Global Harvest, Volume 2

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Re-Introducing Editor: Wayne Barrier Founding Editor: J.C. Choate Associate Editor, Design, Lay-out: Betty Burton Choate Publisher: J.C. Choate Publications/ World Literature Publications

Global Harvest A Mission Information Magazine for Churches of Christ

You say: What?!!! Another magazine that I donʼt have time to read? Yes, it seems that for all of us, the days have somehow been shortened. Maybe they’re actually only 12 hours long now! But, seriously, you know that we in the Lord’s church are part of a Body. We’re not just isolated hands and feet, kicking around alone in this hostile world. We are a body, of which Jesus is the Head, and brothers and sisters all over the world make up the millions of members. Don’t you think it should be a part of your education as a Christian to know at least a little about what is going on in that body of which you are a part? Yes, some disturbing things are happening to some of the members, but some exciting things are going on with other brothers and sisters! Some are growing by leaps and bounds; others desperately need our help. How are you to know what needs to be done -- even how to pray -- if no one informs you? Yes, that’s why we believe that a magazine such as Global Harvest should be near the top of your priority list. That’s why, with tremendous effort to gather the articles and set up the pages, and then quite a large layout of money for printing and postage, we have committed to do a second issue of the magazine. Our intention when we printed the first issue was to make the magazine a quarterly, if possible. Then, with J.C.’s sickness and ultimate death, everything had to be put on hold. Now, we are re-introducing the magazine with Volume Two.

Whether we are able to continue will, in large part, be your decision. We need your feedback. ❃ Let us know that you received the magazine (this will help us make needed corrections in the mailing list). ❃ Give us your comments and suggestions. Tell us more of what you’d like to know about the church, worldwide. ❃ Provide us with articles and information about what is going on in your area. Send us contact information for various missionaries and their sponsors. Looking toward the future, we hope to print a second issue before the end of 2009, and we would like to make Global Harvest a quarterly. But to do that, we have to have a much greater input of materials and of funds to do the printing. Just now, while it is fresh on your mind, could you send $5.00 to cover the cost of printing and mailing this issue, and another $5.00 to ensure the publication of a Fall issue -- just $10.00! That’s not even the cost of one of those meals that many Americans are lining up to eat during these times of economic hardship! Congregations that would like to order bundles may do so at the cost of $3.00 each, plus shipping. I don’t know how long we can stay with that offer but, for now, it stands. Write to World Evangelism P.O. Box 72 Winona, MS 38967 Make checks payable to

Global Harvest

We invite submission of feature and report articles from biblically-sound brethren, along with colored photographs, for inclusion in future issues of Global Harvest. Disclaimer: We believe that we must answer to God for what we teach and promote. It is our purpose to be biblical in all that we do and, to the best of our knowledge, we will not promote in these pages the work of unsound brethren. Because we cannot personally know all that anyone believes and teaches, we ask your help in guarding against unknowingly publicizing those who are either liberal or fanatical. If such material is inadvertantly printed, we ask your understanding and cooperation.

Global Harvest

Volume 2

Spring 2009

Table of Contents: Editorials   

The Work Goes On ....................................................6 The Power of the Written Word.... J.C. Choate.......

7 Global Harvest Editorial......... Wayne Barrier...........


Specials    

What Does It Mean to “Pray Without Ceasing?” Betty Burton Choate ............................................5 Benefits from Long-Term Missions Gordon Hogan...................................................

34 The Search for One Sheep...... Joey McKinney ......35 Do You Want the Best in Life? Betty Burton Choate ...........................................83

Gleaning from the Fields North America                   

Wake Up, Church! (Seminars and Retreats Planned) .....................9 Weʼre Headed for Disaster .....................................10 Our “World Evangelism” Program .........................12 WebSites: World Evangelism and Gospel Gazette Online ....................................13 The Voice of Truth International... Byron Nichols ..14 The Voice of Truth International (Spanish) ...........15 Godʼs Kingdom Flourishes... Jerry Bates ..............16 Troublesome Times in Distant Lands Louis Rushmore ................................................17 World Evangelism School of Missions .................18 World Evangelism Catalog .....................................18 World Video Bible School .......................................19 Holding to the Traditions.... Bill Farris ....................20 A Convenient Conversion? ....................................21 Evangelism Still Works!...... Travis Arrant ..............22 House to House .......................................................23 Restoration Radio...... Miles Cotham ......................23 Gospel Broadcasting Network..... Barry Gilreath...

24 Seeking the Lost............. Ken Gardner ...................26 Bible Charts for the World Dr. Donnie S. Barnes........................................


Central and South America   

Continuing Campaigns to Guyana Jerry L. Davidson .............................................28 El Salvador......... Jonathan Winchester ...................29 The Church in Sao Jose dos Campos J. Randal Matheny ...........................................29

Europe   

France................. Charles White ..............................30 Overview of Romania...... Harvey Starling ..............31 The Field in Belgium......... Roy Davidson...............


Middle East    

The Lordʼs Work in Israel Dr. Donnie S. Barnes........................................

32 An Amazing Story....... J.C. Choate.........................

36 Victory Through Christ...... Don Petty ....................37 Sea Shells Found in the Mountains.... Don Petty ..37

Africa            

U.S.A. Trip........ Sylvester A. Imogoh ......................39 Brother E.O. Ajagun Is Dead! Sylvester A. Imogoh .........................................39 Growth and Graduations... George Akpabli ...........40 Mozambique......... Mark Thiesen.............................

40 Ladies Teaching Ladies...... Prissy Sellers .............41 Winners Who Have Surrendered... Ruth Orr..........

42 Growth in Kenya.... David Marube ..........................44 Doyle Keeʼs Mission to Chad .................................45 News from Zimbabwe.... Loy Mitchell .....................46 The Lordʼs Message May Run.... Loy Mitchell........

47 Mission Seminars.... Loy and Debra Mitchell ..........47 The Influence of the School.... Solomon Aguh.......


Indian Sub-Continent              

Evangelism in North India..... Sunny David............

49 Strengthening the Church..... Sunny David ...........50 The Church of Christ and Ekklesia Bible College S. Rajanayagam.................................................

51 A Mission Trip to Gujarat..... P.R. Swamy...............

52 Hindu Opposition to the Gospel.... Don Iverson ...53 Cutting the Thread ..................................................53 Excitement in Madurai Philemon and Kingsly Rajah ..............................54 CDs and DVDs in Hindi...... Sunny David ...............55 Taking the Gospel to the Special People Philemon Rajah ..................................................56 Widows in the Lordʼs Church.... Beth Johnson .....57 Widowed by a Cobra.... Don Iverson ......................57 The Power of Literature ..........................................59 From Sri Lanka... Harold and Lilani Thomas ...........60 A Little Glimpse of History.... Kalum Gamage .......61

Asia      

Serving God Among Vietnamese People Nguyen Thi Kuan Thu ........................................62 Cambodia....... Bill McDonough ...............................63 From Killing Fields to Life..... Sokhom Hun ...........64 Kalay Bible School..... Wayne Barrier .....................65 A Trip to Kalay..... Janet Barrier ...............................66 Tibet....... Wayne Barrier...........................................


Global Harvest Pacific Islands and the Far East               

Indonesia -- Giant of Southeast Asia Colin McKee .....................................................69 The Picture in South Korea...... Malcom Parsley ...70 On the Brink of History!........ Demar Elam.............

71 Bible Literature for China .......................................71 Japan.... Naoyoshi Fukushima .................................72 Japan -- A Thorny Land....... Akira Hirose...............

73 Japanese Lantern Steve and Debbie Carrell ..................................75 Reaching Islands and Nations with the Gospel Randy English ...................................................76 Body and Soul Ministries.... Dr. John Bailey ..........77 Simple New Testament Christianity Scott Shanahan.................................................

78 Philippine Campaign..... Reuben Emperado ..........79 “Gidday” from New Zealand..... Rod Kyle ..............80 New Zealand...... Kent O’Donnell .............................81 Allan Flaxman Dies.... Brian Flaxman .....................81 News from Tasmania...... Dennis Gresham.............



A little Quiz... !. The church brought food and the Gospel to people in ___________ after the cyclone. 2. Which publication among us prints more than 2 1/2 million copies? 3. What is the name of the TV broadcasting network that is asking help to telecast to the whole world? 4. Does the church of Christ exist in Israel? 5. What amazing story did Dr. Khan tell the J.C. Choates? 6. How do you think you would have fared if you had been left as Nilton Lelas was? 7. Name some things Isaac Onyebuchi gave up in order to be a Christian.


Global Harvest

We Need Your Help! In order to make Global Harvest the informative, useful, and inspiring magazine we envision, we must have input from brethren, churches, and program projects throughout the brotherhood and all over the world.

We need four things from our readers/participants: (1) Your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. (2) Submissions of articles (with accompanying high quality color photos; if sentover the internet, photos must be at least 200 dpi and 4x5 in size). Articles need to be story-form, rather than general ‘report’ form; they need to focus on a particular event, specific method of work, some turn of events, an exemplary person, etc. Writing should be succinct, professionally done, without exaggerations or embellishment of truth to make a more exciting story. (3) Submissions should be accompanied with the name and contact address for references. We cannot promote erring brethren through the pages of Global Harvest. (4) If this publication is to become a timely quarterly magazine, we must have financial support from brethren who will make a personal donation to receive it individually, and from congregations that will pay for bundles to be supplied to their members. Individual donation: $5.00 per copy Congregational donation: $75.00 per 25 copies

$125.00 per 50 copies

$200 per 100 copies

“That’s just a ‘figure of speech’. Of course we can’t pray all the time!” My father and I liked to build things together. He was the lead, and I was the helper. I thought I was going right up that ladder of competency until he passed away, and then I discovered that I was a very good follower, bereft of my leader. But we made a good team. Of course we did a lot of talking and serious planning about our projects before we started. And then, as we worked, we discussed the suitableness of the materials, we checked measurements, we did the cuts, the glueing, the nailing, the sanding, varnishing -- the whole works -- and then we sat back and admired the finished product. It was a good feeling of accomplishment, shared between our hearts.

What Does it Mean, to “Pray Without Ceasing”? 1 Thessalonians 5:17

As we worked, though, sometimes we talked, sometimes we discussed the project or a problem, sometimes we worked in silence. But always our thoughts were together, and always we were conscious to the other’s presence and of what the other was doing, as well as what we were doing together. And, to me, that’s what that beautiful verse has come to mean, as I have puzzled over it and have gone deeper into what it is saying about our relationship with our Spiritual Father. God and I are in a great building project together. He is the lead, and I am the helper. He talks to me

through His Word. I talk to Him through my thoughts (prayers). No, they are not always ‘formal’ prayers, on my knees. They are a continual sense of His presence and involvement in whatever we are doing together, whether it is parenting, doing physical work or spiritual work, studying with someone, or just driving down the road. His ‘divine nature’ (2 Peter 1:4) permeates my attitude and my response to the events of the moment; appropriate directives from His Word come to mind as I am working through a project or a problem; my thoughts to Him are real and essential communication in all that we are doing together. At night, usually I fall asleep praying. I used to feel guilty about that, but I can’t believe God would be unhappy if our last thoughts of the day are with Him. ✞

Global Harvest


The Work Goes On . . . J.C. Choate passed from this life on February 1, 2008, after dealing with colon cancer for more than five years. Some Background to the Story J.C. wasn’t a person to dominate the scene. He didn’t joke a lot, or take over a conversation. If there was such

J. C. recording radio tapes in the early years of programming on Radio Sri Lanka. a thing as “church politics”, he was not interested in using it to any advantage. He avoided conflict if at all possible. It didn’t matter greatly if others knew what he was doing or not. He didn’t feel elevated by attention or slighted by the lack of it. Neither was he a crotchety, critical person. Perhaps he sounds like a an indifferent, conformable personality. But he wasn’t that either. From the time he decided to be a preacher of the Gospel as a young man, J.C. was single-minded; Mark 16:15,16 was his focus, and the means to obey it became his life. In 1962, J.C. and Betty began what became a lifetime of foreign mission involvement, first in Karachi, Pakistan,

then in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and finally moving to New Delhi, India. The Liberty Church of Christ in Dennis, MS sponsored their efforts, with the support of churches and individuals across the US. During almost sixty years of preaching, J.C. used all the mediums to get the Word out, concentrating more in the latter half of his life on mass media tools: books, magazines, radio, TV, and the building of a network of brethren in the US and abroad to enable more work and more effective work to be done. The World Evangelism Team Funds were raised for radio programs in the major Indian languages, using the abilities of Reggie Gnanasundaram, Sunny David, Joshua Gootam, P.R. Swamy, and P.K. Varghese as speakers. Later, TV programs were added, featuring Joshua and Ricky Gootam, S. Rajanayagam, Philemon Rajah, B. Arjunan and others. A dozen monthly magazines are printed in various languages in India, and books are also printed there and in other Asian countries. Wayne and Janet Barrier The Wayne Barrier family became involved in the program more than 25 years ago. After his retirement from secular work, the Double Springs Church of Christ assumed Wayne’s sponsorship, adding more hands, more minds, and more support to the overall vision. Together, they focussed on helping foreign brethren develop Bible schools, both for grounding and training those who were already Christians and for converting new contacts who attended. During the last two years of J.C.’s life, Wayne took the lead in monthly meetings to develop curriculum for the World Evangelism School of Missions, which began its first classes in August, 2008 in Winona. This school offers practical training for prospective short- and long-term missionaries. Wayne, Janet, and their sons -Jamie, Joey and Jeremy, and their

son-in-law and daughter, Harvey and Jeannie Whiteside -- continue with the overseas mission program, working with what had already been in operation, and adding to the program as new needs and opportunities arise. Wayne has been asked to serve as the new Editor for Global Harvest. Byron and Gay Nichols Byron Nichols of Springfield, MO has been Managing Editor of the magazine begun by J.C. in 1993, The Voice of Truth International. This quarterly publication goes to individuals and congregations throughout the States and into 80 foreign countries. Besides the 40,000 copies printed in English in the States (of which more than half are sent free of charge to foreign destinations), 10,000 are printed as possible in India in Telugu and another 10,000 in Tamil. The Spanish edition, unpublished since the death of the Editor, John Thiesen, is being resumed. There is also a limited Braille edition in India in English and Tamil. Since J.C.’s death, Byron has been asked to serve as the Editor of The Voice of Truth International. Jerry Bates and Louis Rushmore have been named Associate Editors.

Jerry and Paula Bates With the great need for additional help in the office here in Winona as well as in the entire program overseas, Jerry and Paula Bates joined us in July of 2007, under the oversight of the Strickland Church of Christ in Corinth, MS. Louis and Bonnie Rushmore In October, Louis and Bonnie Rushmore moved to Winona to begin their work, sponsored by the Vermilion Church of Christ in Vermilion, Ohio For 10 years, Louis has edited the Gospel Gazette Online, a monthly web based magazine. We welcome these co-workers to Winona. ✞


From the Founding Editor

The Power of the

Written Word

J.C. Choate On February 1, 2008, J.C. Choate, founder, editor and publisher of Global Harvest, passed from this life into eternity. His passion was the spreading of the message of Christ by every means possible. Radio and TV were recognized as important voices, but his greater love was for the printed page, the silent teacher which is always waiting passively to be picked up and given an opportunity to speak. Long after the radio message has been forgotten, and the TV image has faded from the screen, a book, a tract, or a magazine can continue to teach. This was the last editorial J.C. wrote for Global Harvest. I am a great believer in the written word. It has been said that the pen is more powerful than the sword, and I believe that. Our Lord chose the written word to get his message out to all of the world. Just think of the Old Testament account of creation and of the many characters that followed thereafter. Think of God’s law, the prophets, and the prophecies that foretold the coming of Jesus and salvation. In the New Testament we read of the birth of Jesus, of the many miracles that were performed to convince the people that He was God’s Son.

We read of the parables, the promises, and of the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection. In Acts we learn of the Lord baptizing the Apostles with the Holy Spirit, of the establishment of the church, and of its spreading throughout the world. We read of conversions, persecutions, of the Gentiles obeying the Gospel, of the growth of the church and the many letters that Paul, Peter, John, and others wrote to Christians. Then in Revelation John tells us about God’s people being persecuted, of their victory, and of their heavenly reward. What a powerful story is told throughout the Old and New Testaments! What if we didn’t have those records to read, to study, and to proclaim? Considering all the things that have taken place in history, the invention of the printing press has been judged as the most important occurrence. The press made it possible for the Bible to be printed and given to all of mankind. It has led to the printing of magazines and books, to the invention of the typewriter, to the coming of the computer . . . . . In America we have so many printed materials that Satan has convinced most brethren that it is a waste of time and money to print religious literature. Of course we know that isn’t true. Neither is it true that the rest of the world will not read biblical literature. Many of the people of the world — especially third world countries — are starving for good Christian literature. They are calling for it, pleading for it, willing to accept even second-hand materials. I received a letter from a Gospel preacher in Zambia. He said that he had read my book, Bible Themes, six times and that he had no other book to read, apart from the Bible. He was pleading with me to send literature to help him be a better preacher.

Brethren, do you realize that there is a war going on in these places? The unbeliever is opposing the believer, and if that religion wins we will have lost a great battle. We need to be sending Christian literature now while people are pleading for it. If we don’t, one day they will stop calling because they will have concluded that we are not willing to help, or else they will have been won over to a religion of hate and fanaticism that does not believe that Christ is the Son of God. Then it will be too late to care. We are presently sending more than 20,000 copies of The Voice of Truth International to national Gospel preachers in many of the third-world countries. Each mailing costs about $8,000, which is staggering, but is less than 1/3 what it would cost with the new Post Office rates. In order to continue doing this — and to do even more — I am pleading with individuals and congregations to give $35.00 a month to cover the cost of printing and mailing one box. My brethren, we are looking for people who want to do something, who want to take the Gospel to others, who are not willing to sit and let the rest of the world die without God and hope, who do not want to be lost themselves because of a lack of interest and because they would not hear, and respond to the needs of the untaught. Many of us who claim to be faithful Christians are going to be condemned if we don’t wake up and begin to take the Gospel to the world. Some of us are going to be lost because we are so proud that we are doctrinally sound, but when we won’t take that sound doctrine to the lost, how will sound doctrine save them ... or us? May God help us to wake up before it is too late. ✞

From the Editor


GLOBAL HARVEST EDITORIAL Wayne Barrier, Editor World Evangelism is pleased to publish the second — and much delayed — issue of Global Harvest. Brother J.C. Choate edited the first issue in the summer of 2004, just prior to becoming ill with the cancer that eventually took him from this life on February 1, 2008. We want to continue publication of this magazine with the same purpose and goals as originally envisioned. Global Harvest is a tool to help publicize the mission of the Lord’s church to preach the Gospel to every person in all the world (Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16). I believe the church in the United States is at a critical juncture as our brethren are being bombarded with the teaching of fringe elements of our brotherhood, leading to a departure from biblically based practice of faith. Liberalism, elitism, legalism, and numerous other forms of extremism are being promoted by some very popular and effective teachers and preachers. Entire congregations are being influenced to follow these attractively packaged promises of exciting but unscriptural new ways to enter the church, worship, and serve the Lord and His kingdom. These new doctrines are being exported to mission fields. We must communicate well, work together, and maintain our focus on the mission given to us by the Lord. This magazine can be a valuable tool to facilitate better communication among leaders, workers, and supporters.

The first group of people to whom these messages are directed is Christians in the US. We believe all of us will be more concerned about the lost if we know more about them. We want to help congregations and individuals who already encourage and support missions to become more aware of the work activities and needs of evangelists on the field. We plan to seek and publish the stories, reports, and thoughts of workers that will strengthen and encourage all of our readers through the sharing of experiences. News articles from the present and remembrances from the past will fill these pages. We encourage you to send us your stories and reports. Supply us, too, with the names and addresses of missionaries that you know and support and we will send Global Harvest to them. My background includes 26 years of close association with J.C. and Betty Choate in foreign missions. These experiences have provided me with the opportunity to meet many missionaries and to study their work across the world. My wife Janet and I travel to foreign mission fields several times each year to teach and help with on-going efforts. We are committed to mission methods involving the coordination of mass media teaching with follow-up evangelism and development of local Christians for church leadership, teaching, and evangelism. Our experiences will serve as a basis of assessment and evaluation of potential articles for publication in

Wayne and Janet Barrier are sponsored by the Double Springs Church of Christ in Double Springs, Alabama. They have been deeply involved in the over-all World Evangelism program for more than 25 years. Both the Barrier family and the elders of the Double Springs church have shown great vision and dedication in their leadership and expanding involvement in the work. We look forward to a wonderful harvest of souls.

Wayne Barrier Global Harvest. We plan to publish accurate, informative, encouraging, positive material about sound work and workers that can help motivate and strengthen all of us. Your support of this effort is needed. Our prayer is that congregations will subscribe to Global Harvest and receive a bundle of each issue to distribute to the members, in order to strengthen their interest in evangelism. We need contributions to fund the publication of each issue. Help us provide this tool to mission workers and churches as the demanding work of spreading the Gospel to everyone is conducted. I consider it a privilege, a blessing, and an honor to be asked to serve as Editor of this publication. I am thankful to those in my past who took the time and expended the effort to teach the truth to me and to encourage me to become a Christian. I realize that this is the greatest blessing a person can receive. We should respond to the awareness of our own salvation and citizenship in the kingdom of heaven by being driven to help others experience the same new birth and Christian walk. Pray and work with us to produce Global Harvest for use by faithful brethren everywhere. ✞


DVDs for Local Church Growth and Evangelism

Wake Up, Church!

WHY Are We in this Alien World?

We are looking for the person with vision and leadership ability to take the lead in developing a seminar/DVD program to revitalize congregations, and we are asking help from strong men in the church who share our concerns. It is a program that we feel — if done well — can have a great, positive impact on the church. Our concern, as yours, is seeing congregations growing smaller, some dying, some falling into error, and some just existing to take care of their own needs. We are convinced that many of these problems can be corrected and reversed if some of us work together to develop a training program that can be used effectively in any congregation, large or small.

What is the program?  In outline form, we envision that it will go like this: 1. Two highly motivational DVD lessons for the Sunday morning Bible class (preferably, adult and teen classes together), followed by: 2. A weekend seminar (Friday evening, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday, with 13 lessons; 4 to 8 very effective speakers), followed by: 3. A six-month study/training course, consisting of a well-developed, educational, motivational DVD for the Sunday morning Bible class one Sunday, followed by an exercise book the next Sunday for discussion of what has been presented and assignments/ projects for implementing the lesson.

Now, some explanations. The reason for the preseminar Sunday morning lessons is that the typical seminar is poorly attended on Friday evening and Saturday by the local members. Sunday morning they hear one or two dynamic lessons and feel some regret over what they have missed — but it was missed and it is too late now to do anything about it. So we want to sell the congregations that sign up for the program on the idea of beginning with two powerful, motivational lessons on the Sundays before the seminar, to ensure that more of the local congregation attends. Of course, visitors from neighboring congregations will always be welcomed, but the program itself is designed to benefit the local church. The weekend seminar will be highly motivational and educational, but the problem with seminars is Monday morning. Everyone goes back to work, to their daily routines, and everything that was said becomes history for most of the church. So we don't want the program to end with the seminar. Thirteen follow-up DVD lessons that will further develop the educational program, interspersed with a book of discussions and activity assignments, covering two quarters of study and training, will surely re-write the

thinking of a good percentage of the teen/adult members of the class, if anything can do it. What will be the subject and aim of the program? To motivate Christians to get up and do what we were left in the world to do! These will be hard-hitting sermons, requiring the hearers to listen and evaluate their lives and their religion with honesty. And there will be applications.

Some suggestions for lessons are these: ✾ ✾ ✾

✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾

"Playing Church" Hell; How to Get There The Influence of the World in the Church: Divorce and Remarriage, mothers working outside the home, husbands not being spiritual leaders, im morality, worldly entertainment, worldly language. Discussion for Revitalizing the Church What Did Your Salvation Cost? What Do You Owe God? EFFECTUAL, FERVENT Prayer WHEN You Fast What Does It Mean to Sacrifice? Giving; God Promises the Return Commitment: To Family; Really Training our Children Losing our Children The Church in the Neighborhood The Church in the World What Can I Do? Exploring Various Programs of Individual Work Fundamental Doctrine and Scriptures Plan to Involve Each Christian in the Work Galvanizing, Organizing, Evangelizing Actively Looking for the Opening to Bring Spiritual Matters into Each Encounter Personal Studies with Others; Carrying Through with Teaching and Nurturing after Conversion Service, for the "Good" and for the Not-So-Lovable Co-workers with God Open Your Eyes to the World ......

The line-up is only suggested topics, and not necessarily the final choices. The first two lessons will be recorded on DVDs, the next eight to twelve will be “live” in the seminar, and thirteen more on DVDs for the continuing lessons. In conjunction with the latter lessons, a class book of application lessons and a program of personal involvement will be written and provided. Please contact us at World Evangelism (662-283-1192) for further information and to help with the development of this program. Without the help of leaders and concerned elderships in congregations, it cannot be done. It is our prayer that together we can stem the tide. ✞

“Into God’s World”


I Don’t Like Being an Alarmist or a Fatalist, but

Look Out! We’re Headed for Disaster! We’re busy people. We go along from week to week, minding our own business, and feeling that there’s not much we can do about the rest of the world. We’re not activists. We’re not strongly political. We’re not overly united behind some “cause”. Who are “we”? Individual Christians. Churches of Christ.

And what is happening while we are going about “business as usual”? ✿ Evangelism — outreach to the community — has almost ceased. ✿ We have lost 70% to 80% of two generations of our children. ✿ Most of our homes are just as “secular” as the rest of the world, with a token of “religion” on Sunday. ✿ This scenario has resulted in a grave lack of biblical knowledge among Christians in general, and particularly among the younger generations. ✿ The church in many places is in a state of apostasy. “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge,” (Hosea 4:6) was God’s lament in the days of Hosea, and the same tragic fact is the underlying cause of the crisis today. “What crisis?” you ask. ✿ That a liberal theology is sweeping through the church. Several of our Christian universities are unsound (It was through the leadership of the Christian colleges that the apostasy of 1906 was fueled.). Many of the larger congregations are unsound — some are openly fellowshipping denominations, some have added instrumental music to the worship, some have dropped the Lord’s name and are functioning as “community churches”, some deny the necessity of baptism for remission of sins — and many more are in the process of apostasy. ✿ Unless something is done, when the older generations are gone — in another 15 to 20 years — we will see history repeat itself with digression similar to that of 1906 when 85% of the church became the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ.

After identifying the problem, the next question is, “How can it be solved? How can we reach the whole church?”

Can anything be done to avert the disaster? There are numerous tools among us that can provide some of the answers: faithful preachers, sound Bible colleges, Gospel papers, TV programs, sound doctrine seminars, programs such as “Lads to Leaders” for our children, good study books, etc. The problem is that these things reach only small portions of the church. There is no sound Gospel paper subscribed to by most Christians; there is not any one thing through which most of the church can be reached on a sustained basis. But think about it! The one thing that most congregations have in common is the use of graded Bible class literature! No, there is no uniformity in the materials used. Some of the larger churches develop their own; some individuals have printed some materials; there are also limited lines that have been developed by reliable Christian printers.

By far the greater percentage of class materials used were originally developed by denominational groups for interdenominational use, both for weekly classes and for Vacation Bible Schools! But by far the greater percentage of class materials used were originally developed by denominational groups for interdenominational use, both for weekly classes and for Vacation Bible Schools! And then some of our brotherhood publishers buy the rights to reprint those materials under their own names, with very limited editing. Statistics say that perhaps 85% of the children’s classes in the Lord’s church are being educated with these materials. Why are they so popular? First, because most buyers don’t know that they were written by denominational people. Second, because they look good! They are colorful.

11 They supply all the manuals, visuals, and activities that the busy teacher will need for the class. And so they are used, year after year, in the majority of congregations. What is characteristic of these materials? ✿ Much of the artwork is cartoon-type, subconsciously undermining the attitude of reverence and seriousness we should have toward spiritual matters. ✿ Interdenominational error is overlooked in the editing, which many of the younger teachers would not recognize as error, having been brought up on the materials themselves.

The Number One problem with these materials is that THEY TEACH NO DEFINITIVE DOCTRINE! Yes! The Number One problem with these interdenominational materials is that they are turning us into an INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH! Are you surprised? We are what we ingest! So, if we want to turn away from the disaster that looms before us, we need to get serious about changing the spiritual diet of our children, and even of many of the teen and adult classes. Yes, denominational books, with their (sometimes, subtle; sometimes plainly written) doctrines of “salvation by faith only”, “miraculous working of the Holy Spirit today”, “once saved, always saved”, etc., are being increasingly used in adult and ladies’ classes. And the church is suffering because of these false teachings.

CHURCH, letʼs work together to produce our own literature! CHURCH, let’s work together to produce our own literature! That’s what we propose doing. And here is how you can participate: ✿ CHURCHES: You can stand with us on this, helping with funds and leadership. ✿ CHRISTIANS, you can volunteer to help with the work. ✿ Fill out the form and mail it to us, or call, 662-283-1192. ✞

We expect to have our first planning session in April, 2009. Get your name on the list to be contacted and to participate!

“Into God’s World” Providentially, this is the time for such an undertaking! Louis and Bonnie Rushmore, part of the World Evangelism team, will help to provide leadership in coordinating the work, but they will need many of us working together. In this age of computers, we Christians can do the writing and layout work ourselves, greatly cutting the cost. Colored printing is not prohibitively expensive in China at this particular time. We can design and produce the best visuals imaginable, using Chinese companies to produce them. EVERYBODY KNOWS WE NEED THIS! COME ON! LETʼS WORK TOGETHER 4

Send us this information: I volunteer to help in this (these) way(s): ☐ Writing teachersʼ manuals ☐ Writing lesson books ☐ Data entry in computer ☐ Layout and design ☐ Planning visuals ☐ Developing visual memory verse cards ☐ Writing new childrenʼs songs ☐ Planning/drawing visuals ☐ Participating in developing the “Time Line” for Wednesday classes ☐ Raise funds for the printing ☐ Help get word out to the Church ☐ Provide co-ordinating leadership. Name:___________________________ Street:___________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________ Phone:__________________________ Email:___________________________

World Evangelism


Our “World Evangelism” Program We’re a team, and thankful for the talents and participation of each one. Various aspects of the work in which we are involved will be covered in other pages of this issue of Global Harvest, but for those who are not familiar with the program, we want to give an overview.

Foreign Work We are directly involved with brethren in African countries, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, East Malaysia, and Viet Nam in one or more of these: ✿ Radio Programs ✿ Web Sites ✿ Television Programs ✿ Monthly Magazines ✿ Bible Courses ✿ Study Books ✿ Seminars and Classes ✿ Bible Training Schools ✿ Training for Evangelism ✿ Disaster Relief

L to R: Betty (J.C.) Choate, Wayne & Janet Barrier, Byron & Gay Nichols, Jerry Humphries, Joey & Anna Barrier, Jeannie &Harvey Whiteside (with children), Loy & Debra Mitchell, George & Gertrude Achard, Jerry & Barbara Jones, Charles & Miranda Brymer, Jerry (& Paula) Bates, and Louis & Bonnie Rushmore participated in our annual meeting in Winona, MS. Several others also work with us but could not be here for this particular gathering.

Stateside Work We are directly involved with: ✿ Printing of Mission Books. (Pg.18) ✿ World Evangelism and Gospel Gazette websites. ✿ Printing and Distribution of Study Books. (Pg. 18 ) throughout the States and free foreign distribution. ✿ Printing and Distribution of The Voice of Truth International. (to 80 nations). (Pg. 14) ✿ Printing and Distribution of Global Harvest throughout the States. (Pg. 2,5) ✿ Coordination of the mission program among ourselves, local churches, and foreign brethren. ✿ Two-year program of “World Evangelism School of Missions”. (Pg. 18) ✿ Under development: Seminars, DVDs, and training program for Church Growth. (Pg. 7) ✿ Early Planning: “Into God’s World”, graded classroom literature, nursery through adult. (Pg. 8,9) ✿ Motivational Retreats.

More Team Members Needed! We are convinced that there is no better way to spend our lives than doing this work. But we need more help, especially as we get involved in the seminars and the development of the graded literature series. We need churches that will stand with us in developing these new programs, programs that are designed especially for this chal-

lenging age in which we live. We are praying for those workers whom God would have to join us here and help to complete the tasks we believe need to be done. Would it be necessary to move to Winona? In some cases it would be best, because we need to be able to talk, plan, sort out the current needs, and develop things together. But Winona is not a bad place to live, even though it is a small town. It is located at the intersection of Interstate 55 and US 82, two major national highways. For all practical purposes, it is in the “suburbs” of Memphis, TN and Jackson, MS! Why do I say that? Because I can drive to either of those cities in about the same time it would take to drive from one side of either city to the other, in rush-hour traffic! And I would have open roads and clear sailing instead of all the congestion of living in the city! And on days of work here in Winona, believe me, you can get from anywhere to anywhere in about five minutes! ten, at the most! For those who have children, soon to be college age, we have a wonderful school grant available to residents. Our son completed two Masters Degrees, and owed nothing when he finished. Our son-in-law went through medical school in Jackson and owed nothing on his education. That’s something to think about, with many kids owing $50,000 to $100,000 when they graduate now. In other cases, it would not be necessary to live here. Data entry, layout for the graded literature, writing materials, proofreading — these can be done anywhere! ✞ CALL US! 662-283-1192


The World Evangelism website was developed to carry news about our over-all program in the numerous countries in which we work. This involves reports from local preachers who serve as radio and TV speakers, as well as editors of monthly magazines in major languages, particularly in India. We help with Bible training schools in India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and East Malaysia. Trips are made each year by members of the team to participate in the teaching responsibilities in these schools. Preaching brethren or elders who would like to help with the teaching schedules should contact Wayne Barrier at 256-766-2807. To the website, we have added a bookstore, enabling visitors to order In late 1998, Gospel Gazette Online (GGO) was born of an idea and a desire to extend one’s usefulness beyond the local setting, coupled with the (financial) go-ahead by my wife. Gospel Gazette Online made its debut in January 1999 as a monthly, religious Internet journal. Today, it is a 20-page, monthly Gospel magazine read by people all over the world (from all seven continents, including Antarctica). Obviously, GGO via the Internet is available even in some places in the world to which one cannot easily go physically with the Gospel of Christ (e.g. Saudi Arabia and Antarctica). Each issue contains articles by Christian men and women on a variety of biblical subjects, as well as several features (an on-screen, interactive crossword puzzles; youth articles; one or more articles by women especially for women; questions and answers; and an audio message). In addition, thousands of articles from past

Web Sites

books online and to pay for them through PayPal. This “bookstore” is not a “for profit” undertaking, but is a means of making available sound materials for Bible classes which, in turn, enables us to provide books to WBS teachers and people involved in jail ministries and other evangelistic efforts at $1.00 per copy — often below our printing cost. Many of these books are also shipped overseas, free of charge. The “bookstore” is a service, rather than a business. It is our intention also to add the contents of the issues of The Voice of Truth International (our quarterly magazine, carrying articles on many biblical topics) and Global Harvest (this fledgling mission news magazine) as we find the time to do so.

