Gd School Violence

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 19
Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

School Violence - What are the real causes of violence and bullying in Schools? BY: DR. T.K. JAIN AFTERSCHO☺OL

Schools are the places where the students should learn humility, respect, support and collaboration. The modern schools fail to teach all these. The first thing the student learns in schools is how to fight with others. Schools also give less emphasis on behavioral training of the students. Parents also feel that their children should be able to adjust and should be able to beat other students as per the AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

situation. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the schools to build a truly academic environment. Most schools give overemphasis on those studies, which can give them good results. Behavioral issues are ignored. The students, who are able to score higher, are given special attention. The students who are not able to score well are asked to leave the schools. Thus we are not able to have schools that focus on development of their students. Schools just focus on numbers and results and so is the case with parents. In earlier times, due to joint family, religious practices and our ethos, the students learned sacrifice, and humility. Today these things have virtually disappeared (at least in AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

Metros). The result is that we have very high Ego, very high ambition, very high competitiveness and lack of patience. All these ultimately cause the birth of a new society – where people are ready to fight for small matters. In earlier times, if you get struck to some another person, the immediate reaction would be: asking: “did you get hurt” – but today, try it – get collided with any person, the immediate reaction will be – the other person will pick your shirt and start fighting with you. Our changing society, our changing ideology, our ethos, our culture and our environment – all these are collectively shaping our future. Movies, cartoon movies, AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

TV serials all are giving some messages. Spirituality has disappeared. Even monks are today business persons. Spirituality is also sold out – a person who is rich is admitted in a spiritual organization and a poor person has no entry. With such money minded society, how can you expect a society based on love, compassion, and brotherhood? Westernization is becoming widespread. Core Indian values are loosing grounds. Those people, who promote spirituality, find it difficult to sustain. Those, who use pomp and show, get publicized and get rewarded and are able to grow. Schools are just one part of our society. If an ideal school comes up, it will fail, because our society is also changing. Society will not support such schools. No AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

school can sustain without social support. Truly, we need another revolution – at the level of ideas – so that we can again reinstate spirituality, values and compassion in the society.

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

We organized a group discussion on this issue. The views of the participants are presented for your reference. : P: now days school violence is a big problem in the whole world. We have seen that students in schools do every kind of wrong things. The students can’t cope up with the stress of education. There are high expectations from parents, peers and AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

everyone and they are not able to behave maturely. They become aggressive and they are not able to control their emotions. P2: children are affected by the surroundings. The family surrounding and the school surrounding both affect the students. There is prevalence of nuclear families. The children don’t get any company or companion at their homes. Parents don’t have time for children. There are also changes in the customs and rituals. When these children find isolation and are not able to adjust, there is a possibility that they resort to violence. Advancement of technologies has also facilitated these things. Children are engaged in movies, video games, and cartoon movies. They try to imitate the heroes of the movies. They AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

imitate the heroes of the action movies. Today’s children have got access to high technology toys, equipments etc. They get inclined to do wrong things. Parents should provide company to the children. Parents should mould the children for a better life. P: we need social environment for our development. Children don’t get social environment. In school, every child wants to compete with other students. Thus there is no collaboration. The students don’t get supporting environment. The children feel inferior, depressed and frustrated. Private schools also put pressure on them to see good results. Change in location or similar reasons further cause stress on the child. The students are not able to have friendly environment in their school or homes. They AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

become aggressive and they are not able to learn how to handle their emotions. Students are like blank pages – the surroundings write on his / her mind. R: School violence is a major problem in every country. Today every student is involved in watching action movies, videos and such stuff. The school also has environment where seniors try to torture junior students and there is lack of conducive environment. There is a kind of hierarchical environment. Thus we are not able to give right environment to the students P: this is a country where Gandhi, Mahavir, Goutam were born. These people preached non-violence and morals. Older people AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

