Gajendra Pratap Singh Trainer: Ienergizer (samsung Process)

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Gajendra Pratap Singh Trainer : iEnergizer (Samsung Process)

Importance of Time&Time Management

As we a ll kno w t hat Time & T ide wai t fo r no one . W e shoul d und erst and the imp or tanc e o f time and l earn the art of Ti me Manag eme nt . In Mod ern a ge, we ha ve to carr y out or perform many imp ort ant act ivities i n avai lab le ti me.

Hence, it b ecome s very ne cessary t o Manag e yo ur time wi se ly. And the art or t echni ques to m anag e time ef fec tivel y is k nown :as “ Time Manag eme nt”.

Time is Limit ed.

We need to st op wi shing for more time & st art learni ng ho w t o mak e eff ect ive ut ili zat ion of avai lable time .

Exa mp le:- Al l the great & succ essful perso ns have t he sam e time as we ge t. The m ai n diff erenc e is like: “ They Plan t o Fi ght and We fi ght to Pl an”.

Wh er e does the Da y go?      

Normally we all spend our day as follows:1) Sleeping :- 8 hrs. 2) Working :- 8 hrs. 3) Eating :2 hrs. 4) Communication :- 2 hrs. 5) P.Hygine:- 1 hrs.

That leaves about 3hrs for other things that make life worth living. But, wait a minute, let’s extend this to a week, since we don’t work on 2nd & 4th Sat.& regular Sunday’s, we have extra 20 hrs + the usual 3 hrs. to enrich our day. That’s sound little better, doesn’t it ? These fig. also ignores illness, which will average 5 hrs a week over our lifetime. And, of course, there is time spent watching TV, which averages over 26 hrs weekly.

Ma na gi ng TIME effi cientl y. A Few thoughts to start with:– 

Don’t settle for less out of life than you should.

Don’t settle for lower aim.

Your standard of living is directly related to your ability to manage time.

To Lea rn

The value of time.

How to control it.

How to manage your time and the time of others


And Understand That You are not paid by the hour The week The month The year “You are paid by your achievements and accomplishments.”

Asses si ng The T ime Ma na gement 

There are 4 steps to examine Time management Behavior.

Iden ti fy Tim e wa ste rs Ad ded va lu e Au tom ation

:- With the help of planner. :- Which add value to task. :- Working time can be reduced by Automation. An alys is of Followin g poin ts:-

 


A) B) C) D)

Administrative Activities Communication Activities Operational Activities Managerial Activities.

Avo id 3 co mmon mist ak es :1) Easy problem first. 2) The urgent over the important. 3) Confusing performance with attendance.

Tec hniq ues for effecti ve “Time Ma na gement 1)

Do Make a list.


Do Set a time table.


Delegate work.


Plan activity not Production.


Set a starting point & live with it.


Don’t be trapped by surprises.


Plan uninterrupted time each day.


Think “Prime Time”.


Establish Time Priorities.

Some T ips on Time Man age ment 1. THE PRE SENT 2. 86400 3. Tick when should I Tock? 4. Am I Working MY A’s Off? 5. Conquer Procrastination 6. Pacing 7. Planner 8. Be Realistic to your Expectations 9. Is The Jar Full? 10.To Be The “Bunny”


1. The Present 

Never get worried of tomorrow, rather Plan it, because it is going to effect your Today.

Finally you will realize that the day went away you could have passed more blissfully.

Remember:Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is Mystery. But Today is a Gift so why to think!” Let’s Lift”.

Time is a Non Renewable Resource Once it is gone, it is gone You will never see this moment again.


It is as equal as 24 Hrs / day * 60 Mints / Hrs* 60 Sec / Mints.

Realize an importance of every second of your life. Start Planning your every second.

Utilize Leisure Quotients (Time spent in non-productive works).

Real ize the Val ue of T ime : 

ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

ONE MO NTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

ONE WE EK , ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

ONE DAY , ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.

ONE HOUR , ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

ONE MI NUT E, ask a person who missed the train.

ONE SEC OND , ask a person who just avoided an accident.

ONE MI LLI SECO ND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

3. Tick w hen I sh oul d T oc k? Tick Tock 

Am I trying to Tick when my Body Wants to Tock?

Feel an importance of your Body. As how your body clock is reacting.

Read your Circadian rhythm.

Allow proper rest to your body as and when required.

Whether you are a “Morning Person” or a “Night Owl” is determined by these cycles.