Louis Rushmore issues appear in the archives and may be selected with the help of the site search engine. Dozens of brothers and sisters in Christ have lent their studious pens through the pages of GGO to an international readership of both Christians and non-Christians. By design, short, teaching articles populate Gospel Gazette Online. Thereby, GGO purposes to edify both Christians and nonChrisitians with Bible-based lessons. Response from readers reveals a wide array of religious backgrounds, including members of the church of Christ,

As you might guess, our critical need now is for more help with the multitudes of office responsbilities. Perhaps a person involved in web development/maintenance who is reading this might want to volunteer his/her services to help us develop the site to its full potential. We are sure that much good can be done, both through the coverage in Global Harvest of mission news for readers in the church, and for world-wide readers who are looking for the Truth and could learn more from having access to The Voice of Truth International as an online magazine. Please contact us at 662-283-1192, or you may email us at [email protected]. denominational bodies, and world religions. Most fan mail is positive and encouraging, though some of it ranges from critical to hostile, bordering on hate mail. A couple of the more heartening posts include correspondence about baptisms in Saudi Arabia and the request from a Muslim in Pakistan that I pray for his sick wife. Subsequently, after initial contact through the pages of GGO, and later studying with Christians in his country, he put Jesus Christ on in baptism. Any good that Gospel Gazette Online has done or continues to do is owing largely to the many Christian writers whose articles comprise each issue. Most of my immediate family has had or continues to have a significant role in any successes that may be attributed to GGO. If there is anything praiseworthy, let the glory be to God. ✞

The Voice of Truth International

Byron Nichols, Editor The first issue of The Voice of Truth International was printed back in 1993. Depending on one’s age, that doesn’t seem so long ago, but since that time this quarterly Gospel magazine has had a significant impact both in and out of the church. With the help of many congregations and individual Christians, we have been able to print over 2,500,000 copies during these last 15 years. For several years this publication has been going into all 50 states in America, and we are also sending thousands of free copies of every issue into approximately 80 other countries. Many small congregations in this country are likewise receiving free bundles to assist them in their Bible studies and to use in outreach efforts in their communities. It is so unfortunate that the Lord’s church is presently experiencing instability and unsteadiness in numerous locations. However, this fact has caused a great many Christians to take note and communicate to us that they are exceedingly grateful that The Voice of Truth International is faithfully adhering to its priorities of seeking to strengthen the church and to lovingly proclaim the Gospel to the lost. They continually express their gratitude for our pointing men to

what the Bible says, and that we do so with a spirit of love and without compromising the truth of God. While we are not at all satisfied with the extent of the success of this magazine, the feedback from a whole host of readers helps us to know that this journal is truly a blessing and is impacting countless lives all over the world. It would be a genuine joy to share a lot of the commendations that have been received, but space allows us to present just a few that are very typical. ✦ from Kansas —“As a member of the Lord’s church for over 40 years, I have searched for a worthy magazine. Finally I have found it.” ✦ from a WBS follow-up worker in Nigeria —“These materials are very essential to our work of follow-up and teaching. We convert an average of 68 souls a year. We cannot succeed unless you give us the support in supplying materials such as this.” ✦ from Colorado —“Without a doubt in my mind, The Voice of Truth International is the best publication by our brethren.” ✦ from a leader in foreign evangelism —“I know from my mission activity and some of the responses I get from individuals that this publication is making an impact. I am excited about what we are doing and pray that God will continue to bless us in this great work.” ✦ from a preacher in Oklahoma—“The Voice of Truth is so well received by those who read it. I hear more good comments about it over any other literature that we have available to the brethren.” ✦ from American workers in Guyana —“We again wish to express our appreciation for the copies of The Voice of Truth International that we


received. It is super, the best magazine or publication in the brotherhood!” ✦ from Montana —“I am 92 years old and can’t talk to people like I used to, so these books are just what I need.” ✦ from a missionary in Zimbabwe—“The Voice of Truth International is a great work with excellent lessons. We just received two cases and are busy mailing them out to preachers and church leaders.” I received a call one day from one of our faithful supporters in Texas. She talked of what a marvelous Gospel magazine The Voice of Truth International is and of how much good it is doing in so many places. I then almost chuckled out loud as she said to me, “Byron, I just wish that you could hear all of the things that people say to me about this magazine when we give them a copy. They just think it is the most wonderful thing in the world!” You may be wondering, “Why would that cause you to chuckle?” The reason is that I have told thousands of people that I just wish that they could hear and read the things that people from all over the world say to me as they try to express their heartfelt gratitude for TVOTI! Every congregation needs to be providing this magazine for its own members and also helping to provide free copies for the millions of souls in other lands who are longing to know more about the God of the Bible and how to please Him. Complimentary copies are readily available for those interested in seeing this publication for the first time. ✞ Write or call: The Voice of Truth International PO Box 11218 Springfield, MO 65808 (417) 823-4918


La Voz de la Verdad Internacional

The Spanish Edition of The Voice of Truth International Is in Print Again! We of the World Evangelism team are thrilled to announce that the Spanish edition of The Voice of Truth International is again under production. Brother Rafael A. Barrantes, currently of Jackson, TN, has agreed to serve as the Editor. Brother Juan Garcia, of Russellville, AL, is the Associate Editor. Adrian and Chantel Rohas, of Iuka, MS, are doing the layout work. We are thankful for the willingness of these dedicated and capable people to work together to make the magazine a reality again, following the death of the former Editor, John Thiesen, of Buffalo, MO. Rafael A. Barrantes was born in Alajuela, Costa Rica. He is married to Kattia Cascante who had brought him to the Truth. They have four children: Jeimy who is 23, Isaac is 18, Tatiana is 17, and Christopher is 13 years of age. Rafael has been preaching the Gospel since 1984. He has established four congregations of the church of Christ: one in Panama, one in Alajuela, Costa Rica, one in Russellville, AL, and the last one in Jackson, TN. He worked for four years as a Bible teacher at the Panamerican Bible Institute in Costa Rica. He also taught at the School of Americas in Panama for two years. He served as a Director of the Satellite School of Americas for four years. He has written many articles for several papers. He graduated from Panamerican Bible Institute with the equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. He also is graduated from Memphis School of Preaching. He holds Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Southern Christian University and holds the Master of Ministry from Freed Hardeman University. Nowadays, he is working as Hispanic minister for North Jackson Church of Christ in Jackson, Tennessee while working on his Masters of Divinity At FHU.

Editorʼs Statement I am very glad to have the opportunity to work as an Editor of the Spanish edition of such a good Christian magazine. The Voice of the Truth International has broad recognition among the English speaking brotherhood. The innumerable brilliant writers on staff are bearing wide acceptance for their sound articles posted quaterly. It is my intention to continue the good work that brother J.C. Choate and Brother John Thiesen did. Our goal will be to bring the Spanish Edition, just as the English Edition, to as large a number of brethren as possible. There are many congregations in Latin America that still don’t know this work; also a great number of Hispanic congregations in America that need to be part of the La Voz de la Verdad Internacional readership. There many congregations that would be willing to work with us to make the Truth known to others. I am committed to make this happen. If you would like to submit articles, help with translation or proof reading, or support the printing and distribution of the magazine financially, please contact me via email at this address: [email protected]. ✞

Brother Juan T. Garcia has agreed to serve as the Assoicate Editor of La Voz de la Verdad Internacional. Juan was born is Sauce, San Martin, Peru, in 1954. His parents were of the Catholic religion so, as he said, “I grew up in that state of idolatry.” He came to know the truth himself and obeyed the Gospel. He has been successful in converting his parents and extended family to Christ, an achievement that he describes with the greatest joy and satisfaction. Juan married his wife, Laura, in 1979. They have three children: Paul, Helmut (who is a teacher in Peru), and Maria, married to Luis Juarez. Luis and Maria are students in the Bible School of Preaching in Quito. From 1988 to 1992, Juan served as preacher for the Panamericana Norte Church of Christ in Lima, Peru. The following five years he did mission work in Santiago de Chile. He was a student in the Bible School of Preaching Las Americas in Panama, 1997-98. He preached for the Monte Carlo church in Lima, 1999-2005. He currently serves in the Hispanic ministry of the North Highlands church in Russellville, AL. ✞ [email protected]


Global Harvest

Great News:

God’s Kingdom Flourishes! Jerry Bates

Jerry and Paula Bates

Christians in the United States often become discouraged because of the perceived lack of interest among so many people around us. While that may be true to a large extent, we need to open our eyes to the larger world in which we live. We must remember that the kingdom of God is more than our communities or even this country. We should rejoice over the growth of the church in any country, and it is growing in many places around the world. My wife and I recently returned from our second trip to India. We have spent a total of three months in 2008 overseas, and have personally witnessed some great examples of Christ’s church flourishing. There are problems and persecutions in some parts of India, but the church is also growing, particularly in South India, in spite of opposition. Joshua and Ricky Gootam in Kakinada have a tremendously successful ministry. World Evangelism sponsors their TV and radio programs, from which they receive about 300 responses per day. They send Bible correspondence courses to each of them, and the results are several hundred baptisms a year. Many responses come from the state of Orissa in which beatings, burnings, and deaths have taken place. This shows that persecution does not necessarily stop the church from growing. Rajanayagam in Kangayam of the state of Tamil Nadu is also enjoying the fruits of spiritual growth. He is the director of a school of preaching, preaches

at a local congregation and is a TV speaker. He regularly sends reports of baptisms throughout his area. He recently had a two-day lectureship at his school, attended by 400 people, and four people were baptized. He also reported that a denominational group in Sri Lanka is studying his Bible correspondence courses. They have already invited him to come to study further with them, hence prospects for some future conversions are good. We spent two weeks working with Philemon Rajah in Madurai. We at World Evangelism helped him start a School of Evangelism in March of this year. The purpose of the school is to motivate and train the Christians in the pew to be evangelists. The program is reaping huge results, greater than Philemon even hoped. In the last six months, about 400 Bible courses have been passed out. Just in the last month, eleven souls obeyed the Lord in baptism. In addition, while in South India, I was privileged to speak at many Gospel meetings in many places, attended by hundreds of people, many of whom were non-Christians. You will find in India, as well as in numerous other areas of the world, that people are willing to listen to the preaching of the true Gospel. Myanmar is also witnessing the fruits of spiritual growth, especially in the last 10 years. I recently returned from a two-week session teaching in a Bible school attended by about 55 people. Some of those people traveled 2-3 days to attend the school session. It is hard to find such dedication here in the States, isn’t it? Remember that Myanmar is a country ruled by a military government that severely restricts the freedom of its people. However, it cannot restrict the growth of the Gospel.

About a year ago, this country experienced a devastating cyclone in its southern delta region. 1,300,000 people lost their lives, in addition to countless others losing all their material possessions. The church around the world sent money to help them in their affliction.

Chito, a brother from the Phillippines, has taken the lead in the relief effort. I met him for a few days in Myanmar and he reported that a spiritual door is now open in that region of predominant Buddhism. Due to the love for the people that the church exhibited, the inhabitants of that area are now open to the saving Gospel of Christ. Pray that the great harvest can be reaped. There is much good news to report not only in India, but also in many other areas of the world. News of God’s kingdom growing should encourage us, regardless of the perceived lack of interest we may find in the hearts of our neighbors. We need to open our eyes to the fields that are white unto harvest. As Jesus said, “Say not ye, There are yet four months and then cometh harvest? Behold I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). ✞ Jerry and Paula Bates live in Winona, MS, working in the US and overseas with the World Evangelism program; sponsored by the Strickland Church.


Global Harvest

Troublesome Times in Distant Lands Louis Rushmore

Jackson, MS to Detroit to Tokyo to Bangkok to New Delhi to Bangalore to Bangkok to Yangon to Bangkok to Tokyo to Detroit to Jackson in five weeks, Bonnie and I traveled between October 14 and November 15. For most of this trip, we were traveling companions and co-workers with Wayne and Janet Barrier. In New Delhi, we visited with Vinay David, his parents, Francis and Elsie David, as well as Sunny (Hindi radio speaker) and Nargis David. Due to tensions in the city and concerns for safety, no advertised or special services were conducted. We were able to view the recently acquired apartment that will become the home of a new congregation and a future Bible school. The Barriers and we enjoyed unsurpassed fellowship and devotionals in the home of Francis and Elsie. It was Wayne’s good pleasure to teach the Sunday morning Bible class for a combined assembly of two congregations (each organized separately respecting different languages spoken), and it was my delight to present the Sunday morning sermon for the same gathering of saints. Bonnie and I left funds in New Delhi for the translation and printing of my tract, The One True Church, into Hindi, to help with the starting of a new congregation and to assist the longtime, Hindi speaking church. In Bangalore, we busied ourselves all day, daily, teaching seminar classes to brothers and sisters (and nonChristians) who came together for the week. (Due to similar tensions and concerns for safety, armed police protection was offered, though declined.) Eleven baptisms occurred in connection with the seminar, owing mostly to the ongoing evangelism prior to our arrival, for which P.R. Swamy (Tamil radio speaker) is directly or indirectly responsible. We were the guests of P.R.

and Sarojah Swamy for all of our meals. Many able brethren, including Vernon Douglas and Sheila Swamy, make Bangalore one of the most active evangelistic hubs in the world today. The rest of the church could learn a lot from this good work about evangelizing lost souls in and out of one’s local community. The phrase, “In it to win it!”, aptly applies in a true sense to evangelism going forth from Bangalore, India (1 Thess. 1:6-8). Bonnie and I left funds in Bangalore for my tract, The One True Church, to be reprinted in the Tamil language. In Yangon, Bonnie and I began the three-week leg of our journey, primarily teaching in the Yangon Bible School. (One man was baptized; two women expressed interest in being baptized; studies occurred with a Baptist doctor and a Christian Church preacher, who attended all five weeks of the Bible School.) The Barriers and we overlapped a few days with Sharon and Dennis Larson as well as L.T. Garganus. It was my privilege to teach 64 lessons in the school, and Bonnie taught 14 lessons to the ladies. Bonnie also taught twice a children’s class of 35 at a new congregation beginning in Yangon in a Buddhist neighborhood; she was the first American to enter that neighborhood, which required special permission. While Bonnie was at that house church those two Sunday afternoons, I preached at another congregation in Yangon. Two of the three Sundays we were in Myanmar, I also preached for the 8-Mile church of Christ in the mornings. Unexpectedly, I was drafted to teach a children’s class of some 50 or 60 Buddhist children and their parents in a post-cyclone bamboo and thatched village in the edge of the delta. The villagers constructed a building ex-

pressly for the church of Christ to teach their children (and give them snacks and toys) twice monthly. The village elder (appointed by the government) helped direct children to the class and he remained for the lesson also. The persons responsible for the

The class for children in a Buddhist neighborhood where help was given.

great success and ongoing growth of the Lord’s church in Myanmar are many, and most of them we met while in Yangon. We left our hearts in Myanmar with a people so humble, and laboring for the Lord under the greatest of political and economic uncertainties, yet undaunted and making great strides with the Gospel. Bonnie and I especially became enamored with my translator for all the classes I taught and all the preaching I did, a young and very talented preacher, Philip; he is also one of the two directors of the school. As we had done elsewhere, Bonnie and I left funds with various individuals in Myanmar for my tract, The One True Church, to be printed by the several thousands in four more languages, one of which is a Chinese dialect and Continued on page 25

World Evangelism School of Missions

World Evangelism Catalog

Is it a catalog? YES!!! . . . We want you to know that the books in our catalog are special. All of them are written by Christians, whose message is true to The Book. You can order with confidence . . . but there’s more . . .

World Evangelism School of Missions Are you interested in the possibility of doing mission work, stateside or overseas, on a short-term or longterm basis? If so, you need to call our Winona office (662-283-1192) or Wayne Barrier at 256-766-2807 to learn more about this school of mission practicalities. Details: ❁ We meet once a month for two days in Winona. Food and lodging are provided in our homes, free of charge. ❁ There is no charge for the classes. ❁ In addition to a staff lecturer, a seasoned missionary teaches half of the classes each time. ❁ The course covers two years, with two to four field trips. ❁ Studies include self-analysis and motives for going, biblical patterns for mission work, finding a sponsor and support, reporting and relationship with sponsors, working in a new field, working with others, problems, culture shock, world religions, and much more. JOIN US!!!

Our catalog is the story of souls . . . of goals . . . because we are not in the “book business” to make profit but to print literature that can be used both here in the States and around the world to preach the Gospel to the lost. No one in our office is supported through book sales. Revenues generated go back into printing more books, many of which are sold as evangelistic tools below printing costs. Many are given away to people here, and thousands more are sent overseas free of charge, postage paid. So the purpose of our catalog is to acquaint you with what is available and with the work we are doing with God . . . and we pray that this catalog will be a tool for deepening your relationship with Him and for broadening your outreach for Him. Books we print here in the States — and books you buy — help us to help brethren in other parts of the world, to answer their many appeals for biblical reading materials. Have you thought about it: In India and Africa and Burma and Indonesia there is no handy Bible bookstore from which people can order, to satisfy their hunger for spiritual growth! We help to fill that need.


Books for WBS Teachers To help World Bible School teachers, jail ministries, and others involved in personal evangelism, we offer these books for your “give-away” follow-up material at the subsidized price of $1.00 a copy, plus postage and handling. Baptism Roger E. Dickson, 64 pages Basic Bible Lessons O.P. Baird, 108 pages Beginner’s Bible Correspondence Course D. Wright, 80 pages Bible Keys J.C. Choate, 188 pages Bible Themes J.C. Choate, 120 pages Cardinal Concepts of Christianity (Also, Limited supply in German) Roy V. Palmer, 142 pages Conversions in Acts Basil Overton, 105 pages Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of Christ 112 pages New Testament Worship J.C. Choate, 80 pages Preaching the Word of God Loy Mitchell, 131 pages Scriptural Organization of the Churches of Christ Jim Massey, 157 pages The Church of the Bible (Also available in French and Russian) J.C. Choate, 85 pages The Gospel of Christ (Also available in Frenchand Spanish) J.C. Choate, 77 pages The Holy Spirit D.R. Gnanasundaram, 112 pages Why We Believe What We Believe, Vols. 1 & 2 J.C. Choate, 115 & 133 pages You Can Be Just a Christian Jim Massey, 101 pages The Voice of Truth International $1.00/copy

World Evangelism Catalog

(J.C. Choate Publications) P.O. Box 72 Winona, MS 38967 Phone: 662-283-1192 [email protected]


World Video Bible School

Your Congregation Can Evangelize The World Now, your congregaprogram of evangelism, tion can actively particibenevolence, and edifipate in evangelism, becation receives a nevolence, and edification monthly newsletter that — without ever leaving the provides a report on church building. Here’s where materials are behow…. ing sent overseas, as well Once or twice a year, as the fruits of their laWo r l d Vi d e o B i b l e bors that have resulted School asks congregafrom everyone’s comtions of the Lord’s church in America to help sister congregabined efforts to spread the Gospel to lost souls. tions and schools of preaching in foreign lands that are simply In 2007, for example, free materials were sent into 29 too poor to afford even the most basic teaching tools for use foreign countries — resulting in 1575 baptisms and 128 restoin spreading the Gospel of Christ. We ask on behalf of these rations (and those are just the ones we know about!). brothers and sisters in Christ because, in most cases, they Here at WVBS, we receive significant numbers of rehave no way to ask for themselves. quests each month for free material from poor brethren all We are not asking for money to be spent on buildings. over the world. It is only because churches of Christ in AmerNor are we asking for funds to provide physical sustenance. ica send contributions to the “Church of Christ Donation Rather, we are asking for funds that can be used to provide Fund” that we are able to provide those free materials on their sound teaching materials to people who are spiritually hungry, behalf. Please understand that every dollar that is donated to who want to learn, and who earnestly desire to teach others in the fund is used solely to provide churches and preacherorder to spread the borders of the Lord’s kingdom. training schools in foreign lands with the teaching materials The procedure we have put in place is both simple and that they otherwise would never be able to obtain. In addiefficient. Congregations can send a monthly, quarterly, or tion, these funds also provide free materials to U.S. jails and annual donation to World prisons. W o u l d Video Bible School on behalf your congregation Did you know that there are literally thousands of sister congreof less-fortunate foreign brethplease consider helpgations of the Lordʼs church, plus numerous preacher training ren. We place every dollar we ing with this project? schools, that are in desperate need of your help? receive into the “Church of The demand for doMany of these are in third-world countries, and have little or no Christ Donation Fund”. Then, nated materials has money for the purchase of materials to help them grow in the throughout the year we use skyrocketed in recent faith, or to help them teach others. They are completely dependthose funds to purchase and years. As a result, we ent upon acts of benevolence for any teaching tools they receive. ship free materials to as many receive far more re“in-need” churches of Christ If fellow Christians will not help them, who will? quests than we can and preacher-training schools honor. We do not around the world as possible. want to say “No” to Every penny of every dollar you send is spent to provide any legitimate requests for the teaching tools that we are able these materials completely free of charge (including all shipto provide. But, currently, we are having to do exactly that! ping costs)! Each invoice we send with materials to overseas Help us to be able to say “Yes,” won’t you? So many predestinations is marked, “THIS INVOICE WAS PAID IN cious souls are at stake. ✞ FULL BY CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN THE U.S.A.” We want the Christians who are the recipients of these items to know that they are receiving them because of loving, caring Two valuable teaching tools from WVBS: Class study book and companion members of the Lord’s church, not because of anything that DVD lesons: SEARCHING FOR TRUTH WVBS has done. We are merely the conduit. Ultimately, it is the Lord’s people here in America who are responsible for providing everything we send to those less-fortunate brethren who live in foreign countries. 130 Lantana Lane, But there is more than one way in which Christians can Maxwell, TX 78656 * participate. Some churches in America select a specific sister Phone 512.398.5211 Fax 512.398.9493 * congregation in a distant land to receive the materials we Website: * make available — either because they already support that Email: [email protected] congregation financially, or because they have asked us to recommend congregations or schools that we know can use the help. Each American congregation that participates in this

World Video Bible School

Brotherhood seminars


Christians have: to defend the Truth in original idea for the “God’s Kingdom” love (John 8:32). The result of that project. The idea behind this project meeting has been the “Holding to the was to biblically identify the New TesTraditions” weekend seminars, held in tament church. As of this time, over many congregations throughout the 20,000 copies of the God’s Kingdom” brotherhood. DVDs have been sent out all over the It has become obvious that there is world. It is also available on high real interest within the brotherhood to speed internet accessible at support meetings strengthening and is regularly vidual Christians and congregations of scheduled at GBN for viewing on telethe Lord’s church. Many elderships, vision. For scheduling check the GBN congregations and individual Christians website are encouraged by the lessons given Later, the World Video Bible School and the biblical answers. The audience was able to develop another great DVD hears a passionate delivery of God's tool called “Searching for Truth.” WVBS Word. Our DVD lessons can benefit has shipped over 550,000 copies around those who teach Bible lessons. The the world. And now, with the help of teaching materials we have produced “Holding to the Traditions”, WVBS has have been distributed on every popubeen able to get the “Searching for Truth lated continent. Study Guide” translated from English If a congregation considers hosting into Spanish. a meeting, an agreement is reached as There have to the most effective way to invite other been 5,000 copcongregations. An average meeting of ies printed this 175 people usually results in members year alone. attending from 30-40 congregations. Over 3,000 copWe have had Christians from 93 conies of the book gregations, with 55 Elders, with an athave already tendace of about 600. We do not charge for our meetings and our speakers reBill Farris ceive no pay. However, there In 2001, a small group of elders, are some costs involved! Our preachers, and teachers, under the overspeakers often need a motel sight of the elders of the Tom Bean room, gas, and sometimes a Church of Christ in Tom Bean, TX, met good meal. We share costs with to determine what, if anything, could be the host congregation. Our done to halt the erosion of Truth within DVD production of the GOD’S the Church. These faithful brethren KINGDOM teaching tool has understood that they had no authority of been televised through GBN their own, only the authority that all and is now available at to all Participants in one of the weekend meetings for “Holding to the Traditions”. high speed internet users around the world. been sent out. In the short time the Currently we are promotSpanish “Searching for Truth Study ing and distributing our new Guides” have been out they have gone production of the Spanish book to seven Hispanic countries and several SEARCING FOR TRUTH to states. Many good comments have congregations in the USA and been made, and our Hispanic brethren foreign countries. are especially thankful to have good, Several efforts are now sound biblical material in their own underway, as a result of “Holdlanguage — especially as they try to ing to the Traditions” (2 Thesconvert the lost in their own countries. salonians 2:15) waging war One Hispanic brother commented, Among Christians who attend the weekend proagainst liberalism and ignograms, great interest is shown in the books and “There is not much Spanish material rance — For example, the DVDs made available. Continued on page 21


Global Harvest

Is repentance in prison meant for God or for the parole board? How can bad people develop good motives? Is theirs a true transformation, or is it what skeptics call “a jailhouse conversion”? How convenient for the critics themselves, to pontificate from soft armchairs at a safe distance! They seldom see the struggles of believers attempting to practice Christianity behind prison bars. It is difficult to persist in prayers and studies under the constant glare of lights, guards and inmates. The latter pour their scorn and threats on anyone who dares to break ranks. Good is often repaid with evil. Toughest of all are the personal, internal struggles against ingrained habits and addictions, entrenched patterns of failure and soul-destroying guilt. It requires real courage to take on these challenges.

Doris of Lewisburg, Tenn. David knew, however, that if he became a Christian, the Mexican Mafia would kill him. After much prayer, David made the commitment to be baptized into Christ and to begin his new way of life. The Mafia immediately issued a contract on his life. Fear, however, failed to dampen the sheer happiness of being a “new creature”. Since then, David has been moved to a better prison where he can go to worship on Sundays. Doris got him a typewriter and authorities allow him to write articles that have been published in the Gospel Advocate and The Voice of Truth International. David said, “God has spared my life and I will serve Him whether in prison or out, the rest of my life.” David’s conversion and commitment have been genuine and far from convenient! ✞

A Convenient Conversion? David Mendiola was very young when his father drowned, and his mother started drinking heavily. He was completely disillusioned, not caring for anyone or anything, not even himself. Eventually his addictions led him to prison for stealing. He was sentenced to 20 years. Having nothing to live for, he joined a group known as the Mexican Mafia, thinking he might gain respect as a “cool” insider. Instead, they changed his life for the worse. He had to spend 23 hours every day in his cell because this gang was so disruptive. From his solitary confinement, David could see a volunteer — a chaplain from the church of Christ -- visiting another gang member. In time David had many studies with this evangelist and took World Bible School courses from


Continued from page 20

available.” From this statement we can see the great need for the Spanish guide for “Searching for Truth”. Brethren, “Holding to the Traditions” is committed to helping the Lord’s church around the world to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), and to spread the Gospel throughout the world (Mark 16:15,16). Our mission work is possible only with the kind assistance of sister congregations who join us in our effort to spread the Gospel world-wide. ✞ For more information, contact Bill Farris at: [email protected] or call (870)845-3161

Hispanic brethren studying “Searching for Truth” in Spanish.

Dear Bill,   The books came in about 30 minutes before we went to Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico today so my wife and I took three boxes over.  We gave 30 books to the Central Congregation where Fredy Cerato preaches, and sent 30 books by Chuy and Lupita Mar (pictured above) to another congregation across town at Balcones de Alcalá alsoin Reynosa. We will try to get the other books over in the next few days, the Lord willing.       Thanks for sending the material.   Carrol Robertson

Global Harvest


Even in the USA, Evangelism Still Works! Travis Arrant

I started as the full time minister with the Archibald Church of Christ on 7/22/ 07. We are located in a rural setting, 7 miles south of Rayville (pop. 4234), Louisiana, about 30 miles from Monroe. In fact, our building is surrounded on two sides by a cotton field! We are blessed to have a nice range in ages from infants to 89-year-olds. We currently have 114 members. When I first came here, we were averaging about 70 during the AM service on the Lord’s Day and about 55 at night. Our Wednesday night service averaged about 30. Now, we are averaging in the upper 80s to low 90s in the AM service and 65-70 during the PM service on the Lord’s day. Our Wednesday night service is averaging 55-60. While we are pleased with our obvious numerical growth in attendance, we realize there is so much more work to do. As of November 3, we’ve had 12 baptisms and 4 restorations in the past 15 months! We’ve had 13 come forth for prayer or to place membership. This is a total of 29 responses in 15 months! There is no question that God is working mightily through His Word (Hebrews 4:12) at the Archibald Church of Christ! There are several keys to our success. The first is that we stress working together in unity and love as a congregation. We take to heart Paul’s admonition that there be no divisions among you (1 Corinthians 1:10) and John’s command that we love the brethren (1 John 3:18). This is emphasized from the pulpit and in our weekly bulletin.

We started a free Bible correspondence program, which has been a huge success. We begin with “Studies in the Bible” by Hawley Publications, which is a 30-lesson basic course, and then follow up with “Foundations of Faith” by Hawley Publication, a 30-lesson advanced course. Since starting this program 12 months ago, over 90 people have enrolled and 45 have completed the program. Members, people in the community, prisoners, and even folks in other states have taken these courses. Brothers David Singley and Ed Free oversee these two programs. We stress evangelism both in Bible class and from the pulpit. Jesus told us to “go”, and that is what we do at the Archibald Church! We are blessed to have numerous men and women who are willing to teach the unchanging Gospel of our Lord. For the first time in over twenty years, we had a week long VBS this past summer and thanks to our members and the Lord, it was a great success. We never had less than 91 in total attendance on any of the 5 nights. A list was made of children whose parents were not members and a campaign was set for 8/23/08 for follow up. A group of us made 48 contacts that day, handing out tracts and fliers. The next day, 8/24, was designated “Friend Day” and we had 162 in attendance — the largest crowd we’ve had in many years! We teach to invite people you know to worship, and our members do just that! At almost every service, we have visitors who are looking for a church home, who may be lost, or who are in need. We have visitors complete a visitor’s card and we make sure they get a warm welcome. We follow up with a phone call or a letter with a tract. If the person is not a Christian, Bible studies are then set up. We are using some books published by World Literature Publications (J.C. Choate Publications), in our Bible studies and we are having good success. We particularly like to hand out Why We

Believe What We Believe ,Volumes 1&2, You Can Be Just A Christian, and God Means What He Says. If we are dealing with a non-Christian, we usually hand them Why We Believe, Volume 1 or You Can Be Just A Christian. Both of these have been well received. For those needing encouragement or who have fallen away, we have started using God Means What He Says by Paul Simon. It is an excellent book and gives the person some things to consider. In addition, we use the tract, Is One Church As Good As Another? by John H. Banister and published by Haun Publishing Company. Many truly believe the false concept of “one church is as good as another” and “it does not matter where you attend services”. We use this tract to help

A busy crowd at the summer VBS.

educate people that it does make a difference where you worship. Jesus states, “On this rock, I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). We are a small congregation at the Archibald Church of Christ but we know that the “power who is behind us is greater than the task before us!” We appreciate all of the fine Bible materials that the brotherhood has to offer and are doing our best to make good use of them in serving the Lord and doing His work. ✞ [email protected]


House to House

House to House Heart to Heart House To House/Heart to Heart is a direct mail evangelism program sponsored by cooperating churches of Christ. It is an 8-page, full-color publication promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since its beginning in 1994 with 1,000 magazines, it has grown to a circulation of over 2,700,000 (over 16 million per year). If each home represents three people, the potential readership is over 8,000,0000. More than 1,100 churches of Christ in 49 states and six foreign countries now distribute it into their communities. Published six times a year, the magazine is personalized for each congregation, and each church does its own follow-up with contacts. House to House/Heart to Heart strives to be at-

tractive in appearance, sound in doctrine, interesting in content, and evangelistic in thrust. It is a non-profit, bulk, saturation mailing and covers entire postal routes at a time. It is published under the oversight of the elders of the Jacksonville church of Christ in Jacksonville, AL. Allen Webster is the general Editor. HTH is effectively used by small and large congregations to get their names before their communities and to promote their important events. It can be sent directly into the homes in your community for 29 cents per copy with a minimum order of 1,000 copies per issue. For more information about House to House/Heart to Heart, or to request a free paket of information, you may email us at the following address:

[email protected] or call the office at 256.435.9356 and ask for Blake Hamm or Derek Raulerson. For more information, please visit ✞ … with men this is impossible; with God all things are possible” (Mat-

We of World Evangelism highly recommend House to House. We use it in Winona, ourselves. Reaching Out in Love Through Restoration Radio Miles Cotham

XXXXXXXXXXXEmail add. On the south side of Nashville, Tennessee, there is a band of devoted Christians that is reaching out to the world by radio and TV with the good news of Jesus Christ. It is not the first and by far not the only media effort in the brotherhood, but God has blessed it richly over the years, so that it is now heard in more than 120 countries around the world.

