Glorified Body

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Glorified Body Quotes from the collection of messages preached by Rev. William Marrion Branham, since 1947.

EXPECTATIONS 50-0405 …I've often thought how I would cherish in my hands, a charger that held one drop of the Blood of Thy Son. But I realize tonight I hold greater, in His estimation. Before me is a purchase of His Blood, that He gave His Blood that these might become His. E-12 012 And Father, it's my lot tonight to speak to these people. So may Thy Spirit direct every word. And how we thank Thee for the grace of God, to know that one time we were aliens cut off from God without mercy, without hope. Christ died for us in our stead, bearing our reproach and sins in His own body, and knowing someday that He shall come. We do not know now what we shall be like, but we know we'll have a body like His; for we shall see Him as He is. And Father, that'll be a glorified body, free from sickness, and sorrow, and heartaches, and death. Oh, our spirits groan for that deliverance. LIFE STORY 51-0722A I believe when we get over there we'll know each other, don't you? I believe I'll know you just as you--I know you now, only we'll be immortal, and we'll know each other. E-29 029 Why? They knew Elijah and Moses. And--and Peter, James, and John recognized them. And we recognize Jesus after He returned back to His glorified body. The Bible said, "It does not yet appear what we shall be," but we'll have a body like His, for we shall see Him as He is. So we will have one like that. And He was eating and so forth. Now, I just believe heaven's a real, real place that we're going. Amen. And every Word of God is a Seed that'll bring forth... It's condi... It'll bring forth what it's purposed for. I see many of you down here raising cotton, apples, peaches, fruits. When that little apple tree is no bigger than that right there, every apple that'll ever be in that tree is in it right then. Dozens of bushes of apples is in that little


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tree, right then. Why, you say, "Brother Branham, no." Well, where'd it come from, if they're not? They're in the tree right then. EXPECTATIONS 53-0507 E-17 017 Now, the only thing, the little tree, you stick it in the ground, plant it, and it has to grow. It has to draw the moisture from the ground, and it has to draw more than what its 'lotted portion is. You have to give it plenty of water. And when you give it water, it just drinks, and drinks, and drinks till it can't hardly drink no more, and it just starts pushing out. And it pushes out limbs, pushes out leaves, pushes out blossoms, pushes out apples. The apples were on the inside of it at the beginning. And it just has to drink. And every man that's born-again in Christ Jesus... Everything you have need of, your healing... Satan will afflict you, sure he will. But everything you have need of in the whole life's journey is in you right then. And we are planted in Christ Jesus. You see what I mean? E-18 018 When you are born again and the baptism of the Holy Spirit has come into your heart, you have everything that you have need of for the journey. Now, the only thing you have to do, is start drinking, drinking, pushing out, drinking and pushing out. I believe He hears my analysis of Christ Jesus. He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. And every man that's planted in Him can drink, and drink, and push out, and push out to every redemptive blessing that God has promised belongs to you and it's your personal property. And the devil hasn't got any tie to it at all. He hasn't got any legal rights. His legal rights were spoiled at Calvary. My, I can see Him when He died there and walked down at Calvary, down through the stair steps are He passed by those souls that were in prison, that repented not in the days of Noah, knocked at the door, "You should've heard the message of the prophet." E-19 019 On down He went into hell, knocked at the door, and Satan opened up. Said, "Oh, so after all You got here, did You?" Said, "I thought I had You when I slew Abel. I was sure I had you when I put Daniel in the lions den, the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace." Christ was in every one of them. "Then," said, "when I

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beheaded John, I thought I had You then. Then I thought I had You on Calvary, but now, You're here." I can hear Him say, "Satan, I'm the virgin born Son of God. My Blood is still dripping from the cross yonder. I've come down to take over. You made people fear, scared them, and run them around corners and everything else, but You can't do it no more. Give Me the keys of death and hell." Took them from his side, hung them on His side, walked up through the other stair steps, knocked on the door where I could hear a shouting meeting in there. And there stood Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, all the prophets. I hear Him knocking at the door and say, "Who is there?" Abraham opens up the door, why, here's the Seed of Abraham. Here's the Root and Offspring of David. Here's the Stone that Isaiah saw cut out of the mountain without hands. E-20 020 He said, "Now, you believe, and the goats and heifer's blood could not take away sin; it only covered it up. But My Blood has divorced sin and put it away forever. We're going home now. It's coming daylight in Jerusalem, and we've got to be moving along." I can hear Abraham say, "Lord, can we make a little whistle stop as we go through Jerusalem? Well, I'd like to look the old city over." Amen. Some of that same noise will come in this grave yard across here, some of these days, "Can we make a whistle stop?" I can hear Him say, "I've got to talk over a few things with My disciples, about forty days." Sure, look around the country. And on Easter morning, when He come out of the grave, according to Matthew 27, "The many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, rose out of the grave and come out and appeared unto many." E-21 021 I can see Caiaphas say... I can see Abraham and Sarah, as young people walking down the streets, looking the old city over, and the priest say, "I seen them people somewhere." And they disappeared just like Jesus coming through that wall, the


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same kind of a glorified body. Yes. But brother, on that last day, after the Pentecost, before Pentecost, when He ascended up on high, as He went up, the Bible said, "He went with them." He went up and they went with Him. I can see Him going on above the moon, the stars, Him and the Old Testament saints, going into the Presence of God. When they get way out there somewhere, millions of miles beyond where any scope could ever see, way in there, it comes close to the city. I can hear the Old Testament saints when they see the city say, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up. Let the King of glory come in." I can hear an angelic choir back over there, holler, said, "Who is this King of glory?" "The Lord of hosts, mighty in battle, lift up the gates." E-22 022 I can see the Angels press the button, the big gates fly loose, and Jesus that Conqueror Who led captive captive and give gifts to men, walking down through the streets of Jerusalem, with the Old Testament saints right down to the throne of God. Said, "Here they are. They were faithful. Here they are. I've gone down and redeemed them." I can hear Him say, "Climb up here and sit on this throne till I make every enemy Your footstool. I got to send You back again someday." Hallelujah. I believe it, brother. He is the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. There He is, the lovely One. The things that He did here, while He was on earth, He give all the power back to His Church, and the Church fails to recognize that. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS COD 54-0103M …If you're filled with the Holy Ghost this morning, and God's power is moving in every fiber of your body, what good would it do for you to stand in the judgment? You're already judged, and been received, and filled, and already--already translated into heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Not you will be, you are now, right now translated.

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76-107 043 "Those whom He called, He justified; those whom He justified, He glorified." And every redeemed person in the world this morning that's under the Blood of Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Ghost, hath Everlasting Life and can't perish, and is already in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, and shall never come into condemnation. Already redeemed, isn't that wonderful? See? Already redeemed, setting in heavenly places now with Christ, and glo--already glorified, already glorified. You say, "Brother Bill, does the Scripture say that?" Jesus said that, or the Scripture says that, or the writers. Paul, he said, "Those whom He justified, He hath already glorified. Those whom He foreordained, He predestinated; those whom He predestinated, He justified; those whom He justified, He has already glorified." What is it? Oh, my (Excuse me.), already glorified. Then if we are filled with the Holy Ghost, our fibers and beings has already been preserved in God, there is a glorified body already waiting, and you have to go to it as soon as this is over. Those who He has justified, He's already glorified. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS COD 54-0103M 102-263 106 Just think, the very Lord Jesus that was back there in the days of the apostles is right here now. And it's just winding up the end of the Gentiles. A great move is going amongst the supernatural believers, 'cause we believe that God is here. Just think, your--your glorified body's right here at the Tabernacle now, the Presence of the Holy Spirit which is your glorified condition. You're glorified in Christ right now. "Those who He justified, He glorified." And your own glorified body is standing near you right now in Christ Jesus to give to you a strength like a charge going into a battery. The Holy Spirit's in you. It's to charge your body to give you new strength, to heal you from the sickness that you've got, to make you well. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS COD 54-0103E 110-31 015 Then by one Spirit (Notice) we're all baptized into one body. And as that body was raised up by God, resurrected from the dead, justified, setting at His right hand in power and majesty in heaven, so them that are dead in Christ, are in Christ, and free from judgment, and will come forth in the resurrection.


