Gita Govinda (english)

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GétäGovinda 


Géta Govinda

By Çréla Jayadeva Gosvämé

· · · ©GAURANGA press

Géta Govinda

  Introduction..............................................................Error: Reference source not found Jayadeva’s Fame....................................................Error: Reference source not found Jayadeva’s Padmävaté..........................................Error: Reference source not found Jayadeva’s Language............................................Error: Reference source not found Chapter One - Sämoda Damodara- Dämodara’s Amusement ..........Error: Reference source not found Chapter Two - Akleça Keçava - Undisturbed Keçava. .Error: Reference source not found Chapter Three - Mugdha Madhusüdana-Love-Blind Madhsüdana....Error: Reference source not found Chapter Four - Snigdha Madhusüdana -Affectionate Madhsüdana...Error: Reference source not found Chapter Five - Säkäìkña-Puëòarékäkñaù- Kåñëa,the Passionate Lotuseyed One.........................................................................Error: Reference source not found Chapter Six- Sotkaëöha-Vaikuëöhaù - Kåñëa, the cheeky, carefree lover..................................................................................Error: Reference source not found Chapter Seven - Nägara Närayäëa-Kåñëa, the fallacious, flirtatious romantic..........................................................................Error: Reference source not found Chapter Eight -Vilakñya Lakñmépati-Kåñëa,Vräja-Lakñmé Rädhä’s incomparable lover......................................................Error: Reference source not found Chapter Nine- Mugdha Mukunda-Love-bewildered Mukunda.............Error: Reference source not found Chapter Ten - Mugdha Mädhava-Love-blind Mädhava..........Error: Reference source not found Chapter Eleven - Sänanda Dämodara-Blissful Dämodara...Error: Reference source not found Chapter Twelve - Supréta-Pétämbara Kåñëa, dashing fellow dressed in yellow ..............................................................................Error: Reference source not found ...............................................................................................................................................




Géta Govinda

Introduction · · ·

Gétä Govinda (The song of Govinda) is one of ancient India’s most renowned classics; it lucidly focuses on Rädhä and Kåñëa intimate love affairs. Sensuous is Jayadeva’s sweet language, yet his message in Gétä Govinda paints the accurate picture, for our Çré Govinda is ‘Amorous love Personified’ Gétä Govinda is for the bhaktas who wish to know about this side of Kåñëa’s personality; and Jayadeva begins by saying so: ‘’Hey rasikä bhaktas! Would you like to freshen your minds in remembering Çré Kåñëa’s madhura pastimes? Are you curious to know about His romantics activities (with the Vräja gopés)? Then, by all means, let’s go begin to hear the sweet, heart rendering poetry composed by Jayadeva.’’ As Kåñëa is depicted as Sångara Räsa Personified,naturally,His bhaktas will strive to follow in the wake of His amorous desires to serve Him.Gétä Govinda provides the intriguing purport to this account.Jayadeva’s language is bubbling over with sångara;perhaps because; he too ,is a romantic, or a rasicä, as Çré Kåñëa.

Géta Govinda


Sex,in our world, is one thing….yet the sångara (divine, erotic love) descriptions which flow from Çré Jayadeva’s pen are coming from a completely different realm).The two compare like the opposite poles on the sphere.Sex (in most cases) binds us to this world: yet Kåñëa’s sångara is liberating. Its transcendental quality can be the very cause for a bhakta’s taking a spiritual birth right within Kåñëa, Våndävana lélä.Hearing about it just a little bit has amazing side-effects.Gétä Govinda’s seventh chapter affirms: ‘’Hearing Çré Jayadeva,s descriptions of Çré Kåñëa’s rati-keli-lélä (lovemaking pastimes) can purify all of the impurity of Kali Yuga’’ Thus rasicä bhaktas can employ such hearing like a toll; it will serve as the needle for removing the thorn of perverted, selfish sex desire, which plagues one’s heart. This siddhänta is confirmed in the Bhägavatam: ‘’By the constant faithful hearing, or speaking, about Kåñëa’s pastimes with the gopés,one attains param-bhakti.With such bhakti’s help, one then gains sense control, the ability to remove lust from the heart, and peace’’

Jayadeva’s fame Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé is a forerunner or a trendsetter with his style of Giti Kavya (poetic prose which is meant for singing). Gétä Govinda has been copied by the greatest poets, who earnestly tried, but who could never duplicate its charm. Rupa Gosvämé follows his style in Gétävali, Çréla Prabodhananda Saraswati follows suit in Saìgéta Mädhava, as Govinda dasa’s poetry and Raya Ramananda’s Jagannätha-vallabhä play also do. More over,Çré Rupa’s BhaktiRäsamåta-sindhu and Ujjvala-nilamani ,as well as Kåñëa dasa Kaviraj’s Caitanya Caritämåta, include many reference taken from Gétä Govinda.Yet perhaps the greatest credit which can be attributed to Jayadeva is that Bhagavan Çré Kåñëa Caitanyadeva would Himself regularly relish Gétä Govinda’s Räsa in the company of Raya Ramänanda and Svärupa Damodara.Hence readers are assured that in taking Gétä Govinda to heart, they are the authentic, pleasure-filled world of Rädhä-Govinda’s prema keli. · · · Jayadeva’s Padmävaté Padmävaté was an exceptionally beautiful and talented woman, who, from early childhood, learned how to sing and dance for the pleasure of Lord Jagganätha at Puri. When she became of marriageable age, Padmävaté was


Géta Govinda

wedded to Jayadeva by the wish of Lord Jagannath, Who personally appeared to her father in a dream to give an order. Because Jayadeva mentions her in many places in Gétä Govinda, her love surely must have inspired his writing. Although, in using the name ‘’Padmävaté’’, Jayadeva also refers to Çrémati Rädhärani, the source of every Lakñmé. · · · Jayadeva’s language Most readers of this edition will not know sanskåt, nevertheles; the sanskåt has been left in. The reason is that Jayadeva’s language has a powerful effect, like that of the mantra. Just as the Käma bija and the Käma gayatri infuse within their reciters prema anuräga for Våndävana’s transcendental Cupid-Mädana-mohana, so does the mantra-çakti contained within each line of Gétä Govinda. · · ·

           

Chapter One Sämoda Damodara Dämodara’s amusement  Nandi Sloka-(The opening verse) 1) One evening Kåñëa was with his father Nanda at the goshala.Seeing Rädhärani and Her sakhés,however,Nanda said:

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‘’O Rädhike! My child easily becomes frightened. Yet look at the sky filled with ominous clouds…and the forest is dark with tamala trees. Therefore, can You escort Kåñëa back to the house?’’ At Nanda’s request,Rädhä and Mädhava sneak away through the forest nikunjas to the Yamunä’s shore for enjoying secret love-play; let us ever-glorify this raha keli. 2) Sarvalaksmimayii Rädhika’s foremost servant,Jayadeva (also known as Padmävaté submissive lover),whose heart-abode is ever filled with lélä poetry, has written this story portraying Çré Kåñëa’s rati-keliii pastimes. 3) Hey rasikä bhaktas!Would you like to freshen your minds in remembering Çré Kåñëa’s madhura pastimes? Are you curious to know about His romantics activities (with the Vräja gopés)?Then, by all means, let’s go begin to hear the sweet, heart rendering poetry composed by Jayadeva. (Note: Two songs named Çréta Kämala and Dañävatarastotra are omitted in this translation)

26) When Madhusüdana fondled Vräja -Lakñmé Rädhä’s breasts, their kunkuma rubbed onto His broad chest. Thus it appears that His heart’s deep love came out to display itself! Yet owing to His lovemaking fatigue with Her, His chest get soaked in perspiration.O reader! Let this flood inundate you with divine bliss. 27) It is spring, and Rädhä’s soft kiçori body appears just like spring flowers. Yet now Cupid tortures Her as She roams the forest searching for Kåñëa.Thus to console Rädhä, Her sakhé affectionately sings this madhura song: Vrindavana’s Spring Season (vasanta räga,jati tala) 28) Hey sakhé Rädhe! Look, the lovely lavanga latas are tossing in the gentle, southern breeze as the humming bees and the singing kokilas enliven the nikunja mandira with their sweet mirth. This Rasamaya season tortures those (like Yourself) who are separated from their lover. Surely Kåñëa is enjoying springs vana vihara as He dances with Vräja kiçoris. 29) Sakhé Rai!As the busy bees joyfully extract pollen from the blooming bakula flowers, every love-lorn,young girl cries for her beloved. (Chorus:Sure!Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.)

