Gas Transport (series Ii)

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  • Words: 1,363
  • Pages: 27

Rate of O2 delivery to the tissues 

CaO2 X Q

CaO2 ([Hb] X 1.34 X % Hb satn) + (PO2 X 0.003) Types of hypoxia 

1. HYPOXIC HYPOXIA  Most common  Characterised by a low PaO2 (hypoxaemia) →  ↓ % Hb saturation →  CaO2 ↓ (when PaO2 ≤ 60 mm Hg, CaO2 ↓↓ ) •

Inadequate O2 delivery to body tissues → hypoxia

Rate of O2 delivery to the tissues 

CaO2 X Q

CaO2 ([Hb] X 1.34 X % Hb satn) + (PO2 X 0.003) 2. ANAEMIC HYPOXIA 

 Can be brought about by: o ↓ [Hb] or circulating red blood cells → o ↓ O2-carrying capacity of blood o Inability of Hb to bind O2 eg.  in CO poisoning  In anaemic hypoxia, the CaO2 ↓ but the PaO2 normal (↔) •

Inadequate O2 delivery to body tissues → hypoxia

Rate of O2 delivery to the tissues 

CaO2 X Q

CaO2 ([Hb] X 1.34 X % Hb satn) + (PO2 X 0.003) 2. ANAEMIC HYPOXIA 

 Can be brought about by: o ↓ [Hb] or circulating red blood cells → o ↓ O2-carrying capacity of blood o Inability of Hb to bind O2 eg.  in CO poisoning  In anaemic hypoxia, the CaO2 ↓ but the PaO2 normal (↔) •

Inadequate O2 delivery to body tissues → hypoxia

Rate of O2 delivery to the tissues 

CaO2 X Q

CaO2 

([Hb] X 1.34 X % Hb satn) + (PO2 X 0.003)


Arises when there is a decrease in blood flow to the tissues

Can be restricted to a limited area as a result of a local vascular spasm or localised blockage or the body may experience stagnant hypoxia in general as a result of low CO eg. o

in severe haemorrhage

CaO2 normal & PaO2 are normal (↔)

Inadequate O2 delivery to body tissues → hypoxia

Rate of O2 delivery to the tissues 

CaO2 X Q

CaO2 

([Hb] X 1.34 X % Hb satn) + (PO2 X 0.003)

4. HISTOTOXIC HYPOXIA  O2 delivery to the tissues is normal but the cells are unable to use the O2 eg. o

cyanide poisoning

 CaO2 & PaO2 normal (↔)  PvO2 & CvO2 high compared to normal •

Inadequate O2 delivery to body tissues → hypoxia


Brain – wide variety of mental symptoms eg. inability to concentrate, disorientation, nausea, sleepiness

>15 secs. without O2 – unconscious

5 min. without O2 → irreversible damage to brain

O2 therapy (administration of O2) very beneficial in hypoxia due to ↓ PIO2 , hypoventilation, diffusion impairment

Histotoxic hypoxia - not beneficial

Stagnant hypoxia, anaemic hypoxia ( PaO2 normal) O2 therapy is of much less value (Hb nearly saturated with O2 )

CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) • Colourless, odourless gas, non-irritating gas produced during the incomplete combustion (burning) of carbon products such as petrol, coal, wood, tobacco • CO poisoning is commonly caused by motor vehicles exhaust fumes due to suicide attempts, smoke inhalation or defective indoor heaters • Smokers – higher level of carboxyhaemobgobin in blood (5 -10% COHb) • CO + Hb → carboxyhaemoglobin


CO TOXICITY • CO competes with O2 for the heme-binding sites on haemoglobin but CO binds Hb with an affinity 200 to 250 times greater that for O2 to form carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) →  ↓ CaO2 →  tissue hypoxia • Binding of CO to Hb causes a leftward shift in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve & ↓ release of O2 →  worsens hypoxia • Moderate CO poisoning: PaO2 normal


CaO2 ↓ in anaemia due to low [Hb]

Compensatory processes in chronic anaemia to improve O2 delivery to tissues:  ↑ [2,3-DPG] (due to chronic hypoxia) → o HbO2 curve shifts to the right facilitates O2 release from Hb to the tissues  ↑ CO → o ↑ blood flow to the tissues

