General Agreement On Trade In Services

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,653
  • Pages: 7
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)   o    !" (GATS) )"* +  , ,-.  !"! /0  + ) 1 ,2 0   1  2538 )"*   + GATS  8" 9).:2)"* .; < +; 0=)  /; ).:;  +  .: > + "  0)"* )"?)  0 ;  / 1<+    /@++,-.      .) 0. )9 -   -   )  + +. )90 )  ) :, .C29)D  9,   0  .) ) +0  + (+,-. +!   6 ") ): <)  WTO  ) - +  ,/,-.  !" ! /0  +:      (General Agreement on Trade in Services: GATSMinisterial Declaration on Information Technology Agreement ;: )   !"  ITA-I " C "^ 2539 1 8" 9 "    )   ) - +):.C29)D  9 "2>  9  2 C )  0"=@@  ):.C29)D  9 (e-Commerce Declaration) 0/)    )  + < GATS )"* ,)  (1986-1994) 1 GATS )"*  ; ")b0 !/;    GATS "   ;c: (1)  1" ) +d)Ce9  c )   0 (2) +,-. +0 ")  ,-. )b. 0  + " 9)"?0 ,-; 2 8" 9 /@+  GATS D:)"?)  0 ;  (progressive liberalization)  2 WTO  ) ).:" )"* c  c 5 "^ 0!  /; +,-. )"? )   ).  0 )"* )"?0 ;    8)"?)   )D  !D !  /; ) !  )"?)   )D-"0)"* ):)2 

< + c  !!,-. )"? WTO !0 +  i (29 ) + :   (13 ) +     (3 ) + /;  ( 1  ) +  ( 3  ) + 0  (11 ) +) (22 ) +   )  (5 ) +    j i 0 k (2 ) 0

+ +  (15  ) ")<+;< GATS 0 !)"* 4 -"0 : 1. Mode 1 ;+.0 (Cross Border Supply) )2   )D  9 !o9 -"+ MP3 ;: .9!" ") 2. Mode 2 ) !" ") (Consumption Abroad) )2 ) !" )  ;:!"  ") 3. Mode 3 )+ +   (Commercial Presence) )2   /  +).:;  ") 4. Mode 4 ):  (Movement of Natural Person) )2  i )2 0  2    ) )+!"/   ") . iC <  GATS 0 !)"* ")<: . iC  !" (General obligations) 0 . iC )b.+,-.  0  + . iC  !" (General obligations) < GATS  1 , ") 2") 0    + . iC  !""  ; /@ 2 ":"=) 2 !   );9 (Most Favored Nation (MFN)) 0; "  (Transparency) 1 i!  • Most Favored Nation Treatment-MFN ("= 2 !   );9) <+ 2 (Article II) +   GATS ")

2;"= ")<)   ;:  ,-; ")<)   +"); ;) "= !; "): !  ): !+ ;  )"* "s ; ):"= ") ;: +") )"* .)  !D GATS !)"? ; +)  (MFN exemption) C )2 ; i.)0   ) /   :)> (economic integration)

)"* !"): !+ WTO /;    ") 2 8+ ,  , 2): !+ MFN !2  0 ! ) 10 "^ • Transparency ( "  ) ") 2";  8 d; d)  c  ; 0;  ;   8;/0+-0 ") 2: c ):  +!

): !+,-. )b.+0  +" ; /@ 2 " )2  : Market Access 0 National Treatment (NT) 1 )    : • Market access ()+ - ) +,-.  )"?+ ") 2 ! ): i+") 2 /;  d) < ") )2  ): : // ,-; +/ ):- + +/)  / ;:"C ; +/)  /  2 ; i +/; )  -"0+; i ; +/; )   + 2 GATS /; ;") 2)+/ )"*   )+

- 0 )"*  !"  8)"?)   )D 0 !    )"?)    -C9): ") 2    ):,-. )b. + 0  + -  +.j  0 . )"?)  + ") 2  +,-.  )+ - +  0  +  D 8  0  ! • National Treatment ("=)  2) )"* ,-. ; "=  2: ) < "=  2+ )  !D +/; )2  ! / i+") 2 /; ): !++ "=+,-. )2 /;  ; 8 )  2   /  + c;-  )"*  ") 2 8 /; )"* d;< !! ++,-.  A rticle XIX + GATS ! 20  ") /.j  8/; ): !+ +)"? /;   2   + ")! )2 +/; ):8 )  )"* 