Years ago, Roy Beasley, a Gospel preacher, decided it was time that he expanded his outreach to the lost. Starting with only a reel of tape and the use of the recording equipment at a local radio station in an Indiana mission area, he began what would in time become a world outreach program. He wondered at the time if anyone listened. Thirty-three years later, Restoration Radio Network International has produced thousands of programs that go into the world in English, French, three Philippean dialects, and soon-to-be Arabic and Spanish. Restoration Radio believes that only the Gospel in its simplicity and purity should be preached. Its very name implies that Christians are to restore the teachings of the Apostles, which came directly from God, Himself. It is believed that no creed of man is needed and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is allsufficient. Restoration Radio does not own radio stations. It purchases air time from

powerful radio stations located in strategic places around the world. The advantage is that there is no expense in building and maintaining expensive facilities, antennae, personnel, and equipment. Also, we are not tied to one target area. If an area proves unproductive, we can easily change to another. Restoration Radio has a follow-up program called “The Apollos Program”. Workers in Kenya, Malawi, the Philippines, Haiti, and other places follow up on listener response, adding the “personal touch” that is so important in soul-winning. Over the years, over 47,000 conversions have been reported, and more than a thousand congregations started as a direct result of Restoration Radio’s efforts. It is impossible to go into all the world in person, but the Gospel can be taken by the use of available technology. Perhaps one day soon you will hear RRNI’s “God Speaks Today” on your local radio station. ✞

Gospel Broadcasting Network

thew 19:26). In many churches in our brotherhood, liberalism, radicalism, and worldliness are taking their toll on souls and on the unity of the body of Christ. Staying “balanced”, upholding the Word alone, not veering from the old paths to the left or to the right — these seem to be undesirable or difficult tasks for many of our brethren. For some, acceptance and success by the world’s standards — “that we also may be like all the nations” — have overshadowed truth and the exacting nature of God’s pattern for worship, for service, and for living. The restoration process is not a “once done, always done” effort. Yes, the New Testament church has been restored, but the process of holding individual souls to obedience and adherence to it will not end until the Lord comes again. We believe the Gospel Broadcasting Network is a vital tool in this 21st Century, to promote a resurgence of enthusiasm in reaching the lost and in teaching the saved to “stay saved”, by holding to “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” Jude 1:3, NKJV). GBN can extend the soulsaving Gospel message to individuals in the privacy of their homes, where they may hear, study, and become convicted. We appreciate so very much our supporting individuals and congregations. We are encouraged by the enthusiastic responses we receive from viewers; but we also thank God for the impact GBN is having upon members who respond with excitement over the results and with the realization of the tremendous potential of GBN. There is a tremor of excitement stirring and growing among the brotherhood, and we hope it will soon erupt into an earthquake! When we see, today, wars, tragedies, and the inhumanity of man to man, we may believe our world is completely “upside down”, spiritually, morally, so-


cially, and e t h i c a l l y. The disciples of the first century were called, “These that have turned the world upside down.” May GBN be a leader among those who one day may be called, “These that have turned the world right side up again”! “On Sunday Cecil Wilson visited An Exciting Report of Conversion! our worship for the first time. We welcomed him and gave him a visitor’s packet. “On the following Wednesday night, he came back with the guest card filled out. Shortly after the closing prayer, he wanted to know if he could speak with someone. I asked what I could do for him, and his reply was, ‘I think I need to be baptized again.’ “We immediately went to the library and began a study. Cecil had written on his guest card that he was a member of a denomination. He said he did not want to be a member of a denomination, but he did want to be a member of the Lord’s church. He seemed to know the answers to questions about the mode of baptism and the importance of baptism, and he knew that the Lord adds one to the church when he/she obeys. I even went to Acts 19 to show he needed to be baptized again, and he seemed to be a step ahead. “Surprised at his answers, I asked where he had learned the truth: Did he just read for himself? Did a close friend show the way? Neither! He said he had been watching GBN for three or four months and was studying. He made the statement: ‘What they were preaching just made more sense.’ “Cecil was baptized that very hour. The preaching of the Truth of God’s

word by sound Gospel preachers made a difference in this man’s life. Isn’t it beautiful that the same Word that was preached 2000 years ago still has the same effect on the honest and sincere heart, willing to obey God? In Christian Love, Keith Ritchie .” Would you consider supporting the Gospel Broadcasting Network in your We want to expand into all the World, but we cannot do it without the help of many concerned brethren and congregations.

2009 budget? The network is now seen across the nation on several cable systems and one hour daily on DirecTV and Dish Network. We stream our programming 24/7 on the worldwide web and have received over a quarter of a million hits ( Brethren, satellite television is a costly undertaking. The denominational religious world has dominated satellite television since its inception. It is time for the voice of the Lord’s people to be heard! Countless souls need to learn the Truth before they go into eternity. The goal of spreading the Gospel to the masses is possible, if faithful brethren will stand united. We are asking congregations to consider giving at least $150 per month. ✞ Barry Gilreath, Sr., GBN Executive Director and Elder of the Highland Church of Christ. Call us at 866-525-4677.

Help Us Celebrate Our Third Anniversary!


Global Harvest

Troublesome Times in Distant Lands, cont. Continued from page 17

which will be distributed inside China itself. My tract had already been translated and printed in Burmese, and we enabled many more to be printed in that language. Brethren overseas tell me that this particular tract is very good in communicating especially to denominational believers the difference The boat bringing food supplies to peobetween denominationalism and pure ple in the cyclone area. Christianity. While in Yangon, Bonnie and I were able to learn firsthand respecting the Myanmar Cyclone Relief that the churches of Christ took upon themselves earlier in 2008. Whereas the government of Myanmar thwarted nations in their efforts to provide humanitarian aid (even seizing planeloads of supplies), brethren from the Philippines and Myanmar were able Bags of rice supplied by American Christians for to direct aid from the Lord’s the cyclone victims. church to many suffering people. Not everyone could be helped, and even helping as many as possible with the limited resources would have only prolonged the inevitable death of some persons. Therefore, the villages first reached were aided enough to sustain life until they could rebound somewhat. Americans later, including members of the World Evangelism Team, helped distribute relief in the form of rice, cooking oil, tarps, and sleeping mats. Cooking oil being taken to victims Only Burmese brethren were permitted throughout the village. into the interior of the cyclone ravaged delta area with relief supplies. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Lord’s church were companion to the distribution of benevolent aid. Consequently, families have been converted (we met two of them and ate with them) and new congregations have begun in the delta area. The children’s class in the Buddhist village where I taught came about because of the benevolent aid, coupled with teaching of the Gospel. Brethren from around Myanmar are evangelizing the delta area A new birth into Christ, spiritual life where survivors received relief from resulting from aid to physical life.

the churches of Christ, and with promising success among those Buddhists. Praise be to God! Before our arrival in New Delhi and Bangalore, those cities experienced bombings. Orissa State in India is especially perilous to believers in Christ and true Christians. While we were abroad, protestors occupied Bangkok streets, and bombings occurred almost daily. Earlier in the year, protests by Buddhist monks in Myanmar resulted in thousands of deaths when protestors were fired upon by the army, and survivors were given 65-year prison sentences. While we were in Yangon, an Internet blogger was sentenced to 20 years in prison for posting unfavorable comments about the government. Since our return, (1) terrorist attacks in Mumbai (Bombay), India have killed over a hundred, and (2) clashes between protestors and police in Bangkok have resulted in deaths and the closure of the airport we used three times in our travels. The first century world was a dangerous place into which to take the Gospel, but “Go” Jesus commanded, and “Go” early Christians did (Mark 16:15,16; Acts 8:1,4; 17:6). And go with the Gospel, we must also! ✞ Louis and Bonnie Rushmore are part of the World Evangelism team, living in Winona. [email protected] Sponsored by the Vermilion Church of Christ in Vermillion, Ohio.

New converts and the beginning of a new congregation, after the hurricane.

Global Harvest


SEEKING THE LOST International Radio

Supported by Churches of Christ. Overseen by the Elders of the Clinton Church of Christ, Clinton, MS Jesus came to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Through the use of shortwave radio, FM radio and the Internet, Seeking the Lost International Radio is truly seeking the lost as we broadcast weekly in the English language throughout the world. The work is overseen by the Elders of the Clinton Church of Christ in Clinton, Mississippi who have been spreading the Gospel throughout the world for many years. Seeking the Lost International Radio is supported financially by churches of Christ and individual members of the churches of Christ. We do not ask or solicit any money from our radio audience. Seeking the Lost International Radio went live on January 1st, 2008 with fiveminute daily (Monday – Friday) programs broadcasting to North America, Central America, and South America. In April 2008, the format was changed to two fifteen-minute weekly programs broadcasting to the same target areas. In October, 2008 the format was revised to include greater coverage to the continents of Africa, North America, South America, Central America, and parts of Asia and Europe. Currently, we broadcast four times weekly over shortwave radio and once a week on FM radio in the Philippines. The broadcasts are available on our website,, for worldwide distribution. Transcripts and MP3 recordings are available for download. We broadcast in the English language, which is used as a primary language in many countries, and a second language in others. Many people who do not speak the English language listen to radio programs in English with the goal to learn the English language. By doing so, many learn and obey the Truth. Shortwave radio is a fascinating medium that allows the opportunity for masses of people to hear a radio broadcast that otherwise could not. While

AM and FM radio are limited to several hundred miles at the maximum in their coverage range, shortwave radio coverage can extend thousands and thousands of miles. In third world countries, and in places where isolation and poverty exists, it is the primary means of hearing the news and current events from the outside world. Meet the Seeking the Lost Team The Elders of the Clinton church of Christ oversee the work and receive and disperse funds received for the work. Ken Gardner, a deacon responsible for missions at the Clinton Church of Christ is the Literature Coordinator and Field Representative; Ricky Berger, Gospel preacher from Cordova, Alabama, is a speaker for the broadcasts and a Field Representative; Harold Bigham, a Gospel preacher from DeFuniak Springs, Florida, is a speaker for the broadcasts; webmaster for and is responsible for the production of the broadcasts. Our Shortwave radio schedule is: Europe, Africa, Asia: Radio Station - WHRA. Angel 5, 11.885 MHz. 15 minutes on Saturday at 4:00 P.M. EST, 2000 UTC. North America: Radio Station -- WHRI. Angel 6, 7.385 MHz. 15 minutes on Sunday at 7:30 A.M. EST, 1130 UTC. Radio Station -- WRMI. 9.955 MHz. 15 minutes on Sunday at 10:45 A.M. EST, 1445 UTC. Coverage includes all of the United States, Canada and Alaska. Central and South America: Radio Station -- WRMI. 9.955 MHz. 15 minutes on Sunday at 8:30 P.M. EST, 0045 UTC. Coverage includes all Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago. Philippines: MINDANAO PRAISE RADIO 105.3 FM 15 minutes on Sunday at 2 P.M.

We are always in need of donated material from brotherhood bookstores and congregations such as Bibles, tracts, class workbooks, and cassette tapes of sermons. If you have unused Bible class workbooks please consider donating them to this good work. Cassette tapes of sermons are very useful in countries where people have an economical cassette tape player but do not have computers. Printed material is gladly welcomed, as many read with great hunger to know more about the Bible. We are constantly in need of financial support to continue to pay for the We Need Your Prayers, Money, and Resources to Help Spread the Gospel current radio airtime and to add future target areas. We would like to be on the air more times each week and to add other target areas, such as Russia and India, but currently we are cost restricted. We are in need of financial support for shipping and postage. The cost of mailing supplies and postage to other countries is very high. Most of all, brethren, you can help by including us in your prayers for this good work that the efforts put forth might bring glory to God and increase the borders of the Lord’s church. ✞ If you are interested in knowing more about Seeking the Lost International Radio and how to help in this work, please contact Ken Gardner at [email protected] or write: Seeking the Lost International Radio C/O Elders, Clinton Church of Christ 155 Broadway St, Clinton, MS 39056


Global Harvest

Bible Charts for the World Dr. Donnie S. Barnes, Th.D is a non-profit free website for producing and sharing Bible teaching materials for brethren to use around the world. Donnie S. Barnes, minister of the Red Boiling Springs Church of Christ in Tennessee, has long utilized visual materials in his teaching and preaching. Believing strongly in what is pen-ned in Isaiah 41:20, “That they may see and know, and consider and u n d e r s t a n d t og e t h e r. . . , ” t h e author is dedicated to preparing visual materials to be used in the United States as well as in all nations around the world. Currently more than 2,200 Bible charts plus sermons, illustrations, and invitations, are freely available for use around the world. Over 3,000 different titles of materials have been prepared for this work alone. People in other lands are translating many of the charts into their native languages and dialects. Emails from India, China, England, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, many states, etc., indicate that the materials are being used by brethren as well as denominationalists in teaching the Word of God. People tend to remember 85% more of what goes through the eyegate as opposed to the ear-gate alone. The charts on the Holy Spirit are being taught to a class where the

young-est student is 35 and the oldest is 100. In one country a Muslim man requested the materials for study. In Indiana a reformed Jew wanted the materials to better help him learn about Jesus Christ. In England a man requested permission to copy some of the charts into booklets for teaching 35 young adults who have never held a Bible before. When you go to the website you will find a treasury of Bible Charts

for preaching and teaching, church bulletin charts, sermons, Bible Study materials, and a variety of churchrelated materials, designed for God’s glory and for the teaching of Truth. Surveys of Bible Books, Bible History, Bible Chronology, as well as materials regarding the life and work of Christ and of the apostle Paul are presented in great volume. These Bible charts cover numerous subjects, including the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Old Testament, the New Testa-

ment, the Church, the Godhead, the Cross of Christ, Personal Work, Spiritual Growth, and Marriage and the Christian Home. Notes about places in the Bible Lands are included as well. The site is designed to help all who view it to gain deeper insights into and about God’s infallible Word, the Bible. Helpful materials for preachers and Bible Class teachers are included, as well as materials for individual Bible Study. The author is a s t r o n g b eliever in Isaiah 5 5 : 11 — “ S o shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it s h a l l a c c o mplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” All recognition for this site, its work, and all the future charts to be developed, belong to God alone. If these materials can be of help to you in spreading the Gospel around the world, please use them freely for His glory. Please feel free to collect and use them. There is no copyright law enforcement. Hopefully, you will also pass along this website address to others you know who would find the charts to be helpful. ✞ Bible Chart questions may be directed to the author, Dr. Donnie Barnes at [email protected].



Continued Campaigns to Guyana ~ Building on the Past ~ Jerry L. Davidson Twelve American mission team members made a recent campaign trip to Guyana, South America: J. T. Beard and Lloyd Beard, Booneville, MS; Jason Floyd, Savannah, TN; Gene Johnson, Carolyn Johnson and Ray Robinson, Decatur, AL; Jonathan Hagar, Doyle, TN; Howard Pitts and Jonathan Page, Mobile, AL; John Langham, Daphne, AL; Gwynne Weaver, Robertsdale, AL; and Jerry O. Davidson, Summerdale, AL. After clearing customs, we stayed overnight in Soesdyke. The following morning we traveled to St. Cuthbert's Mission Village, the closest Amerindian settlement to Georgetown, the capital city. This was the first village I visited in December 1998. Brother Ernest Dundas is the preacher. In a campaign in this village three years ago, the Lord added sixty-five precious souls to His church.

Living in the Village

Our living accommodations for the team were the best ever! Several stayed in a new house, built by the government for the Headmaster of the school, with indoor plumbing and showers — almost all the comforts of home! Some stayed in the preacher’s house and some stayed at Vime and Mahase Ramnarace’s house. Vime recently came to Summerdale for surgery. Some of the Guyanese brethren stayed in the church building, with others staying in tents and a rented house. It was the rainy season, so we had rain every day, which kept it from getting too hot. The village has a new generator that provides electricity from 6-10 P. M. every night.

A Christian Family It was my pleasure to work with Vibert and Penelope Dundas, a Christian couple in St. Cuthbert’s Mission Village, during this campaign, and to go with them to study with several members of Vibert’s family. Vibert paddled a small dugout canoe up the river to study with his brother, Ian, who was living with a girl to whom he was not married. After studying with Ian and Jemmenia, they decided to be married. A couple of days later they were legally married and as soon as the wedding was completed, she went to the river to be baptized. Later, Vibert took me to study with his sister, Ulene, and her children’s father, Deon. They had lived together for about twelve years without being legally married, so I studied God’s Word with them about the importance of being legally married and becoming Christians. They were very receptive, and made arrangements to be married. As soon as the wedding ended, we went to the river where they were both baptized into Christ. Another day, Vibert carried me to his father’s house in a small boat powered by a two horsepower motor. When we arrived, I was introduced to his brothers, Wreford and Al-

phaus, and Cameel, his sister. We had a lengthy study, taking the time necessary to ensure that they understood what we taught them from the Bible. All three gladly received the Word and were baptized into Christ. Brother Monte Dundas, Vibert’s father, told me that all of his children are now members of the church of Christ. After the baptisms, we went back to the house for a period of fellowship where I drank the coconut water from the largest coconut I have ever seen!

Campaign Services

We started having services on Tuesday night, and were glad to see so many of our brethren and friends we had grown to love in the past. The attendance was good at all of the services, increasing from night to night. In fact, the crowds were so large that the children were sent to the fellowship hall, the teens to a house nearby, and the new converts to another location for a class taught by Gene Johnson. The count one night was 255 adults, with over 100 children.

St. Cuthbert’s Mission Church of Christ

This is now the largest congregation in the country of Guyana with over 300 members! Each new Christian was given a giant print Bible, provided by the $10.00 that so many of you generously donated. In order to continue having these Bibles available for the new Christians, we encourage your contributions. A very nice label will be printed with your name and address and placed in a Bible. In addition, we are sending the book, WHY I AM A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, for each family in the village, to help them grow in the faith.

Benevolence Warehouse

We are excited to see this benevolent effort continue, and in September we will be shipping the third container for this year! We want to thank all of those throughout the Southeast who are helping in this good work. Your efforts bless so many of your fellow Christians in Guyana and show that you “ ... remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed it give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). We are indebted to a dear Christian family at Summerdale for planning and building a loading dock at the warehouse. This will make loading the container so much easier and faster. T hank you for your thoughtfulness. ✞ Jerry L. davidson; Phone: 251-510-9350; email: [email protected]


El Salvador -- Brazil

El Salvador Jonathan Winchester The Lord blessed us with the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel for the first time ever in Tonacatepeque, El Salvador, as we labored to establish His church there. Brother Jack Farber did a great job arranging and leading this campaign, with Dave Huffman and myself assisting in many areas. The campaign was a combined medical and evangelistic effort, as we reached out to touch both the physical and spiritual needs of this community. Individuals had the opportunity to see doctors and dentists, nurses and pharmacists, and most importantly, they had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. The Lord truly blessed us, as eleven souls put on Christ in baptism, and the Lord’s church was established in this community. I am certain that each team member has a story to tell of how their hearts were touched during the week. I would like to tell you about one individual who touched me during the week: Maricela. I was introduced to Maricela on the first day, as she had accompanied her sister to the campaign, hoping to help with the cooking. Her sister is a Christian, and Maricela had been attending the church in Alta Vista for some time. I was asked to attempt to initiate a Bible study with her; therefore, I had Ana Maria Bonilla (whose husband, Victor preaches in Alta Vista) set up the study. The three of us sat under a tree and studied God’s Word for several hours. We studied several Bible subjects, such as the inspiration of the Bible, how to rightly divide the Bible, and the purpose of both the Old Law and the Law of Christ. We looked at Old Testament promises and prophecies concerning the Christ and His church, and then looked to their New Testament fulfillment. We noticed that Christ built one church, His church, and that it is greater than any man-made denomination on earth. We studied the Gospel plan of salvation, and how God adds one to His

church, and then looked at examples of those who have been added to the church. I cannot explain how it is that Maricela came to trust in me so quickly, or how she found it possible to “open up” to Ana Maria and myself. In discussing sin and its consequences, I asked her if she had specific questions. I told Maricela that anything she brought out in that study would stay between us, and to my surprise, she responded. She confided in us and told us of some great faults and struggles in her life, and proceeded to weep bitterly. She had never told anyone about these sins, and has been struggling with not only accepting the fact that God could forgive her, but also was struggling with being able to forgive herself. I was so grateful to have Ana Maria there to console her, cry with

her, and give her the shoulder to cry on that she needed. There was not a dry eye among the three of us. After reading of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch, Maricela said she wanted to be baptized for the remission of her sins and to be added to the Lord’s church. Studying with her and seeing her put on Christ in baptism is certainly one of the happiest moments I have experienced in the mission field. Observing her confidence in me truly has touched me forever. The tears the three of us shared can never be replaced with other memories. ✞

The Church in SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS, Brazil Celebrates 20th Birthday J. Randal Matheny In 1988 the Nove de Julho church in Sao Paulo sent two families, one full-time, to Sao Jose dos Campos to begin outreach in the region. In the first speech of the “birthday celebration”, one of the Nove de Julho elders, Joao De Marco, compared the church to a young adult leaving adolescence. Special speaker for the day was Mike Hughes, elder for the Somers Avenue church in North Little Rock, Ark. The congregation supports the Randal Matheny family and sent Mike and his wife Mary to be present for the celebration. Mike spoke twice during the day. He praised the brethren for their work and used the apostle Paul as an example of conversion and suffering for the cause of Christ. Jose Roberto Silva, one of the longest-converted saints in SJC, shared with the group how he came to obey the Gospel of Christ. Jorge Santana dos Santos, a federal judge’s assistant in Sao Paulo and worker with all three congregations in the Paraiba Valley (SJCampos, Taubate and Guaratingueta), spoke about his conversion and his family’s work in the region. In the closing speech, Randal applied some of the principles from the raising of the Ebenezer stone to the work in SJC. Some 40 people attended the event. ✞



France ... Charles White

Charles and Pam White, workers in France for 32 years. As with much of Europe, interest in religion is at a low point in France. The Church of Christ, categorized as a fundamentalist group, is often looked upon as a cult. Charles and Pam White moved to France from Nebraska in 1976, spending eleven years in Grenoble before moving to Lyon in 1987. The Church in Lyon was begun in 1975 by Arlin Hendrix and Max Dauner and has about 30 members today, most of whom were contacted by mailbox distribution. Other methods used are study seminars, choral programs, and visits from American students. There are regular visitors’ days and classes for all ages. Each member is encouraged to share his faith

with those around him. Charles has recently been reThe city of Lyon has sponsible for the production of the about 1.5 million people, 2nd edition of the French including suburbs. It hymnbook, first published in 1990 was founded in 43 B.C. by Don Daugherty (deceased), Coby Julius Caesar, and has lette Daugherty, Robert Limb, Edbeen a prominent city of ward Ritchie, Charles White, and France ever since, beRichard Wolfe. The songbook is ginning with its place as capital of called “Chante Mon Coeur” (Sing the Gauls throughout the Roman My Heart). The books are stored in period. Today, it is a city of highLyon, and Charles is responsible for level research, industry and culture. orders and mailouts. It was recently named a World Charles has published three Heritage City because of the richbooks. His latest, Upright, is curness of its archeological site, unrently under production through changed for 2,000 years. World Literature Publications. Charles White works mostly in The church in Lyon is a vibrant teaching and equipping Christians community, a mixture of races and for living their faith. He trains the nationalities, all eager to serve the men of the congregation for leaderLord and to share the Gospel with ship, one of his favorite “roles”. He others. We invite you to visit with is hopeful that Lyon will have elders us on your next (or first!) trip to in 5 to 7 years. In addition to his France. ✞ responsibilities with the Lyon congregation, he is also the principal Contact Charles and Pam White at this translator and director of the translaemail address: [email protected] tion center for the monthly French version of Truth for Today, “Vérité pour Aujourd'hui”. In addition to her accounting expertise, Pam White helps her husband in every aspect of his work. The Whites have three daughters, two of whom live in the States and one in Italy. They have five Visiting American students grandchildren. help to evangelize in Lyon, France.

A Little “Creation Evidence” and God-given Intelligence, on the Side: Scientists have long recognized that bees are intelligent creatures. At the same time they believe that this intelligence is the product of millions of years of natural selection. The extremely fast learning ability of the bee either puts in doubt the millions of years or shows the hand of the Creator.

Researchers at Princeton University decided to find out whether bees were smart enough to find their food source if it was moved. The researchers moved the prime food source 50 meters farther away from the hive. They found that it took the

bees less than one minute to locate the moved source. Being precise scientists, they then moved the food source another fifty meters away. The bees still took less than a minute to find the food source. Two more moves, each a precise 50 meters, produced the same results.

However, the bees had also been studying the researchers. Before the researchers could finish moving the food source yet another fifty meters, they found that the bees had discovered the pattern and were already waiting at the new location!

God is our Creator and He has cleverly left the evidence of His Handiwork - His fingerprints if you will - in the creation itself. Courtesy of Mark McWhorter: [email protected]


Romania — Belgium

Overview of Romania Harvey Starling The church began in Bucharest, Romania in January, 1991, when a large group of Bible teachers went to follow up Bible course students. The group included Dale and Imogene McAnulty, Gerald and Anne Nichols and many others. Today there are some 19 congregations in the nation but most of them are small, with Sunday attendance of 10 to 20 people. The largest congregations meeting in Romania are Bucharest, Timisoara and Pitesti. Some of the most extensive evangelism efforts made recently are in the Dolj, Ares and Valcea Districts, with a population of over 2,000,000 souls. The Midway church in Jasper, Alabama has supported Harvey Starling over the past several years. In this area,

and extensive ladies’ work, to grow and mature the Christians. Special lectures on the family were presented recently in Pitesti and Craiova by Daryl Newton of Baytown, TX. Joel Inman preached lessons on general topics. Both were busy each day teaching one-to-one Bible studies, both to those out of Christ and to Christians. They preached and worked in all seven congregations during their time in Romania. Christina Boboc, an 18 year-old young laddy who began attending the assembly some months ago, was baptized into Christ a couple of weeks ago. The distribution of food bags for the needy, especially for the elderly and for children, is an on-going work. The Ripley, MS church has provided $9,000 for this work, along with a few smaller

Christians in an assembly in Corbeni, Romaina. the Pitesti church began in 1995 with work by U.S. teachers, including Charles Olree, Ted and Barbara Knight, Bill Johnson, Harry Middleton and others. Through the work of the Pitesti church and U.S. Bible teachers, there are congregations today in Craiova, Cioroiasi, Valea Stanciului, Valcea, Corbeni and Schitu Golesti. These seven churches work together in campaigns, special Bible classes, Bible Training Schools, Bible correspondence courses,

contributions from others. Many people that we see every day do not have the basic food needs, so a special $50 bag of food will be a great help. The Romanian Christians will buy, package, and deliver the food. Also, over 200 quilts made by Romanian women will be distributed along with the food. Yes, Dorcas is busy even today! ✞ Harvey and Pat Starling have been on the field in Romania the past 14 years.

The Field in Belgium Roy Davidson We work regularly with the congregation that meets at Burcht, Belgium, which is across the river from Antwerp. There is also a congregation at Deurne, a suburb on the other side of Antwerp. The Antwerp metropolitan area has a population of 1.2 million. The Burcht congregation has a regular attendance of about 14. We have non-Christian visitors most Sundays. Since the congregation consists of people from other countries, we conduct our services in English. The other congregation in the city worships in Dutch. Gorgina Yankee, a daughter of one of the families in the congregation, was baptized the first part of the year. From January to March we placed want-ads 12 times in 250,000 copies of an advertising paper in the area offering a Bible correspondence course. There were about 80 registrations. Ads were also placed on certain Internet sites. The cost of all these ads was about $600, which I paid personally so as not to burden the small congregation. The congregation pays the rent of its meeting place and all regular expenses. In the Spring we invited brother Roel DeGruyter to start helping our congregation. He is a Dutch brother who attended the two-year course at the British Bible School in Corby, England. Roel is a capable young brother who speaks Dutch, English and German fluently. He is an effective preacher and Bible teacher. I publish about 20 web sites in various languages (English, Dutch, French, German and Russian). The one that gets the most traffic is The Old Paths Archive. During the last year there has been an average of 958 visitors to the Archive each day. There has been a total of 349,670 visits to the site during the last year. Many of those who consult the Archive are nonChristians and they are from many different countries throughout the world. Thank you for your prayers and support. ✞ Roy Davidson:



The Lord’s Work in Israel Donnie S. Barnes, Th.D Israel — the land Adventists, Missionwhere it all began ary Alliance, and some 2,000 years Baptists, to name but ago! We are what we a few. As a result, are in Christ today religious traditions because of what beare hard for the peogan in that special ple to break with. I land and is recorded once studied with a on the pages of the family in Nazareth N e w Te s t a m e n t . who wanted to obey Every faithful misthe Gospel but did Donnie Barnes addressing the sion effort today is not. Why didn’t they? church in Nazareth. proclaiming what was Because their relafirst proclaimed in Jerusalem, Judea, tives would have come and slit their Samaria, and then to the rest of the throats from ear to ear. Religious perworld (Acts 1:8). Of all the lands God secution in Israel did not end when Saul could have chosen for His Son, He of Tarsus obeyed the Gospel of Christ. chose the one about which we are writModern History of ing in these paragraphs. the Lordʼs Work in Israel Before ascending back into My involvement in the Lord’s Heaven, Jesus said in Luke 24:46,47, work in Nazareth and Galilee began in “Thus it is written, and thus it was nec1971. But I am not the one you should essary for the Christ to suffer and to rise know about — two other men are. Alfrom the dead the third day, and that though they are not men who sought repentance and remission of sins should glory or recognition, they are two men be preached in His name to all nations, God used to restart His work in Jerusabeginning at Jerusalem.” Indeed, that lem in 1960, some twelve years after pivotal point in history did begin in Israel became a nation. Those men are Acts 2 ... and now we are endeavoring Ralph T. Henley and Ernie Stewart. to restore to Israel the simple New TesTogether they re-planted the Lord’s tament Gospel that began there before church in West Jerusalem, and brother spreading throughout the world. Henley later planted the church in East Many of the world’s oldest manJerusalem. After a year or so, the Ismade religions have anchored themraeli government refused to renew his selves in this beautiful land, while poivisa, so the Henleys moved to Greece soning the minds of generations against to do the Lord’s work there. The the Truth. Among them are Greek OrStewarts continued to work in Israel. thodox, Greek Catholic, Roman CathoThrough information supplied by lic, Armenian, Coptic, Orthodox of Dr. E. Claude Gardner, brother Henley Russia, Ethiopia, Lutheran, Anglican,

A worship assembly of the Nazareth Church of Christ.

was able to make contact with a young Arab man from Eilaboun who was in school in Nazareth. Through him, the church was planted in Eilaboun. With the help of the Kupty family in Nazareth, a nice meeting place was rented near “Mary’s Well”. From further contacts in Eilaboun, Bible classes were started in Dier Hanna, Rama (near the Lebanon border), Cana, Reine Acco, and Haifa. Classes were already underway as far south as Beersheba. In time, money was raised and two dununs of Land (one-half acre) were purchased in Nazareth and the current church building was built.

The Lordʼs Present-Day Work in Israel Brother Stewart continued working in Eilaboun as well. There was not a school in the surrounding eighteen villages. Few young men and none of the young ladies were able to get an education. In a village without electricity and running water at the time, the people said to brother Stewart, “If you really love us, build us a school.” Ernie returned to the States where he devoted several months to traveling and raising money to establish Galilee Christian High School in Eilaboun. The school conducts classes for young Arab men and women in grades 10-12. Every student studies in a Bible class daily as well as attending daily chapel. Brother Azmi Srour, whom I had the privilege of baptizing into Christ, along with his wife Salma, serves as the school’s principal. Bro. Bishara S. Bishara served as the GCHS’s principal for almost forty years. Bishara continues to teach parttime at the school.