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Now. But when we die now--when we die now, we go directly into the Presence of Almighty God in a celestial body. If I would meet Brother Neville up there, if we'd both die now, in an hour from now I'd meet him; I'd say, "Greetings, Brother Neville," talk to him. I couldn't shake his hand; he's in a celestial body. I could talk to him; he'd look just like he does there. I'd look like I do. But we could talk to one another, but we couldn't touch one another, because we haven't got any of the five senses of see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. See? But we would be immortal, and we could see one another. We'd live in the blessed realms by the altar of God. Don't you know John saw the souls under the altar crying, "How long, Lord, how long," to come back to the earth to be clothed upon? 111-33 016 Then, when Jesus, which is in us now in the form of the Holy Ghost, when His celestial body, the Holy Spirit returns with the glorified body, we'll be glorified with Him and in His likeness. See what I mean? Then I'll shake his hand and say, "Here it is, Brother Neville." Then we'll be... Look. Jesus told His disciples, taking their Communion, He said, "I'll eat no more of the fruit of the vine until I eat it and drink it with you anew in My Father's Kingdom." Is that right? See? There it is. So we... When the dead dies... A justified person, standing in the Presence of God, goes into His Presence as an immortal being and lives in the blessed realms of peace until the day that--returns back. 111-35 017 Now, there was a time that the people didn't go into the Presence of God when they died: the justified. That was in the Old Testament. They went into a place called Paradise, and there the souls of the just waited in Paradise. But Paradise was a place where God kept the souls in like a dreamland, until the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed; for the blood of bulls and goats would not take away sin; it only covered up sin. But Jesus' Blood takes away sin. You notice that His--when He died at Calvary... And on His return, He brought out from the grave those dead saints that had died under the atonement of blood of bulls, and goats, and heifers. And they entered into the city (Oh.) and appeared to many. How

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beautiful a picture, oh, if we could paint it just a moment. Look at Jesus when He died. 111-37 018 Here, as I've often said, I believe, in the church here, there's a--a roll here like; in here lives mortal beings. And each one is in this great conglomeration of... of blackness and darkness. Mortals live in here. Now, they are either influenced from this a-way or from that way. You cannot be here a spiritual being, sinner or saint, without having an influence from the underworld or from the above world. If you're influenced from here, you're from above. Your celestial body is waiting up here. But if you're wicked, and hypocritical, and indifferent, your celestial body is down here, regardless of how much you think it's up there; because the fruit that you bear before people proves where you're from. So you are here what you are somewhere else. Your life that you live here is just reflecting what your inheritance is when you leave here. Do you understand? 112-38 019 We are right now (oh, when I think of that)--we are right now glorified in the Presence of God, born again believers, "For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting in glory," not somewhere else, right yonder already waiting now. And these earthly bodies groan to be clothed upon with that immortality. Is that right? Sickness, and aches, and pains, and disappointments, and heartaches, and... Oh, I'll be glad when the old pesthouse is closed up, won't you? Yes, sir. We can go home. That's right. Just... We are--groan to be clothed upon, the Spirit groaning. Oh, when you look and see all the pain around about, all the conglomeration, stink, and sin, and mortal living, and deceit, and everything, I think, "Oh, God, how much longer will it be?" 112-40 020 One of these days I'm going to preach my last sermon, going to lay the Bible down like this, and go home. Oh, what a time that'll be. And when this earthly tabernacle is finished here, it won't be one second till I'll be in that one yonder; so will you. Oh, my. No wonder they said: This robe of flesh I'll drop and rise, And seize the everlasting prize; And shout while passing through the air... (Sure, moving on up.)


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Now, where is that? When do we have it? Now. "Those whom He justified, He also glorified." And do you realize that our glorified, immortal body is waiting in the Presence of Jesus Christ right now, waiting for us to come? EXPLAINING HEALING AND JAIRUS 54-0216 E-37 037 The devil's just trying to scare you out of something. He's trying to put something off somewhere else, say, "Some of these days you'll be this." You are now. Now, we're sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, we have all powers in heavens and the earth. See? Now, we have it. Not in the millennium, we won't need it then. We got it now. We're... Right now we are the sons of God. "It does not appear what we shall be, but we know we'll be like Him." What you are here is a reflection of what you are somewhere else. "Those who He called, He justifies." Is that right? "Those who He justified, He has glorified." Already in the Presence of the Father, we have a glorified body. Whew! Wasn't that deep? All right. We'll find out whether it's right or not. "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." Is that right? That's right. So right now, and what we are there, is a reflection. Here, what we are here, is a reflection of what we are somewhere else. So if your deeds are evil, you know where it comes from. You know where your other body's a waiting. RESURRECTION OF JAIRUS DAUGHTER 54-0302 E-4 004 I just want to set down under that evergreen tree and just relax a few thousand years, just to look it all over. Won't that be wonderful? That may sound mythical, but it may not be just that way. But anyhow, by God's grace, I want to be there. Yes, I want to be there. And I believe that by His grace, unmerited grace, that I have of my own--that's none of my own, that He gave me, by no merits that I had to present, I'll be there. "For those that He has called, He has chosen. And those that He has--that He... Those who He called, He justified. And those who He justified, He hath glorified (already). And when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." Amen.

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Right in the presence of His beings tonight, in His sight we are already glorified: "Those who He justified, He hath (past tense) glorified." And what makes you a Christian, is because--and long for that perfection, is because the perfection's laying right out there, that other glorified body. When this one is moved out of, you move into that one. Isn't that marvelous? What are we scared about then? We just believe, and then the Master of all it said, "All things work together for good to them that love God." Nothing can harm us. Just as peaceful as little children playing around. Just... We got a heavenly Father Who watches over us. And whatever He sees that we have need of, He just presents it to us. GOD PERFECTING HIS CHURCH 54-1204 E-64 064 Now, when Jesus died, the Bible said He went and preached to the souls that were in prison that repented not in the long-suffering in the day of Noah. Is that the Scripture? You know it is. What was that? Jesus went and preached to the souls that were in prison. Why? He walked to the doors. I can see Him over yonder in that demon region, where those demons lay, those un... I mean those souls that didn't repent. In that dark place there called the chains of darkness. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit four times--Ed.] Knocked at the door. And He opened up the door and I looked in there. There is a great mass of souls, lost and screaming. And beautiful girls and wrinkled hags and everything else, crying. Oh, my. If they only had a chance. The heavens has done said He was the Son of God. The earth said He was the Son of God. The atmosphere said He was the Son of God. The stars wouldn't shine. The moon wouldn't shine, and the sun went down. Everything said, "That's the Son of God." E-65 065 The Roman said, "That's the Son of God." The earth belched out it's rocks, said, "It's the Son of God." And now, He is here to the lost souls and He knocks on the door. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times--Ed.] I can hear Him when His Majesty--when He knocks on the door and they looked up at Him. He said, "I am the Son of God. I've just died at Calvary for sinners. Why didn't you believe Enoch and the


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rest of the prophets before the day of the destruction?" He had to witness to the lost that He was the Son of God. And them screaming for mercy, He had to shut the door. 'Cause they had spurned mercy and they had to receive judgment. And He goes on down a past the demons. I can see Him go down to hell where the devil... [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit--Ed.] Knocked at the door. The devil said, "Who is there?" Said, "Open up." And I can see the devil open up the door. "Oh," he said, "You finally arrived, did You? Uh-huh." Said, "I finally got my hands on You." He said, "I thought I had You when I killed Abel. I thought I had You when I took the life of the prophets. I was sure I had You when I beheaded John. But now, I've got You." E-66 066 I can hear him as he rattles that scary key there of hell and death on his side, the keys that he kept people shut up in. For all those years, he rattled it. Jesus said, "I am the Son of God. I am the virgin born Son of the Living God. You can't bluff people any longer. My Blood's still wet at the cross. I paid the full price of every one of them sinners. And now, they're free. Give Me that key of death and hell." Remember when He raised up, He had it. Yes, sir. "Give Me that key. You'll not scare them any more. My people will not be scared, that believes on Me, any more." And I can see Him smite the devil in the face, and pull the keys off, and hang it on His side, and start to glory--start for the heavens. E-67 067 I can see Him; He said, "Wait a minute. There's another group. Over here had been Job, Abraham, Isaac, Sarah. Why, heaven wouldn't be heaven without Sarah and Abraham in it, hardly. There they were over here in paradise; they couldn't go in the Presence of the Father. They lived under the burnt sacrifice, all they knew how to do. They were justified. But it couldn't divorce sin. It couldn't take sin. So, Abraham and they back in there in paradise, having a good song that morning perhaps. Along about two o'clock in the morning, time on earth. I can see Him walk up there to the gates of paradise. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit five times--Ed.] I

