Nick Carraway- confidant Various ways Nick functions in the work Protagonist’s friend, reader’s friend, reader’s guide, symbol of maturation process Fitzgerald has given the reader honest (59) eyes that sees people for who they really are, not who they attempt to portray themselves as (Gatsby, Jordan, Nick, Tom) Accompanies the reader while undergoing his own journey Provides perspective of a westerner, an outsider Gatsby’s friend, supporter, admirer, confidant Becomes privy to secrets like Tom’s affair (pg 15, 27-37) Sees insincerity of Daisy (17) The Great Gatsby is one of the great American literary works. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel provides a deeper look into the Jazz Age and the high society of the time. It is truly notable in one aspect in that the story’s narrator, Nick Carraway, is not its protagonist. Instead, Nick recounts the tale in his own eyes and adds a sense The reader does not wish for Nick to succeed or fail, but accompanies him while he examines the new life he has joined. Nick not only functions as Gatsby’s confidant and as the reader’s friend, but also as the reader’s clear-headed guide through the world of the 1920s and as a symbol of maturation to contrast the selfish behavior of those surrounding him. Fitzgerald has given the reader honest eyes that sees past people’s attempted portrayals for who they really are. Nick and Gatsby: Nick is drawn up into Gatsby’s plan, scheme Invites Daisy to tea (83) Facilitates the meeting, advises and reassures Gatsby, helps make the best of an awkward situation Witnesses their interactions, learns the intricate background Nick is who he trusts with the truth (142) Nick goes past the riches, the parties, and gets close enough to detect the vulnerability and the loneliness As his main confidant Nick is the closest Gatsby has to a friend Focuses on Gatsby telling things to Nick, divulging secrets of the past Nick compliments Gatsby (154)- he disapproves of him from beginning to end, but a confidant accepts what he is told and does not let judgment interfere.