Anoche vi una flor hermosa y no pude arrancarla
Porque si la arranco esta moriria y eso es malo Asi que solo disfrute su aroma, su bellesa y su delicadesa y la guarde en mi memoria sabiendo que esa flor el dia de manana se convertiria en un bello fruto. tuve que resistir la tentacion de tomarla porque lastimaria al arbol que le da la vida. Porque tratamos de poseer lo que es bello? Porque no podemos solamente disfrutarlo y dejarlo donde esta? Yesterday night I saw a beutiful flower and I could't take it with me because if I take it with me it might die and that is a bad thing So I just tried to enjoy its smell, its beuty and softness and I saved in my mind Knowing that tomorrow it will became a beutiful frut I had to fight the need to own it, because I knew if i take it might hurt the tree that gave it life. Why do we try to posess what is beutiful in this world why we just enjoy it and leave where is at? Poem to a Flower by Gerardo Lagunes