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  • May 2020
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hiii all..........there are many articles published on Jee that tells u about hw much competition is there n hw many people give jee every year......many of them very good provides you wid the data of hw much take it seriously n hw many give it just for they can afford a form......so i probably need nt revise that once again to all u goiitian,,article readers........

so what for m i here to!!??? ofcourse the non academic tag is there to tell you that its finally about result ..jee and competition!!

i just wanted to make you reallise the heavenly competition itself...we wont talk about those who are not serious abt jee.....lets take those 60 000 people whi prepare fr it !!! n 40 000 of whom are really done with everything..every concept...

almost all of these come to the exam hall after being in a packed room wid books n nthng else in it.....almost every1 had solved h.c.verma fr physics..many of them with dc pandey irodov n what nt..((physics freaks can be done with resnik halliday too))

all of them;ve solved their respective coaching worksheets and packages everything from ml khanna to a das gupta.....chem seems to be quite easy fr all of them!!

the actuall thing to be said is aroun 15000-20000 people are there whom you cant differenciate on the basis of intelligence or hard work((and ofcourse not even on the basis of golden dreams of iit of their parents))..now whats that which makes 4000 in and rest 16000 out...//////>>>>>>>>

thats their temrament ,their confidence and their attitude while giving the paper,,(cmmon you who thot about """luck""".......thats an non existing thing....>we are "" LUCKY"" that we took birth on a fare planet...this is a game..if u put in effort you r going to get it.. "lucks just a word used by defaulters in order to save their image in front of their neighbours....""))).......so keep ur attitude towards things positive since the very begining and keep it till end... there are four subjects checked in IIT entance exams...physics chemistry maths and ENTHUSIASM.....

so practice it......n definately if u r gud in the four....theres no1 no1 who can make ur parents dreams go shattere!!!!!!!!!!!!

i ask u ppl...many of u must be studying 10 hours a day excluding coaching timings...but tell me hw many of you does not waste a single second out of those 10 hours....be sincere towards studies n truthfull towards urself........do not study fr 5 hours but for 5 * 60 * 60 seconds.......

remember its a game......ultimately a game........either u r going to win or loose......thereis nobody to see how much efforts did you put in or what did u do...the final result is either u get it or you dont........who cares even if u had a better knowledge than AIR 1????so hav knowledge and learn to apply it!!

1 more thing is that time...now is the time.....yesterday was the time...which u had wasted u dont knw about tmmrw~!! but now is going...............go start now.....n do include ENTHUSIASM in to days to-study list!!!!!!

U wont ever get this tyme again.......n if finally u win....the world is yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO START NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CZ YOUR SELECTION DOES NT ONLY BENIFIT YOU BUT..>>there are many people who need you to win...........keeep the spirit in you........................

((keep in mind do not study fr 5 hours but for 5*60*60 seconds......

may the best win!!!!!!!!

Before u go ahead and read this article, i wud suggest that u pick up yesterday's 'Sunday Times' (TOI) and read the article 'The beautiful world of backbenchers' by Manu Joseph. i dont remember the page number but its on one of the even pages.) Well i ofcourse read the piece and i was BLOWN. AWAY. those who dont wanna move their limbs and read the article (tho i insist that u must), i m putting forward my views here. IIT. The best institutes. JEE. The toughest exam. 3.2 lakh gave the paper this year. More will give the next year. The seats remain almost same in number. As a consequence, the fierceness of the competition just gets fiercer every year. i do not have statistical data but i guess 80% of science students or even more than that who can afford a 1000 Rs form give a shot to JEE. i know people who r not even sure whether they will pass this yrs physics cbse exam have appeared for jee. but hey stop. have u ever given a thot why is there an entrance exam to IITs or in that case other premier institutes. According to me, IIT wants to teach only some students who have that ability, that temperament, that certain standard of understanding for whom the difficulty level of the paper just doesnt matter. students who need no coaching, no tuitions, no brushing up. students who r generally interested in physics, chemistry and maths. students who wud prefer a physics numerical to a yash chopra movie. students who can sit for hours in the world of organic chemistry without knowing how long it has been. students who just cant rest until and unless they r able to solve that maths question. but the scenario right now is : every student who understands what gravitation pull is, who can break up a quadratic equation and one who knows wat the atomic mass of silver is appears for JEE. they join a coaching institute after tenth. they spend forced hours trying to comprehend the subtle world of science. they construct fake bleak dreams which break like a glasshouse when they r not able to crack JEE, AIEEE, BITS. these students somewhere deep inside know that their level of excellence when compared to many brighter others is like their fathers proffesion in front of Bill Gates. Now the question is : why have we students like this? i will give u the picture. these students are the ones who secure above 85 or 90 percent in 10th. now when they secure these many marks in their secondary examination, it becomes an ofcourse sort of thing that they will take up science in +2. now the general question in front of them is : wat will they do after 12th. B.Sc doesnt guarantee placements, atleast of the kind they dream of. their general interest mite be basketball, writing poetry, cricket, music, dance or other such fields but none guarantees a secure future. all these demand time , hard work, perseverance and an enormous amount of energy. tho they mite be sure of their capabilities in these fields of their interest but somewhere down the line they r scared of the struggle that is attached with pursuing wat they r interested in. they r