today don’t follow morals and ethics. Decreasing morality and ethics is the major reason for decrease in moral standards in students. In ancient times, we used to emphasize on peace, love brotherhood, but today we emphasize on glamour, show and pomp and show. All these will ultimately lead to violence among children. There must be provision for counseling by a psychiatrist at school level. The student is not able to cope with the pressure. We continue to pressurize the student and the student must be given counseling. We have to identity the mental level of the student and help the student and guide his parents. P2: the syllabus and material must be concise. The syllabus must include morals, ethics, and ideals. There must be provision AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

of moral education. There must be workshops, games, quizzes and similar activities. The teachers must of high moral and ethical standards. The teachers must follow highest level of moral and ethical standards in their life. P: besides education, we must also conduct extra – curricular activities like group song, group activities, group based games etc. the purpose should be to reduce tension, reduce stress and increase collaboration among students. P2: Parents and teachers have a major role to play in the life of the children. Parents should not have over expectations about the children. The children get frustration when they are not able to achieve the AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

expectations of their parents. Parents must always promote and support their children. Parents must understand that early failures could cause problems. The parents must pay attention to the development of children. P: teacher can’t interact with each student. The class size is generally very big. It is the moral duty of the teachers that they should give work to the students and take them to outings. They should try to give basic values. Parents should be friendly with the children. Children would be able to share their problems with the parents if there is an open environment and thus the students will be able to vent out their feelings.

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

R: environment is very important. If the family members are fighting, the student will also get demoralized and will get derailed. The student will not be able to develop if there is lack of coordination at the home of the student. If the student is poor, the student might think that there is no support for that student. P2: dominating nature of people is also responsible for increasing the violence among the students. Our education system is such that we emphasize on bulky study material. We should have grading system. We should not fail any child. If a child fails in early classes, it would not be able to develop. The teachers focus on marks of the students and identify who is brilliant on the basis of marks. Every child is not similar. AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

Some children like arts, paintings etc. but these are not reflected in their mark sheets. Lack of emphasis on these puts the creative children in the back foot, who are not able to score well in terms of numbers. P: individual marking system must be in colleges. We should have only grading system. In grading system the students are not compared in terms of numbers. Most of the students come in one or two grade. There is less possibility of competition, and inferiority complex. P2: adventure events, arts, sports, and social activities must be given equal weightage. A student can make a great career in these sectors also. Parents should also understand it that numbers in a subject AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

is not the reflection of the capabilities of the student. P: we have to look at the inner qualities of the student. We have to find out the particular qualities in a student. We have to nurture and support those qualities. The student can also perform very well in that sector. Now we are putting pressure on the student – whether the child likes it or not. We are not focusing on quality. Education N is primary requirements, but after education, we have to build careers of the children. There are limited numbers of students who wish to become musicians or painters or writers or sports person. After wasting long years, the student realizes that he is better in certain field. AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

P2: increasing family violence is also responsible for school violence. If parents are fighting with each other – there would be negative environment. The impact on the delicate mind of the child will be negative. Family violence is increasing day by day. Students suffer from these. The students want to live in their home, but now they want to escape from their home. The students look for a chance to escape from their homes P: schools and colleges are becoming professionals. They just focus on their benefits. They just want to force their curriculum on the children. If the school has good science education, they just prepare the students for that field. Similarly if they have commerce stream, they criticize AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

science education. School management also influences the parents and asks them to send their children to certain stream. It is not appropriate. This will cause moral and emotional depression among the students. P2: cut throat competition among the students is also responsible for all these. The level of competition is increasing. The student gets depressed and gets trapped in violent activities. R: our education system is based on donation system. A student who has no marks gets admission and a student who has good marks, but no donation, fails to take admission. The student also thinks in terms of money. These things create problems further. AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

P: children from higher / upper class suffer from these. The students think that their parents will pay for their admission. They don’t have motivation to study. They talk with their friends only about the power of their parents. Over supporting parents cause loss among the students. P: there must be a provision for students of a particular profession. In that case the students will find that there are tendencies among parents to send their children to so called upper class based schools. This is not a good practice. Quality must be in the student. It doesn’t matter where a student gets education. If the parents want to do something good for the students, they should send the students in such school AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

where they can find similar environment. Student should not suffer from inferiority complex when they go to a school of higher status.

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