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can hear Abraham say, "Wonder who that is?" He opened up the door. Abraham said, "Well, there He is. The One that I saw in a vision." I can hear Daniel rise up, said, "I know Him. He's the Rock that I seen hewed out of the mountain without hands." I can hear Ezekiel say, "Yes, that's Him. He's the One I seen coming in the clouds with dust under His feet. Hallelujah. Oh, there He stands." He said, "Children, you died under good faith." Job said, "That's the One that I call my Redeemer." You haven't got room for me to preach now. "That's the One that I call my Redeemer. For I know the deliverance is nigh now." That's Him. He had to witness to everything. He witnessed to the earth, to the hell, to the lost souls, to--back up here to paradise. He said, "You were faithful. Now, come on. We're going up this morning. It's almost daylight. They got My body sealed in up yonder. I've got a different body." E-68 068 When a saint dies, I'm not able to tell you what kind of a body He receives. But it's not a glorified body. It's not a spirit, but it's some kind of a body that lasts until the resurrection. And when He said, "I haven't received this glorification yet, but I'm going up, and we're going to come out in a few minutes." I can hear Sarah say, "Come on, Abraham." All of them get together, and the saints rallying around Him. First thing you know, it's along about daylight. I can hear Abraham say, "Master? Are You going to wait around a little while? Can we make a little whistle-stop before we go up to glory? I'd like to look the old home place over again." "Well, sure." He said, "Sure. I'm going to be with My disciples forty days and nights. Come on." And away they went. E-69 069 The morning star gave it's light. The Angel of God come rolled away the stone. And the Bible said that the saints that slept in the dust of the earth, rose (Matthew 27) and come out of the graves and appeared to many.


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I can see Caiaphas saying, "You know what? They tell me that holy-roller raised from the dead this morning? I wonder what I-what I--what's going to happen to these people now? All these kind of stories." I can see Abraham and Isaac walk... Abraham and Sarah, their arms around one another, walking down the street. And Sarah-Abraham say, "Sarah? Don't the old place look natural over there? And remember when we were setting up there?" "Yes, I remember." Caiaphas said, "Who is that couple there? Seemed like I seen them somewhere." Abraham said, "Sarah, Sarah. We're being recognized." They had a body like Jesus' body. They could disappear like He did through the walls. Just disappeared out of their sight. And Caiaphas said, "You know? Something's going wrong around here. I don't know what's happening." Oh, my. E-70 070 Those were...?... After forty days and nights visit the earth, they heard Him saying, "Someday we're returning back." Hallelujah. Then when Jesus was taken up... Glory to God. I can see Him when He rises on the Easter--on that morning to go up after His--after ascension. And the saints went with Him. The Bible said, "He led captive captive, give gifts unto men." Is that right? I can see Him as He go up on a past the morning stars, on a past the moon, on a past the sun, on into the Archangels, beyond them, on into the heavens of heaven. First thing you know, they come in sight of the great ivory palace. I can hear the Old Testament saints say, "Lift up ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up. And let the King of glory come in." Hallelujah. David's prophecy had to be fulfilled. There He comes triumph, walking. Glory to God. Whew. I feel like a holy-roller sure enough.

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E-71 071 Notice. Here He come walking, God's Word is eternally true. He's coming again. Going walking down through there, triumph. And I hear the Old Testament saints rallying around Him. "This is the Redeemer." Say, "Lift up ye everlasting gates and be ye lifted up and let the King of glory come in." I can hear the Angels back over in--in the ki... in the glorious place of God, say, "Who is this King of Glory?" That's what the Bible said. And the Old Testament saints said, "The Lord of hosts, mighty in battle." Here He comes, the King with His delegates, the Conqueror. Although He is a mighty Conqueror since He rent the veil in two. The Angel pressed the gates. The pearly gates swing open, when he pressed the button. Down through the city of Jerusalem come Jesus the Conqueror, with all the Old Testament saints that lived back there, believing that He would come sometime. Hallelujah. E-72 072 I can see Him marching, as Angelic bands beating and play, and the angels sing Hosanna. Here come the Old Testament saints and Jesus walking through the streets, right up in front of the Father. He said, "Father, these are those that died in good faith." "Well, done My Son. Climb up here on My throne, and set down in My right hand till I make every enemy Your footstool. For one of these days I'm going down to Binghamton, New York." Hallelujah. "I'm going to send You back again to get everyone that dies in faith." Amen. There He is, the great mighty Conqueror, setting at the right-hand of the majesty of God tonight, in His Presence, making intercession on anybody here that will dare to take Him by faith. And God will send the Holy Ghost down to seal you into the Kingdom of God. GLORIFIED JESUS 55-0225 E-53 053 Remember, there's some more people that had a revelation: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all those in paradise couldn't go into the presence of His majesty, because the blood of bulls and goats wouldn't take away sin; it only covered it. But now they can go. The real sacrifice, the very predominating Son of the living God, the Son of the morning, had come and died, and the


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Blood of God, Himself, had paid the price. Hallelujah! Oh, I feel religious. Notice. I can see Him knock at the door. Abraham and Sarah was setting back in there, Job and all of them, saying, "You know, I believe something took place up on earth awhile ago." I can hear Him knock at the door, and they open up the door; Abraham said, "Sarah, looky here. Here He is. Here's the Lamb that's been slain from the foundation of the world." I can hear Daniel look out and say, "Wait a minute. That's the Stone I seen cut out of the mountain without hands." I can hear Ezekiel saying, "I saw Him like clouds under His feet, when He was coming." I can hear Job said, "I know My Redeemer liveth and there He stands." Hallelujah. E-54 054 The patriarchs and prophets a answering to Him... I can hear Him say, "Get ready, children. You've died under a good faith. You come God's provided way. And I've made a way now. You're going back to receive your immortal bodies. Just a few minutes it's going be daylight, and we've got to appear on earth. I hear Abraham say, "Master, can we make a little whistle stop? I'd like to look around the old city and see how it looks." Daniel say, "I'd like to go out where I saw the visions." He said, "Sure. I'm going to be there for several days, talking to My disciples and instructing them and--concerning the things of the Kingdom of God. I've got to anoint them, and the Holy Spirit's a coming... Tell them to preach the Gospel and heal the sick to all the world." Daylight came. The Angels rolled the stone away. A great mysterious something happened. I can see Caiaphas walking down the street and say, "You know the story they're telling about that man, raised from the dead? I hear them say He come right into a--a building last night and talked to the disciples and so forth. I see Sarah and Abraham, sweethearts, never to be old no more,

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arm in arm, walking down the street. And I hear Abraham say, "Sarah, darling, look at that old place, you remember that?" "Yeah, I remember it. Why, I remember when I met Melchizedek, right out there, the King of Salem, paid Him a tithe of all the spoils." Caiaphas said, "Who is that young couple? Looks like I've seen them." "Watch out, Sarah, we're being noticed." Disappeared like Christ did, coming through the walls: glorified body. After forty days He pulled His disciples out there and blessed them and said, "Go into all the world and preach this Gospel; I'm coming back again. I'll be with you always unto the end of the world." E-55 055 He started up, taking the Old Testament saints with Him. And as He went up, up, beyond the moon, on beyond the stars, on beyond the sun, the Old Testament saints followed Him. The Bible said, "He led captive, captive, give gifts unto men." I can see Him going beyond Angels and Archangels plumb on into the spheres and...?... coming into the sight of the New Jerusalem. I can hear the Old Testament saints, acquainted with David's prophecy said, "Lift up ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up, let the King of Glory come in." I can here the Angels behind, said, "Who is this King of Glory?" And the Old Testament said, "The Lord of Host, mighty in battle." The angel pressed the button; the gates lifted up; Jesus and the Old Testament saints walked right down through the city of Jerusalem. The Conqueror, all the saints a following Him, walked up to the throne and present them, say, "Here they are, Father." He said, "Climb up on My Throne and set here at My right hand, till I make every enemy Your footstool." Hallelujah. HIDDEN LIFE IN CHRIST 55-1110 …I'm living. "I've crossed the riven veil, where the glories never fail. We're living in the Presence of the King. Hallelujah. I'm on the


