Gemstone Warrior

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  • Words: 7,915
  • Pages: 14
. . . The Quest Continues The air about you is chill and damp. You strain to see furth er through the hazy darkn ess, your ears fin ely attuned to the faint sounds around you: the drip of water off the cavern walls, the fain t scratching of your boots across the rough floor, the muffled hiss of your breathing . . . Then something else. Footsteps ap~Jroa ching? You tighten your grip on your trusty crossbow, and check the quiver on your belt. Ten crossbow bolts left. You smile grimly, remembering the Magic Item in your backpack: the crystal ball that so effectively froze the Flyers in the last room. In a pinch it could save your life. The footsteps are closer. But nearby is the doorway into the next room . Why fight whatever is behind, when your Quest lies ahead? For a moment, you look down at the pouch on your belt. Warm to the touch, the leather almost seems to be glowing, lit from within by the fragment of the Gemstone it contains. Drawing a deep breath, you step through the doorway into the Unknown . ONWARD TO GLORY! . 1.

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CREDITS O rigin al Game Design & Programming

Peter W. V. Lount Origina l Game Design & Graphics

Trouba Gossen Commodore 64 and Atari Versions

Kevin Pickell Mac intosh Versio n

Peter W. V. Lount Gemstone Warrio r C reated By

Paradigm Creators, Inc., Vancouver, B.C., Canada Game Devel opme nt

Chuck Kroegel, Michael Kawahara & Robert W. Calfee Art & Graphic Design

Louis Hsu Saekow, Kathryn Lee & Dave Boudreau Typese ttin g

Abra Type Prin ting

A&a Printers and Lithographers

If yo u have any questions o r problems re~a rdin)( the program or ga me, please send a selfaddressed, sramped envelo pe with yo ur question to : STRAT EGIC SIM ULATIONS, INC, 883 Stierlin Road, Building A-2oo, Mountain VI ~U ', CA 94043- 1983 . Or call o ur Hotline Number: (41 5) 964-1200 every weekd ay, 9 to 5 (PS T ),











LIMITED WARRANTY Strategic Simulations , Inc. ("SSI ") warrants that the diskette on which the enclosed program is recorded will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. If within 30 days of purchase the diskette proves defective in any way, you may return it to Strategic Simulations, Inc ., 883 Stierlin Road, Building A-200, Mountain View, CA 94043-1983 and SSI will replace it free of charge. In addition , if the diskette proves defective at any time after the first 30 days, return the diskette to SSI and SSI will replace it for a charge of $10 .00 . Please allow about four weeks for delivery. SSI MAKES NO WARRANTIES , EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM RECORDED ON THE DISKETIE OR THE GAME DESCRIBED IN THIS RULE BOOK, THEIR QUALITY, PERFORMANCE , MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE PROGRAM AND GAME ARE SOLD "AS IS." THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEIR QUALITY AND PERFO RMANCE IS WITH THE BUYER . IN NO EVENT WILL SSI BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAM OR GAME EVEN IF SSI HAS BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. (SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU .) The enclosed software program and this Rule Book are copyrighted . All rights are reserved. This Rule Book may not be copied, photographed, reproduced, or translated or reduced to any electrical medium or machine-readable form , in whole or in part, without prior written consent from SSI. The program accompanying this Rule Book may be copied, by the original purchaser only, as necessary for use on the computer for which it was purchased. © 1985 by Strategic Simulations, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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TALE OF THE GEMSTONE ............................... . 1.0 COMMODORE 64 PlAYERS .......................... 3 Loading • G ame Menu • Movement Co mmands Fire Commands • Inventory Co mmands • Other C ommands Summary of Keyboard C ommand s for C64

2.0 APPLE PlAYERS ..................................... 4 Loading • G ame Menu • Joystick and Keyboard Modes Movement Commands • Fire Commands Inventory Commands • Other Co mmands Summary of Keyboard Commands for Apple

3.0 ATARI PlAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Loading • G ame Menu • Move ment Co mm ands Fire Commands • Inventory Comm ands • Other C ommands Summary of Keyboard Command s for Atari

If you are unable to make a backup copy of your disk (most of our games have some form of copy-protection), you may purchase a backup disk from SSI for $10 plus $2 for shipping and handling . California residents , add applicable sales tax.

4.0 MACINTOSH PlAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9

What to do if you have a defective disk

5.0 THE SCREEN .................................. . .... . 11

Each of our games undergoes extensive playtesting prior to its release . Through this process we hope to uncover, and correct, any errors in programming. However, due to the complex nature of our simulations, some program errors may go undetected until after publication. In addition to errors in the program , there are occasionally problems with the disk itself. We experience the industry standard of approximately a 3 to 5% failure rate of duplicated disks . Before assuming tHat a disk is defective, make sure to check your disk drive. Up to 95% of the disks returned to us as defective will run fine on our computer systems. Often the problem is with a disk drive that needs servicing for alignment, speed , or cleaning . Should you have a defective disk , please return the disk only (keep all other parts of the game) to our Customer Support Department, along with a note describing the problem you have encountered. A replacement disk will be provided upon our re ceipt of the defective disk . Should you uncover an error in the program. return both your game disk and any "save game" disk5 to our Customer Support Department. Please enclose a description of what was taking place in the game when the error occurred . Upon correction of the program error, we will return an updated disk to you . Always make sure to include your name, address , and daytime telephone number with any correspondence. We will do our best to see that any problems are correc ted as soon as possible.

