Galloway Photo Essay Magazine - October 2009

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Urban Missionary Update PHOTO ESSAY MAGAZINE

October 2009 VOL. 01 NO. 01

FACES FROM THE STREET Read about what the homeless are facing and how The Relief Bus is responding. These Things We Do, That Others Might Live


REPORT The Galloways are a missionary family working with The Relief Bus, an outreach to the poor and homeless in the NYC metro area.

ALTERNATIVE CHURCH Recently I led worship and preached at The Bridge Church for the homeless.

The message I preached was how God chooses you- NOW, not when you finish getting your act together. I made this little card to hand out which has this verse on the back:

Pastor Shwantha and I sang together at their brand new location in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Can any good thing come out of New Jersey- oh yeah.

1 Cor. 1:26-28 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things- and the things that are not—to nullify the things that

New Life for Ron

At the conclusion of the message I gave a call for those who wanted to give their lives to Christ and Ron responded. He said that he is doing everything he can to stay free from drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, he is staying with a man who is smoking lots of crack everyday. This man was in the service and I pleaded with him to let me help him get in a program. He resisted and part of the challenge is that he is very mentally ill and mentally slow. I have known him for years. Please pray for these men as they face their challenges.

I recently went to Tremont Park in the Bronx with The Relief Bus. It was an awesome outreach on a Fall day. People were hungry and glad to see us. This picture is from inside the bus where people serve soup from the “kitchen”.

SPIRITUAL ARTWORK This is a homeless man named Chris. What impressed me about him was the necklace that he made himself in art class that reads, “LOVE GOD FIRST”.

The first man I met was a Guy named Pedro who could barely walk with a cane and was in excruciating pain. His ankles were swollen up terribly. He owned a little scooter, but that week someone pushed him out of it and stole it. We laid hands on him and prayed for healing. We also got a chair for him and a little tray so that he could take much needed break, enjoy some hot soup, fresh bread and hot chocolate. Boy, did he enjoy that! He quoted lots of Bible verses to me and told me how much I needed to have faith. I agreed!

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Tony is an elderly homeless man that lives in this park and walks with a cane. Under his hat is a really bad head wound he received from falling down. Tony served as a Marine in Vietnam and was traumatized from the experience. He came home to find his mother passed away and disappeared into a bottle. He told me, “This isn’t me. I wasn’t always like this.” We prayed and I thanked him for his service to our country.

This little homeless dog was sick and the owner wouldn’t let me take her picture. She was very sweet and took care of this dog like it was her baby.

This is the church group I served with that day. We had a blast and touched a lot of lives. The young guy on one knee is Josh LaReddola. He used to be a teenager in the youth group we pastored. Now he serves as a youth leader at his own church and disciples other young men himself. We are so proud.

Maybe you should come join us sometime on The Relief Bus like this group did. For those who support Tracy and I, and the bus outreach so that the work can go on, I want to say thank you.

Family update

River and Hailey’s Baptism Tracy and I baptized River and Hailey in a chilly river in New Jersey. Their Gram and Doodad were there, as well as their great Grandmother Velda and our good friends the Stiefels. It was a really special time. As you can see, Connor and Corban couldn’t resist getting wet as well. You can see videos of the baptism at these links: Dad’s baptism speech: Hailey’s baptism: River’s baptism:

All of the staff here at The Relief Bus and The Hope Center raise our own support so that the majority of donations to our non-profit organization can go directly to helping people on the streets. By partnering with us financially to feed, clothe and house our own family, you allow us to continue the work of helping the poor and changing people’s lives for the better. Please consider joining with us to help those on the streets in desperate need of help and hope. Become a monthly partner for $25, $50, $100 or any amount so that together we can make a difference in the lives of the hurting. Your gifts are tax-deductible. To donate, simply make a check out to “New York City Relief” and mail to 295 Walnut Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201. Put a note in the envelope with the words “Juan and Tracy” on it. THANK YOU!


Just go to Click on “donate now”, then click “donate online” Just write “Juan and Tracy Galloway” in the designation field so that it will go to the right place. Thanks!

Juan and Tracy Galloway Address: 295 Walnut Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Phone: 908-352-8778 Email: [email protected] Web:

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