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Introduction to Geometry

9 9.1 Some Basic Definitions 9.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 9.3 Polygons 9.4 Properties of Triangles 9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygons 9.6 Circles 9.7 Surface Area and Volume




Some Basic Definitions In this section, you will learn about

• • • •

Points, lines, and planes Angles Adjacent and vertical angles Complementary and supplementary angles

INTRODUCTION. In this chapter, we will study two-dimensional geometric figures such as rectangles and circles. In daily life, it is often necessary to find the perimeter or area of one of these figures. For example, to find the amount of fencing that is needed to enclose a circular garden, we must find the perimeter of a circle (called its circumference). To find the amount of paint needed to paint a room, we must find the area of its four rectangular walls. We will also study three-dimensional figures such as cylinders and spheres. To find the amount of space enclosed within these figures, we must find their volumes.

Points, lines, and planes Geometry is based on three undefined words: point, line, and plane. Although we will make no attempt to define these words formally, we can think of a point as a geometric figure that has position but no length, width, or depth. Points are always labeled with capital letters. Point A is shown in Figure 9-1(a). B






(c) F I G U R E 9-1


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

A line is infinitely long but has no width or depth. Figure 9-1(b) shows line BC, passing through points B and C. A plane is a flat surface, like a table top, that has length and width but no depth. In Figure 9-1(c), line EF lies in the plane AB. As Figure 9-1(b) illustrates, points B and C determine exactly one line, the line BC. In Figure 9-1(c), the points E and F determine exactly one line, the line EF. In general, any two points will determine exactly one line. Other geometric figures can be created by using parts or combinations of points, lines, and planes.

Line segment

The line segment AB, denoted as AB, is the part of a line that consists of points A and B and all points in between (see Figure 9-2). Points A and B are the endpoints of the segment.


Line segment AB (AB) F I G U R E 9-2

Every line segment has a midpoint, which divides the segment into two parts of equal length. In Figure 9-3, M is the midpoint of segment AB, because the measure of AM (denoted as m(AM)) is equal to the measure of MB (denoted as m(MB)). m(AM) 5 4 2 1 53

3 units A



m(MB) 5 7 2 4

3 units M




B 5



F I G U R E 9-3

53 Since the measure of both segments is 3 units, m(AM) 5 m(MB). When two line segments have the same measure, we say that they are congruent. Since m(AM) 5 m(MB), we can write ; MB Read 5 ; as “is congruent to.” AM 5 Another geometric figure is the ray.


A ray is the part of a line that begins at some point (say, A) and continues forever in one direction. See Figure 9-4. Point A is the endpoint of the ray.

Ray AB (AB )



Ray AB is denoted as AB . The endpoint is always listed first.

F I G U R E 9-4

Angles Angle

An angle is a figure formed by two rays with a common endpoint. The common endpoint is called the vertex, and the rays are called sides.

9.1 Some Basic Definitions


The angle in Figure 9-5 can be denoted as ∠BAC,

∠CAB, ∠A,

or ∠1 The symbol ∠ means angle. B A

Sides of the angle


Vertex of the angle

C F I G U R E 9-5

WARNING! When using three letters to name an angle, be sure the letter name of the vertex is the middle letter. 1 One unit of measurement of an angle is the degree. It is 360 of a full revolution. We can use a protractor to measure angles in degrees. See Figure 9-6.


Measure in degrees


307 607 1107 1507 1807


100 110 80 120 70 0 60 13 0 5



80 100 1 70 10 60 12 0

5 13 0 0


0 10 20 170 180 30 0 160 5 40 0 1 14


180 170 1 0 10 2 60 1 5 0 30 0 1 4 40 0




F I G U R E 9-6

If we read the protractor from left to right, we can see that the measure of ∠GBF (denoted as m(∠GBF)) is 307. When two angles have the same measure, we say that they are congruent. Since m(∠ABC ) 5 307 and m(∠GBF) 5 307, we can write ; ∠GBF ∠ABC 5 We classify angles according to their measure, as in Figure 9-7.

Classification of angles

Acute angles: Angles whose measures are greater than 07 but less than 907. Right angles: Angles whose measures are 907. Obtuse angles: Angles whose measures are greater than 907 but less than 1807. Straight angles: Angles whose measures are 1807.


40° Acute angle (a)

Right angle (b)


Obtuse angle

Straight angle



F I G U R E 9-7


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry



Classifying angles. Classify each angle in Figure 9-8 as an acute angle, a right angle, an obtuse angle, or a straight angle.


E D 90°

Since m(∠1) , 907, it is an acute angle. Since m(∠2) . 907 but less than 1807, it is an obtuse angle. Since m(∠BDE) 5 907, it is a right angle. Since m(∠ABC) 5 1807, it is a straight angle.



2 B C F I G U R E 9-8

Adjacent and vertical angles Two angles that have a common vertex and are side-by-side are called adjacent angles.

Self Check


Evaluating angles. Two angles with measures of x7 and 357 are adjacent angles. Use the information in Figure 9-9 to find x.

In the figure below, find x. 80°


Since the sum of the measures of the angles is 807, we have



x 1 35 5 80

x 1 35 ! 35 5 80 ! 35 Subtract 35 from both sides. x 5 45 35 2 35 5 0 and 80 2 35 5 45.


F I G U R E 9-9

Thus, x 5 45.

Answer: 55 When two lines intersect, pairs of nonadjacent angles are called vertical angles. In Figure 9-10(a), ∠1 and ∠3 are vertical angles, as are ∠2 and ∠4. To illustrate that vertical angles always have the same measure, we refer to Figure 9-10(b) with angles having measures of x7, y7, and 307. Since the measure of any straight angle is 1807, we have 30 1 x 5 180 x 5 150


30 1 y 5 180 y 5 150 Subtract 30 from both sides.

Since x and y are both 150, x 5 y. l1 l2

1 2

x° 4


30° l1

Note that x and y are vertical angles.

l2 (a)

(b) F I G U R E 9-10

Property of vertical angles

Vertical angles are congruent (have the same measure).

9.1 Some Basic Definitions



Self Check

Evaluating angles. In Figure 9-11, find b. m(∠3).

a. m(∠1)




a. The 507 angle and ∠1 are vertical angles. Since vertical angles are congruent, m(∠1) 5 507.

b. Since AD is a line, the sum of the measures of ∠3, the 1007 angle, and the 507 angle is 1807. If m(∠3) 5 x, we have

In Figure 9-11, find

A 1

a. m(∠2)


b. m(∠4)


4 50°


F I G U R E 9-11

x 1 100 1 50 5 180 x 1 150 5 180 100 1 50 5 150. x 5 30 Subtract 150 from both sides. Thus, m(∠3) 5 307.


Answer: 1007, 307

Evaluating angles.

(3x + 15)°

In Figure 9-12, find x.

Self Check In the figure below, find y.

(4x − 20)°

Solution Since the angles are vertical angles, they have equal measures.

F I G U R E 9-12

(4y − 10)°

(2y + 20)°

4x 2 20 5 3x 1 15 To eliminate 3x from the right-hand side, subtract 3x x 2 20 5 15 from both sides.

x 5 35

To undo the subtraction of 20, add 20 to both sides.

Thus, x 5 35.

Answer: 15

Complementary and supplementary angles Complementary and supplementary angles


Two angles are complementary angles when the sum of their measures is 907. Two angles are supplementary angles when the sum of their measures is 1807.

Complementary and supplementary angles. a. Angles of 607 and 307 are complementary angles, because the sum of their measures is 907. Each angle is the complement of the other.

60° 30°

b. Angles of 1307 and 507 are supplementary, because the sum of their measures is 1807. Each angle is the supplement of the other. 50°


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


c. The definition of supplementary angles requires that the sum of two angles be 1807. Three angles of 407, 607, and 807 are not supplementary even though their sum is 1807.

60° 80°



Self Check

Finding the complement and supplement of an angle.

a. Find the complement of a 507 angle.

a. Find the complement of a 357 angle. x°

b. Find the supplement of a 1057 angle.



b. Find the supplement of a 507 angle.

F I G U R E 9-13

a. See Figure 9-13. Let x represent the complement of the 357 angle. Since the angles are complementary, we have x 1 35 5 90 x 5 55 Subtract 35 from both sides. The complement of 357 is 557. b. See Figure 9-14. Let y represent the supplement of the 1057 angle. Since the angles are supplementary, we have y 1 105 5 180 y 5 75

Subtract 105 from both sides.

F I G U R E 9-14

The supplement of 1057 is 757.



Answer: 407, 1307

Section 9.1

In Exercises 1–12, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

1. A line segment has two endpoints. midpoint divides a line segment into two 3. A parts of equal length. protractor is used to measure angles. 5. A 7. A right angle measures 907. 9. The measure of a straight angle is 11. The sum of two



angles is 1807.


2. Two points determine 4. An angle is measured in

at most one line. degrees .

6. An acute angle is less than 907. 8. An obtuse angle is greater than 907 but less than 1807. 10. Adjacent angles have the same vertex and are side-by-side . 12. The sum of two complementary angles is 907 .

9.1 Some Basic Definitions


CONCEPTS In Exercises 13–20, refer to Illustration 1 and tell whether each statement is true. If a statement is false, explain why.


13. GF has point G as its endpoint. true 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.



F 60°

AG has no endpoints. false Line CD has three endpoints. false Point D is the vertex of ∠DGB. false m(∠AGC) 5 m(∠BGD) true ; ∠BGE true ∠AGF 5 ; ∠EGA true ∠FGB 5 ∠AGC and ∠CGF are adjacent angles. true










In Exercises 21–28, refer to Illustration 1 and tell whether each angle is an acute angle, a right angle, an obtuse angle, or a straight angle. 21. ∠AGC acute 25. ∠BGE right

22. ∠EGA right 26. ∠AGD obtuse

23. ∠FGD obtuse 27. ∠DGC straight

In Exercises 29–32, refer to Illustration 2 and tell whether each statement is true. If a statement is false, explain why. 29. ∠AGF and ∠DGC are vertical angles. true 30. ∠FGE and ∠BGA are vertical angles. false 31. m(∠AGB) 5 m(∠BGC ). false ; ∠DGF. true 32. ∠AGC 5

24. ∠BGA straight 28. ∠DGB acute








In Exercises 33–38, refer to Illustration 3 and tell whether each pair of angles are congruent.


33. ∠1 and ∠2 yes 34. ∠FGB and ∠CGE yes 35. ∠AGB and ∠DGE yes



1 G


36. ∠CGD and ∠CGB no 37. ∠AGF and ∠FGE no 38. ∠AGB and ∠BGD yes

2 E



In Exercises 39–46, refer to Illustration 3 and tell whether each statement is true. 39. ∠1 and ∠CGD are adjacent angles. true 41. ∠FGA and ∠AGC are supplementary. true 43. ∠AGF and ∠2 are complementary. true

40. ∠2 and ∠1 are adjacent angles. false 42. ∠AGB and ∠BGC are complementary. false 44. ∠AGB and ∠EGD are supplementary. true

45. ∠EGD and ∠DGB are supplementary. true

46. ∠DGC and ∠AGF are complementary. false


In Exercises 47–50, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

angle . 47. The symbol ∠ means → 49. The symbol AB is read as “ ray


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


48. The symbol AB is read as “ ; 50. The symbol 5 to.”

AB.” is read as “is congruent

line segment


In Exercises 51–56, refer to Illustration 4 and find the length of each segment. 52. BE 4 54. BD 2 56. DE 2

51. AC 3 53. CE 3 55. CD 1

A 2








E 7




In Exercises 57–58, refer to Illustration 4 and find each midpoint. 58. Find the midpoint of BE. D

57. Find the midpoint of AD. B

In Exercises 59–62, use a protractor to measure each angle. 60.










In Exercises 63–70, find x. 63.






x° 50° 22.5°

55° 45°





68. (2x)°

27.5 (6x − 5)°


(6x + 8)°

(x + 30)°


(4x + 32)°

(7x − 60)°

(2x + 35)°



(4x + 15)°



In Exercises 71–74, let x represent the unknown angle measure. Draw a diagram, write an appropriate equation, and solve it for x. 71. Find the complement of a 307 angle. 607 73. Find the supplement of a 1057 angle. 757

72. Find the supplement of a 307 angle. 1507 74. Find the complement of a 757 angle. 157

In Exercises 75–78, refer to Illustration 5, in which m(∠1) $ 507. Find the measure of each angle or sum of angles. 75. 76. 77. 78.