Loading • G ame Menus Movement and Fire Co mmands • Inventory Commands Summ ary of Keyboa rd Commands for Macintosh Apple, Atari, and C- 64 Scree ns • Macintosh Screen

6.0 MAGIC AND OTHER ITEMS . ......................... 13 Magic Items • O ther Items

7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

CAST OF CHARACTERS .............................. BONUS TREASURE ....... . ..................... . .... TIPS ON STRATEGY . . .... . .......................... EXAMPLES OF PlAY

14 15 15 16

THE QUEST CONTINUES . ..................... . .......... 17

CAle of cbe qemscoT)e... Listen, Brave Warrior, to the tale of the magnificent Gemstone and of Man's descent into ruin: had Q'eattd the Gemstone so it could only be used by Min, Enrtijetl, t,.,J;>emons. determined that Man fI1O(dd never be . able to use l1(t-Gemstone's powers again. With ittnuls of hIltrtd, the. Demons Qttempted to ~ fhe grt1lf stone, but were only able to fragment it into five ,neees. These five pieces they concealed in their complex undergrout¢ lIlir. Then, in a last attempt to exhaust the Earth of its few remaining sources of magic, the Demons boiled up to the surface once again, scouring

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surface. Del7tOII1$' SU}~4 out onto he ~';('1.t*'_~:A~ Jut the ma~al powers of the GemsIone the dIlr1cness of the ~ Not ones. again riotted. _gii1ifst Mtln. :'Jltttt, in 1Iu!. ~~. ~@riJ!Jg of evil foTees.-eM' sten .pon -the face of ~f,tu:l~,j~~ltmIIlaunchtd ~ mighty seige. Thq killed C4J1rl!itiP" - the brllVe 'JiJd~m, innocent women. . moon"". .......""·· · ""d the Ice~ PI the Gem$tone. With the Gemstmre"Was unprotected, alI4 fhe Demons ~-.IfI'IIM!'M:J~ ._ v....'" orsthe Temple's high tdJaT. Th« ~ of the Gemstone society crii#li4 by nuzgic to erodt. Disease and famine swept throughout remaining magic items became objects ·~t~.4i"'idil~g brother against brother. The Gemstone ~_~Jo., lrtavU~~ with it an of Man's goodness and hope. f!XJ'J'tdl~a to gain ultimate power from the - '''Jlltra they could not use its powers. The gods

it for gold, treasure, and other magic things. Nothing remai7id sacred. Tombs and graves were robbed .of their bodies, and the tired bones made into mindless skeleton slaves to guard evil ones' lIlir. umanity now occupies a state of desperation. The Demons and their monster minions multiply dIIily 118. Man's nU7flbers decrease. The few hopeless survivors cower in scattered hiding places. Their only hope lies in the arrival of a Hero to enter the cavernous volcano and reiJtDtfe the Gemstone to its true owners. The few adventurous ~uls who have made the attempt have perished, condemned to wander for eternity as skeletons in the Demons' lIlir.


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the Gemsfqrte to the temple. First, yoU must find the 1] way through the system of underground caverns that lead to the maze. Once inside the maze, find the fi~~~IriI~ of the Gemstone. Wh8n the pieces are gathered, you escape the Demon's lair through the spinning gateway plilce the Gemst01le on the temple altar. Go with haste, you succeed, you wiU be rewarded with great treasute honor as the Champion of Man and our world. Gods' luck to you, Brave Warrior - you Iuroe l1uf~i~i~ one chance!

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1.3 Movement Commands Joystick (in port # 2): To move, push the

1.1 Loading Tum on the disk d rive, computer, and mon itor. Inse rt the d iskette and type LOAD " · ",8,1.

joystick in the desired directi on (diagonal moves are not allowed) . Keyboard: Press "I" to move up ( "J" to move left ( - ), " K " to' move do wn ( ~ ), and " L" to move right ( - ).

1.2 Game Menu

Playe rs may use the joystick and! o r keyboard commands at any time si nce both methods are available at all tim es. When you move yo ur W arrior, his facing (up, down , right, left) will change autom atically. Press the SPACE BAR to have yo ur Warrior toggle in and o ut of RUN mode .

