Gematria - Nissan And The Mishkan

  • November 2019
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Parshas Tzav Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36 Shabbos Parah {is a special Torah reading that replaces the Maphtir Numbers 19:1-22 }

What The Month Of Nissan And The Dedication of The Mishkon Have In Common © By Dr. Akiva G. Belk

A central theme of Parshas Vayikra, Tzav and Shemini is the consecration of the Mishkon, the Kohen Godal, the Kohanim and learning the mitzvahs they are required to observe in behalf of Kal Yisroel in the performance of their duties. We read in Parshas Pekudei, "Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, 'On the day of the first new moon, on the first of the month, you shall erect the

Mishkon, the Tent of Meeting.'" Exodus 40:1,2 Then we read that Moshe did this, "It was in the first month of the second year on the first of the month that the Mishkon was erected. Moshe erected the Mishkon..." Exodus 40:17,18 Now, however, we are several parshas from Parshas Pekudei and it seems we are backtracking. The fact is that before Moshe anointed the Mishkon and the Mez Bay Ach inside, he first stopped to instruct the Kohanim about the sacrificial laws that we learned last week in Vayikra and this week in Tzav. Then Moshe finished the anointing and dressing which leads into Parshas Shemini. The Torah records, " Moshe took the anointing - oil and anointed the Mishkon and everything inside it and sanctified them." Leviticus 8:10 Much of what we have been discussing in Parshas Pekudei, Vayikra, Tzav and Shemini actually transpired on 1 Nissan thousands of years ago. The world was created on 1 Nissan 5760 years ago. The patriarch, Yitzchok, was born on 1 Nissan 2048. And the Mishkon was dedicated on 1 Nissan. In addition to this, Kal Yisroel was delivered by the powerful hand of Hashem during the month of Nissan. What a rich heritage we have surrounding the month of Nissan. The Gematria for Nissan is 170 and the Gematria Mispar Katan for Leviticus is also 170. See Top of page. So from this we can see that as we approach the month of Nissan we are also approaching the dedication of both the physical and spiritual Mishkons. This requires each Jew to prepare. We rid our house, the physical house and the spiritual house, of the chametz, the leaven, the yeast which represents sin. We do a thorough cleaning in preparation for the arrival of Pesach. We insure that as we enter Nissan we have consecrated our lives unto Hashem. We insure that our Mishkon is ready to receive His presence....!! Wishing you the best, Dr. Akiva G. Belk

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