33 Both of these great pioneer missupper on our way back to Jerusalem sionaries in Israel, brothers Henley and after a full day in the Galilee. I watched Stewart, have since completed their as Muslims blew up a bus in Haifa — sojourn here and now Israel’s port city, killing belong to the faithful of 25 — and another bus all the ages. They are with school children at still loved and greatly Afula. I watched as missed. Muslim mobs destroyed I recall something automobiles in Nazareth brother Henley and smashed store winpenned years ago dows from one end of the about those early days main boulevard up to our in Israel. Let him tell church building 20 you in his own words: blocks away — and “I watched as a Palestinwhen six Muslims in a ian man blew himself truck, loaded with exploup, trying to get inside sives, tried to destroy the the King David Hotel church of Christ building just across from the — and were caught by YMCA. I watched as the police before entering Maurice Jadon, evangelist Israeli tanks entered our property. JESUS working with Bethlehem and deCHRIST IS THE ANthe Nazareth church. stroyed buildings and SWER.” shops. I watched as the same tanks took Brother Joe Shulam and his wife, aim at Bet Jola — a ‘Christian City’ Marcia, have anchored the Lord’s work and almost destroyed it and killed many among the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea of the inhabitants. I watched as the for over thirty years. The sign at the tanks moved farther to the south of meeting place will say “Nitivyah” (The Bethlehem to Hebron and destroyed Way) at 16 Narkis Street in West Jerusalem. Attendance at the services runs around 70-80 or so. Work among the Jews has been extremely difficult, due to the powerful influence of the Orthodox Jews in governmental affairs. The Jewish work has known many forms of persecution through the years. Attempts have been made to burn the meeting place. And, too, attempts have been made on brother Shulam’s life and house. Each time God has delivered Joe and Marcia Meeting place of so that their lives were not taken, but the Nazareth Church of Christ. death threats are a way of life for the Shulams. The Jerusalem brethren carry some of the city (the burial place of on a tremendous humanitarian work of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is located a “soup kitchen” for feeding the poor. there). I watched as a Palestinian Joe’s nephew, Eli Avraham, is bomber blew himself up on Ben Yudah working among the Jewish people in Street in the middle of West Jerusalem, the general Tel-Aviv area. followed by a car loaded with exploBrother Maurice Jadon, a native sives (destroyed store fronts for four Arab, obeyed the Gospel in the summer blocks — our church office was only of 1971. Persecuted by his family for three blocks away. ... I watched as the having left the Greek Orthodox Church, market place in Jerusalem was bombed. Maurice never gave up his faith in I saw two Palestinians machine gun Christ. In time he was able to attend women and children in Hederah — a the Sunset School of Preaching for two city where Ernie Stewart and I ate a late

Israel years, after which he and his family returned to Nazareth to work for the Master. For some years he conducted a work in Kafir Yasef in the northern part of Israel. In time he became the preacher for the Nazareth Church of Christ where he is doing an outstanding work. Trained to be an accountant, Maurice could certainly have better supported his family as an accountant than he has been able to do as a minister of the Gospel of Christ, but for him, he loves doing the work of the Lord. It is believed that in the coming months Nazareth will appoint its first two Arab elders to spiritually oversee the good work being done there. Some of the finest Christians to be found anywhere meet in Nazareth each week. God has been working in Israel far longer than any other mission field I know of. Hostilities continue between Jews and Palestinians. Arab Christians are on the bottom of the pecking order in Israel. Jews persecute Arabs, and Muslim Arabs persecute Christian Arabs. During periods of hostilities, Muslims have burned “Christian” shops, shot Arab Christians, threatened “Christian” students in school, and burned Maurice’s car that he had owned for only twenty-eight days. Yet, in spite of all the difficulties, persecutions, and continued threats in Israel, our brethren continue to hold up the banner of Christ daily, and will continue to do so until our Lord returns. It is our hope and our prayer that when our Savior returns in the air, there will be a faithful congregation of His people still meeting in His hometown of Nazareth. May God’s will be done in this land where it all began some 2,000 plus years ago. ✞ NOTE: I will be leading a tour to Israel & Egypt, June 8-21, 2009. The group will visit Galilee Christian High School in Eliaboun, and have a cookout, and worship with the brethren in Nazareth. To request a brochure, please email me at [email protected]. or review the full brochure with all details online at I will be glad to assist you in learning more about this journey of a lifetime . . . “An Earthly Journey with a Heavenly Meaning.” Shalom! Donnie S. Barnes

We Must Go


Benefits from Long-term Missions Gordon Hogan Self-examination has its value when we improve ourselves, but an inward focus in the local congregation is suffocating. The heartbeat of the church is carrying out Jesus’ instructions: “Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). For this directive to become a reality, each disciple of Christ, and the church as a whole, must strive to fulfill the commands of Jesus. Each child of God makes up “an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Carl Mitchell has written aptly in an unpublished book, World Christian, “The priesthood of all believers is the solution ... the only possible solution ... to the problem of world evangelism (1 Peter 2:1-12).” If the church is not rescued from the idea that a small group of highly trained experts should do all the work of the church, it will never be able to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission. Paul wrote to Ephesus that church growth can occur only when each body part fulfills its function (Ephesians 4:16). A ‘paraplegic’ church will not be adequate for the task! The local church and its missionaries, whether domestic or foreign, are in partnership in the greatest work on earth. Forty years ago my wife, our three children and I traveled to Pakistan under the sponsorship of the church in Pinellas Park, Florida. I had served that congregation as a deacon. We knew one another well, and a deep bond of trust existed. As partners, together with God, we saw the first churches of Christ come into existence in that country. The home congregation shared our joys, sorrows, successes and failures. The membership became more aware of the needs of the world. They prayed

for us and the people of Pakistan. Contributions at home increased, and the spirit of unselfishness prevailed. In 1968, we moved to Singapore under the sponsorship of the Northside Church of Christ, St. Petersburg, Florida, and that relationship has continued for more than 27 years. Northside’s involvement in the work we share has helped give the congregation a clearer perception of the world. We have communicated on a personal level with members of the congregation. Because of our trust relationship, I have been given the freedom to preach and teach in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and many other parts of the world. Both sponsors made it possible for two different deacons and their wives to join us in the work for an entire year. One of our elders and his wife visited and worked with us on four different occasions. Their return to the local church after such experiences strengthened the home church’s resolve. Bill Richardson, a professor of Bible at Harding University and a former missionary in Latin America, confirms that long-term missions strengthen the local church. He and his family served under the sponsorship of the Austin Avenue Church of Christ in Brownwood, Texas for 15 years. Bill says their prayer-bond, along with letters, calls, and visits connected them with the home congregation. When he and his family visited their sponsoring church, they felt a sense of being at home because of the longstanding relationship. The congregation was understanding regarding finances and other circumstances. Young people growing up in our sponsoring congregations have been made more aware of their responsibility to be personally involved in world evangelism. Because the home church was involved in long-term mission efforts to a lost world, more young people were encouraged to go into mis-

sions than the church could support. That’s a wonderful problem. Van Tate, a former professor of Bible at Harding University and a former long-term missionary to Kenya, lists the benefits to the home church that sponsored and supported him and his family. (1) The home congregation had a strong commitment to the mission effort. The leaders planned the program, selected the field along with the missionaries, and fully supported the Tates. (2) The Tates returned for their first furlough after four years, to renew friendships with the members of the home congregation. (3) Now, years later, they still have close friends there. Furthermore, the missions committee still seeks his input in their planning, especially for Kenya. Paul urged the church at Corinth and by extension, the church today, to “be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). The local church reaps enormous benefits from long-term missions. The congregation becomes more missionminded, knows and cares more about missions, does more soul-saving work at home, is more generous, and grows spiritually and numerically. ✞ Gordon and Jane Hogan have spent most of their adult life in mission fields in Asia. He has recently retired from teaching at Harding University.


One Man’s Conversion

The Search for One Sheep Joey McKinney Nilton Lelas, retired civil servant, though living in Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, always reads the “Pernambuco Daily” from a neighboring state. One day he saw a “School of the Bible”. He wrote the school and received the “How to Become a Christian” course by mail. Studying lesson after lesson, he became convinced of the course’s plea for non-denominational Christianity. As a Bible reader he saw that the world’s religious divisions aren’t God’s plan for the church. In the last lesson he answered yes to the question: “Do you want to be baptized?” Christians from the church in Recife visited him, studied with him, and baptized him. Nilton was overjoyed with his new brethren in God’s family, excited about being part of a movement whose goal is to reproduce the church that Jesus Christ built. The Christians from Recife started making regular weekend trips to Joao Pessoa. They gathered together other course contacts and started holding a small church meeting in Nilton’s house. Unfortunately, the visits became less frequent, and the small group dwindled, but Nilton remained strong in his faith. He always waited anxiously for visits, each time begging for more to come continue the work. Finally, he received some exciting news: a whole mission team was planning to move to Joao Pessoa in the next ten months! It was a lonely Christian’s dream about to come true. The rest of that year Nilton received no more visits or news, nothing. Concerned, he wrote a letter to the School of the Bible. He didn’t receive a reply. He wrote a second letter -- nothing! He came to the sad conclusion that this movement of just belonging to Christ and His church had indeed ended, that his new family from Recife had disbanded just like it had in Joao Pessoa. The year was 1991, and he was all alone. Only in 1999 did a mission team finally arrive, but we knew practically nothing of the previous work. It was such

a long time ago that records of names and addresses had been lost. But everybody familiar with the work always mentioned this elderly Christian and wondered what had happened to him. Several times during our first year here, people would say these same words: “I remember there was an old man, we would meet in his house. That was such a long time ago and he was so old and sick, he’s probably dead by now.” The last person to say this was the young man who had promised Nilton that a team would come in 1991. He still felt bad that he never got back in touch with him. He explained that in 1991 the volunteers in charge of the correspondence program started helping new congregations in greater Recife. The ministry came to a standstill and unfortunately several contacts were lost. The promised mission team never made it; they ended up going to another city. “I’m curious what happened to him. Do you know how to get to his house?” I asked him. “I know Nilton’s probably dead, but maybe he still has family who can tell us something.” He thought he could if he started from the bus station. And off we went. After a couple of wrong turns, we stumbled onto the right street, found the house, clapped at the gate, and asked for Nilton Lelas. And out walked Nilton with a surprised look on his face! It was a joyful visit. Nilton is 72 and suffers from diabetes and swollen legs. He doesn’t get out of the house, yet is very much alive. He was happy to hear that the movement to restore the church that belongs to Christ is also very much alive. He said his faith in God kept him going through these nine years that were filled with sickness and tragedy, such as the loss of his son. He reads the Bible two hours every day. He has read the Psalms so many times he has them pretty much memorized. I doubt I would fare so well if I were abandoned by my Christian breth-

ren. How would you do if you thought you were the last Christian on earth? UPDATE: [Editor's note: Joao Pessoa is the capital city of Paraiba state, located on the northeastern coast of Brazil. This story was taken from the May 2000 issue of Joao Pessoa News and was published in Forthright Magazine, 21 June 2005.] Joey McKinney, still a missionary in Joao Pessoa, wrote on 24 April 2007: “I am sorry but I don’t have any photos of Nilton. ... He suffered from several health problems, including diabetes. When he could still read, he would read the Bible for about two hours each day. But he started losing his eyesight, so we loaned him a copy of the Gospel of Matthew on video, and he would watch that. He passed away in 2005.” ✞ Randal J. Matheny publishes the online magazine, Forthright, at, and he also carries news of events in churches of Christ around the world, at




ecently a man stopped at our gate here in Karachi, and stood looking up at the sign “Church of Christ”. After a few minutes he came inside the gate and rang the door bell. We invited him in, and an amazing conversation followed. Dr. A.S. Khan is originally from Iran. He said he was checking out the sign which identified us as the church of Christ, wondering if he would feel able to fellowship us. We had never been under such an investigation, so we were very interested in what Dr. Khan had to say. His first astounding statement was that there are approximately 750,000 people in the area of Azerbaijan, and extending on up into Russia, in a very mountainous region along the

An Amazing Story J.C. Choate

Written in 1965, during our years in Karachi, Pakistan common border of the two countries, who claim to be just Christians! My wife and I have had subsequent meetings with this gentleman and have been even more thrilled with what we have heard. This past week we sat with Dr. Khan for some time and questioned him extensively concerning this group and their practices. We were amazed at the answers he gave. We deliberately did not tell him what we believed until we had the opportunity to hear his answers. On the basis of what was discussed, it appears that we are very close indeed. Dr. Khan ta1ked at length to give us the background of which he is still a part. He said that this group of people dates back to the birth of Christ. The Wise Men, from what has now come to be called Iran, saw the star and followed it, ultimately finding the baby King. They stayed for a while and then returned to Iran by a different route. Heard Peter at Pentecost About twenty-five years later, when the child would have become a

man, a group of twenty-five men made a trip to Israel to see what had become of the one they had worshiped as the new King of Israel. They remained for several years and were present on the day of Pentecost toI hear Peter’s sermon. After that they came home. Later, another group made a trip to that part of the world. They also spent several years, with the last part of the time being in Antioch. When they returned home, they brought with them a book containing “The Sayings of Christ”, which Dr. Kahn says corresponds closely with the writings in the present day New Testament. Dr. Kahn explained that the faith of these people has been handed down from father to son through the years, and that they have not changed. He said that although he has traveled a great deal and has searched for others with like faith, he has not changed from his original beliefs. Persecution Hindered Evangelism As to being evangelistic, they have not been, other than to teach the

truths to their own children, because of persecution. First they were persecuted by the Catholics, then by the Armenians, then by the Muslims. So they have remained to themselves through the centuries, living in a mountainous area. Although they call themselves Christians, they are known by the government as “the Nazarenes” even to this day. They Are “Christians Only” This body of people, according to Dr. Khan, believes that Christ established the church and that all other churches or denominations are the anti-Christs. They look to Christ as the Head of the church, with no earthly head or headquarters. They are Christians only. They meet each Sunday for worship, having the Lord’s Supper, prayer, Bible study, singing (vocal music only), and giving. When asked how many come together for worship in his home congregation, he said 5000. He said that there Continued on page 38



Victory Through Christ Don Petty In 1975, we worked in Tehran, Iran with a great band of American Christians, primarily military, to establish the church among the Iranian people as we served under the oversight of the elders of the Woods Street Church of Christ (Sherman, Texas). For 10 months I had worked with an Arabian woman married to an Iranian man, both Muslims. My “gobetween” was Mary, a convert to the Gospel soon after we got to Tehran. She had been an “orthodox Christian” in her former home of Russia. Mary and Shafiqa, the Arabian (Egyptian) lady, were very close friends and neighbors. Mary introduced me to Shafiqa and told me she had studied the Bible with her for years, and wanted me to try to teach her God’s “true” Word. For those many months I worked with Shafiqa, doing everything I could to show her the death of a Savior — HER Savior — the logic of Scripture, the emotion of a happy Christian, the picture of heaven (and hell). No results. One day Mary and I decided to take a jeep load of food and clothes to a small village in south Tehran, the village of Rey. I got the food and clothes together, thanks to some generous American Christians who worshipped with us, and we started on our mission. I went by Mary’s house to get her, and she got in “praising God” and saying, “I love working for God.” Before we had moved 100 feet she said she wanted to go by Shafiqa's house and get her to go with us. I questioned that wisdom, and she said, “Brother, do as I say.” Well, with that little pudgy Russian sergeant commanding me, I went by to get Shafiqa, who somehow (???) knew we would be coming by, and she hopped into the jeep with a smile.

We arrived at our destination and the people saw us stop the jeep at the front of the open village gate. When Mary stepped down, one woman came to her and spoke, and they chatted briefly. Within a minute, all the women dropped their chores and came running and chattering to the jeep, like little skinny greyhounds pouncing on a rabbit. Some of the ladies were wiping away from their hands the “dung-mud” (for patching their houses) as they approached us. Within seconds the jeep was empty. The clothes and oil and rice and other staples were cleaned out, and the women disappeared. The roof inside the jeep had “mud” smeared on it, with long stripes made by prints from four fingers. I had mud on my face and clothes. When I

looked at Mary and Shafiqa they looked as bad as I did. All our mouths had fallen open, and our eyes were big as we stared long moments at each other. Then — we all simultaneously burst out laughing at our predicament. We had a mini-group hug (not a West Texas group “bear” hug, because Muslim women get shot for less), but we did have a brief embrace. All the way home we talked and chuckled at the way the women of Rey took advantage of us, and we didn't even get our Bibles opened. That was on a Sunday afternoon. On the following Tuesday, Mary telephoned me and said, “Shafiqa now wants to become a Christian.” She Continued on page 38

Sea Shells Found in Mountains North of Tehran, Iran Don Petty An American college-age daughter of a worker in Tehran worshiped with us in the American church services. On one occasion, she participated in a camel caravan up into the 4,200 feet El Bourz Mountains, bordering the northern city limit of Tehran. On the trip up into those mountains, whose foothills projected out into a desert, she found several fossils of shells, off the beaten trail. On her return, she made a gift to me of three of those ancient shells, confirming the reality of a great flood that rose above the mountains. Without doubt the only time water was ever that high in the region would have been the flood described in Genesis 6 during the time of Noah. Besides the satisfaction of working in a foreign field to establish and

strengthen the Lord’s church, to be in a land of historical biblical sites was inspiring. Those three shells, evidences of the biblical flood, are treasured relics, still in my possession. ✞ Don Petty and his wife, Sylvia, make their home in Dallas, Texas.



Amazing Story . . . Continued from page 36

are numerous assemblies with two or three hundred to two to five thousand meeting for worship. Each congregation is independent and has its own elders. They also have a program for education of their children, providing three hours a week of Bible training in addition to what they receive on Sunday. The women do not preach or teach publicly, but do teach the children and other women. Dr. Khan told us that although they believe in immersion (for adults only) they immerse three times, once in the name of the Father, once in the name of the Son, and once in the name of the Holy Spirit. They recognize Easter and Christmas, but both at the same time, on March 4. They believe that Christ was born and resurrected on the same date. On that date they have a gathering and a sermon about His resurrection. With the exception of these points, we found no other differences. There probably are others, but it is amazing to run across someone in this part of the world with such a background. We concluded that there must be something to his story for he knows a very pure New Testament Christianity, and in every way speaks as the oracles of God without denominational jargon. In these years of living on this side of the world, we have never talked or studied with anyone who, from the beginning, had such a clear understanding of the Truth. Being cautious, we asked ourselves what he had to gain if he was trying to deceive us. He asked for no money, and he offered to go with me to his home in Iran. I was eager to do this, and we discussed potential timing. As it turned out, he was out of Karachi at the only time that I could work such a trip into my schedule, so I decided to visit brethren who were stationed in Teheran in the American military, and to go from there alone into the part of the country where

these Christians were supposed to be living. I did that, traveling by car as far as was possible. From that point, the way into the mountains was only by horseback, and I decided I could not make that trip alone. It was a great disappointment that I was not able to trace the story to a proven conclusion. However, the people with whom I talked at the stopping point did tell me that there used to be many Christians in that area, but that because of persecution, they had moved back

into the mountains, which was also what Dr. Khan had said. Perhaps someday, conditions in Iran will again be such that someone can investigate this story fully. Knowing how many scams there are in the world, my skeptical human nature listened in doubt. But every time I recall the detailed biblical truths Dr. Khan spoke in those visits, I am convinced all over again that there must have been historical truth in his story too. ✞

Victory through Christ Continued from page 37

said she had seen in Christianity something deeper in wanting to help poor people, that we were not just “teaching or preaching”, but that we were willing to work for the Lord. Shafiqa was baptized that day, and confessed that fact later to her husband, who could have killed her, divorced her, thrown her out on the streets, shamed her, hidden her away, or sent her back to Egypt. And she knew all of that. He paused long after she told him she was a Christian. He looked at her and said, “Shafiqa, you have been a good wife for a long time, you are a good mother to our children, and you are a good woman. Remain with me as my wife.” The point is obvious. Mary did not know why she was compelled that day to pick up her friend, and I surely didn't. But all the time, God was working on Shafiqa, and not on the women of Rey. Maybe they were not ready to learn, but Shafiqa was. When I left Iran, the times were troubled, even tumultuous, but to our knowledge Mary and Shafiqa remained faithful. Contact has long since been lost, but I was told after we left in February, 1979 (two days

after Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran, having deposed the Shah), that the church of 29 we had left had grown to over 100 members, and THAT by the Iranians telling their families and friends about Christ! It’s a long story, but it illustrates what reached Shafiqa, and I am totally sure it would reach Americans as well. I believe devoutly in staying with the Scriptures as I have known them all my life — mainline conservative doctrine as taught in churches of Christ, which I believe parallels the sound doctrine of the Bible. But I think we have to do several things in order to remain true and strong: ✤ Install scripturally-qualified elders; ✤ Hire evangelists who will do two things: preach strong doctrinal sermons and go out into the community to teach the lost; ✤ All Christians return to indepth study of God’s Word; ✤ Help people where they are, and in whatever state they may be in. I pray we can put these things into practice and get the Gospel into the hands of lost people before it is too late. ✞


Nigeria, Africa

USA Trip:

Appreciations, Experiences, and Reflections from Nigeria Sylvester A. Imogoh It’s the greatest privilege that I have yet enjoyed, to have been invited together with Monday John Akpakpan for a visit to the United States this year. For me, the trip took a total of 53 days, from when I left home for Lagos to the time I arrived back at home. Appreciations: Anyone who has the remotest idea about getting American visas from Nigeria knows that it’s a great feat to attempt. We had tried and failed twice in 05 and in 06. That and this time, many individuals put in efforts, ideas and funds to pull it through. Doug Wheeler of course was the “anchor man”; my brother – Aig Imogoh – was handy help; supporting congregations, individuals, the World Bible School group and others sent letters of invitation. We thank you one and all. We realize that it could not have been done without your contribution. And we thank all those who sent funds to Doug for this trip, even since 2005 when it was first planned. Experiences: It was altogether a wonderful experience for me to make this trip. Before, I had never gone out of my country. It was so wonderful to see the marvel of God’s firmament from an airplane! The sight was aweinspiring!! The American road network – the smooth, broad roads with sign – were so sharply different from my home country. The general infrastructure – homes, beautiful homes, – lights, bright and dependable; gas, running water, shops with so much to see and admire; and food – to eat, to spare and to throw away. It’s amazing how many resources are available to the average American citizen. Then I noticed the fellowship among the brethren as we moved from place to place. It was much joy to see brethren meeting and sharing food and fellowship, many times in spacious and beautiful church buildings. We addressed many

congregations and elderships that showed so much love for the lost, in their interest and support of mission works. We had wonderful interactions with WBS groups in many churches, and that is besides the four dinners in which we participated. We gave firsthand reports, showing the impact of American support in the Nigerian Mission field. We told of the importance of the printed page in the work of evangelism and the edification of the body of Christ. Reflections: I have brought useful messages home to my countrymen: “Americans are not giving because they are rich, rather, they are rich because they are giving.” Many Americans involved in supporting the Gospel work in Nigeria are not the strong and affluent; rather, they are the aged who have many health and financial concerns. I met many supporters and WBS helpers who are 75 – 100 years old! I know that the Nigerian churches need to be working towards being selfsupporting. The changes in the postal system pose challenges for the future of our work together. We saw the need for elders, Bible class teachers and authors to maintain firmness and faithfulness in

doctrinal matters, both in America and in Nigeria. Further Appreciations: We received wonderful hospitality in the homes of brethren. We did not lack food or other necessities. In some places, we were not only housed and fed, but we had our clothes washed and ironed for us. The love, the kindness, and the thoughtfulness showed us by many American women were overwhelming. Some gave us gifts – of cash, clothes, and books. Many received from us lists of needs for our churches and co-workers back home. Also, we received gifts for our wives! Some sent notes of appreciation to them for letting us make the trip. This was most kind and thoughtful. Altogether, it was such a blessing for us to make the trip. It surely will have a lasting impact on the mission work in Nigeria. Yet, at the end, we were ready to go home to our families and to work!!! ✞ Sylvester A. Imogoh, Church of Christ, P. O. Box 251, Igarra, Edo State, Nigeria. mobile  234 0803 813 2325 email:[email protected]

Brother E. O. Ajagun is dead! I was conducting a WBS seminar when my wife called with the devastating news that brother Emmanuel O. Ajagun had been injured in an accident in a government passenger bus. She and three others of the Ugbogbo congregation were then on the way to the hospital where the casualties had been taken. Minutes later she called again to say that brother Ajagun had died from his head injuries.

All of us were shocked and numb. Brother Ajagun was a pillar in the congregation. He helped in the work, both locally and with missionaries, in every way. The day before, on Sunday, he had preached a memorable sermon, “Journey to God”, in which he had urged the church to be prepared for eternity, as he was prepared. Members of the congregation remember his words with both fears and tears.

The other seminar took place in the Benin, West Africa Benin, West Africa -- Mozambique


meeting place of the Agla Church The

Growth and Graduations


George Akpabli

Mark Thiesen

5th Graduation Ceremony We have now had our 5th graduation ceremony. Eleven men graduated in the presence of over 700 people gathered under large tents, mostly members of the churches, and friends of the students and their families who come to rejoice with them. For the first time, a team from the USA witnessed our graduation ceremony. The graduates from five Frenchspeaking nations are as follows: Benin 4, Togo 1, Cameroon 4, Chad 1, Niger 1.

Two seminars Another highlight of the month was the visit of the brethren from the USA to Benin to teach the Word of God. It had always been my dream to get all of the BTC graduates together for a Bible study session, to see how they are doing on the field after graduation, and also to help answer some of their questions. We were able to pull this off with Dr. Jay Lockhart, minister of the Benton Church of Christ, Dr. Milton Sewell, Chancellor at Freed Hardeman University, Ed Jones, elder in the Benton Church of Christ, and Jerry Johnston, Deacon also from Benton.

Visit of American Brethren By the grace of God and after long prayers, five of us were at the Cotonou Airport to meet our visitors on July 4th. This time four men and six women arrived. We had BTC graduates, preachers who are not BTC graduates, and several church leaders present for the special classes. They sat and absorbed the wisdom of these great teachers. Brother Lockhart’s subjects, which were theological, generated many questions, which he answered without leaving any doubts in the minds of the class. After the seminar, when I asked if it should be repeated, the unanimous answer was that it should be every two years.

The other seminar took place in the meeting house of the Agla Church in Cotonou. This seminar had been announced only to the women in four of the five congregations in the city. About 75 women met on the mornings of Monday through Wednesday. On Saturday, before the seminar began, visits were made to the church in Se where some of the children provided some brief entertainment for the visitors. We then drove off to Porto Novo to visit the leadership training school at Tchaada. We met with the leaders. After the seminar on Wednesday, we took off in a rented bus for a three-day journey into the towns and villages of Benin to visit and encourage the brethren there. George Jr. and I accompanied our visitors. The trip took us to Parakou, seven hours’ drive from Cotonou. While there, we visited churches in the following villages: Beterou, Sinahou, Wari-Maro, N’dali and the group that meets in Parakou. On our way home, we visited the following villages: Kaboua, Atchakpa and Agon. The members of these congregations kept waiting for our arrival. The visiting brethren took turns praying and giving some exhortation, while the African brethren everywhere we went kept presenting the same need: adequate meeting places. Work is in progress on meeting places in Kaboua and Atchakpa, which are being financed by Pearland Church of Christ. The church in Ndali meets in the home of the preacher. The reality is that all we need in the villages to have a full house is a place where brethren can meet. How wonderful that there is that degree of interest in the Gospel! ✞ George Akpabli preaches and directs the school of preaching in Cotonou, Benin, a french-speaking country in West Africa. [email protected]

Nightfall had long since enshrouded our pickup as we slowly bounced our way around the twists and turns of the mountain trail in western Mozambique. The headlights shone only five or six feet through the sea of grass thriving on the high center of the trail. The only breaks in the grass were the two wheel ruts that cut down to the rock bed, which was made up of the ledges and drop offs that were giving us such a beating. Miles passed with no sign of habitation, only the dim perception of thick forest crowding in on either side of the trail as we set into a pattern of clawing up one hill only to creep down the other side and maneuver around the boulders in the stream bed below to ascend yet again. A sense of dread came with questions in my mind like, “What if a boulder is hiding in that grass, waiting to rip through our oil pan? What would we do if we had a breakdown here in the middle of nowhere at this time of night?” Once at a Y we took the wrong turn. After stopping and giving our guide the chance to argue with someone in the back about which way we should have taken, we backed up blindly the 50 yards or so to turn the other way. Doubts crept into my thoughts about the competence of my guide and even his motives for taking us way out here in the night. Memories came of the bloody Mozambican civil war and the horrific atrocities that had been committed in this place in years past. Thankfully, at this moment no one had yet told me that people had returned to this place only two years ago because previously landmines had lurked everywhere beneath the surface, making the whole area uninhabitable. Authorities had taken on the task of finding and destroying them one by one. The missed mines continue to maim and kill regularly. Continued on page 43



Ladies Teaching Ladies in Africa Priscilla Sellers Greetings from Africa. For those of you who do not know, I am on a mission trip to Africa with Ruth Orr. From the NY Airport we had a nice flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. We were both so exhausted that we slept nearly the whole way — no phones, no computers, no cooking, no responsibilities except to get up when they announced that it was time to get off of the plane. We were met at the airport by a woman, Mari Dewar, who is a member of the church in Johannesburg. She drove us to her home where she had a meal waiting for us. We had a good visit with her, her husband, and son. It was time to sleep again before long and it was sure good to stretch out this time. The flight had been 18 hours. We left the next day to go back to the airport to catch a flight to Malawi. We were met by Randy and Marty Judd who are missionaries in Mzuzu. They drove us about 2 hours north to Jenda where our first stop was to be. That afternoon we began teaching the ladies. I suppose that we had about 100 there for 3 days. We stayed in a small guest house. The beds were so close together that Ruth and I could hardly walk in between our beds. The “outhouse” was out back. It was a small brick structure with a grass roof. There was nothing in the room except a 3 inch x 3 inch hole. It is winter time here in Africa and we have about frozen while we have been here. The sun has been shining and, no, we are not having snow, but we just did not bring clothes suitable for this kind of weather, so we have been cold. There is a truck here in Africa that travels through many of the countries. It is called “The Gospel Cha-

riot”. This truck is equipped with a generator, lights, chairs, tent, speaker system, baptistery, and small library. The truck came to Jenda while we were there and they had a Gospel meeting on Saturday and Sunday. The tent was so full on Saturday night that everyone was touching shoulder to shoulder. Finally, they I’ll walk, thank you!!!! had to take the back of the tent down so more people could see. Monday morning we headed for We had a good worship service the church building. This week we were with 3 men preaching. The singing to be at this same place teaching the went on and on. Before we left Jenda, same women for the whole week, all we had 4 baptisms. day long each day. Ruth and I kind of Randy and Marty came back on looked at each other. We had prepared Sunday with a truck load of students several lessons each to give during our from the preacher school from the north travels, but for a whole week??? Anyof the country. So, Ruth and I climbed way, we proceeded to the building and up into the truck with all the rest of the began to teach and kept teaching all day. 90-plus people!! We traveled about 1 Since there was no electricity, as the sun ½ hours north and were dropped in began going down, we knew that it was Mzimba to catch a taxi to take us to time to stop. Tombolobo where we were to work for Tuesday morning, we walked to the next week. the church building (2 miles). FiftyIn Tombolobo, there is no electricseven women were there for us to teach ity at all. Water is drawn from a well that day. Ruth and I took turns teaching that reminded me of what I think Jafor about an hour and a half each. Durcob’s well would have looked like. The ing one of her sessions, I found a women draw the water in a bucket, and woman that was not a Christian, so I then carry it on their heads, usually took her outside and shared the Gospel with a baby on their backs!! with her. Afterwards, she wanted to be baptized. She was so happy after the baptism, and I I call this a full house! was so grateful that nothing had happened while she was in the stagnated water. That day came to an end and Ruth and I were glad to pillow our heads for the night.... ✞ Priscilla Sellers is the widow of Dale Sellers, missionaries to the Philippines. Write to her at [email protected] to receive her interesting and detailed accounts of her work. If you could help, also, with the travel expense for her mission trips, it would enable her to do more.

Nigeria, Africa


Winners Who Have Surrendered Ruth Orr Isaac Onyebuchi, one of my WBS students from Lagos, Nigeria, is a tremendous encouragement to me, because I see in him what Jesus Christ can do to make a winner of one who surrenders all to Him. Isaac has a faith comparable to many we read about in the book of Acts. He realizes the need for Christ, not only for victory over sin, but also for confidence, security, strength and fortification against the stresses and strains of life. Isaac says he has found something worth sharing, and “woe unto me if I don’t share it”. Isaac’s story began in March 2004 when he wrote, requesting to study the World Bible School correspondence courses with me. Isaac was an Assemblies of God preacher. We teach many denominational preachers, but there was something different about Isaac. He was very sincere in his religion and simply wanted to learn more of God’s Word, so he asked for the WBS lessons to gain more knowledge of the Bible. He was a brilliant student making 100 on all lessons sent and soon asked if I would send him all remaining lessons at one time. Upon completion, he was sent ten lessons on the book of Acts, then lessons on miracles, the Lord’s Supper, singing, and other teaching lessons we had. He read the Bible completely through, studying all materials in light of the Scriptures. In February 2005, almost one year later, Isaac wrote, requesting baptism. When our follow-up man went to see him, he was very impressed with Isaac’s knowledge of the Scriptures. Isaac told him he wanted to be baptized to have his

sins removed and to become a New Testament Christian. After his baptism, in his own words he said, “I never looked back. I had found something I thought I had all along.” In the Assemblies of God where he had preached for 18 years, he was considered a “big preacher” and they furnished him a four-bedroom house, a car, cell phone and a very luxurious life style, by African standards. Isaac gave all that up the day he was baptized, but his wife became very bitter and refused to leave their compound. The Assemblies of God allowed her and their five children to stay, hoping that Isaac would change his mind. Instead, Isaac moved out and enrolled in the Nigerian Christian College. (By the way, they are still trying everything to get him to come back to them. They said, “Let them give you an education and then come back to us and we will pay you far more than they ever will.” I continued writing his wife and trying to teach her and the children. I pleaded with her to have an open mind to what God was saying in His Word and then have a willing heart to accept just that. One year later, February 2006, as I got off the plane in Lagos, Nigeria, Isaac and his whole family were waiting for me. His wife and two of their children were ready for baptism. I am thankful she took that year to become fully convinced. I am very grateful that God spared her life, and all the glory goes to Him for a family not only united together again but as a Christian family. That day Isaac said, “Our aim and goal is to try and teach all

those we taught wrong for 18 years. I have to try and undo the teaching of error I did in ignorance.” In June 2007, Isaac graduated from Nigerian Christian College with honors at the top of his class, and his wife graduated from a college in Lagos with a teaching degree. Today, Isaac is busy every day teaching, visiting, and mentoring those he is baptizing. I tell him I can’t keep up with him because we try to send a Bible, baptismal certificate, and a letter of congratulations to each one baptized. Since June 2007, when he graduated, he has taught and baptized over 360 people! In April and May he averaged 25 to 30 baptisms a week. I asked him how he could make sure these new Christians are worshipping and staying faithful. He said that he takes each one to the nearest congregation where they live and he finds a mentor for them. Each congregation sees that they are spiritually fed, and then every two weeks he calls each one or goes to see them, until they are well grounded in the truth. This family has sacrificed materially more than any I know. They still sacrifice, as their living conditions are very meager, and most of his salary went for transportation to teach until we bought him a motorcycle. His wife has grown spiritually enough that she is teaching ladies’ classes and having studies in her home for children. We will never understand the sacrifices they made to have a hope of Heaven one day, but they gladly gave all of it up to be right with God. When I was in Lagos this past February, it was wonderful to hear the elders and minister of the Lawarson Church of Christ praise this family for their dedication, their determination and zeal in teaching so many people. I always stand amazed when I think of how WBS works in the lives of people of every race and profession, and Continued on page 43


Nigeria, Africa

how those like Isaac reach out to help others become Christians, such as: 1. Nkem Ukpahi, a medical doctor on Victoria Island. 2. Isiatar, an accountant with whom I studied for months, and then Isaac personally studied with him until he clearly understood the plan of salvation. 3. Simon, who lost his job because he wanted to worship on the Lord’s Day after becoming a Christian, and his boss would not allow him to. 4. Patrick Apasa, a renowned Catholic priest for 28 years who was baptized at the Lawarson Church of Christ. Isaac studied with him for months, making sure he understood, had “counted the cost” and was willing to pay. Even though a priest, he had never studied the Bible. He told me in an email how grateful he was to be a Christian, and then he said, “I had everything given to me as a Catholic priest except the Gospel. Now I have the Gospel, the greatest gift of all, but I have nothing else. I have counted the cost.” 5. Then there is Peter, a Pentecostal preacher who called me one morning at 6:30 to tell me he had studied all the WBS lessons, had prayed about it and was at the river banks ready for baptism. He wanted me to know his decision and to say a word of encouragement to him. I could hear the water splashing as they laid the cell phone down and he was baptized into Christ. What a joy to wake and “hear” a baptism 12,000 miles away! Isaac is still baptizing many every week. The three ladies and Patrick are all

Mozambique Mark Thiesen Continued from page 40

Finally, after a full hour of sitting on the edge of the driver’s seat and clenching the steering wheel with tight sweaty fingers, I noticed that we had come out of the hills and into the village of Chibayeni. This is where the Gospel meeting was in progress. As we approached the grass en-

in the Nigerian Christian School while the last two former priests are still being fed spiritually by Isaac. Hopefully next year we will put them in the school. He wrote: “The priest was baptised yesterday at the Lawarson Church of Christ. The preacher at Lawarson, brother Moses Obakemi, was much excited, to the Isaac with the nuns who were converted.

extent he pleaded with me to allow him to baptise the priest. To God be the glory for giving me the ability to singlehandedly study the Bible with a Roman Catholic of such status, and for the wisdom and grace to assist him to take this most important decision of becoming a New Testament Christian. I also pray that God should give me the grace to stay with this priest until he comes of height spiritually. I know it will not be easy for him materially since he will not be getting any income or allowance, as he was doing in the Catholic Church. Please, I plead that we should not abandon him; otherwise he may backslide.” ✞ Isaac Onyebuchi

Moses Obakemi, with the newly baptized “priest” and Isaac.

closure, hundreds of singing Christians came out to greet us, their faces covered with broad grins. Exiting the car, I noticed that overhead the stars and dust of the Milky Way appeared so close it was as if they had been painted on canvas and hung just out of arm’s reach. The combination of this breathtaking view and the hymn being sung around us reminded me that God was already in this place and that He had guided us to what seemed to be the end of the world, for the sake of His church. These village people from 24 different congregations welcomed us

Ruth Orr works with WBS students and makes follow-up teaching trips to Africa (1272 Yell Road, Lewisburg, TN 37091); email: [email protected]

with their best. They had built grass shelters for us to sleep in for the twoday meeting,nd they served us meat every meal, a delicacy that the average villager enjoys only occasionally. After getting situated, we joined our brothers and sisters to worship God into the night. At daylight we could see just how remote was the place where we had come — only wilderness as far as we could see in every direction and no hospitals, schools, or stores for many miles. Continued on page 48

Kenya, Africa


Growth in Kenya David Marube

Rejoice with us! NINE youths, YES — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9! — were baptized at Nyamue yesterday! What a growth! Their names are: Gesiah Moraa (14), Isabella Kwamboka (15), Nancy Mongina (15), Risper Nyanchama (16), Divinah Kerubo (15), Margret Kerubo (20), Brian Orango (16), Rachel Bochere (18) and Bildad Osoro (16).