Yo u will see a menu allowing you to choose fro m (B) Beginner's game, (N) Norm al game, (K) Kamikaze ga me, (0) O ld game, (C) C ommand scree n, (F5) Sound on/off, (Ol Quit game. The three types of games - Beginners, Normal, and Kamikaze - represent levels of difficul ty. The Beginner's game is q uite challenging. The other ga mes include monsters that not only move faster, but have capabilities no t fo und in the Beginne r' s game. In the Beginner's level, magical items (see 6.0) have the effects listed. Normal and Kamikaze levels are different in that the items may start with different effects than those listed, and an item's effect may also change as the ga me proceeds. The O ld game option allows yo u to continue a game previously saved (see 1.6). Pressing the F5 key toggles sound be tween on and off. Quit game does just that, without saving anything in progress. The Co mmand scree n opti on takes you to a menu that allows you to redefine the keyboard commands. For example, you may redefin e the SPACE BAR instead of the RETURN key as the Search/Take comm and. To select the command yo u wish to change, move the cursor down to the desired co mmand and press the key you desire to replace it with. The new key will be displayed next to the command. Please note that you may n ot have the sa me key next to mo re than one command. You may move the cursor to the desired co mm ands with a joystick (in port # 2) or the cursor keys. Although not listed on the Game Menu, yo u may press Ctrl R to blank out the bottom three high sco res on the high scores disp lay. Pressing the SPACE BAR pages you through the different opening screen displays, including the high score displays and th e game men u.


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1.4 Fire Commands Joystick (in po rt # 2): To fire, press the button on the joystick and push the stick in the d irecti on yo u wish to fire. You may fire in any direc tion (fac ing changes auto matically) . Keyboard: Press the appropriate key to fire in the desired d irection. A and W = Shoot diagonally D and X = Shoot diagonally (rotated 90° fro m A and W) S = Shoot straight R = Select weapon (toggles between crossbow and firebo lts)

Up Facin g Down Facing



1.5 Inventory Commands

1.6 Other Commands

F5 = Sound on/off

Inventory co mmands are as fo llows: RETURN = Search/Take an item fro m a chest, coffin or dead monster. P = Put th e item displayed in the invento ry box into a chest, coffin , or dead monste r that the W arri or is stand ing next to. SLASH (I) = Use the item in the Inventory Box. SEMICOLON (;) = Search area/continue sea rch.

PLUS (+)

= Move Inventory Box left.

F7 = Save Game/Men u. This will automatically save the game onto the game disk and re turn to the ga me menu. Starting a new game o r continuing an old game erases the game previously saved on the disk. Ctrl F = This command freezes o r pauses the game. Press any key to continue.

1.7 Summary of Keyboard Commands



C- 64 keyboard commands are shown below.

2.0 APPLE PLAYERS 2.1 Loading Inse rt the game diskette into drive one. Tum on the moni tor and the power switch. W ait for the game menu to appea r.

MINUS (- ) = Move Inventory Box right.

2.2 Game Menu

Players using a joystick may execute the Search/T ake co mmand by pressing the button and lettin g go witho ut moving the joystick.

Yo u will see a menu allowing you to choose fro m (B ) Beginner's game, (N) Normal game, (K) Kamikaze game, (0 ) Old game, (C) Co mmands, and (Ol Quit ga me. Also dis-

(+) Move InventOfY Box left

COMMODORE 64 KEYBOARD (Ctrl F] Pause ---___..

0 and X

--7f\. . . .---

A and W


0 and X

(A.W) Shoot diagonally (S) Shoot straight _ _..t::::...J,.;"::;;;;......I

(O,X) Shoot diagonally 90" from A/W

A and W

o and


The inventory comm ands are used to search fo r and collect items in chests and coffin s or on dead monsters. They are also used in conjunction with the W arri ors In ventory Box (see 5.1) to select and use items which the W arrior has already collected.

The diagrams below illustate keyboa rd input and directions of fire according to facing. A and W


A and W




0 and X

Left Facing

Righ t Facing

•• 0

In ventory Movement Weapons Other

(SPACE) Run/ walk (J) Move left (- ) (I) Move up

(f )

(I<) Move down (


(L) Move right (-)

(RETURN) Search/take rtem from chest, coffin, or dead monster

( ;) Search areal COllUM search (I) Use Item In InventOfY Box ~-- (P) Put rtem in InventOfY Box, ches~ cotf:n, or dead monster




played is SOUND ON and KEYBOARD. When you press Ctrl S the SOUND ON changes to SOUND OFF and vice versa. Pressing Ctrl K, Ctrl N, or Ctrl E changes the KEYBOARD to KEYBOARD, NORMALJOYSTICK, and EXPERT JOYSTICK, respectively. The three types of games - Beginner, Normal, and Kamikaze - repesent levels of difficulty. The Beginner's game is quite challenging. The other games include monsters that not only move faster, but have capabilities not found in the Beginner's game. In the Beginner's level, magical items (see 6.0) have the effects listed. Normal and Kamikaze levels are different in that the items may start with different effects than those listed, and an item's effect may also change as the game proceeds. The Old game option allows you to continue a game previously saved (see 2.7). Quit game option does just that, without saving anything in progress. The Commands option takes you to a menu that allows you to redefine the keyboard commands. For example, you may redefine the SPACE BAR instead of the RETURN key as the Search/Take command. To select the command you wish to change, move the cu rsor (pressing the Ctrl J and Ctrl K keys) to the desired command and press the key you desire to replace it with. The new key will be displayed next to the command. Please note that you may not have the same key next to more than one command. Although not listed on the Game Menu, you may press Ctrl R to blank out the bottom three high scores on the scores display. Pressing the SPACE BAR pages you through the opening screen displays, including the high score display and the game menu.

