's new schoolhouse. Stayed until 11 o'clock. Enjoyed myself very well. 10th. The completion of the Utah Central R. R. a great celebration. It was judged there were 15,000 people there to see the last rail laid and the last spike drove which was made of homemade iron and driven by President Brigham Young. There were several speeches made which were very appropriate by Mormons as well as Gentiles. 18th. The Female Relief Society of the 11th Ward had a party. It was a splendid affair. I went to it and danced once. Did not stay late. 20th. Esther came for me to go home with her over the mountain. Quite good sleighing. March 19th. On the 5th of this month the Bishop and Harriet came home from the East in pretty good health and spirits. Glad to get back to their mountain home. April 6th. Only one day of Conference. Brigham has gone south, so conference is postponed until the 5th of May. May 14th. Lusannah with her little boy, Grafton, came here on the 4th. Stayed until the 9th to attend our May conference. Had a very good visit. We had a good conference, good weather and a good turn out. It was judged there were 13 or 14 thousand people seated in the house and the large organ discoursed music grandly. Esther came also. Stayed through Conference. I was well pleased that both girls happened to meet here. I enjoyed their society much. Sophia called and Mary Jane was already here so that I saw four of my girls together again. 25th. Leonard came



and told Bro. Flint he might plant the lot on shares.

and spend New Year's with Esther, but it was not very convenient.

July 3rd. The grasshoppers were very numerous 5 or 6 weeks ago. The day they came we heard them in the air. The sound for hours was like a mighty rushing of waters at a little distance. Then they began to come down to earth, and the way they eat everything ain't slow! I fear if they stop 24 hours there will not be much green stuff left even the fruit trees are covered. 11th. I received a letter from George stating that his wife, Eliza, had a son born on the 27th of June, doing well. Their harvesting, haying, and threshing were all done. 19th. Last Sabbath I went to meeting, heard some very excellent preaching. Lady Franklin, the wife of Sir John Franklin, was present in the afternoon. Much respect was shown her, as there always is to distinguished visitors. 31st. Last Sabbath I attended meeting all day. Went to the Methodist meeting in the evening. Went to the celebration on Monday forenoon. Called on Old Lady Atwood in the afternoon. In the evening went to the fireworks.

January 6th, 1871. A nephew of mine from Dixie has been here on a visit, George Abel Gardner by name, left for home yesterday, is 18 years old. A fine young man, he seems to be.

August 27th. Hearing that my daughter, Sophia, was sick, I walked down to the 12th Ward, stayed overnight. The next day being Sunday as I did not feel like walking home, the boys fetched me home in the carriage. September 4th. Walked to meeting. Word was given out that Martin Harris had just come to the city. He was one of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and would speak on that subject. Well, he did as well as could be expected under the circumstances, he being nearly 88 years old. November 30th. Had a letter from Lusannah informing me that her daughter, Nessy, was confined the 20th day of the present month of a son which weighed 9 lbs. without its clothes. It is my first great-grandchild. December 11th. Has snowed pretty much of the time this forenoon. Now 2 o'clock p.m., the sun is shining, the snow is melting, the birds are singing, the flies are buzzing; they have not all gone to winter quarters. 27th. My birthday. I am 77 years old and in good health; am able to labor considerable, and my faculties, altho some impaired are pretty good. All things considered on the whole, I enjoy life pretty well. Last Saturday I went to the 12th Ward to keep Christmas and stayed until Monday. Mr. Flint and Mary Jane came down and spent the day; on Monday we had a very pleasant time. Came home in the morning on a sled. I wanted to go

April 18th. It is quite a while since I wrote in my book. I thought I would write a little today. There has been many changes, turns and overturns, in the city, in the neighborhood, in my family and amongst my friends at a distance. I received a letter from my sister, Rachel Ware, stating that my sister, Lusannah Bowman, had a paralytic stroke and died on the 23rd of Feb. 1871, in the 87th year of her age. She was born Jan. 9th, 1789, in Kingstown, Mass. Have not had a letter from my son, George, since he moved to Long Valley, but heard they were putting in their crops quite cheerfully. The Gentiles are flocking into Utah for the gold and silver that is in these mountains. It may be the means of bringing some to the knowledge of the truth if there are any honest hearted amongst them, which may God grant for Christ's sake. Our winter has been very mild, but the spring rather cold and backward this forenoon. Now 5 o'clock the wind blows cold. I hope it will not freeze the fruit. December 27th. My birthday, 78 years old today. My health is good, may that blessing be mine while I sojourn on the earth, how long or how short that time may be I know not. 1875, April 8th. Twenty-five years ago tomorrow, it was the 9th of April 1850, that I, with my family consisting of my husband, myself, and six married daughters, my youngest child a son of eleven years, one month and 6 days, we started from Mass. for the Great Salt Lake. I now have 38 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren; have lost 8 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, have buried one daughter and her husband and her only child, a son. 9th. Well, I have had a call this noon from an old acquaintance, Bishop Wm. Neeley. I think it is nearly 30 years since I have seen him; we had a very pleasant chat of about an hour, dinner and all. Oh! how cruel is time to change us mortals so that we lose all former recollection of former looks. May 4th. My daughter, Lusannah Hovey, came last Thursday morning from Cache. She was out two days and two nights having a chance to come with a neighbor in a wagon, not having means to come in the cars. She was very tired and nearly sick when she got here. I must say I was



very glad to see her. This afternoon she and sister, Rachel, have gone to the 14th Ward to the meeting that is held there once in two weeks called the Retrenchment meeting for Females. It is said they are very good meetings, but I have never been there since they were organized. I cannot walk around as I could once. I fear I shall not be able to get to the Tabernacle much this summer. I am thankful that I have formerly improved my opportunities of going to the meetings when circumstances would permit. 8th. I went down to my daughter, Sophia's; they were all pretty well. Lusannah was over the mountain with my daughter, Esther. Sunday I attended the 12th Ward meeting twice that day. Bishop Hardy was not there, but we had some very good preaching. On Tuesday Lusannah got back, came with the Bishop. On Wednesday, Sophia and Lusannah and myself called on Jenny Leamon and spent the day very agreeably. Someone in our absence had been so kind as to leave me a ticket for the old folk's excursion. Thursday, after breakfast, we started for my home. We came to the Depot on the street cars. On our way home we called on Sister Buel.