The nine have been attending services at Nyamue and I have been studying with them. I am glad they realized their lost condition and decided to do something about it. Members of the Nyamue congregation walked down to the river where we witnessed the 9 die to their sins, being buried with Christ in the act of baptism and rising to walk in newness of life. My younger brother, Richard Bisonga, administered the baptisms. Please pray for these nine babes, that they may grow strong in Christ. Thanks for your involvement in the work. The harvest is plentiful here.

Souls are very receptive for God’s word. If you are not yet involved in the mission work in Kisii and wish to partner with us, please get in touch and I will make our needs known to you. In accordance with our WBS vision, we have planted another congregation of our Lord in Kisii through WBS follow up — the Montorome Church of Christ. The contact person at the new congregation is Yuvenalis Orangi Kenyoru of P.O. Box 2616, KISII, Kenya. Yuvenalis is WBS student of Marcella Mease and Paul Nall. He has also studied with Sharon Banard. Any of these study helpers can get in touch for details on how things are going with their WBS students at Montorome Igare, Kisii. This morning, we took our Anti-FGM Campaigns to Tabaka Academy (where our kids attend school) and spoke to 120 girls of ages between 3 and 12 at the school. We also spoke to the school teachers. Three ladies from one family (who did not undergo the cut) together with Esther Rongana, with whom we have been campaigning, accompanied us. The three are Ednar Abuya (who is anticipating joining university next year), Silvia Abuya (a BA degree, high school

teacher) and Zippy Abuya (a BS degree, high school teacher). Esther is a Human Resource manager. The ladies are life examples that those who escape the cut do not necessarily drop from school to indulge in prostitution, as the FGM advocates say, but can instead excel in life. The four ladies narrated how they suffered stigma for not being circumcised, but that they are now proud they gave the attacks a deaf ear. They encouraged (or rather incited!) the young girls at Tabaka Academy not to accept the cut, indicating several side effects that go with FGM. The campaigns are going on well (with some little resistance, of course) and we are registering some good results. Indeed, we are doing God’s work and will. No parent should allow anyone to harm his/her daughter in such a manner. It is brutality. It is an abuse to the innocent girls. It violates the girls’ rights. FGM is done in ignorance. When adequate information is given to the people, they stop the practice and in fact they later regret it. We have heard testimonies from those who underwent the cut and after teaching them they just wish it were possible to reverse it. “Where have you been, Mr Marube, with the campaigns? You would have saved many girls from such an abuse!” Remarked Madam Teresa at Tabaka Academy after our campaign. I told her it is not too late as we can still help save girls. Thanks for your partnership. The campaign needs money for public transportation, advertisements, communication, teaching materials, etc. It is worthy of your support. God bless you! ✞ David Marube is a preacher of the Gospel in Kisii, Kenya. [email protected]


Chad, Africa

Doyle Kee’s Mission to Chad, French Africa Adventures and Rewards of a Mission Trip Doyle Kee, long-time missionary to Geneva, Switzerland, recently made an arduous trip to the Frenchspeaking country of Chad. He entered Chad from the province Extreme-Nord of the Cameroon, and was met by a Cameroonian brother, Jean Claude Ethé. On Sunday morning they worshipped with several brethren in Maroua and then drove to the Chadian border to catch a barge over the Shari River that divides the two countries in an isolated part of the eastern side of the Cameroon. Arriving too late for the barge on Sunday, they spent the night in a Catholic mission, planning to leave early on Monday by the first barge. They found, however, that the barge pilot was ill and that there would be no barge that day. A truck driver offered to guide them over bush roads around to an old bridge across the Shari River. By doing that, they missed the police and customs controls at the Chadian border. Later, though, there were police and military controls on the route south to Moundou. This involved considerable problems and extra “costs” for administrative expenses. Doyle and Jean Claude finally reached Moundou on Monday afternoon, where a conference had been advertized for 2:00 PM by the local radio. While Doyle found a place to stay in a missionary guest house, Jean Claude began the public teaching. This continued until 6:00 PM, with about 100 participants. On Tuesday morning Doyle and Jean Claude left with Daniel Djonga, evangelist in Moundou, for Sarh, Chad (six hours on dirt roads). On the way they met three brothers who comprise a congregation in Doba, Chad. In Sarh they stayed in a Catholic mission house (not always having water or electricity). The next morn-

ing, the three brothers, along with Gabriel Haï-teato, the evangelist in Sarh, drove 60 km into the bush, following trails and cow paths, in a 4x4 Toyota pickup (got stuck twice in deep sand). Over 200 people, who had come from at least five villages, were waiting for them. Three people were baptized after several hours of Bible teaching. It was necessary to follow cow trails for seven km to find enough water to baptize the penitents. The next day the group was in Sarh for another seminar organized by the church. Three more were baptized in a nearby river at the end of the day. On Friday they drove back to Moundou where another seminar was conducted on Saturday. Over a 100 people were present and these included at least five denominational “pastors”. Four more people responded to the invitation and were baptized in the Shari River. Saturday morning, the group visited the local radio station which carries two programs of World Radio each week. Doyle, Jean Claude, and Daniel Djonga recorded a program which was broadcast the next day. Sunday morning, Doyle and Jean Claude met with the Moundou church (24 were present) which was established in June 2007. An unexpected wind and thunderstorm on Sunday evening cooled the atmosphere from daily highs of 40 to 45 degrees centigrade, which the travellers had experienced every day since arriving in the desert of northern Cameroon. The next day Doyle and Jean Claude drove through Ngoundéré, Cameroon, on the way to Garoua to catch a local plane back to Douala. An hour from Garoua, the front assembly of the rented car was broken when they hit a large hole in the road. They called a brother in a nearby village who arranged for a car to come out from Garoua to pick them up.

That night was spent in a hotel (airconditioned!) in Garoua. The next morning, it was learned that the Alysian Airlines flight from Garoua to Douala was cancelled, so they had no choice but to backtrack to Ngaoundéré to take the train that goes to Yaoundé. A French couple was in the same predicament and offered them a ride in their rented car back to Ngaoundéré to catch the train. After a 15-hour train ride, Doyle and Jean Claude took a bus for another threehour ride to Douala. Doyle’s flight back to Geneva was to be the evening of the lst of April, but because of the cancelled flight out of Garoua, he missed that plane. Once back in Douala, he arranged with Air France to use Frequent Flyer miles for a return ticket (his first ticket was not changeable). Doyle and Jean Claude then went to the Alysian Airlines office and, surprisingly, received a full refund for the cancelled flight from Garoua. In all, there were eight days of traveling for Doyle for five days of work in Chad. Many uncontrollable things happened and occasionally some bad advice was followed. At numerous police controls, in both Chad and the Cameroon, the officials made demands for money (which provided, also, an opportunity to give away several New Testaments!). What Doyle and Jean Claude did, however, and what they saw of a developing church growth movement in southern Chad made all the costs and the difficulties of heat, bad roads, lack of electricity and water, and the unnecessary traveling more than worthwhile. ✞ Doyle Kee, 15, ch. des Laz, 1213 Onex, Geneva, Switzerland [email protected]

Zimbabwe, Africa


Loy Mitchell’s

News from Zimbabwe “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans I: 16). With over six billion people on planet earth, we have a great task of carrying the Gospel to the entire world. We thank all of you for having fellowship with us in reaching the lost. Some of you have had to reduce the amount given to the work in Africa because of the economy. We understand this, but we thank God for your love of souls. During our upcoming trip, please pray for our effectiveness and safety. We hope to carry funds for food for the starving people of Zimbabwe and Mozambique. We are happy that, even though living conditions are critical in those countries, brethren there continue to report baptisms.

Field Program for the Mutare School of Preaching

This program is two-pronged: firstly, it gives our students the oppor-

tunity of practicing the theoretical side of their training. They strengthen and encourage church members and knock on non-Christians’ doors. On Sundays, our students usually lead church services and Bible classes. In addition to this, they also visit the sick in their homes and hospitals. These programs keep our teachers and students busy to the extent that at times they get only one day a week off. Secondly, while our students get the practical side, congregations benefit from the work they do, under the guidance of a staff member. Sixty souls were added to Christ during these past ten weeks.

Troubles Continue in Zimbabwe

Talks continue from time to time, but nothing definite has been decided by the political parties. Inflation has now reached 231 million percent! Zimbabwe dollars are worthless. Some stores that have goods for sale will accept only US dollars, English pounds or South African rands. The UN estimates two million are in danger of starvation now and five million by January. There is food on the “black market” in Zimbabwe, but at an inflated price. Government schools have been closed because the government has run out

of money. We are trying to help as many as we can. Pray for this land to have peace and food. Pray that the children of God will be faithful to the Lord.

Word from Isiah Suwari: HIV/AIDS

It has been estimated that one in every four (25% total population) Zimbabweans is HIV positive. With the prevailing situation in our country, the lives of these souls have been complicated, leading to critical suffering and early deaths. Medication has become very expensive for the common populace. Very few can afford private treatment. The general situation in our hospitals is pathetic (no food, no medication) and it is not even healthy to be admitted into a hospital. Most of these places have become havens for diseases like cholera and diarrhea.

Word from Owen Ruraca in Mozambique

“May the Lord be praised. One was added to the church last Sunday! He was the only one who had not become a Christian, as the other five family members had already obeyed the Lord. We are having lessons with three people at the moment and others are promising to come and study with us. We also paid some visits to the church members who are sick and fellowshipping with those who are not.” ✞ Loy Mitchell; PHONE 731-287-8823 EMAIL: [email protected]


Zimbabwe, Africa

The Lord’s Message May Run Loy Mitchell

“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the Lord’s message may run and be honored, even as with you” (2 Thessalonians 3:1). God intended that His message should be spread into the entire world (Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15). Messengers of the Word have been imprisoned, beaten, and even killed, but God’s Word still runs. Bibles have been banned and burned, but the Gospel still moves into the hearts of lost people. One Sunday we traveled from Mutare, some 100 miles distance, to Chipinge to meet with the saints there. After I preached, an invitation was offered. One man came forward and spoke to the local evangelist Samuel Ndhlovu for a long time. Afterwards, Samuel announced to the church that this man wanted to become a follower of Jesus Christ. The man stated “I have heard Mr. Mitchell speak many times, but this is the first time I have seen and heard him.” How was this possible? While we lived in Odessa, Texas, for eight years we sent tapes of my sermons to our children in Zimbabwe. They listened to them and then gave them to the McCarthy family, the parents-in-law of our son, Stan. Mrs. McCarthy listened to these lessons in their house. The man who wanted to be baptized that day also listened to those lessons and thus he had heard me speak many times, but he had not seen me until that day in Chipinge. He was baptized into Christ to remit his sins. However, that is not the end of the story. This new child of God wrote a letter to his young friend, David Makununikah, in the Honde Valley, telling him to enroll in a Bible correspondence course operated by Stan Mitchell. David did take the BCC lessons and learned his need of salvation. He wrote Stan telling him of his wish to obey the Gospel of Christ. Stan said, “Yes, that is good,” and offered to drive to the Honde Valley and immerse him into Christ. David said he would come to Mutare by bus and be baptized in the city. That he did, and Stan baptized him. David was still in high school but indicated he would like to become a preacher. When he graduated from high school, he entered the MUTARE SCHOOL OF PREACHING. Three years later he graduated and began telling others of Christ. Twenty-plus years later, David continues to spread the message of God to hundreds of people in Zimbabwe. The Word continues to run in Zimbabwe, and all over the world. Tapes, tracts, correspondence lessons, public preaching, and home studies all play their part in telling lost ones of Jesus the Christ.

As an encouragement for congregations and individuals to become more involved in evangelism at home and mission work abroad, we are ready to present a series of lessons in a Mission Seminar format. Choose the lessons you want the members of the congregation to hear, and we will arrange a seminar for one, two, or three days. We can plan lessons for the congregation, mixed classes, and classes for men and women.

Seminar topics Are All People Lost? The Sin Problem Jesus Christ Is the Only Solution The Worldʼs Need of the Gospel How Local Churches Can Train Missionaries Why Visits to the Mission Field Are Important Problems in Overseeing Mission Work Paulʼs Methods of Doing Mission Work Serving God in our Homes as Missionaries What Women Can Do in Mission Work Becoming Living Sacrifices

Paul told the young preacher Timothy to commit what Paul had taught him to faithful men who would be able to teach others. This simple but powerful principle of missionary work is basic to fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Christians in individual congregations all over the world should be interested and involved in mission work at various levels: ☛ Prayerful concen for a lost world ☛ Recruiting and training missionaries ☛ Providing monetary support ☛ Overseeing mission work locally and in foreign countries Call us to set up a seminar that will create zeal for the lost.

Mission Seminars Loy and Debra Mitchell

Loy Mitchell has served the Lord as a missionary in Zimbabwe many years. He is a highly motivational speaker, and he and Debra have a message the American church needs to hear.

Nigeria, Africa


The Influence of the School Solomon Aguh

The School of Biblical Studies in Jos is situated in the Middle Belt region of the country of Nigeria. By virtue of its position, geographically, it serves the Lord’s church in all the geo-political zones of the country, but mainly in Northern Nigeria, dominated by the Islamic religion. Since its inception in 1989, the School has graduated 200 preachers for the church. Out of this number, 5 are from Uganda, 3 from Chad, 3 from Cameroon, 4 from Liberia, 2 from Bangladesh, and 1 from Ghana. Currently, we have a student enrollment of 64. Out of this, 2 are from Sudan, 6 from Cameroon, and 1 Uganda, 1 from Zimbabwe. We did turn down some applications this year because of a lack of funds. Since 1989, through our weekend evangelism program and yearly campaign outreach, not less than 2,385 people have been baptized into

Mozambique Mark Thiesen Continued from page 43

During the next two days we learned that there is a similar lack of development in the church; the young churches in Mozambique are crying for competent leaders. Churches such as the 24 represented at the meeting have been planted, but there is a serious need for further training. Their hunger to grow in the Word is astounding. Some had walked for two days to attend this meeting! This nation of 20 million people has only begun to be evangelized. Years of civil war throughout the 1970s and 1980s prevented evangelists from entering the country. It dismayed me to learn that not a single missionary from

Christ; 704 fallen away Christians have been restored, about 70 congregations were established. Students have studied personally with over 63,554 individuals. Within Jos and its environs, congregations are stronger than in other areas. The simple reason for this is the presence of the School, whose students and staff work with these congregations to encourage and teach them. Presently, we are running the following programs geared toward producing man-power for the church: We have B.A. in Biblical Studies and B.A. in Ministry, both of which are four-year programs. A diploma in Biblical Studies is a three-year program, we award a two-year certificate in a Bible program, and a two-year certificate in a Bible program by extension. The Extension program carries the training to people in rural areas who want to preach the Gospel,

but can’t afford to leave their businesses and farms. Through this program alone, the work-force for the church in some rural areas in the Northern Nigeria was increased last May when twelve people graduated. The School also conducts an Annual preachers/leaders’ workshop and Annual Bible lectureship programs. These programs have served as great nourishment to churches in Nigeria. Annually, preachers are offered opportunities to come together in the School and workshops to study issues that have bearing on the unity, work, and worship of the Lord’s church. All of this has been very helpful in equipping preachers and church leaders. ✞ Solomon Aguh directs the School of Biblical studies in Jos, Nigeria. Being in a predominantly Muslim area, there is some danger of persecution. [email protected]

churches of Christ has moved to the commanded us to evangelize. ✞ western side of Mozambique. Christians at the meeting begged us to Mark Thiesen, son of John and Ann Thisend a missionary to help them in esen, continues his parentsʼ work in their further spiritual growth and to Malawi and other countries in Africa. help reach the lost in their vast area. For Further information about MozamI promised them that we would make bique, contact Mark at their need known. After our weekend teaching these brothers and sisters, it was time for us to return to our work in Malawi, but we left determined to keep our promise. We pray that some will be touched by this plea from western Mozambique and give themselves to this great work. It is a part of the Eager Christians meeting the visitors. world that our Lord


New Delhi, India

Evangelizing in North India Sunny David

In a book published a few years ago, and read by many Christians in the U.S., the author claims: “On any given Sunday there would be at least one million Christians taking the Lord’s Supper in India. If the present trend continues there will be more members of the churches of Christ in India than in the U.S.A. in a few years. New Congregations are established in India daily.” When people in America read that book they think of the whole country of India, but almost everything that is projected by the author has been written with only Andhra Pradesh in mind. Andhra Pradesh is not India; it is only a part of India, just as Tennessee or Alabama are not the whole of the U.S. India is very diverse, with various cultures and languages and religions, and is one-third the size of the US, geographically, with more than one billion in population. The fact is, there are hardly any Christians or congregations of the Lord’s church in other parts of the country because those states are more predominantly Hindu, and very few have gone to those areas to work. Since the establishment of the church in India in the early 1960s by Canadian and American Christians, most of the work has been done in the Southern parts of the country, and more precisely in the state of Andhra Pradesh. I know of only one brother, J.C. Choate, who chose to come to New Delhi, in North India, with his family, in 1968, when there was not a single New Testament Christian there. Through his efforts, a congregation of the Lord’s church was established in New Delhi. In fact, today, four congregations meet in New Delhi. One, with which brother Choate was directly involved, worships in English and Hindi (the local language), while two are Paite-speaking congregations, a tribal language, spoken in the north-

eastern region, and the fourth is Almost all of those attending have newly established in southeast Delhi. been coming for many years to work Most of brother Choate’s work in Andhra Pradesh, South India. was concentrated on radio programs I was given the opportunity to speak and the printing of Christian literature twice, and both times I challenged the in English, Hindi, and several of the brethren to leave their territories in the languages of the south. In the last South where they have been working for forty years, many thousands of books many years and to go to other places in and magazines have been published India. Hundreds of thousands of bapfrom New Delhi and centers in the tisms and thousands of congregations South, and mailed and distributed have been reported in Andhra through throughout the country. We, in Delhi, the years, with thousands of national continue to publish two magazines, in preachers, and many of them on support English and Hindi, respectively, from American churches. Since such a which brother Choate began many large success has been achieved in one years ago. Printing also continues in territory, then there is no obvious need the other languages. for American brethren to continue to go Delhi is the capital city, with a poputhere. Why not go to other places, and lation of about ten million. Hindus are leave that long and well-established the majority, about 85%. Next are Moswork to the local men? lems, about 12%. There are less than This is my plea to the churches that 2% believers in Christ. At least four are sending brethren from America to major sub-cities have come up around do mission work in India: please send Delhi during the last ten years. Due to workers to places where there are no religious, social, and political pressures, Christians and no congregations, to people are not so receptive to the Gospel plant the church there. ✞ in most parts of the country, excepting Sunny David of New Delhi, India, conSouth India where, historically, the verted in 1968, is the Hindi radio speaker number of the believers in Christ is for programs from Sri Lanka, and edits a higher. Hence the work of evangelising monthly magazine, printed in English. other areas has been slow. In fact, we need more to come and help in the work in different parts of the country. There are hundreds of cities and large towns where there are no New Testament Christians. I had the opportunity last year to attend the India Missions Wo r k s h o p i n t h e United States where many American Christian workers had gathered together for J.C. Choate and Sunny David, three days to discuss at home in Winona, in the summer of 2007. evangelism in india.

Jarkhand, India For months I have been trying to reach a family of eight with the Gospel, going regularly and studying with them and some of their friends and relatives for hours each week. The family consists of father, mother, four sons, wives of the two


Strengthening the Church Sunny David

Brother Jaswant Guria was baptized in 1976. He had heard me preach on the radio, and at that time he was in the Lutheran church where he played the organ in their services. He wrote me and we began to study through correspondence, and I also sent him Hindi literature to read. When I was going to conduct a Gospel Sunny and Francis David (right), worshiping with meeting in Ramthe new congregation in Southeast Delhi. garh, about 12 hours married sons, and two grandchildren. They live in a village-area in South-east Delhi. We would meet in the courtyard or verandah, as they call it, of their house, in the open. Finally, six of them decided to obey the Gospel, so I took them and baptized them into Christ. The first worship service afterwards was conducted in their house or in their courtyard, and since then the church is regularly meeting there. I am thinking now that we need to rent a place for meetings because they live in just two small rooms, and the courtyard is too small to accomodate all who come. I am sure this congregation will grow and we will be able to reach others in the area.

A Gospel Meeting in Jharkhand The last week of September I was in the state of Jharkhand (which means the state of jungles) for some meetings. Brother Jaswant Guria had planned a Gospel meeting there and he had also invited some Christians from the neighboring state of Chhattisgarh.

two were baptized during the most recent meetings there. The man, Bhagirath, who was baptized, was brought from Chhattisgarh by brother Winfred Lakra to attend the meetings. Winfred, too, was reached through literature in a place called BALCO, and the church is also meeting there. Brother Winfred brought with him another man, Devangan, whom he had recently baptised. In 1996, I had made a trip to a remote place called Barojharia in Chhattisgarh state with brother Winfred and brother Subodh Gual and their family members where I conducted Gospel meetings and several were baptized. Some of them were members of brother Winfred’s family, and I was glad to learn that the church in that remote place is going strong and that they are considering building a place of worship now. All of these Christians had one special request: They need more literature in Hindi. In fact, they say, the

journey by train f r o m J a s w a n t ’s place, I informed him, and he came there and attended the meetings. Before the meetings were over, he said, “I want to be baptized.” When he returned to Jamshedpur, brother Jaswant had a hard time facing the religious leaders of the LuSunny David, preaching in a tent meeting theran church, but in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand State, India. he stood his ground. He taught his wife and two daughters and they, too, were same Hindi books that led them to baptized. know and obey the Truth should be I returned several times in the reprinted and made available to them eighties and nineties to Jamshedpur for for distribution. They also need song meetings, and others obeyed. The books in Hindi. I am sending what I church meets in brother Jaswant can, but we need to print more. ✞ Guria’s house. He constructed a baptistry on the roof of his house where


Kangayam, India

CHURCH OF CHRIST and EKKLESIA BIBLE COLLEGE KANGAYAM- 638701, TAMIL NADU, INDIA ELEVENTH ANNUAL BIBLE LECTURESHIP S. Rajanayagam Theme: Whether we live or die, we are the Lordʼs (Romans 14:8 )

tations from at least 50 congregations. We always thank God for the encouragement and support we receive from the sister congregations of our Tamil Nadu state, not only for the lectureship, but also in the Summer Bible Camps we conduct every year in the month of May. We had six speakers on the first day and four on the second day. Each one was assigned different topics well in advance, relevant to the theme, and everyone did a wonderful job. We also had a Gospel meeting on the evening of the first day. Things were so hectic on both days, and we thank God for allowing us to keep ourselves busy for His cause. We consider working hard for Him to be a rare blessing, and only limited people in this world have this privilege. It is true that we had tough times to provide boarding and lodging to all

As a servant of Jesus Christ and as a preacher of the Lord’s church in Kangayam, India, I am so glad to contribute this article about our recently concluded spiritual feast for the Global Harvest magazine, which was started by our much respected brother J.C. Choate, who is now in a far better place than all of us. By the providence and guidance of our God Almighty and by the mercy and love of our Lord, the 11th Annual Bible Lectureship went very well. The God who answers our fervent prayers did wonderful things for us, to make this spiritual event a success in all possible ways. A s w e e xpected, we had a gathering of more than 400, who thronged from all the directions of the state, with represenS. Rajanayagam speaking at the Bible Lectureship

who came from outside, in the limited facility we have in our campus. However, it was a joyful challenge, to have too little space rather than too few attending! The church here fed all the participants for two days without any outside help. We never received any penny from abroad for conducting Summer Bible Camps and Annual Bible Lectures. They are the works of the church here, and we feel proud to meet the challenge and do something on our own for God. It is a joy to have so many Christians in one place and to share our fellowship. This is the beauty of New Testament Christianity. On behalf of the church that meets here in Kangayam, I am extremely happy to announce the conversions that took place in the lectureship. Yes, twelve precious souls have been snatched from the clutches of Satan and were added to the Lord’s church by Him and by the power of His wonderful Gospel. Of the twelve, two were our magazine readers and one young man was our TV viewer. By this, seven congregations were benefitted numerically and, above all, one new congregation was started. The church here is determined to conduct such events every year, if it is God’s will, and we covet your prayers for this sake. Here, we want to thank all the saints who supported us through prayer. ✞ Rajanayagam is director of the Ekklesia Bible College in Kangayam, Tamil Nadu, India. He edits a monthly magazine in Tamil, and is the speaker on Tamil TV programs.

Editorʼs Note: in view of the growing persecution of believers in Christ in India, the theme for this lectureship was timely.

Gujarat, India


A Mission Trip to Gujarat

P.R. Swamy In the 15th century the walled city of Ahmadabad, in the state of Gujarat, got twelve “Darwazas” (gates), which remain intact, reminding people of the time when Ahmed Shaw came into the area and built the walled city. The gates are today state-protected heritage monuments. Gujarat has a population of 42.7 million people. Though having its own state language, a good sized Tamil population, which has migrated from Tamil Nadu, also lives here. In 1977, I baptized a Gujarati by name of Krit Nirmal in Bangalore. He and I started the work, mostly in Northern Gujarat and established congregations in Palanpur and Radhanpur areas. His in-laws were from Ahmadabad. We went and preached the Gospel for the first time in this state capital. In 2003, the Gujarat Government promulgated the ordinance on anticonversion. Seeing the negative reaction to this ordinance, the government has withdrawn the amendment to the Act, the original “Gujarat Freedom of religion Act of 2003”, in 2006. But the Act still remains. Today, if anyone wants to convert a person or group, he should apply in the prescribed format to the District Magis-

trate, who would give the ruling within three months. Once the conversion happens, the converted person must inform the District Magistrate within one month. If he or she fails to do it, legal action could be taken. However, there are other hurdles before the conversion can take place. Opposing organizations can raise objections to stall the proposed conversion. Once the complaint is received, the District Magistrate can ask an authority to enquire. If he finds that the conversion is sought by fraud, allurement or coercion, the police inspector can register an offence and investigate further. If foul means were used, perpertrators can be fined up to Rs.50,000/ or imprisoned for three or four years. On this particular trip, Douglas and I went to Ahmadabad by air. The local preacher, Brother Selvaraj, received us. That evening we conducted an open air meeting in the Railway colony at Sabarmathi. We went to several areas where our Tamil people are concentrated, namely a cement factory, 5th Street, etc. full of drunkards. People’s lives are pathetic. They are in the bondage of sin, badly in need of the Gospel. We did many house visits, contacted people and shared the word of God. In the evening, we conducted a Bible study at Jamal Nagar. More than 50 gathered. Suddenly a Salvation Army man came and scared the people saying, “Don’t get converted. It is going to be problem for you. We are already established here in this town. We will take care of your financial needs,” etc., etc. He tried to spoil the minds of these people. Anyway, many signed up for Bible courses. We need, urgently, our present 30-lesson correspondence course (J.C. Choate’s Bible Keys) in the Gujarati language, to be used in this new work. We printed only one good tract, “What to Do to Be Saved”, with the money brother Jeremy Barrier and sis-

ter Choate provided. We need six of that kind of tracts in different subjects. We visited Lamba and Indira Nagar area where Tamil people are concentrated. All have good jobs and they are denominational people or Catholic. Our brother Selvaraj is regularly visiting these areas and conducting Bible studies. Many would have obeyed the Gospel but they are worried about the anti-conversion law. In the evening, we visited the homes where our preacher has contacts and encouraged all of them to read the Bible and obey God’s word. We conducted the Bible study in brother Selvaraj’s home. His neighbors and his inlaws attended. I shared the salvation plan. His in-laws are denominational and clearly understood that they were not in the true church. They are seriously thinking to obey the Gospel. Brother Selvaraj felt very happy about our visit. We realized that lot of work has to be done. He needs encouragement, needs literatures and our periodic visits to these areas. Once, an American visited many parts of Northern India. Everywhere he went, he came across places named as Hydera-bad, Secundera-Bad, TughlakaBad, Ahmeda-Bad, Khairatha-Bad, Auranga-Bad etc. Someone asked him, “Hi brother. How was your North India tour?? He replied, “Man! Everywhere I went, I saw Bad, Bad’s!!!!!” “Bad”, is pronounced with a broad “a”, rhyming with “sod”, and means “city”. We returned to Bangalore in the night flight, thanking God for the opening in this State to preach the Gospel. We thank supporting American churches for their help with this trip. Brethren, pray for this new work. ✞ P.R. Swamy is an evangelist, based in Bangalore, India. He is a long-time speaker on Tamil radio programs, director of the Bangalore Institute of Biblical Studies, editor and writer. His work, along with co-workers, has resulted in more than 50,000 baptisms over the past 40 years.


Tamil Nadu, India

Hindu Opposition to the Gospel Don Iverson Among the Hindus in India is a radical group known as the RSS. Persecution by this group in the state of Orissa has been a popular news item lately. Some who profess a belief in Christ have been burned to death. Orphanages have been torched. According to ZeeNews, a few days ago, an angry mob of 40 to 50 men attacked one house and a nun was raped by the attackers. The nun claims several policemen were aware of what was happening and did nothing to try and stop the violence. Though Orissa is a state far from Tamil Nadu, many of the RSS here are feeling empowered. In Tamil Nadu we are beginning a nine-day soul-winning campaign. Approximately 1,500 evangelists, almost all trained in our preacher training schools here, will participate. In the southern part of the state the work has already begun. Some of the villages prove difficult for our brothers to enter, as the radicals are often threatening. One such community is located outside of Trichendur, and every time the brothers have attempted to evangelize there, they have been chased away. The radical leader in the village is

named Kumar. Just a few hours ago, I received a call from our brothers informing me that yesterday they had baptized Kumar’s wife, Anthony Eitphai. I asked about Kumar’s response and they said he had not opposed her baptism. God is great! In Mootham, an area where we did much service during the tsunami relief campaign, we have also met a lot of opposition from the extremists. Many of our sisters, like Paramai, are widows in Mootham. When brothers came into her village and started passing out tracts, the radicals again got angry. The neighbor to Paramai came to her house and began swearing, screaming vulgarities at her because she was a member of the church of Christ. Other neighbors, feeling sorry for her, came to her defense. One Hindu man told the extremist to mind his own business and that this poor widow was not hurting anyone. The fanatic then picked up a piece of steel and hit him over the head, landing the victim in the hospital with six stitches. Now the brothers are helping to care for the kind victim. He has “taken a shine” to our brothers and

they see a door opening for the Gospel. As for the radical Hindu, he was terrified that charges would be brought against him. He came and asked for forgiveness and his family has begged for charges not to be filed. The brothers are hoping his changed attitude will provide yet another opportunity for a heart to receive the Gospel. Today, near Trichendur, a fifteenyear devotee of Hinduism has been baptized into Christ. Nagaiyam was zealous in his former religion, making barefoot sixty-five mile pilgrimages to Hindu temples. He will now zealously serve the True God of Heaven. These hard working evangelists will be in full swing starting Monday. As an appetizer, we have already seen about sixteen new souls added. Pray that we will find honest hearts that are searching for truth. Pray that God will give a bountiful increase. Pray for our brothers to be steadfast, brave, and persistent. Pray for God’s protection, as He uses persecution to win souls! ✞ Don Iverson works with preacher training schools in Tamil Nadu, India.