2.3 Joystick and Keyboard Modes In the Game Menu or while in actual game play you may switch from keyboard, normal joystick and expert joystick modes by pressing the appropriate key:

Ctrl K = Keyboard Ctrl N = Normal Joystick Ctrl E = Expert Joystick


2.4 Movement Commands Keyboard: Press "I" to move up ( "J" to move left ( - ), "K" to move down ( ~ ), and "L" to move right ( - ). Normal Joystick: Press button 0 and move stick in desired direction. Expert Joystick: Move stick in desired direction and press button O.

t ),

When you move your Warrior, his facing (up, down, right, left) will change automatically. Press the SPACE BAR to have your Warrior toggle in and out of RUN mode.

2.5 Fire Commands Normal Joystick: Press down button 1 and point stick in direction of fire . Expert Joystick : Move stick in direction of fire and press down button 1. Keyboard: Press the appropriate key to fire in the desired direction. A and W = Shoot diagonally D and X = Shoot diagonally (rotated 90° from A and W) S = Shoot straight

.~ ,.,. ~ ~.

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2.6 Inventory Commands The inventory commands are used to search for and collect items in chests and coffins or on dead monsters. They are also used in conjunction with the Warrior's Inventory Box (see 5.1) to select and use items which the Warrior has already collected. Inventory commands are as fo llows: RETURN = Search/Take an item from a chest, coffin, or dead monster. P = Put the item displayed in the Inventory Box into a chest, coffin, or dead monster that the Warrior is standing next to. SIASH(/ ) = Use the item in the Inventory Box. SEMICOLON (;) = Search Area/continue to search. LEFI' ARROW (-) = Move Inventory Box left RIGHT ARROW (-) = Move Inventory Box right

Up Facing Down Facing


D and X

\V S

matically save the game onto the game disk and return to the game menu. Starting a new game or continuing an old game erase the game previously saved on the disk. Ctrl F = Freezes or pauses the game. Press any key to continue.

2.8 Summary of Keyboard Commands for Apple Apple II+, IIc, and Ile keyboard commands are shown below. ~

(Ctrl F) Pause (Ctrl S) Sound onJoff

(ESC) Save game,menu ---f::t::~Tt.":i'ItT't1r7r:":-r.":"'

(P) Put ttem in Inventory Box, chest, coffin, or dead IIlOIlster (RETURN) Search/take item from chest, coffin, or dead monster (-) Move Inventory Box right

(A.W) Shoot diagonally

(S) Shoot straight (D,X) Shoot diagonally

(SPACE) Run/walk

90· from NW


A and W

2.7 Other Commands Ctrl S = Sound onl off Esc = Save Game/Menu. This will auto-

(R) Select WeallOn ,·- - - - _

The diagram below illustrates keyboard input and direction of fire according to facing. A and W

Players using an Expert Joystick may Search/ Take items by pressing the 0 button with the stick centered. Pressing the 1 button toggles your weapon from crossbow and fi rebolts when the stick is centered.

(J) Move left (-)

(I) Move up (


(K) Move down (


(-) Move Inventory Box left ( ; ) Search area/ continue search (I) Use item in Inventory Box

(L) Move right (-)

D and X (R) Select weapon - - - - ,

A and W

S D and X

A and W

(Ctrt F) Pause - - - - - - , _ - - - - - (P) Put ttem in (Ctrf S) Sound on~ff ---;=::;:>o.~~'<-1r--r--r-r-'--r--r-r-'r-'-----:v-"" Inventory Box. (ESC) Save game/menu --~=:L.;J~~~I.l-:;...I~~.L

S D and X

(RETURN) Search/take item from chest, coffin, or dead monster

(A.W) Shoot diagonally

........- - ( ; ) Search area/ continue search

(S) Shoot straight

Left Facing

Right Faci ng

All modes: R = Select Weapon (to~g l s between crossbow and firebolts).

(D,X) Shoot diagonally

90· from NW

Inventory •


chest, coffin,

or dead monster

D Weapons 0 Other

(SPACE) Run/walk (J) Move left (- ) (I) Moveup(l)

(K) Move down (


(L) Move right (- )

(I) Use Item in Inventory Box (- ) Move Inventory Box right (-) Move Inventory Box left


.~ l\,.

