Gavin And Stacey New

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  • Pages: 19


        

We have chosen Gavin and Stacey to analyse the divisions in social class and how they are reinforced by directors. We will be looking at many different aspects within the production for example: Mise en scene: Costume Props Setting Dialogue Sound Editing

MISE EN SCENE Houses / Setting

SMITHY ’ S HOUSE : Small semi-detached house with one garage which is of a basic nature which reflects the basic and low class of smithy’s family.

The brown colour make it dull and almost dirty especially the mould under the windows this shows their lack of motivation to maintain a smart image, implying their poor attitude towards appearance.

Their car is old, dirty with tacky writing over the windows this shows they may not be able to afford I nice new sleek car again representing the low class of the family.

Gavin ’ s House : Their house is classic with white external walls and black beams and widow frames, this empathises their status, the strong black and white contrast demonstrates the strong differences and contrast of the families and their social class. The house is bordered with shrubbery and potted plants show a distinct difference between the two families and that Gavin’s family take great care in their appearance to be formal and more affluent with a high social standing

The house appears to be very open, big open windows surrounding the house also the porch over the front door adds the aspect of sophistication which reflects their personalities.

The juxtaposition of the two houses demonstrates the difference between the two classes.

MISE EN SCENE Costume / Personality

SMITHY Smithy’s costume is very simple which consists of a blue button up shirt and beige trousers, the simple combination mirrors the simple personality and mind of smithy.

His build of being over weight shows the typical trades person for example a builder eating junk food which reinforces the division of social class

The character has left his top button undone which gives the impression that he is laid back and untidy

CATHY , SMITHY ’ S MUM Cathy’s costume includes a kaki t-shirt and a skirt and jacket set. The matching skirt and jacket have a big flowery pattern, which consists of loud colours, this represents her big, loud personality which indicates her low class social status. Her outfit looks as though it has just been thrown on and little though has been put into her appearance, again showing the lack of self preservation within the family reinforcing the impression of a low class family.

Both Cathy’s lack of make-up and wet, flat scruffy hair demonstrates her minimal attempt to look presentable, this again contributes to the overall perception of their low rank in society.

Overly dramatic representation using a juxtaposition of dialogue and manner along with simple or basic house decor.

RUDY / RUTH SMITHY ’ S SISTER Rudy’s general clothing would fall under the stereotypical category of a ‘Chav’ the white three-quarter length trousers, long yellow hooded shirt with her cropped denim jacket all create the image of a commoner. The main aspect of her costume which indicates a low class and crude personality would be the her black bra is on obvious display presenting her character as promiscuous again strengthening the low social class within their family. Therefore supporting the image of a teenager in a run down council estate returning home in the early morning with a hangover from the previous night which displays antisocial behaviour.

Her accessories or props enhance the common feel of her character for example, her jewellery includes big hooped earrings, long chain and ring which looks tacky and cheap. Rudy’s hair is also braided on the left side of her head, this again is associated with ‘Chavs’ who are often of a low social class.

Rudy’s black sunglasses hide her tired eyes from where she has been out all night and not slept, this displays the typical teenage and lower class connotation of reckless behaviour.


Gavin’s costume indicates that he is a laid back casual character. He is wearing a football shirt and a pair of shorts after waking up from bed, many males do not consider putting on extra clothes before coming downstairs, this shows us he feels it inappropriate to come down half dressed, showing us he has a good level of class.

Even though he has just got out of bed his head is reasonably tidy, this shows us he takes care in his appearance and that he tries to look appealing fitting into I high level of social class. This also reflects his care with his personal hygiene.