but it has afforded me some comfort, and amusement, in some of my lonely hours which have not been a few. I am now 81 years and 5 months old lacking one day. I do feel thankful to my Heavenly Father that I can do as well as I have. My sight is poor, my hand is not as steady as formerly. God be praised for all his goodness to me. I close this 26th of May, 1875.

May 14th. She left and I for the old folk's excursion. We were to start out on the Western train at 7 o'clock, but on account of getting us old cripples seated, there was a delay of an hour. Then we started, and a most lovely ride we had for over 20 miles. Came to Clinton's Hotel where we stopped and were refreshed with food and drink. With prayer and singing, speech making, with music on the organ, having a good time generally, about one o'clock we went aboard the steamboat on the Salt Lake. It was a very calm day and the way that we did skim it over the lake for about 2 hours was delightful. Then after this was over, music was resorted to, and songs, with more speeches, until 5 o'clock when we again took to the cars. There were 244 people on that excursion. One old gent in his 96th year, one old lady 91.... The cars were soon on the easy move for home. For a few miles we were deliciously carried along; all at once there was a thud, a crash, and the cars stopped. On examination it was found that the baggage car had some bolt broke which let the bottom down with the contents of the car, no great damage. By throwing off the damaged car and adjusting the rafts for several feet, in about one hour we were moving again. Arrived at the depot about 8 o'clock in the evening, and all free of cost except the cup of tea. It was the most enjoyable day that I can ever remember having in my long life. Even the break on the road did not mar my feelings. Well, my Book is nearly full, and I guess it is time for I can scarcely see the ruling on the paper. I have been a long time in writing it,

Note: Penelope Randall Gardner Goodridge died Dec. 19, 1875, 7 months after this was finished. MRS. FLINT Mary Jane Goodridge, daughter of Benjamin and Penelope Goodridge, was born on the 11th of June, 1825, at Lunenburg, Massachusetts. She, with her father's family, left with the Wilford Woodruff Company for the Salt Lake Valley. On July 10, 1850, they reached the Platte River where Mary Jane was baptized by Wilford Woodruff. The teams consisted of from two to five yoke of oxen to one wagon. In a stampede there would often be from thirty to forty teams running in all directions, knocking down anything that happened to be in their way. Wilford Woodruff ran into the midst of one of these stampedes and rescued his wife, Emma, and several others. Another time, Prescott Hardy was injured in the arm and thigh. Many others were injured at this time but none were killed. Mary Jane drove a yoke of oxen all the way across the plains and one day when they stampeded she narrowly escaped death. There happened to be an opening through which she fled, fortunately without injury. She often said that those who had never witnessed a stampede could not imagine the awful confusion and terror that reigned. On December 24, 1850, Mary Jane married William Flint, having known him only three weeks. To reassure her as to his respectability, he referred her to Heber C. Kimball, for whom he had worked. She went to Brother Kimball, who recommended William very highly and told her she would be making no mistake. After their marriage they went to



Farmington, Davis County, where they lived in a dugout until they could get enough logs to build a house. Her life there was very hard, with quite a few exciting incidents. One day while she and her bus band and brother were eating dinner, a large snake dropped by its tail from the roof and hung over a pan of milk. Another time a snake was curled up under the chair on which she was sitting. As she was expecting a baby soon, her husband didn't want her to know so he asked her to step outside for a moment. He then went in and killed the snake. During a time when the Indians were hostile and her husband was standing guard against them, an old Indian slipped into the house and demanded a gun that was standing back of the bed. Mary Jane refused to let him have it. He jumped across the bed, snatched the gun, which was loaded, and was pointing it at her when their big dog grabbed him by the leg. The Indian dropped the gun and begged her to call off the dog, which she did. He had been bitten quite badly, so Mary Jane bathed the wound and let him stay awhile. When her husband came home, he said the Indian could remain all night. The only light they had at night was a lighted rag in a tin of grease. It was called a "slut." Later on she made candles out of tallow.

of this marriage, namely, Sarah Jane, Valeria Ann, William L., Fedalia (who later married Henry Jacobs), Harriet, Abel, George and Sophia. William Flint died Sept. 21, 1890, at the home of his daughter, Valeria, in Parley's Canyon. He was a farmer by avocation, and died a faithful LatterDay Saint, being the only one of his father's family who joined the Church. -Jenson

In 1856, they moved from Farmington to Salt Lake City and made their home in the 19th Ward on the corner of 2nd West and 3rd North, where they lived the remainder of their lives. Mary Jane wove the materials for her family's clothes, linsey, flannel and worsted. After her husband was incapacitated by an accident, she added to the family income by weaving beautiful carpets for other people. They raised their children without ever having a doctor. Mary Jane was the first to pass away. The last year of her life she was seriously ill with cancer. There were few drugs available in those days to alleviate pain, but she bore her suffering with great fortitude. She died January 19, 1883, at the age of 58. -Mary Jane Flint Jackson William Flint, one of the Utah pioneers of 1848, was born Jan. 28, 1814, in Onondaga County, N.Y. He became a convert to Mormonism in the State of New York through the labors of Orson Hyde. He located in Nauvoo, Illinois, then came west during the exodus and spent two years at Winter Quarters. In crossing the plains in 1848, he drove a team for Mary Fielding Smith, mother of the late President Joseph Fielding Smith, from Winter Quarters to the Three Crossings of the Sweetwater. From there Mr. Flint was sent back on the road to assist the later companies of that year's emigration to the Valley. After his arrival in Salt Lake Valley, he married Mary Jane Goodridge in 1850. Eight children were the issue