∠4 1307 ∠3 507 m(∠1) 1 m(∠2) 1 m(∠3) 2307 m(∠2) 1 m(∠4) 2607

2 50° = 1

3 4


9.1 Some Basic Definitions


; ∠4, and ∠4 $ ; ∠5. Find In Exercises 79–82, refer to Illustration 6, in which m(∠1) ~ m(∠3) ~ m(∠4) $ 1807, ∠3 $ the measure of each angle. 79. ∠1 1007 81. ∠3 407

80. ∠2 807 82. ∠6 1407

6 5 100° 2 1 3



APPLICATIONS 83. Cite five examples in real life where you see lines. 84. Cite two examples in real life where you see right angles. 85. Cite two examples in real life where you see acute angles. 86. Cite two examples in real life where you see obtuse angles. 87. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Suppose that you are a beginning band teacher describing the correct posture needed to play various instruments. Use the diagrams in Illustration 7 to approximate the angle measure at which each instrument should be held in relation to the student’s body: a. flute 807 b. clarinet 307 c. trumpet 657 88. PHRASES Explain what you think each of these phrases means. How is geometry involved? a. The president did a complete 180-degree flip on the subject of a tax cut. b. The rollerblader did a “360” as she jumped off the ramp.

89. Explain why an angle measuring 1057 cannot have a complement.


90. Explain why an angle measuring 2107 cannot have a supplement.

In Exercises 91–98, do the calculations.

91. Find 24. 16 93. Subtract: 95. Divide:

3 1 1 2 2 4 8 3

92. Add: 7 24

12 4 6 4 17 34

97. 5 ? 3 1 4 ? 2 23



Write a paragraph using your own words.




Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4

94. Multiply:

23 12

5 2 6 ? ? 8 15 5

96. 3 1 2 ? 4 11 98. Find 30% of 60. 18

11 or 112

1 10


Parallel and Perpendicular Lines In this section, you will learn about

• • •

Parallel and perpendicular lines Transversals and angles Properties of parallel lines

INTRODUCTION. In this section, we will consider parallel and perpendicular lines. Since parallel lines are always the same distance apart, the railroad tracks shown in Figure 9-15(a) illustrate one application of parallel lines. Since perpendicular lines meet and form right angles, the monument and the ground shown in Figure 9-15(b) illustrate one application of perpendicular lines.

This symbol indicates a right angle


(b) F I G U R E 9-15

Parallel and perpendicular lines If two lines lie in the same plane, they are called coplanar. Two coplanar lines that do not intersect are called parallel lines. See Figure 9-16(a).

Parallel lines

Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect. If lines l1 (l sub 1) and l2 (l sub 2) are parallel, we can write l1 symbol ?? is read as “is parallel to.”

Perpendicular lines

?? l2, where the

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect and form right angles. In Figure 9-16(b), l1 ⊥ l2, where the symbol ⊥ is read as “is perpendicular to.” l1




Parallel lines

Perpendicular lines


(b) F I G U R E 9-16

9.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines


Transversals and angles l1 l2

A line that intersects two or more coplanar lines is called a transversal. For example, line l1 in Figure 9-17 is a transversal intersecting lines l2, l3, and l4. When two lines are cut by a transversal, the following types of angles are formed.




Alternate interior angles: ∠4 and ∠5 ∠3 and ∠6

F I G U R E 9-17


∠2 and ∠6 ∠4 and ∠8


8 6


3 l2



Corresponding angles: ∠1 and ∠5 ∠3 and ∠7

7 5







3 l2



l3 l1


Interior angles:


∠3, ∠4, ∠5, and ∠6




Identifying angles. In Figure 9-18, identify a. all pairs of alternate interior angles,



3 l2

8 6

b. all pairs of corresponding angles,

and c. all interior angles.

a. Pairs of alternate interior angles are ∠3 and ∠5, ∠4 and ∠6

7 6 3 2


b. Pairs of corresponding angles are ∠1 and ∠5, ∠4 and ∠8, ∠2 and ∠6, ∠3 and ∠7


4 1

c. Interior angles are ∠3, ∠4, ∠5, and ∠6

F I G U R E 9-18

Properties of parallel lines 1. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, alternate interior angles are congruent. (See Figure ; ∠4 and ∠1 5 ; ∠3. 9-19.) If l1 ?? l2, then ∠2 5


l1 l2

4 1

3 2

F I G U R E 9-19


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

2. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, corresponding angles are congruent. ; ∠5, ∠3 5 ; ∠7, ∠2 5 ; ∠6, and ∠4 5 ; ∠8. (See Figure 9-20.) If l1 ?? l2, then ∠1 5 3. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary. (See Figure 9-21.) If l1 ?? l2, then ∠1 is supplementary to ∠2 and ∠4 is supplementary to ∠3. l3

l3 7



5 3




6 4






F I G U R E 9-20


F I G U R E 9-21

4. If a transversal is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines, it is also perpendicular to the other line. (See Figure 9-22.) If l1 ?? l2 and l3 ⊥ l1, then l3 ⊥ l2. 5. If two lines are parallel to a third line, they are parallel to each other. (See Figure 9-23.) If l1 ?? l2 and l1 ?? l3, then l2 ?? l3. l3

l1 l1 l2 l2 l3 F I G U R E 9-22


Evaluating angles.

F I G U R E 9-23

Self Check


See Figure 9-24. If l1 ?? l2 and m(∠3) 5 1207, find the measures of the other angles.



3 5


6 7

m(∠1) 5 607 ∠3 and ∠1 are supplementary. m(∠2) 5 1207 Vertical angles are congruent: m(∠2) 5 m(∠3).




If l1 ?? l2 and m(∠8) 5 507, find the measures of the other angles. (See Figure 9-24.) 8

F I G U R E 9-24

m(∠4) 5 607

Vertical angles are congruent: m(∠4) 5 m(∠1).

m(∠5) 5 607

If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, alternate interior angles are congruent: m(∠5) 5 m(∠4).

m(∠6) 5 1207 If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, alternate interior angles are congruent: m(∠6) 5 m(∠3).

m(∠7) 5 1207 Vertical angles are congruent: m(∠7) 5 m(∠6). m(∠8) 5 607 Vertical angles are congruent: m(∠8) 5 m(∠5).


Answer: m(∠5) 5 507, m(∠7) 5 1307, m(∠6) 5 1307, m(∠3) 5 1307, m(∠4) 5 507, m(∠1) 5 507, m(∠2) 5 1307

Identifying congruent angles. See Figure 9-25. If AB gruent?

?? DE,


which pairs of angles are con-

Solution Since AB ?? DE, corresponding angles are congru-


ent. So we have ; ∠1 ∠A 5


; ∠2 ∠B 5







B F I G U R E 9-25

9.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines



Self Check

Using algebra in geometry. In Figure 9-26, l1

?? l2. Find x.



In the figure below, l1

(9x − 15)°


?? l2. Find y.

(6x + 30)°

The angles involving x are corresponding angles. Since l1 ?? l2, all pairs of corresponding angles are congruent.

l1 (4y + 10)°


F I G U R E 9-26

(7y − 14)°

9x 2 15 5 6x 1 30 The angle measures are equal. 3x 2 15 5 30 Subtract 6x from both sides. 3x 5 45 x 5 15

To undo the subtraction of 15, add 15 to both sides. To undo the multiplication by 3, divide both sides by 3.

Thus, x 5 15.

Answer: 8


Using algebra in geometry. In Figure 9-27, l1

?? l2. Find x.


(3x + 20)° (3x − 80)°

Solution Since the angles are interior angles on the same side of the transversal, they are supplementary.


3x 2 80 1 3x 1 20 5 180 The sum of the measures of two supplementary angles is 1807.

F I G U R E 9-27

6x 2 60 5 180 Combine like terms. 6x 5 240 To undo the subtraction of 60, add 60 to both sides. x 5 40 To undo the multiplication by 6, divide both sides by 6. Thus, x 5 40.


Section 9.2

In Exercises 1– 6, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

coplanar . 1. Two lines in the same plane are 3. If two lines intersect and form right angles, they are perpendicular .

5. In Illustration 1, ∠4 and ∠6 are angles.

alternate interior

6. In Illustration 1, ∠2 and ∠6 are angles.



Parallel transversal

lines do not intersect. intersects two or more coplanar lines.

2 1

3 4

6 5

7 8

In Exercises 7–12, answer each question.

7. Which pairs of angles shown in Illustration 1 are alternate interior angles? ∠4 and ∠6, ∠3 and ∠5 8. Which pairs of angles shown in Illustration 1 are corresponding angles? ∠1 and ∠5, ∠4 and ∠8, ∠2 and ∠6, ∠3 and ∠7


2. 4. A

Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


9. Which angles shown in Illustration 1 are interior angles? ∠3, ∠4, ∠5, ∠6 11. In Illustration 3, l1 ?? l2 and l2 ?? l3. What can you conclude about l1 and l3? They are parallel. l1

10. In Illustration 2, l1 ?? l2. What can you conclude about l1 and l3? They are perpendicular.

12. In Illustration 4, AB ?? DE. What pairs of angles are con; ∠E, ∠D 5 ; ∠B, ∠1 5 ; ∠2 gruent? ∠A 5 B


l1 1










In Exercises 13–16, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.


13. The symbol

indicates a right angle . 15. The symbol ⊥ is read as is perpendicular to .

14. The symbol ?? is read as 16. The symbol l1 is read as

. .

is parallel to ell sub one

PRACTICE In Exercises 17–20, find the measures of the missing angles. 17. In Illustration 5, l1 ?? l2 and m(∠4) 5 1307. Find the measures of the other angles. m(∠1) 5 1307, m(∠2) 5 507, m(∠3) 5 507, m(∠5) 5 1307, m(∠6) 5 507, m(∠7) 5 507, m(∠8) 5 1307

18. In Illustration 6, l1 ?? l2 and m(∠2) 5 407. Find the measures of the other angles. m(∠1) 5 1407,


7 5


l2 3

5 4


m(∠3) 5 1407, m(∠4) 5 407, m(∠5) 5 407, m(∠6) 5 1407, m(∠7) 5 407, m(∠8) 5 1407


m(∠3) 5 1357

6 l2



20. In Illustration 8, AB ?? DE. Find m(∠B), m(∠E ), and m(∠1). m(∠B) 5 607, m(∠E ) 5 907, m(∠1) 5 307 B


l1 50°





A 45°


E 1

3 B




In Exercises 21–24, l1

?? l2. Find x.


10 l1 l2

(6x − 10)°




3 2


19. In Illustration 7, l1 ?? AB. Find the measure of each angle. m(∠A) 5 507, m(∠1) 5 857, m(∠2) 5 457,








(4x − 8)° (2x + 16)°

9.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines





25 l1

(2x + 10)° l1

(5x + 5)° (2x + 80)°


(4x − 10)°


In Exercises 25–28, find x. 25. l1

?? CA


26. AB



?? DE



x° (3x + 20)° C



(3x + 4)°


(5x − 40)° A

27. AB

?? DE

28. AC



?? BD




7 (9x − 38)°

(7x − 2)°

(2x + 33)°





(6x − 2)°

APPLICATIONS 29. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION List five examples where you would see parallel lines in building construction. 30. PLUMB LINES What is a plumb line? What geometric principle does it illustrate? 31. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION List five examples where you would see perpendicular lines in building construction. 32. HANGING WALLPAPER Explain why the concepts of perpendicular and parallel are both important when hanging wallpaper. 33. TOOLS See Illustration 9. What geometric concepts do the tools show? a. Scissors intersecting lines, vertical angles b. Rake parallel and perpendicular lines 34. PARKING DESIGN Using terms from this chapter, write a paragraph describing the parking layout shown in Illustration 10.


North side of street


South side of street I L L U S T R A T I O N 10


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


Write a paragraph using your own words.

35. Why do you think that ∠4 and ∠6 shown in Illustration 1 are called alternate interior angles? 37. Are pairs of alternate interior angles always congruent? Explain.

36. Why do you think that ∠4 and ∠8 shown in Illustration 1 are called corresponding angles? 38. Are pairs of interior angles always supplementary? Explain.