Cutting the Thread Every religion has its own peculiar traditions. In Hinduism, one of the important events in the life of a Brahman boy usually takes place between the ages of seven and nine, though boys of other castes may go through the ceremony at other ages. The “Upanayana” is the ceremony of “the investure or tying of the sacred thread”. The cord is cotton, consisting of three threads (symbolic of Brahma, the god of creation, Shiva, the god of destruction, and Vishnu, the god of preser-

vation) twisted to the right, and placed over the left shoulder to hang across the body at the right hip. The sacred thread is the personal symbol of Hinduism. Another thread worn by Hindus is tied around the wrist. This thread, also a visible sign of Hinduism, is worn for good luck and to ward off evil spirits. Throughout India, these symbols are recognized as synonymous with being a Hindu. Continued on page 58

Madurai, India


Excitement in Madurai Philemon Rajah and Kingsly Rajah

See Philemon Rajaʼs Tamil TV program at this “address”: Christian_living.mpg Greetings to you in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus. We rejoice in the Lord, for through the Gospel of Christ we have the hope of heaven. We are always happy to share the happenings here, specially the good news about people obeying the will of God in baptism. Jerry and Paula Bates, of the World Evangelism team, spent more than two weeks with us. These are the highlights of their visit and work:

are visually handicapped who are receiving The Voice of Truth International Braille magazine. In Mumbai, Dharavi area, we had two days of classes and, as a result, two people obeyed the Lord in baptism. Two people took baptism in Moolanur, where we had started a new congregation six months back as a result of our television program and where brother Jerry preached in the evening meeting. Again, in Madurai, three people were baptised due to the efforts of our J.C. School of Evangelism students who are really practicing what they study in their classes. We rejoice for “The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us” (Psalm 115:12). We had a special workshop for the preachers of our Madurai city and some outstation preachers. They were invited, with their wives, to attend, and some 35 to 40 people took part in the program. It was a good time to spend with them and with the Bates couple. The preachers introduced themselves and told of the work they are

1. Eleven people obeyed the Lord in Baptism. 2. Preachers workshop with Madurai city and nearby areas. 3. Releasing ceremony of Seekers Braille Bible Correspondence Courses for the visually handicapped people. 4. Special Evening Gospel meetings in 4 places. 5. Special Evening Bible studies, 5 times in 4 places. 6. Philemonʼs second daughterʼs marriage, Florence to Camiluz. 7. Fellowship worship with all the congregations started due to the television program. 8. Day classes 7 times, including the J.C.School of Evangelism classes. 9. Sister Paulaʼs birthday celebration. During the last month, eleven souls obeyed the Lord in baptism, for the remission of their sins. We had a special baptism class arranged in Madurai, which was taught by brother Jerry, and on that day four people obeyed in baptism. Among them, two

doing. Jerry had two special classes with them, and Paula taught a separate class to the wives. Brother Jerry also answered several questions during the group discussion time. We had fellowship meals with all of them to show our

appreciation for the honorable work they do. Another important event was the releasing ceremony of “Seekers Braille Bible Lessons” for the visually handicapped. The first copy of the lesson was released by brother Jerry and it was received by sister Paula. We also released this month’s issue of “The Voice of Truth International magazine, Braille edition”. Nearly 120 blind people gathered for this wonderful occasion. We gave all of them a special gift packet with washing soap, bathing soap, tooth paste, hair oil and face powder. It was a generous gift, presented by the Bates, and we are thankful for them. We hope that the Bible lessons in Braille will help to convert many visually handicapped to Christ and His truth. For four days we had Gospel meetings in the evening in four different places, and brother Jerry gave the lessons. In total, more than 200 people attended. During the following days, we had special Bible studies in four areas, among some of our television program contacts. We are happy that interested people are learning the truth and obeying. The marriage ceremony and festivities for our daughter, Florence, and Camiluz was a happy occasion with good fellowship with many preachers, church members, and relations, and friends. Brother Jerry and Rajanayagam, from Kangayam, shared in solemnizing the marriage. The new couple settled in Cochin city of Kerala state where Camiluz is stationed with the Indian navy. He is a faithful and hardworking Christian. Five congregations have been started in Madurai city through the Gracious Word magazine and The Voice of Truth television programs. We had a joint worship service, with some 200 people attending the worship and the fellowship afterwards.

55 During the Bates’ visit we also had our regular monthly J.C. School of Evangelism classes. In this school, organized for all members of the church, we have classes for one week every month, from morning 9 AM to 1.30 PM. Hence, for a year we will have a total of 12 weeks of school sessions (504 hours of classes, plus 168 hours for field training work). We have 22 to 25 students each time, and we are training all of them to be evangelistic workers for Christ, going in streets and door-to-door houses, but not for pulpit preaching. The classes will be seven days in a week, five days in the class room and two days in the weekends with field training. This way they will get good training, and what they study they will teach to contacts who agree to have studies with them. If they are asked any questions they cannot answer, we can help them in the next classes. Also we will go with them while they get training. In the future, after finishing the school program, they will work with their respective local congregations For the field work, God has blessed us with follow-up materials: our Bible correspondence lessons, monthly magazines, and books which have been translated and printed in Tamil. We also have audio sermons, CDs

Madurai, India of television sermons, Braille magazines, and The Voice of Truth International in Braille (Tamil and English). In one session this time, Jerry was teaching about the Evidence and Inspiration of the Bible. Another session we had separate classes for men and women, taught by Jerry and Paula. For the men’s class Jerry was teaching from James, Kingsly baptizing a man who was converted and Paula taught on by students in the J.C. School of Evangelism. Women in the Bible. Also, while the Bates were here, sister Paula had a birthday. We shared our love for her with some gifts and cards and a cake. We enjoyed many useful lessons Sunny David from Jerry and Paula, and the churches Recently I have started in Madurai were encouraged. Some producing CDs and DVDs of contacts became Christians while they Gospel messages, mainly in the were here, and some have decided to do Hindi language, which is the so in a short time. We thank God for national language of India and these results and we thank you for all is spoken in many parts of the the help and support and prayers for country. The CDs are given or this great cause. ✞ mailed to contacts from the raPlease note our website: dio programs and the; zines, and the response has been good. Some have called Christian_living.mpg and written to say that they are reproducing them to give to Philemonrajah, along with his son-inothers. Some are using in their law, Kingslyrajah, youth classes and Bible studies. works among Tamil-

CDs and DVDs Available in Hindi

speaking people inthe general area of Madurai, India, using mass media tools of literature and television, coupled with a great deal of personal work. They have developed the “J.C. School of Evangelism”, to train Christians in personal evangelism methods. They also do extensive work with the blind.

Blind students holding copies of the Braille Voice of Truth International, honoring J.C. Choate with a memorial picture on the front cover.

Madurai, India


The spark about evangelizing the visually handicapped people and caring for their souls individually came to our mind some ten years back when one of our congregation members, who is visually handicapped, stood up and expressed his feelings with sorrow, saying, “You are always having meetings and special classes and work for the sighted people. We blind people are neglected socially by this world and also even on the spiritual side. Most congregations do not have special work for the visually handicapped. There is no Bible class for us specially and no good literature available for us to read in our media, which you all enjoy.” The blind brother closed by saying, “Please have a concern for our community and help them to be Christians. Of course we, too, are human beings.” This statement made by a visually handicapped brother in a business meeting of the church brothers, brought tears in the eyes of many. From that time we decided as a church to have special camps every year for the visually handicapped. In the very first Bible camp for the blind people during 1998 at Ellis Nagar Church of Christ meeting place, some 25 blind people attended the camp which ran for 2 days. There were messages from the Bible in the morning sessions and competitions in the afternoon to encourage and motivate the participants spiritually. We had singing competitions, memory verse recitation and preaching on selected topics to both men and women participants separately. We had good fellowship time with them and the blind people enjoyed the expressions of Christian love. All our congregation members decided to feed them both days for six meals. Some families brought vegetables, some rice and some gave a little money. In our camp we also had special counseling classes for the blind people in groups and we prayed for their fami-

lies. Also we had arranged for some medical doctors to examine the poor and destitute blind people, and we had counseling sessions by pschologists. This motivated those who attended the camp to talk about the lives of other blind people all over Tamilnadu state in India. The next year, 65 attended the Bi-

Braille for these thousands of contacts, and brother J.C. and sister Betty happily encouraged us. For those visually handicapped people who cannot read Braille, we had also started to release The Voice of Truth as an audio magazine every month through the help of the Choates and their supporters. Through these camps and the literature we are providing, 110 visually handicapped blind people have obeyed the Gospel in baptism in Madurai city alone and also nearly 100 others have become Christians through camps conducted outside our city. Two new congregations especially for the visually handicapped people, have also been begun.

Taking the Gospel to the Special People (Visually Handicapped) Philemon Rajah ble camp. Every year the number has increased, and in 2008 we had some 300 to participate! Until 2006 we organized the camp for people in Madurai city only, but since 2006 visually handicapped people from all over Tamilnadu have come to the camp and have been taught and encouraged. When the work among the blind people by the church of Christ in Madurai city came to be known to people througout the state and also in neighboring states, the necessity for literatures and materials especially for the blind was inevitable. We requested the Choates to help us with publishing The Voice of Truth International in

TV Responses Every month we receive many hundreds of letters from the viewers of our television programs. The requests for Bible courses and magazines are overflowing. To increase interest even more, we ask a question from the message. Many people, even young men and women going to schools and colleges, respond eagerly through phone and letters. After every program telecasted, we get a minimum of 25 to 30 calls and more than 100 letters. As follow up material we send Bible courses to all the contacts. Monthly, nearly 700 people study Bible courses in Tamil and English by post and learn the N e w Te s t a m e n t teachings. Please pray for us as we continue to teach those who are handicapped, those who have often been forgotten. ✞ Visually handicapped participants of the Bible camp for Blind people


Chennai, India

How often have you read the scripture about widows in the Lordʼs church? How many women do you know who fit that description? “Honour widows that are widows indeed...Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.... Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man, Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work” (1 Timothy 5:3-10). According to the Lord’s commands, we should be faithful in taking care of such Christian women until the day they go to be with Him. They have proven themselves beyond a doubt and deserve to be like Anna in the Temple, who “served God with fastings and prayers night and day” (Luke 2:37). Sometimes there are dedicated women who do not fit every description. They may be the only ones in their families who are faithful in the service of the Lord. One such lady in India is R. Ammani. Her whole family was on the Roman Catholic register in Kerala, but Ammani was converted in the early 1980’s. She attended the Chennai Teacher Training School classes and became a faithful member of the Lock Street church. When we needed a teacher for the children’s class which met on a veranda of the original Anchorage building, she was the first to volunteer. She had nearly 100 little children who gathered there each Sunday for many years. Later, Ammani went to teach young girls in a Bible school established by another missionary brother, south of here. She was able to do that work for some time before one of the preachers’ wives took her place. When she came back to Chennai, she

often talked fondly of the young girls she had met and learned to love there. Several of those young girls made special trips to Chennai to pay her a visit and tell of their marriages or of their new babies. There was a genuine rapport that could be observed by anyone. Later, when we needed a helper in the kitchen at CTTS, sister Ammani was willing to work for us for pay. Previously, we had paid her nothing for all that she had done. I am not sure how many years she has been engaged in the kitchen work, but she has been with the school a long time. She also graded Bible correspondence courses sent out in the Malayam language. She offered to help us in our secular school classes, teaching skills to illiterate village women to help them find jobs. She taught basket weaving, embroidery, and crochet. Even while she was busy cooking the meals every day for our students, there would be a half dozen ladies gathered at her elbow to watch her cook and to ask her questions about their craft work. About six years ago, Ammani was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. She did not have surgery because the cancer had progressed too far, but she had chemo and radiation therapy and supposedly was cured. She recovered and was able to work again in her normal duties. Each year, she has gone for checkups and had a good report, but last week she was told that she is terminal. She has had fluids drawn off her stomach and the test results show that the cancer has gone be-

yond treatment. I feel a deep sense of sadness at this news, as you might well imagine. Ammani has been a truly faithful friend and Christian worker at CTTS for many years. Her word was always her bond. Never once can I remember her telling me anything that I did not find to be true. She never spoke of anything unless she was absolutely sure she had her facts straight, and that was most comforting to me in a land of Cretans (Titus 1:12). Ammani is nearing 76 years of age. Why has she worked so many years doing so many different things? One would expect that her children would support her after all these years, but they were not Christians. Two sons, whose wives left them, were living with her and had no jobs. They did not help with the housework or pay bills. Sister Ammani had all the bills to pay and all the work to do at home besides. She endured much from an ungodly family who leached off her good nature. Often she cried about not being able to see her beautiful grandchildren because the mothers moved far away from the lazy husbands. Ammani’s home life was never pleasant, but she always had a smile on her face and she genuinely loved the Lord’s people. Please pray for this poor lady as she faces her last days. Scripturally, she deserved to be enrolled as a widow, but she never allowed herself to take something for nothing. She has done what she could. ✞ Beth Johnson and her husband, Dennis, work in Chennai, India.

To receive regular reports about the work in India, call 662-283-1192.

Tamil Nadu, India


Widowed by a Cobra Don Iverson

It was a day of celebration, the first graduation ever held in the Tirunelveli School of Evangelism. In the middle of elation I met a thirty-five year old lady and her three daughters, aged 13, 11 and 9. The sister’s name is Indira, and the stress on her thin face and her uncontrolled wiry hair were evidence that she has been through much more than any of us could begin to imagine. I asked about her husband and the Indian brothers explained. Madasami, a hard worker, a wood cutter by trade, was asleep with his family on the dirt floor of their mud house on August 18, 2005. He awoke his wife in the middle of the night to say he felt a burning sensation in his chest and was having a lot of pain. They sought relief in some available household medications and finally found transportation to the local government hospital. Immediately, the doctor discovered two small marks inside of his thigh, the sign of a cobra bite. Within ten minutes, this husband/ father was dead. With no way to close windows or seal cracks around the tile roofs, cobras often come inside of Indian homes during the night. Indira now struggles to feed her three daughters, as well as herself, on daily farm wages that average $1.35. The family’s food costs per day amount to about $1.20. Their diet is mostly just rice, and they have meat or gravy on special but rare occasions. She has limited electricity in her house and her electricity bill comes every two months (usually $1.10). This brave woman is pressed down by others in her village. The Hindu community will not allow her to seek

work outside, where she might find a better job. The general superstitious belief is that a widow, through her bad “karma”, is largely responsible for the death of her husband, so she suffers many restrictions and ostracisms. Until her baptism in January 2008, Indira was a Hindu. Now the idolaters fight to prevent her from attending worship services with the saints and accuse her of seeking material possessions from the church. The relationship between an Indian widow and her community is difficult for Americans to comprehend. In spite of mistreatment, these people are her “family” and she feels very insecure to go against them. Parenthetically, some may recall during the early days of the tsunami how one Bible student, Inbaraj, wanted to be a preacher but was not allowed because he had not been baptized for more than two years. This zealous brother was not hindered by my denial but went to Kovil Pati and started teaching and baptizing souls, establishing congregations there. Inbaraj, now a

third year Bible student in our school in Tirunelveli, taught the Gospel to this widow, Indirani. He is a mighty evangelist. I am thankful to God for his loving kindness for these widows. Our Father knows her heartache. He knows her fears and hard labor. Now, through his loving church, eight goats are being purchased for Indira. She will receive $15 per month with which to feed her goats until they are reproducing and making a living for her and her three daughters. Before leaving, I sent $35 to Indira from the mission funds just to give her a little breathing room. As for Indira’s attitude, she had a fresh smile on her face as she explained that she says to the Hindus that her soul is finally satisfied, now that she is a Christian. Welcome Indira! Welcome to God’s glorious and eternal kingdom. Welcome to our hope and thanksgiving for a loving Father who would give the life of his Son for you! ✞

Cutting the Thread Continued from page 53

So, what happens when a Christian teacher responds to the desire of young Hindu Gypsy boys in a school in Tamil Nadu to learn about Christianity? Over a period of time, the lessons take hold and the boys decide to obey the Gospel. We were in Bangalore the day the teacher brought twenty-two of the teenage boys to the church property at 7 Davis Road so that they could “take baptism” and become Christians according to the pattern given in the New Testament. P.R. Swamy is the local preacher, and a man who has spent much of the past forty years evangelizing his state of Tamil Nadu. On the day these stu-

dents came, he spent hours, carefully going over the basic facts of God, Christ, the Gospel, the church, and other questions, to make sure that the boys understood exactly what they were doing. At last the teaching was done and the time had come for the baptisms. But, first, another important step had to be taken in their departure from Hinduism and their birth as Christians. I couldn’t keep back the tears as we watched them, one by one, cut the threads that proclaimed them to be Hindus. Spiritually, now, they were free! And then, boldly, they walked up the steps and down into the baptistery! What an exciting thing it was to see their birth into the family of God! ✞


Tamil Nadu, India

The Power of Literature

To my beloved brother P.R. Swamy,

An unknown man writes this letter with love and respect. Please read patiently. My ancestors (grandmother and grandfather) were Lutherans and died. My mother became Roman Catholic at the time of her marriage. So my four younger sisters and two of my younger brothers became R.C. members. Now all my brothers and sisters became Church of South India members since 1980. I did not follow their rituals and lived separately. I did not like to go to that church. Now let me go to the subject matter of this letter. I was searching to find out which is a true church. I used to send subscriptions to many magazines, bought them and read, thinking that there might be some unknown church. I met some church pastors, got their magazines and read. I used to attend the gospel meetings and revival meetings and enjoy the spiritual lessons. In some meetings they used to dance in emotions and shout till the eardrum tears. Seeing all this, I used to return with a heavy heart and worry because I was not receiving the necessary food for my hungry soul. On 15th June, 2004 when I went to Madurai, I visited some old book stores known to me and searched for some books and magazines. I came across one book with a title, “Let Us Go Back”, and I bought it. This book contained articles by various writers, translated by S.S. Rajan and published by Dindigul Church of Christ. When I returned to Dindigul, I finished reading this book and thought like this: “Though Church of Christ looks like one of the protestant churches, its teachings are clearer than other church doctrines. It contains only the New Testament.” Thinking that I could get some spiritual magazines through these churches, I went to E.A. Arumugan, following the church address. Then only I could know that S.S. Rajan has been dead. I was sad. I introduced myself to E.A. Arumugan. I got the magazine “Thiramarai Aason, Kirubayulla Vaarthai”, and returned home.

Reading these magazines, my spiritual hunger to know about the church of Christ was increased. Then I used to meet E.A. Arumugan every week, placed my doubts before him and received teaching and learnt about the church of Christ. Then I understood that this is the church I have been searching for for many years, and this church is not like the denominational churches. My mind was cleared and I saw the living way. Thereafter I met J. Sangaya Raj and K.S. Rajanayagam and cleared of some more doubts. I received some books, namely “The Truth for Today”, “The Church of the Bible”, and other books published through Kangayam church of Christ. Now I am preparing to be baptized, to be a member of the church of Christ. I am attending the worship.

“My mind is happy for knowing the true church and flying to the sky. My heart is beating, to do little work As small as a mustard seed at least, For the One who died on the cross. My spiritual search is thus ended in the church of Christ. I am at peace, which can’t be described.” Under the circumstances, I would like to tell some information. Since my first daughter and my son are in Bangalore, my wife and I are preparing to go there and would like to live with them. I want to get baptized by you there and would like to assist in your work, being retired. Likewise, I want to spend the rest of my life in a useful way. I would like to have your books and The Voice of Truth International (Tamil). I am very eager to read spiritual books. Looking forward to hear from you, Your loving brother, Nenchath Tharasu

The following week, P. R. Swamy was in a Bible seminar in Namakkal, about 150 kilometers from Dindigul. He met Mr. Nenchath Tharasu at his house and discussed the Bible at length with him. Swamy concluded that he is sincerely a seeker of truth. Though he was still not convinced about some factors relating to the Holy Spirit, he was ready to be baptized. He said that as soon as he and his wife made the planned move to Bangalore, he would come to the meeting house at Davis Road for baptism. We have since received an e-mail from Swamy saying that brother Nenchath Tharasu was baptized! Thank God for honest hearts and for the power of literature!

P.R. Swamy showing the late J.C. Choate just such a letter as brother Nenchath wrote. Many souls have been brought to Christ in many parts of the world through literature.

We would encourage individual Christians and congregations of the Lordʼs church to subscribe to our quarterly magazine, The Voice of Truth International. Share it also with your friends, relatives, and contacts. ✞

Sri Lanka


From Sri Lanka... Harold and Lilani Thomas

It was a severe jolt to all of us in the church here in Colombo to lose three men who have been so important in our development: Reggie Gnanasundaram (Lilani’s father) who has provided leadership in the congregation since its beginning, brother J.C. Choate, who started the congregation and was our spiritual father, and brother Paul Fernando, preacher for the Negombo church, who died suddenly of a heart attack. These losses mean that the second generation of Christians must step forward and take up the work, That, we are doing, with God’s help/ It was edifying and encourageing for all of us to have the Wayne Barriers and the Jerry Bates visit us. We are looking forward to working with these families in the next stage in this congregation’s forward march, with our final goal of starting a Bible School. It was the encouragement of brother Wayne and Jerry that started this project. When these brethren, accompanied by their wives, came to Colombo, we discussed ways to get youngsters interested in Christianity, and we decided that the best way is to have a Bible School, also offering classes in computer and other tools for getting jobs. Colombo City Church of Christ is getting to be known in the neighborhood as a place of learning and of much activity. Our retired brother Moses was manning the church office when his wife, Jemima, was transferred to a Government school, four hours away from Colombo in the “Hill country”. They have bought a house and have moved, but we are happy to note that they are faithfully worshiping there.

So, to fill the vacancy created by brother Moses, Nimal and I decided that we need an elderly person who can work in the office and who will be of help with the vocational training for the Bible school. We are happy that Mr. Vincent has filled the post very well. He is a retired engineer with the Surveyors Department and has closely worked in a leading radio lab. An English class has been started for young students in their early 20’s, free of charge. The requirement to enter this class is that the student must come from a “Christian” background. The English teacher, Ms. Dilrushi Peiris, is using the Bible to teach her students to read, thereby opening a way for me to teach them the Gospel. The secular classes are held on Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 AM to 12 Noon. After seeing our advertisements, the local Police of the area also wanted to be taught English. So plans are set to make this a success. Apart from this, there are inquiries from other sources for the teaching of the English language. Our aim is to attract more people to our final goal – to teach Salvation. We are happy that much of the literature that was at the church building has been given away to denominational churches and people, and also we carried an ad in the newspapers and had a free distribution of literature, assisted by the members of the church. Last year, in the rubber factory which I manage, I had classes with my Production Manager and his staff. This has given me good exposure to teach in Sinhala. Kalum has since obeyed the Gospel and is helping with the meetings in Negombo, which is near the factory and also where he lives. We go to Negombo every Sunday evening for the worship service there. The congregation was lost without

brother Paul, after his sudden death. Nimal and his wife, Jayanthy, join us every other Sunday to help as well. All this hard work has also resulted in the baptism of brother Ramesh and his fiancée. With the additional teaching of the people meeting at brother Paul’s house, four others are almost ready for baptism. Hopefully, they will obey the Gospel soon. As the Negombo congregation grows, we will be able to let those families take more of the responsibility there, enabling them to develop more quickly, spiritually. ✞ Harold and Lilani Thomas work with the Lordʼs church in Colombo, Sri Lanka. [email protected]

Brother Reggie Gnanasundaram, one of the first Christians in Sri Lanka, and a man who loved to work for God, was spared the struggle to live in a physical body worn out with heart and kidney disease. He was released to go to be with his Savior on June 8, 2007. His strength and dedication continue to live in the hearts of those he loved and helped to train.


Sri Lanka

A Little Glimpse of History . . . Kalum Gamage

(An email letter addressed to J.C. Choate)

“Mr. Harold Thomas is our boss at I.G. Browns Rubber Industries. He is a very busy man. But for the past 1½ years or so, he has been teaching us the basics of Christianity (as all four of us come from Roman Catholic background, our biblical knowledge is poor). Now Mr. Thomas is teaching us the past one month or so from your valuable book, “The Gospel of Christ”. We have two classes per week, after working hours. This book has given us so much knowledge of the Bible, and we have learnt over a period of time the meaning of sin, salvation, promise, Gospel, church, kingdom, and Holy Sprit baptism, etc. “During the course of our class, Mr. Thomas mentioned to us that you had some health problems. We were really sad to hear of this news. We now understand how you had spent your life to bring the simple message of “Gospel” out. As stated in 1st Timothy 1:11 – we know so many are “blinded, because of the god of this world”. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and may the Lord God grant you many more years of life to do His will. Kalum Gamage, Sri Lanka” (A second letter, following J.C.ʼs death)

“It was indeed a shock to hear about the passing away of Mr. J. C. Choate. Very sad for us, as on the 5th of February we had the Bible study at brother Paul’s place and Harold informed all about this sad news. Incidentally, we also understand that the funeral was held on this day. Even more sad was that we were holding the very book that he had written – ‘The Gospel of Christ’ which is so meaningful to us. In fact, our study is based on this valuable book. “We are indeed privileged, for all the hard work put in by the late Mr. J. C. Choate, you and all the other Christian brethren, that we in this small Island were able to benefit spiritually. “Out of the four staff members taught by Harold at our work place, it’s only me that attends the Bible studies at the

Negombo congregation. Now I am convinced that I should get baptized and be added to the Lord’s family. I am in the process of teaching my wife, who comes from a Buddhist background. I am confident God will guide us. My family and I attended the Sunday worship (10/02/2008) at the Negombo church. “I have two sons, I keep my eldest son (10 years) informed with all what I learn. My youngest son who is only 4 years, not even able to read or write, has memorized the 27 books of the New Testament. Amazing, but true!! “We have not lost hope with other 3 staff members, but will wait in patience. Apart from brother Paul’s place, we are having private Bible studies in Negombo with Harold. Our aim is to bring them to the Negombo church. “Once again, all our love and concern for the loss of your belovered husband, who will be in the safe hands of our Creator. God bless and kind regards, Kalum Gamage” (Victory in Christ!)

“Dear sister Betty, “Greetings in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. First of all, I am very sorry for not replying to your kind and encouranging email. Brother Harold has brought in three new types of orders to our factory and we were so busy with installation of machinery, testing products, etc. But now we have come to the end of all this and the new products have started to leave the factory. All these are done to give a better and steady income and to create an atmospehere to preach the WORD. “Reading the volume 57 of The Voice of Truth International, we understand the sacrifice brother J.C. Choate and other faithful brethren have done during there lifetime. “Negombo congregation has increased since I got baptized and about 5 more souls are to render obedience soon. My wife [SURANJI] and two sons attend Sunday worship faithfully every week. Brother HAROLD and I have much more work and we are preparing the ground at every given opportunity. Sunday school for the kids has also begun. I led administering THE LORD’S SUPPER last Sunday. I was nervous and thrilled to do it for the LORD. On Sunday worship, when my 10-year-old elder son was reading the Scriptures, tears came into my eyes because I took 33 years to turn to the BIBLE. And I know he will be more blessed. Anyway, God has been so merciful to me and my family to know the Truth, or else we would have left this earth empty-handed. “So we need not say, ‘Why do we struggle so hard to stay here?’ Because all things work for good to those that love GOD, and are called for His purpose. Finaly, I am thankful for OUR LORD for giving me the oppotunity to meet such wonderful and faithful brothers and sisters in my life. So with these encouraging words I will stop and would love to see you here soon. Regards, KALUM.” ✞

Australia -- Vietnam


Serving God among the Vietnamese People Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu I am a Vietnam-born Australian, and have lived in Australia for over forty years. After finishing high school in Vietnam in mid 1960s, I received a scholarship from the Australian Government to study engineering at the university, which was unusual at that time for an overseas female student. Although I was brought up in a typical Vietnamese family, which followed ancestor worship and other nominal Buddhist rituals, from an early age I yearned for a true God and sought to find Him. I felt the traditional worship was mostly ruled by fear and uncertainty, and it gave me no comfort or answers to my questions about the meaning and purpose of life. There appeared to be no real alternatives: all my relatives and friends and neighbours followed these traditional beliefs. A few Catholic families lived in our neighbourhood, but we were taught that “Christianity would not be for us” (although we did not know much about this so-called “Western religion”). During my first year in Australia, I was introduced to denominational Christianity, being invited to church services. Eventually, I was given a copy of the Bible. I was fascinated by the Bible stories, from the accounts of God creating the universe and man, to salvation through Jesus Christ. These stories appeared to give plausible answers to my many questions about life, which were still looming large in my mind and my heart, although I was now living in a different culture and a more affluent country. As I became interested in Christianity, I began to raise questions about the many denominations, the conflicts in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants, and other apparent contradictions between the teachings in the Bible and what I observed as “Christianity”. Over a period of six months or so, there were intensive debates between myself and my Baptist friends and others about these issues. Eventually, in the absence of better explana-

tions, I reluctantly acknowledged that the apparent problems were relatively minor, and that, overall, Protestant denominations meant well and had a similar purpose and direction – evangelising the world for Christ. So I “accepted” Christ, was baptised to “formalise my faith” and began a denominational “Christian” life for almost thirty six years, until April 2002. During this period, I embraced my new faith with sincerity and enthusiasm, as I had been searching for a true God all my life. I became strongly involved in various “Christian” student movements and churches. I also tried to “convert” my own family: my mother became “Christian” in mid 1970s, followed by one of my brothers and my two sisters (my parents had nine children), and soon after that my family abandoned ancestor worship practices. Yet, for all my activities and praises about my “strong” faith by people around me, I remained dissatisfied. There were significant problems in my own nuclear family; we were not able to experience real joy and peace or an “abundant life” as we would expect. I struggled to make sense of it all, and

became even more concerned because other people in the congregations seemed to be in similar situations. We disobeyed God’s commandments, and yet expected Him to bless us. We tried to justify our behaviour by saying God “would understand and forgive” our mistakes, because we were still weak. We were also fond of defending ourselves by saying that we would not be perfect until getting to heaven! It was in this context that, in 2001, I became aware of the non-denominational churches of Christ, through my son’s interest and involvement in the movement on campus. Although Minh was already baptised in a Vietnamese church when he was 16, he said it had not been done correctly and wanted to do it again in accordance with the Bible (while Minh wasn’t seeking my permission, he wanted my blessing and attendance at this important occasion). Although I was surprised that Minh saw the need to be baptised again and couldn’t really say “no” anyway, I became intrigued by his new commitment, particularly his strong interest in the Word of God. This new development about my son’s faith raised questions in my mind about some fundamental issues in the Bible, such as baptism. At times, I tried to convince myself that Minh was following a peculiar brand of Christianity, and that there was nothing wrong with my understanding of the Bible, having read it several times from cover to cover. At other times, I was keen to know why I was struggling spiritually, and I wanted to get it right with God. Minh and his friends tried to convince me that I needed to study the Bible properly, in order to see where I had gone wrong. While skeptical (as I thought I knew the Bible pretty well), I thought if a closer look at the Word of God could help me to sort out my spiritual issues, then I would give it a go. When I studied the Bible with this mindset, I was astonished to learn, Continued on page 63



Cambodia Bill Mcdonough Partners in Progress

The Ship of Life is now operating 100 miles north of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, providing health care and hope for the very poorest people of Cambodia. Seeing 100 patients per day, we are bringing dental and medical care to people that have basically done without all their lives. The Lord is being glorified, people are seeing the love of Jesus, and His church is growing. You have helped make this possible through your prayers, gifts and encouragement. In the names of those being assisted we say thank you.

300 Christian Ladies Meet in Cambodia Three hundred ladies from numerous congregations in central Cambodia met together for a full day of fellowship, Bible lessons and a great time on March 8, the “Internal Day of Women” which is a national holiday. Planned by Marie-Claire McDonough, missionary speakers Rhonda Doland and Rosemary Burcham articulated the theme of “Being Strong and Courageous in a Hostile World” a theme to which these women can definitely relate. Trying to raise a family in a macho society on less then $1 per day, with pagan neighbors who ridicule you daily, calls on one to be strong and courageous if you are to survive. They came by truckload, bicycle and ox cart to share in the fellowship, and they all went home with a song on their lips, joy in their hearts and a beautiful T-shirt to remember the day. Four years ago there were fewer then 20 Christian ladies and, now, more then 300 can meet for a special day because you cared enough to send the love of God to them. ✞

Serving God . . . Continued from page 62

amongst other things, for the first time, about baptism being for the forgiveness of sin, although I had read the relevant passages so many times. I finally surrendered to God properly, and was baptised in accordance with the Bible in April 2002. The joy of really knowing God as my heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour in these last six years has been indescribable. As I obeyed God through a biblical baptism, my sin was forgiven and I received the Holy Spirit. Whereas during the previous thirty-six years in a denominational setting, as I had not been baptised into Christ, my sin had never been forgiven and I had never received the Holy Spirit. This fact explains the struggles of those years. I’m so grateful to God for giving me another chance, to be finally saved! I have just retired from the workforce, having spent a few decades in the Australian private and public sectors.