, .,:.:.... ."t~ .

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3.0 ATARI PLAYERS 3.1 Loading Tum on the disk d rive and inse rt the GAME disk. Remove all cartrid ges and tum on the co mputer The ga me will self boot. O n the 800 XL computer, hold down the O PTION key as yo u tum on the computer. 3.2 Game Menu Yo u will see a menu allowing you to choose fro m (B) Beginner's game, (N) N ormal ga me, (K) Kamikaze ga me, (O) Old ga me, (C) Comm and screen, (F5) So und on/off, and (Q) Quit game. The three types of games - Beginner, No rmal and Kamikaze - represent levels of difficulty. The Beginner's ga me is quite challenging. The other games include monsters that not only move faster, but have ca pabilities no t fo und in the Beginner's game. In the Beginner's level, magical items (see 6.0) have the effects listed. Normal and Kami kaze levels are diffe rent in that the items may start with different effects than those listed, and an item's effect may also change as the ga me proceeds. The O ld ga me option allows yo u to co ntinue a ga me previo usly saved (see 3.6) . Pressing the Ctrl5 key toggles so und betwee n on and off. Quit ga me does just that, without saving anything in progress. The Command scree n option ta kes yo u to a menu that allows yo u to redefin e the keyboard commands. Fo r example, you may redefine the SPACE BAR instead of the RETURN key as the Search/Take command. To selec t the co mmand you wish to change, move the cursor down to the desired command and press the key you desire to replace it with. T he new key will be displayed next to the command. Please note that you may no t have the sa me ke y next to more than one co mmand. You may move the cursor to the desired co mmands with a joystick in port #1 or the cu rso r keys. Although not listed on the Game Menu, you may press Ctrl R to blank out the bottom three high scores on the high scores disp lay. Pressing the SPACE BAR pages yo u through the different opening screen displays including the high score display and the ga me menu.


3.3 Movement Commands Joystick (in port # 1) : To move, push the joystick in the desi red d irection (diagonal moves are no t allowed).

t ),

"J" to move left (-- ), " K " to move down ( ~) , and " L" to move right ( --) . Keyboard: Press "I" to move up (

Playe rs may use the joystick anclJ or keyboard commands at any time since both me thods are ava ilable at all times. When you move your W arrior, his facing (u p, down, right, left) wi ll change automatically. Press the SPACE BAR to have you r W arrior toggle in and ou t of RUN mode.

3.4 Fire Commands Joystick (in port Ii) : To fi re, press the button on the joystick and push the stick in the direction you· wish to fi re. Yo u may fire in any directi on (facing changes auto mati cally) . Keyboard: Press the appropriate key to fire in the desired d irection. A and W = Shoot diago nally D and X = Shoot diagona lly (rotated 90° from A and W) S = Shoot straight R = Select weapon (toggles berween crossbow and fi rebo lts) .



3.5 Inventory Commands The inventory co mmands are used to sea rch for and co llect ite ms in chests and coffins or o n dead monsters. They are also used in conjunctio n with the W arriors In ve ntory Box (see S. I ) to select and use items whi ch the W arri or has already collected. In ventory commands are as fo llows: RETURN = Search/Take an item fro m a chest, coffin, or dead monster. P = Put the item d isplayed in the Inve ntory Box into a chest, coffi n, o r dead mo nster that the Warrior is standing next to. SLASH (I) = Use the item in the Inve ntory Box. SEMICOLON (;) = Search area/co ntinu e search. LESS THAN «) = Move In ventory Box left. GREATER THAN (» = Move In ventory Box right.

. Players using a joystick may exec ute the Search/Take co mm and by pressing the button and letting go, witho ut moving the joystick.

3.6 O ther Commands Ctrl S = Sound on/off Esc = Save Game/Menu. This will automatically save the ga me onto the game disk and return to the ga me menu. Starting a new game o r continuing an old game erases the ga me previously saved o n the d isk. Ctrl F = This command freezes o r pauses the ga me. Press any key to continue.

3.7 Summary of Keyboard Commands for Atari Atari keyboa rd commands are shown in the d iagram below.


(R) Select weapon - - -.... (Ctrl f) Pause - - - -...... (Ctrl S) Sound on,\:lff

(P) Put Inventory item into chest. coffm, or dead rrooster ( < ) Move Inventory Box left

The diagrams below illustrate keyboa rd in put and di rections of fire acco rding to faci ng. A and W Up Facing Down Facing


D and X



A and W


(A.W) Shoot diagmally (S) Shoot straight

D and X

(O,X) Shoot diagmally 90' from NW

A and W

o and


(I) Move up ( (K) Move down ( I ) (L) Move right (-)

A and W




D nnJ X

Left Facing

(SPACE) Run/walk (J) Move left (- )





(RETURN) Search/take item from chest, coffin, or dead rrooster (I) Use item in Inventory Box ' - - - -- ( ; ) Search area/continue search

Right Facing


~ 'se •WW?".~~~ . •... """"'!I'l~ ' .' .

