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10 REVIEW PICTORIAL Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Nerida helps NSW to State of Origin golf victory


Talented golfer in fine form BY SUHEIL DAMOUNY

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CARNAVON Golf Club member and Regents Park local Nerida Gregory has helped NSW’s Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation defeat Queensland’s Greg Norman Junior Golf Foundation in the 2007 Srixon State of Origin competition held at the Newcastle Golf Course (January 22-23). The event, which is an annual match between both foundations, is formed by teams of 12 for the State of Origin consisting of boy and girl players in each age group from 12 to 17 years of age. The competition is Ryder Cup match play format with mixed foursomes, fourball, foursomes and singles matches played over two days. A total of 30 games are played and the first team past 15 wins the annual challenge. During the first day of competition, the strong NSW team did not lose a match in the mixed foursomes, winning five matches and squaring one. Nerida and her mixed partner Ricky Kato defeated Emily McLennan and Jordan McCarthy 4/3 in their game. In the fourball competition, she teamed up with Chantal Hodson but lost against Christina Mew and Emily McLennan 2/1. In day two, NSW got their revenge in the foursomes competition, defeating them 3/2. In the singles, Gregory squared against McLennan. This saw the Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation (NSW) win the series 18.5 matches to 11.5 matches and retain the Charlie

Nerida Gregory has helped NSW defeat Queensland.

Earp Bowl. Nerida, who is on a handicap of eight, was the first player to win two Bankstown team awards in one season in 2004 and is also a well accomplished state cricket player. “I haven’t played there before, it is pretty dry but it was good for the conditions. I learned how to

fight back and you can’t always rely on your partner,” she said. “I saved a couple of holes for our teams and it felt really good to contribute to winning.” Nerida has been a member at Carnavon and playing for three years, also joining the Bankstown Golf Course to work with the juniors.

“I want to be a pro and I practice every time I am free - about three or four times a week, and when I don’t have cricket. I am leaning more towards golf because no one really recognises cricket it and there is nothing in women’s cricket - just ask anyone who the women’s cricket captain is and no one would know,” she said.

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