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Geography Research Dose the Macau government’s work on the environment successfully upgrade the quality of it?

31 March 2008 By: Stephanie Ao (1) Winnie Cheang (7) May Chong (10) Miko Ieong (13) Sharon Kwok (17) Stiffany Lo (19)


Contents I.

Background and Objective (grey part is responsible by miko)...............................3 1. Background of study...............................................................................................3 2. Objective of study...................................................................................................3 3. Our hypothesis........................................................................................................3


Overview of the city (yellow part is responsible by fatwin)...................................3 1. Geographical condition...........................................................................................3 2. Climate of the city..................................................................................................3

III. Environmental Problems in the past (green part is responsible by may)................4 1. Description of the environment in the past.............................................................4 2. Reason of the problems..........................................................................................5 2.1Soil..................................................................................................................5 2.2 Climate..........................................................................................................5 IV. Government’s work (light blue is responsible by stiffany).....................................6 1. Planting trees near villages.....................................................................................6 2. Afforestation.......................................................................................................6, 7 3. Protection in special areas......................................................................................8 4. Parks.......................................................................................................................8 V.

Problems that hinder progression (purple part is responsible by stepao)................9 1. Vermin....................................................................................................................9 2. Fire........................................................................................................................10

VI. Outcomes and effects............................................................................................10 1. Soil........................................................................................................................10 1.1 Enhanced soil fertility.................................................................................10 1.2. Reduced erosion.........................................................................................10 2. Air (deep blue is Responsible by Sharon).............................................................11 3. Enhanced air quality.............................................................................................11 4. Increased in green areas and recreation areas ......................................................11 VII. Today’s Environment ...........................................................................................12 VIII.Conclusion.............................................................................................................13 IX. Sources



II. Overview of the city 1. Geographical condition Macau consists of the Macau Peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane Island. The Taipa is situated at 2.5km southeast of the Macau Peninsula whereas the Coloane Island is 2km south of the Taipa Island . Macau is at the uplifted zone of Wan Shan with granites as the basic rock form. All three islands mainly composed of mounts, hills and plateaus. There are only a few level ground suitable ground for construction. After several times of reclamation, the total area of Macau has gradually increased from 15 square kilometer in 1972 to 28.6 square kilometer now (2008). Among the three islands, Macau Peninsula is the largest, followed by Coloane Island and then Taipa Island. 2. Climate of the city Macau has a mild and humid climate. Annual average temperature is 22.3 degrees Celsius. Annual average humidity is 80% and rainfall is 2031.4mm. Macau enjoys short winters and long summers. Prevailing winds are cold dry NE wind, warm wet SE and SW winds. In spring, it is misty. In summer, it is hot and rainy with occasional typhoons. It has a fresh and moderately cool autumn and a mild cold winter with lesser rain. III. Environmental problems in the past 1. Description of the environment in the past Generally, Macau’s plantation was insufficient in the 1950s’. The landscape of the mountains was bald and lifeless. When you looked at the hills at a far distance, you will notice there were several black dots on the hills which were surrounded by some grey brown materials. The black dots were the houses while the grey brown materials were the mud. This indicated that Macau is lack of plantations at that time. Second, the plants were not spread evenly in the same island. In the midland, the trees were usually lush and diverse. On the other hand, when it comes nearer the sea, the less lush plants you will see.



A hill in 1940’s.

A hill in 1958.


2. Reasons of the problems 2.1. Soil The soil in Macau is mainly composed of granite. This type of rock drains away the water and nutrients easily because of its nature. Thus the soil is not rich in nutrients and it is hard to support the plants to grow lushly. One thing we need to pay attention is the slopes are very steep (50% gradient) and obvious in some of the hills even though the landscape is not rough. This tells us there weren’t many plants to hold the soil, and that made the soil being eroded easily. As a result, the soil became loose and not suitable for plantation.

The erosion area in Coloane in 1982.

The steep slope in Coloane in 1985.

2.2. Climate The typhoon season is between July to September every year. Every time when typhoon comes, it will bring along with heavy rainfall and strong winds. Both will cause landslides which make the soil becomes loose and innutritious and serious damage to the trees.

The typhoon uprooted the trees in Ha Sa Beachs.


IV. Government’s work 1. Planting trees near villages We couldn’t find the exact time period of when the Government’s work began. However, from the old pictures we figured out this project was usually being carried out near the villages in Taipa and Coloane. From the book “The History of Macau Environmental Development”, it said that the Government had allotted MOP$20,874 for planting 69 trees in the villages in Taipa and Coloane in 1960. Now, these trees have already grown up as big trees. We can found this out in many places in Taipa and Coloane which these places were used to be villages before.

Year 1948 in Taipa. Notice the empty hill behind.

Year 1988 in Taipa. The trees have grown taller.

2. Afforestation In the year 1945 to 1970, the Government established an Agricultural Department who was responsible for trees planting in Taipa and Coloane. Pinus massoniana Lamb. was the first and the most planted species, then it followed by Acacia confusa Merr., Casuarina equisetifolia L., Cinnamomum sp., Eucalyptus sp. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth and Melaleuca quinquenerria (Cav.) S.T. Blake.

