Getting Started

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  • Words: 1,479
  • Pages: 14
Getting Started with

BACKBASE 3.1 Community Edition

© BACKBASE, July 2005

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Introduction The Backbase Community Edition 3.1 is delivered as a ZIP file in a Developer version and a Production version: •—the Developer ZIP contains the Backbase Presentation Client (BPC) required to run a Backbase application, developer resources, documentation, and sample applications to help you get started.—the Production ZIP contains only the essential resources required to run a Backbase application in a production environment, i.e. the Backbase Presentation Client (BPC) and the Backbase skins.

Installation overview The following steps provide an overview of how to quickly get started developing your first Backbase web application: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Download Unzip Deploy—on Apache or MS IIS Web server Test—create your first Backbase web application Explore—going further (Optional) Unzip

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Compatibility Backbase supports the following client browser / operating system combinations: Web Browser Internet Explorer 5

Internet Explorer 5.5

Internet Explorer 6

Mozilla 1.7

Mozilla Firefox 1.0

Netscape 7.2

Netscape 8.0

Camino 0.82

© BACKBASE, July 2005

Operating System Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Linux Kernel 2.2+ MacOS X 10.2+ Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Linux Kernel 2.2+ MacOS X 10.2+ Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Linux Kernel 2.2+ MacOS X 10.2+ Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP MacOS X 10.2+

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1 Download Download the file from

Note: The zip file contains both the development and production versions of the Community Edition, and the Getting Started PDF.

2 Unzip Unzip to a location on your hard drive. It is recommended to extract Backbase to the root of your drive, for example C:\.

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2.1 Check the installation directory structure The Community Edition (Development) contains the Backbase Presentation Client (BPC) and additional developer resources.

The Backbase Community Edition (Development) contains the Backbase Presentation Client (BPC) and additional developer resources. The extracted ZIP file consists of the following directory structure under Backbase/3_1/: • • • • • • • • •

bpc—contains the Backbase Presentation Client (BPC) engine (Javascript libraries)

controls—Backbase provides out-of-the box user interface controls with behavior and look and feel defined docs—contains the PDFs, Manual, BXML Reference, Release Notes, Getting Started Guide and descriptions of the starter kits gfx—graphics resources explorer— a user interface containing developer samples that you can modify and test. ide plugins—Backbase provides plugins for Dreamweaver, Eclipse, and Visual Studio. For installation instructions, read the plugin readme files. skeletons—contains basic-startup.html, a simple startup file, and 4rows-3columns.html demonstrating simple a layout. starterkits—contains the source code for the sample applications; Forms, Petshop, Windows, Portal, and the Sandbox. tools—contains Backbase development tools; Runtime Tracer, I/O Inspector, Quick Inspector, and Reporters. Online help for BXML Reference is also available. Activate the tools by pressing the Esc key in your browser when a Backbase application is running.

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2.2 Create a project directory Create a project directory on your local drive, for example C:\MyBackbaseProjects to use as your project directory. You will need later need to configure your Web server to access your project directory and Backbase installation directory.

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3 Deploy Deployment describes the recommended installation of the Backbase Community Edition (CE) on the following Web servers: • •

Deploying on Apache Deploying on MS Internet Information Services (IIS)

The instructions assume the following: • • •

You have already installed Apache or MS IIS Your Backbase installation directory is C:/Backbase Your Backbase projects directory is C:/MyBackbaseProjects

If you have set up your environment differently, you will need to make the necessary path adjustments.

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3.1 Deploy on Apache To configure Apache: 1. Open the httpd.config file located in your Apache Group/Apache2/conf folder. 2. Add aliases and directory authorization to enable your Web server to locate your Backbase installation directory and project directory: Alias /icons/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/icons/" Alias /myapps/ "C:/MyBackbaseProjects/" Alias /Backbase/ "C:/Backbase/3_1/" Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from localhost

3. Restart Apache. 4. Test that the installation was successful by entering the URL (and clicking the text): http://localhost:80/Backbase/skeletons/basic-startup.html

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3.2 Deploy on MS IIS To configure MS IIS: 1. Start the MS IIS console: Choose Start->Control Panel->Admin Tools 2. Select the Default Web Site node and choose New->Virtual Directory

3. In the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, enter an Alias for your Web application, for example Backbase. 4. Browse to the directory where you installed Backbase, for example C:/Backbase, and click OK. 5. Test that the installation was successful; in the /skeletons directory, select basic-start-up.html, and choose Browse from the popup menu. Click the text to check the installation.

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6. Repeat the process to add a virtual directory with an alias MyBackbaseProjects to enable your Web server to locate your project directory.

4 Test Testing describes how to create and test your first Backbase application.

The instructions assume that you have created a directory C:/MyBackbaseProjects to use as your project directory and configured your Web server to access it. 1. Copy and paste basic-startup.html from /Backbase/3_1/skeletons to /MyBackbaseProjects 2. Rename the file myFirstApp.html 3. Open the file in a text editor and change the <script> and sections in the file as follows to enable it to locate the BPC: My First Backbase Application <script type="text/javascript" src="/Backbase/3_1/bpc/boot.js" > <xmp b:backbase="true">
Click here to see if your Backbase installation is working

4. Test the configuration in your browser by entering http://localhost:80/myapps/myFirstApp.html (Apache) or http://localhost/myBackbaseProjects/myFirstApp.html (IIS)

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4.1 Modify and test project files When you have got your first Backbase application up and running, add some functionality then test it: 1. Open myFirstApp.html in a text editor. 2. Replace the contents of the <xmp> (the BXML space) with the following:

The Seven Samurai (1954)

A movie by Akira Kurosawa starring Takashi Shimura and Toshiro Mifune.

<<< Show less Read more >>>

3. Test the configuration in your browser by entering http://localhost:80/myapps/myFirstApp.html (Apache) or http://localhost/myBackbaseProjects/myFirstApp.html (IIS)

4. Click the link to show more contents:

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5 Explore Explore describes the resources available to help you get started building more complex Backbase web applications.

Backbase provides starter kits that are sample applications designed to help get you started developing more complex web applications. You can use the source code provided by the starter kits as a basis for developing a Backbase Web application. The starter kits are sample applications that demonstrate the most widely used types of Web applications. You can access them from the Backbase/3_1/index.html page:

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The starter kits are located folder in your Backbase/3_1/starterkits directory. You can also open the starter kits in your web browser directly by entering the following URL: http://localhost:80/Backbase/starterkits/petshop/ (Apache) or http://localhost/Backbase/starterkits/petshop/index.html (IIS). The developer tools and reference documentation are available by pressing the Esc button.

6 Download and unzip production version The production version of the Community Edition is optimized for deploying a Backbase application in a production environment. It therefore does not include developer tools and resources available in the developer version. The installation and configuration procedures are exactly the same as for the development version. However, you need to make sure that unzip the production version using the same directory structure as you used for development, so that you do not need to adjust the <script> path information in your startup file.

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Copyright Notice Products and technologies mentioned in this document are trade marks or registered marks of their respective owners. Backbase may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter of this document. Backbase products include software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (

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