Golden Dawn 3=8 Isis God Form

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 221
  • Pages: 3





The Isis god form in the Neophyte Initiation is taken by the Praemonstrator. The Isis god form is associated with the firmament or with the High Priestess card. Therefore, it is akin to the element of Water. We give you this god form to practice and to help you develop your feeling of this particular energy. Without any doubt, this is probably one of the most powerful energies of the Egyptian god forms, not in a fiery way but in a constant way. Isis has a face and a body of translucent gold. Her head has a crown on it with a throne over a vulture head dress of blue and orange. The vulture head is a bright red. Her robe is blue and is bordered with gold. Her ornaments are also blue and orange. She carries a blue ankh and a Lotus Wand with a green flower and a blue stem. She stands on a pavement of blue and orange. The Practicus should color in the Isis god form and should practice it on a regular basis. Perform the Isis god form in the west facing east. One should get in touch with the infinite quality of Water, the quality of oneself which is always in change yet never changing.



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