TWO SISTERS Lusannah Emiline Goodridge, being at home a good deal, and not strong enough to labor all of the time, thought that I would write a short account of my life and some of the most prominent events connected therewith: I was born in the town of Lunenburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts in the year of 1835, the sixth child of Benjamin and Penelope Goodridge. I was a sickly child from my birth up to nine years old. As my parents were poor, we children were obliged to go out and work for our support as soon as we were old enough. My parents belonged to the Methodist Church, and we were raised in that faith. Of the incidents of my childhood, I will pass up to the time I was sixteen years old. Sometime during the year of 1849, Leonard W. Hardy and wife came to my father's home and brought to us the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the night of Sept. 2, 1849, my mother, three sisters and I were baptized in Whale Pond by L. W. Hardy. In the month of April, 1850, my father, with all of his family, started for Utah to gather and unite with the Latter-day Saints. After a long and tedious journey, in which there were many thrilling incidents of which I cannot write, we arrived in Salt Lake City in October. My father, my oldest sister, Mary Jane, and my brother, George, were baptized in the Platte River on the way. Father bought a house and lot in the Nineteenth Ward. . . .



In the summer of 1851 I went north to Centerville to stay with my oldest sister, Mary Jane Flint. On September 23, 1851, my sister Sarah, who was married to Joseph Hovey, died leaving a son eight days old, whom they named John Goodridge Hovey. I returned to Salt Lake City in December. On January 14, 1852 I was married to Joseph G. Hovey. I now took care of Sarah's little boy, John. I had gone into plural marriage and I found many things that tried me very much. In the fall of 1852, Father became insane and Mother had a hard time of it. Father was so bad that he had to be confined in a room by himself.

Saints left their homes and moved south. My husband, myself and three children started with an oxteam, two cows, and some chickens in a coop on the back of the wagon. The wagon was loaded to the bows so there was just room for me to sit with my babe in my arms, and a little one standing on each side of me clinging to my dress. When I walked I had to drive the cows with the babe in my arms and the other two children clinging to my skirts as they were too small to keep up without help. We went this way as far as Spanish Fork. Here my husband left me with a family by the name of Mason, who were strangers to me, and returned to Salt Lake City to get the remainder of his family. I stayed in this place about three months and when the people were permitted to return I was the last of our family to return.

On April 29, 1853 my daughter, Penelope Lusannah, was born. It was a long time before I regained my health. Father still continued in a very strange way, though not so violent as when first taken. I went and stayed with Mother awhile. On June 14, 1855 my son, James Alma, was born, weighing ten and a half pounds and was a fine child. In March 8, 1856 little John, Sarah's boy, died, which was a great grief to me, for he was a very intelligent child. He died with abscess of the brain. The weather was very cold, and times hard, so we could not get teams to go to the grave. His father and one or two neighbors got into the wagon with the coffin and took it to the graveyard, dug the grave and buried him. It seemed hard but it could not be helped.

Some time after I got home, my babe was taken very sick with spasms. Her left side would draw and twitch. It seemed that I must lose her. She lost the use of her left side, and could move neither hand nor foot on that side, but through the power of the Priesthood, faith, and good nursing she began to slowly recover. There were five weeks that I never had my clothes off to go to bed, having to lie down a few minutes at a time as I could get a chance. It was a long time before she could either walk or talk, she had to learn both over again. On July 22, 1859 my daughter, Mary Louise, was born....

Times still continued hard. Provisions were scarce, and most families were on rations. I was nursing a big hearty child, and some days I would have a little piece of bread and sometimes only a little milk and greens to eat. At harvest time, I left my children and went into the fields to help pull the wheat up by the roots, as it was so short on account of drought that it could not be cut. Our whole crop had to be gathered this way. A great many suffered this summer for food to eat. On August 29, 1857 my daughter, Olive Ann, was born. About this time the enemies of the Church began to rage and the government sent out troops to fight the Mormons, but they were not permitted to enter the Valley that fall but wintered at Ham's Falls. In the spring of 1858 the

My husband, having quite a family and being hard to support them in the city, decided that in the spring he would move a portion of his family to Cache Valley, and requested me to be ready to move to that place. April 12, 1860 we started for Cache. We went as far as Hot Springs and camped for the night. The roads were very bad; the spring rains had made them so muddy it was with great difficulty that a loaded wagon could travel. My babe took sick and I had to sit with her in my arms, wrapped in a quilt all night long in the dark, and it was cold in the wagon. We started the next day, but the journey was a long and weary one. There was a heavy snowstorm in the mountains in what is now called the Danish Settlement (Mantua). There was no settlement there then, and we had to lay by a few days before we could go through the mountains and canyon. We stopped here a week. My husband went on to Cache Valley and got more oxen to help us through the mountains. We stopped at the Church Farm, Brother George Pitkin, Sr. lived there and the Garr boys, and the Franklin Weaver family.



