General Work & Safety Rules

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,192
  • Pages: 7
General Facility Work And Safety Rules General Facility Rules In order for TMSi employees to have a complete knowledge of what is expected of them during their employment and the basic rules of conduct that must be followed, the following guidelines have been implemented. The company must ensure a safe work environment and to assure safe work practices, each employee, as a condition of employment, must observe all facility and safety rules. It is the responsibility of each employee to be aware of hazards, notify a supervisor of any unsafe condition and to follow all facility and safety rules as well as those rules that apply to individual jobs.

Group A:

The following rule violations will result in progressive disciplinary procedures, including written verbal warnings, written warnings, final warning, suspension and/or discharge. Progressive discipline warnings will be active for six (6) months. •

Extensive absenteeism, tardiness and/or leaving work early.

• Not reporting at the assigned work station, ready to begin work at the start of a shift or when the bell rings at the end of breaks. • Punching time cards “in” earlier than seven (7) minutes prior to the start of the shift or “out” seven (7) minutes after the end of the shift unless authorized. • Entering the facility during non-working hours without the permission of a supervisor or another management official. •

Removing or altering posted notices.

Failure to report unsafe conditions to the supervisor.

• Distribution or posting of any written or printed materials without management permission during working hours or when it interferes with business or production. • As permitted by federal or state laws being subject to one or more garnishments or wage attachments which are sent to the company for processing.

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• Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions in washrooms, water fountains, work areas, break rooms, or other company property. •

Failure to maintain production or quality standards.

Making unauthorized telephone calls on company equipment.

Failing to adhere to proper dress code as published by the company.

Soliciting of any kind by anyone is prohibited.

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Group B:

One instance of the following rule violations will result in immediate suspension pending discharge. • Leaving work area during scheduled work hours without a supervisor’s permission. • Failure to punch time/attendance clock when leaving company premises when not on authorized company business. • Insubordination, argumentative behavior, fighting, horseplay or disorderly conduct, including refusal or failure to perform assigned work. • Use of, permission of, distribution of or being under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcoholic beverages on company premises. •

Possession of dangerous weapons on company property

Theft or fraud

• Clocking in or out on another employee’s time card, falsification of information on a time card or a company record, or permitting or encouraging another employee to clock your time card in or out. •

Sleeping on the job.

• Conviction or violation of a law having and adverse effect on the employment relationship or being convicted of a felony after becoming an employee of the company. •

Bookmaking or immorality on company property.

• Destruction or defacing of company property or the property of another employee or any other acts of sabotage. • •

Injuring or endangering others through careless or reckless acts.

Refusing to submit to physical examinations or any other tests as required by the company. •

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Using company equipment without authorization

General Safety Rules The following rules will be enforced for the common interest of both the employee and the company.

Group A: The following rule violations will result in progressive disciplinary procedures, including written verbal warnings, written warnings, final warning, suspension and/or discharge. Employees may get to the fourth occasion with violation of four (4) different safety regulations within a 12-month period. • Employee ownership of reporting unsafe conditions - Failure to report unsafe conditions to management. • Housekeeping – Each employee is required to keep his or her work area clean at all times • Proper Clothing – When working around moving machinery do not wear loose fitting clothes. Wear no dangling jewelry. Long hair must be restrained. • Protective- Type Shoes - Safety shoes must be worn. Canvas top shoes, open tow sandals, open heel slides and high heels are considered inappropriate and inadequate. A substantial shoe, providing full foot coverage and reasonable height heels should be worn. Steel-toed shoes are required. •

Sunglasses – Must be removed when entering the facility.

• Safety Signs – Signs and tags are placed to protect personnel and equipment. Employees are required to follow these signs so their actions will not result in personal injury or equipment damage

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• Work Habits – Before starting a job, make sure you know how to perform that job safely. When in doubt, ask your supervisor. Never take short cuts, such as crawling under equipment or using any object other than a prescribed platform or ladder to stand on. Check all tools and equipment before use. Report unsafe equipment, conditions or practices to your supervisor immediately. • Lifting – All employees must follow proper lifting methods as outlined in our training program. • Moving vehicles – Be alert to moving vehicles. Pedestrian has the right-of-way in the facility. Always keep clear of PIT when it starts to move. Passengers on a forklift truck not permitted. • Pre-Trip/Post – Trip Inspections - Employees are required to perform pre-trip and post-trip inspections of their PIT at the start and immediately following their shift.

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Group B: One instance of the following rule violations will result in immediate suspension pending discharge. • Employees involved in injuries or accidents - All injuries and accidents must be immediately reported to a member of the management team. In cases of PIT accident, stop progress and report immediately without moving the equipment. • Use of Safety Devices and Guards - Safety devices and guards are for personal protection, Equipment must not be operated if these guards are removed or inoperative. No employee shall remove or render these devices inoperable. • Authorized Use of Equipment - Employees are not permitted to operate any machine or apparatus unless you are familiar with its operation and have been instructed or authorized to do so by your supervisor. Equipment such as forklift trucks, cherry pickers and turrets requires special training to operate. Never attempt to operate any machinery without proper training. • Smoking – Smoking is only allowed in plainly marked areas. No smoking inside facility. This includes smokeless tobacco and lighters. • Horseplay - Horseplay is prohibited. There is no place for horseplay in the workplace. Horseplay includes running, tripping others intentionally, throwing things, jumping machinery or barriers and any other act which may startle or distract another employee including the playing of practical jokes. • Personal Protective Equipment - Employees must follow all PPE procedures within job duties, which include tethers, harnesses, steel toe shoes and eye protection. • Walking/Standing on working surfaces – Never walk or stand on rollers or belts.

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