Giove Workshop 131008 2

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  • Pages: 35
Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

GIOVE B GIOVE Workshop ESTEC (NL), 13 October 2008

Prepared by: A. Woelker, R. Kieffer, G. Robertson, C. Pedersoli

Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Content 1. Introduction 2. Giove B, Element of Galileo 3. Giove B Performances 1. Payload 2. Platform

4. Giove B Steps to Space 1. Development 2. Integration and Tests 3. Launch Campaign (Baikonur)

5. Giove B In-Orbit Signal 6. Giove B Payload Features GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


Giove B – a giant step towards Galileo

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Giove B launch on 27 April 2008 (CEST) with Soyuz/Fregat from Baikonur The Soyuz launch postponement gave the opportunity to exchange the NSGU equipped with latest technology used for the Galileo constellation Giove B is now flying the most advanced and accurate satellite navigation technology

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


Giove B – a giant step towards Galileo

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

First signal transmitted on 7 May 2008 Giove B In-orbit test review on 3 July 2008 Demonstrating maturity of critical technologies applied in Galileo Allowing to test the ground user interface with a representative Galileo signal

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


The Giove B Satellite Team

led by

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Astrium Gmbh (G) ƒ Satellite Prime Contractor ƒ Avionics

with major subcontracts to

ƒ Astrium Ltd. (UK) ƒ Payload

ƒ Thales Alenia Space Italia SpA ƒ Satellite AIT, TT&C, Harness

ƒ Thales Alenia Space France ƒ EPS & Mechanical / Thermal subsystems

in cooperation with

ƒ ESA as customer ƒ Telespazio for operations GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B, Element of Galileo

ƒMission Goals This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ Frequency Filings ƒ Transmit the navigation signals at all the frequencies planned for the GALILEO satellites ƒ Secure the GALILEO frequency filings and provide early feedbacks to the development of the GALILEO Space Segment

ƒ Test the Galileo Technology in Space ƒ Test in-orbit critical technologies such as atomic clocks and digital technologies ƒ Signal In-Space interface allows test ground user I/F ƒ Galileo compatible signal, S-PHM first time in space

ƒ Measure the MEOP Environment ƒ Fly in the MEO orbit of GALILEO constellation and characterise the MEO orbit environment

ƒStep towards Galileo ƒ MEO at 23,200km altitude, 56° inclination GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Performances

ƒPayload ƒ Clocks This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ 1 Passive Hydrogen Maser (S-PHM): Drift stability over 8 hrs < 1.0 x 10-14

ƒ 2 Rubidium Clocks (RAFS): Drift stability over 8 hrs < 5.0 x 10-14

ƒ Clock Monitoring & Control Unit (CMCU)

ƒ Navigation Message ƒ Navigation Signal Generator Unit (NSGU): TMBOC, CBOC … ƒ Frequency Generator & Up-converter Unit (FGUU)

ƒ Output Signal ƒ 6 SSPAs: E5 – 29.3 dBW, E6 – 29.3 dBW and L1 – 28.6 dBW ƒ Navigation Antenna: L-Band, Isoflux pattern GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Performances

ƒPlatform ƒ Avionics This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ Integrated Control and Data Unit (ICDU) ƒ Earth Sensor (IRES), Sun Sensors (FSS): 2° Yaw, 0.35° Roll & Pitch ƒ 4 Reaction Wheels ƒ 2 Torque Rods ƒ 2 Gyros

ƒ Electrical Power System ƒ 23 – 37 V Unregulated Bus voltage ƒ Li-Ion battery ƒ 2 Solar Array Wings with 4 Panels each, Standard Silicon Cells: EOL Min. orbit average 925W @ 36V

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Performances

ƒPlatform ƒ TT&C This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ 2 S-Band Transponders ƒ Laser Retro Reflector for optical ranging

ƒ Propulsion (Mono-propellant) ƒ Tank Capacity 28kg (15kg hydrazine needed) ƒ 8 Thrusters (2 x 4)

ƒ Structure / Thermal ƒ Separate payload and platform modules ƒ 0.955 m x 0.955 m x 2.4 m (Al Honeycomb) ƒ Control of S-PHM and RAFS within ±1°C (±0.2°C achieved)

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒDevelopment & Integration ƒ Development This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ In an integrated system team (Astrium GmbH, Astrium Ltd, Thales Alenia Space France Thales Alenia Space Italy) located in Ottobrunn (Munich)

ƒ Integration ƒ In Thales Alenia Space Rome facilities

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒDevelopment, Integration and Tests ƒ Test campaign in Rome This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Conducted EMC Integrated System Test#1 3 Axis Vibration Campaign Thermal Balance and Thermal Cycling (TVAC) Mass Properties (Mass, CoG, MoI) Launch Vehicle Fit Check and Shock Test System Validation Tests#1 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

One axis Vibration & Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒIntegration and Tests ƒ Test campaign at ESTEC (Noordwijk) This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Acoustic Test Campaign Alignment Checks Radiated EMC Tests Launch Vehicle Compatibility (Umbilical Tests) Solar Array Pyro Deployments Tests Propulsion System Tests Integrated System Test#2 and System Validation Test#2 with Ground Station

