Global Warming Ppt

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 12
Global warming

Submitted by :DIPESH.K.AGRAWAL

1.INTRODUCTION :From The Stone Age to the modern era man has come a long way. In his pursuit of comforts of life he ignored the threat of pollution and environmental degradation caused by industrialization. Global warming is not new as this process occurs naturally and keeps the Earth’s temperature about 50 degrees. Fahrenheit warmer than it would be otherwise. Without this natural cover, Earth’s surface would be colder than it is

2.What is GREENHOUSE EFFECT ? Ø Gas in the atmosphere, such a water, carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs and nitrous oxide, absorb infrared light and would otherwise escape to space, radiating it back towards the planet’s surface. Ø These gases are called ‘ greenhouse gases’ and they have a critical role in determining the temperature of the Earth’s surface and the living conditions on the planet.

3.Effect on Global Warming ? i. Serve Changes in Weather


ØEarth’s surface to a new high of 14.57 degree centigrade. Ø Rise in temperature was marked by unusually severe weather in many parts of the world. Ø The irony of this global warming is that while it could reduce climatic changes by drying up rains. ØIt could also raise sea levels with disastrous

II.Impact on Arctic Ecosystem :Ø The ecosystem which sustains the livelihood of Arctic residents is melting the ice as temperature rise. ØThe layer of permafrost is melting, causing an inland lake to drain into the ocean and killing fresh


iii.Kyoto Protocol :A un- brokered treaty was signed by in 1997 in Kyoto Japan. It was called the Kyoto Protocol. Ø

Ø It commits the rich countries to binding cut in their emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide. ØThe developed countries agreed to cut their emissions by a collective average of 5 percent below their levels in 1990 by 2008-2012. Ø Representative Climate Conference (COPC) in

iv.Erratic Rain :Ø People around the world will experience climate changes and the erratic rainfall China to Africa will jeopardize the lives of many people. Ø IT is now nearly a decade since the IPCC accepted that human activates were changing the world’s climate. Ø The most severe warming is seen in the

v.More storms, foods, droughts, submergence of islands :-

Ø Scientists have warned that a warmer world will mean more storms, floods, droughts, and snowfalls. ØThe countries that have to suffer most if the Hague talks fail are the small countries. Islands in danger of being submerged, from the Pacific to the Caribbean are panicky. The lives of

vi.Ozone Getting Depleted :Ø Pollution from transport is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions since the industrial revolutions Ø Carbon emission levels responsible for 70 percent of global warming vary widely among nations. Ø Due to these emissions the ozone layer that provides a protective shield over the Earth from the harmful ultravoilent radiation is getting depleted.


vii.Major Climate Change :Ø If we do not act to reduce the emission of these heat- trapping gases, it is predicted that global temperature could rise 2 degree to 6degree Fahrenheit in the next 100 yrs. Just a few degree difference in the global average temperature can mean a major climate change. Ø The amt o greenhouse gases that are released could be controlled through prudent planning and implementation of environmental priorities. Man has to act now to insure against

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