i ii

the source of every Lakshmi divine lovemaking


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30) O Rädhe!The blossoming tamala leaves fragrance outmatch the scent of musk; yet the blooming palasa flowers, like Cupid’s fingernails, tear the heart of every young girl. (Surely Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.) 31) Sakhé Rai! This blooming naga-keñara flower’s look just like Cupid’s golden umbrella; yet those roses encircled by bees from His quiver. (Surely Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.) 32) Seeing the world’s modesty disappearing, the grapefruit trees smile with their new buds; but the lovely ketaki flowers pointed petals, as if teeth bite the young afflicted by romantic desire. (O Rädhe! Surely Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.) 33) The madhavi and the nava mallika’s delicate fragrance enliven the atmosphere. Although spring steals the muni’s minds, it also becomes the genuine friend of every young romantic. (O Rädhe! Surely Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.) 34) The madavi latas tenderly embrace the mango trees, which ecstatically horripilate with flowering the Yamunä’s mist, moistens the forest. (O Rädhe! Surely Kåñëa is enjoying spring’s vana vihara as He dances with the Vräja kiçoris…but He tortures those in separation from Him.) 35) Spring follows after Cupid, for it incites amorous desire.O readers, let Jayadeva’s Rasa filled description of Vrindavana’s spring season awaken meditation on life’s essence: Çré Govinda’s lotus feet. 36) dara-vidalita-mallé-valli-caïcat-parägaprakaöita-paöa-väsair väsayan känanäni | iha hi dahati cetaù ketaké-gandha-bandhuù prasarad-asama-bäëa-präëavad-gandhavähaù 37 ) unmélan-madhu-gandha-lubdha-madhupa-vyädhüta-cütäìkurakréòat-kokila-käkalé-kalakalair udgérëa-karëa-jvaraù | néyante pathikaiù kathaà katham api dhyänävadhäna-kñaëa präpta-präëa-samägama-rasolläsair amé väsaräù 38) aneka-näré-parirambha-sambhramasphuraë-manohäri-viläsa-lälasam | murärim äräd upadarçayanty asau sakhé samakñaà punar äha rädhikäm

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***** Çré Kåñëa’s Vasanta Lila (Kåñëa’s playful activities in the spring) 39) Then Rädhika spots Murari! (…and Her guess is right :) He is enjoying enchanting love-play with many beautiful gopés as they musingly embrace and fondle one another! Rädhä’s sakhé begins describing the scene: (Ramakari Räga,yati tala) 40) Vanamali wears yellow garments and His lovely, dark complexioned body is decorated with candan.While He enjoys prema-keli with the gopés, His jewel earrings dance over His cheeks as He smiles at them. (Chorus: Look sakhé Rädhe! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) 41) One beautiful gopé ramani passionately smacks Kåñëa with the heavy weight of her large, swelling breasts! Then she sings to Him (in high notes) from the fifth scale. (Look Rai! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) 42) One charmed gopé-sundari fixes her love-starry gaze upon Kåñëa’s mukharvinda.Aho! Her playful, batting eyes light flames of amour within Kåñëa’s heart! (Look Rai! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) 43) One lusty gopé grabs hold of Kåñëa’s garments to playfully pull Him into a solitary betasa-kunja beside the Yamunä (O look sakhé! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) 45) Another gopé sundari is Räsa dancing with Kåñëa.As He plays the flute; she claps her hands making her bracelets sweetly tinkle in time with the music. Seeing her skill, Kåñëa praises. (O look sakhé! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) 46) Kåñëa embraces a gopé, kisses another, and makes love with someone else. Then He eagerly smiles to allure another pretty girl with His flirting eyes….


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However, noticing a resisting damsel, who is ever more beautiful, He begins pursuing her. (O look sakhé! Look at Kåñëa’s frolicsome love play with all of His subjugated sweethearts!) ********* 47) O reader! Let Jayadeva’s description of Çré Kesava’s amazing and secret Våndävana prema keli bring good fortune to you. 48) O Vinodini Rai! Just see how Kåñëa enjoys the spring! He is making love with all of the Vräja sundaris as they embrace and fondle every limb of His soft, syamal body that is more delicate and colourful than a blue lotus. Thus Kåñëa inaugurates ‘Cupid festival’ to enliven the gopés and the entire creation – as He is Himself – Çréngara (amorous love) personified. 49) Aho! Love-blind Rädhä walks right past those vilasini gopés, boldly embraces Kåñëa around the chest, and exclaims: ’’Aha! What a nectar-sweet face You have!’’ Then She passionately kisses Him on the cheks! O readers, let Kåñëa’s beautiful smile aroused by Rädhä’s kiss bless you with good fortune. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s first chapter entitled ’Sämoda Dämodara’

Chapter Two Akleça Kesava Undisturbed Kesava

 1) Seeing Kåñëa sharing His love equally with every gopé triggers Rädhä’s jealousy, however, after all, Her position is unique and exalted. Thus She leaves, but after walking for awnile, She enters a secluded flower nikunja filled with buzzing bees. Forlorn Rädhä then addresses Her sakhé as follows: (Gurjari räga,yati tala) (Kåñëa’s Räsa-filled,beautiful form) ***

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2) O dear one,Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsaiii still awakens within My mind.Aha! As His sweet lips blew into His enchanting vamñi, His eyes were restless and lurking, thus His crown tilted as His earrings played over His cheeks. 3) Kåñëa’s hair, decorated by peacock feathers in the curvature of a half moon, looked like a glistening cloud sheltering many rainbows. (Chorus: O sakhé! Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 4) Kåñëa’s arms horripilate with the embrace of thousand of young sundari ramanisiv .The ornaments worn on His hands, feet and chest lit up the darkness! ( O sakhé!Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 5) The candana tilaka on Kåñëa’s forehead looked like moonbeams peaking through a cloud. However, His naughty chest was intently focused on rubbing itself over the gopé’s large, voluptuous breasts. (O sakhé!Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 6) In His earnestness to kiss the nitambinisv Kåñëa leaned forward, outstreched His neck, and smiled with His blooming,bandhuli flower lips. (O sakhé!Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 7) Seeing the beauty of His makara earrings resting over His cheek, the wives of the munés,the devatas and the asuras all follow after that magnanimous Pitambara Vanamali. (O sakhé!Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 8) But then we met beneath a widespread kadamba tree! Knowing about My jealousy (and wishing to dispel it) His glance enveloped Me like the waves of Cupid!Ugh!I felt as though He were making love to Me within His mind! ( O sakhé! Kåñëa’s madhura smile during His Räsa viläsa still awakens within My mind) 9) Let Çré Jayadeva’s description of Kåñëa’s beautiful, enchanting form awaken the remembrance of His lotus feet for the pious bhaktas. iii

rasa-lila enjoyment of lovemaking,etc with many gopés beautiful woman fit for romance v gopés having a large,beautiful bottom iv


Géta Govinda

10) O sakhé!While contemplating about Kåñëa’s behaviour, I am not angry. Rather My unbridled mind still deeply yearns for Him---even though He left Me to enjoy with so many pretty, young woman.O what shall I do? Rädhä’s Fascination (Malava räga,eka tala) *** 11) Tonight I shall wait in a solitary forest cottage. When Kåñëa arrives there, and sees Me restlessly looking about, He will smile showing His eagerness to enjoy rati keli with Me. (Chorus : O sakhé!Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana (Kåñëa-the subduer of Keçi demon)) 12) Being Our first love-encounter,Kåñëa will notice My shyness and employ lots of flattery to woo Me…Encouraged by My smiling,He will unloosen the strings holding my lower garments in place. (O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 13) Laying Me down upon the bed of leaf blossoms,Kåñëa will rest His head on My breast (using them for a pillow)…But as I embrace and kiss Him, He will embrace Me and eagerly drink the nectar from My lips. (O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 14) Seeing My thirsty, half-closed eyes, His cheeks will erupt in goose bumps! ….And seeing My perspiration will surcharge Him with more erotic vigour! (O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 15) In euphoria I shall indistinctly coo like a kokila making Him madly bypass love’s standard procedure described in the Käma çastras.Then as My scattered hair casts the flowers decorating it over the bed, He will use His fingertips to tickle my large, voluptuous breasts! (O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 16) During rati keli My ankle bells will sweetly resound along with the bell string tied over My bottom (as I reign over His chest).Then Kåñëa will grab hold of My hair to pull My head up to His, and frantically begin kissing Me!