REVIEW 40. 80% of what number is 400? 500 42. Simplify: 3.45 1 7.37 ? 2.98 25.4126 1 3 26 44. Multiply: 2 ? 4 935 5 7

39. Find 60% of 120. 72 41. What percent of 500 is 225? 45% 43. Is every whole number an integer? yes


Polygons In this section, you will learn about

• • • • • • •

Polygons Triangles Properties of isosceles triangles The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle Quadrilaterals Properties of rectangles The sum of the measures of the angles of a polygon

INTRODUCTION. In this section, we will discuss figures called polygons. We see these shapes every day. For example, the walls in most buildings are rectangular in shape. We also see rectangular shapes in doors, windows, and sheets of paper. The gable ends of many houses are triangular in shape, as are the sides of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Triangular shapes are especially important because triangles are rigid and contribute strength and stability to walls and towers. The designs used in tile or linoleum floors often use the shapes of a pentagon or a hexagon. Stop signs are always in the shape of an octagon.

Polygons Polygon

A polygon is a closed geometric figure with at least three line segments for its sides. The figures in Figure 9-28 are polygons. They are classified according to the number of sides they have. The points where the sides intersect are called vertices.

Triangle (3 sides)

Quadrilateral (4 sides)

Pentagon (5 sides)

Hexagon (6 sides)

Octagon (8 sides)

F I G U R E 9-28

9.3 Polygons



Vertices of a polygon. Give the number of vertices of

Self Check

a. a triangle

Give the number of vertices of

and b. a hexagon.


a. a quadrilateral

a. From Figure 9-28, we see that a triangle has three angles and therefore three vertices.

b. a pentagon

b. From Figure 9-28, we see that a hexagon has six angles and therefore six vertices.

Answer: 4, 5

From the results of Example 1, we see that the number of vertices of a polygon is equal to the number of its sides.

Triangles A triangle is a polygon with three sides. Figure 9-29 illustrates some common triangles. The slashes on the sides of a triangle indicate which sides are of equal length. Vertex angle




t po

Leg 90° Leg Right triangle (has a right angle)


Equilateral triangle (all sides equal length)

Base angles Isosceles triangle (at least two sides of equal length)

Scalene triangle (no sides equal length)

F I G U R E 9-29

WARNING! Since equilateral triangles have at least two sides of equal length, they are also isosceles. However, isosceles triangles are not necessarily equilateral. Since every angle of an equilateral triangle has the same measure, an equilateral triangle is also equiangular. In an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the sides of equal length are called base angles, the sides of equal length form the vertex angle, and the third side is called the base. The longest side of a right triangle is called the hypotenuse, and the other two sides are called legs. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is always opposite the 907 angle

Properties of isosceles triangles 1. Base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent. 2. If two angles in a triangle are congruent, the sides opposite the angles have the same length, and the triangle is isosceles.


Self Check

Determining whether a triangle is isosceles.

In the figure below, l1 ?? AB. Is the triangle an isosceles triangle?

Is the triangle in Figure 9-30 an isosceles triangle? C


∠A and ∠B are angles of the triangle. Since m(∠A) 5 m(∠B), we know that m(AC) 5 m(BC) and that nABC (read as “triangle ABC”) is isosceles.

C 60° 50° 50° A


F I G U R E 9-30


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


Answer: no




The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle If you draw several triangles and carefully measure each angle with a protractor, you will find that the sum of the angle measures in each triangle is 1807.

Angles of a triangle


The sum of the angle measures of any triangle is 1807.

Self Check

Sum of the angles of a triangle. See Figure 9-31. Find x.


In the figure below, find y.


Since the sum of the angle measures of any triangle is 1807, we have

F I G U R E 9-31


x 1 40 1 90 5 180 x 1 130 5 180 40 1 90 5 130. x 5 50 To undo the addition of 130, subtract 130 from both sides. Thus, x 5 50.

y° 60°

Answer: 90


Vertex angle of an isosceles triangle. See Figure 9-32. If one base angle of an isosceles triangle measures 707, how large is the vertex angle?

Solution Since one of the base angles measures 707, so does the other. 70°

If we let x represent the measure of the vertex angle, we have x 1 70 1 70 5 180 The sum of the measures of the angles

F I G U R E 9-32

of a triangle is 1807.

x 1 140 5 180 70 1 70 5 140. x 5 40 To undo the addition of 140, subtract 140 from both sides. The vertex angle measures 407.

Quadrilaterals A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. Some common quadrilaterals are shown in Figure 9-33.

Parallelogram (Opposite sides parallel)

Rectangle (Parallelogram with four right angles)

Square (Rectangle with sides of equal length)

Rhombus (Parallelogram with sides of equal length)

Trapezoid (Exactly two sides parallel)

F I G U R E 9-33

Properties of rectangles 1. All angles of a rectangle are right angles. 2. Opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel. 3. Opposite sides of a rectangle are of equal length.

9.3 Polygons


4. The diagonals of a rectangle are of equal length. 5. If the diagonals of a parallelogram are of equal length, the parallelogram is a rectangle.


Squaring a foundation. A carpenter intends to build a shed with an 8-by-12-foot base. How can he make sure that the rectangular foundation is “square”?

12 ft



8 ft

8 ft

Solution See Figure 9-34. The carpenter can use a tape meaA

sure to find the lengths of diagonals AC and BD. If these diagonals are of equal length, the figure will be a rectangle and have four right angles. Then the foundation will be “square.”


Properties of rectangles and triangles. In rectangle ABCD (Figure

D 4

9-35), the length of AC is 20 centimeters. Find each measure: a. m(BD), b. m(∠1), and c. m(∠2).

1 A

Solution a. Since the diagonals of a rectangle are of equal length, m(BD) is also 20 centimeters.


2 30°

F I G U R E 9-34

Self Check In rectangle ABCD, the length of DC is 16 centimeters. Find each measure:

3 30°


12 ft


F I G U R E 9-35

b. We let m(∠1) 5 x. Then, since the angles of a rectangle are right angles, we have

a. m(AB) b. m(∠3) c. m(∠4)

x 1 30 5 90 x 5 60 To undo the addition of 30, subtract 30 from both sides. Thus, m(∠1) 5 607. c. We let m(∠2) 5 y. Then, since the sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 1807, we have 30 1 30 1 y 5 180 60 1 y 5 180 30 1 30 5 60. y 5 120 To undo the addition of 60, subtract 60 from both sides. Thus, m(∠2) 5 1207.

Answer: 16 cm, 1207, 607

The parallel sides of a trapezoid are called bases, the nonparallel sides are called legs, and the angles on either side of a base are called base angles. If the nonparallel sides are the same length, the trapezoid is an isosceles trapezoid. In an isosceles trapezoid, the base angles are congruent.


Cross section of a drainage ditch. A cross section of a drainage ditch (Figure 9-36) is an isosceles trapezoid with AB ?? CD. Find x and y.

Solution Since the figure is an isosceles trapezoid, its nonparallel sides have the same length. So m(AD) and m(BC) are equal, and x 5 8. Since the base angles of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent, m(∠D) 5 m(∠C). So y 5 120.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry



8 ft

x ft 120° D

y° C

F I G U R E 9-36

The sum of the measures of the angles of a polygon We have seen that the sum of the angle measures of any triangle is 1807. Since a polygon with n sides can be divided into n 2 2 triangles, the sum of the angle measures of the polygon is (n 2 2)1807.

Angles of a polygon


The sum S of the measures of the angles of a polygon with n sides is given by the formula S 5 (n 2 2)1807

Sum of the angles of a pentagon. Find the sum of the Self Check angle measures of a pentagon.

Find the sum of the angle measures of a quadrilateral.

Solution Since a pentagon has 5 sides, we substitute 5 for n in the formula and simplify. S 5 (n 2 2)1807 S 5 (5 2 2)1807 5 3(1807) 5 5407 Answer: 3607

The sum of the angles of a pentagon is 5407.


Section 9.3

In Exercises 1–16, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

1. A polygon with four sides is called a



3. A hexagon is a polygon with six sides. 5. An eight-sided polygon is an octagon . 7. A triangle with three sides of equal length is called an equilateral triangle. 9. The longest side of a right triangle is the hypotenuse . 11. A


13. A rhombus of equal length. 15. The legs of an same length.

with a right angle is a rectangle. is a parallelogram with four sides isosceles

trapezoid have the

2. A


is a polygon with three sides.

4. A polygon with five sides is called a pentagon . 6. The points where the sides of a polygon intersect are vertices . called isosceles triangle has two sides of equal 8. An length. 10. The base angles of an isosceles triangle have the same measure. 12. A rectangle with all sides of equal length is a square . 14. A trapezoid has two sides that are parallel and two sides that are not parallel. 16. The perimeter of a polygon is the distance around it.

9.3 Polygons


CONCEPTS In Exercises 17–24, give the number of sides of each polygon and classify it as a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, or octagon. Then give the number of vertices. 17.


4, quadrilateral, 4


6, hexagon, 6



8, octagon, 8

3, triangle, 3




5, pentagon, 5

3, triangle, 3 6, hexagon, 6

4, quadrilateral, 4

In Exercises 25–32, classify each triangle as an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle, a scalene triangle, or a right triangle. 25.


isosceles 27. triangle


scalene triangle

right 28. triangle




equilateral triangle




30° 60°


32. 20 cm

scalene triangle


20 cm


right triangle


equilateral triangle

isosceles triangle

In Exercises 33–40, classify each quadrilateral as a rectangle, a square, a rhombus, or a trapezoid. 33.

4 in. 4 in.



4 in.

35. trapezoid









90° 8cm







4 in.



In Exercises 41– 42, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

41. The symbol n means



42. The symbol m(∠1) means the angle 1 .



PRACTICE In Exercises 43– 48, the measures of two angles of nABC (shown in Illustration 1) are given. Find the measure of the third angle. 43. m(∠A) 5 307 and m(∠B) 5 607. 907 . m(∠C) 5 45. m(∠B) 5 1007 and m(∠A) 5 357. m(∠C ) 5 457 .


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

44. m(∠A) 5 457 and m(∠C) 5 1057. m(∠B) 5 307 . 46. m(∠B) 5 337 and m(∠C ) 5 777. m(∠A) 5 707 .

47. m(∠A) 5 25.57 and m(∠B) 5 63.87. m(∠C) 5 90.77 .

48. m(∠B) 5 67.257 and m(∠C) 5 72.57. m(∠A) 5 40.257 .



C 2

1 A A







In Exercises 49–52, refer to rectangle ABCD, shown in Illustration 2. 49. m(∠1) 5 51. m(∠2) 5



50. m(∠3) 5



52. If m(AC) is 8 cm, then m(BD) 5


. .

8 cm

In Exercises 53–56, find the sum of the angle measures of each polygon. 54. An octagon 1,0807 56. A dodecagon (12 sides) 1,8007

53. A hexagon 7207 55. A decagon (10 sides) 1,4407

In Exercises 57–60, find the number of sides of the polygon with the given angle measure sum. 58. 1,2607 9-sided polygon

57. 9007 7-sided polygon 59. 2,1607 14-sided polygon

60. 3,6007 22-sided polygon

APPLICATIONS 61. Give three uses of triangles in everyday life. 63. Give three uses of squares in everyday life. WRITING

62. Give three uses of rectangles in everyday life. 64. Give a use of a trapezoid in everyday life.

Write a paragraph using your own words.

65. Explain why a square is a rectangle.

66. Explain why a trapezoid is not a parallelogram.

REVIEW 67. Find 20% of 110. 22 6 69. Find 20% of . 556 11

68. Find 15% of 50. 7.5 3 70. Find 30% of . 0.18 5

71. What percent of 200 is 80? 40% 73. 20% of what number is 500? 2,500 75. Simplify: 0.85 4 2(0.25). 0.10625

72. What percent of 500 is 100? 20% 74. 30% of what number is 21? 70 76. Simplify: 3.25 1 12 4 0.4 ? 2. 63.25


Properties of Triangles In this section, you will learn about

• • •

Congruent triangles Similar triangles The Pythagorean theorem

INTRODUCTION. We can often use proportions and triangles to measure distances indirectly. For example, by using a proportion, Eratosthenes (275–195 B.C.) was able to

9.4 Properties of Triangles


estimate the circumference of the earth to a remarkable degree of accuracy. On a sunny day, we can use properties of similar triangles to calculate the height of a tree while staying safely on the ground. By using a theorem proved by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras (about 500 B.C.), we can calculate the length of the third side of a right triangle whenever we know the lengths of two sides.