cowards. simply the type of cowards whose suicide stories u read about everyday in the newspapers. and then they come to know about IITs. wow they r beautiful. the fact that u r employed with a handsome package even before u have finished ur college captivates them. the path seems easier but it does have a big massive stone dividing the illuminated area and the dark one. JEE. so they pull up their socks and start preparing for one of the toughest exam on this planet. they spend hours forcing themselves to sit at their desks and study. they burn the midnite oil. they plan .And see their plans not working. they take resolutions and crumple them under their own feets after days. they put in their hundred percent but no, it doesnt work. it doesnt matter how much time and effort they genuinely put in, they dont see their bubble rising up. frustration along with irritation surrounds them. they r like that dyslexic dude who gathers all his strength to be able to learn to write properly. i feel sad for them. just sit down and think the plight of these guys who r pushed into the deep end of the swimmimg pool when they dont even know how to swim. they move their limbs in all possible directions but just dont get the technique to swim. and sadly lifeguards never come to their rescue. for all of you who have read this much of this article and who can identify with the examples i have given, i have one question : once you get an admission to an engineering college, you will have to spend four more years in the world of pcm. r u ready to spend four more years doing something u r not interested in? r u happy now? will u ever be satisfied in ur life. we r living in such a money driven society where everything including love scores below the demon of wealth. u cant pursue ur dreams, u cant continue with ur hobbies, u cant do wat interests u just bcoz it doesnt get u enuf money. the youth of this nation cowardly follows the path where there is no satisfaction, there is no real happiness. theres only money. they begin a painful journey with extreme uncertainity. the society pushes them. their parents' expectation forces them. i dont know where i m heading. but i m feeling so strongly about this cause that i m forced to write more.

the society nowadays doesnt just allow us to pursue our dreams. today, u r looked down upon if u not earning atleast twenty grands a month after turning twenty two. the situation has worsesned so much that 25% less students gave AIPMT this yr bcoz it involves tremendous hard work and noy enuf money. this 25% includes students who were really interested in Biology. that is the reason u have entrance examinations. they sieve the candidates and only those who have that temperament qualify.

my opinion is that u must follow things u r interested in. dont just go after the crowd. you will have more satisfaction after your first achievement in the field of your interest than u wud have when u wud be earning million bucks in an MNC, and in the long run it is this satisfaction that counts coz it brings with it a certain kind of happiness which is exclusive and unmatched. everyone is different, it was God's idea to make everyone different, He has given certain qualities to everyone. and if we just stop pursuing money, the media wud get less depression and suicide stories. The last word : The world would be a much better place to live in if we do wat we ought to do, if we listen to the higher calling, if we just stop doing things which are impossible and beyond our capabilities. Heres hoping that u like this piece and my words forced ur neurons to do something differnt today. i will be waiting for ur comments however strong or weak they r. Thank u for reading...

A mathematician went insane and believed that he was the differentiation operator. His friends had him placed in a mental hospital until he got better. All day he would go around frightening the other patients by staring at them and saying "I differentiate you!" One day he met a new patient; and true to form he stared at him and said "I differentiate you!", but for once, his victim's expression didn't change. Surprised, the mathematician marshalled his energies, stared fiercely at the new patient and said loudly "I differentiate you!", but still the other man had no reaction. Finally, in frustration, the mathematician screamed out "I DIFFERENTIATE YOU!" The new patient calmly looked up and said, "You can differentiate me all you like: I'm e to the x." (CALCULUS)

The functions are sitting in a bar, chatting (how fast they go to zero at infinity etc.). Suddenly, one cries "Beware! Derivation is coming!" All immediately hide themselves under the tables, only the exponential sits calmly on the chair.

The derivation comes in, sees a function and says "Hey, you don't fear me?" "No, I'am e to x", says the exponential self-confidently. "Well" replies the derivation "but who says I differentiate along x?" (CALCULUS) •

Big party; every possible function is having fun, chatting and drinking this evening. In an n-dimensional corner e^x stands bitter and alone. Near the lonely one there's a small group of exponential functions, and 2^x within them turns to see e^x on it's corner. - Hey, e^x, come-on, integrate yourself - Said 2^x pointing to the group.

- What for - whispers e^x - it makes no difference •

Math and Alcohol don't mix, so... PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DERIVE Then there's every parent's scream when their child walks into the room dazed and staggering:


The limit as n goes to infinity of sin(x)/n is 6. Proof: cancel the n in the numerator and denominator.

In a dark, narrow alley, a function and a differential operator meet: "Get out of my way - or I'll differentiate you till you're zero!" "Try it - I'm ex..." Same alley, same function, but a different operator: "Get out of my way - or I'll differentiate you till you're zero!" "Try it - I'm ex..." "Too bad... I'm d/dy."

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