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(O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 17) At the rati’s peak He will look on with starry, half-closed lotus-eyes…as My body turns stark in euphoria!I,being a delicate woman, however will then release My lotus-stem arms to collapse over His chest! Thus all of His desires will reach satiation! (O sakhé! Knowing My desire to make love will arouse His ecstatic symptoms of passion. So please unite Me with merciful Keçi mathana) 18) Let Jayadeva’s description of Rädhä’s fantasy-filled yearning for Her nidhuvana lélä with Madhuripu bring happiness to the bhaktas. 19) Rädhä says: O sakhé! As Govinda enjoyed vana vihara with My many rivals—He suddenly noticed Me—dropped His flute—and began perspiring! Thus all of those gopés began pelting Him with jealous, sidelong glances! However, as His perplexed smile fell upon Me, I was delighted! 20) Hey sakhé!The açoka latas newly blossomed flowers and the cool breezes blowing over the lake before as are paining Me. Moreover, the bees, which now buzz amongst those lovely budding mango trees, although enchanting to behold, fail to invoke My pleasure. 21) In a lonely place some Vräja kiçoris are sitting together and braiding their hair. Their faces appear rosy with wanton smiles for getting Kåñëa… and their eyebrow-creepers are dancing along with their roaming eyes. But as they raise their hands in combing their hair, the nipples of their half covered breasts become exposed.O readers, let this enchanting scene of Kåñëa’s anxious endeavour to peak at them (from behind the bushes) relieve all of your distress. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s second chapter entitled’Akleça Keçava’ Chapter Three Mugdha Madhusüdana Love-blind Madhusüdana

 1) Although Kåñëa is known as Kaàsäri (for having killed Kaàsa), Rädhä is the binding force behind all of His love-filled romance. Thus with His heart affixed to Her, Kåñëa leaves the other Vräja sundaris.


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2) Pained by the sting of Kämadeva’s arrows,Mädhava saunters of searching for Rädhä.But after not finding Her, and while feeling guilty for His unsavoury conduct, He enters a solitary kunja beside the Yamunä to lament: (Gurjjari räga,yati tala) Kåñëa’s regret *** 3) Kåñëa: When I was busy enjoying with the other gopés,Rädhä saw Me. Yet as She started to leave, I was too ashamed for My aparädhä to stop Her. (Chorus: Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 4) I can’t imagine what Rädhä will do as She suffers in My viraha.Without Her, what is the use of My prosperity, My friends or My happy home life? ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 5) Aha!My mind cannot forget Her moon face; Her angry brows look like two bumblebees resting over Her red lotus eyes. ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 6) I am always making love to Rädhä within My mind. So why shall I go on searching for Her in this forest?...And why shall I continue to lament? ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 7) O shapely one! Due to jealousy Your heart has become pain-struck.I can understant. But I don’t know where You are, so how can I offer You an apology? ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 8) O Rädhe! It feels like You are walking right before Me; but why are You showing reserve without embracing Me like before? ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 9) Hey Sundari! Please forgive Me; I shall never behave like that again. Cupid is torturing Me.O please offers Me Your darñana! ( Haya! Haya! She became heartbroken and angrily left Me!) 10) This description about Kåñëa was written by Jayadeva,who advented in Kenduvilva,as the Rohiëi star’s lover (the moon) rises from the ocean. 11) In the madness of Rädhä’s separation ,Kåñëa pleads to dispel Cupid’s blunder vi : vi

Once upon a time Shiva became angry at Cupid for making Him agitated with lusty desires.Hence Shiva burnt Cupid to a crisp with His fiery glances!Cupid then took on the form of Ananga (one devoid of bodily

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Hey Mädana vii!Why are you angrily chasing after Me? Please do not mistake Me for Çiva to inflict your revenge! Look, I am suffering (too much) already from My beloved’s departure. This is not an garland of snakes around My chest, these are lotus-stems; My neck isn’t blue from drinking poison, these are blue lotus flowers; and My body isn’t covered with ashes, this is candan. 12) Hey mighty Mädana!You can easily conquer the entire world. However, please do not take those budding mango arrows in hand…and do not lift your bow. Breaks!O readers, let the surging wave of Mugdha Madhusüdana’s glance which now cascades over Rädhä’s moon-face and flirting eyes bring good fortune.

Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s third chapter entitled ‘Mugdha Madhusüdana’

Chapter Four Snigdha Madhusüdana (Affectionate Madhusüdana)

 1) Then Rädhika’s sakhé arrives before Mädhava.Seeing Him sadly sitting I a betasi kunja beside the Yamunä,She says: (karnata räga,eka tala) Rädhä’s viraha viii

*** 2) Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You ;so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught.Distess has turned Her restless.Chandan,the moon’s rays, and even the cooling, southern breezes all appear like poison to Her features) to seek revenge. vii viii

Cupid the melancholy of separation


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3) Although Cupid showers Rädhika with his arrows, She covers Her breasts with a lotus leaf. This is not to protect Herself from Cupid’s torture, but to shelter Your presence within Her heart. (Chorus : Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 4) The flowerbed, which Rädhä sits upon, has turned into Cupid’s rack of arrows, She endures its painful sting only in the hope that You may go there to embrace Her. (Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 5) Rädhä’s rain cloud-like-eyes shower tears, as if sharp-toothed Rahu bit the moon to release a stream of nectar. (Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 6) Sitting alone, Rädhika uses deer musk to draw a picture of You depicted like Cupid riding a makara fish. Then with reverence She bows to the portrait’s lotus feet holding a palm full of mango buds. (Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 7) Rädhika repeatedly offers pranama, failing to the ground exclaiming: Hey Mädhava! I take shelter at Your lotus feet, if You neglect Me, the moon’s rays will surely burn My body to a crisp! (Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 8) Knowing Your darñana to be very rare, Rädhika meditates on Your picture and laments…Then seeing You, She laughs in joy…But losing sight o You, She cries. Then after intense prayer, Your vision returns…and while imagining Your embrace, She relieves Her distress. (Hey Mädhava!In suffering Your separation,meek and fearful Rädhika thinks only of You, so please come and save Her from Cupid’s onslaught) 9) Hey bhaktas!Let your heart dance along with Jayadeva’s description of a sakhé conveying Rädhä’s viraha sadness to Kåñëa. 10) The sakhé continues:

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Hey Kåñëa!In Your separation,Rädhä’s home appears like the forest, Her priyä sakhés appear like a noose around the neck, and Her deep breathing sets Her heart ablaze! Thus She flees like a frightened deer from the hunter, Cupid. (desakya räga,eka tala) Rädhä’s viraha ,continued *** 11) Rädhika’s sakhé goes on: Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhä has become very weak, even the fine necklace that She wears over Her breasts feels burdensome. 12) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika considers the candan paste used to cool Her bodily fever to be just like poison. 13) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika has lost all equipoise. She breaths heavily as though Cupid’s inferno was blazing within Her heart. 14) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika appears as if a lucked lotus flower drenched in water. While crying pathetically She searches after You in every direction. 15) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika’s soft bed of leaf blossoms appears just like a bed of fire! 16) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika stares at the ground with Her hand placed over Her cheek. Thus Her pale face looks like the motionless halfmoon at sunset. 17) Hey Keçava! In Your separation Rädhika will soon die. So to attain You in Her next life She feelingly cries : O Hari! O Hari! 18) Let Çré Jayadeva’s song of Rädhika’s separation for Keçava increase the bliss of those surrendered unto His lotus feet. 19) The sakhé goes on: Hey Mädhava! In Her erotic fever, Rädhika sometimes horripilate, or laughs, or trembles, or collapse in exhaustion! Then in the thought of attaining You, She sometimes becomes confused, squints Her eyes, falls to roll over the ground, or leaps into the air, or even faints! Thus it appears that Cupid’s fever will kill Her! Nevertheless, there is one last recourse: if You come to rescue Her, like a doctor from heaven, with the medicine of Your sweet bodily limbs, then She can be saved, otherwise not. 20) O Mädhava!Your anga-sangamåita (nectar-touch during divine, love play) is more potent than Açvini Kumara’s medicine, and is the only potion which will


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save our sakhé Rai, therefore, if You neglect Her, we shall know that Your heart is harder than Indra’s thunderbolt. 21) It’s surprising how Kandarpa’s fever affects Rädhä, cooling objects such are candan,the moon, or the lotus only bring about Her distress. On the other hand, however, as She grows thin by sitting in solitude while meditating upon You, the hope of getting Your beloved self is the only cooling solace that keeps Her alive. 22) Previously Rädhika could not bear even a moment of separation from You, thus She would become very upset with the blinking of eyelids. So how is it that during this long period of Your separation She can keep Her life airs intact by fixing Her gaze upon the blooming mango buds? 23) O readers! That chivalrous arm which pride fully held Govardhan Hill to protect Gokula from torrents of rain, which has been joyfully kissed from time immemorial by the Vräja gopés,and which is decorated with the red kunkuma smeared from their foreheads-let that arm of Kaàsäri Çré Kåñëa bring your good fortune. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s fourth chapter entitled ‘Snigdha Madhusüdana’

Chapter Five Säkäìkña-Puëòarékäkñaù Kåñëa,the Passionate Lotus-eyed One

 1) Kåñëa tells the sakhé: ‘’I will wait here. quickly go to Rädhä and submissively present My version. Then please bring Her to meet Me.’’Thus engaged by Kåñëa, the sakhé returns to Rädhärani, and says: (deça barari räga,åpaka tala) Kåñëa’s Viraha 2) Hey Rädhe! Vanamali reels in Your separation! Cupid has teamed with the southern breeze and the blooming flowers to torture Him! 3) The burning moon rays have almost killed Kåñëa, along with Cupid’s arrows, which sting! (Chorus : O Rädhe!Vanamali reels in Your separation!)