In this next phase of my life, I would like to concentrate on helping Vietnamese people in two areas: assisting people with an ancestor worshipping or similar religious background to get interested in the Bible, as it can be shown that the Bible answers all their questions; and helping people with a denominational background to recognise their errors and to follow the New Testament faithfully. Regarding the former, I’m writing a small book, discussing ancestor and idol worship and suggesting that the Bible can satisfy the worshipper’s hopes and desires (Acts 17:23-31). I hope to finish the book, which will be in both English and Vietnamese, and publish it in Vietnam in mid-2009. The latter has been an on-going challenge for me in the last six years (I’m pleased to report that my mother, who is now 91 years old, was baptised into Christ in 2004, after many years in various Vietnamese denominations). When I first became a New Testament Christian, I thought my conversion and experience from many years in

a denominational setting should readily convince Vietnamese people of similar background to be interested in what the Bible has to say. However, those with whom I have talked have raised many barriers, such as: they are comfortable with what they have known all their life; they don’t want to risk losing friends by leaving their church; and they cannot see anything wrong with what they are doing (their pastors are saying so!). I’m praying for courage and patience, as I continue to seek out those who wish to absolutely obey God’s Word, both in Vietnam and Australia. I’m hoping to spend a few months each year in Vietnam. I’m giving thanks to God and having the best time of my life, doing what I have been dreaming of doing for many years: focusing on God totally, praising Him for the unspeakable joy, praying for Vietnamese people and seeking opportunities to share the glorious Gospel with them. ✞

Cambodia -- USA -- Cambodia


From the Killing Fields to Life Sokhom Hun I arrived as a Cambodian refugee in Dallas, Texas, with my wife, Phaline, and baby daughter, Sophadavy, on February 28, 1981. Our trip from a transition center in the Philippines was the last leg of a journey that actually began with the fall of Vietnam in 1975. I was born on May 10th, 1957, in Svay Rieng Province. In 1968, when Cambodia became involved in the Vietnam War, the U.S started bombing Cambodia. At the time, my father was the mayor of the province and was also serving as Justice of the Peace. By 1970, Svay Rieng was controlled by the Khmer Rouge. My father and mother separated. My father ran to the city to hide, but my mother, my two older sisters, my younger brother, and I were left behind in the village with the Khmer Rouge. A year later, at the age of thirteen, I went to Phnom Penh to continue my schooling. At sisteen, I joined a Commando Specialist Team (protector of the city) during the night and went to school during the day. In 1975, Pol Pot took over and captured everyone for interrogations. My father told the truth and was executed. I lied and said that I was only a student. A friend who told them that I was lying and that I was one of the protectors of the city betrayed me. They arranged for my execution, but my life was spared. One of the officers thought that I would be a useful prisoner on the farm since I was still young. While in prison, I was malnourished and became very ill with malaria and other diseases. I weighed about seventy-five pounds and could not walk on my own. I was so hungry at one point that I started to cut meat from a dead water buffalo for food. I accidentally cut my hand while I was cutting the meat and the wound became infected. The infection went to my blood and I was going to die. An old man came to me while I was lying ill in the

fields. He took care of me and nursed me with medicine and herbal remedies. Two years later, all 300 Ancient Buddhist temple site at Angkor Wat, Cambodia. prisoners were lined up for execution. A Vietnamese killed in the place where we were hidfighting plane interrupted the execution ing. Phaline brought me back to and everyone scattered. I was sent to the Phnom Penh and later we were married rice fields to pick rice and dig irrigation on September 11th, 1979. systems. Several times my life was We needed to flee for safety. For barely spared. I saw many of my friends three weeks we traveled on foot from and my father tortured and murdered. Phnom Penh through back roads and This was a terrible time, the time of the jungle to Battambang in northern Cam“killing fields”. Someone might think bodia. There, just across the border, that I am just a natural-born survivor, but was Kao I Dang Refugee Camp, run by now I know it was by the grace of God. the United Nations. While in Kao I In 1979, Cambodia was invaded by Dang, our daughter Sophadavy was Vietnam. After the fall of Pol Pot, I born. There were no hospitals or mediwas moved to the capital, Phnom Penh, cal facilities available. where I was assigned to work in a In the refugee camp, I was imwarehouse for drugs and medicine. I pressed with the love and compassion saw first-hand that the government was of the Christian missionaries and aid corrupt and that my people were still workers who helped us. This was such being denied and mistreated. I tried to a contrast to the “liberations” I had exhelp the women and children who were perienced and the inaction and seeming suffering most of all. Favoritism and unconcern of our Buddhist religious retaliation were meted out with medileaders. We had somehow escaped cine! I sneaked medicine and assiscapture and certain death! As I look tance out to them. As I was sneaking back, I am amazed at how many times medical supplies to them one day, I was God saved my life before He brought suddenly caught in the act by the Vietme to America! namese patrol. I ran while they were After nearly a year, Phaline, Soshowering me with bullets from their phadavy our baby daughter, and I arak47’s. I barely escaped. rived at DFW with several other famiI then went into hiding for over a lies sponsored through Catholic Charimonth with a group of political people ties. We were placed in apartments in who were against the corrupted govOld East Dallas, a location not too far ernment. There were thirty of us, total, from the Highland Park Church of including me. We hid in an apartment Christ where Pat Brooks was the minisin the suburbs of Phnom Penh. ter. One night a friend invited me to a One late Wednesday evening we get-together in Phnom Penh. He sent a saw a church van arrive to pick up friend of his, Phaline, to pick me up. refugees to go to church. We asked That evening, all members of the political group that I was involved in were Continued on page 68



Kalay Bible School Wayne Barrier A major priority of our work in Myanmar the past eleven years has been to equip local brethren with preaching, teaching, and leadership skills needed to spread the Gospel to Myanmar’s population of over 50 million people. Myanmar Bible College, (MBC) near Yangon, was formed to facilitate this objective. The task of equipping is especially difficult because of (1) the strict military government and its restrictions on the activities of its citizens, (2) the very poor economy of the country, (3) the lack of a widely spoken national language, (4) the distances and difficulties involved in travel for local citizens, (5) restrictions place on the activity of foreign visitors, especially travel to isolated areas, and (6) the lack of religious freedom. In spite of these difficulties, our approach through the use of training schools is working well and is being used to reach people throughout the country. Local evangelists can travel

Construction for Kalay Bible College is now completed.

The baptism of one of the students who attended the classes. to reach people and places we cannot visit. They can deal with cultural and language diversity that foreigners cannot effectively handle. There are 12 major language and tribal groups in Myanmar. More than 125 dialects are spoken across the country. We often train English-speaking local brethren who have mastered six to ten languages and dialects. During the past eleven years, over 400 students have taken classes and are better equipped for the task at hand. Many students have attended MBC from northern Myanmar, especially the Kalay area. These former students have been effective in teaching the Gospel to hundreds of fellow citizens who have been converted to Christ. Our team has made nine trips to Kalay during the past four years to teach Bible classes to more than 2,000 new Christians. During our latest trip, in April, 2008, we taught leadership classes to 130 Kalay-area preachers, teachers and leaders. An ongoing school effort was needed in this area. Based on this need, Kalay Bible School has been formed. A new building, constructed primarily

by Kalay-area brethren, has been built to house this school. Classes conducted in the past have been held in buildings rented from others. Kalay Bible School will provide an ongoing Bible class program, leadership training, and monthly seminars for preachers and teachers. Annual meetings with classes for new Christians are taught by both local and foreign brethren. Local brethren have planned and implemented this new effort to better keep pace with training needs for the rapidly growing church in the area. We are encouraged by their strong desire to spread the Gospel in this Buddhist nation. It is a blessing to us to have the opportunity to assist with their efforts to evangelize their own country. In Yangon itself, two training schools are conducted each year, for five weeks. Members of our World Evangelism team, and other volunteers, take turns filling the weeks each spring and fall. ✞ Wayne and Janet Barrier of Florence, AL can be reached at 256-766-2807.



A T ri p t o Kal ay Janet Barrier Wayne, Vance Hutton and I left in a small jet from Yangon, Myanmar early in the morning after waiting an hour for the fog to lift. As we left the city, we could see how much of the land along the Irrawaddy River was near flood stage. Low over Mandalay, we could see the men in Chinese-looking hats with their pairs of oxen plowing in each square field. We rose high over the mountains, with little villages nestled in-between the green peaks. As we began our decent into Kalay, we could see the small teak houses lining a partially paved road. The plane seemed to be landing on top of them, but we glided to a stop beside the newly constructed airport terminal. As we descended the steps of the plane, we spotted brother Thian Lian, with his bomber jacket, silver tooth, and broad smile, waving in the crowd of faces near the terminal entrance. We said our hellos and hurried through the crowded corridor to the front of the airport. Several young preachers helped us with our bags as we crossed the street to our hotel. The freshly washed sheets were drying on lines along the front steps of the Taungsalot Hotel. The lobby had a wooden floor and was lined with chairs along two walls. A short, stocky Burmese man, with long facial hairs protruding from a good-sized mole on his chin, helped us to check in. The higher up in the hotel you go, the more expensive and less used the room, so we took the $15 room on the fifth floor. As we started up the steps, several slim young girls followed behind with our bags. Our room looked just as we had left it 18 months before! One queen size bed and a twin bed, with “Taungsalot” printed on the sheets, a table, two chairs and a clothes rack. No hot water, and one dingy towel each. There were two windows; one opened

to the street, while the other gave a beautiful view of the mountains behind a very tall Catholic Church building and school. We rushed to freshen up a bit before we left for our day’s adventure. Back out on the street, we clambered into the rear of a small “taxi” pick-up truck, took our seats on the benches on each side of the bed, and bumped along the road about 20 blocks to the school near Thian Lian’s place. Behind his woven bamboo house was the newly constructed school building. He and the local men of the church had done most of the work. It is two stories with classrooms and eating area downstairs and living quarters upstairs. We started our seminars with about 160 people in attendance, some walking distances of over 50 miles to be there. I was to teach in the room on the far end of the building. We divided, and about 35 women and six children were in my class. Mothers brought their children to class, with the youngest of them neatly cradled on their backs in a sling made of woven fabric. Lydia, Thian Lian’s sister, translated my English into the Chin language. She looked very weak because she had been in the hospital for a month and had just checked out that day to help me. We began our class, but a cow was mooing outside the window and everyone laughed. Smoke would occasionally come in the window because the cooking area was nearby. The students were very attentive even though they were sitting on a thin mat on the hard brick floor, for hours at a time. We had a break for lunch and went to the Sweet Dreams café, a Chinese restaurant approved for foreigners. We resumed after lunch and met until 4 PM. A night session was held with Vance and Wayne doing the preaching. The singing was very enthusiastic, with 4-part

harmony. Thian Lian had prepared a songbook with English on one side and Chin on the other, so it was easy to participate. Early the next morning we could hear the sounds of roosters and horses hooves, clip-clop, clip-clop on the pavement, so we knew it was time to get moving. Ting Ting helped Lydia by writing the lessons on the board for the group. She is a young mother of two, and soon to be three. Everyone who can read and write takes notes for all of the lessons. Each of the five days of classes was conducted in this manner. I noticed that on the last day it was very quiet in class. I later learned that the cow had been killed for a meal in our honor! In the afternoon of the fifth day, we all walked down to the stream that meandered through the town, to baptize the people who had decided to become Christains. We passed many teak houses and even more bamboo ones, and eventually we moved on out into the countryside. We saw ox carts, well kept gardens and small houses. The group became much larger as we neared the stream. Six people were immersed in the swollen waters while the others were singing on the bank. Having finished our classes and enjoyed the unexpected beef roast dinner, we left early the following morning, with many of the preachers and teachers waiting to wave to us as we ascended the steps of the plane. Flying over the mist-covered tops of the mountains, it all seemed like a dream in another world, as we returned to our hotel in the capital city of Yangon. ✞ Janet and Wayne Barrier of Florence, AL, part of the World Evangelism team, can be reached at [email protected]



Tibet, once an indeprior to arrest, a Chinese pendent country, is an doctor who had once occupied region of the served under brother Ahki People’s Republic of in the military recognized China with a population him. They were good of several million people. friends, but they had not Tibet is one of the most seen each other in 25 isolated places in the years. Through his Wayne Barrier world, due to both geofriend’s influence he was logical and political obreleased and given an stacles. The southern border is shared with India, Nepal, identity card for safe passage in Tibet. Travel that folBhutan and Burma. The primary religion of the populalowed resulted in preaching in 26 villages and cities with tion is Lamaism, a form of Buddhism. Brethren have reseveral baptisms. With the identity card he could return ported baptisms in some key tourist destinations, but the over and over to further advance the work there. Gospel has been taught to very few Tibetans. Over the past eight years, many of the students attending Myanmar Bible College (MBC) near Yangon, Myanmar have traveled from northern states of the country. Some of these students have come from the northern-most state (Kachin) that borders Tibet. In 2004, two students from this area expressed interest in reaching across the border into Tibet to preach and teach. Over the next few months, plans were formulated for this mission. With the aid of Brother U. Kyaw Sein, who helped found MBC, the plans were finalized in October 2004, with an initial trip in November to define a course for trips to follow in December and January to reach further into the country. Brother Ahki led these missions. The first trip was completed as planned, with Ahki reaching the border area, and surveying needs to go further. The second trip took him into several villages and Brother Ahki in a Tibetan village. small cities of China and Tibet. The third trip was much Plans were made in March 2005 for several return visfurther into Tibet, requiring several days of travel on foot its during the summer to the same region, with excursions through very difficult mountain trails and passes. Upon into new areas. Brother Ahki was given funds to purchase reaching the first city after crossing the mountains, Brother Bibles and medicine for distribution as he traveled. These Ahki became very sick with fever, vomiting and dysentery. visits were made as planned and 36 baptisms resulted, After realizing he did not have the medicine needed for with congregations being started in numerous places along treating himself (Brother Ahki was a medical doctor), he his route. went to the local military hospital. He was effectively Tragically, following brother Ahki’s November/ treated, but was now exposed as an illegal visitor. He December 2006 trip with some of his students, on his rewould be imprisoned or punished in some other way. Just turn home in January, he suffered a fatal heart attack. His death was a great loss, but we are thankful for his pioneering spirit and efforts to reach the Tibetan people. We pray that his students, from the same region of Burma, who desire to carry on his work, will be successful. We continue to be blessed with opportunities to help with the spread of the Gospel to places where millions have never heard the truth. As always, we look back at the way things happen and realize that we often achieve our goals of reaching new areas and people as a result of circumstances and events never included in our plans, but certainly a part of God’s providential oversight. Even in what we would count as “tragedies”, as with brother Ahki’s death, God is working. Please continue to pray for us and for our courageous co-workers in Asia. ✞


Cambodia -- USA -- Cambodia


From the Killing Fields to Life Continued from page 64

him for help and he took us to Highland Park Church. They invited and brought us to worship in an orange van a Christian mechanic fixed up and gave for us. Pat taught us with colored filmstrips through a translator the church hired. Pat also encouraged the congregation to action saying, “God has brought the mission field to our very door step!” The Highland Park church expanded its ministry to the Cambodian refugees. English classes were taught twice weekly. Our numbers at the church increased to 40 or more each Sunday. Many of us accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord and were baptized, including Phaline and myself. Our Cambodian church moved to Peak and Eastside with Pat in 1985 where it continued to grow with support from area congregations. The church had recently conducted a citywide campaign, calling all Cambodians to be “just Christians”, to follow the Bible alone and to become a strong presence for Jesus Christ in our community. This effort became the basis of the congregation, which was organized under the elders’ oversight until we established our own leadership. I worked hard to bring my people, who had suffered so much from Communism, together in the name of Christ. I was chosen one of the elders and have served until my recent appointment earlier this year as leader of the church’s mission committee. Through the grace of God and the help of many of our American brothers and sisters in Christ, the church now has a fine physical plant and well over 75 members. One of the former teachers at the Center for Christian Education, Dr. Michael Landon, a graduate of Harding University, is now teaching Bible and Christian leadership as a volunteer at our congregation. He is loved and esteemed by our people. But let me go back a bit in my personal story. My first job was found for me by the refugee agency. It was in a bottle factory, buried in downtown Dallas. I

had to be there by 3:00 AM on workdays. There was no way to get there at first, so Pat took me until I could find another ride from one of my fellow employees. Later, Pat was very happy to help us find our first car. In the summer of 1981 he helped me find a job at an auto trim shop on Garland Road, Brunner’s Auto Trim and Glass. Here I learned the business from the ground up. I worked for Henry and Butch Brunner (a member at Webb Chapel) for 10 years. In 1991, Howard Winslow, who owned Winslow’s Auto Trim just down the street, hired me. By this time I was one of the best trim men in Dallas. We bought our own little house in Mesquite. Our children were all attending Mesquite public schools. We bought a new van. We were able to bring my aging mother to the United States. I was living the American Dream. But I never forgot the poor Cambodians who were unable to escape their oppressive East Dallas environment, nor did I forget from where I had come. About two years ago, Van and I began taking evening classes at the Center for Christian Education in Irving. One of our teachers was Dr. Herman Alexander who told us.about one of his missionary friends, Bill Singleton, now living in Stockton, California. Bill, a missionary to Cambodia, has a great love and passion for the work there. When he learned that my family and I planned a summer trip to visit relatives in our homeland in 2005, he encouraged me to visit churches he had planted. And then it hit me! Our trip should become a trip to God’s glory, a survey of churches and conditions in my homeland where people were still hurting from the ravages of war, poverty, and the corruption of selfish rulers. I would return to my country with good news for the poor! I knew this was a call from God. We began praying, planning, and preparing. The results were incredible. God helped us raise over $8,000 for rice, rice seed, Bibles, mosquito nets, and other forms of assistance to the poor villagers

, cont.

we would visit. I personally paid for every one of the round trip tickets that my family of five needed for our journey. It’s one of the first times in my life that I have ever been forced to use a credit card! Every cent we gathered was to help the poor Christians and for Gospel work in Cambodia. What an experience for Phaline, myself, and our three children -- Sophadavy 25, Melinda 23, and Matthew 19 -- as we traveled through the provinces, cities, and villages of my homeland! One of the joys of this trip was that my old boss and friend, Howard Winslow, now also my neighbor in Kaufman County, contributed to and went with us on this trip, at his own expense. His generosity and interest in the people were a great blessing. To date, over 100 people have been baptized into Christ as a result of hearing the Gospel preached through my lessons. I simply talked about the good news of Jesus and the church He died to save. Jesus ministered among the poor and needy. We wanted to do the same. This response to God’s word overwhelmed me. Our 2-week trip to Cambodia changed our lives. I feel a tremendous need to return in the not too distant future to check on, assist, and encourage the young churches and the young Cambodian preachers we met who are trying to minister to them. And then there is the long view. Someday, maybe not too many years from now, Phaline and I can go home . . . to be with our people there, to give back, to tell the story, to share the mercy of God that has been shown to us. In the time, between now and then, I want to visit, and I know that I will need help. There is no doubt in my mind that this is what Jesus wants me to do. God has called a small, unimportant, unlettered man such as me to further His work among the people I know and love. God has touched my heart through His church, His Word and my hurting people. How can I say no? ✞ Sokhom Hun 972-487 -0993



I ndonesi a, Giant of Southeast Asia Colin McKee Indonesia, the giant of South East Asia, has a population of more than 220 million, making it the fourth largest nation in the world, just after the U.S.A. The country is made up of some 17,000 islands, of which about 13,000 are inhabited. More than 700 dialects are

A baptism in the ocean at Nias

spoken, but Indonesian is the national language since the country’s independence in 1947, and it is the medium of instruction for all schools. Consequently, one can communicate with the population of the entire nation using Bahasa Indonesian. The church began in Indonesia in 1967 when the first missionary family moved to Jakarta. A number of full time workers from the States have lived there over the years, and hundreds of congregations have been established throughout the country on all the major islands. There are congregations also in the large cities of Jakarta, Semarang, Medan, and Yogyakarta. The five-city metropolis of cosmopolitan Jakarta has a population in excess of 20 million people. That is more than the combined populations of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee! Steve Cate spends eight months per year in two-month stents, working in the Jakarta area. An American family that has been living in Irian Jaya will be soon be moving to Jakarta to help with

that work. There are several hundred Bible correspondence course students in the Jakarta metro, and a local brother, Daniel Setiabudi, works with Steve and with the students. He also conducts a weekly radio broadcast that covers the area. In the last three years the church has seen rapid growth in Nias, an island off the west coast of the large island of Sumatra, with some 40 new congregatons. Much relief work was done there after a devastating earthquake in 2005, and since the church was heavily involved in that effort, we reaped the benefits of open doors for the Gospel. Dennis Cady was one of the prime movers behind this relief work and the new growth in Nias. He travels there several times a year and is responsible for on-going programs in Gunung Sitoli, including erecting a church building and maintaining several dorms for young people (mainly from church families), enabling them to come from the villages and have access to high school and college education, which otherwise would not be available to them. They are all given regular Bible classes and participate in worship with the local church. There are three Bible training schools in Indonesia that are maintained by the brethren. They are spread from Irian Jaya to Batam, an island next door to Singapore. The school in Batam has a beautiful new campus and facility, as well as a very nice new church building in a different area from the school. Winston Bolt serves as the President of the school. In addition to the regular training schools, there are numerous training seminars conducted on site with congregations throughout the country. There are frequent baptisms in this overwhelmingly Islamic nation that, so far, has granted religious freedom to its

A training class for the Gunung Sitoli Church of Christ in Nias.

Dennis Cady, Benyamin Laiya (preacher of the Gospel for 35 years), and Colin McKee during meetings in Indonesia.

Alipe Djoehari works full time for an American company and also preaches for the church in Jakarta.

populace. Great challenges and great opportunities exist for the spread of the truth in this Asian giant. One of the special needs is providing literature for evangelization of the lost, and maturation of the saints. My wife and I are focusing on meeting this need for the people of Indonesia, as well as making periodic trips for teaching and training. ✞ Colin and Ellen McKee worked for a number of years in Medan, Indonesia. Besides yearly trips to the country, Colin now translates literature into Bahasa Indonesian and raises funds for printing.

South Korea


The Picture in South Korea Malcom Parsley one month due to the oil price jump. Now both gasoline and diesel are over Measure by the Hour: $8 per gallon. We Do they really want to worship? drive only as we have to, but this is a Sister Choi on my right in the big city and things are far apart in time picture, drive two hours from the East (distance is only 15-25 miles across the in order to attend worship at Kang city, but it is all city driving). Nam. Brother Kim on my left comes Brother Paul Whitehead has just over two and one half hours from up finished his adult Bible study course on North. Next is another Kim family the church. It is 26 lessons. Brother that comes an hour and a half from Chung has this past month translated down south and, on the end, sister over ten lessons and, as he is trying to Kang and her husband (missing from finish up the translating, we are trying the picture) travel two and a half to get all the proof reading and formathours from the south on the freeway. ting done as soon as possible. We must Kwihwa and I, plus several others in raise funds for this much-needed the congregation, travel one hour or course, for the churches have no guided more. One needs to keep in mind study material, and many of the church Seoul is a metropolis of 16 million, leaders are not yet adequately knowlall living next to each other, and trafedgeable in the Word in order to propfic is getting worse. erly guide the congregation. Please be WEBPAGE UPDATE praying with us in this and help us as As you know, we share with you you can. We so much need material to the problems we have as well as the keep the brethren growing in unity. results that make us all happy. Well, CHURCH PROBLEM CAME; this past two months, the computer CHURCH PROBLEM GONE used for the webpage somehow re(we pray). ceived a virus that our virus blocker All mission fields conmissed. It was down over three weeks stantly face problems. However, some and most of that time has been spent problems are viewed as larger than othin reloading all of the files we had ers. Our more recent good-sized one is backed up. We faithfully do this just that among some of our more liberal in case of such incidents. We are up preachers (again, every misand running again, and are back to sion field has them, as even normal. Poor brother Kim has been Paul did) some got the idea working franticly to get this done. they wanted to become like As you can see in the picture of one the religious world around of the team’s “publishing” meetings, them, and get some more everything has to be checked and prestige and honor from man. double-checked. We have one tract Therefore, they decided they published. I am now waiting to see if were going to use the annual we can publish the rest in America for preachers’ meeting in August if we can, it will be much cheaper. to start laying hands on each Here prices of printing doubled in other and ordaining one an-

other as approved preachers (How divisive can some selfish people get?). I didn’t know about it (I wonder why?) until brother Kwak, one of our fine preachers on the island of Cheju, called and wanted to know if this was scriptural or not? Brother Ham and I put our heads together and sent him, as soon as possiTRACT MINISTRY IS COMING ALONG WELL; FIRST TRACT PUBLISHED

ble, the Scriptures and a few thoughts we had to show why ordaining was unscriptural. He, in turn, prepared the materials and sent them to several other preachers, as well as to those in charge of the program. The results were “it was officially decided that ordaining preachers was not going to be part of the program this year”. This gives us one more year to get a tract printed and distributed to all 112 churches. Please be praying with us in this. We really need to reprint all of the 52 tracts we printed in the 1970’s. They handled so many of these problems. Please pray for us and help us in this as you can. Thank you. ✞ Malcom Parsley has worked most of his adult life in South Korea. His contact information is ✞

“Publishing” team meeting


Philippines -- China

On the Brink of

History! Philippine Theological College Demar Elam Brethren, we are siting on the cutting edge of history regarding evangelism in the church of Christ during our lifetime! God has placed us in an “Open door” opportunity in the Philippines, in a position to do something monumental in evangelism for Christ. The Philippines have been referred to as “the gateway to Asia”. Philippine Theological College (PTC) is located in the region of Luzon and the province of Pangasinan. Here, we are training and equipping faithful Filipino men for ministry in the Philippines, their Jerusalem, but we are also preparing these talented young men for missionary service in China when God opens that door. When that day comes, we need to be ready for evangelism in that country of 1.3 billion souls. Yes, we need to prepare for China! Brethren, we were not trained and equipped for the task when God opened the door to the former Soviet Union. We had prayed for years about the opportunity, but we had not properly prepared to respond. We cannot afford to repeat that mistake regarding China! Philippine Theological College provides us with the tool for preparation for that challenge of souls when it comes to us. Because of the liberal gifts of those who have been supporting the “Open Door Ministry”, we have a campus and two buildings already in use. But we badly need a three-story multipurpose building that will house a dining hall, classrooms, office space,

Bible Literature for China The church in Spanish Fort, Alabama has been involved in reaching out to Chinese speaking people — both in the USA and in mainland China — for the past 14 years. One of the main thrusts of this ministry has been to provide bilingual [English & simplified Chinese] Bible lessons as well as religious and science articles to those who are searching for Truth. Written materials come from many different sources, including Edward Short & Edward Ho from World Christian Broadcasting in Franklin, TN; David Finch in Baton Rouge, LA; George & Martha Tien from Ohio; Daniel Hung at the Westside church in San Francisco; Eddie Cloer with Truth for Today in Searcy, AR; the Westbury church in Houston; John Grubb with Truth for the World in Duluth, GA and many more. If you, or someone you know in your congregation, have plans to go to China and would like to have any of these materials, please let us know. Also, if you would like to receive a catalog of available materials, please contact us at the address below. Likewise, if members of your congregation are involved in reaching out to Chinese people who are studying or working in the USA, please contact us. We will send 6-7 lessons or studies, once a month, free of charge, to anyone living in the USA or Canada. All materials are bi-lingual — both Chinese and English — which makes it easy for non-Chinese speakers to share them with Chinese friends. God has brought the nation of China to our doorstep — so please contact the Spanish Fort Church of Christ at P.O. Box 7305, Spanish Fort, AL 36577 or [email protected] for more information. ✞ and a men’s dormitory. This building will enable us to have lodging for fifty students. What a fabulous opportunity! Our dream is to have fifty men enrolled in the four-year program for service in the Philippines, and for future service in China. The twenty-nine new congregations and 1,300 souls baptized in this region of the Philippines alone gives us an idea of what can be done for Christ. So, it is in faith that we launch out in a fund-raising campaign for the new multipurpose building. The projected cost is $300,000, which is a substantial amount of money, but just think of the churches around our brotherhood that are constructing buildings that range anywhere from one to twenty million

dollars! In contrast, please think about what can ultimately be achieved with this building for the cause of Christ! Perhaps some individual Christian who has been blessed with wealth will decide to pay the entire cost of the building. Or, we may have to raise the needed amount by a grassroots fundraising effort of $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, etc., contributions. Whichever way God wants us to do it, I have faith that He will provide for His children, through His children. ✞ Dr. Demar Elam 18755 Moyers Road Athens, AL 35611 Phone: 256-230-0074 [email protected]

The newly established congregation on the campus of Philippine Theological College..



Japan Naoyoshi Fukushima and Yukikazu Obata The Japanese are success-driven people. We measure our success by how prestigious our job is and how much we have. We like to succeed, but it is difficult to be successful in life if you do not know the purpose or goal of life. Many people are seeking God or religion, but only to fulfill their dreams. Even Christians tend to do this. However, God does not exist to serve our purposes and to fulfill our dreams. We exist because God had a dream in eternity to create us in His image and to love us for eternity. We exist to serve God’s purpose. At the end, only God’s plan will be accomplished. There was a Christian boom and an American boom after World War II. The missionaries were able to baptize thousands and to start many congregations. The majority of the congregations that exist today were begun then, but many of these are dying now without ever learning how to grow. Back then there was no missions department in any of our colleges in America, but now there is. You American Christians have studied and learned so much since then. You have applied what you learned about establishing congregations here and elsewhere successfully. We would like to learn what you have learned and how you are doing it. I believe that Paul, as a missionary, kept on growing, and what he learned he shared with his co-workers and with churches he established. He wrote letters when he could not go personally, and he sent Timothy and Titus to com-

“stage” people went through. One of the reasons why Japanese Christians can abandon their faith is bec a u s e s o m ewhere in the bottom of their heart they perceive God in a pantheistic and polytheistic sense, rather than as Someone with Whom we have a living relationship.

Future Work in Japan

plete the tasks that were not quite finished yet. We would like for missionaries to stay longer when they come to Japan, or at least long enough to establish and develop churches. Time is not the real issue. During the allied military occupation of Japan, even the Emperor had regular Bible studies. People rushed to Gospel meetings held by American missionaries. Among our fellowship, it has been written that more than 5,000 people were baptized during this era. This was a great time of rapid growth. In retrospect, what happened in succeeding years? After only 25 years of missions, 0.8% of the population were Christians. But why are still less than 1% Christians after 60 years of missions? In the post-WWII period, 5,000 people were baptized, but why do we have only about 1,000 Japanese Christians today? Here I would like to point to the problem of so-called “ex-Christians”, or “former Christians”, “one-time Christians”, much like those who were at one time “hippies” or “communists”. Becoming a Christian was a

This is why we need more. We have had great periods of success using English, but what do we see now? From a larger historical perspective, we cannot be satisfied with only the current success of the English ministry in Japan. We need more. I would suggest that the future work in Japan would be in three areas: church planting, the partnership of Japanese and American Christians, and cultivating deeper spirituality. Church Planting — The churches are concentrated in Ibaraki, Tokyo, and Shizuoka. Why? Those are the places missionaries worked. We have not grown in other parts of Japan. Why? Because we have not planted churches much in other areas. Churches can lose the impulse to work redemptively among unbelievers. Chrisians turn inwardly, and they forget the world around them. I believe we need to think about going out and planting new churches. We need to to get over the survival mentality.

Continued on page 74

73 More than 100 years have past since the Gospel was brought to Japan. Churches and Christians have worked very hard to spread the Gospel throughout the country ever since, but still Christians remain less than one percent of the total population. The church of Christ is not an exception. The number of churches and Christians in our group has been decreasing. What is the reason for this? The Japanese are not necessarily against Christianity. Rather, they warmly accept it as a culture. Most are friendly toward Christianity and Christians, so why is it so difficult for them to believe the Gospel and to become a Christian? This is a crucial question when we think of evangelism in Japan. Why? I think there are three main reasons, three thorn bushes that make evangelism in Japan very difficult. First, the Japanese were at one time very religious people, but they lost their religious mind. As the economy began to pick up and gain success, the people became indifferent to spiritual things. At the end of World War II, Japan was in state of bankruptcy. We were extremely poor, but we had generous ears to listen to the message of the Gospel. In this time of poverty, churches of Christ grew rapidly. During the decade of 1945-55, more than 70 churches were founded and nearly


Japan: A Thorny Land Akira Hirose 5,000 people were baptized. However, in the course of economic growth Japan became rich and lost its interest in spiritual things. In other words, the Japanese began to worship material things. This is not a social phenomena exclusive to Japan, but may occur in any affluent society in the world. The problem of Japan was that the changes were so big and took place so fast that we failed to adjust ourselves properly. In other words, the worship of material things took the place of religious sentiment in the minds of the Japanese. The Japanese people became apathetic toward Christianity, and they no longer turn their faces toward the church. They just worry about what they shall eat or drink or wear. Secondly, the thorn bush of polytheism is another obstacle to evangelism in Japan. We have lived with Shintoism for thousands of years. Shintoism is a typical polytheistic religion, which says that there are eight million gods in the world. When Buddhism came to Japan via Korea in the sixth century, people accepted it without any hesitation because they thought it was another god to add to their long list of gods. They take their newborn babies to the Shinto shrine to pray for good fortune, and they bury their parents with a Buddhist funeral. However, in con-

trast, 75% of couples celebrate their marriage in a chapel with a Christian ritual. Why does such a strange thing happen in Japan? It happens because Japanese gods are relative beings and the relationship between god and man is also relative. A man can easily become a god. There is a god named Hirose and a shrine named Hirose. The Japanese believe gods can live among us. This image of god makes it difficult for Japanese to understand the true God. It has been hard for Japanese to know and recognize the God who is absolute, all mighty, and the only God we should Continued on page 74



Japan Continued from page 72

Partnership — McDonald’s and Seven-Eleven are both successful in Japan. Japanese people wanted to bring them to Japan, and since both were managed by Japanese people, they adjusted to fit the local culture. Both sides met and worked together! We need to be wise in employing various mission methods. Short-term or English ministry can amplify the central tasks of the church. However, they are terminal strategies and, by themselves, cannot create reproductive ministry. Japanese people have the sense of dependency, and if we depend solely upon American shortterm missions, there is a greater likelihood of producing “ex-Christians”. Concrete examples of American Christians and Japanese Christians consciously working together as partners to plant a church would be good. The genius of the “Let’s Start Talking” ministry in Japan is that it is reaching people in a nonthreatening environment. This has matched the timely need of the Japanese for globalization. Mito city’s AET’s are getting credentials and add credibility to the English ministry. Other private English schools also contribute to the credibility of the English ministry, but we need to be careful not to depend solely on short visits and “missionaries” whose experience and involvement in the local scene is one or two weeks. Deeper Spirituality — We need long-term, well-trained missionaries. English ministry is a “terminal” strategy. In order for us to make a transition from “terminal” ministries to “germinal” ministries which produce lasting fruit, we need a bridge. We need both Japanese Christians and American Christians who know both languages and cultures well. The healthy picture is to have long-term missionaries with adequate training in language, culture, and biblical

studies who can also utilize English and short-term ministries. There is a current tendency to “re-amateurize” missions by sending unprepared or under-prepared workers. One mission leader told me, “There is a great tide of missionary interest and giving. But it is geared

to a wide variety of vested interests, without a unifying focus. Missions, it seems, has become any Christian volunteering to be sent anywhere in the world at any expense to do anything for any time period. Is this the reamateurization of mission work?” (Ralph Winter). ✞

A Thorny Land Continued from page 73

worship. It also means that it is difficult to know God as the Creator and man as the creature. The Japanese have difficulty knowing the true meaning of sin. This means that it is difficult for Japanese to understand the core message of the Gospel. This is the main reason they stubbornly shut their hearts to it. The third thorn bush choking evangelism is community consciousness. The Japanese are not individualistic people. They belong to various communities such as family, work, neighborhood, friends, etc. They are strongly bound by the ties of communities. This core personality of the Japanese has been fostered in the course of thousands of years of history. The community consciousness is a very strong power to pull people back from Christianity. There are so many people who have studied the Bible with enthusiasm for a long time and even understood the meaning of the Gospel but still cannot become a Christian because they fear being different from the members of their community. So Japan is a difficult place to preach the Gospel. It is the land of thorn bushes. Even though churches and Christians work hard for the Gospel, few people are saved. It can be said that evangelism in Japan is not efficient or

productive. The output is very small compared to the input. Shall we abandon Japan and let the people surrender to the wild thorns and perish? No, never. Japan is one of the richest countries in the world, but the Japanese are one of the poorest nations, spiritually. Jesus Christ ordered us, “Be my witness to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:18). So we go out to preach the Gospel in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and now mainland China. Obviously, these places are also the “ends of the earth”, but Japan is one of the most remote places in the world. Yes, even spiritually Japan qualifies as one of the places where the Gospel should be preached. In the land of these thick thorn bushes, the tree of the kingdom is still alive and bearing some fruit. It is amazing grace, shown at the ends of the earth. Ephesians 3:20,21: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” ✞ This work is sponsored by the Park Avenue Church of Christ, 5295 Park Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, 381193543. Dwight and Josephine Albright serve as their missionaries in Japan.



