Plaster of Paris Petroleum jelly or spray oil Plastic mixing bowl Spoon or stirring stick Mold (disposable pie pan or plastic container will work) Clear enamel spray (optional) Paint (optional)
Things You'll Need Plaster of Paris Petroleum jelly or spray oil Plastic mixing bowl Spoon or stirring stick Mold (disposable pie pan or plastic container will work) Clear enamel spray (optional) Paint (optional) Gather your tools and ingredients and prepare your mold. The process of making a handprint moves quickly, so you want to be sure that you have everything ready. Spray your mold with spray oil or coat lightly with petroleum jelly.
Prepare plaster of Paris. Read the instructions on the package of plaster of Paris. Most brands suggest 2 cups plaster of Paris to 1 cup of water. Mix with a spoon or stirring stick. The mixture should be smooth and thick.
Prepare your subject's hand for molding. Clean the hand you will be using and then coat it with spray oil or petroleum jelly.
Pour the plaster of Paris mixture into the prepared mold and tap it lightly on your work surface to allow air bubbles to float to the top. Pour more of the mixture into the mold until it is about three-quarters full.
Place the hand in the mixture and hold it very still for 30 seconds. Slowly remove the hand. If the mixture immediately fills in where the hand was, it is too thin and should be thickened with some more plaster of Paris powder. Once you have thickened the mixture, wash the hand and re-coat it. Place the hand in the mold and hold it very still again for 30 seconds.
Allow to dry for several hours. Once dry, remove the hand mold and it can be painted and enameled (if desired).
How to Make Extra Strong Plaster of Paris for Casting
Mixing Plaster
Step 1: Prepare the Work Area Cover you work area with a layer of newsprint to prevent the plaster from sticking to important surfaces.
Step 2: Mix Water and Glue Place 1 1/4-cup water in a plastic mixing bowl. Add 1/4-cup white glue to the water. Mix the water and glue until the glue is thoroughly incorporated into the water. The water should appear milky and have a creamy consistency.
Step 3: Add the Plaster Slowly pour 2 cups of plaster of Paris into the water. Add a small amount of plaster at a time. Sprinkle the plaster evenly across the surface of the water and glue mixture. Allow the plaster to settle to the bottom, and do not stir. Stirring at this point may cause excessive air bubbles that will weaken the plaster. Continue to add plaster of Paris until you’ve used all 2 cups.
Step 4: Rest and Mix Let the plaster rest for about five minutes before mixing. Use the plaster mixture immediately.
release agent plaster mold poured and allowed to fully cure do not buy quick set silicone, you need 100% silicone Resin Kit washing soda 1/2 part white glue or mod podge ( this is what I used) It will end up with the consistency of frosting ( do not eat it lol)
PREVOD: Gips Vazelin ili sprej ulje Plastična posuda za mešanje Kašika ili mešanje štap Kalup (za jednokratnu upotrebu Pie Pan ili plastični kontejner će raditi) Jasno emajl sprej (opciono) Boja (opciono) Stvari Moraćete Gips Vazelin ili sprej ulje Plastična posuda za mešanje Kašika ili mešanje štap Kalup (za jednokratnu upotrebu Pie Pan ili plastični kontejner će raditi) Jasno emajl sprej (opciono) Boja (opciono) Skupite svoje alate i sastojke i pripremite kalup. Proces izrade otisak kreće brzo, tako da želite da budete sigurni da imate sve spremno. Sprej svoj kalup sa prskanjem ulja ili kaput lagano vazelina. Pripremite gipsa. Pročitajte uputstva na pakovanju gipsom. Većina brendova ukazuju 2 šolje gipsa na 1 šolju vode. Pomešati sa kašikom ili mešanje štapa. Mešavina treba da bude glatka i gusta.
Pripremite svoje subjekta ruku za brizganje. Očistite ruke koje ćete koristiti, a zatim kaput ga sa prskanjem ulja ili vazelina. Sipajte gips smeše u pripremljenu kalup i dodirnite ga lagano na radnu površinu kako bi se omogućilo vazdušni mehurići da pluta do vrha. Za više od smeše u kalup dok je oko tri četvrtine puna. Stavite ruku u smeši i držite ga veoma još 30 sekundi. Polako uklonite ruku. Ako je mešavina odmah popunjava gde je ruka, to je previše tanak i treba da se zgusne uz malo više gipsa u prahu. Kada ste zgusnut mešavine, oprati ruke i ponovo kaput ga. Stavite ruku u kalup i držite ga veoma još jednom u trajanju od 30 sekundi. Omogućavaju da se suši nekoliko sati. Kada se osuši, uklonite kalup ruku i može se farbati i emajlirano (po želji). Kako napraviti Ektra Strong Gips za livenje mešanje Gips Korak 1: Pripremite radna površina Pokrivaju radite površine slojem papira da spreči maltera od drže važne površine. Korak 2: mik voda i lepak Postavite 1 1/4-šolje vode u plastičnoj posudi za mešanje. Dodaj 1/4-šolje belog lepka u vodu. Pomešajte vodu i lepak dok se lepak potpuno uključeni u vodu. Voda treba da se pojavi mlečna i imaju kremastu konzistenciju. Korak 3: Dodajte Gips Polako sipajte 2 šolje gipsom u vodu. Dodati malu količinu maltera u jednom trenutku. Pospite malter ravnomerno preko površine vode i lepka smeše. Dozvolite malter da se nasele na dno, i ne meša. Mešanje u ovom trenutku može da izazove prekomernu mehuriće vazduha koji će oslabiti gips. Nastavite da dodate gipsa dok ste koristili sve 2 šolje. Korak 4: Odmor i mik Neka gips ostatak za oko pet minuta pre mešanja. Odmah Koristite maltera smeše. sredstvo za otpuštanje gips kalupa sipa i ostavi da se očvrsne ne kupuju Kuick Set silikon, treba vam 100% silikon smola kit deterdžent 1/2 deo beli lepak ili Mod Podge (to je ono što sam koristio) će završiti sa doslednost glazura (ne jedi D