We stayed here a few weeks before we could secure some land. My husband got some land on the east of the Blacksmith River and put in some crops. There was a townsite laid out and divided into lots. There was a sawmill built by Esias Edwards and a Mr. Kent on the Blacksmith Fork River. We moved onto a town lot and sometime in the fall Bro. Maughan and others came from Logan and organized the settlement, named the town Millville, and ordained my husband, Joseph G. Hovey, bishop. We lived through the summer in our wagon and a board shanty. Late in the fall we got into a log cabin, and had only a cloth for a window. September 10th, 1861 my daughter, Martha C., was born. The winter following was a very wet winter, it rained almost all the time. My house leaked so bad that the beds would get wet through sometimes, and my children were sick. My daughter, Nellie, fell down cellar and she vomited more or less for six hours after. It looked as if we must lose her. Her flesh was cold and there was no pulse to be felt in her arms to the elbows and in her legs to her knees and her side commenced to swell. She was very bad all night, in fact for a long time. Brother Benson, one of the Twelve Apostles, was passing through the place at that time and I called him in to lay hands upon her, and he said she should live to be a mother in Israel which has come to pass. When she got a little better, Martha (the babe) was sick with a gathering on her neck which was very painful. February 22, 1863 my daughter, Esther, was born. My husband had been gone to Salt Lake City. All winter my health had been very poor. Somewhere about the 20th of the month there was a great snowstorm. It was a very trying time for me. My little girl, Martha, had a gathering under her ear and my children were all young and the weather was so cold. An aged lady by the name of Hill took care of me. She did the best she could for it was hard for her as well as for me. Sometime in May my son, James, was taken very ill with fever sores on his leg. It was very painful, accompanied with high fever, and the leg swollen so much it was five weeks before the sore opened and when it did the marrow of the bone came with the discharge from the sore. He suffered a great deal and was so reduced in flesh that he was nothing but a skeleton. There were 27 pieces of bone came out of his leg between the knee and the ankle. I was up so much nights, and with the care and anxiety that it seemed as though I would have to give up, but after a long time he got so he was able to walk on crutches but his leg was quite crooked and much shorter than the other leg. I felt it could have been lots worse, and was thankful he was

able to walk. May 16, 1866 my son, George Benjamin was born. He was a large child. I now had seven children. During the summer, my husband went to Salt Lake City where the rest of his family lived. In the fall he sent for James so he could have his leg doctored. James went down with the Olsen boys and J. Cook. I got along the best I could through the winter. My husband had rented the farm to the Olsen family; he came home in December 1867 and stayed until February. He settled his affairs, and said he expected to be called on a mission in the Spring. He was not well, complaining of a pain in his side. Sometime in February he came in and told me that a Brother Hunt was in town and was on his way to the City and that he could go with him; he wished me to prepare some food and other things necessary to take with him, which I did, as they were to start early the following morning. When morning came he bid us goodbye and said in parting-I would like to give you all my blessing, but I have not the time. That was the last time I ever saw my husband. After reaching Salt Lake City, I received two letters from him saying his health was very poor. When April conference came I read the list of names of missionaries to see if his name was there, but it was not. On May 5th I received a letter stating that he was very sick. On the seventh Joseph, his son, and I started for Salt Lake City to see him. We went with an ox team. We arrived Sunday, May 9th. James came out of the house as we drove up, and I asked how his father was. He said he was dead and was buried last Thursday. That was a sudden and terrible shock without any preparation. He had gone on a mission that I had not thought of. I went to my mother's where I stayed a week, and then started back to Cache with Nellie, James and Joseph. Here I was a widow with a family of seven children at the age of thirty-four, and soon to have another child born. No one can tell what my feelings were-only those who have passed through the same. I kept my children together at home where I did the best that I could. My health was very poor; circumstances were bad, and provisions were dear, and sometimes we had little enough to eat, but no one complained and we were thankful for what we had. On Sept. 7, 1868 my son, Grafton Franklin, was born. He was very sickly and it seemed sometimes that I would not be able to raise him, but I did



all that I could for him, having a lot of faith. He was sick a good deal of the time until he was two years old....In 1869 my oldest daughter, Penelope L. was married to Samuel Clark. I still had a hard struggle to take care of my family. I was called out to take care of the sick a good deal of the time. There were no doctors here then, and as I had had a lot of experience in sickness and nursing, I was called out both day and night, where I tried to do the best I could.

on this mission, George was one of the two men who sawed enough lumber with a whipsaw to finish an adobe meetinghouse. Scarcely had they completed their arduous task when it was determined, by the state boundary, that they were in Nevada. Taxes were so high they could not pay them, consequently the state seized many of their horses and cattle and sold them for taxes. They were released in 1871 and returned to Utah, going to Morgan County to make their home. Here George engaged in milling, first operating a sawmill and later a flour mill. On October 9, 1879, he married Rhoda Slade, a school teacher.

The Lord knows best, and we were all in His hands, and His righteousness will be done. . . . On January 20, 1884 my daughter, Esther, died. She had only been sick a few days. She was a good girl and was loved by all. Two of my children have gone on before me. My son, James, married Maria Esther Pitkin; my daughter, Olive Ann, married William Neves; my daughter, Mary L., married Charles Lambert; and my daughter, Martha C., married Richard Lambert. -D.U.P. History Files Note: Lusannah E. Goodridge Hovey died July 14, 1910, and was buried in the Millville cemetery. She was seventy-six years of age. THEIR ONLY SON George Albert Goodridge was born March 3rd, 1839 in Lunenburg, Worcester, Massachusetts. Soon after his arrival in Utah, George became active in frontier life. On the approach of Johnston's Army, he was called into the Utah Militia and went with his company to Echo Canyon to prevent the army's entrance into Salt Lake City. In 1862, he was called to drive a team back across the plains to assist in immigrating the Saints. On his return he was made a Captain in the Utah Militia, and was active in the Black Hawk War. Nov. 10, 1863 he married Eliza Ann Taggart, then in 1866 he married her half sister, Harriet Maria Taggart. On Nov. 4, 1868, they were called to Southern Utah on what is known as the Muddy Mission. While serving

