
  • April 2020
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me e t t h es mi t h g e i g e r t e a m

G l o r i aS c h o f i e l d , D i r e c t o r , R e s e a r c h

t e a mme mb e r

Bui l di ngonherkeeni nt er esti nmedi ar esear chandst at i st i cs,st udyi ngconsumerbehavi orhasbecomea maj orpassi onf orGl or i a.Af t err ecei vi ngherbachel or ’ sdegr eei nBusi nessAdmi ni st r at i onwi t hanemphasi s i nMar ket i ngf r om t heUni ver si t yofSanDi ego,Gl or i ast ar t edhercar eeratDi r ect i onsI nResear ch,amar ket r esear chcompanyi nSanDi ego,CA.Hermar ket i ngbackgr oundi ncl udesexper i encei nadver t i si ng,at HaydukKi ngAdver t i si ng,Sant aFe,NM,andmedi apur chasi ngatTheGar yGr oupi nSant aMoni ca,CA, wher esheser vedt het opr ecor dl abel si nt hemusi ci ndust r y .Hermar ket i ngbackgr oundpai r edwi t hher anal yt i calski l l sandr esear chexper t i sedef i nesherasakeymemberoft heSmi t hGei gert eam,anda val uabl eassett oourcl i ent s. Si ncej oi ni ngSmi t hGei geri nJanuar yof2005,shehaspr ovi dedval uabl esuppor tacr osssever alf unct i onsi n t hecompany ,i ncl udi ngpr oduct i on,management ,oper at i ons,andcl i entser vi ces.Shehasal soacqui r ed ext ensi veexper i encei nonl i nemet hodol ogi es— anexci t i ngandf ast gr owi ngar eaofmar ketr esear ch.Her cur r entr esponsi bi l i t i esi ncl udest udydesi gn,quest i onnai r edevel opment ,dat aanal ysi s,cl i entser vi ces,and pr oj ectmanagement .Gl or i agr eat l yenj oyswor ki ngi nt heent er t ai nmenti ndust r y ,andpr oduci nghi ghqual i t y , i nnovat i ver esear chher eatSmi t hGei ger .

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