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒTransfer to Launch Site This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ Launch site: Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ Transport with an Antonov An-124 ƒ Launcher: Soyuz (Starsem) ƒ Upper stage: Fregate ƒ 40 days launch campaign

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B Steps to Space

ƒLaunch Campaign ƒ Campaign in Baikonur (Kazakhstan) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Functional Tests Fueling of Spacecraft Integration onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter Integration onto Fregat Tilting and Encapsulation Integration of Upper Composite onto the 3rd Stage ƒ Integration onto the 1st and 2nd Stage ƒ Roll out to launch pad ƒ Count Down

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science


GIOVE B In-Orbit Signal

ƒIn-Orbit Test

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ 26-04 ƒ 27-04

ƒ 28-04 ƒ 01-05 ƒ 05-05 ƒ 06-05

22:16 Launch from Baikonur 02:02 Separation from Fregat successful TM acquisition 02:22 Pyro firing successful S/A deployment 12:02 Transition to EAM 08:23 S-PHM Ion Pump Switch ON 20:04 P/L ON 23:35 S-PHM clock locked 23:49 SSPA L1 Channel ON 23:50 SSPA E6 Channel ON

First GIOVE B signal received GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

6. GIOVE-B Payload Features ƒ

Designed, integrated and tested by Astrium Ltd in Portsmouth, UK Small - but complex and innovative “Generative” signal architecture

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ


Navigation Signals are digitally generated on-board Navigation Message content (e.g. clock corrections) and signal waveforms can be changed in orbit

Galileo representative L-band navigation signals ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ

E5a+E5b, E6 and E2L1E1 bands Up to 2-channel simultaneous operation at full 50W

Master timing derived from atomic clocks Additional Units for frequency up-conversion, high power amplification and filtering Patch array antenna provides shaped global coverage Payload also includes Space Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) package

ƒ ƒ

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

6. The Most Advanced Clocks Ever Orbited...

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.


GIOVE-B Payload is fitted with 3 atomic clocks ƒ Critical technology for Galileo positioning performance Æ IOV and FOC


2 x Rubidium atomic clocks ƒ Accurate to <10ns per day ƒ Manufactured by Spectratime and Astrium GmbH


1 x Passive Hydrogen Maser ƒ First Maser ever to orbit the Earth ƒ Accurate to <1ns per day ƒ Manufactured by Selex Galileo and Spectratime

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

6. and the Latest Galileo Signals…

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The Galileo system will share some frequency allocations with the US GPS system ƒ Compatibility needed to avoid interference ƒ Inter-operability with GPS desired to enhance performance


Complex EU/US negotiations led to 2007 joint adoption of MBOC (Multiplexed Binary Offset Coding) modulation standard GIOVE-B was first satellite to transmit MBOC signals from space


ƒ Paves the way for future roll-out on Galileo and GPS-III satellites

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

6. Successful Payload In-orbit Commissioning…

ƒ “textbook” S-PHM switch-on ƒ First ever in-orbit CBOC transmission at 00:04:56 UTC on 07 May 2008


2.3 2.2 2.1

Each commissioning phase followed by comprehensive IOT campaign

1.9 1.8

1.6 1.5 1.4 17:00










Time [hh:mm]


ƒ 2 telemetry-related anomalies detected on RAFS-B, no risk to Unit or Payload




Payload-B commissioning performed on 09.06.08

45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 17:00






Time [hh:mm]

PST00206 PST00210

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B 13 / 10 / 08


TM Value [A]

Payload-A commissioning completed successfully on 5-7.05.08

TM Value

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.



PST00207 PST00211



Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

6. …led to Successful Payload In-Orbit Tests ƒ


20.0 10.0

Various performances measured ƒ EIRP (E5a/b CW, E2L1E1 CW, E6 CW) ƒ Centre Frequency (1176, 1207, 1278, 1560 and 1591MHz) ƒ Modulated Spectrum (L1_Interplex, L1_TMBOC, L1_CBOC, E5_ALTBOC, E6_Interplex…) ƒ IBUS and OBUS ƒ Tests with Septentrio Receiver ƒ Apparent Clock Stability


Performance of clocks ƒ Stability of GIOVE-B S-PHM best in space ƒ RAFS long-term performance measurement ongoing


In-orbit measurements consistent with ground reference tests GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B p34

EIRP (dBW / 10kHz RBW)

This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

ƒ Fucino (I) ƒ Redu (B) ƒ Chilbolton (UK)

13 / 10 / 08

L1abc_CBOC{BOC(15,2.5)-c/BOC(1,1)-s/BOC(1,1)-s} Prime: Gain Step 7

IOT campaign coordinated between:

0.0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 -40.0 -50.0 -60.0 -70.0 1530








Frequency (MHz) AIT Ref

TC24: 08 May 08 @ 07:30



This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed.

Earth Observation, Navigation & Science

Long live Giove B !

GIOVE Workshop Estec - GIOVE B

13 / 10 / 08 p35

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