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4) Hearing the bees drone, Kåñëa covers His ears, yet from moment His viraha pain increases! ( O Rädhe!Vanamali reels in Your separation!) 5) Kåñëa left His comfortable home to meet You in the forest. Yet while anxiously rolling over the bed, He goes on crying Your name! ( O Rädhe!Vanamali reels in Your separation!) 6) Let Jayadeva’s description of Kåñëa’s viraha for Rädhä awakens His presence in every pious bhakta’s heart. ( O Rädhe!Vanamali reels in Your separation!) 7) Hey priyä sakhé Rai!Mädhava eagerly awaits Your arrival at the site which previously serve as Cupid’s mäha tirtha for fulfilling Your love demants.Now He is devoutly meditating on Your lovely form, chanting the magic mantras uttered from Your sweet lips, and earnestly craving for the amåta found in tightly hugging Your pitcher-like-breasts! (gurjari räga,eka tala) Rädhä’s Abhisara ix

8) The sakhé continues : Hey nitambini (a woman having a large shapely bottom) Rädhe!Don’t delay— just follow after Your heart’s beloved Who has already left for the nikunjas,His erotic attire would captivate even Cupid.(Don’t You know?) His rati keli pleasure with You means everything to Him.Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows. 9) Placing the sweet sounding venu to His lips, He calls: Rädhe! Rädhe! He even worships the dust particles that the breeze carries from Your body. (Chorus: Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 10) Hearing a bird land in the tree on a leaf, fall on the ground alerts Him! Thus (thinking that You have arrived) He arranges the flowerbed as His restless eyes search for You! (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) ix

the secret journey to meet one’s beloved


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11) Hey Nitambini Rai!Discard Your ankle bells which ring so sweetly when You make love with Mädhava,for their noise, like an enemy, will announce Your secret journey…And cover Yourself in deep blue garments ( to hide Your bright bodily effulgence) as the nikunja mandira is covered in darkness. (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 12) Ayi Gauräëgi Rädhä! When climbing over Kåñëa’s chest during viparita rati keli (when the woman assumes the dominating position in lovemaking), You will appear like the lightening within a dark cloud! (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 13) O lotus-eyed Rädhe! When You lay upon the leaf-blossom bed, Kåñëa will eagerly remove Your clothes along with the bell-chain worn over Your bottom. Then He will ecstatically view Your lovely thighs to be more precious than an uncovered jewel. (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 14) O Rai! You are Kåñëa’s coveted rati naira (conjugal lover) and the night is fleeting…so quickly take my advice and go to satisfy Mädhuripu’s käma. (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 15) O readers! Just hear the enchanting narrations of Kåñëa’s bhakta Jayadeva.Then joyfully offer pranama to Kåñëaji, the merciful shelter and supreme goal of the pious. (Aha! That restless handed, big breast pinching Vanamali now sits beside the Yamunä where the cool breeze softly blows.) 16) O Rädhe!Cupid’s arrows make Your beloved breath heavily. He anxiously steps out hoping to find You, but when failing He goes back to lament. Then after rearranging the bed, He returns outside to have another look. 17) O Rädhe!The sun’s setting has made Your journey easy,the darkness fuses itself to aid Kåñëa’s desire.Like a lovelorn cakravaka I have offered My appeal…Yet now the time for abnisara has come. So hey Enchanting One! Why delay? 18) Sakhé Rädhe!You will go to search for each other in darkness, and unite. Thus a räsa-filled conversation will ensue, followed by embracing,kissing,marking each other with Your nails and the desire to make love.This will. at first, arouse Your fear and hesitation. Next rati keli will begin,

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and as its conclusion, You will experience euphoria along with countless wonderful thoughts and feelings! 19) Ayi Sumukhi (lovely faced) Rädhe!Just traverse the dark path, and while resting under each tree, You may restlessly look back to see if anyone is watching. Then by slowing proceeding ahead, You will at last reach the secluded meeting place.Aho!When Kåñëa sees Your beautiful, sharply anaìga tranga murati x arriving before Him like a sprawling wave of erotic pleasure,He will deem His life successful! 20) Kåñëa is the enchanted bumble-bee of Rädhä’s mukhäravinda (lotus face),the crown jewel of the three worlds, and Våndävana’s Nilamané (bright blue sapphire).He is forever relished within the Vräja sundarés hearts as the enjoyable form of nigh (personified).Moreover, He becomes death personified for demons like Kaàsa.O bhaktas,let this Devakénandana protect you. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s fifth chapter entitled ‘Säkäìkña-Puëòarékäkñaù’

Chapter Six Sotkaëöha-Vaikuëöhaù Kåñëa, the cheeky, carefree lover

 1) Govinda’s deeply attached consort (Rädhika) then enters a lata mandira and sends Her Sakhé ahead to inform Him. Thus She goes to Govinda,and says: (gumakari räga,rupaka tala) Rädhä’s waiting for Kåñëa’s arrival *** 2) Hey Prabhu! Rai Kiçori sees You everywhere, She is seeing that You are kissing Her ( and sucking the sweet honey from Her lips) (Chorus: O Gopénätha! Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 3) Rädhä’s madness to meet You gave Her the strength to leave home, but after walking a few steps, She fell to ground (unconscious) (O Gopénätha! Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) x

a sensual body,like a splashing wave of Cupid’s passion


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4) To relieve Her fever, Rädhä wears bracelets of lotus stems and leaf blossoms. Her passion to enjoy rati keli with You keeps Her alive. (O Gopénätha!Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 5) Rädhä even dresses like You…and after staring at Herself, She thinks:” I am Kåñëa, the enemy of Madhu.” ( O Gopénätha!Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 6) Rädhä repeatedly asks Her sakhé: ’’Why hasn’t Kåñëa come to meet Me?’’ (O Gopénätha!Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 7) Thinking that You have arrived, Rädhä excitedly embraces and kisses the cloud-like darkness! (O Gopénätha!Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 8) Seeing Your delay, Rädhä has lost all or Her patience, thus (as a basaka sajja nayikaxi) She mourns. (O Gopénätha!Rai kiçori anxiously waits You in the nikunja mandira) 9) Let this song by the poet Jayadeva delight the rasicä bhaktas. 10) Hey You cheater! Deer-eyed Rädhä horripilate in thought of meeting You! She cries indistinctly, moreover, while deeply sunk within the Räsa-filled ocean of Her kandarpa keli with You, She becomes stunned! 11) Expecting Your arrival, sharply Rädhika decorates Herself with ornaments. Hearing the wind blowing in the trees, She imagines that You have come. While preparing the bed, She meditates on lying beside You. Thus keeping Herself busy in performing one task or another, Her mind reels in fantasy. Yet She cannot pass the night without You. 12) (Owing to Kåñëa’s delay, Rädhä sends a sakhé who goes to His house, and tells Nanda :) ‘I just visited Rädhä’s home where She told me; Why do You want to rest under the banyan tree? Doesn’t black snake reside there? Or is this Nanda’s.’ While overhearing the pun, Kåñëa interprets the following: ‘’O sweetheart! Won’t You rest beside me under the banyan tree, the pleasureabode where You will experience paramänanda?’’ Let Rädhä’s secret message for Kåñëa is ever glorified. xi

heroine who decorates herself, and the secret meeting place, as she anxiously awaits her beloved’s arrival

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Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s sixth chapter entitled ‘Sotkaëöha-Vaikuëöhaù’

Chapter Seven Nägara Närayäëa Kåñëa, the fallacious, flirtatious romanticxii

 1) Taking on the Kalanka (mark of disgrace) left from the gopés breach of chastity to their husbands, the full moon rises over Våndävana to soothe their moon-like faces in its purifying light rays. 2) Although the moon rises, Mädhava still has not come, thus Virahiné xiii Rädhä begins to lament and cry: (Malava räga,Yati tala Uthanthita) Rädhä’s Anxiousness) *** 3) Haya! Haya! Kåñëa did not come when He promised-Aha! My beautiful figure is a waste! (Chorus: Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 4) Seeking Kåñëa’s shelter, I fled from home in the night to enter this dark forest, yet He has pierced My heart with Cupid’s five arrows (instead of comforting Me with His nectar-touch.) (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 5) O what is the use of My life? How can I remain calm in the fire of separation? O, surely death would be more appropriate! (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 6) Haya! Haya! This lovely spring night is torturing me, which lovelorn käminéxiv has fortune to get Kåñëa? (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) xii xiii xiv

This is the inner rasicä meaning to Jayadeva’s addressing Krsna as Nagara Narayana Radha in Madhava’s separation.