Congruent triangles Triangles that have the same size and the same shape are called congruent triangles. In Figure 9-37, triangles ABC and DEF are congruent: ; nDEF Read as “Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF.” nABC 5 Corresponding angles and corresponding sides of congruent triangles are called cor; nDEF shows which vertices are correresponding parts. The notation nABC 5 sponding parts. C Ä Ä Ä



; nDEF nABC 5





F I G U R E 9-37

Corresponding parts of congruent triangles always have the same measure. In the congruent triangles shown in Figure 9-37, m(∠A) 5 m(∠D), m(BC) 5 m(EF),


m(∠B) 5 m(∠E), m(AC) 5 m(DF),

m(∠C ) 5 m(∠F), m(AB) 5 m(DE)

Corresponding parts of congruent triangles. Name the corresponding parts



of the congruent triangles in Figure 9-38.

Solution The corresponding angles are ∠A and ∠E,

∠B and ∠D,





F I G U R E 9-38

∠C and ∠F

Since corresponding sides are always opposite corresponding angles, the corresponding sides are BC and DF,

AC and EF,

AB and ED

We will discuss three ways of showing that two triangles are congruent.

SSS property

If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three sides of a second triangle, the triangles are congruent.

The triangles in Figure 9-39 are congruent because of the SSS property.





5 F I G U R E 9-39


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


SAS property

If two sides and the angle between them in one triangle are congruent, respectively, to two sides and the angle between them in a second triangle, the triangles are congruent.

The triangles in Figure 9-40 are congruent because of the SAS property.







F I G U R E 9-40

ASA property

If two angles and the side between them in one triangle are congruent, respectively, to two angles and the side between them in a second triangle, the triangles are congruent.

The triangles in Figure 9-41 are congruent because of the ASA property.



90° 60°

90° 60°

F I G U R E 9-41


Determining whether triangles are congruent. Explain why the triangles in Figure 9-42


are congruent. 10 cm

Solution Since vertical angles are congruent, m(∠1) 5 m(∠2)



5 cm

C 5 cm 2


From the figure, we see that m(AC) 5 m(EC)

10 cm

m(BC) 5 m(DC)


Since two sides and the angle between them in one triangle are congruent, respectively, to two sides and the angle between them in a second triangle, the triangles are congruent by the SAS property.

D F I G U R E 9-42

Similar triangles If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of a second triangle, the triangles will have the same shape. Triangles with the same shape are called similar triangles. In Figure 9-43, nABC ; nDEF (read the symbol ; as “is similar to”). F










F I G U R E 9-43

WARNING! Note that congruent triangles are always similar, but similar triangles are not always congruent.

9.4 Properties of Triangles


Property of similar triangles

If two triangles are similar, all pairs of corresponding sides are in proportion.

In the similar triangles shown in Figure 9-43, the following proportions are true. BC AB 5 , DE EF





Finding the height of a tree. A tree casts a shadow 18 feet long at the same time as a woman 5 feet tall casts a shadow that is 1.5 feet long. (See Figure 9-44.) Find the height of the tree.


5 ft

1.5 ft

18 ft F I G U R E 9-44

Solution The figure shows the triangles determined by the tree and its shadow and the woman and her shadow. Since the triangles have the same shape, they are similar, and the lengths of their corresponding sides are in proportion. If we let h represent the height of the tree, we can find h by solving the following proportion. h 18 5 5 1.5

Height of the tree Height of the woman


shadow of the tree shadow of the woman


1.5h 5 5(18) In a proportion, the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the means.

1.5h 5 90 h 5 60

Do the multiplication: 5(18) 5 90. To undo the multiplication by 1.5, divide both sides by 1.5 and simplify.

The tree is 60 feet tall.

The Pythagorean theorem In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the scarecrow was in search of a brain. To prove that he had found one, he recited the Pythagorean theorem. In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides.

Pythagorean theorem

If the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is c and the lengths of its legs are a and b (as in Figure 9-45), then a2 1 b2 5 c2

c se enu pot y H Leg a

Leg b

F I G U R E 9-45


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


Constructing a high-ropes adventure course. A builder of a high-ropes adventure course wants to secure the pole shown in Figure 9-46 by attaching a cable from the ground anchor 20 feet from its base to a point 15 feet up the pole. How long should the cable be? Solution

We can use the Pythagorean theorem with a 5 20 and b 5 15. c 2 5 a2 1 b2 c 2 5 202 1 152

A 26-foot ladder rests against the side of a building. If the base of the ladder is 10 feet from the wall, how far up the side of the building will the ladder reach?

Substitute 20 for a and 15 for b. b = 15 ft

c 2 5 400 1 225 c 2 5 625 =c 2 5 =625 Since equal positive num-

c ft

a = 20 ft

bers have equal square roots, take the positive square root of both sides.

c 5 25

Self Check

F I G U R E 9-46

=c 2 5 c and =625 5 25. Answer: 24 ft

The cable will be 25 feet long.

Accent on Technology

Finding the width of a television screen The size of a television screen is the diagonal measure of its rectangular screen. (See Figure 9-47.) To find the width of a 27inch screen that is 17 inches high, we use the Pythagorean theorem with c 5 27 and b 5 17. c2 5 a 2 1 b2 272 5 a 2 1 172 272 2 172 5 a 2

=272 2 172 5 =a 2

Evaluate: Keystrokes:


F I G U R E 9-47

=a 2 5 a.

=27 2 17 (

17 in.

a in.

Take the positive square root of both sides.

=272 2 172 5 a


27 in.











To the nearest inch, the width is 21 inches.

It is also true that If the square of one side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, the triangle is a right triangle.


Determining whether a triangle is a right triangle. Self Check Determine whether a triangle with sides of 5, 12, and 13 meters is a right triangle.

Decide whether a triangle with sides of 9, 40, and 41 meters is a right triangle.

9.4 Properties of Triangles


Solution We check to see whether the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. ?

132 5 52 1 122 The longest side is the hypotenuse. ? 169 5 25 1 144 169 5 169 Since 132 5 52 1 122, the triangle is a right triangle.


Section 9.4

In Exercises 1– 4, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.


triangles are the same size and the


same shape. 3. If two triangles are same shape.


Answer: yes

, they have the


2. All corresponding the same measure. 4. The angle.


parts of congruent triangles have is the longest side of a right tri-

In Exercises 5–8, tell whether each statement is true. If a statement is false, tell why.

5. If three sides of one triangle are the same length as three sides of a second triangle, the triangles are congruent. true

6. If two sides of one triangle are the same length as two sides of a second triangle, the triangles are congruent. false

7. If two sides and an angle of one triangle are congruent, respectively, to two sides and an angle of a second triangle, the triangles are congruent. false

9. Are the triangles shown in Illustration 1 congruent? yes

8. If two angles and the side between them in one triangle are congruent, respectively, to two angles and the side between them in a second triangle, the triangles are congruent. true 10. Are the triangles shown in Illustration 2 congruent? not necessarily




4 cm


8 cm 8 cm



A 60°




11. In a proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes .


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

12. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of a second triangle, the triangles are similar .

13. Are the triangles shown in Illustration 3 similar?



14. Are the triangles shown in Illustration 4 similar? yes


45° C









15. If x and y represent the lengths of two legs of a right triangle and z represents the length of the hypotenuse, the Pythagorean theorem states that z 2 5 x 2 1 y 2. true

16. A triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5 centimeters is a right triangle. true

In Exercises 17–18, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.


; is read as “ is congruent to .” 17. The symbol 5 PRACTICE


18. The symbol ; is read as “


is similar to

In Exercises 19–20, name the corresponding parts of the congruent triangles.


20. Refer to Illustration 6. AB corresponds to DE .

19. Refer to Illustration 5. (The slashes indicate pairs of congruent sides.) C F AC corresponds to DF . DE corresponds to AB . A D BC corresponds to EF . ∠A corresponds to ∠D . ∠E corresponds to ∠B . B E ∠F corresponds to ∠C .

5 cm

EC corresponds to BC . AC corresponds to DC . ∠D corresponds to ∠A . ∠B corresponds to ∠E . ∠1 corresponds to ∠2 .


2 4 cm A



4 cm

5 cm




In Exercises 21–28, determine whether each pair of triangles is congruent. If they are, tell why. 22.

yes, SAS

3 cm


not necessarily 6 cm

6 cm

yes, SSS 6 cm

6 cm


6 cm

5 cm 5 cm

5 cm 3 cm

6 cm


5 cm

yes, ASA

40° 50°

25. 4 cm

4 cm

yes, SSS



8 cm

8 cm 40° 50°

7 cm

7 cm

not necessarily



yes, SAS


yes, ASA 40° 6 cm

4 cm

40° 6 cm

4 cm

9.4 Properties of Triangles


In Exercises 29–32, find x. 30.

6 cm

60° 5 cm

7 cm

x cm

9 cm x cm

6 cm 5 cm

7 cm


9 cm

60° 5 cm

31. 7 in.

5 cm




7 in. 50°

7 in. 5 in.

5 in.

50° x°

x° 7 in.

7 in.

7 in.

In Exercises 33–34, tell whether the triangles are similar. 33.


yes 60°





In Exercises 35–40, refer to Illustration 7 and find the length of the unknown side. 35. 36. 37. 38.

a 5 3 and b 5 4. Find c. 5 a 5 12 and b 5 5. Find c. 13 a 5 15 and c 5 17. Find b. 8 b 5 45 and c 5 53. Find a. 28

c b a

39. a 5 5 and c 5 9. Find b. =56 40. a 5 1 and b 5 7. Find c. =50


In Exercises 41–44, the length of the three sides of a triangle are given. Determine whether the triangle is a right triangle. 41. 8, 15, 17 yes APPLICATIONS

42. 6, 8, 10 yes

43. 7, 24, 26 no

44. 9, 39, 40 no

In Exercises 45–54, use a calculator to help solve each problem. If an answer is not exact, give the answer to the nearest tenth.

45. HEIGHT OF A TREE The tree in Illustration 8 casts a shadow of 24 feet when a 6-foot man casts a shadow of 4 feet. Find the height of the tree. 36 ft

46. HEIGHT OF A BUILDING A man places a mirror on the ground and sees the reflection of the top of a building, as shown in Illustration 9. Find the height of the building. 41.7 ft


h 5 ft

6 ft

4 ft



Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

6 ft

50 ft


47. WIDTH OF A RIVER Use the dimensions in Illustration 10 to find w, the width of the river. 59.2 ft

20 ft

25 ft

51. ADJUSTING A LADDER A 20-foot ladder reaches a window 16 feet above the ground. How far from the wall is the base of the ladder? 12 ft 52. LENGTH OF GUY WIRES A 30-foot tower is to be fastened by three guy wires attached to the top of the tower and to the ground at positions 20 feet from its base. How much wire is needed? 108.2 ft 53. BASEBALL A baseball diamond is a square with each side 90 feet long. (See Illustration 13.) How far is it from home plate to second base? 127.3 ft

74 ft w ft

I L L U S T R A T I O N 10


48. FLIGHT PATH The airplane in Illustration 11 ascends 200 feet as it flies a horizontal distance of 1,000 feet. How much altitude is gained as it flies a horizontal distance of 1 mile? (Hint: 1 mile 5 5,280 feet.) 1,056 ft



200 ft


x ft I L L U S T R A T I O N 13

1,000 ft

54. TELEVISION What size is the television screen shown in Illustration 14? 31.4 in.

1 mi I L L U S T R A T I O N 11

49. FLIGHT PATH An airplane descends 1,200 feet as it files a horizontal distance of 1.5 miles. How much altitude is lost as it flies a horizontal distance of 5 miles?

d in.

19 in.

4,000 ft

50. GEOMETRY If segment DE in Illustration 12 is parallel to segment AB, nABC will be similar to nDEC. Find x. 4.2 C

25 in.

5 12


I L L U S T R A T I O N 14



A 10


I L L U S T R A T I O N 12


Write a paragraph using your own words.

55. Explain the Pythagorean theorem.

56. Explain the procedure used to solve the equation c 2 5 64.

REVIEW In Exercises 57– 60, estimate the answer to each problem. 57.