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. '1 ; . '

4.0 MACINTOSH PLAYERS 4.1 Loading Tum off your computer (if on) . Inse rt game diskette into drive and tum on yo ur computer. The game will automatically boo t up. 4.2 Game Menus When the game scree n appears, move the mouse to "Gemstone Warrior" or " Op. tions" and click the mouse to pull d own the menus. Under "G emstone Warrio r" you may select a Beginner, Normal, or Kamikaze game. You may also choose to continue an o ld game, save a game in progress, or quit the game. Under "Options" yo u are allowed to pause the game, tum the sound off or o n, redefin e the keyboard commands, select mo use help, d isplay high sco res, or erase three botto m high scores. The thre e types of games - Beginner's, Normal, and Kamikaze - represent levels of difficulty. The Beginner's game is quite challenging. The o ther games include monsters that not only move faster but have ca pabilities not found in the Beginner's game. In the Beginner's leveL magical items (see chart 6.0) have the effects listed. No rmal and Kamikaze levels are different in that the ite ms may start with different effects than those listed, and an item's effect may also change as the game proceeds. The redefin e keyboard co mmands takes yo u to a menu that allows yo u to change the command keys. For example, you may redefine the SPACE BAR instead of the RETURN key as the Search/Take co mmand. To select the co mmand yo u wish to change, move the mouse down to the desired co mmand and press the key you wish to replace it with. The new key will be displayed next to the command. Please note that yo u may no t have the same key next to more than one co mmand . When yo u save a game, it will be sa ved automatically onto your game d isk. Starting a new ga me or continuing an old game erases the game previo usly saved on the d isk. 4.3 Movement and Fire Commands Mouse: Yo u may use the Mouse to move the W arrior and to fi re his weapons. T here are


fo ur move ment d irectio ns and eight fire d irec tions. The fo llowing diagra m shows the move and fire areas. These areas are superimposed upon the Fire Up Playing Area of the screen Ri ght and are ce ntered around the Warrio r (although not graphically portrayed on the screen) . T he fo ur movement areas are in the ce nter of the playing area and the eight fi ring areas occ upy th e rest of the playing area. The Warrior is, of co urse, in the center of the playing area.

Keyboard firing: Press the appropriate key to fire in the desi red d irection. A and W = Shoot diagonally D and X = Shoot diagonally (rotated 90° fro m A and W) S = Shoot straight R = Select weapon (toggles between crossbow and fi rebolts) The diagram below illustrates keyboard input and directions of fi re accord ing to fac ing. A and W

Mouse firing: C licking in a fi re area shoots the cu rrent weapon once. Ho ld ing the butto n down in a fire area shoo ts the current weapon contin uously. Ge nerally, clicking the mo use button gives the co mmand for that area once and holding the mouse down gives repeated co mmands. If while hold ing the button down you move the mo use into a new area, the commands given will change to that new area.

D and X


Up Facing Down Facing


A and W

Mouse movement: C licking in a move area moves the Warrior one space per click, if already facing that direc tion. If the Warrior is faci ng another d irection then the fi rst click faces the Warrior in the new direction, and other clicks in the sa me area move him. Holding the mo use button down in a movement area moves the Warrior contin uously in the directio n area.


D and X


A and W

A and W



D and X

D and X

Left Facing

Right Facing

4.4 Inventory Commands T he inve ntory co mmands are used to search for and collect items in chests and coffins or on


~~... tI!"AU ,~':: '

,.: ; ,,-:"


dead monsters. They are also used in conjunction with the W arrior's Inventory Box (see 5.2) to select and use items which the W arrior has already collected. Mouse: Move the mouse to the appropriate area yo u wish to select and click the mouse. Do uble click over an inventory item to use it. Please refer to the Macintosh screen display at the back of the rules for a detailed diagram. Keyboard: RETURN = Search/Take an item from a chest, coffin, or dead monster. P = Put the item displaye d in the Inventory Box into a chest, coffin, o r dead monster that the Warrior is standing next to. SLASH (I) = Use the item in the Inventory Box. SINGLE QUOTE (") = Search areal continue search. LEFI' BRACKET ([) = Move Invento ry Box left . RIGHT BRACKET (]) = Move Inventory Box right. Playe rs may use the mouse and keyboard interchangeably since bo th are active at the same tim e. 4.5 Summ a ry of Keyboard Commands for Macintosh Macintosh keyboard commands are shown in the diagram below.



(P) Put item in

InventOf}' Box. chest. coffin.

or dead monster

(R) Select weapon - - - - - _ r-.,...-,..........,;:~.--.,...-,......,...-.--..,..-..-..,..-,....,04-.".,..,,.,..,, ~---

([) Move InventOf}' Box leff

r:::l- - - - ([ )Move InventOf}' Box right

(A.W) Shoot diagonally

Keyboard movement: Press " I" to move up ( t) , "}" to move left ( - ), " K " to move down ( ~ ), and " L" to move right ( - ). When yo u move yo ur Warrior, his fac ing (u p, down , right, left) will change auto matically. Press the SPACE BAR to have yo ur Warri or toggle in and out of RUN mode.



