God According To Physhics

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 160
  • Pages: 1
God According To Physhics Apostacy is like Electromagnetic wave. While a wave particle is such as Allahu Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala’s guidance. Because an Electromagnetic wave contradicting and influencing the natural Atomic wave particle. According to Physhics, the amount of Hydrogen on the Sun outmany the amount Helium which exist and have existed on it, this evidence means as an enough empirical evidence to proof that there is Dzat who has created the certain amount of Hydrogen on the Sun, that was before the Helium on the Sun change into Hydrogen. According to Physhics, the energy needed to create Material is so big and strong. That’s why I won’t understimate the Creator (Allahu Ta’ala) of Material. Assalamu manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance). Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance and blessings from Allah and His mercy be upon you).

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