0.95 ? 3.89 1 13 2.997

58. 21% of 42 8

59. 32% of 60 20


4.966 1 5.001 1 33 2.994

9.4 Properties of Triangles


In Exercises 61–62, simplify each expression. 61. 2 1 4 ? 32 38

62. 3 2 (5 2 2)2 1 22 22


Perimeters and Areas of Polygons In this section, you will learn how to find

• • • •

Perimeters of polygons Perimeters of figures that are combinations of polygons Areas of polygons Areas of figures that are combinations of polygons

INTRODUCTION. In this section, we will discuss how to find perimeters and areas of polygons. Finding perimeters is important when estimating the cost of fencing or estimating the cost of woodwork in a house. Finding areas is important when calculating the cost of carpeting, the cost of painting a house, or the cost of fertilizing a yard.

Perimeters of polygons Recall that the perimeter of a polygon is the distance around it. Since a square has four sides of equal length s, its perimeter P is s 1 s 1 s 1 s, or 4s.

Perimeter of a square

If a square has a side of length s, its perimeter P is given by the formula



P 5 4s

s s


Perimeter of a square. Find the perimeter of a square Self Check whose sides are 7.5 meters long.


Since the perimeter of a square is given by the formula P 5 4s, we substitute 7.5 for s and simplify.

Find the perimeter of a square whose sides are 23.75 centimeters long.

P 5 4s P 5 4(7.5) P 5 30 Answer: 95 cm

The perimeter is 30 meters.

Since a rectangle has two lengths l and two widths w, its perimeter P is l 1 l 1 w 1 w, or 2l 1 2w.

Perimeter of a rectangle

If a rectangle has length l and width w, its perimeter P is given by the formula P 5 2l 1 2w


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

l w


Self Check

Perimeter of a rectangle. Find the perimeter of the rectangle in Figure 9-48.

6 cm

Find the perimeter of the isosceles trapezoid below.

10 cm


Since the perimeter is given by the formula P 5 2l 1 2w, we substitute 10 for l and 6 for w and simplify.

10 cm

F I G U R E 9-48

8 cm

P 5 2l 1 2w P 5 2(10) 1 2(6) 5 20 1 12 5 32

12 cm

Answer: 38 cm

The perimeter is 32 centimeters.


8 cm

Self Check

Converting units. Find the perimeter of the rectangle in Figure 9-49, in meters. 3m


Since 1 meter 5 100 centimeters, we can convert 80 centimeters to meters by multiplying 80 centimeters by the unit conver1m sion factor 100 cm.

Find the perimeter of the triangle below, in inches. 14 in. 2 ft

F I G U R E 9-49

80 cm 5 80 cm ? 5

1m 100 cm

80 m 100

5 0.8 m

1m 100 cm

12 in.

80 cm

5 1.

The units of centimeters divide out. Do the division: 80 4 100 5 0.8.

We can now substitute 3 for l and 0.8 for w to get P 5 2l 1 2w P 5 2(3) 1 2(0.8) 5 6 1 1.6 5 7.6 Answer: 50 in.

The perimeter is 7.6 meters.


Finding the base of an isosceles triangle. The perimeter of the isos-

celes triangle in Figure 9-50 is 50 meters. Find the length of its base.

Solution Two sides are 12 meters long, and the perimeter is 50 meters. If x represents the length of the base, we have

Self Check 12 m

12 m


The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 60 meters. If one of its sides of equal length is 15 meters long, how long is its base?

F I G U R E 9-50

12 1 12 1 x 5 50 24 1 x 5 50 12 1 12 5 24. x 5 26 To undo the addition of 24, subtract 24 from both sides. The length of the base is 26 meters.

Answer: 30 m

9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygons


Perimeters of figures that are combinations of polygons Accent on Technology

Perimeter of a figure See Figure 9-51. To find the perimeter, we need to know the values of x and y. Since the figure is a combination of two rectangles, we can use a calculator to see that

20.25 cm y cm 12.5 cm

x cm 4.75 cm 10.17 cm

x 5 20.25 2 10.17 and y 5 12.5 2 4.75 5 10.08 5 7.75 The perimeter P of the figure is P 5 20.25 1 12.5 1 10.17 1 4.75 1 x 1 y P 5 20.25 1 12.5 1 10.17 1 4.75 1 10.08 1 7.75

F I G U R E 9-51

Evaluate: Keystrokes:

20.25 1 12.5 1 10.17 1 4.75 1 10.08 1 7.75 2 0 . 2 5 1 1 2 . 5 1 4 . 7 5 1 1 0 . 0 8 1

1 7

0 .

. 7

1 5

7 1 5 65.5

The perimeter is 65.5 centimeters.

Areas of polygons Recall that the area of a polygon is the measure of the amount of surface it encloses. Area is measured in square units, such as square inches or square centimeters. See Figure 9-52. 1 in. 1 cm 1 in.

1 in.

1 cm

1 cm 1 cm

1 in. One square inch (1 in.2)

One square centimeter (1 cm2)

F I G U R E 9-52

In everyday life, we commonly use areas. For example,

• • • •

To carpet a room, we buy square yards. A can of paint will cover a certain number of square feet. To measure real estate, we often use square miles. We buy house roofing by the “square.” One square is 100 square feet.

The rectangle shown in Figure 9-53 has a length of 10 centimeters and a width of 3 centimeters. If we divide the rectangle into squares as shown in the figure, each


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

square represents an area of 1 square centimeter—a surface enclosed by a square measuring 1 centimeter on each side. Because there are 3 rows with 10 squares in each row, there are 30 squares. Since the rectangle encloses a surface area of 30 squares, its area is 30 square centimeters, often written as 30 cm2. This example illustrates that to find the area of a rectangle, we multiply its length by its width. 10 cm

3 cm

1 cm2 F I G U R E 9-53

WARNING! Do not confuse the concepts of perimeter and area. Perimeter is the distance around a polygon. It is measured in linear units, such as centimeters, feet, or miles. Area is a measure of the surface enclosed within a polygon. It is measured in square units, such as square centimeters, square feet, or square miles. In practice, we do not find areas by counting squares in a figure. Instead, we use formulas for finding areas of geometric figures. Figure


Formula for area

s s



A 5 s 2, where s is the length of one side.


A 5 lw, where l is the length and w is the width.


A 5 bh, where b is the length of the base and h is the height. (A height is always perpendicular to the base.)

s l w

w l

h b





A 5 12bh, where b is the length of the base and h is the height. The segment that represents the height is called an altitude.


A 5 12h(b1 1 b2), where h is the height of the trapezoid and b1 and b2 represent the length of each base.

b b2 h b1

9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygons



Area of a square. Find the area of the square in Figure 9-54.

Self Check

15 cm 15 cm

Solution We can see that the length of one side of the square is 15 centimeters. We can find its area by using the formula A 5 s 2 and substituting 15 for s.

15 cm 15 cm

20 in.

F I G U R E 9-54

20 in.

A 5 s2

The area of the square is 225 cm2.

Answer: 400 in.2

Number of square feet in 1 square yard. Find the number

1 yd

Self Check

3 ft

Find the number of square centimeters in 1 square meter.

of square feet in 1 square yard. (See Figure 9-55.)


Since 3 feet 5 1 yard, each side of 1 square yard is 3 feet long. 1 yd2 5 (1 yd)2 5 (3 ft)2 Substitute 3 feet for 1 yard. 5 9 ft2

1 yd

3 ft

F I G U R E 9-55

(3 ft)2 5 (3 ft)(3 ft) 5 9 ft2.

Answer: 10,000 cm2

There are 9 square feet in 1 square yard.


20 in. 20 in.

A 5 (15)2 Substitute 15 for s. A 5 15 ? 15 152 5 15 ? 15. A 5 225 15 ? 15 5 225.


Find the area of the square shown below.

Self Check

Area of a football field.

Find the area of a rectangular football field in square feet. Disregard the end zones. (See Figure 9-56.)

53.5 yd

Find the area of a rectangle with dimensions of 6 inches by 2 feet, in square inches.

100 yd

Solution To find the area in square yards, we substitute 100 for l and 53.5 for w in the formula A 5 lw.

F I G U R E 9-56

A 5 lw A 5 (100)(53.5) 5 5,350 The area is 5,350 square yards. Since there are 9 square feet per square yard, we can ft2 convert this number to square feet by multiplying 5,350 square yards by 19 yd 2. 5,350 yd2 5 5,350 yd2 ?

9 ft2 1 yd2

5 5,350 ? 9 ft2 5 48,150 ft2

The units of square yards divide out. 5,350 ? 9 5 48,150.

The area of a football field is 48,150 ft2.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Answer: 144 in.2


Self Check

Area of a parallelogram. Find the area of the parallelogram in Figure 9-57.

Find the area of the parallelogram below.

12 ft


5 ft

The length of the base of the parallelogram is

25 ft F I G U R E 9-57

8 cm

5 feet 1 25 feet 5 30 feet The height is 12 feet. To find the area, we substitute 30 for b and 12 for h in the formula for the area of a parallelogram and simplify.

10 cm

12 cm

A 5 bh A 5 30 ? 12 5 360 The area of the parallelogram is 360 ft2.


Answer: 96 cm2

Self Check

Area of a triangle. Find the area of the triangle in Figure 9-58.

Find the area of the triangle below.

5 cm

Solution The area of a triangle is found by substituting 8 for b and 5 for h in the formula for the area of a triangle.

8 cm F I G U R E 9-58

1 A 5 bh 2

17 cm

1 A 5 (8)(5) Substitute for b and h. 2 5 4(5) 5 20

12 cm

15 cm

Do the multiplication: 21(8) 5 4.

The area of the triangle is 20 cm2.


Answer: 90 cm2

Area of a triangle. Find the area of the triangle in Figure 9-59.

Solution In this case, the altitude falls outside the triangle.

13 cm 15 cm

1 A 5 bh 2 1 A 5 (9)(13) 2

Substitute 9 for b and 13 for h.


1 9 2 1

Write 9 as 19 and 13 as 13 1.


117 2


5 58.5

13 1

9 cm F I G U R E 9-59

Multiply the fractions. Do the division.

The area of the triangle is 58.5 cm2.

9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygons


Area of a trapezoid. Find the area of the trapezoid in Fig- Self Check


ure 9-60.

Find the area of the trapezoid.


12 m

In this example, b1 5 10 and b2 5 6. It is incorrect to say that h 5 1, because the height of 1 foot must be expressed as 12 inches to be consistent with the units of the bases. Thus, we substitute 10 for b1, 6 for b2, and 12 for h in the formula for finding the area of a trapezoid and simplify.




1 A 5 h(b1 1 b2) 2

6 in.

1 A 5 (12)(10 1 6) 2

1 ft

1 5 (12)(16) 2 5 6(16)

10 in.

5 96

F I G U R E 9-60 2

Answer: 54 m2

The area of the trapezoid is 96 in.

Areas of figures that are combinations of polygons EXAMPLE 12

Carpeting a room. A living room/dining room area has the floor plan shown in Figure 9-61. If carpet costs $29 per square yard, including pad and installation, how much will it cost to carpet the room? (Assume no waste.) 4 yd A


Living room

7 yd



4 yd

Dining room F G

E 9 yd F I G U R E 9-61

Solution First we must find the total area of the living room and the dining room: Atotal 5 Aliving room 1 Adining room Since CF divides the space into two rectangles, the areas of the living room and the dining room are found by multiplying their respective lengths and widths.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Area of living room 5 lw 57?4 5 28 The area of the living room is 28 yd2. To find the area of the dining room, we find its length by subtracting 4 yards from 9 yards to obtain 5 yards, and note that its width is 4 yards. Area of dining room 5 lw 55?4 5 20 The area of the dining room is 20 yd2. The total area to be carpeted is the sum of these two areas. Atotal 5 Aliving room 1 Adining room Atotal 5 28 yd2 1 20 yd2 5 48 yd2 At $29 per square yard, the cost to carpet the room will be 48 ? $29, or $1,392.


Area of one side of a tent. Find the area of one side of the tent in Figure 9-62.

Solution Each side is a combination of a trapezoid and a triangle. Since the bases of each trapezoid are 30 feet and 20 feet and the height is 12 feet, we substitute 30 for b1, 20 for b2, and 12 for h into the formula for the area of a trapezoid. 1 Atrap. 5 h(b1 1 b2) 2

8 ft

1 Atrap. 5 (12)(30 1 20) 2

20 ft 12 ft

5 6(50) 5 300

30 ft

F I G U R E 9-62 The area of the trapezoid is 300 ft2. Since the triangle has a base of 20 feet and a height of 8 feet, we substitute 20 for b and 8 for h in the formula for the area of a triangle.