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altar, sanctified. Oh, glory to His Name. I've crossed the riven veil, where the glories never fail, for we're living in the Presence of the King." E-57 057 Some glorious day... This little old body of mine, it's melting away. You little gray-headed mothers and daddies out there, a few years ago you walked with her to the altar, a little sweetheart, a beautiful girl. But nature... You can see how it's going away. But one of these glorious days Jesus shall come from in the Presence of God, and everything that we was in our best, we'll return again and be with Him forever. Hallelujah. What is these bodies made out of? A little cosmic light, a few atoms, and of petroleum, and so forth, put together, that God brought out of dust of the earth, and painted a picture. And we're only living in the negative now. And some glorious day death will develop the picture, and we'll return again in a new glorified body, to never be old, never be sick, never have a heartache. It behooves you, brother, to enter in at the court veil, shut the world off around you, and consecrate yourself to Christ, and live a consecrated life. Don't you believe that? Certainly, it is. Oh, that's the life to live. How many in here say, "Brother Branham, by the grace of God I'd like to live that kind of life."? Raise you hand, "I'd like to live that kind of life." God bless you. I believe we need that, don't you? FAITH 56-0427 …Then what did God do? At Calvary He took Christ Jesus, His Son, and put Him on the cross, and He tore Him in two. He rent the soul from the body, and He took the body up into heaven and sent back the Holy Ghost to the Church. That on that day the same Spirit that was upon Christ Jesus has to be in His Church to dovetail one with the other on that day, and God swore by Himself that He'd raise that Church up, a glorious church. How can it fail? That's God's everlasting eternal Covenant He swore by Himself. He will keep His promise. Amen. Oh, I hope you see it. E-46 046 How can you fail? I can fail. No more it isn't whether I fail; it's whether He failed. And He didn't fail, and God confirmed it by raising Him up from the dead. And today the same Holy Ghost

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that was upon Christ Jesus is in the Church writing the same covenant that He did back yonder, and doing the same thing that He did back there. And the Church believes on Him, and the unbeliever disbelieves Him, and call Him Beelzebub, and devils, and so forth, like they did back there. There's the difference between the covenant people and the people that hasn't the covenant. Christ died, and He come a man. He took our sins upon Himself, and went there, and was nailed to the cross, and His soul was rent from Him and cast into hell, and God raised Him up on the third day for our justification and sent the Holy Ghost back to us, and the glorified body of His Son setting on His Throne in heaven... Watch what a type it is there. FAITH 56-0427 E-47 047 In Egypt when the poor Jews were all beat... Joseph being a--a type of Christ born to be a seer. He saw visions. He was hated of his brothers, loved of his father. He couldn't help because he saw visions. He was a spiritual boy. God made him that way, and the father loved him; but his brothers hated him, a type of the Church today. The carnal thinking Christian hates the spiritual things, hates the phenomenal, hates the spiritual of born again, hates the--the great move of God, hate it without a cause. That's right. Don't unchristianize them, but they hate... Always the natural hates the supernatural. Amen. Now, watch, and he was sold for thirty pieces of silver--almost thirty pieces like Jo--Christ was, and was threw into a ditch supposing to be dead, taken up and set at the right hand of the greatest city and the commercial city in the world. And when he went forth, every man bowed the knee to Joseph. And no man could come to Pharaoh except by Joseph, and no man can come by--to God except by Christ, and ever knee shall bow and ever tongue confess to Him. And when he was in his prison there, the butcher and the butler... One was lost and one was saved just exactly like there on the cross: one lost, and one saved. E-48 048 And then he left his body for a memorial. He said, "Don't bury me." I'm supposed to put my hands on that old lead casket he laid in, supposing to been in a museum in England here not long ago, but in this bod--and these bones laid there. He said, "Don't


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take my bones out until you go out of here." For he believed that God would visit the people like He said. He was Abraham's seed so he took God at His promise. And every man, Jew, with his back beaten from the cat-of-ninetails and the switches and the rods of Egypt, would pass by and look at that body of Joseph and say, "Someday we're going home." That's right. And today we can look at our Joseph, an empty tomb when we bury our loved ones and say, "Someday we're going home." And when we get there, we were born for this earth. We'll never be Angels. God never made us Angels. He made us men and women. We'll always be that. We'll have a celestial body there. E-49 049 It doesn't appear yet what kind of a body we will have when we're there, but we--we'll be able to eat and drink and sleep like I do here, but it'll be a--a--a body, but not the resurrected glorified body. And the souls under the altar were crying, "Lord, how long?" And every time they were under the altar and looked up there, there was an actual glorified, resurrected Lord Jesus setting there representing that some day he will move off of His Throne there, coming to the earth and everyone that's dead in Christ will come with Him and receive a body like His own glorious body. We'll see Him as He is. Oh, Bible ties together one big, beautiful picture. FAITH 56-0427 E-86 086 Nobody will never know the life that takes out of a person. Now, I can't tell you. Right now they're something about a man. I see him laying out somewhere and them doing something to him. It's the only thing I can remember right now. It's another world. Now, I want you to be real reverent. Watch this a way. Believe. Don't believe me. Believe Him. Believe Him. Ask Him. Say, "Lord, if that's true... You people out there that won't be called in the prayer line, say, "Lord, I'm not asking, 'if it's true.' I believe it's truth, and if You'll just speak to me, it'll make me a great believer." Just do that one time.

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Now, the lady here. I guess we're strangers to each other, lady. I never saw you in my life, but God knows you; I don't. There's a man up here beside of the woman. I don't know. Just a moment. Now, lady, I don't know you. I've never seen you, but one of these days you and I are going to stand in the Presence of Jesus Christ when He's in His glorified body and give an account. I want you to believe, and you'll know whether the--whether these things are true or not. You be the judge. See? You be the judge. AT KADESH BARNEA 56-0527 E-18 018 Now, the Old Testament being a beautiful type, we type there and see all those things happen to the people that we might look for examples. Now, God being sovereign... And as I have, just was teaching today in a home where I was invited out for dinner. They wanted to know if they would know their loved ones, when they met them in Glory. "Why," I said, "certainly we will know them." See. We--we are in a--we're--have three different bodies we dwell in: One is a human; the other is the celestial; and the other is the glorified. And then if we know one another in the human body, the mortal body, how much more will we know each other in a glorified body? It's like if the law could produce a good thing, how much greater thing can grace produce, because it's greater than the law. And if the moon can produce a certain part of light, how much more will the sun outshine it when it comes. And we'll certainly know each other. ARROW OF GOD'S DELIVERANCE 56-0801 …Now, the only thing is different then, He hasn't got a corporal body. His body is setting on the throne of God. That's not Jesus' throne He's setting on tonight. The Bible said, "He's setting on His Father's throne." Is that right? "He that overcomes shall set with Me on My throne as I've overcome and set on My Father's throne." Now, His throne is on the earth. He's to be here with people. E-53 053 Now, see, you'll never be an Angel; you know that. You'll never be an Angel. You'll never get old; you'll never be wrinkled; you'll never be sick; you'll never have a worry. And you'll never be an Angel. You--you'll be a human being, only immortal. You'll have a glorified body like His body. You'll both eat, and drink, and live, and love, and--and associate forever and forever. Not spooks


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flying around in the air, never, the Bible don't teach no... God made Angels. Yes. But He made--never made you an Angel. He made you to be a human. And Jesus came down... God came down, was made flesh, and made a--made a Man to dwell here with His--His people on the earth. And someday He's coming back in that corporal, glorified body. HEBREWS CHAPTER 3 57-0901M 100-82 032 Peter had an experience one night while he was praying. That same Light come into the building, opened up the doors before him, went out into the streets. And Peter thought he was dreaming; he was so anointed. He didn't know what taken place. He said, "Have I just waked up? But I'm out here on the street." And he went down to John Mark's house. And the little girl opened the door, some little lady there, been in a prayer meeting; "somebody was knocking at the door." Opened up the door, "Oh," she said, "here's Peter right now. You're praying for him to get out of prison; the Lord has delivered him." "Oh," they said, "go on." "O Lord, deliver him." "Why," she said, "he's standing at the door knocking." Peter just kept pounding; "Let me in." "Oh," she said, "it's Peter." In them days they still have it, a little draw bar, a little lid here you raise back and look out. See? 'Fore you let your guest in, you have to know who's knocking at your door; 'cause they had robbers, if you opened the door, they'd kill you. So he opened the door. She said, "It's Peter." They said, "Oh. Oh my, he's dead. That's his angel standing there." See? Done got in his glorified body, you know, that theophany.

