Get Your Feet Wet

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4
“Get Your Feet Wet” Joshua 3 Joshua 3:1-2 Told to wait at the river 1. Joshua 1:11 orders officers to tell the people to get ready. 2. Trusted God’s word. 3 days we will take this land. 3. Why camp at the river? 4. To see the power of their God. Imagine what is going through the minds of the people 1. Bad timing/maybe at a later time. 2. How will God do this one? I don’t think everyone felt good about the direction that Joshua is taking them. It’s God’s direction gang. 1. Church plant. 2. Pastor. I had to trust God in these areas of my life. The Jordan was the dividing line for the people will they walk in half the blessings or cross trusting God and receive the full blessings intended for them. Genesis 32: Jacob wrestles with God. (deceiver, manipulator, lair) The question for today is what is your Jordan? Joshua 3:3-5 The Ark of the Covenant 1. 7 times, why? It was a symbol of God’s presence among HIS people. (Exodus 25) Ark God’s throne, atonement cover God’s great mercy towards HIS people. 2. Is God lost for words? (HE is reminding them to KEEP their eyes on HIM) You have never gone this way before 1. I will guide you. 2. HE went before them. 3. Stay half a mile away. Why? Two reasons, First is respect of the Holy nature of the Ark of the Covenant, and second to make sure that everyone had a clear view of the ark.

Israel will accomplish this and many other task that to man would be impossible. All while keeping their eyes on the Ark. On God!! Peter’s story We need to keep our eyes on Christ in everything we do, by trusting HIM even when things seem to be impossible or even scary. Amen 4. Purify yourselves. NKJ sanctify- set apart. 5. Set your flesh apart from your spirit. They were to separate themselves from common things, and get focus (ready to see) that God was going to do wonderful things among HIS people. Is the God of Joshua the same God today? YES Does HE want to do the same thing today? YES Joshua 3:6 Time to get your Feet wet 1. Lead the people across the river. Imagine Joshua on this day, (a little fear, doubt, what if). Bur Joshua knew his success depended on what God told him back in 1:8 Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed. It is no different for us today daily reading and meditation of God’s word is the only way to have success. (True success) Amen. Joshua 3:7-8 Joshua is encouraged by God 1. Small steps of faith. 2. They will know. 3. Each of our steps is encouraged by God, resulting in a stronger faith. Believe it or not God encourages us and helps us in our faith, but a lot of the time we have our ears closed to HIS voice. 1. Thinking how can. 2. That makes no sense. 3. That is weird.

God doesn’t show us everything one time 1. Camp at the river. 2. Purify yourselves. 3. Step into the river. 4. Stop in the river. As we read more, listen more, trust more, allow ourselves to be guided more the more specific God’s instructions becomes. Joshua 3:9-13 Joshua encourages the people 1. Come see your God reveal HIS power. 2. HE will stop the water from flowing down stream. 3. From this time on KNOW that the Almighty God is living among HIS people. Times that seems to be burdensome, overwhelming, and even depressing, it is actually a glorious opportunity to see God at work. Joshua 3:14-15 Step of Faith 1. The miracle took place when they went in. 2. How long did they stand in the river before noticing anything? 3. How did it happen? I really don’t care. God said. (dry bed) We have a problem today that causes us to delay God’s blessing in our lives. Dry the land first God and God is saying step in first. Joshua 3:17 In the middle of the riverbed 1. Stands the Presences of the LORD. 2. Watching HIS people pass safely. We don’t have the Ark with us, but we have Jesus who is the fulfillment of Ark. Matthew 1:23 God tells Joseph that baby Jesus will be called Immanuel—“God with us” Jesus has given us victory over all things through His sacrifice on the cross. What is your Jordan River? Will you allow JESUS to take you across your river today? All you need to do is keep your eyes on HIM. Amen

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