Glossary Of Gaelic Theological Terms

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 201
  • Pages: 3
Glossary of Gaelic Theological Terms

adoption assurance assurance of grace assurance of salvation atonement, the attractive attributes attributes, divine baptism Baptist beauty beauty birth bondage chastening/discipline command communion of saints communion/fellowship congregation conscience conversion counsel covenant covenant of grace covenant of redemption covenant of works creation created (verb) creation out of nothing Creator creator of the ends of the earth creature cross decrees deity disciples dispensation disruption duty effectual calling elect election end enemy enjoy equal estate estate of sin and misery eternal eternity evangelising exaltation experience expiation

uchdmhacachd dearbh-bheachd, danachd dearbh-bheachd mu ghras dearbh-bheachd mu shlainte obair na reite tarraingeach buadhan; sing. buadh buadhan Dhe baisteadh Baisteach ailleachd, oirdhearcas (oirdheirc), breaghachd boidheachd maise/maisealachd breith; air a bhreith; rugadh e daorsa smachdachadh/ceartachadh/cronachadh aithne pl: aitheantan co-chomann nan naomh co-chomann coitheanal cogais iompachadh/atharrachadh nan gras comhairle coicheangal/cumhnant coicheangal nan gras coicheangal na saorsa coicheangal nan gniomh an cruthachadh/an cruinne-ce; chruthaich (Dia) cruthachadh/deanamh de neo-ni an Cruithear Cruithear criochan na talmhainn Is40:28 creutar crann-ceusaidh ordaighean, ruintean diadhachd deisciobail frithealadh dealachadh; sgaradh dleasdanas a'ghairm eifeachdach as an taghadh taghadh crioch namhaid mealtainn coimeas/ionnan staid staid peacaidh agus truaighe siorraidh siorraidheachd cur an ceill an t-soisgeil; soisgeulachadh? ardachadh fein-fhiosrachadh; pl. fein-fhiosraichean comhdach (air peacadh)/dubhadh as

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