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100-89 033 You remember how we took it, the big diamond, and how it reflected the light, how it went back through there? "The... this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." And they thought Peter done died, and this old body had dropped and they'd bury it in a few days; he'd entered into his angel or his glori--not glorified body, but in his theophany, the body that's already prepared. It couldn't shake your hands. It has no hands to shake like that, but it's in an image of a man. Come down and was knocking at the door. She said, "No. It's Peter; he's standing there." He opened the door and walked in, and there he was. Now, Peter had been delivered by this Light. HEBREWS CHAPTER 4 57-0901E 144-146 053 In the beginning was the same. He was that great Spirit Fountain where all the trueness, all the love, all the peace, everything that was pure was in this Fountain. It begin to form a body, a theophany, the kind of body that we go to, not a glorified body, but an angelic body like: has shape, form. Every time I see a tree, I think, "That tree is a negative; there's a positive somewhere." That tree was made off of something, an Intelligence made it. And all this earth does is reflect the heavenly. The Bible said so. And if there's a tree here that has to perish, there's one in glory that won't perish. If I see a man... I see a lovely little young couple, man and his wife, walking down the street, sweethearts together. What does it reflect? Blessed be the Name of the Lord. There's one in heaven that'll never perish. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting, the theophany. HEBREWS CHAPTER 5 AND 6 57-0908M 169-27 013 Notice Paul, being a great master teacher, well trained, on his road down to Damascus one day to arrest the people that were in this new way... Now, he was sincere. God does not judge you by your sincerity. I never seen any more sincere people than the heathens. Many of them even kill their own children and thing for--for sacrifice to a--an idol. It's not the sincerity. A man could take carbolic acid, sincerely thinking he was taking something else. Sincerity doesn't save you. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of


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death." Paul was sincere when he gave witness in his own authority to stone Stephen. Later on in years, I like the apology of Paul; he said, "I'm not worthy to be called the disciple or to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church even unto death." With sincerity... 169-28 014 And on his road down he struck an experience. The Holy Spirit come out in a big Pillar of Fire, and It blinded him. Now, we've went through that. That Pillar of Fire was Christ. And He's the same Pillar of Fire that led the children through the wilderness. Christ was God, and God was Christ. God was made flesh and dwelt in the body of the Lord Jesus. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, showing what He was. In the Bible back here in the former verses, we been reading that He made Hisself lower than the Angels, taken on the form, not of Angels, but taken on a form of flesh." Angels had not fallen; they need no redemption. Flesh had fell, human beings, and they needed redemption. So in the old laws, a man to be a--a redeemer, first he had to be kinfolks: the great Book of Ruth we went through here sometime ago. And how that God, being Spirit, was made kinfolks with us by becoming one of us. In order to redeem us and give us Eternal Life He had to become us, that we through grace might become as He. 170-30 015 And we find the Pillar of Fire led the children of Israel. And when It was made flesh here on earth, we hear Him talking one day, and He claimed that He was the Pillar of Fire. They said, "You say that you're greater than our father Abraham?" He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Who was the I AM? The Pillar of Fire in the burning bush, a perpetual memorial through every generation; not only that generation, but this generation, the same Pillar of Fire. And we're thankful this morning, that we even have the picture of It, that He has not changed. He's the immortal, eternal, blessed One. He does the same things now that He did then, and how happy it makes us feel. 170-32 016 But before Paul would accept this experience, knowing that the Angel of the Lord was the Pillar of Fire, which was Christ, the... Well, He was the Angel of the Covenant, which was Christ. Moses thought better that--chose rather to suffer the

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afflictions with the people of Christ, and to be led by Christ, than all the treasures of Egypt. He followed Christ, which was in the form of the Pillar of Fire. Then Christ said, "I came from God (when He was here on earth); I go back to God." After His death, burial, resurrection, glorified body setting at the right hand of the Majesty to make intercessions, Paul saw Him as the Pillar of Fire again, a Light that put his eyes out almost, smote him blind. Peter saw Him come into the jail as a Light, and opened the doors before him as he went out. We find out that He was the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. And here He is with us today, doing the very same things that He did then, making Himself visible back to us, showing it to the scientific world. HEBREWS CHAPTER 6 AND 7 57-0915M 263-590 044 "In the veil..." The veil is the flesh. The veil is what keeps us from seeing God face to face in this church. The veil is what keeps us from seeing the Angels at their positions this morning, standing by the seats. The veil is what keeps us from seeing Him. We're hid behind the veil, and that veil is the flesh. We are sons and daughters of God; we're in the Presence of God. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him." We're in the Presence of God all the time: "I'll never leave thee; neither will I ever forsake thee. I'll be with thee always, even unto the end." But the veil is the flesh; that's what's keeps us out of His Presence. But through the soul, the Spirit, by our faith we know that He's watching us. He's standing by us. He's here now. 263-591 045 Down at Dothan one morning, an old prophet was surrounded by an army and the--his servant went out and said, "O father, the whole country's surrounded by the aliens." And Elijah raised up, and said, "Why, son, there's more with us than there is with them." Well, he batted his eyes and looked around; he could see nothing.


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He said, "God, I would that You'd open his eyes, take away the veil." And when the veil dropped from over his eye, around that old prophet was chariots of fire; the mountains was on fire with Angels and chariots. There you are. Oh, then Gehazi could say, "I--I understand now." See, the veil dropped. There's where the hindrance. 264-596 046 Here it is. Hold tight; the veil is what keeps us from living the way we should. Veil is what keeps us from doing the things that we really want to do. And God became veiled in flesh. And the veil was tore in two, and God became God again. And He rose up the veil that He hid Himself in; that's the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, proving to us that in this veil that we're now hid in... By faith we believe It and accept It. And when this veil is tore in two, I'll go in His Presence with this assurance, knowing that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. At the coming of the Lord Jesus, this veil will be raised up again in a perfected way, so I'll walk and talk with Him as my Saviour and my God, when He takes the throne of David. And we'll live forever in this veil after it's been perfected, but this veil has sin in it. It was... No matter how... Don't never think of that glorified body in this earth. It's got to die the same as your soul has to die to be born again. In the perfection... HEAR HIS VOICE 58-1005M E-11 Then I was thinking just last night after I had gone home, and laying down for a few minutes, I was thinking of when the soul has gone out of a man what is it? It's his inner being that has moved out. He's not dead; he's--he's still alive. See, he--he lives forever. And our loved ones who have passed on beyond this veil is in a--a body that we don't know what it is. It isn't revealed. E-12 There's three stages of everything. There's a stage of the mortal body, the immortal body, and then the glorified body. See? Just like, other things, like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit goes in one channel, and the three makes the one. Justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost in a channel makes the one. And--and soul, body, and spirit makes the one. And it travels in three's, and three's are one.

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And take a--a three cornered piece of glass and lay it in the sun, it'll reflect the colors. Yet seven colors will come down to one. And you take red, and look through red at red, how many knows what color it'll be? White. Uh-huh. Isn't that strange that red through red looks white? Red is the sign of redemption. And when you... God looks at our red sins through the red blood of His precious Son; they're white. See? So... But He has to look through the Blood. If it doesn't, they are sinful. So we have to be under the Blood. E-13 And when the soul leaves the body, it takes its journey into a place of rest in a body that's in the form and shape of this body, but it isn't this type of a body. You'll meet your loved ones; you couldn't shake their hands. You could talk to them; you could look at them. They look just like they do here. 'Cause when Peter, and John, and James saw Moses and Elijah, they recognized them on Mount Transfiguration. But it's a body. But then when that body, a kind of a celestial body, when it returns back to the earth, it picks up the--the substance that it once lived in and then it becomes a glorified body. And that body is the one that we'll see the Lord Jesus in His resurrected body. E-14 "It does not yet appear what we shall be," said Paul, "but we know we shall have a body like His own glorious body. For we shall see Him as He is." And all these old wrinkled hands and broken down tissues will all fade away into the splendor of youth. You old men and women, remember you... This is... That--that's a mark of the fall, your old age. But in the resurrection there'll not be one mark of anything of sin. But why did God make you like He did? He brought you to a certain age. When you were about twenty-two, twenty-three years old, you were your best. You were eating food, and getting stronger, and healthy, and what a powerful looking person you were. Then after that you become wrinkling away. See, death set in. But in the resurrection all old age will be wiped away.