Pioneer work was not over for the Goodridge family, for in 1885 they moved to Ashley Valley. George and his son, Albert, again engaged in milling by operating one of the first gristmills in the valley. During the eight-year period that George managed the mill at Maeser, a diphtheria epidemic came to the valley. Many died, among them six of the Goodridge children. The last big job George worked on as a stone mason, was the Uintah Stake Tabernacle at Vernal. Under the timber act, he took up a homestead at Naples, where he practiced general farming and planted two acres of cottonwood trees. This grove furnished a real recreational park for the young children, supplying rabbit pens, greenhouses, teeters, stilts, whistles, stick horses, bud blowers, bird nests, etc. The toys grew mostly on trees in those days. Many of the children made frequent use of the saws, hammer and vise on the long workbench their father had built. Toy wagons and doll furniture were among the fascinating results. The few dolls they had were breakable china, but rag dolls were acceptable and paper dolls came with Arm and Hammer soda, which were rare. From 1892 to 1894, he filled a mission in the Southern States for the Latter-day Saint Church. George Goodridge was known as an honest man. At one time, when his property was being listed, the tax assessor asked how many pigs he had. On learning the number, he said, "O, I'll not put them all in." George answered, "They are good animals, put them in." George



loved a good joke and one time the joke turned on him. Their cabin homes were not equipped with clothes closets and built-in cupboards, so chairs often served a second purpose, that of clothes racks. Finding them dressed up thus one day, he remarked, "Won't it be fine when we get all the things we want and chairs enough to put them on." -D.U.P. History Files

When they arrived at Council Bluffs they had no home, and no husband to help them; but friends were kind, and the way was opened, and they were blessed with enough of the necessities to live. They slept in a wagon until the weather became too cold. Then they had a bed of hay on the floor, which had to be taken up each morning. Sometimes the rains soaked through the roof so that everything inside was wet. Again, it was necessary for those who had given them shelter to move or change conditions, and Eliza and her mother would be forced to look for hospitality with another family. After some time, still in Council Bluffs, they were given the privilege of moving into the home of Charles Lambert, who had gone down to Missouri to work, and whose family was now to go to him for a time. They asked Eliza and her mother to take their house, so they lived there until their father and husband returned from the Battalion on the 17th day of December, 1847. Now they moved across the river to a town called Harris Grove in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, where they lived until they left for Salt Lake City.

Eliza Ann Taggart, born on the 28th of January, 1844, in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, was the daughter of Harriet Atkins Bruce and George W. Taggart. These two young people, converts of Mormonism, had come to Nauvoo and were married in May of 1843. Their first and only child, Eliza, was born the next January. Harriet died on February 19, 1845, which left her husband griefstricken, lonely, and confused. She had died while still practically a bride, and life in Nauvoo was in such a turmoil. George was a member of the Nauvoo Legion and was frequently called to bear arms for the protection of the city. He also worked on the temple, which the Saints had been commanded to build and complete before they left for the west. In order to do his duty and still care for his baby, he would often make a bed in his wheel-barrow and take her to work with him, caring for her the best he could. On July 6, 1845, nearly two months after the completion of the temple, Mr. Taggart married Fanny Parks, who became a real mother to Eliza. Fanny wrote in her own history: through all the hardships and trials to come I had Eliza with me, and she was a great comfort to me....In February 1846, some of the Saints started to leave Nauvoo because of persecution, but leaving Nauvoo was not their only problem. Some of the men were called to act as guards for the artillery in the first company that left Nauvoo. George Taggart was one of these. Eliza and her mother were left in the care of John Mills. Mr. Mills thought it was not safe for them to be in Nauvoo, so he moved them across the river to a town called Nashville. When the call came from the Government of the United States for 500 men to serve in the United States Army, Mr. Taggart was one in the group to go and thus became a member of the famous Mormon Battalion.

Mr. Taggart brought home from the Battalion a span of mules and a horse. These he traded for young stock, some cows and a yoke of oxen. He immediately went to work on a farm and also built wagons for the Saints, all the time preparing to come to Salt Lake City. In the fall of 1850 he went down to Missouri to earn means necessary to make the journey. He came home in the spring of 1851, planted crops, made his own wagon, and in July 1852 they started for the Valley, arriving in Salt Lake the 17th of October 1852. Eliza was eight years old now. As soon as they arrived in Salt Lake City, President Young put Mr. Taggart to work building a gristmill for him.... Eliza worked at times for one of the wives of Brigham Young. The next we know of Eliza comes from the history of her mother-in-law, Penelope Randall Gardner Goodridge. On November 10, 1862, she writes: "George started with me to go to the station. We called at Bro. Taggart's. Took Eliza along with us. When we got there we found them well and jolly. Found a new married couple there and as the disease is catching, George was attacked, so he came home with a wife by his side. The next May, 1866, Eliza learned what it meant to be one wife in a plural marriage. Her half sister, Harriet, became her husband's second wife.... Now the call came from Brigham Young to go to what was called the Muddy Mission. The purpose of this call was for the Saints to settle the



southern part of Utah about 100 miles south of St. George for the purpose of raising cotton to help the Saints to be self-sustaining. The two Goodridge families left on this mission on the 4th of November, 1868. They endured many hardships on this three-week journey. They had a small linen tent for their protection.

and her family. With the help of the boys a living was made for the three families.