Maximize your Efficiency

Work With Your Body Cycles-not Against Them

“As Healthy Mind survives in a Healthy Body”

4. Am I W or king M Y A’s Of f? 

We can easily find people who always use to replan their schedules because they do not have priorities in their life or they are pretty confused about their priorities.

In any list of tasks, 80% of the importance lies in 20% of the list.

Ho w wo uld You pr iorit ize this lis t o f da il y tasks ? 

         

Write the underlined word of the tasks which would be on your “A” List “B” List “C” List Buy laundry det er gen t. Write an eight page essay for English. Prepare for a Biology qu iz. Dust the videos on the bookcase. Review for mi dt erm tes t that counts for 50% of grade. Schedule an appoin tmen t with a Professor. Complete a jou rnal en try. Em ail a high school friend on another campus. Shop for a new pair of athleti c shoes. “Ar mor-al” the dashboard of the car.

Ar e yo u wo rki ng your “A’s” Of f? Do Yo u Ha ve C- Fe ve r?

“A” LI ST:1 Mi dterm test that count s fo r 50% of grad e. 2 Wri te a ei ght pag e essay fo r Eng lish.

“B” LIST:3 Prep are for a qui z in Bio log y. 4 Sc he dule a n ap point ment wi th a Pro fessor. 5 Comp let e a jour nal e nt ry.

“C” LI ST:6 Buy laund ry det erg ent . 7 Dust the vi deos on the book case. 8 Em ai l a hi gh s choo l friend on ano the r camp us. 9 Sho p fo r a new p air of at hl etic sho es. 10 “Armor-al ” the d ashb oard of the car.

5. Conque r Pro cra sti nat io n It has been analyzed that we humans always plan a lot but most of the time fail to meet the same or we postpone it for next time. It results to frustration and depression.  Always plan positively and execute the same.  Appreciate yourself once after executing the Plan. To iden ti fy & set pr iori ty is the most imp orta nt ski ll

and i s known as :“TIME MAN AG EM EN T”. 

Do im port ant jobs be fore th ey bec ome urge nt be ca use,' Proc ra stination ’ is th e thief of tim e.

The habit of pu tti ng of f im port ant tasks ca n rob you of f your hou rs of achiev em en ts and succe ss.

Conq uer Pro cra st in at ion Fe ar of Su cc ess an d Fa il ur e 

We procrastinate because we fear FAILURE. 

It is easier to accept that we failed because we didn’t even attempt a project than to fail at doing the project.


We procrastinate because we fear SUCCESS 

If I get all “A’s” this semester, everyone will expect the same next semester. If I do an outstanding job on this project, my boss will just pile on more work

6. Pa cing 

There will never be enough time to get everything done,

But there will always be enough time to get the most important things done.

Always estimate your Daily Tasks and try completing them within -15% of estimated time.

Set Timer and calculate your time Consumption. It will help you reach the goal of completing the task in reduced time.


Does this sound familiar?

You urgently need to write down something important - a telephone number or details of an important meeting - so you use whatever you can lay your hands on: a piece of paper, a scrap of newspaper or the first computer text file you come across.

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.

8. Be Real ist ic t o your Ex pe ct ati ons 

   

A lead er’s real istic ex pec tat io ns are t hose doub ts and conc erns ab out t he ab ili ty of others to perfo rm. Real ist ic exp ectat io ns h el p you see p ersonal bloc ks that prevent a perso n from sol ving pro blems or lea rning how t o operate eq uip ment Exa mi ne yo ur sc hed ul e. Be rea list ic a bout what you can ac co mplish. Don’ t try to jugg le too m any thi ng s. Don’ t set your sel f up for fai lur e.

" If y ou don't see your sel f as a wi nner, then you canno t perfo rm as a wi nner. “ " Al ways ex pec t the wor st , and you wil l nev er be disap poi nt ed . “ " You we re b orn t o win, b ut to b e a wi nner, you m ust plan to wi n, prep are to wi n, and exp ect to wi n. "

9. Is Your J ar Full ? 

When things in your life seem almost to much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar......and the beer.




The point is this: Put the Big Rocks in First Microsoft Word Document

There is always some space for your WANTS but think, do you

really need it? 

LEARN to distinguish between “Wants" and “Needs".

BeThe Bunn y

Ju st K ee p Going And go ing And go ing And go ing And go ing… !


Good time management is not just an issue for work; it is an issue for all life time. “To spend your time is to spend your life; to waste your time is to waste your life.”


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