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AS THE EAGLES TIRRETH UP HER NEST 59-0815 E-71 All right. Now, we can pray for people. God can call. Now, the Bible said that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right? If He's the same, He has to be the same at principle, the same in power. The only thing is His body is setting at the right-hand of God. We all believe that. He's setting at the right hand of God on God's throne. That's not His throne. He's coming back to reign on His throne; it's the throne of David; He's to take His throne. He's setting on God's throne, waiting till the last enemy is made His footstool. He will return someday, bringing the precious souls with Him to take on immortality, to live in a glorified body, live through a millennium, and then forever with Him. POSSESSING THE ENEMY'S GATES 59-1108 …the Royal Seed conquered for them. The Royal King when He came, born of a virgin, He conquered every enemy, even to death. So death itself cannot scare the seed of Abraham. We have the promise that we'll inherit the earth, and shall return again in a more glorious way, in a glorified body, after the last enemy is placed under foot of the only and last child of God that shall come into the Kingdom. MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD 60-0518 65 Now, the other night, or the other morning, at seven o'clock, when the Holy Spirit, by His goodness and His grace, taken me from this body, I believe (I believe. Yes or no, I don't say.), and entered into that land and saw those people, and they were all young. And I seen the prettiest people I ever seen in my life. And He said to me, "Some of them were ninety years old. They're your converts. No wonder they're screaming, 'My brother, my brother'" Now, that is a celestial body, that when we die we don't become a myth; we become a body. If we'd every one die, if the atomic bomb would blow us up at this minute, in five minutes from now we'd be shaking one another's hands and hugging their neck, and screaming, and carrying on, and glorifying God. Yes, sir. And Brother and Sister Spencer setting here, I guess one of the oldest couples in here, will be eighteen, twenty years old. Brother Neville will be just a young boy, and I'd be a young kid. And we'd just all be... That's exactly this truth. "If this earthly tabernacle of habitation be dissolved, we have one already waiting."

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67 When a little baby drops from its mother, as in natural birth, its little body is a-twisting and legs a-jumping, and so forth. Excuse the expression, you young women. But when it does, it's got life muscles a-jerking. But when it comes to the earth, the first thing, it catches its breath, and there is a spiritual body of nature to come into that baby right then. Let it alone, it'll take its little head and root against its mother's breast and begin to nurse. If it didn't do that, the milk would not even come down. Did you ever notice a calf when it's born, it's... soon as it can get strength enough to get on its legs? Who tells it? Walks right around to its mother, starts rooting around and starts nursing. Oh, yeah. 69 For when this earthly body is brought here, there is a spiritual body ready for it. And as soon as this... Oh, hallelujah. "If this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be dissolved, there is one waiting yonder." Just as soon as we step out of this one, we step into that one: one that doesn't want a cold drink of water, doesn't have no need of a drink of water; one that don't eat, they're not of the dust of the earth. But they're just as real, and can feel, and shake hands, and just love, and everything is perfect. And that body is waiting yonder. It's part of it. There's three of them. 70 You begin your Eternal Life right here at the altar. Here's where you start eternity. Oh. You start Eternal Life right here. Then you are born again, a son of God. And then when you die, you begin... When your death strikes you in this body and the heart quits beating, and the mortal wheels begin to stand still, that little shadow that was a shadow of the shadow, in one second it becomes a shadow of the shadow, then the next it becomes the shadow, then the next it becomes a little trinkle, then the next it becomes a creek, then the next it becomes a river, and the next it becomes the ocean; and after while you're standing in the presence of your loved ones standing yonder, clothed in the garments of a celestial body, that you know one another, love one another. You've turned back to a young man and young woman again. Exactly right. It waits there until the coming of the Lord Jesus. And someday that glorified body of His...


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Now, remember, that is a celestial body, not a glorified, a celestial body. And someday that celestial body will leave heaven with Jesus. 71 "For I say this unto you," Fir... II Thessalonians, the 5th chapter, or I Thessalonians 5th chapter, one or the other, "I say to you; I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe Christ died and rose again the third day, even so those that sleep in Christ will God bring with Him. For we say this unto you by the commandments of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent or hinder (the best word) hinder those which are asleep. For the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." These celestial bodies come down and put on earthly glorified bodies. "And we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." 72 "I will not drink of the fruit of the vine nor eat no more until I eat it anew with you in My Father's Kingdom," the wedding supper. For the three-and-a-half years the antichrist finishes up his reign, the whole world is destroyed. The Jews are called out, Joseph makes himself known to the Gentiles--or to the Jews. Remember, when Joseph made himself known to the brethren, there wasn't one Gentile present. When he sent... You know the story. Joseph, the perfect type of Christ, in every manner. And when Joseph sent for his brethren, and they came down, and he looked and seen little Benjamin, and he seen them there, and then he... They said, "Why, this fellow. We--we oughtn't to have killed our brother, Joseph." The Jews seeing that they'd made a mistake now when Christ, when He's making Himself known to them... And Joseph was so full, he had to weep, nearly; so he dismissed his wife and his children, and all the guards and everything else, and sent them to the palace. Exactly right. And then in the presence of the Jews alone, he said, "I'm Joseph, your brother. I am your brother." And then they fell and begin to tremble, said, "Now, we know we'll get it, because that we killed our brother. We've said we killed our brother; now he's this great king."

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He said, "God did it for a purpose, to save life." That's exactly the reason God did it: to save us Gentiles. But the Gentiles were in the palace. Hallelujah. Being rejected of His brethren, Joseph, He took on a Bride; and the Bride was a Gentile, not a Jew. All right. 74 Now, where you getting to know? After we put on this glorious body, and the great age that is to come when this glorified body, this celestial body has been made a glorified body... You get what I mean now? Then I can walk over and say, "Brother Neville." Let me just give you a little illustration. I say, "Brother Humes, let's go up to Papa this morning." He's God. We know Him now; He's a Saviour; He's a Healer. ADOPTION PT.4 60-0522E 180 And what is it when you're way out there in redemption with a brand new body, you've turned back to a young man altogether again, or a young woman; you're never going to die no more. And you look down on earth and think, "I could enjoy some grapes and some good cold water, but, you know, I don't need it here." But someday Jesus is coming, and this angelic body, this theophany that I'm living in, will not come through the womb of a woman anymore; it'll not come through sexual desire anymore; but because that He was born without sexual desire, I'll be resurrected without it. And He will speak someday, and the dead in Christ shall rise, and that body that I once lived in will resurrect into a glorified body; and I'll walk; and I'll talk; and I'll live; and I'll enjoy (Hallelujah) I'll...?... to the...?... ages that is to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord. There you are, brother; that's the Gospel. HEARING RECEIVING AND ACTING 60-0607 E-60 And the spiritual Church is at the end of the road. It's heading toward it's Head, the coming of the Lord Jesus. It's all heading up (That's right.), heading up in the coming of the Lord. The Lord Jesus, the Headship of the Church is coming. What's He going to do? Resurrect all the saints and give them a glorified body. Hallelujah. I'm glad to know that she's heading up. JEHOVAH JIREH 3 60-0803 E-39 See, everything in the Bible is in a trinity. You know that. I said, the other day, "You're a trinity: soul, body, and spirit." You live in a trinity: kitchen, and living room, and the bedroom. You


