Global Warming

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 788
  • Pages: 3
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello everybody, with me again sayid tarmizi in our big program “Sayid Show”. In this programe, we can meet with the Genius people or the idiot people and they will give some information for us.they can help us that they know today










warming?,emm,now it is bip issue among us. As we know,. Global is big or


warming is the condition when the temperature is warm up. And we know that one of the scientist who have an experiment to prevent the effect of global warming is an Indonesian. Although he is very busy but he. want to spent his free time to meet and give some information for us. He has four sons and two daughters. Ok let’s we call him, Mr. Husnul. Husnul Said

: Wa’alaikum salam, how are you?

Husnul Said

: Assalamu’alaikum, said!

: I’m fine, nice to meet you!

: Nice to meet you too, I hear you are very busy now?


: Oh ya, now I will finish my experiment about the effect of global

warming. Said

: I hear you get an achievement from Harvard University last week?


: Alhamdulillah, it’s a supprise for me. Because I don’t know when my

names is called as one of the people who get the achievement. Said

: As we know, you’re one of the scientist in this world who have the experiment about the global warming. So, can you tell us about the global warming?


: Ok, I will tell to you about global warming. Global warm-up earn

happened caused by glasshouse effect. Glasshouse gas residing in earth atmosphere can be compared to glass screen [at] agriculture using glasshouse. Hot [of] sun which in the form of short wave radiasi step into earth by penetrating glasshouse gas screen. Some of absorbent heat by the

rest and earth re-bounced out space as long wave radiasi. But, heat which ought to be bounced again out space touch surface of screen and snared in earth. Like process in agriculture of glasshouse, some of heat will be arrested on the surface of earth and heat earth. Without this glasshouse effect hence temperature on the surface of earth will be more lower from existing now so that do not enable the existence of life. Problems emerge when glasshouse gas concentration in atmosphere increase. At the height of glasshouse gas concentration, hence will more and more the seizeer heat on the surface of earth and will result temperature surface of earth become to mount. This condition is often referred as global warm-up. Said

: From your research, how the life pattern of Indonesian people?


: The life pattern of Indonesian people is still bad. Many from people of

indonesia which still do not understand with global warming. They still using fossil








promiscuously. Said

: Do you have relationship with the government of Indonesia?. Because you need it, you cannot do alone. The people who don’t understand must understood about global warming


: Yes. I have relationship with the minister of environment, and the

professor from ITB and IPB. He had promised with me when I was giving my idea to him Sayid : Audience, can you feel? His job is not easy. And he has many relation with important man in

Indonesia.they are ministry of environment etc.I hope his

job wil be success Husnul

: Thanks for support all of you. and from now on, all beholder can try to

lessen the emission of gas of carbon dioxide. one of way of we which can lessen the our fuel fosil,we may use ambulatory feet or cycle if we like to place which is near by. Sayid : With we cycle besides we can economize the fuel earn also have the ideal body like me. I also can like this because have done it every day.


: How about the condition in your residence environment?. Do they

know about the effect of global warming? Sayid : Of course,the leader of our environment to suggest every citizen to care to environment. Husnul

: That’s very good. I give applause to your leader. Because he is one of

the leader who care with the environment. Sayid : What is your opinion about hybrid car? Husnul

: Hybrid car is not a good solution for global warming, because it still

have problem. I suggest for all resident of Indonesia accostuming their self to ride the bike or walk anywhere. And don’t forget watching sayid shom on metrotv. Sayid : Thank you for your attention. And finally I hope we can meet again in sayid show. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

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