(S) Shoot straight (O.X) Shoot diagonally

90" frornNW

Invento ry

(RETURN) Searchltake item from chest. coffin. or dead monster ( . ) Search areal continue search (I) Use item in InventOf}' Box





. ".:'."~-~ ~ " . .. . ,. ------------JMI. 'b~~!i\<w!f. . ..~.:.~~~~~& ,:;~~ ,:-~ , ~ :~,~~>!!i!P:::~,~.){f!t! ! ·"'·~' ' 'r,..M----------......




:)J(.,.;;\. ..,;.,.''< S.2 Macintosh Screen

5.0 THE SCREEN 5.1 Apple, Atari, and C·64 Screens

llJat't'iot' lltt'tasut't

The GEMSTONE WARRIOR screen keeps you aware of everything yo u need to know:


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t t ••• .,

•••• •••• •••• Put



SCREEN ITEMS The items and areas displayed on the screen are: 1. Playing Area

2. Treasure

3. Bonus

Counter 4. Timer 5. Life Bar

6. Fireballs


Where all the action takes place. Keeps track of the number of Treasure Points you have collected from chests, coffins or dead monsters. Indicates the present value of the Bonus. Shows the time remaining for achieving Bonus Goal. Indicates how much damage you have taken from the attacks of monsters or the effects of Magic Items. When the Life Bar reaches the bottom, you are dead. It turns blue if yo u have been infected by a shambler. Shows the number of Fireballs you have left.

7. Arrows 8. Current

Shows the number of Crossbow Arrows (bolts) you have left. Shows which weapon is cu r· rently ready for use.

Inventory Owner Move inventory left. (New item appears at #1.)

Weapon 9. Running Indicates whether you are Man running or not. You are run·

ning when the Running Man appears on your screen above the treasure. 10. Inventory Shows the Items in your pos· session; shows the result of a search of a chest, coffin or dead monster. 11. Inventory Indicates the Item that can be Box picked up, put down or used (see Inventory Commands).

12. Inventory Either you (the Warrior), or Owner the object of a search (a chest, coffin or monster).

Click to put selected In ventory Item when the Warrior owns the Inventory.

C lick to take selected item when a monster or chest owns the Inventory.

Inventory Item #7 is selected.

• • • •

C lick C lick C li ck C li ck

o nce on an Inventory item to select it. twice on an Inventory item to use it. o n Crossbow Bo lts (Arrows) to select Crossbow. o n Sma ll Fireballs to selec t Fireball.


'-~ .' ~ . ~.


~i !I:t.; . ;':~.~~:~~~. !~

- - - - - - - - - - -...


6.1 Magic Items Magic items fo und in GEMSTONE WARRIOR are listed below. In the beginner's level the items have the effects listed below. Normal and Kamikaze levels are different in that the items may start with d ifferent effects than those listed, and an item's effect may also change as the game proceeds.


[i] IF)l


t •


.~, ..---~


'.~~ ' f.;; ....,. ..,.,

.~~ ~~=;~p~=~~~~..•;~."-----------------


6.2 Other Items G ourd

poison Coffi n

C rystal Ball annihilatio n


..' . '~.

.:;, .::- 0

' r




Contagious Shambler A diseased and vicious monster that collects garbage and wastes from the caverns.

~ ~

Thieving Flyer



A blood sucking terror.

Animated dead bod ies of yo ur predecessors.


Gas Plant

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Giant Amoeba

Exploding hydrogen plant

A reprod uctive nightmare.

Ghost Souls trapped by the Demons.

Summoning Eye W atch guard for the Demo ns.

Demons The vile beings who stole the Gemstone.

Brave Warrior You rself.


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:?1 ~ ,.,;,'" ,

8.0 BONUS TREASURE Bonus Scoring is im portant if yo u want to atrain a high score. If yo u win the gam e within the bonus time d isplayed on the screen, yo u will receive the bonus score.