Pam & Mick , Gavin ’ s Parents Pam’s costume a matching dress and jacket which is fitted to her shape, she is also wearing small sandals with a diamante buckle, her sleek costume and the way she presents herself shows that she has taken time and effort to make her self suitable to go out. Pam’s props also demonstrate her as someone with higher class for example her hair and make-up is in pristine condition, she wears a small simplistic necklace which adds class to her outfit and finally she is bearing gifts which shows her kindness and wealth telling us that she can afford luxuries displaying her high social class juxtaposed with Cathy whom just

Mick’s costume matches Pam’s, he is also sophisticated which a smart navy blue suit along with a blue shirt and tie with brown shoes. His simple suit immediately presents his high class status, also his body language shows the audience that he is confident and has a laid back personality enhancing his class also it displays his close relationship with his wife and the protective nature towards her. Pam has a perfect posture, she is stood erect which shows her confidence and that she presents herself well.


Stacey’s costume is a simple dressing gown, this shows that she has some level of class as many normally just walk down in pyjamas. Also it shows us that she does not feel the need to dress up.

Stacy’s hair is a simple bob style and she is also blonde, despite Stacey having a huger level of class than smithy’s family she is prevailed as a blonde which allows her to fall into the typical stereotype of being a ‘dumb blonde’.

Gwen , Stacey ’ s Mum Gwen’s costume is almost outdated, the floral apron creates a homely feeling along with her knee length floral dress. Both these items present Gwen as a sweet and kind person, and that she is that of a high class nature.

Gwen is portrayed as a stereotypical housewife and mother figure who is defined though her actions and attire. This is shown also through the use of props as she is catering and preparing food like a mother does.

Gwen is wearing a simplistic watch which indicates that she is organised and simple. Her hair appears to have a semi-perm which could indicate her families class to be between the other two.

Brin , Stacey ’ s Uncle Brin’s costume is a very smart beige suit with a white shirt and a pink tie. The suit itself allows the audience to relate the character as a smart sophisticated man. However the beige colour also indicates that he is a man with a simple mind. it is apparent that he is of a higher class, but it is contradictory with his colour scheme.

Brin has the prop of a bible, this shows the audience that he attends church or at least has a religious perspective, religion today isn’t as strongly believed in and it is often attended by those whom have a higher class, so this is a strong confirmation of Brin social class being reasonably high.

DIALOGUE / SOUND Tone /Regional

SOUND Diegetic Within this 4 minute clip diegetic sounds are emphasised in a clear way to allow the audience to feel a sense of reality in what they are viewing. For example when Rudy is looking through her phone the director has focused on that sound to indicate to the audience that it is a vital prop within the frame. 

Non diegetic Within this 4 minute clip non diegetic is common as it introduces the new setting. Several different soundtracks are used within the 4 minutes but they all carry the same theme, cheerful and upbeat. The texture of the soundtracks are light, with minimal use of instruments. The most regular instrument which is used within the tracks is an electric guitar, which is used in many different styles which presents different styles within the programme which may reflect the different classes which is portrayed within the clip.

SMITHY ,Gavin and Stacey ’ s dialogue . Smithy’s family are from Essex, which reveals a strong accent, however Gavin’s family are also from Essex, but the tone of their dialect creates a harsh division between the families. For example Smithy’s family talk in a very common manner, with lots a swearing involved in their diction. Where as in contrast Gavin’s family do also contain the regional accent of Essex but they talk more precisely. Which again help the audience distinguish the great different between the two families and their class. Stacey’s family however are from Wales, again they have a strong accent which can make it harder for the audience to place the class of Stacey’s family in comparison to the other two families, the tone of Stacey's voice is abrupt and shows a slight difference in class and regional identity to Gavin’s family but not as greater difference between Stacey’s family and Smithy’s. Also the dialogue used between Smithy and Rudy shows a more aggressive/ argumentative family order.

EDITING Shots /Angles

EDITING , CAMERA SHOTS / ANGLES The first shot we come across is an establishing shot of the outside of smithy’s house, which is later followed by an establishing shot of Gavin’s house. There are many shot reverse shots to illustrate a conversation and to make it clear who is talking, this technique dominates the short clip as it is mainly conversation taking place, many medium shots are also used to demonstrate the conversation. The other frequent type of camera movement is tracking, this enables the narrative to move along quickly like when smithy pulls up in the car, the camera tracks the car. The editing within the clip contributes to the division of social class and regional identity through juxtaposition.

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