Albizia lebbeck (L.) Acacia confusa Merr. All this trees have one common characteristic: they can grow fast under a dry 6

condition and improve the quality and fertility of soil. Between 1964 to 1970, the Government imported “Pennisetum purpureum Schum”. It is a type of pasture that used to feed cow. Nevertheless, the Government imported it because it can grow very fast and its roots can grow deeply into the soil. These two factors can let the grass to garb the soil firmly and reduce the damage of the soil and trees due to the storms.

Pennisetum purpureum Schum According to the data and researches we found in the library, the work on afforestation is really increasing, here are a part of the data which shows the planted species between 1963 to 1967: Species Acacia Confusa Merr. Delonix Regin Raf. Eucalytus loblus L.

1963 99,000 518 200

1964 145,00 980 430

1965 64,00* ----300

1966 104,00 1,460 580

1967 160,00 700 720

Total 572,00 2,160 2,230

*In 1965, the sudden decrease in plants is because of a devastate fire.

The result of afferestation in Taipa and Coloane.


3. Protection in special areas In the midland of Coloane, there are many plants species and animals. It is very educational and precious for the Macau environment. In 1987, the Government suggested a project to protect these valuable species in this area. After 11 years construction, in 1997, all the protection work had been finished and was opened to the public. Beside very trees, there is a tag attached giving the information of that tree. This way, it can educate the people about the nature.

Special protected areas. Photos taken in 1998. 4. Parks In Macau, especially in Taipa and Coloane, the Government has built many parks in order to enhance the surrounding environment. For example:

Parks in Taipa.

The park in Macau. 8


Problems that hinder progression The government has encountered some problems when dealing with the environmental problems in Macau. 1. Vermin vermin means certain wild animals and insects (e.g. rats, foxes, moles, owls) which are harmful to plants The vermin problem was extremely serious in Coloane. It destroyed many plants, especially the pine trees. Also, the forest zone had become desolated. The problem might become worse if no measures have taken. First, the related authorities have tried to use chemical drugs to deal with this problem, but the result was not satisfied. In solving this problem, the Macau government had got help from the Portuguese environmental Authority. They found out the main reason of the problem. The vermin (Takagi, Walker) absorbs the nutrient supply by the trees and weakening them. When the trees and plants become so weak then the vermin called Anaplophora chinensis Forster will infringe them, thus the inner part of the trees will be destroyed. After doing some researches and investigations, the Portuguese Environmental Authority has planted a new type of trees which help to develop a mix forest zone in the area. A mixed and natural forest zone is the best way to prevent the harm from vermin.

Anaplophora chinensis Forster

The vermin caused the damage.


2. Fire Generally, fire is a great menace to the forest. It occurs mainly because of careless accidents. It can destroy the whole forest in a moment. October to December is the time when most hill fire happens in Macau because of the low humidity. Although there is no complete data about hill fire happened in Macau, according to the research which was carried out by the Government in 1985, most of the hill fire happened in off-shore island. It is because there is no segregate fire zone being opened up. The government has later set up a forest protection team which was responsible for hill fire and has also established two roads which can make rescue much easier.

After the fire.

The firemen are distinguishing the fire,

VI. Outcome and effects 1. Soil 1.1 Enhanced soil fertility From the book “The present situation on trees in Macau”, we know that the government has put quick-acting fertilizer into the soil. It contains nitrogen, phosphorous and less potassium. This way, the soil can regain its fertility. The texture of the soil has also improved, the soil has become absorbable and it can retain more water. Thus, it is suitable for the trees growth. 1.2. Reduce soil erosion Forest is effective to prevent rainfall from scouring the soil, prevent the soil to wash away.


2. Air 2.1. Enhanced air quality Forest is the natural anion producer. Anion not only can effectively remove the smog in the air and bacteria. It makes the air fresh and pure, and contains the use of curative and prevent sickness which is good for human’s health. There was a research finding out the anion intensity in 62 places in Macau. And the result is there is more anion in the afforestation area than the urban area. By this, we know that the afforestation area is successful in enhancing the general air quality in Macau.

3. Increased in green areas and recreation areas According to the map, the total area of Macau has increased from 21.5 myriare to 25.8 myriare, and is all because of reclaiming. This can be seen very clearly in offshore island like Coloane and Taipa. The Macau government has tried to make green by planting trees in Taipa and Coloane, aside from the outward appearance, the government also consider about the benefit on plants and environment.

Increased in green area and recreation areas.



Today’s Environment VS The Past In this chapter, we are going to compare the present environment and the past.




VIII. Conclusion The Macau government has done so many reforestation works in the pass century, and has improved Macau both by view and air quality. We can see from the photos which have been taken in the past and compare the photos of Macau now, we can see that Macau has improved its landscape and sceneries a lot. Despite there are obstacles such as vermin and fire to hinder the progression, the Government still can manage the environment quite well as what we see today. Also, according to some others Macau’s environment research, the air quality and soil fertility indeed has increased. To a large extent, it is mainly attribute to the environmental work by the government. To conclude, the Macau Government has done a good work in enhancing the environment standard in Macau. - END -

Sources: “The present situation on trees in Macau” “The History of Macau Environmental Development” “Past and Present – Macau in the millennium” Afforestation Report in 1990 Soil Fertility Report in 1997 Internet The Macau old pictures exhibition


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