The Goodridge families left the Muddy on July 12 and arrived at Salt Lake July 24, 1871. Here they remained a few days and then pushed on to Morgan where the Taggarts were living-Eliza's and Harriet's parents. George engaged in farming and milling here for the next 14 or 16 years. While here he was sheriff of Morgan County for two terms. At this place six children were born to Eliza: Harriet Penelope on April 4, 1872; Charles Sydney on April 10, 1874; Rhoda May on April 24, 1876; Esther Fidelia on May 29, 1878 or 9; Abbie Viola on Nov. 23, 1881, and Leslie Bruce on December 7, 1884. During these years, also, she was a member of the Primary Stake Board. Pioneer work was not over for the Goodridge family, for after hearing encouraging stories about the Ashley Valley they decided to make a home there. In October 1885 they started for the valley, Harriet and Rhoda remained for a time in Morgan. Upon arriving in the valley, the first family located in Mill Ward, now Maeser, where George began operating the first gristmill. It was owned by Lycurgus Johnson and run by water power. The family lived in a log house a little east of the mill. They operated this mill for about three years. While here, their last child, Byron, was born on November 23, 1887. A short while after this, they purchased land and built a home just north of the Naples chapel. This house had two large rooms downstairs and two upstairs, and was made of logs. Soon Harriet came from Morgan and the two families lived in the home. Rhoda came and occupied the Maeser home.... Soon after this the wives were left alone to make their own way while sending their husband on a mission to Tennessee. He was away from 1892 to 1894. His son, Albert, was left to help care for the families during his absence, but soon the Church Authorities called Albert to take the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo, and the families were left without a boy large enough to harness a team.... At Naples, Eliza was a member of the Relief Society Presidency. The families, like most families around them, were poor in worldly goods but rich in spirituality, and they sought to improve their social life, religious training, and educational advantages....Harriet's family moved first to the 80-acre farm. A few years later Eliza and family followed, and then Rhoda

Eliza was a lover of beautiful things. She had her window sills lined with potted flowers. One day while walking around the farm she saw some little blossoms. These she nurtured through the summer and saved the seeds in the fall. When spring came she carefully planted and cared for them again; and soon she had a bumper crop of blossoms-wild morning glory. She sang much of the time as she went about her work, and those who remember her say that she seldom became angry at anyone or anything. One of her specialties in the baking line was soda crackers. The children of the three families made the most of their own entertainment, playing together as one family. They hunted, fished, skated, wrestled, and played ball, marbles, run sheep run, swam, and other games. All this they were able to do in the hills and fields not far away, and in the creek which ran at the foot of the hill just below their place. Eliza's health broke after the birth of her eleventh child, and she was unable to attend meetings and other public places, but was obliged to remain home most of the time. She suffered at times from seizures of epilepsy. She loved to read, and kept up pretty well on events of the day. She especially enjoyed reading articles by the church leaders, a great number of which she clipped from the Deseret News and kept for others of her family to read. She had a strong desire to contribute to the missionary cause and all things pertaining to the church, and did so according to her ability. Her most consuming interest seemed to be Genealogy. The family was strict in tithe payments and other offerings, and always had the blessing on the food and family prayer. Eliza was neat in her personal appearance and was unassuming in nature and disposition, kind, tolerate, and unselfish. She lived to be 69 years of age, passing away April 6, 1913, two years after her husband. She is buried in the Vernal Cemetery, Uintah County, Utah. -DUP History Files



I, Harriet Maria Taggart, was born in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, September 2, 1848, my parents having left Nauvoo February 1, 1846. I was the daughter of Fannie Parks and George W. Taggart. My father returned to Iowa, December 17, 1847, after having been discharged from service with the Mormon Battalion. From this time until July 1852, he worked at Harris Grove, making wagons, and preparing for the journey across the plains. In 1852, we left Iowa for Salt Lake City, arriving there Oct. 17. Father purchased a lot in the Twelfth Ward and went to work on the Chase Mill in Liberty Park, later he worked one summer on the Salt Lake Temple. Then he assisted in building four gristmills; one at Bountiful, Davis County, for President Kimball; one at Farmington for Willard Richards, and one for the latter's brother, Samuel Richards; and one at Brigham City for Lorenzo Snow. In 1865 father sold our home in Salt Lake City and we moved to Morgan. In the spring of 1866 I was married to George A. Goodridge at the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. I was his second wife, my half-sister Eliza, being his first wife. In 1868 we were called by President Young to what was called the Muddy Mission . . . The following day about noon we reached our destination, St. Joseph. This was the forepart of December.

had made from factory which I dyed, and trousers made from two seamless sacks. He was obliged to go without garments as we could not replace the worn out ones . . . He worked very hard at adobe making, which was very hard work, and often all he could get for his dinner was a piece of bread and a melon.

My second child, Fannie, was born at this place, on November 10th. The night of her birth I was in a tent, our only shelter at that time. It was impossible to stake it solid in the sand and as the wind blew a gale, some of our neighbors sat up thinking we would probably need help.... We were unable to raise anything here, it being nothing but an immense sand bench miles in extent. We planted garden and the wind blew it away in one night. The men built a large canal but the wind soon filled it up with sand, so it became necessary for us to haul water even for house purposes....The first year of our stay there food was very scarce. We were able to buy one bushel of potatoes and that cost $5.00. Our first Christmas dinner consisted of corn bread and wild duck . . . Our clothing became very scant and threadbare, as an example my husband's apparel for the 24th of July consisted of a shirt I