;+ GATS   + ") 2 8):!  ,-. )"?)   + 0+)"? 0  +)"*  ! ): !++,-.  )b. +)   sector specific commitments 0): !++ ,-. 1 +)   horizontal schedule of commitments   ") 2 8): ,-. )b.-"0+; / 4 -"0 (Mode 1-4 )   + +,-. < GATS )"*  ") 2!0  " 0   2    2 8; ") 2! ): !++)"? 0"=)  2 ") 2,-. !    +,-. < GATS )"* " ") 2! .+/+)"? !"   1; ")  )"*          0,    )  +  "  0 2)   +    GATS  9" /@- " : (1)    (framework agreement) 1" ) +d)Ce9 c )    0 (2) +,-. +0 ") (national schedule) 1): !+,-. +! )"* horizontal schedule of commitments )"*  !"  Horizontal Commitment: Thailand Mode of supply: 1) Cross-border supply, 2) Consumption abroad, 3) Commercial presence, 4) Natural persons

I. Horizontal Commitment Sectors included in this schedule

Limitations on Market Access

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional Commitments

1. i 3) )  0 /; ! )"s  : 3) )  0 /; ! )"*   (Business Services) )+ +2  2 : =)  2 2.  :   0  + ;: +

/;; (Communications)   ! @; ;  ! ,-. 3.    )+  -"+ (Construction) /)   0)"* !" 4. /;  ): !+ !" : (Distribution) 5.  (Education) (a)   +2  2 6.  0  ! )  49 + 

I. Horizontal Commitment Sectors included in this schedule

Limitations on Market Access )  + 0 (b) / ,-8:; 2  2   ; +/ ,-8:; ;+

(Environmental services) 7. ) (Finance) 8.   Health-related & social services(!"#!$%&'( ) 9.  )  (Tourism 4) )  0 /; ! )"*  : & travel-related services) ")!! ,-. ): 10.     )+/ 2  + (Recreation, culture, i )  0  C sport)  !"  11. +  (Transport) 12.,-. / Other service s (!"#!$%&'( )

(a) )+./  ") +i)"* )     90  ).: 8" 9 "2;:/ @@ i ).:/ @@1: ;:+  ).:) 2i ;:: c  (b)  .  +  ,-;: ,-; ;:,-)2  2@  .    )"* .  + -  ")!0 !   1 "^   : + @) )+")! 0 )"* !"): !++  /)"*  )+;  /;     )+): 2     )  ! ) 1 "^  8  ! 2  ! ) 1 "^ 3), 4)    

Limitations on National Treatment

Additional Commitments

I. Horizontal Commitment Sectors included in this schedule

Limitations on Market Access d;  +!  2  2 ;: 2 -  ")! ! 8 1: ;:)"* )+ i}   ! 0 8)2   ;: ! ;:)"* )+;2  2!d;  8: i}  2

Limitations on National Treatment

&'()*(*')(+,-./+0)1+,-. (Built-in Agenda)1   !"   (GATS) !/; !  @@; )  ): :) :;9 (Built-in Agenda)   1. )/d)Ce9)   ; )):1: > (Government Procurement) ):""sb)b (Emergency Safeguards Measures -- ESMs) 0):;  (Subsidy)   )):   )/)  0 ""^ 2538 )"*   ;@ )"* )): ESMs 0 D ! 8;+) ): !  +/; )  ) ESMs 0 4     ! )!";  < 15   2547 )): 1:> 0):;  !   :;  2. )).:.j d)Ce9;:    d) < ") (Multilateral Disciplines on Domestic Regulation) ).:" ;   ,2)    @+") 2 2  c  )  /; C    @ 0> )   8" 9  ;)Ce9 "  0!  ;) "   ) + 22 .@2   /    /; + @2 (Disciplines on Domestic Regulation in the Accountancy Sector) !) D  0 0 1

); "),  .C29

Additional Commitments

i  2541 0 !  ,d; ). )"* ; +  GATS .   + 22 .: c  //)  / - !"/  ~ /;

+  2)"s;;,< "?); (< 1  2548) 3. )):: c !0  <, + 2 1  + )  "=;MFN (MFN Exemptions) GATS /; ;+)  / !! ) 10 "^ 0   c 5 "^ ).:    +)  ! "= ; MFN    /)"*  !";:! 1   !/)  !"0 ):"^ 2543  <,   +  GATS /; ;   8.j 0/)   +   c 5 "^ )b.  , 1 /  +0++  0   /  . )9      ! + 0 ""^ 2543 )"*   &'(34&561&'()789:;'9<-.=>?>@,)&@,?A

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