Gate - Syllabus (old)

  • June 2020
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GATE SYLLABUS FOR COMPUETR SCIENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BASIC MATHEMATICS: Elements of probability, matrix algebra, numerical methods: interpolation, root finding, differentiation and integration. Discrete mathematics: sets, relations, functions, mathematical induction, counting, groups, graphs, partial orders, lattices and boolean algebra, propostional logic. THEORY OF COMPUTATION: Regular and context free languages, finite state machines and push down automata, turing machines and undecidability. COMPUTER HARDWARE: Logic function, minimization techniques, design of combinational and sequential circuits using gates and flip-flops, design with integrated circuts incuding ROM and multiplexers, microprocessor architecture: programming, interfacing with memory and I/O devices(modes of data transfer and their implementation, serial and parallel communication interface). Detailed knowledge of 8085 microprocessor will be assumed. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION: Number representation and airthmetic, functional organization, machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, hardwired and microprogrammed control, instrucation pipelining, memory organization, input/output. PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURE: structured programmming with pascal/C including recursion; arrays, stacks, strings, queues, lists, trees, sets and graphs; algorithm for tree and graphs traversals, connected component, spanning trees, shortest paths; hashing, sorting and searching algorithm design and analysis techniques, big 'oh' notation, solution of sample recurrence relations. LANGUAGE PROCESSOR: Assembler, loader, linker, macroprocessors, text editors, programming languages, scope rules and parameter passing mechanism; compilers lexical analysis, parsing, syntax, directed translation, run time environment, machine code generation;

interpreters. OPERATING SYSTEM: Batch, multi-programming and time-sharing systems; processsor, memory, device and file management, virtual memory, process scheduling, interprocess communication, process synchoronization and concurrency, deadlocks, protection. DATABASE SYSTEM: File organization techniques; indexing,B-trees, B-plus trees; relational and network datat models; normal forms; query language: SQL. ---------------------------------------------------------Visit: for more info.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2006 2007 Results

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an All-India Examination conducted by the five IITs and IISC, Bangalore, on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. The objectives of GATE is to identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Postgraduate Programs Engineering at the National level. Every year one IIT or IISc is selected as the Organizing Institute. Why should we take GATE: To pursue M.Tech program in a leading institute of the country. The benefits of M.Tech are: 1. More and better companies are coming for Campus Placement in leading Institutes

2. Higher salaries are being offered for M.Tech as compared to B.E. 3. M.Tech degree leads to specialization and furthering of interest in a certain area

which may lead to Ph.D 4. M.Tech degree is a must for those wishing to apply for Faculty/Research

positions in educational Institutes/R&D centers. 5. Scholarship is paid during M.Tech, so no headache to parents for financial

requirements. 6. The M.Tech program is a 3 semester (18 months) program; so get more time to

work out career opportunities. 7. MOST IMPORTANTLY to get to be a part of any Nationally reputed Educational

Institute and enjoy learning and research. Important Dates: 1. Availability of GATE forms: October, 1st week 2. Last Date for filling up forms: November, 1st week 3. Exam Date: 2nd Sunday of February 4. Results: March 31st

General Information and Results are also published on the Web. Examination Details: 1. The examination is a single paper of 3 hours duration and generally consists of Section A

(Objective Type) which is of 75 marks and Section B (Problem Type) which is of 75 marks. Total: 150 marks. 2. You have to opt for your subject and study as per the syllabus mentioned in the GATE brochure (available in the Library). 3. The subjects of our interest are Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering., Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering. Other subjects are also available such as Mathematics, Physics, etc (consult the GATE brochure). 4. Generally a large number of students appear for the Computer Science subject in order to

do a M.Tech in Computer Science. 5. Old question papers are available in the shops. 6. Results of qualified candidates in GATE will give All India Rank and indicate percentile

score. For example, a percentile score of 99 means you are in the top 1% category of the candidates who appeared for GATE. 7. Candidates who get less than 70 percentile get no score card. 8. GATE scores are valid for 2 years. You may reappear the GATE exam if you are not

satisfied with the earlier score and the new score (if better than the old one) will be used for admission purposes. 1. After publication of GATE results, students must apply to individual Institutes to get their application forms.

2. Institutes advertise M.Tech admissions in leading newspapers from 1st April till end July.

However some Institutes do not advertise and therefore students have to get the forms themselves. 3. In the application forms, you have to mention your GATE score alongwith other details.

4. The concerned Institute may conduct written test and/or interview for the purpose of admission. 5. General thumb rules: If your Gate score in Computer Science is 96 percentile or more

then you can try for IITs, if between 85 - 96 percentile, then apply for top RECs, JADAVPUR, SHIBPUR, ROORKEE, etc. If less than 85, you have to look for appropriate institutes. Scholarship: During the pursuit of M.Tech, you are paid a scholarship of Rs. 5000.00 per month by the Government of India. This amount is enough for living expenses including purchase of books, etc. The scholarship is paid for the entire 18 months M.Tech period. GATE Coaching: For those interested in GATE coaching, the following organizations offer correspondence courses: a. Brilliant Tutorials b. Elite Academy c. Master's Academy Fees is generally in the range of Rs. 3000 - Rs 5000 for the entire course. SPECIAL: I encourage 3rd year students to also appear GATE alongwith Final Year students since: a. GATE score is valid for 2 years. b. The syllabus as required by GATE is generally over by 5th semester. c. Anyway, it will be a good try ! If it is a bad score you can always try again. objectives of GATE is to identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to Postgraduate Programs Engineering at the National level. Every year one IIT or IISc is selected as the Organizing Institute.

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