9.0 TIPS ON STRATEGY • Practice moving and firing in the first room. • Keep yo ur d istance from monsters when in combat. Use your Crossbow, saving yo ur Fireballs for the Demons in the Maze, and other sticky situations. • Use Inven tory Commands to search monsters, chests and coffins for go ld, weapons and magic items. • Do not forge t your magic items. They are very powerfuL • Move quickly to re ceive Bonus Treasure poi nts. • Keep moving toward your main goa ~ the recovery and safe return of the G emstone. • Map the dungeons: This is the key to winn ing the game and collectin g the bonus. It is advisable to use a mapping system that shows both the shape of a room and the loca ti on of all doors. (N ote: doors, grate s, and magic portals are intercha ngeable, but are always in the same location). T he start of a map looks like this:

00. 0

· C3 (___-___

Dots indicate the prese nce of a door. • G o th ro ugh every doo r yo u ca n. The Ge mstone pieces are deep in the dun geo n in a place called the Maze. (Yo u sho uld map it, too, bu t be ready for a surprise.) The Maze is entered through a grate surrounded by Pillars; you can't miss it . • Kn ow yo ur magic In a Beginner ga me, sca n through yo ur possessions and be aware of their uses. In a Normal or Kamikaze game, yo u should test a few of your items as soo n as


possible. Six items will have the same powers as the Beginner game. The longer yo u explo re, the more chance there is of two items switching powers. So if yo ur trusty shield spell turned you invisible, try the item that used to make you invisible - it might be a shield. The last no te about magic is that every item has only one use. Use it and it's gone. But there is a 1096 chance of the item remainin g. • Shamblers sho uld be killed as quickly as possible. If you contract a disease, and do not have the cure, you may find yourself in tro uble. This is especially true in the N ormal or Kamik aze games when the cure could be any of ten items. (Note: Disease is tempo rary. If yo u have healing, regenerati on, or life, you may be able to rid e o ut the infecti o n.) • Study the types of treasures found on different monsters. The fac t that skeletons often ca rry crossbow bolts may save yo ur life. • There is a maximum numbe r o f items yo u can carry, so pu t down po ison as soo n as you discover it. Life magic only wo rks to resurrect yo u three times per game, so carrying more tha n that is a waste. If yo u cann ot carry an item yo u have di scove red , yo u may wish to use it immediately (especially if it is an illusion o r shi eld item) . • If you have range in combat, use it Don't worry about losing gro und; think of wh at's behind you as famili ar terri tory. Fire a few shots and move bac k. Monsters only do damage when they hit yo u. • It isn' t necessary or wise to kill eve rythin g in a roo m until you are in the maze. If you are protected, use the protection to move on quickly. (Note: After the maze yo u won't have tim e to kill everythin g.) Monsters will ignore in visible or illusion-cloaked warri ors unless yo u shoo t first Save a few of these useful items for use after yo u retrieve the Ge msto ne (when the demons co me out) . • Stay sharp. You can hear a monster long before yo u see it, and you can thus be prepa red fo r an attac k. Listen for the different sou nds made by the monsters and decide: Fireball, crossbow, or magic item? GOO D LUCK!






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••••••• •••••

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~111 ~ The Warrior searches a ro om for chests. Upon fi nding one, he opens it and disco vers so me Gold!


G) '






He puts the Ring on and to his amazement his body has been transformed into a ske leton.

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~enl s t


t r' ea:ur

~ (fl

0. I ,


0 ZOOOO ZO :H bonu s

I ,

•••••• ••••••

••••• •••••••

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~"' .

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1 1 11




He takes the gold and cons iders his next move.

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t l 1 11:;;

T he Warrior, disgui sed as a skeleton, sea rches a chest wh ile the ghost and two real ske letons are no ne the wiser. ernst-on e

treasur E'

915 Z0155 19:0Z bonu:

(~ ~"' f The Warri or then proceed s to a large grated doo r nea r the sou th end of the room. He dec ides to use his Ring when he gets to the J oor. (Note the Inve ntory Selection Bo x at th e bottom center of the sc ree n) .

He was too ca refu l and to o slow. To his shock, he chan ges bac k to h is own fo rm and is overwhelmed . And now, his spi rit, as one of the Demons' twisted creatio ns, will wander the Demons' Lair forever. 16


noted below:

Tum on the disk drive and insert the GAME disk. Remove all cartridges and tum on the computer. The game will self-boot. On the 800XL computer, hold down the OPTION key as you tum on the computer.

Sound ON/ OFF Dissolve ON/ OFF Save game Move Inventory Box left and right, respectively REDEFINE command keys

COMMANDS The command keys for the Atari® are the same as the Commodore 64 except as N

CtrllS CtrllD ESC

<, > CtrVrn and CtrVrn to move cursor.

The joystick works like a C-64 joystick, except it plugs into port #1.

ATARlKEYBOARD - - - (A,W) Shoot diagonally _ - - (S) Shoot straight (D,X) Shoot diagonally 90· from A/W (R) Select weapon

• •

Inventory Weapons Movement Other

(S PAC E) Runlwalk _ - - (J) Move left (- ) (I) Move up ( (K) Move down ( ~ ) (L) Move right (- )

(P) Put Inventory Box item into chest , coffin, or dead monster ( ; ) Search area/continue search (/) Use item in Inventory Box ( < ) Move Inventory Box left _ _ _ _ _ _ _...l

( > ) Move Inventory Box right - - - - - - - - - ' (RETURN) Search/take item from chest, coffin, or dead monster ------------1

© 1985 by Strategic Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved.


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