Global Warming & Lightning Safety

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 567
  • Pages: 1
Global Warming & Its Effects on Lightning & Weather

– what can we do to keep equipment & users safe? What does Global Warming do to the weather? (Increases the severity of lightning strikes) • • •

More moistures are supplied into the atmosphere More severe weather patterns – more floods or more droughts More thunders and more severe lightning dangers

What does Lightning-rod do? (It is useless in saving equipment from INDUCED-lightning-surges!) • •

It is by far the most effective way to divert or by-pass the full effects of a powerful lightning discharge, IF correctly installed; It does not protect indoor electrical or electronic equipment from induced voltages resulting from lightning discharges nearby or carried by Power-line, Satellite Dish, Telephone-wires or TV-antenna cables. A poorly done Lightning-rod can induce a nearby Equipment-earth-ground wire to pick up thousands of volts, causing ELCB or RCCD to nuisance-trip or kill someone who happens to be near or touching the affected EARTH-connection – at casings or handles of home appliances or equipment. A Malaysian woman was killed in 2006 while touching a refrigerator at home!

What can ELCB or RCCD do? (It is more a necessary nuisance but useless in saving lives or equipment when lightning discharges nearby & picked up by the EARTH-wire) •

ELCB or RCCD are only useful when there is any leakage of electricity from the LIVE-wire or HOT-wire onto the casing or metal cover of any appliance or equipment. They will cut-off the power supply quickly to avoid killing equipmentusers. They might offer a little help when they cut-off the power supply IF an unusually high voltage has been picked up by the NEUTRAL-wire and begin to leak to Ground; Most of the times, it creates NUISANCE-tripping when there is a lightning discharge nearby, when the EARTH-wire potential has been caused to rise.

The only safe way to protect people and equipment from lightning is by creating SAFE-islands, while indoors! 1. Create a SAFE-island by ISOLATING dangers from cables linked to external sources – Use appropriate CLLIs to isolate every source of danger 2. Create a SAFE-island where you are sitting or standing on – use an EPSM (Equal Potential Safety Mat) correctly as a platform.

CAL-LAB invented the SAFE-island concept! Any cable, except fiber-optics, can carry highvoltages into your equipment. Example: 1. Power-line 2. Telephone-line 3. TV-antenna 4. Satellite-cable 5. Network-cable 6. CCTV-cable 7. DATA-cable 8. Control-cables

A correctly employed CLLI will ISOLATE most of the harmful forces, by providing you with SAFE-connections – via the CLLI outlets.

Input to CLLI CLLI Isolationshields

CLLI safeoutlets

This SAFE-island or SAFEzone, is made possible by employing a CLLI (Cal-Lab Lightning Isolator) correctly, in each set-up.

A typical SAFE-island setup with CLLI + EPSM Danger from STEP-potential Difference is avoided

Why is INSURANCE associated with SURGE-protectors & LIGHTNING-arrestors? (INSURANCE is useless in efforts to keep equipment and users safe from lightning. It only serves to compensate for failures to actually protect, when a severe lightning discharge occurs!) Your answers to the following questions will provide the truth: • • •

Would you buy such ‘PROTECTORS’ without the INSURANCE-package? Why use something that does not do what it is supposed to do? Can INSURANCE prevent downtime & dangers to lives and equipment?

More info in or Contact us: Phone - +6012 771 8225 / +6019 2311829 Email – [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

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