Gibsons Water Meter Referendum Brochure Final

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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Download & View Gibsons Water Meter Referendum Brochure Final as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 583
  • Pages: 2
VOTE YES FOR THE REFERENDUM The Town of Gibsons is asking voters to approve borrowing for cross connection control valves and water meters.


If passed, the Town of Gibsons would receive a BC Government Grant for $609,000 and secure a low interest loan for the remaining $951,000 to be paid over 20 years. The grant will expire unless we vote yes now! Town Council, Staff and the Parks and Infrastructure Committee have been working on this application (adopted by our previous council) for ten years. Ministry of Environment Canada 2004 reports flat-rate users consume 20% more water than metered users. Water metering will conserve our water supply. A Referendum on this issue is part of the local election, November 15th 2008.

TOWN INFORMATION 604.886.2274 Internet:

SATURDAY, NOV. 15 8:00 am—8:00 pm, GIBSONS TOWN HALL

WHY WATER METER? 1. The BC Water Act requires contamination protection for all community water supplies. We must either install Cross Connection Control valves or chlorinate our drinking water supply. Meters will be added simultaneously to cut down future costs. 2. We must have water meters to qualify for future grants. BC government grants require the Town to prove it is conserving water (water meters). 3. Your water bill, $375/yr, covers purchase price, borrowing cost, installation cost, maintenance cost, staff costs and long term replacement costs. 4. Pay only for what you use with water metering, a fair water bill. 5. Health could suffer if we have to chlorinate our aquifer water. 6. Metering has proven effective to reduce water use.

THE FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

7. Metering helps find leaks in supply system so they can be fixed. 8. When we consume less water, we pump less, waste less energy pumping and create less wear and tear on our pumping systems.


9. Average yearly water use now is 477 liters water per person per day.

9. Don't be confused. Water metering has been thoroughly explored and debated as a conservation initiative by our council and staff. It is a financially viable option which will not cause hardship and which will extend the lifespan of our Aquifer. Exercise your right to participate in democracy, get the facts, decide for yourself and vote in the referendum.

Water consumption has more than doubled in Gibsons in the last year. The Town has a grant of $609,000 from the Province to help with costs if we start the work in 2009. The capacity/lifespan of our Aquifer is unknown. Gibsons residents pay the lowest rates for water on the Coast, $375 per house next year Taxpayers repayment for valves and meters will be approximately $3.00/mo per household over 20 years or less. The installation of the cross connection controls, will protect our water without chlorination. Installing a chlorination system could cost over $2 million, twice as much as cross connection control and meters. The approximate cost of the meter portion now is $305,000. If we choose to install meters later it could cost us an additional $170,000 (at today's rates). To build a reservoir to hold's one week's supply of water for the Town could cost $30 million for a reservoir would be the size of a soccer field and 3 storeys high with chlorination required.

This information flyer is brought to you by the Gibsons Landing Community Association. Please email [email protected] to learn more about our group. We are happy to forward you a copy of our Constitution, Vision, Values and Goals.

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