Golden Dawn 1=10 The Watchtower Of The North

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 299
  • Pages: 2





"This grade is especially referred to the element of Earth, and therefore, one of its principal emblems is the Great Watchtower or Terrestrial Tablet of the North. It is the Third or Great Northern Quadrangle or Earth Tablet, and it is one of the four Great Tablets of the Elements said to have been given to Enoch by the Great Angel Ave. It is divided within itself into four lesser angles. The mystic letters upon it form various Divine and Angelic names, in what our tradition calls the Angelic secret language. From it are drawn the three holy secret names of God MOR DIAL HCTGA which are borne upon the Banners of the North, and there are also numberless names of Angels, Archangels, and Spirits ruling the element of Earth.” Zelator Initiation.

b v a o r i M O A O d r a

O N i r S Z O C r p O x x

a n g p O i r a b a l p l

Z a r m n n d n i n o a i

a x a n i r i c z a P o r

R o n i Z C a h m L i c V


o P o n i Z l i i a n s a

p S o g r i h a i m i i s

h o m b l a C s l S a z t

a n a e e M t o p m n i r

R d g a m h G m i a b x i

a n g l u l a t z P a p m

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