A lusty, young girl


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7) O My God! I am still wearing all of these costly, jewel ornaments, yet in Kåñëa’s burning separation they only give Me pain! (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 8) Aha! This soft flower-mala resting over My breasts stings My flower-soft body, like the arrows of Mr. Cruelty, Cupid! (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 9) Tolerating the scratching, thorny thickets of this betasi flower garden, I am waiting…but haya! My beloved Madhusüdana has completely forgotten about Me! (Ugh! I have been misled by the sakhés assurances, now to whom shall I turn?) 10) The poet Jayadeva, who surrenders at Kåñëa’s lotus feet, says: Let this song embrace your heart like a soft, beautiful girl expert in lovemaking. ***** 11) Rädhä: Perhaps My Präna Govinda deceit me with some other sundaré käminé? On the other hand, has He become busy in playing with the sakhas? Or did He lose His way in the darkness? Or perhaps, in the pin of My separation, He was unable to move? Otherwise, why would not He come to this enchanting flower nikuïja as scheduled? 12) Seeing Her sakhé returning without Mädhava, looking dejected and remaining speechless, Rädhä surmises:’’ O no! He must be enjoying with some other ramani !‘’Thus Rädhä sadly begins fantasizing: (Vasanta räga,Yati tala) Rädhä’s fanciful dream *** 13) Sakhé! There is another sundaré ramané more talented than I. She has dressed herself enticingly for enjoying Cupid’s love-battle with Madhüripu. As they begin, her hair loosens to scatter all of the flowers, decorating it over the bed. 14) With Kåñëa’s fondling embraces, that pretty gopé horripilate causing her necklace to toss over her shaking pitcher-like breast! (Chorus: O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.) 15) That beautiful ramané’s curling hair dangles over her moon face and, as she madly kisses Kåñëa’s lips, her eyes half-close with intoxicating amour! (O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.)

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16) Usurping the dominating position that sundaré ramané ‘s earrings dance over her lovely cheeks, and as her bottom oscilates, the bell-chain worn over it sweetly tinkles.(It tinkles rati’s message up and down Kåñëa’s spine) ( O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.) 17) While shyly smiling, that rati intoxicated räsika ramané begins to faintly coo! ( O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.) 18) Then, in her erotic enrapture, she horripulates, trembles, pats and gazes upon Kåñëa with squinting eyes! ( O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.) 19) That damsel, expert and equipoise in lovemaking, looks emasculate as she falls over Kåñëa’s chest with Her body soaked in perspiration! ( O sakhé! Madhuripu now makes love with a gopa kiçoré more talented than I.) 20) Let Çré Jayadeva’s description of Kåñëa’s räti-keli-lélä purify the impurity of Kalé yuga. 21) Rädhä goes on: O priyä sakhé! This setting moon reminds Me of Müräri’s lotus face that turn pale in My separation. Hence it is rekindling My pangs of passion! (Gurjari räga,eka tala) Svadina bhartåka Rädhä’s envisions Kåñëa’s submissive service to that previously described sweetheart *** 22) That fortunate ramané arouses Kåñëa’s passion…so He kisses her lips and horripilate! Then, using deer-musk, He carefully paints tilaka designs on Her lovely forehead, as the moon is covered by the mark of a deer. (Chorus: Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 23) Appearing like Cupid’s deer park, this ramané’s hair restlessly tosses around her youthful face. Therefore, Kåñëa places kuruvaka flowers (which resemble lighting) in her wavy, cloud-like hair.

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(Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 24) The kiçoré’s breasts are immense like the sky, they are decorated with kasturi designs and the moon rays of Kåñëa’s pinch-marks. Thus Kåñëa covers them with a necklace of pearls that resemble a star galaxy. (Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 25) Between her lotus-stem-arms and her lotus-petal-palms, Kåñëa placed emerald bracelets, which could be mistaken for a swarm of bees. (Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 26) That ramané’s bottom looks like Kämadevä’s golden throne, and seeing it arouses Kåñëa’s lovemaking desire. Thus He covers it with a jewelled bell chain, and jokes: ’’O sweetheart! Here is the gateway, which leads Me to Raté’sxv pleasure palaces’’ (Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 27) That Kaminé’s lotus feet are soft as leaf blossoms, and they form the abode of Lakñmé. Thus Kåñëa feelingly places them above His chest and performs püjä by painting their toenails with red nail polish. (Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 28) Hey sakhé! Certainly Balaräma’s cheating; younger brother spends His time pleasing some other sundaré ramané like this. Therefore, what will we gain by remorsing in this dark forest kunja? (Aho! Glorious Murari now enjoys His love affair on the forest banks beside the Yamunä) 29) Let this ñångara räsamaya song composed by Madhuripu’s carana seväkaxvi,Kavéraja Jayadeva the sins of Kalé yuga. 30) Seeing Her sakhé downtrodden, Rädhika implores: O dear one! Don’t become sad seeing the cruelty of Kåñëa’s debauchery. Let that Bahu-vallabhä (enjoyer of many woman) enjoys as He pleases, there is no fault of your part for that.Look, after becoming greatly attached to Him, My soul will just have to leave My body to meet with Him ( in My next live).

xv xvi

Cupid’s wife, the goddess of rati krida. Menial servant

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(Desavarari räga,Rupaka tala) Rädhä’s Pain *** 31) Vanamali’s eyes are like lotus flowers moving in the breeze. The sundaré gopé who makes love with Him upon the soft leaf bed isn’t burning with passion, sakhé… (Rather, I am burning) 32) Vanamali’s face is like a blossoming lotus flower, the sundaré gopé who is making love with Him doesn’t become tortured by Cupid’s arrows, sakhé… (Rather, those arrows are torturing Me) 33) Vanamali’s gentle, nectar sweet words are cooling as the Malayan breeze. That sundari gopé who makes love with Him isn’t burning from hearing those words, sakhé…. (Rather, I am burning) 34) Vanamali’s hands and feet are beautiful and cooling like a land lotus. That sundari gopé who make love with Him doesn’t roll over the ground and faint upon viewing the moonrays, sakhé…. (Rather, the moon rays are making Me to do so!) 35) Vanamali’s bodily lustre is like a soft, blue raincloud. That sundari gopé who makes love with Him isn’t burning in the fire of His separation, sakhé… (Rather, I am burning) 36) Vanamali’s garments are touchstone gold. The sundari gopé who makes love with Him won’t have to breathe heavily from her friends ridicule, sakhé… (Rather, My friends will ridicule Me) 37) Vanamali is the world’s most beautiful young boy. That sundari gopé who makes love with Him doesn’t have to suffer heart-piercing pain, sakhé… (Rather, I am suffering such pain!) 38) Let Çré Jayadeva’s description of Rädhärani’s viraha suffering, along with Kåñëa, enter every bhakta’s heart. 39) O hey Malayan breeze! You are Kämadevä’s dear friend and jagata präëa (the life of the world).Please be merciful and grant Me one last request: Before taking My life, please bring Mädhava before Me just once more! 40) In seeing Kåñëa’s cruelty-My sakhés appear like enemies, the cooling breeze appears an alike fire, the pleasant moonbeams appear like poison-still My mind races after Him! Haya! Haya! Haya! Kämadevä has heartlessly turned against this lotus-eyed sweetheart of Gokula! 41) Hey Malayan breeze...Take My life! Hey Cupid’s five arrows...Just kill Me! Hey Yamunä! Why do you forgive Me? Just take Me under your waves. I shall never return home again!


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42) (Owing to his inability to go on describing Rädhärani’s sad plight, Jayadeva recalls to memory a previous happy episode) Once at the break of morning after Rädhä and Kåñëa’s rati keli, the sakhés broke into laughter seeing Kåñëa anxiously covering Himself with Rädhä’s blue sari, and Rädhä anxiously covering Herself with Kåñëa’s pitambara dhoti. O readers! Let this smiling faced Nanda-nandana who then bashfully peaked at Rädhä through Her thin cloth, increase the world’s ananda. Thus ends Gétä Govinda seventh chapter entitled ‘Nägara Närayäëa’

Chapter Eight Vilakñya Lakñmépati (Kåñëa, Vräja -Lakñmé Rädhä’s incomparable lover)

 1) Although severely wounded by Cupid’s arrows, Çrémati Rädhärani survived the night. The next morning, however Kåñëa arrives. He begins to appologize, and He even falls at Rädhä’s feet! Yet indignant with jealous anger, Rädhä retorts: (Bhairavi räga,Yati tala) Khanditaxvii Rädhä *** 2) Hey Kåñëa! Your eyes are red and drowsy from passing a sleepless night .Doesn’t this reveal that You had an affair with My rival? (Chorus: So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Kesava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 3) Kåñëa! Your body is black, but so are Your lips! They turned black from Your kissing the mascara-decorated eyelids of that pretty damsel. (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.)