1 Atriangle 5 bh 2 1 Atriangle 5 (20)(8) 2 5 80 The area of the triangle is 80 ft2. The total area of one side of the tent is Atotal 5 Atrap. 1 Atriangle Atotal 5 300 ft2 1 80 ft2 5 380 ft2 The total area is 380 ft2.

9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygos



Section 9.5

In Exercises 1– 6, fill in the blanks to make a true statement. 2. The perimeter of a polygon is measured in linear units. 4. If each side of a square measures 1 foot, the area enclosed by the square is 1 square foot .

1. The distance around a polygon is called the perimeter . 3. The measure of the surface enclosed by a polygon is area . called its 5. The area of a polygon is measured in square units. CONCEPTS

6. The segment that represents the height of a triangle is called an altitude .

In Exercises 7–14, sketch and label each of the figures described. 8. Two different rectangles, each having an area of 40 in2.

7. Two different rectangles, each having a perimeter of 40 in. length 15 in. and width 5 in.; length 16 in. and

length 10 in. and width 4 in.; length 8 in. and width 5 in. (answers may vary)

width 4 in. (answers may vary)

9. A square with an area of 25 m2. sides of length 5 m

10. A square with a perimeter of 20 m. sides of length 5 m

11. A parallelogram with an area of 15 yd2. base 5 yd

12. A triangle with an area of 20 ft2. base 10 ft and height

and height 3 yd (answers may vary)

4 ft (answers may vary)

13. A figure consisting of a combination of two rectangles whose total area is 80 ft2. length 5 ft and width 4 ft;

14. A figure consisting of a combination of a rectangle and a square whose total area is 164 ft2. length 20 ft and

length 20 ft and width 3 ft (answers may vary)


width 5 ft; length of side of square 8 ft (answers may vary)

In Exercises 15–22, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

15. The formula for the perimeter of a square is P 5 4s . 17. The symbol 1 in.2 means one square inch . 19. The formula for the area of a square is A 5 s2 . 21. The formula A 5 21bh gives the area of a triangle . PRACTICE 23.

16. The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is P 5 2l 1 2w . 18. One square meter is expressed as 1 m2 . 20. The formula for the area of a rectangle is A 5 lw . 22. The formula A 5 21h(b1 1 b2) gives the area of a trapezoid .

In Exercises 23–28, find the perimeter of each figure. 24.

8 in.


12 cm 6 cm


6 cm


8 in.

8 in.

36 m


10 m

12 cm


36 cm

4m 8 in.

32 in.




5 in.

6 cm 5 in.

4 in.

2 cm

2 cm 7 cm

5 in. 7 cm

4 in.

23 in.



6 cm

Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

8 cm

6 cm

10 cm

37 cm

6 cm

10 cm

33 cm

In Exercises 29–32, solve each problem. 29. Find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle with a base of length 21 centimeters and sides of length 32 centimeters. 85 cm 31. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 85 feet. Find the length of each side. 2831 ft

30. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 80 meters. If the length of one side is 22 meters, how long is the base? 36 m 32. An isosceles triangle with sides of 49.3 inches has a perimeter of 121.7 inches. Find the length of the base. 23.1 in.

In Exercises 33–46, find the area of the shaded part of each figure. 16 cm2 34. 33.

15 in.2

3 in. 4 cm

5 in. 4 cm



60 cm2 4 cm

60 m2

6 cm 7m

6m 15 cm

10 m




5 in.

9 mm

3 cm 13 mm

10 in.

9 cm

25 in.2

13.5 cm2 17 mm

169 mm2


3 cm


3 cm




7 cm

20 ft

7 cm 8m

2 ft

10 cm



91 cm

30 ft

80 m2



119 in.2

5 yd

75 yd2

360 ft2 6 in.

10 yd

10 in.

10 yd

17 in.

10 yd


75 m2 6m


335 cm2 8 cm

3m 15 cm 3m 14 m

10 cm 25 cm

9.5 Perimeters and Areas of Polygons


47. How many square inches are in 1 square foot? 144 APPLICATIONS

48. How many square inches are in 1 square yard? 1,296

Use a calculator to help solve each problem.

49. FENCING A YARD A man wants to enclose a rectangular yard with fencing that costs $2.44 a foot, including installation. Find the cost of enclosing the yard if its dimensions are 110 ft by 85 ft. $951.60 50. FRAMING A PICTURE Find the cost of framing a rectangular picture with dimensions of 24 inches by 30 inches if framing material costs $8.46 per foot, including matting. $76.14 51. PLANTING A SCREEN A woman wants to plant a pine-tree screen around three sides of her backyard. (See Illustration 1.) If she plants the trees 3 feet apart, how many trees will she need? 81

100 ft

58. PAINTING A BARN The north wall of a barn is a rectangle 23 feet high and 72 feet long. There are five windows in the wall, each 4 by 6 feet. If a gallon of paint will cover 300 ft2, how many gallons of paint must the painter buy to paint the wall? 6 gal 59. MAKING A SAIL If nylon is $12 per square yard, how much would the fabric cost to make a triangular sail with a base of 12 feet and a height of 24 feet? $192 60. PAINTING A GABLE The gable end of a warehouse is an isosceles triangle with a height of 4 yards and a base of 23 yards. It will require one coat of primer and one coat of finish to paint the triangle. Primer costs $17 per gallon, and the finish paint costs $23 per gallon. If one gallon covers 300 square feet, how much will it cost to paint the gable, excluding labor? $80 61. SODDING A LAWN A landscaper charges $1.17 per square foot to sod a lawn. If the lawn is in the shape of a trapezoid, as shown in Illustration 3, what will it cost to sod the lawn? $1,658.48


52. PLANTING MARIGOLDS A gardener wants to plant a border of marigolds around the garden shown in Illustration 2 to keep out rabbits. How many plants will she need if she allows 6 inches between plants? 144

15 yd

9 yd

20 yd

16 ft



53. BUYING A FLOOR Which is more expensive: A ceramic-tile floor costing $3.75 per square foot or linoleum costing $34.95 per square yard? linoleum 54. BUYING A FLOOR Which is cheaper: A hardwood floor costing $5.95 per square foot or a carpeted floor costing $37.50 per square yard? carpeted 55. CARPETING A ROOM A rectangular room is 24 feet long and 15 feet wide. At $30 per square yard, how much will it cost to carpet the room? (Assume no waste.) $1,200 56. CARPETING A ROOM A rectangular living room measures 30 by 18 feet. At $32 per square yard, how much will it cost to carpet the room? (Assume no waste.) $1,920 57. TILING A FLOOR A rectangular basement room measures 14 by 20 feet. Vinyl floor tiles that are 1 ft2 cost $1.29 each. How much will the tile cost to cover the floor? (Disregard any waste.) $361.20


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

62. COVERING A SWIMMING POOL A swimming pool has the shape shown in Illustration 4. How many square meters of plastic sheeting will be needed to cover the pool? How much will the sheeting cost if it is $2.95 per square meter? (Assume no waste.) 400 m2, $1,180

20 m

25 m

12 m


63. CARPENTRY How many sheets of 4-foot-by-8-foot sheetrock are needed to drywall the inside walls on the first floor of the barn shown in Illustration 5? (Assume that the carpenters will cover each wall entirely and then cut out areas for the doors and windows.) 51

64. CARPENTRY If it costs $90 per square foot to build a one-story home in northern Wisconsin, estimate the cost of building the house with the floor plan shown in Illustration 6. $94,320 14 ft 12 ft 30 ft

20 ft 12 ft ILLUSTRATION 6

48 ft 20 ft ILLUSTRATION 5


Write a paragraph using your own words.

65. Explain the difference between perimeter and area.


66. Why is it necessary that area be measured in square units?

In Review Exercises 67–72, do the calculations. Write all improper fractions as mixed numbers.

2 3 1125 1 4 3


5 5 19 70. 7 2 2 424 8 6

7 2 2 8 3

5 24

1 2 7 71. 7 4 5 118 2 5


3 1 1 69. 3 1 2 612 4 3 3 5 7 72. 5 ? 2 1624 4 6

Circles In this section, you will learn about

• • •

Circles Circumference of a circle Area of a circle

INTRODUCTION. In this section, we will discuss circles, one of the most useful geometric figures. In fact, the discovery of fire and the circular wheel were two of the most important events in the history of the human race.

Circles Circle

A circle is the set of all points in a plane that lie a fixed distance from a point called its center. A segment drawn from the center of a circle to a point on the circle is called a radius. (The plural of radius is radii.) From the definition, it follows that all radii of the same circle are the same length.

9.6 Circles


A chord of a circle is a line segment connecting two points on the circle. A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of the circle. Since a diameter D of a circle is twice as long as a radius r, we have D 5 2r Each of the previous definitions is illustrated in Figure 9-63, in which O is the center of the circle. A ord

C Dia


















E D F I G U R E 9-63


F I G U R E 9-64


Any part of a circle is called an arc. In Figure 9-64, the part of the circle from point A to point B is AB, read as arc AB. CD is the part of the circle from point C to point D. An arc that is half of a circle is a semicircle.


A semicircle is an arc of a circle whose endpoints are the endpoints of a diameter.



If point O is the center of the circle in Figure 9-64, AD is a diameter and AED is a semicircle. The middle letter E is used to distinguish semicircle AED from semicircle ABCD. An arc that is shorter than a semicircle is a minor arc. An arc that is longer than a semicircle is a major arc. In Figure 9-64,



AB is a minor arc



ABCDE is a major arc.

Circumference of a circle Since early history, mathematicians have known that the ratio of the distance around a circle (the circumference) divided by the length of its diameter is approximately 3. First Kings, Chapter 7 of the Bible describes a round bronze tank that was 15 feet 45 from brim to brim and 45 feet in circumference, and 15 5 3. Today, we have a better value for this ratio, known as p (pi). If C is the circumference of a circle and D is the length of its diameter, then


C , D

where p 5 3.141592653589. . .

22 7

and 3.14 are often used as estimates of p.

If we multiply both sides of p 5 DC by D, we have the following formula.

Circumference of a circle

The circumference of a circle is given by the formula C 5 pD where C is the circumference and D is the length of the diameter. Since a diameter of a circle is twice as long as a radius r, we can substitute 2r for D in the formula C 5 pD to obtain another formula for the circumference C: C 5 2pr


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Self Check


Circumference of a circle. Find the circumference of a circle with diameter of 10 centimeters. (See Figure 9-65.) Solution We substitute 10 for D in the formula for the circumference of a circle. C 5 pD

To the nearest hundredth, find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 12 meters. 10 cm

F I G U R E 9-65

C 5 p(10) C ' 31.41592653589 Answer: 75.40 m

To the nearest tenth, the circumference is 31.4 centimeters.

Accent on Technology

Calculating revolutions of a tire To calculate how many times a 15-inch tire rotates when a car makes a 25-mile trip, we first find the circumference of the tire. C 5 pD Substitute 15 for D, the diameter of the tire. C 5 p(15) C ' 47.1238898 The circumference of the tire is 47.1238898 inches. We then change 25 miles to inches. 5,280 feet 12 inches 25 miles ? ? 5 25(5,280)(12) inches 1 mile 1 foot 5 1,584,000 inches Finally, we divide 1,584,000 inches by 47.1238898 inches to get 1,584,000 Total distance 5 Circumference of tire 47.1238898

Evaluate: Keystrokes:

5 33,613.52398 To do this work on a scientific calculator, we press these keys. 25 ? 5,280 ? 12 15 ? p ( 2 5 3 5 2 8 0 3 1 2 ) 4 p 4 1 5 5 33613.52398 The tire makes about 33,614 revolutions.


Perimeter of a figure. Find the perimeter of the figure shown in Figure 9-66.

Solution The figure is a combination of three sides of a rectangle and a semicircle. The perimeter of the rectangular part is Prectangular part 5 8 1 6 1 8 5 22 The perimeter of the semicircle is one-half of the circumference of a circle with a 6-meter diameter. 1 Psemicircle 5 pD 2 1 5 p(6) 2




Substitute 6 for D.

F I G U R E 9-66

' 9.424777961 Use a calculator.

9.6 Circles


The total perimeter is the sum of the two parts. Ptotal ' 22 1 9.424777961 ' 31.424777961 To the nearest hundredth, the perimeter of the figure is 31.42 meters.