President Young said we had the privilege of making our homes anywhere we wished, but that he should like to have a company of us go and settle in Long Valley, sometimes called Berry's Valley after one of its residents. Accordingly we left our unfinished homes, unharvested crops, etc., and obeyed these wishes. . . . Food was also scarce here and it became necessary for some of the men to go away to work in order to procure provisions. My husband, assisted by Isaiah Bowers, again resorted to the whipsaw. They went to the timber and sawed lumber for a man at Pipe Springs and by this means secured some flour and beans, which were received gratefully as our food supply then consisted of only a little bran and flour. Joseph W. Young wanted our husband to remain and help build a sawmill but could not promise us any bread stuff in pay, so when our present supply of food was exhausted it was necessary for us to leave. Accordingly we began our journey back to Salt Lake City, July 12, 1871, arriving there July 24 of that year. We remained here a few days with my husband's mother and sisters, then we went to Morgan where my parents were then living. George engaged in the occupations of farming and milling for a period of about sixteen years. Here seven of my children were born: Rachel Maria, William Burrage, Julia Louisa, Hyrum Parks, Wallace, Parley Herbert and Vilate. When we heard of Ashley Valley my husband became interested in the same and we began to make preparations to move there. George left with his first family in October 1885. I remained at Morgan with my children until November 11, two years later, when we also made the journey, it requiring eleven days. During my stay in Morgan my oldest son, Albert, then fifteen years of age, was hired by Charlie Clark to assist in running a gristmill for one year. He received in payment $20.00 per month. This was our main source of support and we considered ourselves very fortunate. My oldest daughter, Fannie, also aided by working as an assistant teacher in the district school. In addition to this work she was able to complete the grade work in the common school branches, then she taught.


My husband, with Eliza and her family, located in Maeser Ward where he built a rock house, and with the assistance of Albert, my son, operated a gristmill for about three years. We located in what was then Merrill's Ward, where our husband intended making homes for all his families, as he owned land here. He and Albert built the house just north of the Naples Ward meetinghouse. I lived in this house a little more than one year. While here, my daughter, Leona, was born. When she was one year old our family contracted diphtheria, which disease caused the death of five of my children, leaving only four children living. Dr. Hullinger was the only physician here at that time, and neither he nor the army surgeons from Fort Duchesne whom we summoned, were acquainted with effective methods of combating the malady. Then too, fear of the disease was extreme. We were quarantined two months and during this time one man was arrested for traveling the street on which we lived. I moved from this home to the farm. I lived here for about nine years. My youngest child, Lucy, was born here. Before she was a year old her father was called on a mission to Tennessee. Immediately after his return home he left for Salt Lake City where he remained all winter with his sisters because of the polygamy raid. In 1911 my husband's ill health terminated in dropsy, which caused his death February 19th of that year. Since that time I have made my home with my children. Note: Her death occurred May 22, 1928 at Roosevelt, Utah, at the age of 79 years. -D.U.P. History Files Rhoda Slade was born May 13, 1853 in England, the first child of Amelia and William Slade, both members of the Mormon Church. They planned to emigrate to Utah, but it was impossible to save enough for their passage, hence a decision was made that he would borrow money to bring him to America. William found work in Philadelphia for William Sellars, and after three years had made enough money to pay back his loan and send for his family. Amelia and her three little girls, Rhoda, Eliza


and Martha arrived in America in June 1860, where they were met by their husband and father and taken to Philadelphia to live in a home provided by Mr. Sellars. While they lived here three children were born, William, Edward and Charles. During this time it was their earnest desire to go to Utah. When it seemed they might finally make it Mr. Slade was kicked by a horse. The injury caused rheumatism which resulted in his death. Mr. Sellars, solicitous of the welfare of the bereaved family, asked what their future plans would be. Amelia replied "we are going home," meaning they were going to emigrate to Utah. He thought they were returning to England and was in complete agreement with that arrangement. The family was aided in their endeavor to emigrate by loyal church members and friends, and arrived in Utah Nov. 2, 1864. After living for a short time in Salt Lake, the Widow Slade moved to Morgan where daughter Rhoda helped in a store. Here they lived for five years when Amelia married William Dean, and the family returned to Salt Lake City. Rhoda lived and worked in twenty-one homes, many needing a hired girl only temporarily. She longed to be able to give presents to her mother, sisters and brothers at Christmas time and for birthdays, and told how she managed one present for her mother. From a calendar she cut out a picture which she thought was beautiful, with carefully saved nickels bought a cheap looking glass, scraped the painted substance from the back of the glass and framed the precious picture. Rhoda lived for a while in the home of President Young where she worked for one of his wives. She was treated as a member of the family. Rhoda had a great desire and determination to get an education, working and saving even when friends and family discouraged her, considering her goal unobtainable. She finally entered the University of Deseret. Rhoda had read as much as time and the availability of books allowed, but had no chance for formal schooling except the four years in Philadelphia. She took a preparatory course at the University, then went on and graduated from the Normal School and received a certificate to teach. She never forgot the teachings of John R. Park, who was an instructor in several of her classes, and formed a habit of quoting him on many subjects. She began her teaching career in Salt Lake County and later returned to teach in Morgan County.



Oct. 9, 1879, she married George Albert Goodridge in the Endowment House, the ceremony was performed by Joseph F. Smith. She was George's third wife. Her first child was born August 22, 1880 and was given the name of Marian Augusta after Augusta Winters who had been her good friend while she had attended the University. Miss Winters gave the baby a little gold ring which remained on her finger when she was buried in Richville, Morgan County, after succumbing to complications following whooping cough when she was not yet two years old. Three other children were born in Morgan: Ernest LeRoy, Amelia Eliza (Millie) and Gardner Lacy. After George and his three families moved to Ashley Valley, Rhoda continued to teach school at intervals. Five more children, Alfred Slade (Fred), John, George Arthur, Edith and Ruth were born to her. She completed twenty successful years of teaching in the District schools. She was president of the Naples Ward Primary for 13 years, and served on the Uintah Stake Relief Society Board. In this position she wrote the lessons for the Ward Societies.

As years went by, the descendants of George Albert Goodridge changed the spelling of their name to Goodrich. When and where we do not know, but the following written by George's youngest son signed his name Byron Goodrich, as do all of George's posterity.