The nayika who becomes love-jealous and angry from seeing her beloved showing the sign of having been enjoyed by another sweetheart

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4) Aha! That ramani’s nail marks now decorate Your chest. Ugh! They look like her ‘rati victory’ document inscribed in gold letters! (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 5) When You affectionately placed that ramani’s lotus feet over Your chest, her Alta rubbed off there. These red stains look like the flinging leaves on Kämadeva’s desire tree. (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 6) Hey Kåñëa! Seeing the tooth marks of that ramani marking Your lips pains Me. So we must be non-different, otherwise why would I experience the same pain that You feel? (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 7) Hey Kåñëa! Your body is black, but so is Your mind because You have cheated a surrendered lover (Me) who now intensely suffers from Cupid’s torture. (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 8) It is not astonishing that You roam the forest searching for weak, young women. Your reputation as a heartless woman killer carries back from Your early childhood when You murdered Pütana. (So hey Mädhava! Go away! Hey Keçava! Take leave! Give up Your delicious prattling, You may return to that lotus-eyed sweetheart who satisfies Your fancy.) 9) Hey räsica reader! Just hear Çré Jayadeva’s description of love-deprived Rädhä’s sassy protest-Her words are sweeter than nectar, and unknown even to the residents of heaven. 10) Hey You cheater! The red Alta from that ramani’s feet now shines upon Your chest like the sun’s rays. Aha! I see Your heart’s fascination for her has come out on display. Yet ugh! It is painful that Our relationship had to end in this way, for Your audacity embarrasses Me, too. 11) Kaàsäri’s flute song stuns the doe-eyed Vräja sundaris! Thus their heads spin casting their parijata flower ornaments from their hair. This flute song is the mahä-mantra of subjugation, which can allure defiant women, turn them


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restless, drive them mad, or even paralyse them! Furthermore, this wonderful sound protects the devatas from the arrogant äsura’s wrath. So let it sweep away the obstacles of your path of good-fortune. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s eight chapter entitled ‘Vilakñya Lakñmépati’ Chapter Nine Mugdha Mukunda Love-bewildered Mukunda

 1) After Kåñëa leaves, Rädhä becomes Kalahantaritaxviii.Deprived from Kåñëa’s rati pleasure; She is unable to forget about His activities, as Cupid tortures Her. Thus Her sakhé offers the following advice: 2) O Rädhe! As the cooling, spring breeze blows, Kåñëa has come to You. Could You get more pleasure at home? (Chorus: Hey maninixix Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 3) Sakhé Rai!Your pitcher-like breasts are more weighty, round and delectable than ripe palm fruits…will You just let them to go waste? (Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 4) I have told You time, and times again, do not give up Kåñëa-sundara. (Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 5) Why are You sadly grieving….or crying? Look, seeing Your plight Your rivals are snickering (Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 6) O sakhé! Why not have a look at Kåñëa paying on the bed of cooling lotus petals, just let Your eyes fulfil their purpose. (Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 7) Sakhé, why suffer any longer? Take my advice, and then Your unwanted distress will depart. (Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 8) Just let Kåñëa come…and let Him speak His sweet entreaties.Why are You simply torturing Your mind? xviii xix

The nayika,who after chasing away her beloved, grieves in his separation A heroine possessing mana: loving, jealous anger.

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(Hey manini Rädhe! Please discard Your mana towards Mädhava) 9) Let Çré Jayadeva’s madura descriptions of Kåñëa’s activities bring pleasure to räsica bhaktas. 10) Hey Manini (love jealous one)! You were cruel to Your affectionate beloved who fell at Your feet-showed disinterest to dispel His great interest-and covered Your face to prevent His seeing it. The reverse behaviour of Yours will only make the cooling candana seem poisonous, the soothing moon rays seem fiery, and the pleasures of lovemaking seem painful. 11) When Govinda killed Bali, the devatas became overwhelmed in ecstasy! As they feelingly bowed to Him the blue sapphires adorning their crowns looked like a swarm of bees. Then the mandakini Gaìga, filled with madara and flower pollen, began worshiping His lotus feet. Let us respectfully bow unto Govinda’s lotus feet, which remove all inauspiciousness. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s ninth chapter entitled ‘Mugdha Mukunda’ Chapter Ten Mugdha Mädhava (Love-blind Mädhava)

 1) Thereafter, at mid-evening, Kåñëa returns. Rädhä’s anger has subsided, and Her face has turned pale with embarrassment (for having chased Kåñëa away).Thus she breaths heavily and shyly looks toward her sakhé. Then Kåñëa elatedly begins speaking in a faltering voice: (desavaradi räga asta tala) Rädhä’s mana Bhanjanaxx *** 2) O Rädhe! If You utter just a few words, the bright glimpse of Your teeth will overcome the dark fear in My heart! Ugh! Moreover, Your effulgent moon-face allures My cakora eyes making Me want to kiss You. (Chorus: O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 3) O Rai! Your teeth are beautiful. Yet if You are still angry, why don’t You bite Me with them, or lance Me with Your eyes, or strangle Me with Your arms, or do whatever else that comes to Your mind? xx

Krsna conquers Radha’s mana


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(O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 4) O Rädhe! You are the ornament for My body, the life of My life, and the jewel, which surfaces from the ocean of My existence. The only desire left in My heart is to see You reciprocate with Me. (O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 5) Hey slender one! Althought Your eyes are like blue lotus petals, today, dye to anger, they resemble red lotus petals. If You kindly use these eyes to pelt Me with Kämadeva’s arrows, they will be refreshened with newer charm. (O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 6) When You reign over My chest during rati viläsa ,Your pearl necklace will dangle from Your pitcher-like breasts…as the bell string worn over Your bottom sweetly tinkles to announce Cupid is awakening! (O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 7) O sweet speaking Rädhe!Just order Me, I shall carefully paint red Alta on Your lovely feet which resemble land lotus and which appear beautiful upon My chest during rati keli (O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 8) O Rädhe! Your lotus feet will fulfil all of My desires. So kindly place them upon My head! I am burning in the flames of Kämadeva’s bonfire. O please relieves My suffering by the touch of Your cooling lotus-feet. (O Priye! O delicate one! Please discard Your ill-founded mana. O, kindly relieve the fiery passion, which scorches Me with Your honey-like kiss) 9) Let Murari’s carefully chosen, love filled words spoken to Rädhika composed by Padmävaté’s lover, Jayadeva, reach par excellence upon touching the bhaktas hearts. 10) Hey Shy one! You are thinking that I am attracted to someone else. Just give up such thought, the shape of Your huge breasts and large bottom totally enslave Me! Only Cupid is left to disturb. So Hey Sweetheart! Just perform Your duty and embrace Me! 11) Hey Bewildered one! Bite Me with Your ruthless teeth, squeeze Me within Your firm embrace, and squash Me with Your swelling breasts! Hey Candé!

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(angry one).By thus giving me santi You will become happy. Nevertheless, please hurry…lest Cupid’s five flower arrows will kill Me first! 12) Hey Moon-faced one! The dangerous black snake of Your angry eyebrows cause young boys (like Me) to faint. Yet the only mantra (remedy) to cure such a snake bitten young boy (as Me) is the nectar from Your sweet lips. 13) Hey Sundaré (beautiful one) Your meaningless silent vow pains Me. Hey Taruni (youthful one).Just soothe My troubled heart with Your sweet words| Her Sumukhi (beautiful faced one)! Give Your resistance and alert Your loving glance make Me happy.Hey Bewildered one! As Your true beloved, I am simply mad after You. So please do not chase Me away after I have come before You. 14) Hey Chandi! (angry one)Your lips are copper-collared like banduli-flowers, and Your cheeks have turned pale like the madhuka-flowers (due to viraha).But o My gosh! Have Your eyes stolen the beauty from the blue lotus? Hey lovely kunda-flower-toothed one! Your nose outmatches the curvature of a sesame flower. So Priye (dear one)! Since Your face holds Kämadeva’s five flower arrows, it is no wonder that he can easily conquer the entire universe. 15) Your glance is intoxicating; Your face is more attractive then the moon; Your gate is mind stealing; Your thighs defeat the beauty of a banana tree trunk, and Your lovemaking is filled with amorous skill. Hey shapely Rädhe! How amazing! Although You reside on earth, You carry with You the five most beautiful apsaras of heaven! ( the five bodily-attributes) 16) When fighting with the Kuvalyapida elephant and noticing its temples, Kåñëa were reminded of Rädhä’s enormous breasts. Thus with the outbreak of sattvic emotions, He perspired as His eyes turned dizzy! Then Kaàsa’s supporters cheered by exclaiming: “We have won! We have won!” But as Kåñëa quickly killed the elephant and threw him to the side, those supporters turned dejected to announce:”This boy has defeated us!” Let this manohara Kåñëa increase your love for Him. Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s tenth chapter entitled ‘Mugdha Mädhava’ Chapter Eleven Sänanda Dämodara Blissful Dämodara