Area of a circle If we divide the circle shown in Figure 9-67(a) into an even number of pie-shaped pieces and then rearrange them as shown in Figure 9-67(b), we have a figure that looks like a parallelogram. The figure has a base that is one-half the circumference of the circle, and its height is about the same length as a radius of the circle.

o h b


(b) F I G U R E 9-67

If we divide the circle into more and more pie-shaped pieces, the figure will look more and more like a parallelogram, and we can find its area by using the formula for the area of a parallelogram. A 5 bh 1 5 Cr 2

The formula for the area of a parallelogram. Substitute 21 of the circumference for b, and r for the height.

1 5 (2pr)r C 5 2pr. 2 5 pr 2

Area of a circle


1 2

? 2 5 1 and r ? r 5 r 2.

The area of a circle with radius r is given by the formula A 5 pr 2

Area of a circle. To the nearest

Self Check

tenth, find the area of the circle in Figure 9-68.

To the nearest tenth, find the area of a circle with a diameter of 12 feet.

Solution Since the length of the diameter is 10 centimeters and the length of a diameter is twice the length of a radius, the length of the radius is 5 centimeters. To find the area of the circle, we substitute 5 for r in the formula for the area of a circle.

10 cm

F I G U R E 9-68

A 5 pr A 5 p(5)2 5 25p ' 78.53981634 Use a calculator. 2

To the nearest tenth, the area is 78.5 cm2.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Answer: 113.1 ft2

Accent on Technology

Painting a helicopter pad Orange paint is available in gallon containers at $19 each, and each gallon will cover 375 ft2. To calculate how much the paint will cost to cover a helicopter pad 60 feet in diameter, we first calculate the area of the helicopter pad. A 5 pr2 A 5 p(30)2

Substitute one-half of 60 for r.

5 900p 30 ? 30 5 900. ' 2,827.433388 Use a calculator. The area of the pad is 2,827.433388 ft2. Since each gallon of paint will cover 375 ft2, we can find the number of gallons of paint needed by dividing 2,827.433388 by 375. Number of gallons needed '

2,827.433388 375

' 7.539822369 Because paint only comes in full gallons, the painter will need to purchase 8 gallons. The cost of the paint will be 8($19), or $152. To do this work on a calculator, we press these keys. Evaluate: Keystrokes:

(30)2 ? p 375 3












Round to 8 gallons. Keystrokes:







The cost of the paint will be $152.


Finding areas. Find the shaded area in Figure 9-69.

Solution The figure is a combination of a triangle and two semicircles. By the Pythagorean theorem, the hypotenuse h of the right triangle is h 5 =62 1 82 5 =36 1 64 5 =100 5 10 The area of the triangle is 1 1 1 Aright triangle 5 bh 5 (6)(8) 5 (48) 5 24 2 2 2 The area enclosed by the smaller semicircle is 1 1 Asmaller semicircle 5 pr2 5 p(4)2 5 8p 2 2

h in.

8 in.

6 in. F I G U R E 9-69

The area enclosed by the larger semicircle is 1 1 Alarger semicircle 5 pr2 5 p(5)2 5 12.5p 2 2 The total area is Atotal 5 24 1 8p 1 12.5p ' 88.4026494 Use a calculator. To the nearest hundredth, the area is 88.40 in.2

9.6 Circles



Section 9.6

In Exercises 1–8, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.


1. A segment drawn from the center of a circle to a point on the circle is called a radius . 3. A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a circle. 5. An arc that is shorter than a semicircle is called a minor arc. 7. The distance around a circle is called its circumference . CONCEPTS 9. 10. 11. 12.

Name Name Name Name

2. A segment joining two points on a circle is called a chord . 4. An arc that is one-half of a complete circle is a semicircle . 6. An arc that is longer than a semicircle is called a major arc. 8. The surface enclosed by a circle is called its area .

In Exercises 9–14, refer to Illustration 1.


each radius. OA, OC, and OB each diameter. AC each chord. DA, DC, and AC each minor arc. AD, DC, CB, BA








13. Name each semicircle. ABC and ADC 14. Name each major arc. ADCB, DCBA, CBAD, BADC


15. If you know the radius of a circle, how can you find its diameter? Double the radius. NOTATION

16. If you know the diameter of a circle, how can you find its radius? Divide the diameter by 2.

In Exercises 17–20, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.


17. The symbol AB is read as

arc AB


19. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C 5 pD or C 5 2pr .

18. To the nearest hundredth, the value of p is 3.14 . 20. The formula A 5 pr 2 gives the area of a circle .

PRACTICE 21. To the nearest hundredth, find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 12 inches. 37.70 in.

22. To the nearest hundredth, find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 20 feet. 125.66 ft

23. Find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 36p meters. 36 m

24. Find the radius of a circle with a circumference of 50p meters. 25 m

In Exercises 25–28, find the perimeter of each figure to the nearest hundredth. 25.

8 ft



3 ft

25.42 ft

28. 8m


18 in. 10 in.

10 cm 18 in. 12 cm

50.85 cm


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


31.42 m

67.42 in.

In Exercises 29–30, find the area of each circle to the nearest tenth. A 5 28.3 in.2



A 5 113.1 ft2 12 ft

3 in.

In Exercises 31–34, find the total area of each figure to the nearest tenth. 32.



8 cm

34. 4 in.

12 cm 4 cm 6 in.

12 cm 10 in.


88.3 in.

4 in.

62.8 in.2

128.5 cm2

57.1 cm2

In Exercises 35–38, find the area of each shaded region to the nearest tenth. 35.


4 in.


8 in.

r = 4 in. h = 9 in.

8 ft

8 in. 10 in


8 ft

13 in.

66.7 in.2 13.7 in.2

100.5 ft2

27.4 in.2


In Exercises 39– 46, give each answer to the nearest hundredth.

39. AREA OF ROUND LAKE Round Lake has a circular shoreline 2 miles in diameter. Find the area of the lake. 3.14 mi2 40. TAKING A WALK Sam is planning to hike around Round Lake. in Exercise 39. How far will he walk? 6.28 mi

41. JOGGING Joan wants to jog 10 miles on a circular track 41 mile in diameter. How many times must she circle the track? 12.73 times 42. FIXING THE ROTUNDA The rotunda at a state capitol is a circular area 100 feet in diameter. The legislature wishes to appropriate money to have the floor of rotunda tiled. The lowest bid is $83 per square yard, including installation. How much must the legislature spend? $72,431.16 43. BANDING THE EARTH A steel band is drawn tightly about the earth’s equator. The band is then loosened by increasing its length by 10 feet, and the resulting slack is distributed evenly along the band’s entire length. How far above the earth’s surface is the band? (Hint: You don’t need to know the earth’s circumference.) 1.59 ft

44. CONCENTRIC CIRCLES Two circles are called concentric circles if they have the same center. Find the area of the band between two concentric circles if their diameters are 10 centimeters and 6 centimeters. 50.27 cm2

45. ARCHERY See Illustration 2. What percentage of the area of the target is the bullseye? 6.25% 46. LANDSCAPE DESIGN See Illustration 3. How much of the lawn does not get watered by the sprinklers at the center of each circle? 193.14 ft2

1 ft 30 ft



9.6 Circles


Write a paragraph using your own words.


47. Explain what is meant by the circumference of a circle. 49. Explain the meaning of p. REVIEW

48. Explain what is meant by the area of a circle. 50. Distinguish between a major arc and a minor arc.

In Exercises 51–56, solve each problem.

51. Change

9 to a percent. 90% 10

52. Change

7 to a percent. 8721% 8

1 % of 520. 2.6 2

53. Find 30% of 1,600. 480

54. Find

55. COST OF A DRESS Maria bought a dress for 25% off the regular price of $98. How much did she pay?

56. COST OF A SHIRT Bill bought a shirt on sale for $17.50. Find its original cost if it was on sale at 30% off. $25



Surface Area and Volume In this section, you will learn about

• • • • • •

Volumes of solids Surface areas of rectangular solids Volumes and surface areas of spheres Volumes of cylinders Volumes of cones Volumes of pyramids

INTRODUCTION. In this section, we will discuss a measure of capacity called volume. Volumes are measured in cubic units, such as cubic inches, cubic yards, or cubic centimeters. For example,

• We buy gravel or topsoil by the cubic yard. • We measure the capacity of a refrigerator in cubic feet. • We often measure amounts of medicine in cubic centimeters. We will also discuss surface area. The ability to compute surface area is necessary to solve problems such as calculating the amount of material necessary to make a cardboard box or a plastic beach ball.

Volumes of solids A rectangular solid and a cube are two common geometric solids. (See Figure 9-70.)

Height (h) 2 cm Width (w)

A rectangular solid

A cube F I G U R E 9-70


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

2 cm 2 cm

Length (l)

The volume of a rectangular solid is a measure of the space it encloses. Two common units of volume are cubic inches (in.3) and cubic centimeters (cm3). (See Figure 9-71.)

1 in. 1 cm

1 in.

1 cm 1 cm

1 in. 1 cubic inch (1 in.3)

1 cubic centimeter (1 cm3) F I G U R E 9-71

If we divide the rectangular solid shown in Figure 9-72 into cubes, each cube represents a volume of 1 cm3. Because there are 2 levels with 12 cubes on each level, the volume of the rectangular solid is 24 cm3.

1 cm3 2 cm 3 cm 4 cm F I G U R E 9-72

In practice, we do not find volumes by counting cubes. Instead, we use the following formulas. Figure






Name r

V 5 s3




V 5 p r 2h


1 V 5 p r 2h 3





h w

Rectangular Solid

V 5 lwh

h r




V 5 Bh*


1 Bh* 3

(continued) *B represents the area of the base.

9.7 Surface Area and Volume









4 V 5 pr 3 3


WARNING! The height of a geometric solid is always measured along a line perpendicular to its base. In each of the solids in Figure 9-73, h is the height.





F I G U R E 9-73


Self Check

Number of cubic inches in one cubic

How many cubic centimeters are in 1 cubic meter?

foot. How many cubic inches are there in 1 cubic foot? (See Figure 9-74.)

1 ft

12 in.


12 in.

Since a cubic foot is a cube with each side measuring 1 foot, each side also measures 12 inches. Thus, the volume in cubic inches is V 5 s3 V 5 (12)3

12 in.

1 ft

1 ft

The formula for the volume of a cube.

F I G U R E 9-74

Substitute 12 for s.

5 1,728 Answer: 1,000,000 cm3

There are 1,728 cubic inches in 1 cubic foot.


Volume of an oil storage tank. An oil storage tank is in the form of a rectangular solid with dimensions of 17 by 10 by 8 feet. (See Figure 9-75.) Find its volume. Solution To find the volume, we substitute 17 for l, 10 for w, and 8 for h in the formula V 5 lwh and simplify. V 5 lwh V 5 (17)(10)(8) 5 1,360 The volume is 1,360 ft3.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Self Check Find the volume of a rectangular solid with dimensions of 8 by 12 by 20 meters.

8 ft 10 ft 17 ft F I G U R E 9-75

Answer: 1,920 m3



Volume of a triangular prism. Find the volume of

6 cm

8 cm 10 cm

the triangular prism in Figure 9-76.

Self Check Find the volume of the triangular prism below.

Solution The volume of the prism is the area of its base multiplied by its height. Since there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter, the height in centimeters is

0.5 m

4 cm

5 cm

5 cm 6 cm

10 cm

0.5 m 5 0.5(1 m) 5 0.5(100 cm) Substitute 100 centimeters

F I G U R E 9-76

for 1 meter.

5 50 cm Since the area of the triangular base is 24 square centimeters and the height of the prism is 50 centimeters, we have V 5 Bh V 5 24(50) 5 1,200 The volume of the prism is 1,200 cm3.

Answer: 120 cm3

Surface areas of rectangular solids The surface area of a rectangular solid is the sum of the areas of its six faces. (See Figure 9-77.)


w l













l F I G U R E 9-77

SA 5 Arectangle 1 1 Arectangle 2 1 Arectangle 3 1 Arectangle 4 1 Arectangle 5 1 Arectangle 6 5 lw 1 lh 1 lh 1 hw 1 lw 1 hw 5 2lw 1 2lh 1 2hw Combine like terms.