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might have eight or ten different rooms, but bedrooms and spare this, but you only live in three rooms. God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in a trinity. And we find out that the coming of Christ is in a trinity. He came first to redeem His bride, comes next to receive His Bride, comes next with His Bride, as King and Queen, to reign through the millennium. You know that. Everything is in a trinity. And we're in a trinity, we have a mortal body, a glorified body, or, I mean, a celestial body, and then a glorified body. Three stages brings us back to our perfection again like in Eden. ABRAHAM'S COVENANT CONFIRMED 61-0318 E-30 Notice, He placed him, give him the sign, what He was. And you remember, it was God Almighty. It wasn't the Man. That was just human flesh there, disappeared just in a little bit, but it was God, making Hisself known to the elected, called out, separated church. Remember, not an organizated town, not a city, but a group that was wandering in the desert, taking the way with the Lord's despised few. Like always, God's had to call His children into the wilderness and away from these things. Called him, showed that sign to him and moved on. And Abraham believed and immediately he was changed. When that Angel left the scene, Abraham had a changed body, and made ready, and the son come that had been promised. E-31One of these days, the old fashion gospel that you hear, will be silenced one of these days. And the church will receive a body, glorified. You'll have to have that kind of body to go up and meet Him in the air. We can't go in this kind of a body. So those who are looking, those who are listening, those who are taking heed, is the ones that'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air--the expected Son of God, that we've looked for since we've... can recognize that we were Christians. Remember, we proved that last night, how he went down to Gerar, how that Sarah, an old woman a hundred years old... Usually, I get a letter or two off of that, saying, "Well, they just lived longer life." But I want you to notice the 18th chapter and 17th Chapter also. The Bible said they were well stricken in years: stooped, bent down, old. And when they got down there, Abimelech, that king

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looking for a sweetheart with all of those Philistine beautiful women, and yet fell in love with this real old, old, old, great, great grandmother, and would have took her for a wife, but God protected her. UNCERTAIN SOUND 61-0429E E-12 Now, just recently I was interested in reading the paper, watching this here missile race. And I think that Brother duPlessis gave us a good lesson on that this morning, about the world trying to put a man in space and see who can do it first. We've had a man in space for two thousand years: Jesus Christ. That is right. But Russia thought they could toot a horn the other day when they got a man, get up in some kind of a little gadget and go around the world in a hour or two. Why, my, Jesus can come from glory quicker than a thought can get there to Him. That's just how much... This is how fast this is. E-13 You know, Einstein proved that if two forces are coming fast enough, they could pass right through each other and never, never bother each other. If two cars were coming down the road, and they were both going at the terrific speed, faster than sound, just billions of miles per second, they'd probably pass right through each other without hurting one another at all. He proved that. By forces striking together... Well then... You see, we are such earthbound people till about all we think about and can think about is always time and space and... But when we leave this world, we go into where there is no time. E-14 We can think of fifty miles an hour, hundred miles an hour, two thousand miles an hour, or ten thousand miles an hour; that don't even start when we think of eternity. How fast... Jesus, after He had been glorified, and received His glorified body, raised up from the dead, and had ascended on high to the Father, come back in a few seconds later and with such terrific speed, till He come right in before His disciples through a wall and never even moved the wall; and yet with a body that could stand there and eat fish and bread. That's speed, coming through. And He can come all the way from glory to your heart, as quick as you can think about Him. Quick as you can confess wrong, He can


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run the Devil out and bring Hisself in, just as fast as you can have enough faith to believe it. How speed... REV CHAP 5 PT.1 BRUISED SERPENT 61-0611 101 Now, let me just quote another Scripture to you. "All that He foreknew, He has called; all that He called, He justified; all that He has justified, He hath glorified." All the way from the beginning, God, in His great infinite mind, foresaw His church and predestinated it unto the adoption of children through Jesus Christ, to give them Eternal Life at the end of the age. What a beautiful thing. Brother Neville, that just makes me feel lots better. So just... Adoption by the Blood of Jesus Christ... 102 Now, notice as we go on. Now, we know it's a finish... We are predestinated with the Lamb. The Holy Spirit is our Seal. The "Earnest" means "more is yet to come." We only have the Earnest of It now. The Earnest is just the down payment (Oh, how beautiful.), just the down payment that holds it, and secures it, and anchors it so no one else can touch it. It's the Earnest of our adoption. Amen. The Holy Spirit is now the Earnest of God in our hearts (seal), the adoption of sons waiting us at the end of the road: sons and daughters of God. 103 Let's turn to another Scripture, right quick, I got written down on this other page here. Romans 8:22, I think it's beautiful. Now, in studying yesterday, I kinda wrote out a few Scriptures here that I'd like to refer to. ...we know that--we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Oh, do you see it? "All creation is groaning," said Paul. Everything is groaning. Look at the trees how they struggle. Look at the flowers how they struggle for life, just for the frost to tear them down. Look at the trees how they struggle to hold their branches out to sing glories unto God. See? Everything, all nature, all animals, all birds, how he flies from the enemy quickly and gets away, everything groaning. "And we ourselves," said Paul, "we

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groan too with them, for we're waiting for the redemption of our body." 105 But now, now, they've been all those years until now, now we have the Earnest of our inheritance. Oh, my, my. What do we have? We have the evidence that God lives. We have the evidence that God is with us. We have the evidence that God has not forsaken us, that we are His and He is ours, because we, in our bodies we now tabernacle the Holy Spirit of God that cries out, "Abba, Father." And there's nothing can ever take that away. We are anchored in Christ. Now, the trees does not have it; nature does not have it; but yet we are still groaning with them because as yet we haven't received the fulness of our adoption. But we have the Earnest of it, that we were picked up from the things of the world and now become sons and daughters of God. What kind of people should we be? Oh, my, when we think of that... Think of it. Now, we have the Earnest; our spirit's groaning for the full adoption, but now we have the Earnest of it. As we receive the Holy Spirit, It is the Earnest of our complete adoption or complete salvation. Oh, how beautiful. I just love that. All right. 108 We are waiting for the fulness of adoption. This will take place when? At the first resurrection. That's when our bodies will be changed from these vile creatures that we are and we'll have a body like His own glorious body, for we shall see Him as He is, and we will be like Him. When He appears, we appear in His likeness. We'll have a body like His, a glorious glorified body, and all the trials and struggles of life will fade off into a little mist and blow away to never be no more. And these earthly tabernacles which we now groan in, we are waiting for that earnest--that earnest for the salvation fully in its fulness to come. But now in these tabernacles of clay we have Something that tells us that we have raised up so far. Amen. What is the Earnest? It's the little down payment that holds it, Brother Dauch. It's the Earnest. Now, once when we loved the things of the world, once when we sinned and went about doing things of the world, and cared not for


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God, we were alienated from Him, without God, without Christ, in the world, now God sent His Holy Spirit and through that we are lifted up from those things. Now, we have the Earnest, that we know that we've passed from death unto Life. Amen. Here, as I was trying to show this like here. Here's where the ordinary sinner runs, down here on the bottom. Now, the Christian goes up a little higher than this; he rises above all that stuff. That's the Earnest of his salvation. A TRUE SIGN THAT'S OVERLOOKED 61-1112 281 It's Your people, Your Message, Your Word, Your servants, and the devil has no hold on us. He cannot even destroy us when this tabernacle is destroyed; for if this earthly tabernacle be destroyed, we have one already waiting. He can't do us no harm, for everything that's our enemy is Your enemy, for we are Yours. We're bought with a price of the precious Blood of Jesus. Therefore, you devils that have bound these people in sickness, I charge thee in the Name of Jesus Christ to come out of every one of them. As a servant of God, claiming this Word to be the Truth, you leave them. You have no rights. Everything that you ever claimed to have was canceled at Calvary, and you can't hold them longer. 282 Now God, give every man and woman, boy or girl in here faith to believe that. The Word has been spoken. "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart (The prayer of faith saves the sick.), you have what you ask for." We know that. We have that confidence in God. If we have any faith at all, if God's living in us, we believe that. And I know that it's so, Lord. So grant it today for sickness and salvation. Or I must've said, or should've said salvation first and then sickness. Grant it, Lord, 'cause the soul is more valuable than the body. But those who sometimes... Their soul is saved, and this old body still belongs to Satan, and he knows that he'll take it at the end time. He'll crush it and send it back till the bugs of the earth will crawl into it and eat it up; but he'll never touch that soul; for it's the precious treasure of God. And through that life, like out of the leaf, it returns back to God Who give it, will come forth in the next season with a new body that Satan can never touch. Neither can old age or anything else ever touch it. It'll be a glorified body.