Japanese Lantern Steve and Debbie Carrell

Here in the Ta c h i k a w a church, the Lord has been working among us in some truly marvelous ways, and we are happy to report some awesome results over the past couple of months. Baptisms Recently, Erin Simpson invited her friend from work, Phil Graves, to join us in several Bible studies. Masa Nonogaki came with David, Erin, and Phil over to our house where we talked about grace, faith, repentance, and baptism in relation to salvation in Christ. We had been studying with David’s brother, Brandon, who was baptized earlier, but at this point, Phil believed that his childhood baptism was sufficient for him. Phil did want to study, though. He met a young lady named Nickie Colvin at his work and invited her to come to worship. Masa and I continued our discussions with Phil, and included Nickie as well. Very soon, they both came to the conclusion that they wanted to be immersed into Christ; Phil realized that he had not really understood what he was doing at such a young age, and Nickie was so eager to become a Christian that she invited four or five friends from work to witness the event, which took place at the Yo kota building. Both were thrilled to have their sins washed away, to be filled with God’s Spirit, and now to look forward to their Lord’s return. A week before, Masa Nonogaki baptized Mr. Sawatari, a Japanese businessman with whom he had been studying for six months. We are

thrilled at these new additions to the Lord’s family and pray that He will enrich their faith, lead them in their spiritual growth, and help them to always bear much fruit for His kingdom. Gohdoh Reihai Early in the morning on April 29th, several of us from Tachikawa traveled three hours north of Tokyo to Ibaraki Christian College in Omika for the AllJapan Spring Worship (Gohdoh Reihai). For the first time, some of the military members from Yokota, along with several of their Japanese members, rented a van to go to Omika. We met them there for the day’s programs and fellowship. Brother Sugao Tadokoro spoke from Psalm 96:1-6 on Offering Abundant Worship. An afternoon discussion class was conducted in English by Chris Rosser from the Mito church on, Learning to Worship with Japanese Christians. Since several who had come from Yokota spoke only English and many AETs (American English Teachers) were present, Debbie and I thought we could be most useful in that class. A number of other longterm missionaries were also in the class, so sharing ideas about worshipping in a Japanese congregation seemed to be helpful for all involved. Yokota Classes ❆ Ladies — Our base pass has allowed Debbie and me several opportunities for fellowship with the Christians at Yokota. The Yokota ladies have a monthly Bible study, but often get together for birthdays, crafts, and anniversaries as well. ❆ Men — While the ladies meet for fellowship, the men decided to start a “Leadership Training” class. I’m teaching from Nehemiah on becoming leaders for God. Phil Graves also attended these classes before his baptism. All who have attended are highly motivated to study, discuss, and contribute their thoughts to the class. I believe the Lord is blessing these efforts to help

our men become more involved in taking leadership roles in the church. ❆ Japanese Class — We thought that a Japanese language and culture study might help Yokota members who are here for two or three years, to have some tools to be able to communicate more effectively with Japanese people. By starting the leadership class an hour earlier, we can use a second hour for Japanese study. This met with great enthusiasm and excitement. They should be able to read the Bible and sing songs in Japanese, while learning more about the Japanese people. ❆ Wed. p.m. — Our Genesis class finished a few weeks ago and Masa Nonogaki began a study of 1 and 2 Kings. He has done a masterful job of making a complicated study very interesting and understandable. When Phil and Nickie were baptized, Masa and I thought a study of “The Lord’s Supper” would be good, not only for our new Christians, but to enable the whole congregation to understand it better. For three weeks, we studied, “The Passover Feast” (background of the Supper); “The Meaning and Significance of the Lord’s Supper”, and some “Practical Considerations in Waiting on the Lord’s Table”. The whole church has enjoyed our discussions and we believe the Lord has enriched us all. As you can see, we are thrilled with all the Lord is doing at Yokota. Please pray that we will continue to grow spiritually, to be alert against the devil’s temptations, to be true to the Lord, and to learn better each day how to serve Him. God bless you all. ✞ Steve & Debbie Carrell work as misionaries in Japan. E-mail:[email protected] Web:

South Pacific


Reaching Islands and Nations with the Gospel Randy English Randy English and his family began bringing the Gospel to remote homes throughout the Pacific in 1989. Their work is overseen by the elders at the Forest Park Church of Christ. Based in American Samoa, they direct an extensive team of co-workers who serve to evangelize, edify, and equip. In 2004 they started Pacific Broadcast Network. Pacific Broadcast encompasses three types of work, each focusing on proclaiming the Gospel through radio broadcasts in the Pacific Islands. Radio Bible Program Production

First, Pacific Broadcast produces and distributes radio Bible programs to commercial stations and individuals in the Pacific Rim region. These programs are made available without charge and are supplied on CD, cassette, and digital file format. 24/7 FM Radio Station Network

Second, Pacific Broadcast operates an FM radio network in American Samoa. Licensed by the FCC in 2004, radio station KULA-LP FM 95.1 operates 24 hours a day/7 days a week. In just four years, God has blessed this radio network to grow far beyond our expectations and goals in reaching the villages of American Samoa with God’s precious Word. International Broadcast Facility

The third element of Pacific Broadcast is the development and operation of an International Broadcast Facility. By using the latest broadcast technology, this facility will bring the Gospel to millions of Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian people living throughout the Pacific rim area. Rather than focusing on the islands of just one nation, the facility will enable us to teach listeners in every nation in the Pacific, primarily through radio broadcasts. This vast region is represented by thousands of islands with many different languages. While English is used in

a varying degree in each of the Pacific Island nations, the International Broadcast Facility will also produce, distribute, and broadcast radio Bible programming in other languages as well. Utilizing the latest and most reliable technologies, the facility will bring the Gospel into millions of homes in the Pacific through FM, AM, HF (shortwave), satellite, and Internet. Completion of Phase 1 (which includes land acquisition, building, equipment, FCC licenses, and funding) will have the facility operating. God has blessed us to already have raised 50 percent of the funds needed to begin construction of the new International Broadcast Facility. Still, we need your financial help and prayers to achieve our goal of reaching every Pacific Island home with the Gospel! We would love the opportunity to share more with you regarding this fruitful work for the Lord and how it will help us to proclaim the Gospel everyday to remote islands. FM Radio: Bringing Godʼs Word To Thousands on Tutuila Island and Beyond

With the FM station broadcast fully underway, we are now able to focus on a second phase of improvements for this great work with which God has blessed us. First, we are making additions to the daily broadcast. One of the most recognizable needs is for us to present regular programming in the various languages that are used in our nation, with Samoan-language lessons being paramount. Other programming in Tongan, Korean, Philippine, and Chinese will likewise be added to the broadcast. Although the number of people using languages other than English and Samoan may be small, they nonetheless are present in the country of American Samoa and therefore we believe it is a

great opportunity to reach them with programming in their own languages. Second, architectural plans have now been completed for the radio station facility and construction is underway. Completion is expected by December 2008. The need for this facility is great, and once completed it will be of immediate use in advancing the station’s daily work. The new structure will house production, on-air broadcasting, and transmission equipment. Third, the station’s coverage area is being greatly expanded through the use of FM translators. An FM translator simply receives the primary signal of the radio station and then re-transmits it to hard-to-reach, distant areas. The simple but effective result of using FM translators in our broadcast chain is that more people can receive the signal in our country. We are presently utilizing three FM translators in conjunction with the primary FM station. In addition to these improvements, the radio station will be installing a new tower for its primary antenna, plus increasing its team of those providing excellent audio content for our daily broadcasts.  Short-wave Radio: The Way To Reach People In Every Nation of the Pacific!

Years ago, while I was working in the Solomon Islands, I had the privilege of studying with Gideon Alamu. Brother Gideon lives in a very remote area of the Western Province. One day after a long journey by canoe, we came upon this man and began studies. He was baptized and has remained faithful to God to this day! A few years later Gideon’s wife obeyed the Gospel. It’s just the two of them living in this extremely remote area on 120 acres of land, isolated from the rest of the world. We’ve continued returning to Gideon and his wife, to further teach Continued on page 78



Dr. John Bailey Body and Soul Ministries led a Medical Mission to Butuan, Mindanao, Philippines. Dr. Samuel Cariaga organized the entire event and did a superb job. He couldn’t have done this without the assistance of his wife, Elvie. We worked more than 12 hours each day of the clinic and treated over 2,400 patients. I also visited places in and around Cebu where I have worked for several years. The Center Point Church in Bagiou was celebrating its fifth birthday, and I was asked to be the speaker at the morning worship. I spent many hours with the staff and members, encouraging and instructing them. From Bagiou, I traveled to Medan, Indonesia. I was planng to assist· in the cataract surgery clinic Caris Foundation International sponsored in North Samatra. I arrived at Medan about midnight, and the next morning at five, I was getting ready to drive to North Samatra when I fell on some stairs and injured my back. I spent five days in the hospital and twelve days recuperating before I could fly home. While I was recuperating, the medical mission team completed 103 eye surgeries. Later, I met Ron Brown of Agape China in Shenyang, China. This is the city where we do the cleft lip/palate surgeries. The purpose of this trip was to locate a hospital and hotel that could serve the needs of our team. Surgeons from China, Italy and USA will be working together. On the way back from China, I stopped in Manila and spent some time encouraging fellow workers. In Cebu, I visited for the first time the “Give a Kid a Goat” program that is organized by Salvador Cariaga. The program is meeting with much success and has a

great potential to help move hundreds of families out of poverty. Dr. Samuel Cariaga will be working for BandS for the next few months. This allows us to do a lot of work in needy places, even when I cannot be present. A total of 890 patients were treated by Dr. Sam and his team in Buena Vista, Cagayan de Oro, San Felipe, Tacurong, and Tangtanza. The planned clinic last year in one of these towns was cancelled because of radical Muslim bomb threats. Because of our connections in China and the Philippines, we were

nantly Muslim area. He treats up to 100 patients a day in those missions, sometimes late into the night. Early in 2009, Dr. Sam will revisit Siagao Island where he conducted his first medical mission as a young doctor about 20 years ago. He was offered by his parents a gift to vacation anywhere after receiving his degree. Instead, he chose to go to Siargao as a medical missionary. I was with him in that adventure. There was no electricity in that isolated island then, no running water. He, along with other doctors, treated patients using kerosene lamps, past midnight, for several days. Siargao now has electricity, but the people there are just as poor as before. They need medical attention. Two thousand to three thousand patients are expected to be treated during that time. We need help recruiting medical doctors and other health care providers for mission trips. Physicians, dentists, nurses, Continued on page 78

able to move quickly in response to the disasters in Myanmar and China. Workers from the Philippines were among the first to get into the areas of Myanmar that were most affected. We have teamed with Agape China to help care for 400 children made orphans by the earthquake. Dr. Sam is a one-man medical team. He travels around the Philippines helping the poorest of the poor where little or no medical services are available. The people he treats, or those who come to him, usually have no other means. He is their last resort. He is known to walk to isolated villages that have never seen a doctor before. He has been to rebel-infested hinterlands. Recently, he was in a predomi-

Patients waiting for treatment.

Pacific Islands


Body and Soul Ministries Continued from page 77

if you have been thinking about making a mission trip, let us know as soon as possible of your interest. If you would like to join “Doc Sam” in Siargao or other missions, please write to him at [email protected] or contact Dr. John Bailey of Body and Soul Ministries at [email protected]. For US and international volunteers, you may call Salvador Cariaga to help organize your local travel and accommodation at 817 480 1287or [email protected] Dr. Sam’s humanitarian work is sponsored by Body and Soul Ministries and Caris International Foun-

dation in partnership with the churches of Christ in the Philippines and around the world. PS. Livelihood workshops such as goat raising and soap making will be made available to patients while waiting their turn to see the doctors. Preachers will also be available to provide counseling. Dr. John Bailey, BandSMinistries, P.O. Box 1926, Colleyville, Texas 76034; 817 480 1287; [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected]

Reaching Islands ... Continued from page 76

and establish them in the faith. At Gideon’s native thatch home, he has a short-wave radio. I’ve wondered many times about what programs Gideon hears, thinking to myself, “What if we could reach Gideon (and many others like him) with Gospel teaching and preaching through our developing facility?” Because of the distance, we can’t reach him very often, now, but with short-wave capability, he and many others like him will be able to hear us every day! Short-wave radio is far superior than other types of broadcasts in our part of the world, because of its ability to reach long distances. Short-wave radio reaches across borders, but has no immigration requirements. Short-wave receivers are popular in the Pacific Island nations and readily available, allowing people to listen to the broadcasts in their own homes. As with any great “tool” used in teaching God’s Word, radio broadcasting is not intended to be an absolute replacement for Christians teaching the lost “face to face”, but even the apostles and Jesus recognized that, in their absence, their words through letters would teach, encourage, and equip others. Today, their words can do the same for millions of people in the Pacific through short-wave broadcasting. ✞ Randy & Sharon English are strong spiritual leaders for the work in American Samoa and the Pacific Islands. Continue to pray for Randy, in his recovery from cancer. They are sponsored by the Forest Park Church of Christ in Forest Park, Georgia. P.O. Box 1268, Pago Pago, American Samoa  96799 [email protected] ; [email protected]

Simple, New Testament Christianity In The Village Of Mand Scott Shanahan It certainly is an exciting time for the Lord’s work in Pohnpei. This month we had the blessing of worshipping for the very first time in the village of Mand. There were just nine souls in the small concrete house, with the noise of the dogs and pigs ever present in the background, but that did not stop us from worshipping in spirit and in truth! It was Rekina Abraham’s first time to commune with the saints in the Lord’s Supper, which is always a special time. Rekina’s husband, Johnson, who is not a Christian, paid close attention to the lesson and, the Lord willing, will soon make the decision to come to Christ. Asher helped lead the worship by leading prayers and reading Scripture, and the singing was simply beautiful. The congregation is in the beginning stages, so for the next few weeks we will be meeting with them every other Sunday morning and with the congregation in Kolonia on the opposite Sundays. We are also meeting with them every Thursday for midweek Bible class. Currently we are meeting in the home of one of the members, but we have just learned that there might be an opportunity to build a small building right on the main road in the village. This young congregation is excited to serve and worship the Lord, but they are not without problems. One family offered to let us use their house for worship, but then changed their mind when a large denominational group in the village pressured them. Also one of the members is facing some serious persecution from friends and relatives for her decision to put on Christ in baptism. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to try to do the right thing. ✞ Scott & Rebecca Shanahan, PO Box 2467, Kolonia PNI 96941, Federated States Of Micronesia. They are sponsored by the McDonough Church of Christ in McDonough, Georgia.



Philippine Evangelistic Campaign — Leyte Reuben Emperado How do we measure success? To say that the third yearly Leyte Evangelistic Campaign was a success would be an understatement. I am saying this not because I am a member of this team, but because I saw God’s hand in it the minute we left Cebu and joined our partners in Southern Leyte.

Reuben, in the center, with Dem and Tabar, members of the campaign team.

The four members of the mission team from Cebu took a night trip by boat via Hilongos. From Hilongos, we went straight to Bontoc to Samson Octobre’s house where he and company were waiting. HINUNANGAN: After a short rest we hit the road straight to Hinunangan, which was two hours away from Bontoc. We conducted a Gospel meeting that night. Two souls responded, soliciting our prayers. We stayed in Hinunangan for two days. After we left, they had several baptisms and the restoration of one big family that had been meeting with a Pentecostal group. We are glad that our visit had a positive impact on the brethren there. ST. BERNARD: The church in St. Bernard was born out of the tragedy that happened almost five years ago, in which more than 2,000 people were buried alive when the entire village was covered by a massive landslide. After that tragedy, a new work was opened in the resettlement site. Christian workers were tending not only to physical needs

of the victims but most especially to their spiritual needs. In the resettlement site, a temporary multi-purpose building was used by the church. Now that the people are settled in their permanent houses, the church is renting a small house as their meeting place. We conducted a two-night Gospel meeting. Most of the members here are new, relatives of the landslide tragedy. They were greatly encouraged by our visit. Another campaign point was Libas, which is around 12 kms towards the mountain. Libas church is the oldest congregation on the island of Leyte. Most of the leaders and pillars of the churches in Leyte come from this small village. When we arrived, the brethren had prepared a feast. In the evening we conducted another Gospel meeting which resulted in two baptisms. The church in Libas has been in existence since the sixties; however due to heavy migration away from the remote village, the church has remained small and its members have grown older through the years. ORMOC CITY: The church in Ormoc City needs a lot of spiritual help. Members are discouraged and there is no apparent leadership. The church building is unfinished, and the Filipina wife of the former missionary plans to sell this property. This unfinished building was our base of operation while we were working around the city. We stayed here for one week, working also with other small churches in the area. SAN VICENTE: A two-night Gospel meeting was held in San Vicente, in front of the house of brother Erning Manorina. This meeting has generated a revived interest among the neighbors of brother Erning. Now they are doing home studies with them. Their building is still unfinished. They need 10 galvanized roofing sheets to totally cover their roof, and cement for their flooring. The

brethren have already exhausted their local funds. They have bought the land and are doing their best to build their own building. Now it is our turn to help those who are willing to help themselves. TRIP TO VIETNAM: Jun Arcilla and I flew to Vietnam this past December for our first teaching commitment to our Vietnamese brethren. This 12day trip was a testing of the water for future work there. I remember John Scott’s statement in Cebu, during our inter-congregational worship, when he challenged us to be the epicenter of evangelism for the whole of Asia. PIBS NEEDS BOOKS: Our school library needs good books, Bible Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries and more. If you know of some people who want to donate their books for good use, please tell them that we are in desperate need. ✞ Reuben Emperado has served the churches thoughout the Philippines for many years. He may be contacted at [email protected].

New Zealand


Gidday from New Zealand Rod Kyle Gidday from “Down-under”! The waves of flu that have come my way over the past three months (N.Z. has had an epidemic) have had me concentrating on practical tasks. So I have been keeping on with my practical evangelism, processing my backlog of library books, counseling, making campaign preparations, doing recruitment, promotion, and even a little bit of preaching, continuing “work Center” planning and preparations, involvement with new Christians, helping brethren move, ordering in more DBBF books and doing home improvements and repairs. Not much going on down here! But the exciting news is the conversion of Ryan and Andrea Tuunga. Allan Fowell, our local preacher, taught and baptized them in September. They have four beautiful children. If Ryan continues to grow his faith, I am hopeful that next year we can make a trip to his Pacific Island of Tokelau, to share the Good News with his village, and leave behind a congregation of the Lord’s people. Tokelau is smack in the middle of the Pacific ocean. I also completed the setting up of a Trust for the New Plymouth church. It is now able to be registered with the N.Z. Government as a Charitable Trust and the members can get a tax refund on their contributions. The Trust deed has over eight doctrinal ‘fish-hooks’ in it, to avoid liberal brethren or denominational religionists getting their hands on the Lord’s resources that have been building up in the local work over the past 20 years.

The New Zealand Campaign for Christ:

We have just concluded the 21st N.Z. Campaign for Christ in Palmerton North. Twenty-one workers participated. About sixteen worked the full two weeks on the campaign. We knocked over 4,000 doors and spoke

to more than 1,800 souls, setting up fifty-two home Bible study appointments. We found seventy-plus souls worth calling back on to develop towards a study. And there is a team of five workers carrying on the followup. Based on past efforts, we expect there to be two to six conversions from this effort. The campaign team was made up of five workers from the U.S., two from Australia Kent OʼDonnell, Rod Kyle, and Nathan Paki, Gospel and the rest from around N.Z. preachers in New Zealand. There was an extensive use of red, my first boy. He is now getting the The Voice of Truth International by serious about attending the degree prothe workers in this effort. gram at the Bear Valley Bible Institute. James Cammock So I’ll keep you informed of his plans Now at Southwest: and progress. James Cammock is now studying FHU Worker to Help at the Southwest School of Biblical in New Plymouth: Studies in Austin, Texas, and loving it. Tiffany Bolks, a missionary stuHe also has all of his needed support. dent from Freed Hardeman University, So thank you from the heart, for those has worked the past twelve months in wonderful brethren who contacted him Palmerston North. After the camand helped him. I think your trust in paign, she plans to broaden her experihim will be well placed. ence in N.Z. and come and work with The next young man to get off to Allan and me in and around New “School” from N.Z. might well be JaPlymouth. She will be a benefical addition to the work we are doing in this area. The church here will be helping her some with her support, but we are grateful for those churches and Christians in the U.S. who are making her work “down-under” with us possible. ✞

Happy campaign workers in Plamerston North.

Rod Kyle, long-time worker in New Plymouth, NZ, currently is a preacher “at large” for the country. Email: RodandGaye [email protected]


New Zealand

Kent O’Donnell from Palmerston North, New Zealand We currently have 2 studies continuing after the FHU campaign. Nathan has been teaching a lady named Sonjia, and in his words, “She is not far from the kingdom of God” (cf. Mk.12:34). They are discussing the topic of miracles at the moment, but after that she will hopefully obey the Gospel. I am studying with a man named Marcus. He has disagreed with denominationalism for a long time and has been quite unhappy with some of the answers his religious leaders have given him concerning other matters. He has been constantly amazed by the content of our lessons and said what he has seen in the Bible is very different from what he has been taught in the past. Right now he is chewing over his need to be baptized correctly. Next time we get together, I will also press more firmly his need to be a member of the correct church. A third study we are engaged in is with a man named Stephen who was reached through the Intelligent Design book. He is a scientist, teaching at our local university. He actually attended the first creation seminar we had last year, during which he posed some questions to Brad Harrub. Between then and

The Palmerston North Church of Christ in New Zealand. Kent McDonnell, on the left, is the preacher.

now his views have undergone a huge change. He now believes the universe is the result of divine creation. ✞ Kent and Rachael OʼDonnell live at 44 Suzanne Gr., Palmerston North 4414, New Zealand. Ph.: 011-64-6-3544944. E-mail: [email protected]. They are sponsored by Central Church of Christ, 200, 25th St. N.W., Cleveland TN, 37311. 37311. Ph. 423-476-8941; Contact: Scott Medlin, [email protected]

Australian church Pioneer Leaves to Be with God Allan Ernest Flaxman 26 March 1916--July 2008


At age 92 Allan was perhaps our oldest link to the church of the early 1900s in Australia. He was baptised by John McGregor in the Sydney at the age of 12. John was one of the three or four men in Australia who stood firm against the use of instrumental music in worship in the church towards the close of the 19th century. Allan became an outstanding Gospel preacher, highly respected in the churches throughout Australia and the USA for his work in Sydney, being instrumental in encouraging many missionaries from the USA to work in, and build the church in Australia. His formal training was received at Abilene Christian College in Texas in the years 1947-1949. This was a period of his life that was very special to him. Tent meetings, missions, campaigns in and around Sydney and throughout many parts of Australia, and regular preaching, Bible classes, men’s training classes, teaching men to become preachers/evangelists, personal one-on-one Bible studies were his life. In a mission field where the response to the Gospel is minimal, Allan successfully pursued his dream of sharing the Word of Jesus with as many as he could. Allan had experienced heart complications over the past 30 years. He had a mild heart attack on Thursday, 24 July, but

was expecting to be released from the hospital within a couple of days. Then suddenly another heart attack on Saturday ended his journey here on earth. Allan will be sadly missed by many in this world and especially by his family. His wife, Val, and daughter, Gaye, were by his side at the end, with his son, Bryan, and his wife, Terri, arriving shortly after. Allan’s first wife (Gaye & Bryan’s mother), Alice, died in December 1976. As recently as Friday, as Bryan and Terri sat by his bed in Blacktown hospital, he expressed his concern for the future of the church. He saw that the direction that many congregations were taking in Australia and overseas was away from and contrary to what God had shown us in His Word. His desire was that the churches return to the concept of restoring Christianity to the original model, avoiding the denominational ideas that are quickly overtaking and plaguing the Lord’s church once again. Perhaps as we say goodbye to such a man of courage and faith, we should feel it is incumbent upon us, if we have any regard for our own souls and the souls of those we influence, if we have any regard for God who we claim as Lord, to revisit our beliefs — what we teach and practice — and determine now to return to what God’s will is in matters of worship and all parts of the doctrine of God. We are confident that Allan is now resting in the security of the presence of God, rejoicing in the company of the faithful that preceded him. May the name of God be praised and may that praise be a sweet aroma to Him who saves us by His grace. -- Bryan Flaxman



News from Tasmania, Australia Dennis Gresham Baptisms This year there have been five baptisms: Janessia who is a refuge from Sierra Leon, Josh Troy who is the boy friend of one of our members, Jeff Roper, who contacted us through our Yellow Page ad, and Hannah Wells, who is the daughter of Greg and Katie. Brenda Smith was baptised at the Easter Camp.

Mission Trip Two of our young ladies just spent six weeks in Rajahmundry, INDIA working with orphaned children. This year at our Bible Camp, attended by 100+, a young man from India came and told us about his work among the orphan children there. Ruth Sinclare and Gemma Wells were touched by his message and paid their own way to go and work with Raja Vijay Kumar, a member of the church. The ladies’ class at our congregation also decided they wanted to help in some way with the work there, so they (the ladies) saved up $1,000 (in coins), which Ruth and Gemma took with them to help feed the children. Now the ladies’ class is putting together packages of clothes and toys which will be sent out next week.

This is the picture of the little church building in Highcroft where the John Smith family meet each Lord’s

day. That is John in the photo. Highcroft is about 2 hours from Hobart, and we travel there each 5th Sunday to worship with them. About once a month John and his family travel to meet with us.

Mission Work The congregation now has 95 members with visitors most Sundays. We still support men in Vietnam, Africa, Philippines and ______, although the worker there (________) has had to flee the country for his own safety. He is hopeful of being able to return to his wife and children and the rest of the brethren there soon. I would like to ask you to pray for __________. Let me give you a little background about him and the brethren in _______. Solomon, who is _____’s cousin and who was converted in early 2005, was betrayed by his wife to his _______ uncle who had him imprisoned and tortured. Then they just let him out without explanation. The sad news is that he was murdered (we don’t have the details) sometime shortly after his release. _________ fled _____ and went to a refugee camp in Ukraine. His wife, ________, is still in _________ with the four children. She does not know where _______ is, and we can’t get word to her. We got a call from a member of the church in Ukraine who visited him in the refugee camp. The other Christian there whom we have contact with, _______, is not answering the phone number we have for him. Anyway, at this time we are asking everyone to pray for them, especially Solomon’s two young sons and ______. This sad news from ________ has us all in mourning. _________ was originally converted by one of our members through internet Bible studies. This congrega-

tion has supported the work there for four years and basically have weekly contact with then. Brother Rick Walker, working in the Ukraine, said this of _________: “This man is a very, very good man! I have been in ministry almost 30 years, and I do not believe I have ever met a man with more sincerity of faith and purity of heart. He is a real joy to be around, and in the very short time he has been here, my family has already found a very special place in our hearts for him. He is a very rare jewel! Yesterday he told me that when he was a Muslim and went to the mosque, he was always praying, ‘Lord, help me find the right way. Then, I found the WBS advertised in the newspaper.’ “His great desire, once he gets settled, is to study Bible formally. He can do that right here! I am a Sunset teacher at the distant city of Donetsk in Ukraine. I have a number of preachers who take classes from me and receive full credit at the school in Donetsk. Thus, I can teach _______ much! This week we will be starting an academic study of the Pastoral Epistles. “I told ______ that the Lord has brought him to Kiev for a purpose. I believe that as much as I have ever believed anything in my ministry career. As I have walked around the city with ______ I have noticed how easily and casually black men approach each other and talk about where they are from, where they are staying, exchange addresses and phone numbers. “This being the case, I have been thinking — there is a large refugee population in Kiev and Ukraine. Perhaps the Lord has brought ______ here to study and begin a teaching ministry among the refugees? In the short time he has been here he has also learned that there is a particular city/village in western Ukraine to which almost all _________ refugees migrate. “Perhaps, after things get settled down, I will go with ______ and visit this city.” ✞ [email protected] Internet Bible Study @ [email protected]

Do You Want the Best in Life? Betty Burton Choate Of course! All of us do! But let me ask more specifically, drawing from our personal experiences: ✟ Do you want to feel the peace and joy of total surrender to God? ✟ Do you want to wake up each morning with the prayer, “Father, I am Yours to use; this day is Yours to use; whatever You have committed to my care is Yours to use —” ✟ Do you want to work with the “cream” of the Lord’s church, congregationally and individually? ✟ Do you want to see the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise, ”And everyone

who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29)?

✟ Do you want to KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT? If you want this kind of “best” in life, let me tell you how you can achieve it. 1. Commit yourself to be a seed, free to be sown WHEREVER God wants you to grow; that may be right there where you already live, or it may be in a mission area of the US, or it may be ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! If you “let go”, He will do the opening of doors and closing of doors, so that you will ultimately be where He wants you to be. (But remember, there is purpose in your situation and your location now — you are there to grow and produce, not to wait until what you think should happen does happen. Maybe you are in a “waiting” state, but God has no time for you to waste; work where you are, while you are there.) 2. Prepare yourself for the work that is in your heart. Most Chris-

tians prepare themselves for secular careers, choosing (perhaps unknowingly) to do battle every day with a secular world on the world’s turf. But if you choose to do battle with Satan in the spiritual warfare, instead of secular struggle, it’s such a different perspective and different life. So, I would encourage you to desire to preach, to teach, to go to a mission field, to be 100% in outreach and evangelism. EQUIP yourself for that life, so that God can use all the talents you have, and multiply them, as he did with Moses and others of His great servants. 3. Be ready for opposition. Satan will raise barriers. He will try to discourage you. You will look at the hurdles of raising fund — begging— the seeming “insecurity” of launching out on the mercy of the brotherhood. But let me assure you, through almost fifty years of living that life of “begging” and “insecurity” that your faith will be strengthened daily as you see God’s many ways of taking care of you and your needs and the needs of the work you are doing with Him. 4. Yes, there will be challenges, but faith and strength grow only through such challenges. These are useful tools in God’s hands; don’t be afraid of them. 5. You will learn that those in the church who are concerned about people they’ve never met are a taste of heavenly fellowship on earth. They will love you and encourage you and support you every step of the way. 6. Your work in foreign places will bring a harvest of souls who will become your spiritual children and grandchildren. Because of your mutual love, whatever they

have will be yours, and the world will become your “houses” and “lands” and family. We live in troubled times. We cannot know what lies ahead for ourselves or for our country, or what tragic changes may be on the horizon. Often even tragedy and great hardship are God’s best tools for awakening a sleeping people and bringing them back to Him. But, even in troubled times, if we have truly committed our all to God, we can rest in the assurance that He will make everything all right. In such dire situations, He will be the only safe haven for any of us. I urge you to run to that safe haven now, and know the priceless joy and peace of being co-workers with Him in the life of winning souls. If you want to learn more about this promise, write to me and ask me to send you a copy of First Steps in Faith, a book I wrote many years ago as a young wife and mother, learning to live by faith in Pakistan. Numerous ones who are serving in mission fields today have told me that that book was a great help and inspiration to them. I’ll send it free of charge, because I want to do anything possible to help you know the wonderful life I’ve been privileged to live in the mission fields of the world with God and my family. ✞

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