TREATMENT OF CO POISONING • Administration of 100 % O2 • Hyperbaric O2 therapy for severe CO poisoning  (100% O2 given at v. high pressure→↑ PO2 to v. high value) • ↑ amount of dissolved O2 in blood • Enhances the clearance of COHb → o Half-life of carboxyHb < 30 minutes

Rest: 200 ml CO2 produced/min from metabolism

CO2 transported in 3 forms in blood: • As dissolved CO2 in plasma (5-10% of the blood’s total CO2 content)  Amount of dissolved CO2 directly proportional to PCO2 (Henry’s law)  (CO2 ~20x more soluble than O2 in the blood)

2. Bound to Hb as carbaminohaemoglobin & to pl proteins  (10% - 30%)  CO2 binds to amino groups of globin chains  DeoxyHb/reduced Hb has greater affinity or combines more readily wih CO2 than does HbO2

Rest: 200 ml CO2 produced/min from metabolism

3. Most CO2 transported as bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in plasma  CO2 enters RBCs → reacts with H2O to form carbonic acid  Reactions is fast in RBC because of the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (ca) which catalyse the reaction (ca is not present in plasma)

• H2CO3 dissociates rapidly into a bicarbonate ion & H+ ion without enzyme assistance • Most HCO3- ions moves out of the erythrocytes into the plasma via a transporter that exchanges one bicarbonate for one chloride ion (chloride shift) to maintain electrical neutrality

• What happen to H+?  H+ buffered by Hb  DeoxyHb has greater affinity for H+ than does HbO2 so it binds (buffers) most of the H+  The unloading of O2 to the tissues facilitates the pick-up of H+ by Hb

• In the lungs, as systemic venous blood flows thro’ the lung capillaries, the opposite events occur (H+ & CO2 released from Hb as O2 bind to Hb HCO3- reenters the RBCs (Cl- moves into plasma (reverse Cl- shift) HCO3- & H+ combine to give H2CO3 which then dissociates into CO2 & H2O; CO2 diffuses from blood into alveoli • RBCs shrinks


Formation of HCO3• •

RBCs have carbonic anhydrase enzyme (CA) ← ← Catalysed reaction:  H2O + CO2

H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3-

(2) In the systemic capillaries, Hb buffers H+ which results from hydration of CO2 DeoxyHb is a better buffer (3) Hb combines with CO2 to form carbaminohaemoglobin DeoxyHb can form more carbaminoHb

(Total blood CO2 content)

(Total blood CO2 content)

• CO2 dissociation curve  Show relationship between PCO2 of blood & the total CO2 content of blood



 ↑ PCO2 of blood → ↑ CO2 content of blood  blood does not saturate with CO2


HALDANE EFFECT • Effect of PO2 of blood on CO2 dissociation curve • Deoxygenated blood (lower PO2), CO2 dissociation curve shifts to the left (upward) (greater blood CO2 content at any PCO2 of blood)

SIGNIFICANCE / IMPORTANCE OF HALDANE EFFECT (i) Haldane effect facilitates CO2 uptake at the tissues (↓ PO2 in venous blood (deoxygenated blood) shifts CO2 dissociation curve upwards ie. CO2 content of venous blood at any given PCO2 is higher)


(deoxygenated blood (lower PO2) has greater CO2 content

(c) As blood flows thro’ tissue capillaries, PO2 ↓ → more deoxyHb:


deoxyHb forms carbaminohaemoglobin more readily than does oxyHb


deoxyHb is a better buffer than oxyHb

Reaction: CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3shifted to right

• Haldane effect facilitates unloading of CO2 or CO2 release in the lungs • Rest: ~ 4 ml CO2 excreted out per 100 ml blood (52ml – 48ml)

Haldane effect facilitates unloading of CO2 or CO2 release in the lungs

Uptake of O2 in the lungs →  PO2 in the blood ↑ →  More oxyHb formed → facilitates release of CO2 & H+ from Hb (deoxyHb has greater affinity for CO2 & H+ than does HbO2 )

Rest: ~ 4 ml CO excreted out per 100 ml blood (52ml – 48ml)

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