Gd Recession And Indian Markets

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]


Markets are nothing, but sentiments. When people believe that it is a great time, people go for shopping, they are full of enthusiasm, they set up projects and there is boom time everywhere. When sentiments are down, people are pessimistic, the markets are also down. In order to boost up the markets, we have to look at the opportunities and the prospects. Economists say that there are four phases in a business cycle – boom, peak, recession, recovery. Every stage in the business cycle offers opportunities for business persons. If this is recession time, the entrepreneurs must plan for setting up new business enterprise and for expansion of the existing business enterprises – so that they are ready when recovery begins. They can take advantage of boom only when they are well prepared during the recession time and prepare their business organizations at that time. At the same time, this is the time when corporate have to cut their costs and remain competitive in the industry. They have to analyze their business processes and undertake BPR and restructuring in order to be able to remain in the industry. Recession is the test of fitness of the corporate sector. It is also the test of fitness of the manpower. Competent executives must spare their time now for learning, growth, development and knowledge enhancement. This time gives them an opportunity to engage in introspection, learning and development – because they won’t get time when it is boom time. This is the time of consolidation. The inefficient would not be able to survive in this time as corporate have to restructure and retain their bests only. For the wise and brilliants, this is also an opportunity, for the pessimists, this is the time for suicide. Let us all be optimists and positive and prepare for the brighter future that lies ahead.

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

We organised a group discussion on this theme. The group discussion is presented here for the benefit of all those who are interested in similar issues : H: now our market is affected by recession. If we talk about IT sector, it is dependent on outsourcing and business abroad. Now it is in difficult time. In my opinion, it is a great time to start a new venture. Resources are cheaper, talent is easily available. Technology is available. Indian market is growing at a fair growth rate. Stock markets are down – but there are sectors, which are still good. R: I agree to some extent. Recession is spread all over the world. India has not been much affected by recession. Due to huge population base, India is having a large consumer base and therefore India is able to sustain. Today India is growing in spite of the global trends. After every growth, there is a downfall. Countries like USA are facing downfall. India has not yet reached its peak and therefore there are a lot of opportunities for people. Sectors like telecom are growing. Securities market is facing some problems, but if we have a short term perspective, it is bearish. But, if we have a long term perspective, this market is also bullish. India is able to attract FIIs, FDI. India still has a GDP growth rate of 7%, which is much higher than the GDP growth rate of 1% in the USA and other countries. Our inflation rate has also come down close to 4%, thus it is a very attractive market. H: Indian banks are also growing very fast. Indian banks have opened a large number of branches. Global banks are also entering. RBI is trying to use monetary policy for the development of the country. Now 50 to 60 thousands of money is available in the market through the measures of RBI. R2: Gold prices are growing. Silver and other such precious metals are growing. During recession, our growth rate is above 7%. In terms of growth rate, we are number two in the world. Indian stock market has fallen continuously for the last 1 year. H: if we talk about other markets, we can find that our engineering goods sector is growing at a comfortable rate. Our educational institutions are able to have prestige for their quality curriculum. R2: there is a large impact of recession on airlines, and over 70000 people have been retrenched. R: In other countries, millions of people have lost their jobs. If we look at the world economy, the last quarter was the worst quarter. India still had a comfortable growth.

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected] While most companies are cutting their business in other countries, Indian companies are expanding; it is a period of growth. R2: Due to impact of recession, there is cut in the global expenditures. Crude oil has also fallen now from 140 barrel per dollar to 40 dollars per barrel. R: RBI is cutting the interest rates and taking other measures for the development of our economy. H: there are sectors like insurance sector, which are growing. There are many companies that have entered in Indian market – they are experiencing a steady growth. R: Warren Buffet said that when everybody is fighting, be greedy, now markets have fallen below expectations and this is the golden time to enter in this market. If you have 2-3 year perspective. R2: real estate sector has also become attractive. R: the real estate sector is facing problem. They are not able to meet their debt obligations. Banking sector is not willing to help reality sector. If banking sector helps it, it will again shine.

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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