Surface area of a rectangular solid


The surface area of a rectangular solid is given by the formula SA 5 2lw 1 2lh 1 2hw where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

Self Check

Surface area of an oil tank. An oil storage

Find the surface area of a rectangular solid with dimensions of 8 by 12 by 20 meters.

tank is in the form of a rectangular solid with dimensions of 17 by 10 by 8 feet. (See Figure 8 ft 9-78.) Find the surface area of the tank. 10 ft 17 ft F I G U R E 9-78

9.7 Surface Area and Volume


Solution To find the surface area, we substitute 17 for l, 10 for w, and 8 for h in the formula for surface area and simplify. SA 5 2lw 1 2lh 1 2hw SA 5 2(17)(10) 1 2(17)(8) 1 2(8)(10) 5 340 1 272 1 160 5 772 The surface area is 772 ft2.

Answer: 992 m2

Volumes and surface areas of spheres


A sphere is a hollow, round ball. (See Figure 9-79.) The points on a sphere all lie at a fixed distance r from a point called its center. A segment drawn from the center of a sphere to a point on the sphere is called a radius. F I G U R E 9-79

Accent on Technology

Filling a water tank See Figure 9-80. To calculate how many cubic feet of water are needed to fill a spherical water tank with a radius of 15 feet, we substitute 15 for r in the formula for the volume of a sphere and simplify. 4 V 5 pr3 3 15 ft

4 V 5 p(15)3 3 4 5 p(3,375) 3 5 4,500p ' 14,137.16694 Use a calculator. To do the arithmetic with a calculator, press these keys. Evaluate:

4 p(15)3 3




F I G U R E 9-80












14137.16694 To the nearest tenth, 14,137.2 ft of water will be needed to fill the tank. 3

There is a formula to find the surface area of a sphere.

Surface area of a sphere EXAMPLE 5



The surface area of a sphere with radius r is given by the formula SA 5 4pr 2

Manufacturing beach balls. A beach ball is to have a diameter of 16 inches. (See Figure 9-81.) How many square inches of material will be needed to make the ball? (Ignore any waste.) Since a radius r of the ball is one-half the diameter, r 5 8 inches. We can now substitute 8 for r in the formula for the surface area of a sphere.

Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

SA 5 4pr2 SA 5 4p(8)2 SA 5 256p ' 804.2477193 A little more than 804 in.2 of material will be needed to make the ball.

F I G U R E 9-81


Volumes of cylinders h

A cylinder is a hollow figure like a piece of pipe. (See Figure 9-82.)

F I G U R E 9-82


Find the volume of the cylinder in Figure 9-83.

6 cm

Solution Since a radius is one-half of the diameter of the circular

base, r 5 3 cm. From the figure, we see that the height of the cylinder is 10 cm. So we can substitute 3 for r and 10 for h in the formula for the volume of a cylinder.

10 cm

V 5 pr h V 5 p(3)2(10) 5 90p ' 282.7433388 2

F I G U R E 9-83

To the nearest hundredth, the volume of the cylinder is 282.74 cm3.

Accent on Technology

Volume of a silo

The silo in Figure 9-84 is a cylinder 50 feet tall topped with a hemisphere (a halfsphere). To find the volume of the silo, we add the volume of the cylinder to the volume of the dome. 1 Volumecylinder 1 volumedome 5 (Areacylinder’s base)(heightcylinder) 1 (volumesphere) 2

50 ft

1 4 3 pr 2 3

5 pr2h 1

2pr3 3

F I G U R E 9-84

Evaluate: Keystrokes:


1 4 2 3

pr 3 5

4 2pr 3 4 . ? pr 3 5 pr 3 5 2 3 6 3 1

2p(10)3 5 p(10)2(50) 1 Substitute 10 for r and 50 for h. 3 5 5,000p 1

10 ft


5 pr 2h 1


17,000 p 3

2,000 p 3 5,000p 1

2,000 3


15,000 3


2,000 3


' 17,802.35837 To do the arithmetic with a scientific calculator, press these keys. 2p(10)3 p(10)2(50) 1 3 p 3 1 0 x2 3 5 0 5 1 ( 2 3 p 3 1 0 yx 3 4 3 ) 5 17802.35837 The volume of the silo is approximately 17,802 ft3.

9.7 Surface Area and Volume



Machining a block of metal. See Figure 9-85. Find the volume that is left when the hole is drilled through the metal block.

Solution We must find the volume of the rectangular solid and then subtract the volume of the cylinder.

8 cm

12 cm

Vrect. solid 5 lwh

18 cm

Vrect. solid 5 12(12)(18) 5 2,592

12 cm

Vcylinder 5 pr2h

F I G U R E 9-85

Vcylinder 5 p(4) (18) 5 288p 2

' 904.7786842 Vdrilled block 5 Vrect. solid 2 Vcylinder ' 2,592 2 904.7786842 ' 1,687.221316 To the nearest hundredth, the volume is 1,687.22 cm3.

Volumes of cones Two cones are shown in Figure 9-86. Each cone has a height h and a radius r, which is the radius of the circular base.




r F I G U R E 9-86


Volume of a cone. To the nearest tenth, find the volume of the cone in Figure 9-87.

Solution Since the radius is one-half of the diameter, r 5 4 cm. We then substitute 4 for r and 6 for h in the formula for the volume of a cone. V5

1 Bh 3

1 V 5 pr2h 3 1 V 5 p(4)2(6) 3 V 5 32p ' 100.5309649

6 cm

8 cm F I G U R E 9-87

To the nearest tenth, the volume is 100.5 cubic centimeters.


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry

Volumes of pyramids Two pyramids with a height h are shown in Figure 9-88.



The base is a triangle.

The base is a square.


(b) F I G U R E 9-88


Volume of a pyramid. Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base with each side 6 meters long and a height of 9 meters.

Self Check Find the volume of the pyramid shown below.

Solution Since the base is a square with each side 6 meters long, the area of the base is 62 m2, or 36 m2. We can then substitute 36 for the area of the base and 9 for the height in the formula for the volume of a pyramid. 1 V 5 Bh 3

10 cm 6 cm

8 cm

1 V 5 (36)(9) 3 5 108 The volume of the pyramid is 108 m3.



Section 9.7

In Exercises 1–10, fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

1. The space contained within a geometric solid is called its volume . 3. A cube is a rectangular solid with all sides of equal length. surface area of a rectangular solid is the sum 5. The of the areas of its faces. 7. A cylinder straw.

is a hollow figure like a drinking

9. A

looks like a witch’s pointed hat.


Answer: 80 cm3

2. A rectangular solid is like a hollow shoe box. 4. The volume of a cube with each side 1 inch long is 1 cubic inch. 6. The point that is equidistant from every point on a sphere is its center . 8. A


is one-half of a sphere.

10. A figure with a polygon for its base that rises to a point is called a pyramid .

9.7 Surface Area and Volume


In Exercises 11–16, write the formula used for finding the volume of each solid.


11. A rectangular solid V 5 lwh 14. A cylinder V 5 Bh

13. A sphere V 5 34pr 3 16. A pyramid V 5 31Bh

12. A prism V 5 Bh 15. A cone V 5 31Bh

17. Write the formula for finding the surface area of a rectangular solid. SA 5 2lw 1 2lh 1 2hw 19. How many cubic feet are in 1 cubic yard? 27 ft3

18. Write the formula for finding the surface area of a sphere. SA 5 4pr 2 20. How many cubic inches are in 1 cubic yard? 46,656 in.3

21. How many cubic decimeters are in 1 cubic meter? 1,000 dm3

22. How many cubic millimeters are in 1 cubic centimeter? 1,000 mm3

In Exercises 23–24, tell what geometric concept (perimeter, circumference, area, volume, or surface area) should be applied to find each of the following. 23. a. b. c. d. e. f.

size of a room to be air conditioned volume amount of land in a national park area amount of space in a refrigerator freezer volume amount of cardboard in a shoe box surface area distance around a checkerboard perimeter amount of material used to make a basketball

24. a. b. c. d. e. f.

surface area


amount of cloth in a car cover surface area size of a trunk of a car volume amount of paper used for a postage stamp area amount of storage in a cedar chest volume amount of beach available for sunbathing area distance the tip of a propeller travels circumference

Fill in the blanks to make a true statement.

25. The symbol in.3 is read as

1 cubic inch


26. One cubic centimeter is represented as 1 cm3 .

PRACTICE In Exercises 27–38, find the volume of each solid. If an answer is not exact, round to the nearest hundredth. 27. A rectangular solid with dimensions of 3 by 4 by 5 centimeters. 60 cm3

28. A rectangular solid with dimensions of 5 by 8 by 10 meters. 400 m3

29. A prism whose base is a right triangle with legs 3 and 4 meters long and whose height is 8 meters. 48 m3 31. A sphere with a radius of 9 inches. 3,053.63 in.3

30. A prism whose base is a right triangle with legs 5 and 12 feet long and whose height is 10 feet. 300 ft3 32. A sphere with a diameter of 10 feet. 523.60 ft3

33. A cylinder with a height of 12 meters and a circular base with a radius of 6 meters. 1,357.17 m3 35. A cone with a height of 12 centimeters and a circular base with diameter of 10 centimeters. 314.16 cm3 37. A pyramid with a square base 10 meters on each side and a height of 12 meters. 400 m3

34. A cylinder with a height of 4 meters and a circular base with diameter of 18 meters. 1,017.88 m3 36. A cone with a height of 3 inches and a circular base with radius of 4 inches. 50.27 in.3 38. A pyramid with a square base 6 inches on each side and a height of 4 inches. 48 in.3

In Exercises 39–42, find the surface area of each solid. If an answer is not exact, round to the nearest hundredth. 39. A rectangular solid with dimensions of 3 by 4 by 5 centimeters. 94 cm2 41. A sphere with a radius of 10 inches. 1,256.64 in.2

40. A cube with a side 5 centimeters long. 150 cm2 42. A sphere with a diameter of 12 meters. 452.39 m2

In Exercises 43– 46, find the volume of each figure. If an answer is not exact, round to the nearest hundredth. 43.

576 cm3

3 cm


565.49 cm3

16 cm 6 cm

8 cm 8 cm 8 cm


Chapter 9 Introduction to Geometry


335.10 in.3 10 in.


52 in.3 8 in.

20 in.

6 in.


4 in



5 in. 8 in.


In Exercises 47–52, if an answer is not exact, round to the nearest hundredth.

47. VOLUME OF A SUGAR CUBE A sugar cube is 21 inch on each edge. How much volume does it occupy? 0.13 in.3

48. VOLUME OF A CLASSROOM A classroom is 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 9 feet high. Find the number of cubic feet of air in the room. 10,800 ft3 49. VOLUME OF AN OIL TANK A cylindrical oil tank has a diameter of 6 feet and a length of 7 feet. Find the volume of the tank. 197.92 ft3 50. VOLUME OF A DESSERT A restaurant serves pudding in a conical dish that has a diameter of 3 inches. WRITING

52. VOLUME OF A CEREAL BOX A box of cereal measures 3 by 8 by 10 inches. The manufacturer plans to market a smaller box that measures 221 by 7 by 8 inches. By how much will the volume be reduced? 100 in.3

Write a paragraph using your own words.

53. What is meant by the volume of a cube? REVIEW

If the dish is 4 inches deep, how many cubic inches of pudding are in each dish? 9.42 in.3 51. HOT-AIR BALLOONS The lifting power of a spherical balloon depends on its volume. How many cubic feet of gas will a balloon hold if it is 40 feet in diameter? 33,510.32 ft3

54. What is meant by the surface area of a cube?

Do the operations.

55. 4(6 1 4) 2 22 36 57. 5 1 2(6 1 23) 33

56. 25(5 2 2)2 1 3 242 58. 3(6 1 34) 2 24 245

59. BUYING PENCILS Carlos bought 6 pencils at $0.60 each and a notebook for $1.25. He gave the clerk a $5 bill. How much change did he receive? $0.15 61. BUYING GOLF EQUIPMENT George bought 3 packages of golf balls for $1.99 each, a package of tees for $0.49, and a golf glove for $6.95. How much did he spend? $13.41

60. BUYING CLOTHES Mary bought 3 pairs of socks at $3.29 each and a pair of shoes for $39.95. Can she buy these clothes with three $20 bills? yes 62. BUYING MUSIC Lisa bought 4 compact discs at $9.99 each, 3 tapes for $6.95 each, and a carrying case for $10.25. How much did she spend? $71.06

9.7 Surface Area and Volume


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