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We're looking for that, Lord. Bless Thy people now. They're Yours, and I commit them in Your hands. I ask this in Jesus' Name. ONENESS 62-0211 21 On the day of Pentecost we find the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, separating Itself and setting upon each member of that church: God putting Hisself together. Then with that group of people together, what does it do? Brings back the unified Body of the Lord Jesus. Coming together... And today in this great separation that we're living in, denominational differences and things, what a pity, what a disgrace. 23 Joined in heavenly wedlock to the eternal God, part of Him, part of God... In flesh I become Branham because of my father, Branham. You become part of your father and mother, but in spirit we become... When union with God is part of God... That's the reason that the spirit cannot die. "He that believeth on Me has Everlasting Life. And in the image that he is here on earth, and in his likeness, I'll raise him up in the last days." Not a spirit being, for we'll have a body like God's glorious Body, the glorified Body of the Lord Jesus, raised up in that Image. 24 Jesus said, going to the grave of Lazarus, "I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me, though he be dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." "Believeth in Me, not on Me, but in Me." Being in Him, believing. "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." In Him, believing... Oh, my. I hope the Holy Spirit gets that right down to you. Now, you're the little flock; that's why through the week, praying and asking God, I chose this text to show you where we stand. Believing in Him, you cannot believe in Him until you come in Him, or, He comes in you, then you're believing in Him, then you have Eternal Life. You're believing on Him until you receive Eternal Life, then Eternal Life is God's Life in you, then you're believing in Him. "Ye in Me, I in you, that they might be one, Father, even as You and I are one." God in Christ, Christ in the church... See? "Just as We are One, so they be One." Then how can you be one? "If ye abide in Me, My Word's in you..." See, abide... "My Word's in you,


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then ask what you will." For it isn't you no more, it's the Word that's in you, and the Word is God. WHO IS THIS MELCHISEDEC 65-0221E 76 Now, this body is subject to the Spirit. Have not yet entered into the Word form, but we are still in the flesh form, but subject to the Word. Death in the flesh will take us there. 77 Just the same thing, think of a little baby. You can take a woman, no matter how evil she is, when she is pregnant and fixing to be mother. Watch, before that baby is born, I don't care how cruel the woman is, she gets real kind. There is something about her sound... seems godly, to see a little mother fixing to become mother, by the baby. Why is it? That little body, now, it's not alive yet, see, the only thing it is just flesh and muscles. That little jumping, that's just muscles jerking. But when it comes forth from the womb, God breathes the breath of life into it, and then he screams out. See, just as--as sure as there is a natural body being formed, there is a spiritual body to receive it as soon as it gets here. 78 Then, when a man is born again, from Heaven, he becomes a spirit babe in Christ. And, then, when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural body, theophany, a body not made with hands, neither born of a woman, that we go to. Then that body returns back and picks up the glorified body. That's the reason Jesus went to hell when He died, and preached to the souls that were in prison; turned back into that theophany. Oh, marvelous! Thank God! 79 Second Corinthians 5:1, "If this earthly body be dissolved, this earthly tabernacle, we have another one." See, we have bypassed that, to come straight from God, the attribute; to be flesh, to be tempted and tested by sin, like Adam did. But when testing of His Word is over, then we are taken up to this body that was prepared for us before the foundation of the world. It is the Word there that we skipped, to come right around, down here to be tempted and tested. If we'd have come through that, there'd have

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been no temptation; we'd a-knowed all things. That's the reason Jesus knowed all things, 'cause He was Word before He was flesh. Then we become the Word. 80 Here we are formed to the Word image, to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning; you see that little spark of Life that you had in you from the beginning, when you started your journey. Many of you can remember it. You joined this church and joined that church, you'd try this and that; nothing satisfied. That's right. But one day you just recognized It. Right. POWER OF TRANSFORMATION 65-1031M 320 Some of these days, our bodies may be stretched out in a casket. We may come... You may come and look upon me laying in a casket. I may come and look upon you, might have to say the last words over you, or something like that. But you will never keep us in the grave. They may lay rocks over you. They may bury you in the sea. They may do whatever they want to, but the transforming Power of God... 321 In II Thessalonians, said, "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that are asleep. For we say this to you, too, by the Commandments of the Lord, that the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain," as the song said this morning, "shall be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." 322 The transforming Power of God, that's taken us from the chaos of science and education, and the things of the world, and the understanding of this modern day, has transformed us now into sons and daughters of God. And even death itself can never hold us in the grave. "We'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye." "Oh, you mean to say?" 323 I mean to say that that's the Truth! Jesus, that Word stood on the earth, which was the Word, the One that was raised up, and raised Lazarus. He said, "I am the Resurrection and Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And


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whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." There is no way to stop the living Word of God! It's got to rise again. 324 And from out of this chaos of this modern scientific Eden that we're living in, of culture and--and science and education, all this modern stuff, we'll rise! "This robe of flesh we'll drop, and rise and seize the everlasting prize," someday. We'll go through the air, and this will all be over. For the Word of God that's brought us from the modern thinking of our mind, transforming our mind into the renewing of our hearts towards God, and our spirits; that same Spirit that spoke that, has transformed us this far, and It also will take us into His Presence, into His Glory, with a glorified body. 325 "They shall build houses, they shall inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards." In all of our scientific search; we plant a garden, our sons come along and take the fruit from it, and his sons comes and takes it from him. And they plant, and another one eats; and they build, and another inhabit. "But long will be the days of My servants, they will be there and their offsprings with them. They will build, and another will not inhabit. They'll plant, and not another eat thereof." What? The very God, the very prophet that the Word of God said "a virgin shall conceive," promised us this! 326 How do we get it? We are potentially there right now, see, because God said so. It has to be. When He raised Lazarus there, said, "Don't think this is strange, for the hour is coming when all that's in the grave will hear the Voice of the Son of man, and shall come forth; some to shame, and some to Life." 327 What is it? Transforming, transforming by the Word of God, making us sons and daughters of God, and will also give us Life in the world to come. Oh, my! What more could I say? Listen not to other things. GOD'S ONLY PROVIDED PLACE OF WORSHIP 65-1128M 18 Now, tonight we're going to have an old-fashioned prayer line. We're going to just pray for the sick the way we use to, Brother Jack and Brother Brown. 19 I remember seeing Brother Brown try to give out those prayer cards, and how him being a minister himself... And in those days, in a organization that we... they put pressure on him, you know,

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"I--I'm your brother," and those things, you know. "You got to get me up there." Oh, he sure had a hard time, but stayed just as true as true could be. Brother Brown is one fine man. And so we love him. 20 And as I see all of us, the three of us getting... creeping up towards the aged, the end. It'll be a very sad thing if we didn't have placed within us that great thing, what we know is Truth. We're just fixing to turn back one of these days, back to our young manhood again, to never... our bodies transformed, made into His likeness to stand. "For when this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be dissolved, there's one already waiting." 21 And the thankful part of it, dear friend, that the dear Lord Jesus... You who trust me to tell you the Truth; the dear Lord Jesus, one morning about eight o'clock, let me see that Land. Now, it wasn't--it wasn't a vision; but I don't want to say that. Ever what it was, it was just as real as I'm speaking to you here. Now, I seen the faces of those people, and I couldn't recognize them, they had turned back young again. And they was just real as... I'd hold their hands and things. Just as real... 22 And it helped me, because I used to have an idea: when a person died, just their soul went off. But then when He quoted that to me, that "If this earthly tabernacle of our habitation be... we already have one." See? And we got to have everything in threes, to make a perfection. See? And there's one body here, then that body there which is the--the celestial body, and then the glorified body in the resurrection. See, that makes it complete. See? So it's a... It's not a myth, it's not an idea, it's not a spirit. It is a man and a woman like you are, just exactly. THE RAPTURE 65-1204 158 And there, when I was watching, one day, when I started preach these Seven Church Ages. And I called Jack Moore, a great theologian. I said, "Jack, Who is this Person standing there? 'There is One like the Son of man standing there, hair as white as wool.'" I said, "He was a young Man, how could He have hair as white as wool?" 159 He said, "Brother Branham, that was His glorified body." That didn't ring the bell.


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But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was. See? 160 I've always preached that He was Deity, not just a man. He was God manifested in the flesh: God, the attribute of God, of love; the great attributes that come down, displayed here on earth, of God. Jesus was God's love, which built a body that Jehovah Himself lived in. He was the fulness of the Godhead bodily. What God was, He manifested through that body. That body had to die, so He could wash the Bride with His--with His--with His Blood.

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