Rhoda, with some of her sons, filed on land in Bluebell when the Uintah Reservation opened for homesteading. She took great interest and pride in this land and its development, and was always more interested in crops and livestock than in home furnishings and clothes. Her life was one of struggle and hard work. She made the family clothing and bedding, spent long evenings knitting the family's stockings; indeed most of the sewing had to wait until the day's work was over. Rhoda continued throughout her life to find time to read and increase her education. She encouraged her children to read the classics and other good books and even though money was scarce she found means to buy a few books. She was an unconventional person, never being swayed by fads or styles so far as her personal adornment was concerned, nor did it bother her about what others might think concerning her way of life. She had firm faith in God and the hereafter, and a testimony of the Gospel which left no doubts or misgivings. When she was 76 years of age, she fell and broke her hip and was never again quite free from pain. A lingering illness, quite possibly tuberculosis, caused her death, January 23, 1935 at the age of 81. She was buried in Bluebell. -Edith Goodridge Case A GRANDSON’S STORY

I was born November 23, 1887 at what is now Maeser Ward, Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, the 11th and youngest child in my mother's family. My father operated the Johnson flour mill and lived in a house close to the mill-the house where I was born. He operated this mill three years. The family moved from [p.303] there to Merrill Ward, now Naples. When I was one year old, they built a house on the two-acre lot just north of the Naples chapel. Several of my brothers and sisters died from diphtheria about the first year in this place. I was about a year old and went through all of that seige without contracting the dread disease. My first school days were in the log schoolhouse located on what is now the Jake Karren corner about one mile north of the present Naples chapel. Our entertainments were held there – programs, children's dances where I first learned to dance. I was baptized May 6, 1896 by George A. Slaugh in Ashley Creek. I was ordained a Deacon and enjoyed my duties cleaning the meetinghouse, passing the sacrament and gathering fast offerings. We had Priesthood meeting every Saturday night. My first Deacon President was John McKowen. We lived at the above mentioned place until I was about 13 or 14 years old and during that time witnessed the gathering of materials for the construction of the large brick chapel known as the Naples Chapel which stood as a monument to those faithful pioneer men and women until 1948, when it was considered inadequate to serve the needs of the increased population and church activities. During the construction of this chapel, I did many little jobs running errands etc., for the men laborers. The adobes were made right there and piled into kilns and baked. I helped a lot carrying these adobes and bricks. During 1948 the structure was taken down and the materials used as part of the new chapel built on the same plot of ground. While we were living at this place, close to the Naples chapel, my father was called on a mission to the Southern States. I don't know just how we managed while Father was on this mission, as he had three large families living under very humble circumstances. None of the boys who weren't married were old enough to do a man's work. I do remember that we were very short on clothing and our food was plain and not much variety. During the summertime I herded cows much of the



time, as we usually had two or three. Most of the time they were herded across the road west from the home. At that time, cattails grew thick and tall and the cows would stay in them for hours at a time. Sometimes they wouldn't come out at evening and I would roll my overalls above my knees and wade through the black mud and swamp water in search of the cows.

boys, planted and harvested the crops. Our entire living was produced on the farm. Our living was plain with no luxuries. I don't recall any trouble or difficulties between the three wives. Perhaps Father was a good psychologist, peacemaker, or whatever it took. Father worked away some, as rock mason, and also watermaster of Central Canal. We sometimes refer to each other as half-brothers and half-sisters, but to me they are all the same. To me there is something quite wonderful in growing up in a large family.

We generally kept a pig or two and it was my job to feed and water them. I had to go a little way north in the winter time to get a pail of water for the animals. We could hear the whistle at the flour mill in Vernal as it blew each noon and evening, and I had the habit of stopping whatever I was doing when it started to see how far I could count while it was blowing. One evening as I was getting water for the animals, the whistle started and as usual I set my pail down and started counting. I counted until I was tired and the whistle kept on going. I don't remember how long it blew, but the next morning I found out that Utah was declared a state which explained everything. Utah, having been a territory, became a state on January 4, 1896, at which time I was eight years old. We moved onto my father's farm about one and a half miles east about 1901, where I lived until the spring of 1913. I attended district school in Naples in winter, and herded cows and did farm work in the summer, until I was sixteen. During these years of my boyhood, my father's three families lived on the farm. We boys and girls of the three families enjoyed ourselves playing marbles, ball, and other games. There were enough of us for a ball game without the help of the neighbors; however, our place seemed to be a sort of central gathering place where our neighbors and friends came and joined in the games with us. In the summer we went to Ashley Creek to swim, and in winter to skate. I took such delight in hunting and fishing, also baseball. I did the pitching in most of the games. We had some interesting games competing as wards. There were no picture shows then, but we enjoyed dancing frequently, and had some home parties. Our means of transportation was by foot or horseback and when the family went together it was by team and wagon. We had no modern conveniences. It is interesting to me to think of how the three families got along. As we kids played together, I don't recall that we ever had any difficulties such as jealousies and quarreling because of us being three separate families. I'm sure we got along together as well as the average single family. Each family had its own vegetable garden, its' own milk cows. Each family had its' own home, living about 150 yards apart. Father, with the help of his

On June 18, 1909, I married Violet M. Starkie. The ceremony was performed by Bishop James N. Shaffer in the adobe house on my father's farm. A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the reception in the afternoon. That evening we attended the dance in the Social Hall. I didn't have much money to buy the ring. It was only a plain gold band costing $10.00 but it still shines and means as much to us after 45 years as if it was a costly diamond one. Our Pioneer Heritage, Vol. 15, p.253-304 Carter, Kate B. "Our Pioneer Heritage" Volume Fifteen; Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City, Utah 1972. Utah Printing Company, Salt Lake City.

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