 1) As the sky becomes dark turning into night, Kåñëa succeeds in dismantling doe-eyed Rädhä’s mana (jealous, loving anger) .Seeing Her happy again; Kåñëa beautifully attires Himself, and goes to lay upon the flowerbed, which She prepared. Meanwhile, Rädhä also begins to attractively dress, as Her sakhé offers the following advice:


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2) Hey shy Rädhe! Kåñëa fell at Your feet and spoke all sorts of select words to please You. He has left for the enchanting betasa kunja and is waiting for You upon the keli sajjya (the bed for lovemaking) .So just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter. 3) Carrying the heavy weight of Your huge breasts and large, beautiful bottom, You can slowly proceed ahead. Your tinkling ankle bells will sound sweeter than the calling swans. (Chorus: Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 4) Listen to Madhuripu’s sweet words, which are enchanting to al of the pretty, young girls…and follow the royal order of Cupid’s reciters, the maudlin kokilas. This will enhance Your love for Kåñëa. ( Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 5) Ayi Rai! The lovely latas tossing in the wind are like hands inviting You to go to Kåñëa. So don’t delay. ( Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 6) Rädhe!(…You don’t believe me?)Then just ask Your beautiful, jug-like breasts which are topped by a stream-like pearl necklace…aren’t they palpitating within the waves of Cupid’s ocean simply for the chance to receive Kåñëa’s fondling embrace? ( Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 7) Rädhe! Your sakhés have dressed Your beautiful limbs ravishingly to befit Cupid’s love tournament … So armed with Your bottom’s bell-chain that resounds like Çiva’s dim dim drum, gallantly enter Kåñëa’s rati mandira. ( Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 8) Resting Your hand upon a sakhé’s shoulder with it’s enchanting fingernails that resemble Cupid’s five flowers arrows, Your bracelets and bangles will tinkle rati’s message unto Mädhava who eagerly awaits Your arrival. ( Ayi shy Rädhe! Just follow after Madhusüdana who has taken Your shelter.) 9) This song of Jayadeva’s is more precious then a gem necklace, and more attractive than a mind-stealing ramani. Let it always rest in the hearts of those surrendered unto Kåñëa. 10) Sakhé Rai! Your Priyä ramana sits waiting in the nikunja thinking:”Aha! My Rädhärani will come and speak sweet words to Me, She will embrace and rub Her body against Mine feeling great bliss, then She will make love with Me”…

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Thus imagining Your arrival, He trembles, horripilate, perspires and after running to meet You, embraces the darkness and faints! 11) Sakhé Rädhe! Manu beautiful gopés have already left to meet Kåñëa. They have decorated their eyes with kajjal, placed tamala-leaves over their ears, put garlands of blue lotus around their necks, and painted designs over their breasts using kasturi. Hidden by the veil of darkness, that debauch, Kåñëa, takes on many forms to firmly embrace them all! ( So don’t delay) 12) As they eagerly proceed to meet Kåñëa,the golden light waves from the flower-soft gopa kiçori’s body mark the dense tamala leaf like darkness.Aho! It looks like countless golden inscriptions marking a black stone slab. 13) As She arrives at the forest cottage, Rädhärani’s effulgent necklace, bracelets, waist-bells ant ankle-bells light up the darkness. Standing at the doorway, She peeks inside, sees Kåñëa, and shyly lowers Her head. Thus Her sakhé begins to address Her: (Varäòi-räga-rüpaka-tälä ) Rädhä’s Anticipation *** 14) O Rädhe! Enter this enchanting keli mandira, and with Your smile radiating a rati-robust mood, You can join Mädhava on the flowerbed to begin rati keli. 15) O Rädhe! As Your pearl necklace bounces over Your jiggling pitcher-like breasts, just approach Mädhava who lies on the beautiful bed of açoka petals, and begin rati keli. 16) O Rai! With Your flower-soft bodily limbs just approach Mädhava in this flower decorated keli bhavana, and begin lovemaking. 17) O Rädhe! As the cooling Malayan breeze freshens the atmosphere, You can approach Mädhava singing an erotic song to arouse His passion, and begin lovemaking. 18) O Rädhe! While slowly swinging Your lovely large bottom, just approach Mädhava in this keli mandira covered with newly blossoming creepers, and begins lovemaking. 19) O Rai! Just enter this kunja filled with buzzing, honey collecting bumblebees, and while approaching Mädhava with Your irresistibly sweet mood of erotic passion, You can begin rati keli. 20) O Rai! While chewing pan, Your lovely teeth will look like sikhara gems (the colour of pomegranate seeds). Now You can approach Mädhava in the keli mandira surrounded by melodious cooing kokilas and begin lovemaking.


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21) Hey Murari! Kaviräja Jayadeva has composed this song for Padmävaté’xxis pleasure. Let it bestow auspiciousness to the world in hundreds of ways. 22) O Rai! For a long time Kåñëa has carried You within His mind, but now He is exhausted. Thus burning with passion, He longs to soothingly sip the nectar from Your bimba red lips. So hey Vinodiné (enchanting one)! Why not place Yourself in His lap? For have not You noticed: Your flirting eye gestures have toppled Him into becoming Your subservient däsa. So why hesitate? 23) Thus following Her sakhé’s advice, Rai kiçoré looks at Govindä with restless, love-thirsty eyes, and enters the keli mandira followed by the sweet tinkling sound of Her ankle-bells. Her mind now reels in both fear and ecstasy. ( Varäòi-räga-yati-tälä) Milana Rädhä and Kåñëa meet *** 24) Seeing Rädhä’s face overwhelms Kåñëa with numerous sattvic emotions, just as the full moon stirs up huge waves over the ocean! (Chorus: While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 25) Kåñëa’s broad chest covered bay a pearl necklace reminds Rädhä of the deep blue Yamunä mixed with its white foam ripples. (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 26) Kåñëa’s soft çyämala body and pétämbara attire appears to Rädhä like a blue lotus flower sprinkled in golden pollen. (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 27) Kåñëa’s lurking eyes arouse Rädhä’s rati desire and remind Her of two restless humming birds darting over a blue lotus in an autumn lake. (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 28) vadana-kamala-pariçélana-milita-mihira-sama-kuëòala-çobham | smita-ruci-rucira-samullasitädhara-pallava-kåta-rati-lobham (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy)


Srimati Radharani, and Jayadeva’s wife.

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29) Kåñëa’s hair decorated with flowers appears to Rädhä like a beautiful cloud basking in the moonlight…and the candana tilaka on His forehead looks like the moon peaking through the darkness. (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 30) Rädhä notices Kåñëa’s body erupting with large goose bumps as He turns impatient to employ His various lovemaking skills! His effulgent ornaments and jewels enhance His bodily sweetness. (While totally fixed on Rädhä, Kåñëa has hankered to make love with Her. Seeing Her agreeable, He overflows with erotic ecstasy) 31) The attractiveness of Kåñëa’s ornaments double with Jayadeva’s poetic description.O readers! Attaining Kåñëa is the essence of all pious activity. Let Him forever remains in your hearts as you offer pranama to Him. 32) While viewing Kåñëa, Rädhä’s eyes appear as if they were stretching out of their socket to reach Her ears! Thus feeling tired, Her restless pupils shed tears of joy that stream down Her cheeks! 33) Seeing Rädhärani approaching the bed, Her sakhés, in trying to conceal their smiles, begin to scratch their ears as they quickly scurry outside. Then as doe-eyed Rädhä looks upon Kåñëa’s handsome, amorous-filled lotus-face, Her modesty, feeling ashamed, flees from the keli mandira! 34) Glories! Glories to Murari’s strong, club-like arms, they became stained with blood from the Kuvalyapida elephant’s snout when He killed him! These blood stains, along with the red sindura from the elephant’s temple, appear like red mandara flowers offered by Jayaçré (Lakñmé, the beautiful goddess of victory) Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s eleventh chapter entitled ‘Sänanda Dämodara’

Chapter Twelve Supréta-Pétämbara Kåñëa, the dashing fellow dressed in yellow

 1) After the sakhés leave, Kåñëa looks at Rädhä. Her shyness is gone, Her mood has become sweetly erotic, and Her face beams with a tender, wanton smile. With ever-fresh anuräga, Rädhä repeatedly glances toward the soft, flowerbed. Thus Kåñëa addresses His Priyä:


