Gakuen Love. Chapter 8

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  • Words: 1,141
  • Pages: 4
Gakuen Love. chapter 8. [Conflict] Created by ReiichiVII

Hey ^^. I guess i have to keep myself busy so i'll get all 12 chapters finished on time.. hmm.. well.. now chapter 8 is about Hiro and Kenji on a date. They went to a lot of places. x_x even i confused. haha. Then conflict happened when Hiro rejected Kenji's attempt in having yaoi.. I'll try to make my chapters shorter if that's better for you guys.. Read it k.. and thank you for being loyal to Gakuen Love. ~bows~ Created by Reiichi on 20th Dec 2008.

"Hiro.. wake up." I felt someone shaked my body.. I slowly opened my eyes as i saw Kenji-san beside me, touching my body gently. "G-get away from me!!" I squirmed, covering my naked body with a blanket.. gosh.. I didn't have any clothes on me.. I shot a glare towards Kenji. "W-what did you do to me.." He would chuckle, leaving me popped with question marks on my head. This guy...erh.. "uhm.. what a night.." I lowered my head, as i started to remember everything happened last night. He really made a full mess of me.. He ruffled my hair, and told me to get ready. Ehh..?? "why Kenji-san..?" I asked without any clue on what was going on. A massive smile would plaster on his face, as he replied me. "last said you wanna go on a date with me today.." I blinked, as i swore i didn't recall saying anything to go on a date with this guy.. "okie then, we'll go after breakfast." I grinned, and walked to the bathroom.. w-wait.. something is wrong.. did i forget something.. I swiveled my head a bit to the right.. O_o god.. how could i forget.. no wonder it felt so cold. "KENJI STOP LOOKING AT MY BODY!!" I yelled as i slammed the door hard.

8.30.. Yori, Kenji and my brother were sitting at the table, waiting for me. "s-sorry i late.." I quickly scuttled to the table, lowered my head.. damn.. it's

not easy to get those thing off from my body.. ~_~ "good morning Hiro-chan. Nahh.. you can manage with Kenji right today..? Yori and i had plans.." my brother said, sipping slowly on his coffee. I noded, nibbling on my toast.. hmm.... ------"Wahh..!! This place is totally awesome!" I hollered, tugging on Kenji's hand close. I dragged Kenji to ride the roller coaster and ferris wheel as soon as we reached at the theme park. Oh yea... we kissed in the ferris wheel.. x_x I can't help it.. Moment after we rode the ferris wheel, Kei asked me to go for a ride with him on a cruise with a small, romantic looking boat, through somekind of tunnel.. N-no! I completely rejected as i was afraid he'll take advantage on me again. I strode off infront him, quickly heading to the small cafe nearby. He groaned, as his face twisted into sadness. Ehh.. I shrugged, kissing softly on his cheek. ^^ "lets go shopping, Kenji." I said, smiling cutely. He would then give me his warm smile, his cold hand gently held tightly on mine. "Oh well.. i just go on with the flow i guess. This could be interesting.." I said in my heart.

~ 7 hours later...~ We were standing infront of the mall as i looked at my watch to see it was 9 p.m. My mind started to recall on what happened today. Hmm.. I woke up naked.. Kenji kissed me in the ferris wheel..we went shopping.. Made memories..Had dinner at a fancy restaurant.. I hugged Kenji's arm tightly..x_x it was his idea to watch horror movie.. To think about it.. i didn't know whether our date went on smoothly.. I turned my look at Kenji to see his face full of sadness and disappointment. "C-could it be..he didn't like spending time with me..maybe that's the problem.." I lowered my head, muttered softly under my breath. At that time he walked straight towards me, hugging me gently. " ok, Hiro-kun?" He asked, looking deep into my eyes. "Thank you for willing to spend time with me today, I really had a great time.." He added, saying it with such fervent love. His usual warm smile made me happy again, as i knew he wasn't lying.. I lifted my head up a bit, staring intensely into his beautiful blue eyes..

I shut my eyes closed, flashing back all good memories i had with him. It would be so nice if i could.. "Hiro, we're here." Kenji held my hand, disturbing my reverie. "uhh.. okie.." I jumped out from the cab, rushing all my way to our suite and into my room. Arh!! I was so tired..! I threw myself on the bed, as then Kenji walked in. He sat beside me, ruffling my hair softly.. His eyes were passionly set on my reclined body, his right hand placed gently on my chest. "um.. Hiro-kun" He spoke as evenly as he could, his uncertain gaze never left me.. His tongue ran over his own lips twice before he chuckled softly, turning his body so he would be on top of me. A soft growl was emitted raggedly from his throat, his lustfilled eyes would stare at me coldy, grinning a bit. I would glance at my voice started to falter slowly.. "uhh..Kenji san..w-what are you doing..i'm tired.. p-please stop.." I said softly, wiggling myself a bit to loosen the male's grip on me. Kenji-san cringed and looked at me, where he leaned his body closer a bit to me, and whispered something softly into my ears.. "I..i just love you.." He said as he licked my ear slowly, i felt the touch of his warm muscle would send shivers to every points of my body..I squeaked quietly. X_X "Kenji san.. s-stop.." I stuttered on my words as i never felt this confused..I didn't know if i want this.. D-damn..what should i do.. I slowly suffocated from the heated atmosphere.. His expression nothing less than unreadable, as he leaned closer, trying to catch my lips against his own. That moment i suddenly pushed him away, staring into his eyes as i had enough with his reckless attitude. "DON'T YOU KNOW WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?!!" I asserted tersely, gasping for air. Grasping my fist tight, i walked over to the next room in scowl. "geez.. what is wrong with the guy.." I said in my deep breath, setting myself seated on the wooden floor right after i slam the door shut. Closing my eyes slowly, i let out a heavy sigh... W-what has just happened...I asked myself.. This weird palpitation building up inside me..messing with my feelings. I reeled to my bed like a drunken man, sitting on my bed, slowly hugging my knees tight...........

----end of chapter 8----

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