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2) O Kämini Rai! (One who satisfies My käma).Just place Your lotus feet upon this nicely arranged flowerbed. Let these flowers feel ashamed as they touch their rivals; for don’t Your delicate feet far outmatch their softness? (Chorus: Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 3) O Dear most one! Having come from afar, You must be tired. So just require Me: I shall massage Your tender feet to relieve their fatigue…but then You can firmly embrace Me upon this bed-just as Your ankle bells snugly fit around Your feet. (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 4) O Priye! Just give Me Your amåta-like word of approval, which will seep from Your moon-face. Then I shall remove this cloth, which separates Me from Your lovely breasts. (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 5) O Beloved! Your supremely rare and voluptuous, jug-like breasts are eager to embrace Me, hence they are standing erect in horripilation! So please rub them over My chest to dispel My fever of passion! (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 6) O love-jealous one! I’m Your very infatuated servant. Yet being deprived from lovemaking with You has almost scorched My body to death! So please kiss Me, for the nectar from Your lips will bring Me back to life! (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 7) Ayi Sumukhi! (moon faced one)! Let the sound of the bell-chain worn over Your bottom commence! Just let it try to match Your sweet, kokila-like voice. This will relieve My ear’s tension from hearing the ordinary kokila’s singing. (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.) 8) Ayi Love-jealous one! Your needless anger has really hurt Me. Thus Your guilty eyes close in shyness when they took upon Me.O let’s just forget about everything that will upset Our pleasure-giving rati keli. (Hey Rädhe! Although I am Näräyaëa (although I have many sweethearts) I have surrendered to You. So please worship Me for a while.)

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9) Every line of Jayadeva’s song portrays Madhusüdana’s anandamaya (pleasure filled mood).Let it attract the rasicä bhaktas who wish to relish the enchanting bhävas of His exciting lovemaking affairs. 10) As Rädhä and Kåñëa’s rati-keli begins, the so called impediments to love’s progress such as Their horripilation during embracing, their blinking as they look thirstily upon each other, Their clever work-play as They kiss, and Their paramänanda during the spar of Cupid’s battle-only heighten Their bliss! 11) Even though Kåñëa is locked within Rädhika stronghold, crushed by Her voluptuous breasts, severed by Her fingernails, lip-bitten by Her biting teeth, inoculated by the crushing blows of Her bottom, pulled by Her fingers within His hair, and drunk by Her honey-sucking lips-still He reaches an indescribably fascinating high peak of total enrapture! 12) Desiring to defeat Kåñëa in Cupid’s love-battle, Rädhä boldly usurps the male’s position by climbing over His chest! Yet owing to Her extreme enrapture, She soon becomes fatigued! Thus Her bottom stops rotating, Her arms collapse and Her eyes closed! Can a pretty, delicate woman ever accomplish the feat of a robust man? 13) In the thrill of intense ecstasy eyes partially close, Her perspiring cheeks press Kåñëa’s cheeks, She faintly whimpers, and Her mouth bathes in the light rays from Her teeth. Thus as doe-eyed Rädhä’s tired limbs lay spread over Kåñëa’s ,His hands fondle Her dangling breasts, as He kisses Her lips .Indeed, this Kåñëa is fortunate! 14) Rädhä’s nail marks appear like rose petals on Kåñëa’s chest. Yet Her eyes are red with drowsiness, Her lips have turned copper-colour from excessive kissing, Her hair is ruffled and Her flower mala, bell-chain and clothes lay scattered over the bed. Aho! As Kåñëa views Rädhä’s splendour, Cupid shoots five arrows, which deeply graft His heart. 15) Kåñëa ponders: Ugh! Rädhä’s scattered hair has lovely, curling locks strewn over Her forehead, Her cheeks are drenched in perspiration, Her bright, red lips have faded from My tooth marks, Her pearl necklace looks dull in contrast with Her lustrous ,big breasts and Her bell-chain has been cast aside… Still Rädhä’s shy intriguing smiles as She coyly looks at Me while trying to cover Her breasts and public area, drive Me mad! 16) As Govinda thus contemplates, Rädhärani, who lies fatigued from rati keli blissfully addresses Him with affection: (Rämakari-räga-yati-tälä) Rädhä’s svadhina bhartrikaxxii mood ***


The heroine who controls her beloved so that he submissively serves her


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17) Hey Yadunanana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful. So now You can use Your hand, which is more cooling than candana, to paint wonderful musk designs over My breasts, don’t they resemble Cupid’s auspicious nectar jugs? 18) O Priyä! My eyes are the bows which I use to pelt You with Cupid’s arrows. But You have messed (by kissing) up their kajjal (mascara) which looked like a swarm of bees. So quickly repaint the kajjal to restore My eyes loveliness. (Chorus: Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 19) Hey You handsome dresser! My ears are like Cupid’s ropes for binding You, but they also serve as the fence, which keeps My restlessly playful doeeyes from running away. Please decorate them with earrings. ( Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 20) Hey Kåñëa! My serene face outmatches the beauty of a lotus, yet seeing My ruffled hair falling over it, My sakhés will tease. So quickly rearrange these curls to look graceful again (like a swarm of bees resting over a golden lotus ). ( Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 21) Hey Lotus faced one! Please remove the perspiration from My forehead moon. Then You can replace the moons spot by painting kasturi ( deer-musk) ( Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 22) Hey You Dashing fellow! Disheveled by Your amorous love-play, My hairs need straitening. So please refashion it with flowers to make it resemble Cupid’s camara, or the lovely tail of a peacock. ( Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 23) O hey My well wishing one! My large, beautiful and juicy pubic region forms the cave for the mad-elephant named Cupid. Just cover it with a garment, a sash ,and a bell chain. ( Hey Yadunandana! Your lovemaking makes My heart joyful.) 24) Hey Lotus eyed one! Please remove the perspirations from My foreheadmoon. Then You can replace the moon’s kalanka (spot) by painting kasturi (deer-musk) O readers! Decorate your heart with Çré Jayadeva’s words. For they will invoke the amåita-like remembrance of Kåñëa’s lotus feet, and extinguish the blazing fire of Kali yuga’s sin. 25) O hey My pleasing Pétämbara! You can design on My breasts and cheeks, place a bell-chain over My bottom, and decorate My hair with flowers. Then You can place bangles over My wrists and attach ankle-bells over My feet. Thus hearing Rädhä’s requests, Kåñëa obediently perform every task.

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26) While Lord Näräyaëa lies on the couch of Änanta, Lakñmé, the daughter of the milk ocean, was busy massaging His lotus feet. Desiring to look at Her with a thousands of eyes, however, Näräyaëa expanded into countless forms by reflecting Himself from each jewel in the thousand hoods of Änanta. Let this Lord Hari protect you. 27) Hey Sundari! Because You chose Me for Your husband amongst the many suitors who stood beside the milk ocean, Çiva became so disappointed that he drank poison. Thus, while reminding Rädhä of a previous incarnation, Kåñëa (catching Her off-guard) moves the cloth covering Her upper portion to peak at Her lovely breasts nipples !Let this Kåñëa protect you. 28) O vaiñëava readers! Combining the skills of poetry and music, go on singing Pandita Jayadeva’s Gétä Govinda. Thus you will become fixed in devotion to lord Kåñëa, learn the science of His sångara Räsa, and become adept in meditating on His madhura Våndävana lélä. 29) Those who relish Çré Jayadeva’s eloquent description of Rädhä and Kåñëa’s conjugal pastimes may consider: O madhu, you are impalatable! O sugar, you have turned bitter! O juicy grapes, which will look at you now? O amåta (nectar), you have become måta (dead)! O khira, you have turned into water! O mango, you might as well cry! O lover’s lips just go to hell! 30) Jayadeva was born as the son of Bhojadeva and Vamadevi. Let Gétä Govinda be sung by the beautiful voice of my dear friend Parasara, and others. 31) sädhvé mädhvéka cintä na bhavati bhavataù çarkare karkaçäsi dräkñe drakñyanti ke tväm amåta måtam asi kñéra néraà rasaste | mäkanda kranda käntädhara dhara na tuläà gaccha yacchanti bhävaà yävac chåìgära-säraà çubham iva jayadevasya vaidagdhya-väcaù 32) itthaà keli-tatir vihåtya yamunä-küle samaà rädhayä tad-romävali-mauktikävali-yuge veëé-bhramaà bibhrati | tatrählädi-kuca-prayäga-phalayor lipsävator hastayor vyäpäräa puruñottamasya dadatu sphétäà mudaà sampadaà

Thus ends Gétä Govinda’s twelfth chapter entitled ‘Supréta-Pétämbara’ Thus ends Jayadeva Gosvami’s Gétä Govinda


Géta Govinda

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